703 Application of Statistics in Marine Science
703 Application of Statistics in Marine Science
703 Application of Statistics in Marine Science
A set of mathematical procedures for describing,
synthesizing, analyzing, and interpreting
quantitative data the selection of an appropriate
statistical technique is determined by the research
design, hypothesis, and the data collected
Statistical terms
complete set of individuals, objects or
a sub-set of a population
the beginning of a
study on a measure of
the dependent variable
at the studys end,
the question is
whether the variance
between the groups
differs from the error
variance by more than
what would be
expected by chance
if the treatment
variance is sufficiently
larger than the error
variance, a significant
F ratio results, that is,
the null hypothesis is
rejected and it is
concluded that the
treatment had a
significant effect on
the dependent variable
if the treatment
variance is not
sufficiently larger than
the error variance, an
insignificant F ratio
results, that is, the null
hypothesis is accepted
a prediction equation that
includes more than one
predictors are variables
known to individually
Square (2)...
a nonparametric test of
significance appropriate for
nominal or ordinal data that
can be converted to
compares the proportions
actually observed (O) to the
proportions expected (E) to
see if they are significantly
no difference between
means; the direction can be
positive or negative
there is a difference
between means; the direction
is either positive or negative
called a one-tailed test
the level is found in one
tail of the normal curve