Overview of Hospital Information System
Overview of Hospital Information System
Overview of Hospital Information System
Overview of Hospital Information Systems
Information technology has made a significant impact on the healthcare sector. The past decade
has witnessed the foray of numerous information systems and their resultant products into the
hospital scenario. The number of investments in computers and types of hospital systems has
increased. This is because paper medical records are cumbersome, bulky to use and difficult to
manage. On the other hand digital records are much easier to handle and improve the workflow
efficiency by integrating various tasks.
The ultimate objective is to build a network of interdependent centers such as the clinical
laboratory, radiology department, pharmacy, and so on in order to effectively meet the needs
arising within the hospital. Despite the fact that these individual centers are autonomous, they are
interdependent in terms of delivering services and to ensure effectiveness of providing care. All
this can be achieved through hospital information systems (HIS) that have formed the
cornerstone of today’s modern hospital.
A Hospital Information System (HIS) can be defined as a computerized system that is designed
to meet all the information needs within a hospital. This includes diverse data types such as
patient information, billing, finance and accounting, staffing and scheduling, pharmacy ordering,
prescription handling, supplies, inventory, maintenance and orders management, diagnostic
reports related to laboratory, radiology and patient monitoring as well as providing decision
From admission to diagnostic and medical support services, the modern healthcare centers rely
• Complete patient data displayed in an integrated fashion that facilitates medical decision
However, initial costs, the necessity to change workflow, and employee’s reluctance to accept
the new technology are mayor problems when introducing CPR in a hospital.
An information system, that combines a computer-based patient record with other modules that
support clinical workflow is called a hospital information system (HIS). As early HIS date back
to the 1970s, modern more comprehensive approaches are sometimes labeled differently (clinical
information system, CIS, health-care informtion system, HCIS), but definitions are not precise.
Some important modules of an HIS are the following:
• Medical devices: access to medical devices via standardized protocols (DICOM) and/or
Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS)
• Billing: import, view, approve charges posted by therapists, file electronic claims and/or
print claims, create reports (by patient, therapist, ward, clinic, diagnosis, etc.) to analyze
individual and group productivity and financial performance.
3NF Translation
FROM Patients, PatAddr, PatAge
WHERE Patients.Dob = PatAge.Dob and Patients.Zip = PatAddr.Zip and ( Patients.SSNo =
"@Prompt" or (Patients.LastName = "@LastName" and Patients.FirstName = "@FirstName"))
/* Admit a patient
FROM Patients
WHERE SSNo = "@SSNo" into TEMP
/* Checkout patient */
SELECT BedAssignments
WHERE DateOut = Null and SSNo = "@SSNo"
If TEMP <> NULL then
Call transfer Patient out of Bed
UPDATE Accounts
SET Account.Amount = (SELECT ( SUM(BedAssignment.Amounts) + SUM(Examines.Fees))
FROM Examines, BedAssignements, Accounts
Next Steps
The introduction of information systems in hospitals and other medical facilities is not only
driven by the wish to improve management of patient-related data for the patient’s benefit, but
also by the fiscal necessity to improve efficiency of medical services.