Health Administration New
Health Administration New
Health Administration New
policy making
planning the health program
assisting and guiding
coordinating the work of the state ministries
evaluation the health services
1. International health relations
2. Administration of port quarantine
3. Administration of central institutions such as
All India institute of medical education (New Delhi)
All India institute of hygiene public health (Calcutta)
National institute for the central of communicable diseases (Delhi)
4. Promotion of research through research centers and other bodies
5. Regulation and development of medical, pharmaceutical, dental and nursing
6. Establishment and maintenance of drug standards
7. Census-collection and publican of statistical data.
8. Immigration and emigration
9. Regulation of labour in the working of mines and oil fields.
10. Coordination with state and other ministries for promotion of health
b. Concurrent ministry
Both union ministry and state Govt are responsible to implement certain health services
and programs. The central and states have simultaneous power of legislation and
A large no.of health subjects falls in the concurrent list, which calls for continuous
consultation mutual understanding and cooperation between the central and states
a. General health surveys, planning of health services and programs, coordination with
states and other ministries for promotion of health and appraisal of all health
matters in the country
b. Specific
1. International health regulations and quarantine
2. All major ports, international airports in the country (Kolkata, Visakhapatnam,
Chennai, cochin, Mumbai etc )
He deals all matters related to ports and airports with international agencies to
obtain cooperation through effective coordination
Control of drug standards- enforce the drugs standards and control the
manufacture, power to check the quality of imported drugs,
3. Medical store depots-
The union govt rune medical store depots at major cities like Mumbai, Chennai,
Kolkata, etc. these depots supply medicine to the central and state and also
handle the supplies from foreign supply of medicine and the quality of medicine.
4. Training by the national health institution-
Conduct some of the post graduate training for different categories of health
E.g. all India institute of hygiene and public health , all India institute of mental
health- Bangalore, college of nursing at Delhi etc.
5. Medical education- the central directorate is directly responsible/in charge for
conducting medical nursing and some of the paramedical courses
E.g. JIPMER- Pondicherry, Goa, AIIM New Delhi
6. Research- research (medical, neg) in the country is organized byeIndiancouncil of
medical research. This council play significant role in providing aids, and support
for conducting scientific studies on human diseases, their causation, prevention
and cure and also the various aspect of health and disease- ICMR.
7. Central govt health schemes- medical relief is given to all the central govt
employees and their families
8. National health programs- the various central directorate plays an important
role in planning , guiding and coordinating all national programs in the country
9. Central health education bureau- organize and conduct various health
education programs to create health awareness among the people. It also supply
health education materials and equipment.
10. Health intelligence- in concentrate collection, compilation, analysis, evaluation
and dissemination of all information on health satisfies for the nation
11. National medical library- national medical library was establish and maintained
by DGHS. The aim is to help in the advancement of medical, health and related
sciences by collection, dissemination and exchange of information
3. Central Council Of Health
The central council of health was setup by a presidential order on 9/08/1952 under
article 263 of the constitution of India for promoting coordinated action between the
central and the states in the implementation of all the programs and measures
pertaining to the health of the nation. The union health minister is the chairperson and
the state health ministers are the members.
1. Consider and recommend policy in regard to matters concerning health
- The provision of medical care
- Preventive and primitive care
- Improve the environment sanitation
- Nutritional services
- Health education services
- Promotion of facilities for training
- Promotion of facilities for research etc.
2. To make proposals for legislation related to medical and public health matters for
the country as a while.
3. To make recommendation to the central govt regarding grants (funds) for health
purposes to the states
4. To review periodically the work accomplished in different areas through the
utilization of these grants.
5. To establishes organizations inverted with appropriatefunctions for promoting and
maintaining cooperative and coordination between the central and state health
Chief Minister of state is responsible for the entire welfare activities of the state. The
health minister directly heads the state ministry of health. In some states, health
minister is assist by a joint/deputy minister. The health secretariat is the official organ of
the state ministry of health and is headed by a secretory who is assisted by joint/deputy
secretory. Several undersecretaries and a large members of administrative staff are
working under the secretory.
There are many directors appointed by the state ministry are officiating the duties of
their own specialization area. E.g. directors of medical education, directors of health
services, directors of welfare, directors of AYUSH etc.
These directors are assisted by the joint/deputy directors and a large number of
administrative staff.
General Functions
1. Plan and implement the health service based on the health policy and health goals
2. Provide adequate infrastructure facilities, manpower facilities, material and
equipment’s facilities to execute health services.
3. Carry out all national health programs
4. Coordinate and cooperative aids and support to accomplish the health task.
5. Provide adequate health services in jail.
6. Maintain adequate stock of drugs, vaccine and equipment
7. Develop and encourage indigenous ______________________ of medicine (AYUSH)
8. Maintain stores for drugs and hospital ____________
9. Control adulteration of food and drugs.
10. Take steps to control communicable and non-communicable disease
11. Take steps to improve the environmental agitators.
12. Conduct/ provide formal ------------in medical, dental, nursing and other paramedical
13. Maintain the standard of health practices
14. Organize and conduct health education programs to create awareness
15. Collect and transmit information on health and vital statistics
16. Coordinate with statutory bodies too enhance the quality of education
17. Conduct health surveillances
18. Initiate measures to learn the health problems and health needs of the state
19. Maintain laboratories for preparation and distribution of vaccines toxoids etc
20. Help to protect the health laws and enact the law to protect the health of the
21. Conduct periodical in-service training for the staff to update the knowledge and
22. Encourage and support for conducting research in all----------------
23. Ensure the health reporting system
Before we learn the health services in district, it is essential to understand the general
administration of the district. The district collector is responsible for the entire administration
of the district.
In 1977, the govt of India launched a rural scheme based on the principle of placing people’s
Health in people’s hands.
- Village level
- Sub Centre level
- Primary health Centerlevel
The govt of India was committed to achieving the goal of health for all through primary health
care approach which seeks to provide universal comprehensive health care at a cost which is of
1. Village level
a. Village guide
b. Local dais
c. Anganwadi workers
d. ASHA workers
Village guide
They are the permanent residents of the local community preferably women and
should be able to read write of their local language and should be acceptable to
all the sections of the people she is a voluntary worker and should be able to
spare 2-3 hours every day for community health work. She will be given short
time try on primary health care in order to help the people
Local Dais
Most deliveries in rural areas are still handled by untrained dais who are often
immediately available to women during the postnatal period. An extensive
program has been undertaken to train all categories of local dais in the concept
of maternal and child health and contraceptive.
Anganwadi workers
Anganwadi workers are select from the local community and each anganwadi
workers cater the service for 1000 population. They are directly working under
the ICDS project she undergoes training in various aspect of health. Her major
role is to provide comprehensive health care especially for pregnant, nursing
mothers and children below the age of 6 years she is making link with local does
and milt purse. Health worker and support them to render services on health
and family welfare.
ASHA Worker
ASHA worker must be the resident of the village. Her major role is to support and
coordinate with the health care system. She provide care for adolescent girls,
pregnant women, lactating women treatment for minor illness, care of children.
During sick create health awareness among people. Support the people to utilize
the contraceptive services she render services to promote the health of the
people and protect them from health risk and health problem refer park
2. Sub center level
refer park 803 and study 5000 paper
- Maternal healthcare – antenatal care
- Intranatal care, postnatal care
- Child health care
- Contraceptive services
- Health education
- School health services
- Adolescent health
- Surveillance
- Home visit
- Community assessment
- Treatment for minor sickness
- National health program
- Training of TBA, ASHA, anganwadi worker
- Recording and reporting
3. Primary Health center Level (park 805)
25000- 30000 population in plain area 20000 in hilly tribal and backward area personnel.
- Medical officer
- LHV/ HI(f) health supervision (f)
- HI(m) health supervision (m)
- Multipurpose health worker(f) & (m) (JPHN, HA)
- Lab technician
- Pharmacist
- Ophthalmic assistant
- Other class IV worker
1. Medical care
2. _____- FW
3. Safe water supply and sanitation
4. Prevention and control of communicable diseases
5. Health education
6. Implement national health program
7. Referral services
8. Basic laboratory services
9. Collection and reporting of vital statistics
10. Training of health guides, health workers local dais, ASHA workers, etc.
11. Organize and conduct camps and clinics
12. Conduct surveillance
13. Prevention of food adulteration