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Purdue GK-12 Lesson Plan 2006-07

Hands-On Chemistry Unit

Purdue University GK-12 2006-07

Lead developer and contact:

Kermin Joel Martnez-Hernndez
Purdue GK-12 Fellow
Co-authors and instructors:
Jen McCutcheon
Southwestern Middle School Teacher
Lesly Mackey
Southwestern Middle School Teacher

Table of Contents
1. Overview................................................................................................................................................
2. Purpose .................................................................................................................................................
3. Objectives ..............................................................................................................................................
4. Indiana Standards Met ...........................................................................................................................
4.1. Science ......................................................................................................................................... 3
4.1.1. Standard 1 - The Nature of Science and Technology ............................................................. 3
4.1.2. Standard 2 - Scientific Thinking .............................................................................................. 4
4.1.3. Standard 3 - The Physical Setting .......................................................................................... 4
4.1.4. Standard 5 - The Mathematical World .................................................................................... 6
4.2.5. Standard 7 - Common Themes .............................................................................................. 6
5. Methods ............................................................................................................................................... 7
5.1. Materials & Procedures ................................................................................................................. 7
5.2. Preparation ................................................................................................................................... 7
6. Scope .................................................................................................................................................. 7
7. Activities and Worksheets .................................................................................................................... 8
7.1. Introduction to Chemistry .............................................................................................................. 8
7.2. Examining the Physical States of Matter ....................................................................................... 9
7.3. Examining Condensation of a Water Drinking Glass ................................................................... 13
7.4. The Balloon inside the Bottle....................................................................................................... 14
7.4.1. Boyles Law Follow-Up Worksheet ....................................................................................... 15
7.5. The Expanding Ping-Pong Ball.................................................................................................... 17
7.5.1. Charles Law Follow-Up Worksheet....................................................................................... 18
7.6. Sink or Float?.............................................................................................................................. 20
7.6.1. Density Follow-Up Worksheet .............................................................................................. 21
7.7. Comparing the Viscosity of Different Liquids ............................................................................... 23
7.8. Does Temperature Affect Viscosity? ........................................................................................... 25
7.8.1. Follow-up Activity: Viscosity in a Real-Life Situation ............................................................. 27
7.9. A Collection of Surface Tension Activities ................................................................................... 28
7.10. The Atom .................................................................................................................................. 31
7.11. Atomic Structure........................................................................................................................ 32
7.11.1. Atomic Structure Follow-up Worksheet............................................................................... 33
7.12. Understanding Isotopes ............................................................................................................ 34
7.13. Periodic Table Analogy Experiment........................................................................................... 35
7.13.1. Understanding the Periodic Table Follow up Activity .......................................................... 38
7.13.2. Periodic Table Follow up Activity ........................................................................................ 40
7.14. Electron Configurations and Energy Levels............................................................................... 41
7.15. Types of Bonds ......................................................................................................................... 43
7.16. Naming Compounds.................................................................................................................. 45
7.16.1. Naming Chemical Compounds Worksheet ......................................................................... 46
7.16.2. More Mixed Naming Fun! ................................................................................................... 47
7.17. Survey of Chemical Reactions .................................................................................................. 48
7.18. Balancing Equations.................................................................................................................. 51
7.18.1. Blancing Equations Worksheet ........................................................................................... 53
8. Evaluation ..............................................................................................................................................
9. Reflection/Lessons Learned/Alterations for future use ...........................................................................
10. References and Resources..................................................................................................................

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit

1. Overview
This chemistry unit is approximately three months of class periods (42 minutes).
It consists mostly on hands-on experiences in which students where able to
perform a variety of different activities. A compilation of all the activities including
follow-up activities will be presented in this document as well as suggestions for

2. Purpose
The purpose of this chemistry unit was to add hands-on activities to the existing
chemistry curriculum and to break down chemistry into manageable sub-topics
and connecting concepts to the real world when possible.

3. Objectives
The objectives for this unit were to:

Perform hands-on experiments in a chemistry class

Data collection and analysis
Results discussion
Show real world applications of topics covered
Graph data when applicable

4. Indiana Standards Met


Standard 1 - The Nature of Science and Technology

Students design and carry out increasingly sophisticated investigations. They

understand the reason for isolating and controlling variables in an investigation.
They realize that scientific knowledge is subject to change as new evidence
arises. They examine issues in the design and use of technology, including
constraints, safeguards, and trade-offs.
Scientific Inquiry

Recognize and describe that if more than one variable changes at the
same time in an experiment, the outcome of the experiment may not
be attributable to any one of the variables.

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit

The Scientific Enterprise



Explain why accurate record keeping, openness, and replication are

essential for maintaining an investigators credibility with other
scientists and society.
Standard 2 - Scientific Thinking

Students use computers to organize and compare information. They perform

calculations and determine the appropriate units for the answers. They weigh the
evidence for or against an argument, as well as the logic of the conclusions.
Manipulation and Observation

Use proportional reasoning to solve problems.

Use technological devices, such as calculators and computers, to
perform calculations.




Write clear, step-by-step instructions (procedural summaries) for

conducting investigations, operating something, or following a
Participate in group discussions on scientific topics by restating or
summarizing accurately what others have said, asking for clarification
or elaboration, and expressing alternative positions.
Use tables, charts, and graphs in making arguments and claims in, for
example, oral and written presentations about lab or fieldwork.

Critical Response Skills



Explain why arguments are invalid if based on very small samples of

data, biased samples, or samples for which there was no control
Standard 3 - The Physical Setting
Students collect and organize data to identify relationships between
physical objects, events, and processes. They use logical reasoning
to question their own ideas as new information challenges their
conceptions of the natural world.

Matter and Energy*


Explain that all matter is made up of atoms* which are far too small to
see directly through an optical microscope. Understand that the atoms
of any element* are similar but are different from atoms of other
elements. Further understand that atoms may stick together in well-

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit






defined molecules or may be packed together in large arrays. Also

understand that different arrangements of atoms into groups comprise
all substances.
Demonstrate, using drawings and models, the movement of atoms in a
solid*, liquid*, and gaseous* state. Explain that atoms and molecules
are perpetually in motion.
Explain that increased temperature means that atoms have a greater
average energy of motion and that most gases expand when heated.
Describe how groups of elements can be classified based on similar
properties, including highly reactive metals*, less reactive metals,
highly reactive nonmetals*, less reactive nonmetals, and some almost
completely nonreactive gases.
Explain that no matter how substances within a closed system interact
with one another, or how they combine or break apart, the total mass
of the system remains the same. Understand that the atomic theory
explains the conservation of matter: if the number of atoms stays the
same no matter how they are rearranged, then their total mass stays
the same.
Explain that energy cannot be created or destroyed but only changed
from one form into another.
Describe how heat* can be transferred through materials by the
collision of atoms, or across space by radiation*, or if the material is
fluid, by convection* currents that are set up in it that aid the transfer of
Identify different forms of energy that exist in nature.

energy: what is needed to make things move

atom: the smallest particle of an element that has the properties of that element
element: the simplest type of pure substance; a substance consisting entirely of
atoms having identical chemical properties
solid: matter with a definite shape and volume
liquid: matter with no definite shape but with a definite volume
gas: matter with no definite shape or volume
metals: one class of substances that are mostly shiny, bendable, and good
conductors of heat and electricity
nonmetals: one class of substances that does not have metallic properties;
usually a poor conductor of heat and electricity
heat: a form of energy characterized by random motion at the molecular level
radiation: energy transfer through space
convection: heat transfer in liquids and gases by transport of matter from a region
of one temperature to a region of a different temperature

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit


Standard 5 - The Mathematical World

Students apply mathematics in scientific contexts. Students use mathematical

ideas, such as symbols, geometrical relationships, statistical relationships, and
the use of key words and rules in logical reasoning, in the representation and
synthesis of data.

Understand and explain that a number must be written with an

appropriate number of significant figures (determined by the
measurements from which the number is derived).

Shapes and Symbolic Relationships


Demonstrate that mathematical statements can be used to describe

how one quantity changes when another changes.
Illustrate how graphs can show a variety of possible relationships
between two variables.
Standard 7 - Common Themes

Students analyze the parts and interactions of systems to understand internal

and external relationships. They investigate rates of change, cyclic changes, and
changes that counterbalance one another. They use mental and physical models
to reflect upon and interpret the limitations of such models.


Explain that a system usually has some properties that are different
from those of its parts but appear because of the interaction of those
Explain that even in some very simple systems, it may not always be
possible to predict accurately the result of changing some part or

Models and Scale


Use technology to assist in graphing and with simulations that compute

and display results of changing factors in models.
Explain that as the complexity of any system increases, gaining an
understanding of it depends on summaries, such as averages and
ranges*, and on descriptions of typical examples of that system.
* range: the difference between the largest and the smallest values

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit

5. Methods

Materials & Procedures

All the materials and procedures needed for each activity is describe in each
activity independently.


Each activity will required around one period of preparation time. However, due
that some of them are really simple they may require less time than that.

6. Scope
Most of the activities covered in this curricular unit were designed to be
completed in one or two class periods. However, this may depend on your
classes and students completion of tasks. These activities were implemented on
Monday's and Tuesday's and then the main teacher took over following the
concepts covered during these days.

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit

7. Activities and worksheets


Introduction to Chemistry

Students will watch a movie clip in which they can see different states of matter.
The idea of this movie clip is to introduce what chemistry is about. For example,
Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes that take place with that matter.
Matter is everything that you can touch, see, feel, or smell.
Prompting questions for the students:
Take a look at the movie clip, what do you see?
What are those movie clips are showing you?
If students did not mentioned anything in specific, the teacher needs to keep
encouraging them to express what they saw in the movie clip.
Possible concepts to address:


What do you see in the first movie clip?

Water bubbling
What do you see in the second movie clip?
Sulfur I can smell it. Magnesium Batteries
What do you see in the third movie clip?
Solids melting Oxygen Gases releasing.
What do you see in the fourth movie clip?
Temperature when down (freezing). Ice, snow

NOTE: The video clip is in a separate CD.

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit


Examining the Physical States of Matter

Objective: To observe what happens as the water changes from one state to

Hot plate
Ice Cubes (100 mL)
Celsius Thermometer
Stirring Rod
250 mL Beaker
Stop Watch or Wall Clock

Safety Precautions:
To avoid burnings, do not touch the hot plate or beaker at any moment when
you are performing this experiment.
1. Put 150 mL of water and 100 mL of ice into a beaker and place the beaker
on the hot plate.
2. Put the thermometer into the ice/water mixture. Do not stir with the
thermometer or allow it to rest on the bottom of the beaker.
3. Record the temperature of the ice/water mixture.
4. Put the ice water on the hot plate and record the temperature every
minute in the table below including the physical state of the water.
5. Continue doing this until water begins to boil.
6. NOTE: Before making each temperature measurement, stir the ice/water
mixture with the stirring rod.
7. Use your data to plot a graph of temperature (oC) vs. time (sec).

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit

Data Table:
Time (min)

Temperature (oC)

Physical State


Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit


1. Describe what you saw in the ice/water mixture before and after water boils. You can use
a drawing to explain what you saw.

2. How the temperature of the ice/water mixture changed as you heated the beaker? Why
this happen?

3. What happen with the water molecules as the temperature increase?

4. When water starts boiling, you observed bubbles in the beaker. Can you describe of what
are those bubbles made of?

5. When water changes from ice to liquid how do you call this process? At what temperature
the ice melts?

6. When water changes from liquid to gas how do you call this process? At what
temperature the water boils?

7. Describe the shape of the graph during any changes of state.

8. Can you describe a real-life process in which this happen daily?

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



Examining Condensation of a Water Drinking Glass

Objective: To discover what happen with a water drinking glass when you remove it from the

Water drinking glass


1. Take a drinking glass of water from the main table that had been in the freezer for about
an hour.
2. Carefully observe it and write your observations.

1. Describe what you see on the glass of water.

2. Why do you see water droplets around the glass of water?

3. Which of the molecules are moving faster (warm air or cold air)? Why?

4. Describe what happen with the collision between water molecules as the temperature of
the air decrease.

5. Can you describe a real-life process in which this happen daily?

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



The Balloon inside the Bottle

Objective: To demonstrate what will happen with the pressure of the gas when decrease its


1. Blow up a balloon inside of a 2-Liter bottle and tie it off. You must insert a straw next to
your balloon as you blow it up inside the bottle.
2. Now screw on the Fizz-Keeper and pump up the bottle with air. OBSERVE
3. Unscrew the Fizz-Keeper from the bottle and watch what happens.
1. What happen with the volume as the pressure of gas increase inside the balloon?

2. What cause the balloon to shrink?

3. What happen when you release the Fizz-Keeper?

4. Why the balloon goes back to its original volume?

NOTE for the teacher: This activity address the Boyles Law

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



Boyles Law Follow-Up Worksheet

Use Boyles Law [P1V1 = P2V2] to answer the following questions:


1.00 L of a gas at standard temperature and pressure is compressed to 473 mL. What is
the new pressure of the gas?


In a thermonuclear device, the pressure of 0.050 liters of gas within the bomb casing
reaches 4.0 x 106 atm. When the bomb casing is destroyed by the explosion, the gas is
released into the atmosphere where it reaches a pressure of 1.00 atm. What is the
volume of the gas after the explosion?


Synthetic diamonds can be manufactured at pressures of 6.00 x 104 atm. If we took 2.00
liters of gas at 1.00 atm and compressed it to a pressure of 6.00 x 104 atm, what would
the volume of that gas be?


The highest pressure ever produced in a laboratory setting was about 2.0 x 106 atm. If
we have a 1.0 x 10-5 liter sample of a gas at that pressure, then release the pressure until
it is equal to 0.275 atm, what would the new volume of that gas be?


Atmospheric pressure on the peak of Mt. Everest can be as low as 150 mm Hg, which is
why climbers need to bring oxygen tanks for the last part of the climb. If the climbers
carry 10.0 liter tanks with an internal gas pressure of 3.04 x 104 mm Hg, what will be the
volume of the gas when it is released from the tanks?

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



Part of the reason that conventional explosives cause so much damage is that their
detonation produces a strong shock wave that can knock things down. While using
explosives to knock down a building, the shock wave can be so strong that 12 liters of
gas will reach a pressure of 3.8 x 104 mm Hg. When the shock wave passes and the gas
returns to a pressure of 760 mm Hg, what will the volume of that gas be?


Submarines need to be extremely strong to withstand the extremely high pressure of

water pushing down on them. An experimental research submarine with a volume of
15,000 liters has an internal pressure of 1.2 atm. If the pressure of the ocean breaks the
submarine forming a bubble with a pressure of 250 atm pushing on it, how big will that
bubble be?


Divers get the bends if they come up too fast because gas in their blood expands,
forming bubbles in their blood. If a diver has 0.05 L of gas in his blood under a pressure
of 250 atm, then rises instantaneously to a depth where his blood has a pressure of 50.0
atm, what will the volume of gas in his blood be? Do you think this will harm the diver?

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



The Expanding Ping-Pong Ball

Objective: To observe the effects of heating air in an enclosed space.


Microwaveable glassware
Ping-Pong ball
Microwave oven

Safety Precaution: Use microwave oven only under adult supervision. Water in glassware will
be boiling when finished exercise caution.

Using your thumb, make an indentation in a ping-pong ball.

Place this indented ping-pong ball into a beaker nearly full with water.
Turn on the microwave for several minutes.
Using a potholder, remove the beaker. Be careful, because the water will be very hot!
Remove the ping-pong ball. Observe.

1. Describe what happen with the ping-pong ball.

2. What happen with the air molecules inside the ping-pong ball as you increase the

3. What happen in terms of collision with the molecules inside the ping-pong ball?

4. Why the ping-pong ball returns back to its original size?

5. What happen with the volume of the ping-pong ball as the temperature of a gas inside
increase? Why?

NOTE for the teacher: This activity address the Charles Law

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



Charles Law Worksheet

V1 V2
T1 T2


The temperature inside my refrigerator is about 40 Celsius. If I place a balloon in my

fridge that initially has a temperature of 220 C and a volume of 0.5 liters, what will be the
volume of the balloon when it is fully cooled by my refrigerator?


A man heats a balloon in the oven. If the balloon initially has a volume of 0.4 liters and a
temperature of 20 0C, what will the volume of the balloon be after he heats it to a
temperature of 250 0C?


On hot days, you may have noticed that potato chip bags seem to inflate, even though
they have not been opened. If I have a 250 mL bag at a temperature of 19 0C, and I
leave it in my car which has a temperature of 600 C, what will the new volume of the bag


A soda bottle is flexible enough that the volume of the bottle can change even without
opening it. If you have an empty soda bottle (volume of 2 L) at room temperature (25
C), what will the new volume be if you put it in your freezer (-4 0C)?

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



Some students believe that teachers are full of hot air. If I inhale 2.2 liters of gas at a
temperature of 180 C and it heats to a temperature of 380 C in my lungs, what is the new
volume of the gas?


How hot will a 2.3 L balloon have to get to expand to a volume of 400 L? Assume that
the initial temperature of the balloon is 25 0C.


I have made a thermometer which measures temperature by the compressing and

expanding of gas in a piston. I have measured that at 1000 C the volume of the piston is
20 L. What is the temperature outside if the piston has a volume of 15 L? What would
be appropriate clothing for the weather?

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



Sink or Float?

Objective: To discover why regular soda will sink and diet soda not.

10 gallon aquarium or other large transparent container

Cans of diet and regular soda
Double pan balance (optional)

Safety Precaution: None

1. Fill the aquarium halfway with water.
2. Predict what will happen if an unopened can of regular soda is place in the aquarium.
Drop a can into the aquarium.
3. Predict what will happen if an unopened can of diet soda is place in the aquarium. Drop a
can into the aquarium.
4. Place the cans of diet and regular soda on a double pan balance. Observe.
5. Drops in other cans to see what will happen. Try unopened cans of other beverages that
come in aluminum cans.
1. Which of the cans sunk? Why do you think this happen?

2. Which of the cans is heavier? Why?

3. Why if you have the same volume of water one of the can floats and the other sunk?

4. Read the label of each can. What are the differences in the labels?

5. What may also help the can to float?

NOTE for the teacher: This activity address Density.

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



Density Worksheet D =

1. The volume of a certain wooden block is 63 cm3. The mass is 11.392 g.

Find the density.

2. Calculate the density of a material that has a mass of 52.457 g and a

volume of 13.5 cm3.

3. A student finds a rock on the way to school. In the laboratory he

determines that the volume of the rock is 22.7 cm3, and the mass in
39.943 g. What is the density of the rock?

4. If 30.943 g of a liquid occupy a space of 35.0 mL, what is the density of

the liquid in g/cm3?

5. The density of silver is 10.49 g/cm3. If a sample of pure silver has a

volume of 12.993 cm3, what would the mass?

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit


6. How many grams of tin would occupy 5.5 L, if it has a density of 7.265

7. What is the mass of a 350 cm3 sample of pure silicon with a density of
2.336 g/cm3?

8. Pure gold has a density of 19.32 g/cm3. How large would a piece of gold
be if it had a mass of 318.97 g?

9. How many cm3 would a 55.932 g sample of copper occupy if it has a

density of 8.92 g/cm3?

10. The density of lead is 11.342 g/cm3. What would be the volume of a 200.0
g sample of this metal?

11. If a piece of marble has the mass of 132.796 g and the volume of 26.9
cm, what would be the density of it?

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



Comparing the Viscosity of Different Liquids

Objective: To compare the relative viscosity of different liquids.


One liter each: alcohol, vegetable oil, honey, and water.

Four transparent 1-L bottles
Four marbles

Safety Precaution: Do only under adult supervision. Alcohol is poisonous if

1. Fill the four bottles with the above four substances, respectively. Label
each accordingly.
2. Place a marble in each, and replace the cap on each bottle. Make sure
each bottle is tightly capped.
3. With the help of a partner, invert all of four bottles simultaneously.
4. Using a stop watch note the rate of fall of each marble.
Data Table:

Marble Rate of Fall (sec)

Vegetable Oil

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit


1. Which of liquids is more viscous?

2. Which of the liquids is less viscous?

3. Define in your own words what viscosity is.

4. Plot a graph that represents the viscosity of these liquids.

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



Does Temperature Affect Viscosity?

Objective: To discover how temperature affects the viscosity of a liquid.


One liter of honey

Two transparent 20 oz. water bottles/group

Safety Precautions: Perform only under adult supervision. After heating, the
honey will be very hot be careful not to burn yourself.
1. Take a 20 oz. bottle of honey that had been in the refrigerator overnight
with a marble inside.
2. Heat another 20 oz. bottle of honey in the microwave oven for 1-2
minutes. It should be fairly hot, but not boiling.
3. Take another 20 oz. bottle of honey at room temperature.
4. With help of your group partners invert each bottle and calculate the rate
of fall of the marble.
Data Table:
Cold Honey
Room Temperature Honey
Hot Honey

Marble Rate of Fall (sec)

1. Which of the honey is more viscous?

2. Why do you think that a liquid become less viscous as the temperature

3. What happen with the honey molecules as you increase the temperature?

4. Why the marble fallen rate is slowly in a cold honey than a hot honey?

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit


5. Plot a graph that represents the viscosity of honey.

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



Follow-up Activity: Viscosity in a Real-Life Situation

As you learned yesterday and today, viscosity is the resistance of a liquid to flow
and varies with changes in temperature. Let's apply this concept to a real-life
Situation: You need to go to Advance Autoparts to buy a quart of oil for you car
during a winter month. When you get into the shelf there are different types of
oils with different numbers in the label: 20W-50, 5W-30, 80W-90, and 10W-30.
Hum which one should I buy.
Note: W refers to winter or simply cold engine; it does not refer to weight. The
numbers in the label refers to the viscosity of the oil when the engine is cold and
hot respectively.
1. Which of the oil will work better for winter and why?

2. What will be the consequences for the engine, if the oil that you select if too

3. Why is recommended to use 5W-30 oil during the winter and not 80W-90?

4. Based on the information that you learned until this point match the following
times to turn on an engine (1sec, 5 sec, 10 sec, and 60 sec) with the type of oil.
(Note: these numbers are hypothetical).
Type of Oil

Time to turn on an engine

5. Organize the different types of oils from less viscous to more viscous:
_____________, _____________, _____________, _____________
less viscous
more viscous

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



A Collection of Surface Tension Activities

Objective: To describe what surface tension is.

1. water

9. 3-4 drops dishwashing liquid

2. droppers

10. 3-4 drops rubbing alcohol

3. sharp pencil

11. needle

4. small container

12. magnifying lens

5. waxed paper

13. tissue paper

6. clear plastic cup

14. paper towel

7. powder (talcum, baby powder,


15. toothpicks

8. 1 cup of 50/50 soap-water made

from the following:

cup water

cup dishwashing liquid

Part A: Drops on Waxed Paper

1. Use a dropper to place a few drops of water onto a piece of waxed paper.
Observe the shape of the drops.
2. Cause several drops to run together by tilting the waxed paper, and observe
any changes in the shape of water.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the 50/50 soap-water solution.
4. Comment about your observations. What happen in this experiment?

Part B: How full is full?

1. Fill two clear plastic cups with water to the rim. Note the water level in the
2. Predict what will happen when a penny (or other small object, like a paper
clip) is carefully placed into the cup. Will the water spill over? Add a penny to
one of them and see what happens.

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit


3. Predict how many pennies you can add before water spills. Try the
experiment and see. Add pennies to each cup and compare the results.
Discuss why the number of pennies may or may not varies.
4. What shape does the top of the water have just before it spills?
5. Repeat the activity several times with 50/50 soap-water solution. Compare
the results obtained in steps 2-3.

Part C: Floating Powder

1. Fill a plastic-cup about full of water and gently shake the powdered
substance (baby powder) onto the surface until the entire surface is covered
2. Dip the end of a toothpick into the dishwashing liquid and touch the toothpick
to surface. Observe what happens.
3. Substitute rubbing alcohol for the dishwashing liquid and repeat steps 1 and 2
using a dropper to deliver the rubbing alcohol.
4. Repeat the addition of rubbing alcohol several times. Record your

Part D: Floating Needle

1. Fill a plastic cup with water.
2. Drop a needle, point-first, into the water and observe.
3. Carefully lower a needle horizontally into the water and observe.
4. Use a magnifying lens to examine the surface of the water where needle is
touching. While the needle is floating, use a dropper to add several drops of
the 50/50 soap-water solution to the surface of the water near the needle.
5. Explain your observations.

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit


1. Describe in your own words the concept of surface tension.

2. What is the difference on the effect of soap and rubbing alcohol on

the surface tension of water?

3. Design an experiment to determine at least one variable that affect

the number of drops of water that can be placed on the head of a

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit



The Atom

NOTE: Students watched a movie clip about this topic and then complete the
Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct word from the list at the bottom of the
1. An ____________ is the term used to describe the shape of the orbits of
2. A ____________ is a positively charged particle in the nucleus of atoms.
3. Particles in the nucleus of atoms that have no electrical charge are called
4. An atom with a unique number of protons is called an ____________.
5. The center of the atom is the _____________.
6. Particles outside the nucleus of atoms that have a negative charge are called
7. An _________________ is the smallest piece of matter that cannot be commonly
broken down.
8. The electron _________________ is the region where electrons would probably
be found.
9. The Greek philosopher, __________________, said that matter was made up of
hard, tiny particles that were uncuttable.
10. __________________ performed experiments that proved that atoms are made
of mostly empty space. Scientist who discovered the existence of the nucleus in
11. English chemist who conducted an experiment in the early 1800s which lead to
the widespread acceptance of the idea of the existence of atoms,
12. English scientist who discovered the existence of electrons in the late 1900s,
13. _____________ proposed that electrons orbit around the nucleus. He stated that
each electron has a fixed amount of energy, and that the electrons orbit within
energy levels, forming rings around the nucleus.
Niels Bohr

John Dalton
J.J. Thomson

Southwestern Middle School Chemistry Unit




Atomic Structure

NOTE: Students watched a movie clip about this topic and then complete the
Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct word from the list at the bottom of the
1. Atomic ________________________ refers to the arrangement and number
of smaller particles in an atom.
2. __________________are atoms of the same element with different number of
3. The sum weight of protons and neutrons in an atom is its atomic
4. The atomic number is the number of __________________in an atom.
5. The simplest element and by far the most common element in the universe is
6. In total, there are _____________ elements found naturally in the universe
and another twenty or more that have been created in laboratories
7. The number of the isotope is determined by adding the number of __________
and ___________________.
8. Every element has a different ________________.
9. The unit of measurement of atoms is defined as ___________________.
10. Isotopes of an element have a different mass but essentially the same
11. Ca is the chemical symbol of ________________
Chemical properties
Ninety two
Name the parts of an atom.

Protons and Neutrons

Atomic Number
Atomic Mass Unit


Atomic Structure Follow-up Worksheet

Fill in the blanks for the elements in this chart. For the purposes of this chart, round all
atomic masses to the nearest whole number. (Number of Neutrons = atomic mass
number of protons/ number of electrons)














Number of

Number of

Number of

Mass or



Understanding Isotopes Worksheet

Fill in the blanks for the elements in this chart. Remember that Isotopes are atoms of the same
element with different number of neutrons. (Number of Neutrons = atomic mass number of
protons/ number of electrons)


Number of




Number of











Chlorine-37 17


Mass or

Chlorine-35 17


Number of











Periodic Table Analogy Experiment

NOTE for the teacher: This was a kit that we bought on-line to do this activity. Is a puzzle game
about the periodic table.
Objective: To develop a periodic table and use it to predict the properties of the missing
Background: In 1869 Dmitri Mendeleev developed a periodic table of the unknown elements.
Mendeleev was able to use his periodic table to predict the characteristic properties of
undiscovered elements.

23 of 24 rectangular pieces with six properties in a Ziploc bag.

Safety Precautions: None

1. Develop a periodic table such that there is a pattern to each property.
2. From the pattern discovered, you can predict the location and properties of the
missing piece.
Data Collection:
A. Examine the pieces carefully and list the properties in the spaces provided below.


B. As you have learned, Mendeleev use atomic weight to place the elements in a
continuous row and noticed some properties reoccurred every eight element. He then
moved the elements in two rows of eight so that similar properties fell into columns.
Which three of the properties listed above could be used to place the element pieces in
a continuous row?

C. Try placing the pieces in order by each of the three properties you have listed above.
Then look carefully for patterns in the remaining properties. If you do find that some
properties recur along the row at regular interval, organize the pieces into a chart so that
the properties fall into rows and columns. When you have found the best chart, list the
pattern for each property in the space provided.

Property 1:

Property 4:

Property 2:

Property 5:

Property 3:

Property 6:

Missing Piece
D. Your teacher has removed one piece from the Ziploc bag. From your chart predict the
properties of the missing piece.

Property 1:

Property 4:

Property 2:

Property 5:

Property 3:

Property 6:

Example of Periodic Table.



Understanding the Periodic Table Follow up Activity

Match the statement in the left column with the right column.
___1. Elements that shares some properties
with metals and some with nonmetals.
___2. Row of Elements in the periodic table
whose properties change gradually.
___3. Column of elements in the periodic table
that have similar physical or chemical
___4. Element has a shiny luster, is a good
conductor of heat and electricity, is malleable,
and is ductile.
___5. Element in Groups 3-12.
___6. Element that is usually a gas or brittle
solid at room temperature and does not conduct
heat and electricity well.
___7. Element in Groups 1, 2 & 13-18.
Identify the parts label in the periodic table below.

A. Period
B. Representative Element
C. Transition Element

D. Metal

E. Nonmetal
F. Metalloid

E. Group

Label the element key box below with the following information: Element name, atomic number,
element symbol, atomic mass, and state of matter.

Contrast metals, nonmetal, and metalloids and provide examples of each of them.







Periodic Table Follow-up Activity

Identify the Element:

1. The atomic number for Cobalt is __________________________.
2. Nitrogen has an approximate atomic weight of __________________________.
3. Pd is the elemental symbol for __________________________.
4. The atomic number for arsenic is __________________________.
5. Phosphorus has an approximate atomic weight of __________________________.
6. Co is the atomic symbol for __________________________.
7. N is the atomic symbol for __________________________.
8. Zr is the atomic symbol for __________________________.
9. Li is the atomic symbol for __________________________.
10. The atomic number for Magnesium is __________________________.
11. B is the atomic symbol for __________________________.
12. The atomic symbol for Germanium is __________________________..
13. Bromine has an approximate atomic weight of __________________________.
14. The atomic number of Copper is __________________________.
15. 80 is the atomic number of __________________________.
16. Br is that elemental symbol for __________________________.
17. He is the elemental symbol for __________________________.
18. 36 is the atomic number of __________________________.
19. Cu is the elemental symbol __________________________.
20. Hg is the elemental symbol for__________________________.

Finding the Element:

1. This element is found in column 16, period 2 __________________________.
2. The atomic mass of this element is 20.1 __________________________.
3. The atomic number of this element is 36 __________________________.
4. The atomic mass of this element is 4.0 __________________________.
5. This element is found in column 2, period 4 __________________________.
6. This elements atomic number is 54 __________________________.
7. This element has an atomic mass of 54.9 and an atomic number 25 __________________________.
8. The atomic number of this element if 103 __________________________.
9. This elements atomic number Is 16 __________________________.
10. The atomic number of this element is 11 __________________________.


Electron Configurations and Energy Levels

Energy Level

Number of Electrons
(2n2)  n = energy level


Find the Element and Draw the Electron Dot Diagram with their respective electron configuration











# e-

Electron Dot Orbital Diagram





1. What are the differences between the different elements in the previous table?
2. Can you organize them in a pattern? Explain the pattern that you use.
3. Use the pattern describes above and organize them in the spaces below: _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, & _____,

Compare the following two elements, Ne vs. Ar.

1. Draw their orbital diagram for each of them.

2. How many electrons does each of them have in the outer level?
3. In which group or family they are? How that group is called?
4. Why do you think that both of them have the same amount of electrons in the outer level?
5. Why Ne is considered to be stable?


Types of Bonds

Generally when an atom has 8 electrons in the outer level it is considered to be stable.
Therefore, in some cases atoms tend to lose or gain electrons to become more stable. If an
atom loses or gain electrons its balance electrical charge changes because the numbers of
electrons and protons change. An atom that is no longer neutral is called ion.

Case 1: Losing an electron

Case 2: Gaining an electron

Types of Bonds:
1. Ionic bond = form between a metal and a non-metal and have opposite charges. (I.e.
sodium and chloride ions). They generally form compounds.
2. Metallic bond = form when metal atoms share their pooled electrons (i.e. silver atoms)
3. Covalent Bond = form between non-metals when they shared electrons. (Cl2 chlorine
molecule, or SO3 sulfur trioxide). They generally form molecules.

Predict the number of electrons that these atoms need to gain or lose to become stable. Use the
electron dot diagram to show that.




Electron dot diagram for

the Atom


Electron dot diagram

for the Ion



10. Potassium








Classify the following compounds in ionic or covalent:


KCl ______________________
CO ______________________
NaF ______________________
Cl2 ______________________
LiCl ______________________



Naming Compounds

Rules to Name Compounds:

1. The name of the element farther to the left in the periodic table is followed by the name of
the element farther to the right, with the suffix ide added to the name of the latter:
a. NaCl Sodium chloride
b. Li2O - Lithium oxide
c. CaF2 - Calcium fluoride
d. HCl - Hydrogen chloride
e. MgO - Magnesium oxide
f. Sr3P2 Strontium phosphide
2. When two or more compounds have different numbers of the same elements, prefixes
are added to remove the ambiguity. The first four prefixes are mono - (one), di- (two),
tri- (three), tetra (four), penta (five), and hexa (six). The prefix mono-, however,
is commonly omitted from the beginning of the first word of the name:
a. Carbon and oxygen
i. CO - Carbon monoxide
ii. CO2 - Carbon dioxide
b. Nitrogen and oxygen
i. NO2 - Nitrogen dioxide
ii. N2O4 - Dinitrogen tetroxide
c. Sulfur and Oxygen
i. SO2 - Sulfur dioxide
ii. SO3 - Sulfur trioxide
3. Many compounds are not usually referred to by their systemic names. Instead, they are
assigned common names that are more convenient or have been used traditionally for
many years.
a. H2O - water
b. NH3 - ammonia
c. CH4 - methane


Naming Chemical Compounds Worksheet

Name the following ionic compounds:


NaBr __________________________________________


CaO __________________________________________


Li2S __________________________________________


MgBr2 __________________________________________


Be(OH)2 __________________________________________

Write the formulas for the following ionic compounds:


potassium iodide __________________________________________


magnesium oxide __________________________________________


aluminum chloride __________________________________________


sodium nitrate __________________________________________


calcium carbonate __________________________________________


lithium sulfate __________________________________________


beryllium phosphide __________________________________________


magnesium hydroxide _________________________________________


sodium phosphate __________________________________________


aluminum carbonate __________________________________________


calcium chloride __________________________________________


sodium cyanide __________________________________________


aluminum oxide __________________________________________


magnesium acetate __________________________________________


ammonium chloride __________________________________________


More Mixed Naming Fun!

Name these compounds. They may be either ionic or covalent.


LiOH __________________________________________


PBr3 __________________________________________


Na2SO4 __________________________________________


(NH4)2S __________________________________________


CaCO3 __________________________________________


CF4 __________________________________________


NaNO3 __________________________________________


P2S3 __________________________________________


Al(NO3)3 __________________________________________


Mg(OH)2 __________________________________________

Write the formulas for the following compounds. Remember, they may be either ionic or
covalent compounds, so make sure you use the right method!

potassium oxide __________________________________________


phosphorus tribromide ________________________________________


calcium hydroxide __________________________________________


dinitrogen sulfide __________________________________________


carbon monoxide __________________________________________


diboron tetrahydride __________________________________________


phosphorus pentabromide _____________________________________


sulfur dichloride __________________________________________


sodium carbonate __________________________________________


aluminum acetate __________________________________________


Survey of Chemical Reactions

NOTE for the teacher: This was a kit that we bought on-line to do this activity. Is a puzzle game
about the periodic table.
Objective: To recognize when a chemical reaction is happening.

Kit of different chemicals

1. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) - muriatic acid
2. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) - lye
3. Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) - baking soda
4. Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) - used in medicine and photography
5. Magnesium (Mg) - mag wheels
6. Phenolphtalein - a chemical indicator

Part A.
1. Obtain a LabLid from the teacher and determine the storage location for the six chemical
listed above. Add 5 drops of HCl to each of 5 tubes of the LabLid. Describe briefly the
appearance of the hydrochloric acid:
Follow each of the instruction below, recording your observations after each mixing.
2. Add a small piece of magnesium to the first tube of HCl.

3. Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein solution to the second tube of HCl.

4. Add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide solution to the third tube of HCl. (Touch the bottom of the
tube before and after the reaction to check the temperature).

5. Add 5drops of sodium carbonate solution to the fourth tube of HCl.

6. Add 5 drops of silver nitrate solution to the fifth tube of HCl.

1. Did any of the mixtures above appear to involve a change of some sort? If so which

2. What are the clues that something is happening? Try to be systematic in your answer
listing general categories.

3. Look at the list of clues which you wrote above. Try to separate these into one of the
following three groups:
a. Evidence that new materials are forming:
b. Evidence that old materials are disappearing:
c. Evidence that bonds (which involve energy) are being broken and formed:
Part B
Rinse out the tubes. Follow each of the instruction below, recording your observations after
each mixing.
1. Add 5 drops of AgNO3 to each of 3 tubes of the Lablid.
2. Add 5 drops of NaOH to one of the tubes, and record the results. Has a reaction occurred?
Which clue did you use to answer this question?
3. Add 5 drops of Na2CO3 to the second tube of AgNO3, record the results, and indicate
whether or not a reaction has occurred.
4. Add a small piece of magnesium to the third tube of AgNO3, record the results, and indicate
whether or not a reaction has occurred.
5. In some cases, one reaction can be used to help us follow the progress of another reaction.
Add 10 drops of sodium hydroxide solution to one tube of the LabLid. Add 2 drops of
phenolphthalein to this, record the results, and indicate whether or not a reaction has
6. If you remember, the reaction between sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid produced a
very small amount of heat. Other than that, there was no other indication that reaction was
occurring. Add HCl to the the tube containing sodium hydroxide and phenolphthalein one
drop at a time. Shake the Lablid gently after adding each drop. Record the results. Can you
think of a way of explaining these results?

7. Some reactions occur faster than other. Place 5 drops of phenolphthalein in each of the two
tubes of the LabLid. Add 5 drops of sodium carbonate to one tube, and a small piece of
magnesium to the other. Record the results immediately after mixing:
8. And a minute or so later:
Based on your results, make a statement summarizing what a chemical reaction is, and how it
can be recognized.

Discussion Questions:
1. When water boils, a gas is produced (bubbles are formed). Why dont chemists classify
boiling of water as a chemical reaction?

2. You are a chemist working for a large manufacturing company. The company has hired you
to record the rate at which their product is manufacture. What are some ways that you could
use to monitor this chemical reaction?

3. Why are some reactions more difficult to detect than other? For example, there is usually
little doubt as to whether or not dynamite is exploding. On the other hand, the corrosion of
iron may be very questionable.

4. Write and balance an equation for the burning of gasoline, C8H18, when it combines with
oxygen, O2, to give carbon dioxide, CO2 and water, H2O.
5. Substance A is known to burn in air, while substance B is a poisonous gas. When A and B
are mixed together, the mixture is neither poisonous nor flammable. Has a reaction
occurred? Why or Why not?
6. Describe what help you figure out if a reaction has occurred.



Balancing Equations:
As a scientist, you should be able to communicate your results to other scientists. In

chemistry the communication is based mostly in chemical reactions and chemical equations are
used to express it. These tell us and anyone who know how to read the equation what was
combined together, and what was produced.
For example, in one of the reactions you combined magnesium and hydrochloric acid
together, and you saw that bubbles of gas were produced. Experiments have shown that the
gas is hydrogen, H2. Other experiments have also shown that, the magnesium which dissolves
is present in the form of magnesium chloride, MgCl2. So you can summarize this by:
Magnesium + Hydrochloric Acid  Magnesium chloride + Hydrogen
Therefore, we can write a chemical equation for all of these:
Mg (s) + HCl (aq)  MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)
The arrow in the middle is used to show that something is changing or going through a reaction.
The numbers of atoms in each side of the arrow must be the same for each element which is
present in the equation. Equations are balanced by placing numbers called coefficients in front
of each of the molecules.
For example, if you assume that you have 1 MgCl2, then you must also assume that there are 1
Mg and 2Cls on the left of the arrow. Fill in the numbers below to show your work:

___ Mg (s) + __ HCl (aq)  1MgCl2 (aq) + ___ H2 (g)

Hints to balance chemical equations:
1. If an element shows up in more than 2 compounds in an equation, leave that element for
last in the balancing process.
2. Deal with one element at a time. You may find it helpful to check off each element as you
come to it.

3. Check your balancing work after you are finished. Count up the atoms on both sides of
the arrow to make sure that they are all balance.
Complete the balancing of the following equations. Refer back to the previous experiments
that you did in class to find out what reaction produced, or did not produce.
___ HCl + ___ NaOH  ___ H2O + ___NaCl + heat

___ HCl + ___ Na2CO3  ___ H2O + ___NaCl + ____ CO2

___ HCl + ___ AgNO3  ___ AgCl + ___ HNO3

___ AgNO3 + ___ NaOH  ___ AgOH + ___ NaNO3

___ AgNO3 + ___ Na2CO3  ___ Ag2CO3 + ___ NaNO3

___ N2 + ___ H2  ___ NH3


Balancing Equations Worksheet


____ Na3PO4 + ____ KOH  ____ NaOH + ____ K3PO4


____ MgF2 + ____ Li2CO3  ____ MgCO3 + ____ LiF


____ P4 + ____ O2  ____ P2O3


____ RbNO3 + ____ BeF2  ____ Be(NO3)2 + ____ RbF


____ AgNO3 + ____ Cu  ____ Cu(NO3)2 + ____ Ag


____ CF4 + ____ Br2  ____ CBr4 + ____ F2


____ HCN + ____ CuSO4  ____ H2SO4 + ____ Cu(CN)2


____ GaF3 + ____ Cs  ____ CsF + ____ Ga


____ BaS + ____ PtF2  ____ BaF2 + ____ PtS


____ N2 + ____ H2  ____ NH3


____ NaF + ____ Br2  ____ NaBr + ____ F2


____ Pb(OH)2 + ____ HCl  ____ H2O + ____ PbCl2


____ AlBr3 + ____ K2SO4  ____ KBr + ____ Al2(SO4)3


____ CH4 + ____ O2  ____ CO2 + ____ H2O


____ Na3PO4 + ____ CaCl2  ____ NaCl + ____ Ca3(PO4)2


____ K + ____ Cl2  ____ KCl


____ Al + ____ HCl  ____ H2 + ____ AlCl3


____ N2 + ____ F2  ____ NF3


____ SO2 + ____ Li2Se  ____ SSe2 + ____ Li2O


____ NH3 + ____ H2SO4  ____ (NH4)2SO4

8. Evaluation
The evaluation of these activities was based on students' completion of tasks, hand-outs, and
worksheets. Students received participation points for their contributions in the experiments.
Follow-ups worksheets were created (when needed) to allow students apply the concepts
learned during in-class activities and then graded. In addition, the unit was divided in three
sections to avoid students became overwhelm with the chemistry topics. Students took three
exams during this unit implementation; exam 1 (Physical States of Matter, Charles Law, Boyles
Law, and Density), exam 2 (Behavior of Fluids, The Atom, and Atomic Structure), and exam 3
(Periodic Table, Electron Dot Diagrams, Naming Compounds, & Balancing Equations).

9. Reflection/Lessons Learned/Alterations for future use

Introduction to chemistry

I personally think that it was a good way to apply and

use movie clips to show chemistry in context and in a
real-life situation.

Examining Condensation of a Water

Drinking Glass

I will make sure to use bottle water instead of water

from sinks. It seems that Southwestern water has too
many minerals and this affects the results of this
experiment. This is a variable that I did not think of
when I design it.

The Balloon inside the Bottle

The size of the balloon inside the 2L bottle may affect

the observations.
You may consider to review how to use proportions
and how to solve an equation because students may
get confuse when they see different variables that are
not x, y, and z.

The Expanding Ping-Pong Ball

Use (if possible) new ping-pong balls for each period.

Because this may affect results.
You may consider to review how to use proportions
and how to solve an equation because students may
get confuse when they see different variables that are
not x, y, and z.

Periodic Table Analogy Experiment

Students enjoyed this activity because made them

think about different patterns and classification.
More emphasis should be made in patterns and
classification because some students struggle with this

Naming Compounds and Balancing


More emphasis should be made in these concepts

students seem to struggle with these concepts a lot.

Overall Suggestions

Sometimes you may need to slow down and allow

more time to students to complete tasks.
Get students feedback about the unit implementation
to gain students perceptions about it.
Develop pre-post assessments to evaluate students
conceptual development through the unit
Add more real-life applications to the concepts
covered during the unit. Who cares?


References & Resources

Guch, Ian (2004). Worksheets for Middle School Teachers. Accessed on-line: February
Rohrig, B. (2002). 150 Captivating chemistry experiments using household substances. Revised
Edition. FizzBang Science, OH.
Rohrig, B. (2002). 150 More captivating chemistry experiments using household substances.
Revised Edition. FizzBang Science, OH.
Sarquis, M., Sarquis, J., Williams, J. (1995). Teaching chemistry with toys: Activities for grades
K-9. Miami, FL: Terrific Science Press.

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