Income Tax1
Income Tax1
Income Tax1
Supporting tax theory
The seller is
Income tax
Tax upon receipt of income
A tax to the capable
Ability to pay theory
Consumption tax
Tax upon usage of income or capital
A tax to all
Benefit received theory
Domestic consumption
Sellers of goods
Domestic business
- VAT registered business
- Non-VAT-registered business
Sellers of services
Domestic business
- VAT registered business
- Non-VAT-registered business
Foreign consumption
No tax
Effectively no tax
Consumption Tax a tax upon the utilization of goods or services; tax on the purchase or consumption
of the buyer and not on the sale of the seller.
Rationale of Consumption Tax
1 It promotes savings formation.
2 It helps in wealth redistribution to society.
3 It supports the Benefit Received Theory.
Types of Consumption
1 Domestic consumption consumption or purchase of Philippine residents.
2 Foreign consumption consumption or purchase of non-residents.
Destination principle goods and services destined for the use in the Philippines are subject to
consumption tax.
Cross-border doctrine goods that cross the border which are destined towards foreign territories are
charge with consumption tax.
Statutory taxpayers the sellers are the ones named by law to pay the tax.
Economic taxpayers the buyers are the ones who actually shoulder the tax burden; the real taxpayers.
1. Direct method is computed by applying the VAT rate to the difference of the selling price and
the purchase.
2. Tax credit method is imposed upon the sales and then reduced by the Output VAT paid by the
business on its purchases.