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Functional Safety and Explosion Protection

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The key takeaways are that functional safety standards like IEC 61508 were created to improve safety in industrial systems and prevent accidents, and that they are often linked to explosion protection due to similar safety considerations.

The Seveso disaster in 1976, where a chemical plant accident in Italy released toxic dioxin and caused illnesses, led the European Community to pass new legislation and standards around functional safety to prevent such accidents.

Some of the functional safety standards mentioned are IEC 61508, IEC 61511, IEC 62061, and DIN V 19250.

Legislation, Standards and Technology

Functional Safety
and Explosion Protection
Fundamentals of Functional Safety in Accordance with IEC 61508 and
how it is Linked to Applications in Hazardous Areas
by Andr Fritsch

Figure 1: Functional Safety SIL

Were we to place the Standards and

regulations of these two specialist areas side
by side and compare their content, we could
easily conclude that these two topics have
nothing to do with one another and coexist
with no interrelationship whatsoever. Many
operators and planners will confirm, on the
basis of their own experience, that this is
not the case and that both topics are even
frequently inseparably linked.

Manufacturers of explosion protected

apparatus recognised this interrelationship
at an early stage, and the required knowledge was acquired in parallel with product
developments and certifications. Consequently, many manufacturers of explosion
protected apparatus now also supply the
components and systems specified for
functional safety circuits together with the
required specialist knowledge.

Ex-Magazine 2005

Who invented it ?
How did Functional Safety arise? One
should assume that safety of personnel does
not require specific legislation but, rather, is
in the interests of the user and should be
handled as a high priority. Unfortunately, this
is not always the case and, as has frequently
occurred in history, action is taken only after
an actual incident. This happened approximately 29 years ago on July 10, 1976, in
Seveso, northern Italy. A toxic gas accident
released highly toxic dioxin (TCDD), triggered
by an uncontrolled overheating reaction
whose excess pressure destroyed a plant
safeguard. The reactor in question featured
no automatic cooling systems whatsoever.
There were neither warning systems nor
alarm plans in the installation. The population
was informed 9 days later. Fortunately, there
were no specialist personnel in the plant
when the incident occurred and, by chance,
the quantity of toxic substance released was
limited. Nevertheless, approx. 2 kg of highly
toxic dioxin was released into the environment and caused illness, death of animals,
and serious environmental pollution.
As a consequence of this accident it was
decided to tighten up legislation and ordinances aimed at protecting humans, living
organisms and the environment.
The European Community published the
Seveso I Directive in the 1980s and later the
Seveso II Directive 96/82/EC on the control
of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances.
In Germany for instance, this Directive
was adopted in national law with reference
to DIN V 19250. This Standard also included a
definition of the Requirement Classes AK 1-8
used internationally.
IEC 61508 Functional Safety of SafetyRelated Electrically/Electronically Program-

mable Electronic Systems which has been

valid Europe-wide as EN 61508 since August
2002, was published in the year 1998. This
new Safety Standard, for the first time, defined the safety requirements in automation
engineering comprehensively, independently
of the application, and also allowes for modern, microprocessor-based systems. IEC
61508 has now been accepted worldwide and
is being or has been adopted in national law
or national Standards and regulations in
many countries (e.g. AS 61508 in Australia,
BS IEC 61508 in Great Britain, NFPA 79 -2002
in the USA and JIS C 0508 in Japan). After
adoption in a German Standard DIN EN 61508
(VDE 0803), DIN V 19250 and DIN V 19251
ceased to apply on July 31, 2004 so that there
is now only one binding regulation.
While IEC 61508 is aimed primarily at
manufacturers of components for protection
equipment and devices, IEC 61511 Functional
Safety Technical Safety Systems for the
Process Industry is aimed at users and planners of safety devices and equipment. IEC
61511 provides recommendations and targets
for assessment of the damage risk of installations and provides assistance in selection of
appropriate, safety-related components. Part
3, Annex D of IEC introduces the risk graph
as a method of risk assessment to assist users and planners in design. Other applicationspecific Standards on the basis of IEC 61508
include, for instance, IEC 61513 Nuclear
Power Facility Control and Instrumentation
Systems for Systems Important for Technical
Safety and DIN IEC 62061 (2005-01) Safety of
machinery Functional Safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems.

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Technical jargon?
If we consider the topic of Functional
Safety in greater detail and if, for instance,
we read a corresponding test report, we
quickly encounter certain terms and abbreviations that are far from self-explanatory.
Consequently, we shall discuss the terminology and technical expressions which are
essential for understanding the topic in brief
Let us start with a definition of terms
which are frequently confused and misinterpreted: safety and availability. The essential
difference can quickly be seen on the basis
of an everyday example. A railway crossing
is safeguarded with a barrier so that, when a
train approaches, a vehicle cannot drive over
the tracks at the same time. The two possible
error sources in this example are the nonopening and non-closing of the barrier. If
the barrier no longer opens after the train has
passed, the availability of the road is no
longer guaranteed. A parallel crossing, for
instance would remedy the situation in this
case as the probability of this barrier not
opening is extremely low. Of course, this must
be strictly rejected on the basis of safety
aspects since the error probability of nonclosing is doubled from two to four barriers.
Here, it is far better if we construct two
barriers, one behind the other, in order to
intercept an error if one of the four barriers
does not close. However, in turn, this counteracts availability. How do we find a solution
which avoids this dilemma and enhances
both safety and availability? There is more
than one solution, such as an overpass, but
all these solutions have one thing in common:
higher costs. We should not lose sight of the
cost aspect in all applications and measures
intended to enhance safety and/or availability.

Consequently, it does not make sense

Functional Safety and Explosion Protection

to always demand the very highest safety

level. Rather, the safety level must be
determined and planned specifically to the
application so as to also meet economic
requirements. The above-mentioned risk
graph from IEC 61511-3 is an appropriate aid,
which we will describe later.
The definition of the safe state is an
important element of a safety concept.
Various considerations are also possible
here, depending on the application. In a
process in which a fluid is heated, the safe
state can be achieved by deactivating all
electrical circuits, including the heater, for
example, so that the fluid does not boil over.
By contrast, in the case of a fault state in an
aircraft, everything possible should be done
to maintain the function of all systems. This
example also clearly indicates that the
deenergised state of a system can be
achieved very simply and, consequently,
should be given preference wherever
possible for safety functions. Safe states on
automation components may include the
following: maintain last position, hardware
deactivation and safe shutdown. The
definition of the safe state is an important
element of the test reports for components
with SIL classification. SIL itself is an
abbreviation for Safety Integrity Level and


Installation risk


10 ... 100


100 ... 1.000


1.000 ... 10.000


10.000 ... 100.000

Table 1: Interrelationship between SIL and risk


IEC 61511

DIN V 19250

VDI/VDE 2180



Risk area I
(low risk)


Table 2:
Relationship between
IEC 61511, DIN V 19250
and VDI/VDE 2180
IEC 61511-3; Annex E)







Risk area II
(high risk)
Not covered by PCS protection
equipment alone

has now become a synonym for Functional

Safety. SIL defines only a measure of the
safety-related performance or reliability of
an electronic or electrical control device
(Table 1) and says very little on its own.
Since SIL is determined and considered
differently than the AK (Requirement Class)
from DIN V 19250, a direct comparison is not
that simple. One general rule of thumb is that
an AK 3 system approximately corresponds
to an SIL 1 system and an AK 5 system
approximately corresponds to a SIL 3 system
(Table 2).
Unlike determining the AK, the process of
determining the SIL focuses on assessment
of the safety chain, also referred to as SIF
Safety Instrumented Function. Typically, this
safety chain consists of a fail-safe control,
an actuator and a sensor. The SIS Safety
Instrumented System consists of one or
more safety chains.
In general, safety systems are classified
in accordance with IEC 61508 as either low
demand or high demand. This defines how
frequently during operation of an installation
or machine the safety function cuts in. If it
is be anticipated that the safety function

responds several times per day or even more

frequently, we speak of a high demand
system. Examples of this can be found in
applications in the mechanical-engineering
and machine-construction sector, e.g. if a
light barrier is required to trigger the safety
function when an operator intervenes and
the operator works continuously on the
machine. In the sector of process automation,
it must be assumed that the safety function
is tripped only very rarely, typically at a
maximum of once per year. This is referred
to as a low demand system. Examples of
these include fire alarms or emergency shutdown systems. We shall discuss only the low
demand applications below since these form
the major part in the sector of automation
For project planning of safety systems
information on the SIL of the individual
components is not enough. While in the past
the safety chain could meet exactly the
lowest AK of the individual components, with
SIL a calculation on the basis of failure
probability has to be made. Here, the value
PFDa (= Probability of Failure on Demand,
average) has a central significance. PFDa

Ex-Magazine 2005

Fault types

Non-fatal faults

Hazardous faults

Recognised faults

sd (= safe detected)

dd (= dangerous detected)

Unrecognised faults

su (= safe undetected)

du (= dangerous undetected)

Faults of components
which are not a part of the
protection system

np (= not part)

Table 3: Fault types on safety systems

specifies the average probability with which

a safety system will fail at exactly that moment in which this safety function will be
required. This value is related to a selectable
period of time, typically per year. A PFDa of
310-3, for example, means that with high
probability the safety function will fail once in
333 years in the moment when it is required.
But that does not mean that the system will
work for 333 years without failure. The
safety-critical failure may occur after one
year and then will not occur again for another 332 years that is what the probability
calculation means.
Determination of component PFDa is done by
a quite elaborate analytic process, the
so-called FMEDA (Failure Mode Effects and
Detectability Analysis), with which down to
the individual components an analysis is

Fault if system is needed;
low demand Systeme


10-2 ... < 10-1


10-3 ... < 10-2


10-4 ... < 10-3


10-6 ... < 10-4


Table 4: Failure probability and achievable SIL

made about what will happen with which

fault and how this may be detected.
The basis of this analysis are the data
collections on the failure rate of electronic
components such as for example, SiemensStandard SN 29500 or, quite conservative, the
MIL-manual 217F, but also the statistics the
manufacturers did themselves on the failure
behaviour of their components.
Possible faults in components can be
classified into five different fault types which
have differing effects on the failure probability
PFDa (Table 3).
In the case of the low demand systems
considered here, only the hazardous, unrecognised fault du plays an essential role,
referred to as a defined time interval which
is designated Tproof (inspection interval). The
aim of these inspections is to detect and
eliminate the hazardous fault, i.e. the fault
which would lead to failure of the safety
function. Conversely, a change of the
inspection interval results in a change in the
failure probability when the safety function
is needed (If you inspect a system more
frequently, there is a lower probability that it
will fail when needed).
The determined PFDa value allows
assignment of the device to an SIL (Table 4).
The safety quality of the device is described
by two further parameters. The SFF (Safe
Failure Fraction) states the magnitude of the

36 | 37

share of non-dangerous faults in relation to

the total possible faults. A non-dangerous
fault is defined as a fault which is, admittedly,
relevant to safety but which is neither nor
sets the system to a safe state. A simple
example of this would be a device fuse that
sets the device to the safe Off state in the
event of overvoltage provided this state is
the safe state. An SFF of 90 % for instance,
states that only 10 % of the possible faults
in a safety device cannot be detected and
would lead to a dangerous state. The second
parameter, which is relevant here, is the
HFT (Hardware Failure Tolerance). The
HFT describes the redundancy tolerance
of the device or system. Systems without
redundancy, i.e. on which the safety function
is no longer guaranteed in the event of one
failure, have an HFT of 0. The HFT is 1 in the
case of single redundancy and it is 2 in the
case of double redundancy. Linking the two
parameters SFF and HFT then provides the
SIL of a device. A further distinction is also
made between simple Type-A devices on
which all faults are known and can be
described (Table 5), and more complex
Type-B devices if not all faults are known
and can be described, as will generally be
the case in microprocessor systems or software (Table 6).
IEC 61511 defines the term proven in use.
If the manufacturer is able to verify the
proven operational effectiveness of his or
her components or systems, the achievable
SIL can be upgraded. Tables 5 and 6 refer to
this with HFT = 01) or 11). The number of
devices already marketed and the systematic
evaluation of safety-related faults on these
devices during their lifetime form the basis
for this verification. This verification of
proven in use is the only effective way of
conducting a SIL assessment in the case of
more complex systems frequently

Functional Safety and Explosion Protection

featuring microprocessors. The lowest value

of the two, possibly differing, SIL values,
resulting from the PFDa and from the SFF
and HFT, is taken as the SIL of the device
or system.
In the case of Functional Safety, there is
no mandatory certification, unlike explosion
protection for instance. In accordance with
IEC 61508, a manufacturers test which, however, must be conducted by an independent
department in the company suffices for
SIL 2 applications. As of SIL 3, the Standard
recommends that the analysis be conducted
by an outside company.
What does the user do?
Fortunately, the user does not need to
bother about the costly, and in some cases,
complex process of determining the individual
parameters. This is done by the device manufacturer and is documented in test reports

and a Safety Manual. However, this does not

affect the users responsibility to correctly
classify his or her installation and to use the
right components under the right boundary
conditions. Field reports indicate that approximately 44 % of all faults occur as early as
the specification phase.
Normally, the procedure for obtaining
an approval is not stipulated by law. The
user files an application for approval of the
safety-related installation. The approval
procedures and the responsible public
authorities differ nationally.
In principle, the safety analysis of an
installation or part-installation is subdivided
into four steps. The basic function of the
safety requirements is defined first, the
Safety Requirement Specification or SRS for
short. What should or what must be achieved
with the safety function? The second step
is the actual risk analysis, also referred to as
SIL a ssessment. The risk analysis is

HFT (Hardware Failure Tolerance)

SFF (Safe Failure Fraction)

1 / 01)

2 / 11)

< 60%




60 ... 90%




90 ... 99%




> 99%




HFT (Hardware Failure Tolerance)

SFF (Safe Failure Fraction)

1 / 01)

2 / 11)

< 60%



60 ... 90%




90 ... 99%




> 99%




Table 5: Interrelationship
between SFF and HFT on
simple devices (Type A)
01) or 11) in the case of
verification of proven
operation effectiveness
in accordance with IEC

Table 6: Interrelationship
between SFF and HFT
in the case of more
complex devices (Typ B)
01) or 11) in the case of
verfification of proven
operational effectiveness
in accordance with
IEC 61511

conducted with the aid of the risk graph from

IEC 61511-3, Annex D, for instance (Figure 2).
Annex D of the aforesaid Standard only
has an informative character, so application
of the risk graph is not obligatory. Alternative
procedures are just as reliable and, in some
cases, even stipulated by the approval
authority. Frequently, a so-called LOPA Layer
Of Protection Analysis is also conducted.
Since the procedure in accordance with IEC
61511 has proven to be very expedient and is
suitable both for analysis of the risks to
people and the risk to environment, and also
as a cost analysis in relation to production
outage costs, this procedure will be used
in the examples which follow. Regardless of
the particular procedure used, it is always
important to document and substantiate
the assumptions and decisions made. All
stipulations and results are cited in an easily
understandable manner in the safety document. It is also practical to keep an eye on the
cost aspect in the safety analysis: What will
a fault cost what will avoidance of the fault
The aforesaid IEC 61511-3 provides
detailed instructions on use of the risk graph
so that we shall not discuss it in detail at this
point. Measures to downgrade the required
SIL and the resultant costs may be taken as
early as when conducting the risk analysis.
Organisational measures allow the presence
time of people in the risk area to be shortened,
for instance and, thus, make it possible to
change parameter F2 to F1 (see Figure 2). In
the case of parameter P, risk defence, it is
possible to achieve a reduction of P2 to P1
by design measures or structural measures,
such as a bursting disc or a pressure relief
valve. This means that it may be possible,
as early as the analysis phase, to downgrade
from SIL 3 to SIL 1 which, in turn, leads to
simpler, less costly solutions.

Ex-Magazine 2005











C = extent of damage
C1: slight injury
C2: serious irreversible injury to one or more
persons, or death of a person
C3: death of several persons
C4: catastrophic consequences many fatalities

38 | 39

SIL 4 cannot be
achieved with one
item of safety
equipment alone

















F = proportion of time of exposure to hazard

F1: low (< 0.1)
F2: high (> 0.1)
P = mitigating factors (prevention)
P1: good chance of avoiding consequence (> 50%)
P2: poor chance of avoiding consequence (< 50%)
W = probability or frequency
of hazardous event /demand
W1: very low (F < 0.01/YR.)
W2: low (F > 0.01/YR.)
W3: relatively high (F > 0.1/YR.)
= No safety requirements

Figure 2: Risk graph for injury to persons in accordance with IEC 61508/61511

When the requirements needed have been

stipulated, the first step is then to configure
the safety functions, typically consisting of
PLC, and input and output circuits, including
selection of the components to be used.
The last step is then to analyse the safety
function for their SILs. In this case, each
safety circuit must be analysed separately.
The analysis is conducted on the basis of the
failure probabilities PFDa of the components
used which are documented in the relevant
test reports.
In the case of simple, non-redundant safety
circuits, these values are added and the
result is compared with the permitted values
shown in Table 4.
Unfortunately, the calculated value will
frequently differ from the required value in
practice. What options now exist for upgrading the SIL of the safety systems? Since
the inspection times Tproof in the case of

low demand safety systems are included in

the result in virtually linear manner, upgrading the SIL can be achieved by shortening inspection times. However, more frequent
inspections, in turn, cause an increase in
costs. One other tried and tested method is
to configure redundancies. Essential improvements can be achieved, depending on
the redundancy used. In this case, we talk
of 1oo2 (1 out of 2) or 2oo3 (2 out of 3)
redundancies. Maximum effectiveness is
achieved by so-called diversities that work
with differing measuring instruments and
measuring methods. If, for instance, a
temperature measurement is conducted
with a temperature transmitter, a second,
redundant transmitter of the same type will,
admittedly, reduce the failure probability.
However, this involves the possibility of what
is called a Common Cause Fault (beta factor),
a fault which occurs simultaneously for both

transmitters subjected to common loading.

For example, this would be a systematic error
in the transmitter software affecting both
devices at the same moment in the case of
a specific measurement result. In the case
of diversities, transmitters of different
manufactures and, possibly, even using
different measuring methods are used so as
to eliminate the possibility of this Common
Cause Fault and substantially reduce the
failure probability. A further enhancement of
the safety chain can be achieved with diagnostic methods. Early detection of failures
or malfunctions by Diagnostic Coverage
also improves the safety application since
hazardous, unrecognised failures become
hazardous, recognised failures.
The user documents the safety functions
he or she carried out over the service life
of the systems, together with all faults that

occurred, in the Safety Manual. What

Functional Safety and Explosion Protection

Figure 3: IS pac Ex i
isolator system for SIL 2
and SIL 3 applications

Even the relevant software tools may be good

and helpful, but they do not, overall, exempt
the user from his or her responsibility.

Explosion protection and SIL

might initially be seen as annoying paperwork does, however, assist in designing new
safety circuits. If a safety system has been in
use for several years and if no or only a few
safety-critical faults have occurred during
this time, it is also possible to upgrade the
SIL for this application using the argumentation of proven in use. We should also point
out that a subsequent change in the result of
the conducted risk analysis is not recommended for downgrading the required SIL.
After all, the analysis was conducted to the
best of the knowledge and ability of the
analyst. If there have been no real changes
in the installation there is no logical reason

for a subsequent change.

As can be seen very well from the aspects
described above, analysis and optimisation of
safety circuits may take a great deal of time.
Fortunately, certain software tools are
now available on the market offering assistance for the design of safety systems. One of
the features of a good tool includes providing
device databases for the user, which list as
many devices as possible together with their
safety characteristics (Table 8).
Some of the tools also include a risk
analysis function with the risk graph, dynamic
costing and a log function for saving the
decisions taken with a versioning function.

Name of the software







Internet application



with risk graph



for documentation

Table 8: Selection of
available software tools
with device databases

Installations with hazardous areas also

frequently include Functional Safety applications. Generally, all types of protection can
be used here as well. However, one aspect
which aggravates the situation in the case
of Functional Safety is that the inspection
interval is generally once per year while
the inspection and maintenance interval is
specifically three years in the case of explosion protection applications.
Consequently, easy inspection involving
as low a cost as possible is particularly
important in the case of combined applications comprising explosion protection and
Functional Safety. While the inspections can
be conducted only in a deenergised state
and require special permits in the case of
most types of protection such as Flameproof
Enclosures d or Increased Safety e, work
can continue as under normal conditions
in the case of type of protection Intrinsic
Safety i.
Measurements, tests and inspections can
be conducted during operation in the hazardous area, this being a major advantage when
testing the safety circuits. Consequently,
the obvious approach is to design the circuits
with type of protection Intrinsic Safety i
in the case of Functional Safety applications
in hazardous areas. The principle of the type
of protection Intrinsic Safety is based on
limitation of current, voltage and power of
the signals entering the hazardous area.
In this case, one or two possible faults are
also considered, thus resulting in Categories
(Protection Level) ib and ia which, in turn,

Ex-Magazine 2005

define usability for Zone 1 or Zone 0 circuits.

However, this does not automatically result in
a solution suitable for Functional Safety as, in
this case, no adequate statement is made on
availability of quality of signal transmission.
A corresponding analysis and SIL assessment
must thus also be conducted here. Various
solutions are possible with intrinsically safe
components and systems.
The classic approach is to use point-topoint connections with conventional isolators
or safety barriers.
The simplest solution in this case is to use
safety barriers as simple, passive networks
since they do not make an active contribution
to the safety chain and, in principle, can
be considered in the same way as a passive
component. However, circuits with safety
barriers entail potential functional risks
owing to the series resistance and the fact
that the equipotential bonding system is
connected to earth reference, besides other
aspects. Consequently, electrical isolators
have been given preference for some years
now (Figure 3). Since they generally have an
external power supply and feature more
complex internal electronic circuitry, they are
required to have a corresponding SIL analysis.
The parameters such as PFDa or inspection
intervals Tproof, required for project planning,
are documented in the test reports or Safety
Use of the isolators may result in a problem in designing the safety function. Since
there is now a further element interconnected
both in the sensor circuit and in the actuator
circuit, the PFDa of the safety function is,of
course, downgraded by these values A circuit which just meets the requirements of SIL
2 circuit for instance may thus now only be
useable for SIL 1 circuit. It is thus recommended that maximum 10 % of the entire PFDa be
attributable to an isolator which can be used

for safety circuits for the required safety level. Thus, for instance, while a value of 5 10-3
suffices for an SIL 2, only a maximum of 5 10-4
of this should be attributable to the corresponding isolator. Figure 4 shows how the
typical distribution of the failure probabilities
in a safety function with isolators should
If this is not possible or if no corresponding isolator is available, one remaining alternative is redundancy, as already described
above. One other alternative consists in
using additional diagnostics. One interesting
solution in this case is the HART communication signal which supplies a wide variety
of parameters that can also be used for
early detection of faults, among other uses.
Special HART Management Systems, for
example, which read in and evaluate the
HART signals collectively via a HART multiplexer are available for evaluation of the
HART information. The HART multiplexer
must, of course, also have SIL assessment
since it does, after all, intervene in the safety
circuit and could falsify the relevant analogue process signals (Figure 5). Consequently, the SIL assessment of the HART
multiplexers does not include use of the
HART information for control and monitoring
of the safety chain but, rather, a verification
that the HART multiplexer has no safetyrelated influence on the analogue signal.
Modern bus technology has been used to
an increasing extent in recent years on many
new installations. Solution concepts and
products are also available for configuring
safety systems. Bus protocols configured
specifically for safety applications include
PROFISafe or INTERBUS-Safety. Universal
usability and, thus, acceptance does, however, frequently fail owing to the narrow
selection of field devices available for this.
In this case, Remote I/O Technology offers

40 | 41

more selection options. Conventional analogue field devices with SIL classification
can be operated easily on the Remote I/O.
However, the most important requirement for
this is, of course, that the Remote I/O System
also be assessed on the basis of the SIL
criteria. The only system currently on the
market, R. STAHLs Remote I/O System IS1,
complies with the requirements of SIL 1
(Figure 6).
In order to prevent users from having to
deal with the relatively complex structure
of this safety function, it is advisable to consider the overall system as one component.
On IS1, the fieldbus isolating repeaters for
the intrinsically safe Profibus DP (Profibus
RS485-IS), the intrinsically safe Profibus DP
itself, the CPU module of the system and the
analogue and digital input/output modules
are allowed for jointly in the SIL assessment,
i.e. the user can take only one value for
the failure probability of his or her safety
function, and then add the corresponding
values of the field devices and the automation system to this. Unfortunately, only a
few automation systems with SIL assessment
have been available to date. Consequently,
an empirical value of 0.001 for the failure
probability is taken in practice when designing systems without SIL.

Summary and Outlook

Even though the topic of Functional Safety
has become extremely complex, or because
of this fact, the user must deal with this
topic. It must not be the case that the safety
of installations and, above all, that the safety
of personnel suffers owing to complex or
unmanageable regulations and procedures.
Fortunately, there have recently been

frequent reports in the technical

Functional Safety and Explosion Protection

press on this topic so that users can already

gain a good general view of the subject. It is
no wonder that manufacturers of explosion
protected apparatus in particular have taken
up the cause of Functional Safety and offer
both products and training courses for it.
The many years of experience in explosion
protection which is, after all, very similar,
together with the required high-quality
production methods and development procedures, offer a solid basis for this. Explosion
Protection and Functional Safety Standards
are still developing mutually and independently. However, Functional Safety will
already be included in a revised Low-Voltage
Directive (RL 73/23/EEC). A new European
Standard on Safety Equipment in Explosion
Protection (CENELEC TC31-WG9) is currently
in preparation, containing a reference to
IEC 61508.
Consequently, it can be assumed that
Functional Safety will be with us in the future
as well and will not disappear again some
day as a passing fad like many other topics.

actuator and
isolator 2
actuator and
isolator 1

Figure 4: Typical distribution of the PFDa values in a

safety chain with isolators

Figure 5: HART multiplexer with HART connector circuit board for applications up to SIL 3

Figure 6: Remote I/O System IS1 for safety requirements up to SIL 1

Ex-Magazine 2005

1. Council Directive 96/82/EC of 9 December 1996 on the control of major-accident hazards involving
dangerous substances (SEVESO II)
Official Journal of the European Communities 1996
2. DIN V 19250 Grundlegende Sicherheitsbetrachtung fr MSR-Schutzeinrichtungen
(Fundamental Safety Consideration for Control and Instrumentation System Safety Facilities)
(withdrawn on 31 July 2004)
3. IEC 61508:1998 Functional safety of electrical/electronical/programmable electronic safety related
systems Part 1 Part 6
4. IEC 61511 12/2003 Functional safety-Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector
5. IEC 62061 (2005-01) Safety of machinery Functional safety of safety-related electrical,
electronical and programmable electronic control systems
6. Siemens Safety Integrated Safety Systems Application Manual, available at www.siemens.de/safety
7. Homepage of the IEC (FAQ lists and brochures etc.) available at http://www.iec.ch/zone/fsafety
8. Homepage of the EXIDA company www.exida.com with information publications, specialist articles
and specialist literature

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