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Get a Life(Cycle)!

Connecting Alarm Management and Safety Instrumented Systems

White Paper
80 N. Main St.
Sellersville, PA

April 2010

exida White Paper Library


Copyright exida.com L.L.C. 2018-2020

excellence in dependable automation

Alarms and operator response are one of the first layers of defense in preventing a plant upset from
escalating into an abnormal situation. The new ISA 18.2 standard [1] on alarm management recommends
following a lifecycle approach similar to the existing ISA84/IEC 61511 standard on functional safety. This
paper will highlight where these lifecycles interact and overlap, as well as how to address them
holistically. Specific examples within ISA 18 will illustrate where the output of one lifecycle is used as input
to the other, such as when alarms identified as a safeguard during a process hazards analysis (PHA) are
used as an input to alarm identification and rationalization. The paper will also provide recommendations
on how to integrate the safety and alarm management lifecycles.

Alarms and safety have always gone hand-in-hand. With the release of ISA-18.2, the connection between
the alarm management lifecycle and the functional safety lifecycle has become more apparent and more
actionable. This paper has explored some of the interactions between the lifecycles and has shown
examples of where performance is dependent on successfully addressing both lifecycles simultaneously.
This will help practitioners from both disciplines take a holistic approach leading to increased plant safety,
reduced risk and better operational performance.

The disciplines of alarm management and functional safety have always been interconnected. Alarms are
often used as a means of risk reduction (layer of protection), sometimes in conjunction with a safety
instrumented function (SIF), to prevent the occurrence of a process hazard, as shown in Figure 1. The
performance of the alarm system may have a direct effect on the integrity requirement of a SIF, as it may
limit what level of risk reduction can be credited to an alarm. Safety instrumented systems (SIS) may
generate alarms as part of their function and to indicate a change in state of the SIS. Poor alarm system
management can reduce the effectiveness of these indications and has been cited as a significant
contributor to some of the worst process safety accidents on record (including Bhopal, Milford Haven,
Buncefield, and Texas City).

The preface of Bransby and Jenkinson [2] describes a fictional tale of a typical operator reacting to a
sequence of events within a typical process facility. Due to the poor alarm system performance the
operator misses a critical alarm that is the impetus for a major incident. One of the fundamental
conclusions of Bransby and Jenkinson is that “Poor performance costs money in lost production and plant
damage and weakens a very important line of defense against hazards to people.” [2] Furthermore,
Donald Campbell Brown stated the fundamental objective of an alarm system clearly and concisely, “the
fundamental goal is that Alarm Systems will be designed, procured and managed so as to deliver the right
information, in the right way and at the right time for action by the Control Room Operator (where
possible) to avoid, and if not, to minimise, plant upset, asset or environmental damage, and to improve
safety” [3].

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Figure 1. Layers of Protection and Their Impact on the Process

The connection between poor alarm management and process safety accidents was one of the
motivations for the development of ANSI/ISA-18.2, “Management of Alarm Systems for the Process
Industries” (ISA-18.2) [1]. With the release of this new standard in 2009, the discipline of alarm
management now has a standard comparable to the well-established functional safety standard
ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 Part 1 (IEC 61511-1 Mod 1) “Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for
the Process Industry Sector” [4]. ISA-18.2 is expected to be “recognized and generally accepted good
engineering practice” (RAGAGEP) by both insurance companies and regulatory agencies as ISA-84 is

Similar to the activities in the functional safety standard, alarm management activities are structured to
follow a lifecycle approach. The two lifecycles share many similarities, yet have some important
differences. A detailed comparison of similarities and differences is the subject of another paper [5]. This
paper will examine the areas where the activities of the alarm management and functional safety
lifecycles intersect. It will also address treating these two lifecycles (and disciplines) holistically.

The Alarm Management Lifecycle (ISA – 18.2)

The alarm management standard provides a framework for the successful design, implementation,
operation and management of alarm systems in a process plant. It provides guidance to solve or prevent
the most common alarm management problems and sustain the performance of the alarm system over
time. It is organized around the alarm management lifecycle (Figure 2) [1]. The key activities of alarm
management are executed in the different stages of the lifecycle. The products of each stage are the
inputs for the activities of the next stage.

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Figure 2. The Alarm Management Lifecycle [1]

The alarm lifecycle has three starting points: philosophy, monitoring & assessment, and audit. Site needs
and system status dictate which is the appropriate starting point. Philosophy is the typical starting point
for a new system, while monitoring & assessment or audit may be the starting point for an existing

The Functional Safety Lifecycle (ISA-84)

The lifecycle for safety instrumented systems from ISA-84 (Figure 3) addresses the application of safety
instrumented functions in the process industries [4]. It is a performance-based standard that details the
activities and requirements to ensure that SIFs provide the needed reliability of protection from process
hazards. It includes the concept of Safety Integrity Level (SIL) which is a method for quantifying a level of
risk reduction. Alarms may be allocated as layers of protection and assigned risk reduction factors.

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Management Safety Hazard and Risk Assessment Verification

of Functional Lifecycle
Safety and Structure
Allocation of Safety Functions to Protection Layers
Functional and
Safety Planning
Assessment Safety Requirements Specification for
and Auditing the Safety Instrumented System

Design and Engineering Design and Development

of Safety Instrumented of other means of Risk
System Reduction

Installation, Commissioning and Validation

Operation and Maintenance



Figure 3. The Safety Instrumented System Lifecycle [4]

The functional safety lifecycle has one main starting point. The identification of process hazards is often
viewed as the starting point, but the lifecycle really begins with the management of functional safety

Alarm Management and Safety Lifecycles: Similarities and Differences

To take a holistic approach to the functional safety and alarm management lifecycles it is important to
understand their basic similarities and differences. A plant will usually have only a few safety
instrumented functions, but may have hundreds or thousands of alarms in the Basic Process Control
System (BPCS). Each safety instrumented function is evaluated individually and is designed and verified
for a specific hazard. Each alarm is also evaluated individually, but because all alarms are processed by
the operator before the associated action is taken, the alarm system must also be evaluated as a whole.
The alarm rate, the priority distribution, and nuisance alarms (analogous to spurious trips) have been
shown to have a significant impact on the probability that an operator will take the correct action on a
true alarm. Campbell Brown provides a good overview of this probability and specifically termed it “the
consequences of failure to act” [6]. Specifically, Campbell Brown states that “For all assets there are a
range of severities associated with the Operator failing to respond to an alarm, as characterized by the
prioritisation of the alarm” [6].

Defining What is an Alarm

A key step in alarm management is defining an alarm.

Alarm: An audible and/or visible means of indicating to the operator an equipment malfunction, process
deviation, or abnormal condition requiring a response [1].

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One of the most important principles of ISA-18.2 is that an alarm requires a response. This means if the
operator does not need to respond, then there should not be an alarm. Following this cardinal rule will
help eliminate many potential alarm management issues.

ISA-18.2 also defines the following terms that are useful in describing the interactions of the alarm
management and safety instrumented system lifecycles.

Safety alarm: An alarm that is classified as critical to process safety or to the protection of human life.

Safety function alarm: An alarm that indicates a demand on a safety function.

Manual Safety function alarm (Safety related alarm): An alarm that indicates an operator action is
required to complete a safety function (e.g., operator initiated instrumented function).

System diagnostic alarm: An alarm generated by the control system to indicate a fault within the system
hardware, software or components (e.g., communication error).

Highly managed alarm: An alarm belonging to a class with more requirements than general alarms (e.g.
a safety alarm).

It is worth noting that an alarm from a safety instrumented system is not necessarily a safety alarm,
though a manual safety function alarm is. Safety alarms are highly managed alarms. These definitions
should be included in the alarm philosophy.

The usual starting point in the alarm lifecycle is the development of an alarm philosophy document, which
defines how a company or site will address alarm management throughout all phases of the lifecycle. It
includes key definitions, provides practices and procedures, and documents roles and responsibilities. It
contains guidelines on how to classify and prioritize alarms, what colors will be used to indicate an alarm
in the HMI, and how changes to the configuration will be managed. It also establishes key performance
benchmarks, like the acceptable alarm load for the operator. For new plants, the alarm philosophy should
be fully defined and approved before commissioning.

This is emphasized by Nimmo when he stated that “successful alarm management projects have a clear
alarm philosophy that is well documented and understood by all disciplines……and a management
mandate to solve the problem once and for all.” [7] Utilization of a philosophy must be embraced by all
affected personnel (operator, technician, engineer and manager) within a facility and is a required
element of ISA18.2. In addition, these individuals must take ownership of the process throughout its
“Lifecycle”. Per Reising and Montgomery, “There is no ‘silver bullet’ or ‘one shot wonder’ for good alarm
management. The most successful sites will likely approach alarm management as an ongoing, continuous
improvement activity, not unlike preventive maintenance or total quality management programs.” [8]

The alarm philosophy is used to develop the alarm system requirements specification (ASRS), a
description of required system level functionality.

If safety alarms are part of the alarm system, especially safety alarms with an independent operator
interface, additional functions may be needed.

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The identification stage of the alarm lifecycle is focused on identifying potential alarms from sources such
as P&IDs, incident investigations, operating procedures, environmental permits, and ISO quality reviews,
to name a few. Potential alarms may be identified during the following stages of the safety lifecycle:

• Hazard and Risk assessment

• Allocation of Safety Functions to Protection Layers
• Safety Requirements Specification for the Safety Instrumented System
• Design and Engineering of the Safety Instrumented System

Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOPs) are a common technique used during the Hazard and Risk
Assessment stage of the safety lifecycle. This safety lifecycle activity often singles out alarms as
safeguards or results in recommendations to implement specific alarms to mitigate risk (as shown in the
“Actions Required” column of Figure 4).

Figure 4 – Sample HAZOP results identifying the need for Alarms [9]

Alarms identified during a HAZOP will be further analyzed and “designed” during the Rationalization

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Alarms can also be identified during the Allocation of Safety Functions to Protection Layers stage of the
safety lifecycle. One of the most common techniques for calculating the required SIL target is the Layer
of Protection Analysis (LOPA). In a LOPA the frequency of a potentially dangerous event is calculated by
multiplying the probability of failure on demand (PFD) of each individual layer of protection times the
frequency of the initiating event. In the example LOPA of Figure 5, the reliability of the alarm system and
the operator’s response are included in the calculation. This LOPA uses a PFD of 0.2 for the alarm and the
operator’s response, which means that that operator is successful 80% of the time.

Initiating Event Protection Layer #1 Protection Layer #2 Protection Layer #3 Protection Layer #4 Outcome
Loss of Cooling Operator Response Pressure Relief Figure
Water Process Design (to Alarm) Valve No Ignition Fire 5.
0.3 2.10E-05
0.07 Fire
0.5 / yr
No Event
Example Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) Calculation

Assuming an 80% success rate might seem conservative, but studies have shown that human error is one
of the leading causes of industrial accidents. Per Ian Nimmo, “many incident investigations have focused
on the layer involving the BPCS, the supervisor, critical alarms and operator intervention as root cause for
many incidents…….If the BPCS is not considered an IPL, the supervisor is not supervising, and the alarms
are not functioning, then the IPL must then be left to operator intervention. This is highly variable due to
the reliability of people and the factors that impact human performance.” [10] As shown in Table 1, the
performance of the alarm system and operator can be a significant variable in safety lifecycle calculations
(PFD ranging between 0.01 to 1.0), effecting the design of the SIS. Taking a holistic approach ensures that
safety alarms (such as those listed in a LOPA) are properly designed. Major problems could occur if the
performance of the alarm system compromises the operator’s ability to respond to the alarm - which
would mean an increased PFD and corresponding increased risk of an accident.

Per Nimmo, “The bottom line of most studies into human error indicates that humans are more likely to
make an error if they are:

• Required to make an important decision quickly under emergency conditions.

• Required to make multiple decisions in a short time span. Bored or complacent.
• Poorly trained in procedures.
• Physically or mentally incapable.
• Subjected to confusing or conflicting displays or data.
• Unqualified for their job.” [10]

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Category Description Probability that PFD SIL

1 Normal Operator Response – In order for an operator to 90% 0.1 1
respond normally to a dangerous situation, the following
criteria should be true:
• Ample indications exist that there is a condition
requiring a shutdown
• Operator has been trained in proper response
• Operator has ample time (> 20 minutes) to perform
the shutdown
• Operator is ALWAYS monitoring the process
(relieved for breaks)

2 Drilled Response – All of the conditions for a normal 99% 0.01 2

operator intervention are satisfied and a “drilled response”
program is in place at the facility.
• Drilled response exists when written procedures,
which are strictly followed, are drilled or repeatedly
trained by the operations staff.
• The drilled set of shutdowns forms a small fraction
of all alarms where response is so highly practiced
that its implementation is automatic
• This condition is RARELY achieved in most process

3 Response Unlikely / Unreliable – ALL of the conditions for a 0% 1.0 0

normal operator intervention probability have NOT been

Table 1 – Simplified Technique for Estimating Operator Response [11]

Potential alarms can also be identified via the Safety Requirements Specification (SRS) or added during
Design and Engineering. Alarms can be created to support the integrity of the safety system by indicating
a demand on a safety layer, a failure of a partial stoke test, or a detected failure in safety system hardware
that does not take the process to a safe state.

The purpose of Rationalization is to find the minimum set of alarms that are needed to keep the process
safe and in the normal operating range. Rationalization involves reviewing and justifying potential alarms
to ensure that they meet the criteria for being an alarm as defined in the philosophy. It also involves
defining the attributes of each alarm (such as limit, priority, classification, and type) as well as
documenting the consequence, response time, and operator action. Although safety alarms generally

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tend to be some of the most critical in a plant, they still must go through the rationalization process. The
product of rationalization is a list of configuration requirements recorded in the Master Alarm Database

During rationalization, each alarm is examined to ensure it indicates an abnormal condition requiring a
response from the operator. The allowable response time is documented. This information can be used
to determine if an alarm should be used as a layer of protection.

Classification is an important activity during rationalization. The purpose of classification is to identify

groups of alarms with similar characteristics and common requirements for training, testing,
documentation, data retention, report generation, or management of change. The following are
examples of classifications that might be assigned to safety-related alarms to help track and manage them
through the entire lifecycle:

• Critical to Process Safety

• Critical to Environmental Protection

These classes are examples of Highly Managed Alarm (HMA) classes, and are subject to special
requirements for operator training, frequency of testing, and archiving of alarm records for proof of
regulatory compliance.

Alarm class is useful for managing alarms in the alarm system. It does not assist the operator. Alarm class
may be related to the consequence associated with the alarm, but it is more often dependent on the
method used to identify the alarm.

Prioritization is another important part of rationalization. Alarm priority is typically determined based on
the severity of the potential consequences and the time to respond. Analysis of the severity of
consequences is an activity that is common with the safety lifecycle. Most companies have a well
established risk matrix that may be used for risk assessments and SIS design, typically established by a
corporate risk management group. If possible the information in this risk matrix (consequence
descriptions and categories) should be used as a basis for formulation of an alarm severity matrix for
consistency. Risk matrices can often be large (example 6 x 6). ISA-18.2 recommends no more than 3 – 4
different alarm priorities in a system, so sometimes modifications are necessary to adjust for the reduced

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Consequence Consequence Consequence Consequence Consequence

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5
Personnel Negligible Minor or no injury, Single injury, not One or more Fatality or
no lost time. severe, possible severe injury(s). permanently
lost time. disabling injury.

Community Negligible No injury, hazard, Odor or noise One or more minor One or more
or annoyance to annoyance injury(s). severe injury(s)
public. complaint from

Environmental Negligible Recordable with no Release which Significant release Significant release
agency notification results in agency with serious offsite with serious offsite
or permit violation. notification or impact. impact and more
permit violation. likely than not to
cause immediate
or long term health
Financial Minimal Some equipment Some equipment Major equipment Major or total
equipment damage damage at an damage at an damage at an destruction to
at an estimated estimated cost of estimated cost of estimated cost of process area(s)
cost of less than $100,000 to $100,000 to $1,000,000 to estimated at a cost
$10,000. $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $10,000,000 greater than

Table 2. Example Risk Matrix

Alarm priority is an attribute which is used to help the operator determine which alarm should be
addressed first. To optimize operator response it is recommended that no more than three or four
different priorities be used. Priority should be set based on the severity of the consequences and the time
to respond as shown in Figure 6. For a safety alarm it is important to work with the direct (proximate)
consequences and not the ultimate consequences which could occur after a series of failures.

Maximum Time To Consequence Consequence Consequence

Respond Severity: MINOR Severity: MAJOR Severity: SEVERE

> 30 Minutes No Alarm* No Alarm* No Alarm*

10 to 30 minutes Low Low Medium

3 to 10 Low Medium Medium

< 3 minutes Medium High High

Figure 6. Example Alarm Priority Matrix [12]

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Determination of the alarm setpoint (limit) is another key activity during rationalization. Limits for safety
alarms should be set taking into account the rate of change of the PV, process deadtime, the consequence
threshold, and the operator’s time to respond– which is part of the process safety time.

Figure 7 Operator Response Time vs. Process Safety Time

In the detailed design stage of the alarm lifecycle, an alarm is designed to meet the requirements
documented in the alarm philosophy and the Master Alarm Database. The alarm design stage includes
the basic alarm design, setting parameters like the alarm deadband or off-delay time, advanced alarm
design, where process or equipment state is used to automatically suppress an alarm, and HMI design,
displaying the alarm to the operator so that they can effectively detect, diagnose, and respond.

Poor basic design and configuration practices are a leading cause of alarm management issues. Good
configuration of alarm parameters like deadband and on/off delays can help prevent nuisance alarms,
which obscures the operator’s view, and false trips of safety alarms.

HMI design is concerned with the presentation of the alarm to the operator so that they can effectively
diagnose, detect, and respond to it. Optimal use of color, text and patterns help make it easy for the
operator to distinguish changes in alarm status. Reserving specific colors for alarms by priority ensures
that alarms “jump off the page” at the operator. In cases where independent HMIs are used for SIS and
BPCS (such as when an alarm has a risk reduction factor > 10), the SIS alarm status may be brought into
the BPCS HMI (read only) as a means of providing the operator with the “big” picture, which is important
for operator situational awareness.

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In advanced alarm design, equipment or plant state (called plant mode in ISA-84) may be used to
automatically suppress an alarm. In general, designed suppression is used to ensure that only alarms
relevant to current plant conditions are annunciated to the operator. The display of safety alarms should
typically not be suppressed without significant process and engineering analysis. On the other hand if
safety alarms can be triggered during conditions when they are not relevant, then the design should be
modified to take this into account.

Implementation is the stage where an alarm is put into operation. It consists of training, testing, and
commissioning. The functional safety lifecycle includes an analogous stage for installation,
commissioning and validation. Testing and training are ongoing activities, particularly as new
instrumentation and alarms are added to the system over time or process designs changes are made.
Commissioning of safety instrumented systems may include the implementation of alarms. Alarms that
are part of a SIF will also be validated.

For alarms to be effective, it is fundamental that the operator know what to do in response to the alarm.
Initial and periodic training are necessary due to the dynamic nature of the process plant environment.
Training on how to respond to safety alarms is critically important as these alarms will not occur
frequently. As demonstrated in Table 1, the operator’s ability to respond correctly to an alarm (as
influenced by training) is clearly linked to its value as an independent layer of protection in an SIS.

During the operation stage, the alarm system performs its function of notifying the operator of the
presence of an abnormal situation. The HMI provides multiple tools to help the operator manage and
respond to alarms. These include the ability to shelve alarms and to place alarms out-of-service. Shelving
is critical for helping an operator respond effectively during a plant upset by manually hiding less
important alarms and keeping more important alarms, such as safety alarms, in the operator’s view.
Alarms that are shelved will reappear after a preset time period. The alarm philosophy should state if
shelving of safety alarms is allowed.

Operator response can be improved by making available the information fleshed out during
rationalization. Providing the alarm’s cause, potential consequence, corrective action, and time to
respond, all in context can maximize the likelihood that the operator responds correctly. Alarms that
indicate an activation or a malfunction of the SIS may require an investigation and may kick off the process
to perform a timely component repair (to be < the MTTR).

Maintenance is the stage where an alarm is taken out-of-service for repair, replacement, or testing. The
process of placing an alarm out-of-service transitions the alarm from the operation stage to the
maintenance stage, where it is no longer capable of performing its function of indicating the need for the
operator to take action. ISA-18.2 defines the recommended elements of the procedure to remove an
alarm from service and return it to service. The out-of-service state is not a function of the process
equipment, rather an administrative process of suppressing (bypassing) an alarm using a permit system.

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Safety alarms may require management approval and additional safe guards implemented before the
operator removes them from service. These additional elements may be the use of internal administrative
procedures to effectively mitigate the hazard during the period which the alarm is out of service or the
use of other equipment or systems. It is important that clear guidance is provided by these procedures
on who must be notified and what other indication will be provided to the operator to avoid the abnormal
situation. It is also recommended that all out-of-service alarms be reviewed before starting up a unit or
piece of equipment that had been down for maintenance. This is particularly important for safety alarms.
The Chemical Safety Board investigation found that the explosion at the Texas City Refinery was in part
caused by a malfunctioning level alarm whose operation had not been verified before restarting the
isomerization unit. [13]

The safety lifecycle calls for regular testing of safety instrumented functions to verify the integrity of the
system. Alarms that are part of a SIF should be tested regularly to verify operation and if possible that
the operator responds correctly.

Assessment & Monitoring

During the Monitoring and Assessment stage the performance of the alarm system is analyzed and
compared against recommended key performance indicators stated in the philosophy. Alarm overload is
a key reason why operators “miss” alarms. One key performance metric is the rate at which alarms are
presented to the operator. In order to provide adequate time to respond effectively, an operator should
be presented with no more than one to two alarms every ten minutes. A related metric, shown in Table
3, is the percentage of ten minute intervals in which the operator received more than ten alarms (which
indicates the presence of an alarm flood). Obviously if operators are overloaded with alarms, then it
decreases the likelihood that they will respond correctly in the event of a safety alarm.

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Alarm Performance Metrics Based

upon at least 30 days of data

Metric Target Value

Target Value: Very Likely to be Target Value: Maximum Manageable

Annunciated Alarms per Time:
Annunciated Alarms Per Day per
Operating Position
~150 alarms per day ~300 alarms per day
Annunciated Alarms Per Hour per
Operating Position
~6 (average) ~12 (average)
Annunciated Alarms Per 10
Minutes per Operating Position
~1 (average) ~2 (average)
Metric Target Value

Percentage of hours containing more

than 30 alarms
Percentage of 10-minute periods
containing more than 10 alarms
Maximum number of alarms in a 10
minute period
Percentage of time the alarm system is
in a flood condition
Percentage contribution of the top 10
most frequent alarms to the overall
alarm load
~<1% to 5% maximum, with action plans to address deficiencies.
Quantity of chattering and fleeting
Zero, action plans to correct any that occur.
Stale Alarms Less than 5 present on any day, with action plans to address

3 priorities: ~80% Low, ~15% Medium, ~5% High or

4 priorities: ~80% Low, ~15% Medium, ~5% High, ~<1% “highest”
Other special-purpose priorities excluded from the calculation
Annunciated Priority Distribution
Zero alarms suppressed outside of controlled or approved methodologies
Unauthorized Alarm Suppression
Unauthorized Alarm Attribute Changes Zero alarm attribute changes outside of approved methodologies or

Table 3. ISA-18.2 Alarm Performance Metrics

Another key activity during this stage is identifying “nuisance” alarms - which are alarms that annunciate
excessively, unnecessarily, or do not return to normal after the correct response is taken (e.g., chattering,
fleeting, or stale alarms). The presence of these alarms can interfere with the operator’s ability to detect
and respond to safety alarms.

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Monitoring of alarm system performance can be used to maintain the integrity of the safety system. Also
the reliability of an alarm cannot be determined without an understanding of the overall performance of
the alarm system. Reports can be generated which document alarms that are triggered indicating that a
demand has been placed on a SIF. The frequency of LOPA alarms (alarms that are listed in a layer of
protection analysis) can be used to evaluate and validate the assumptions of initiating event frequency.
Overall performance has a direct impact on the operator’s ability to successfully respond to individual
alarms. A poorly performing alarm system correlates to the Response Unlikely / Unreliable level shown
in Table 1.

Management of Change
The management of change (MOC) stage entails the use of tools and procedures to ensure that
modifications to the alarm system (including the addition of alarms, changes to alarms, and the deletion
of alarms) are properly reviewed and authorized. Once the change is approved, the modified alarm is
treated as identified and processed through the stages of rationalization, detailed design and
implementation. Documentation including the MAD is updated and the operators are trained on the
changes so they understand how to respond.

Modifications to the SIS may include changes to alarms, which would then be subject to the alarm
management MOC process. Decommissioning of a SIF or SIS may also include the need to change or
remove alarms. Changes to existing safety alarms not initiated from safety lifecycle activities would
require review from the appropriate personnel. It may also require SIS lifecycle calculations to support
the change. Proper documentation and enforcement of MOC procedures ensures that unauthorized
changes of safety alarms do not occur.

The main activities in the audit stage are the periodic review of the work processes and the performance
of the alarm system. The goal is to maintain the integrity of the alarm system throughout its lifecycle and
to identify areas of improvement. One example is auditing how safety alarms are handled throughout the
lifecycle. This may indicate the need for additional operator training or new procedures related to
management of change or testing. Changes resulting from the audit process must be rolled in to the alarm
philosophy document. They may also necessitate the need to review the existing alarms and to cycle back
through the other stages of the alarm lifecycle.

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1. ANSI/ISA ISA18.00.02-2009 “Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries”.
2. Bransby ML and Jenkinson J., The Management of Alarm Systems, HSE Contract Research Report 166/1998 ISBN
07176 15154, First published 1998.
3. Campbell Brown, D., “Horses for Courses – A Vision for Alarm Management,” IBC Seminar on “Alarm systems,”
London, June 26-27, 2002.
4. ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 Part 1 (IEC 61511-1 Mod) “Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the
Process Industry Sector”.
5. Stauffer, T., Sands, N., and Dunn, D., “Alarm Management and ISA-18 – A Journey, Not a Destination” Texas
A&M Instrumentation Symposium (2010).
6. Campbell Brown, D., “Alarm System Performance – One Size Fits All?”, Measurment & Control, May 2003.
7. Nimmo, I., “Rescue Your Plant from Alarm Overload,” Chemical Processing, January 2005.
8. Reising, D.V. and Montgomery, T., “Achieving Effective Alarm System Performance: Results of ASM Consortium
Benchmarking against the EEMUA Guide for Alarm Systems,” 20th.
9. IEC-61882 ‘Hazard and operability studies (HAZOP studies) – Application guide’ 2001
10. Nimmo, I., “The Operator as IPL,” Hydrocarbon Engineering, September 2005.
11. Marszal, E. and Scharpf, E. “Safety Integrity Level Selection”. ISA (2002)
12. Hollifield, B. and Habibi, E., “Alarm Management: Seven Effective Methods for Optimum Performance,” ISA,
13. “BP America Refinery Explosion” U.S. CHEMICAL SAFETY BOARD www.chemsafety.gov/investigations

Revision History
Authors: Todd Stauffer, Nicholas P. Sands, Donald G. Dunn
Presented at ISA Safety & Security Symposium (April 2010)

Connecting Alarm Management and SIS, Copyright © exida.com LLC 2018-2020 Page 17
excellence in dependable automation

exida – Who we are.

exida is one of the world’s leading accredited certification and knowledge companies
specializing in automation system cybersecurity, safety, and availability. Founded in 2000
by several of the world’s top reliability and safety experts, exida is a global company with
offices around the world. exida offers training, coaching, project-oriented consulting
services, standalone and internet-based safety and cybersecurity engineering tools,
detailed product assurance and certification analysis, and a collection of online safety,
reliability, and cybersecurity resources. exida maintains a comprehensive failure rate and
failure mode database on electrical and mechanical components, as well as automation
equipment based on hundreds of field failure data sets representing over 350 billion unit
operating hours.
exida Certification is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) accredited
independent certification organization that performs functional safety (IEC 61508 family
of standards) and cybersecurity (IEC 62443 family of standards) certification
exida Engineering provides the users of automation systems with the knowledge to cost-
effectively implement automation system cybersecurity, safety, and high availability
solutions. The exida team will solve complex issues in the fields of functional safety,
cybersecurity, and alarm management, like unique voting arrangement analysis,
quantitative consequence analysis, or rare event likelihood analysis, and stands ready to
assist when needed.
exida believes that safety, high availability, and cybersecurity are achieved when more
people understand the topics. Therefore, exida has developed a successful training suite
of online, on-demand, and web-based instructor-led courses and on-site training provided
either as part of a project or by standard courses. The course content and subjects range
from introductory to advanced. The exida website lists the continuous range of courses
offered around the world.
Knowledge Products
exida Innovation has made the process of designing, installing, and maintaining a safety
and high availability automation system easier, as well as providing a practical
methodology for managing cybersecurity across the entire lifecycle. Years of experience
in the industry have allowed a crystallization of the combined knowledge that is converted
into useful tools and documents, called knowledge products. Knowledge products include
procedures for implementing cybersecurity, the Safety Lifecycle tasks, software tools, and
templates for all phases of design.

Tools and Products for End User Support

• exSILentia® – Integrated Safety Lifecycle Tool

Connecting Alarm Management and SIS, Copyright © exida.com LLC 2018-2020 Page 18
excellence in dependable automation

o PHAx™ (Process Hazard Analysis)

o LOPAx™ (Layer of Protection Analysis)

o SILAlarm™ (Alarm Management and Rationalization)

o SILect™ (SIL Selection and Layer of Protection Analysis)

o Process SRS (PHA based Safety Requirements Specification definition)

o SILver™ (SIL verification)

o Design SRS (Conceptual Design based Safety Requirements Specification


o Cost (Lifecycle Cost Estimator and Cost Benefit Analysis)

o PTG (Proof Test Generator)

o SILstat™ (Life Event Recording and Monitoring)

• exSILentia® Cyber- Integrated Cybersecurity Lifecycle Tool

o CyberPHAx™ (Cybersecurity Vulnerability and Risk Assessment)

o CyberSL™ (Cyber Security Level Verification)

Tools and Products for Manufacturer Support

• FMEDAx (FMEDA tool including the exida EMCRH database)

• ARCHx (System Analysis tool; Hardware and Software Failure, Dependent

Failure, and Cyber Threat Analysis)

For any questions and/or remarks regarding this White Paper or any of the services
mentioned, please contact exida:
exida.com LLC
80 N. Main Street
Sellersville, PA, 18960
+1 215 453 1720
+1 215 257 1657 FAX

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