Beard CV 16
Beard CV 16
Beard CV 16
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. in Literature
2014 University of California at Santa Cruz
Dissertation Title: Bounda trouble: Emily Dickinson and the Archive
Co-chairs: Carla Freccero and Jody Greene; Reader: Kirsten SilvaGruesz
M.A. in English (emphasis in Poetics)
2004 State University of New York at Buffalo
Thesis: Charles Olson, Susan Howe, and the Poetics of Enactment
Advisor: Myung Mi Kim
B.A. in Creative Writing
1999 San Francisco State University
Teaching Experience:
-Spring 2014-Spring 2016: Visiting Faculty at San Francisco Art
Institute, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies. English Language
Support for International Students, Developmental English, Second
Year Composition, Graduate Critical Theory.
-Fall 2012-Fall 2016: Lecturer in the English Department at SFSU: 1st
and 2nd year Composition, multiple subjects and METRO courses.
-Summer 2015: Stanford University Pre-collegiate Studies Instructor:
Compositional Writing
-Summer 2012: UCSC Summer Session Instructor: Introduction to
Literature: 19th Century Transcendentalisms.
-Fall 2011: Teaching Fellow in the Literature Department, UCSC: Emily
Dickinson: Upper Division Seminar.
-Fall 2011: Lecturer in Liberal Arts, Academy of Art University: 2 nd Year
-Summer 2011: UCSC Summer Session Instructor:
20 Century Poetry.
-Winter 2010-2012: Teaching Fellow in the Writing Program, UCSC.
Instructor of Second year writing: Composition and Rhetoric, multiple
-Spring 2009-2012: Associate Instructor of Creative Writing, UCSC:
Introduction to Creative Writing.
-Summer 2006: Summer School Teacher, Scotts Valley High School:
American Literature.
-Teaching Assistant:
-Aug 2013-June 2014: College Readiness and English language learner
resource. Wallenberg High School, San Francisco, Ca
- Spring 2009-present: Invited lecturer in AVID classrooms. Leigh High
School, Los Gatos, Ca& Del Mar High School, Campbell, Ca.
-Summer 2008-2010: English Language Learner tutor/instructor, drop
in tutor, Mission Book project tutor and editorial board member (all
volunteer) at 826 Valencia Writing Center, San Francisco, Ca.
-Research and Travel Grant for travel to Amherst College Frost Library
and Special Collections, UCSC Department of Literature; December
-NINES (Networked Infrastructure for Nineteenth-Century Electronic
Scholarship) fellowship to attend the Digital Humanities Summer
Institute in the Summer of 2011; NINES, November 2010.
-Concurrent HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology
Advanced Collaborative) scholar and California Humanities Scholar; UC
Humanities Research Institute, 2010-11 academic year.
-Susie Pfingstel Memorial Scholarship; Services for Transfer and Reentry Students, June 29, 2010.
-Graduate Student Fellowship; Emily Dickinson International Society,
January 2009.
-Doctoral Student Sabbatical Fellowship for Winter Quarter 2009; UCSC
Graduate Division, September 2008.
-Research and Travel Grant to attend Rare Book School week long
seminar at University of Virginia, UCSC Department of Literature; June
-Research and Travel Grant to attend SHARP conference in Minneapolis,
Minnesota, UCSC Department of Literature; June 2007.
-Summer Q.E. Preparation Fellowship, UCSC Department of Literature;
June 2007.
-Summer Language Fellowship, UCSC Department of Literature; March
-Regents Fellowship, UCSC Department of Literature; 2005.
Presentations Conferences:
Co-organizer and presenter at Jobs With Justice SF Workers Rights
Board Hearing, September 2015
- Co-organizer and presenter at Gender and the Archive Special
Session, Modern Language Association, January 2015.
-The Dickinson Archive: How are we to think of there? at the
Composition: Making Meaning Through Design Symposium. UCSB, May
-Containing the Multitudes: Explorations in Practical Collaborations in
the Humanities, Knowledge, Capital, Critique: The University and the
Humanities in the Ongoing Transformation of Capitalism Seminar,
American Comparative Literature Association, March 2014.
-The Inner Workings of a Mechanical Heart: hope for the plastic life of
the digital archive at the Politics of the Digital Symposium, UCSC, Feb
1, 2014.
-How are we to imagine there?: radical scholarship in the archive at
the Modern Language Association, January 9, 2014.
-Jay Leydas Layered Archive at the College Book Art Association
conference, January 3, 2014.
-Far From the Reality of Their Loves: Textual Editing, Virtual Readers
and the Unstable Text at the Society for Textual Scholarship; Emily
Dickinson International Society Panel, May 2012.
Bounda trouble: Dickinson beyond the book at C19 (19th Century
Americanists) conference; Pedagogy and Digital Technology
Roundtable, April 2012.
-How human nature dotes/on what it cant detect: close reading
editorial methodology in Dickinson studies at the Society for Textual
Scholarship; Emily Dickinson International Society Panel, March 2011.
-"Concealment and Revelation: Emily Dickinson, Marcel Duchamp and
the Poesis of the Archive" on the Emily Dickinson International Society
Panel, ALA Conference; May 2010.
-Gertrude Stein and William James on the Poetry and Philosophy
panel, Midwest MLA annual meeting; November 2008.
-Bounda trouble position paper at the Editing Whitman and
Dickinson Special Seminar at the Association of Literary Scholars and
Critics annual meeting; October 2008.
- A Letter is a Joy of Earth: the Ethics of Editing Emily Dickinson
at the Society for Textual Scholarship; March 2008.
- Authorial Innovation in Editing Emily Dickinsons Lord Letters at
the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing; July,
-An Ethics of Resistance in the unanswerable questions of political
responsibility at The Unanswerable Questions of Political