Dark Ages - Clan Novel 03 - Cappadocian
Dark Ages - Clan Novel 03 - Cappadocian
Dark Ages - Clan Novel 03 - Cappadocian
Andrew Bates
AD 1204
ISBN 1-58846-819-4
First Edition: November 2002
Printed in Canada
White Wolf Publishing
1554 Litton Drive
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
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Part:Two: Mount Erciyes
Part Three: Cairo
Part Four: Bahariya Oasis
Chapter One
14 April, 1204
Markus Musa Giovanni roused his considerable bulk
from slumber even as the sunset stained the western sky.
He was not normally such an early riser, but this was far
from a normal time. His rest during the past two days had
been disrupted by the terror and pillage that swept the
city above.
Standing at the center of a storm of change, he lacked
a clear view of which way the winds blew. Too many possibilities existed to allow easy insight into his best course
of action. Markus had spent the previous night weighing
options. While he had at least narrowed his choices, none
of the alternatives that remained was without risk.
Markus could return home, to Venice and to his family. Safe from the ravages Constantinople suffered this
night, he could relate all that he had learned during his
years in the Queen of Cities. Alas, there was precious little
worth telling. He had yet to succeed at what he had once
thought was a laughably simple task. And to stand before
the familial patriarch, the great Augustus Giovanni, with
nothing more than excuses in hand.. .?
Markus dismissed the thought. He could claim that
the challenges he faced were greater than anyone had
expected, but that was nothing more than pathetic
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I have.
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Cappadocia n
Chapter Two
15 April, 1204
Were he mortal, Markus would still set a brisk pace.
He was a mountain of a man, legs like tree trunks eating
almost two yards at every stride. Even as a youth in Venice
a century before hed been big-large but powerful and
deceptively fast-eaming the nickname lorso, the bear.
Entry into the ranks of the undead had only increased
this stamina further.
Though hardier than any mortal, Markus had no interest in testing himself against the men who savaged
Constantinople this night. Trained in the art of combat
he might be, but Markus preferred to avoid physical conflict. He was a scholar first and foremost, and turned to
violence only when logic or persuasion failed. It did help
that Markus cut such an imposing figure that others were
usually willing to listen to reason. Still, that was not possible this night. There was no reasoning with those who
overran Constantinople, nor with those who waged a futile effort to defend their fair city.
just as there is no reasoning with that witch Alexia,
Markus thought. Would that 1 could cast as& parley and
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time. This gift made the two retainers more than mortal-ghouls, in the parlance of the undead. Stronger and
sturdier than an average man, they could keep up, though
they had no breath to spare for idle banter.
Silence was preferable anyway, as the sack of
Constantinople had reached fever pitch. Anyone they
encountered would care little that Markus and his men
were allied neither with Latin crusader nor Byzantine defender. Invisible mouths whispered soundlesswords in his
ears, guiding him around the clusters of armed men scrambling through the ash-covered streets.
Infantino and the other ghostly slaves Markus had
bound into his service over the course of his unlife were
assets, but they were not infallible. He and his ghouls had
covered just ovet half the distance to the northern wall
when a voice rang out. Markus bit back a reprimand; the
shades would be punished later for their oversight. The
hidden sentry was of immediate concern.
The cry came again, louder and more demanding.
French, Markus murmured,eyes scanning the street
with preternaturalsharpness. Crusader. There, behind the
shuttered window. He demands our colors and allegiance.
We investigated the forces when they arrived months
ago, Signore,Falsinar said. Choose a name and we are
on our way.
Unless I happen to choose the very ones we have
just run into. No; we have no time for delays. Beltramose,
shut this fool up. Markus stepped forward, calling out in
French a few delaying platitudes that covered the sound
of leather swinging in the darkness.
The sentry forgot some of his caution upon hearing
the familiar tongue of his homeland. He opened the shutter a crack for a better view of the strangers below. An
iron pellet sped through the crack and smashed into the
crusaders temple, cutting off his final words in mid-sentence. Beltramose stuffed the sling back into his belt and
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from his lips as the red pearls fell upon the dead, and the
corpses jerked as if each phrase and each droplet were a
hammer blow.
Compelled by Markuss will, vampiric blood suffused
the bodies and,fmed scorched mLscles and ligaments to
re-knit. Channeled by Cappadmian magic, dark energy was
drawn from the netherwarld to quicken carbonized flesh.. .
...and the first of the corpse knights stirred to action.
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Markus watched his corpse knights tear into the crusaders. One of the Franks made a valiant attempt to rally
his men, but the gesture proved futile. The animated bodies fought with a ferocity that defied description.
Less than ten minutes after it had begun, the battle
was done. Freshly slain remains littered the street along
with the blackened corpses of the temporarily resurrected. Markus Musa Giovanni stepped from the
burned-out warehouse and summoned the remaining
five corpse knights to his side. Murder incarnate, the
walking dead hungered to be free from the one who,
through dark ritual and power of his cursed blood, had
woken them and now bound them. He maintained iron
control to hold them in tine. He would dissipate the
death energies after the corpse knights cleared a path
through the Port of Neorion.
Falsinar and Beltramose shouldered their packs and,
with not a little trepidation,ventured onto the street. Stepping gingerly to avoid the many splashes of gore, the men
followed their lord from the city of Constantinople.
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Chapter Three
West of Constantinople
23 April, 1204
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and their contents. Their observationsconfirmed that almost everything of note had been looted, destroyed, or
spirited from the city. Unfortunate, to be sure, but Markus
was confident that a certain cache remained hidden within
the bowels of Constantinople.
Problem was, hed been stymied in every attempt to
date to track that particular cache to its source. The reason was simple enough: Markus sought the lair of his fellow
Cappadocian, Alexia Theusa. He had hunted Alexias
haven for years, ever since her adversarial position became clear. Markus continued trying to win her over, of
course, but he was not adverse to raiding Alexias lair if
thats what it took to uncover her secrets.
I t was proving quite a challenge. Vampires were
paranoid about keeping their havens secret. They had
no greater fear than being exposed during the day, while
they were at their most vulnerable. Still, with the secret resource of phantoms at his command, Markus had
reasoned it was only a matter of time before he found
Alexias private nest. After losing two shades in the
course of his investigations, he had been forced to reevaluate the matter.
Now, at last, it appeared that the perfect opportunity
to make his move had come.
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Ah, but wisdom. The odd man out. Without wisdom to temper power, failure is assured. It matters not
the task, from the simplest chore to the greatest venture
one can imagine. The vampire spun to face his men.
Yes, Falsinar. The Nosferatu in fallen Constantinople
are not Latin. Nor is their scion, Malachite. But this
makes them no less worthy of respect. Only a fool assumes he is superior without first taking close measure of
his opponent. Why do you think I was always the polite
visitor in this land? Why is it that I never pressed the
reputation of Clan Cappadocian or the power of my family upon those with whom I dealt? Because whatever my
power, a score of others there could render me to dust
with but a flick of the wrist!
Falsinar and Beltramose exchanged a look. Markus
was known for lapsing into lecture, a byproduct of his
mortal years as a scholar. Yet the ghouls had seldom seen
Markus vent to this extent. Unsure of their role, they remained mute while Markus prowled like the bear that was
his nickname. Silence, punctuated by the occasional crack
and pop from the fire, stretched for a minute or more.
Regaining some measure of equilibrium at last,
Markus returned to his seat by the fire. Apologies,gentlemen. It has been a difficult time for us all. But please;
Malachite should be accorded respect. I have had few dealings with him, but he was always considerate. More than
can be said for my clanmate, Alexia.
Falsinar nodded. So do we follow her, then?
I had considered it, but no. Alexia is skilled enough
at keeping things from the phantoms that even Infantino
could not glean where she and Malachite are headed. Besides, I do not think she would be any more forthcoming
with me elsewhere in the world than she has been here.
Markus scratched at his dark beard, considering the constant frustration he had faced in dealing with the ancient
vampire. No, I will learn more by finding her lair. She
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theless containing great urgency. Concentrating on interpreting the sound rather than being seduced by it, he soon
determined that he was not its focus. Still, even with over
a dozen languages at his command, Markus could not place
the muttering that echoed through the crypts. He stole
forward, the voice growing somewhat louder but hardly
more distinct.
A mt?hngeofhnguages,Markus realized. Greek, Latin,
Arabic, Chaldean, Aramaic ... at least two others. Many
tongues, but spoken with one voice.
Caution and curiosity battled within him. He moved
his bulk as silently as the narrow tunnels allowed, determined to find the source of this mystery. A glimmer became
visible further down one corridor. Torchlight, from the
reflected flickering. Aided by the illumination,he moved
with greater confidence. Another turn and he saw a large
chamber-the tomb of the Emperor Constantine.
A single guttering torch revealed a sarcophagus in the
center ofthe mom The heavy lid was pushed off, lying forgotten on the floor to one side. A long sword in an unadorned
sheath leaned against the other side. An armored figure--unmistakably someone other than the long-dead
in the open casket. He was large,not asthickConstanth-t
set as Markus but formidable nonetheless. His chain mail
gleamed dully in the torchlight, under a white mantle embossed wtth the redeght-pointedcross ofthe Knights Templar.
His apparel was so clean in comparison to the musty chamber
that it veritably glowed. Fair hair fell from a wide brow that
suggested intelligence and compassion. Yet the figures mouth
hung slack l i e a simpletons, a string of pinktsh drool maning
his otherwise impeccable attire. His eyelids fluttered over pupils rolled up to reveal nothing but white. His large, mailed
arms hung at the elbow over the caskets edge, hands twitching in irregular counterpointto the ongoing murmur.
Markus might have pondered the incongruity of a
warrior of Christ desecrating the burial place of
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Chapter Four
North of Constantinople
24 April, 1204
He was called Sir Hugh of Clairvaux of the Knights
Templar. He was also of the Ventrue, a clan of vampire
nobles who considered themselves best-suited to rule of
all the undead. Markus learned the vampire knights identity later, after following him from the crypts beneath the
Church of the Holy Apostles. T h e Templar left
Constantines tomb moments after Markus stepped away,
cramming himself into an alcove in a hasty attempt to
hide. Sir Hugh wandered by, still in oblivious thrall to the
guardian of the catacombs.
After a brief internal debate, Markus went in pursuit.
With the aid of his spectral slaves, Markus tracked the
knight to a military camp outside t h e walls of
Constantinople. Strangely, the ghosts were as unwilling
to approach the knight as they were to descend into the
crypts. They did, at least, glean the Templars name when
the knight was greeted by an underling.
It was clear that Sir Hugh of Clairvaux was a creature of some power and influence. Though secretly one of
the undead, he led an entire troop of Templars. Markus
had sensed the knights piety; true warriors of Christ were
they. The same could be said of Hugh, despite his undead
The night had grown short by then, so Markus tracked
down Falsinar and Beltramose. The ghouls had encamped
in the tumbledown ruin of a cottage, and were hard at
work preparing a suitable resting place for their lord.
Markus just had time to slip into his new lair before the
lethargy of dawn overtook him.
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There is no question that your knowledge and wisdom are great, Signore. Yet is this continued waiting the
best course?
Markus quirked a thick brow. It is as if you have
plucked the very thought from my mind.
Half expecting anger at voicing such presumption,
Beltramose was thrown off his stride. Ah. I assure you
that I lack such an ability, Signore.
That may change, should you prove yourself worthy
to receive my Embrace. Markus waved that topic away
for another time. Worry not, gentlemen. I have considered this matter with some intensity these past weeks.
Curious as I am to know what Lady Alexia wants with an
Egyptian Crusade, we lack the luxury of waiting indefinitely for understanding.
SOyou think the Lady Alexia is behind the Lamias
influence?Falsinar asked.
Like as not. The creature has been content to do
nothing more than guard Alexia Theusas lair for.. . well,
for how long, only God may say. It is possible that the
witch seized the opportunity of the recent chaos to enact
some plan-but it may be that Lady Alexia did the same.
Still ignorant of the source of motivation, Markus was
nonethelessgripped with increasing unease as he wimessed
its effects. The Lamia had become more than a simple
impediment to his interests. She was a corrupting force
out of proportion with the power he sensed. Memories of
heaped corpses and degenerate ceremonies in the darkness under the Church of the Apostles flashed through
his mind. Markus shook off the visions with an effort of
will. Whatever the case, we have reached a point where
simply watching from the shadows gains us nothing.
The time has come to act, gentlemen.
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Chapter Five
15 July, 1204
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captive, Markus missed much of the Assamites subsequent rambling about Clan Cappadocian.
But tell me quickly, the old man said at last, why
you are here in this fair city.
Curiosity about this place, about the Church of
the Apostles, and what special treasures it might hold.
In hopes of forming a bond of shared interest, he added,
I have a penchant for wanting to sate my curiosity,
Im afraid.
That, I can certainly understand, the Assamite
replied, his aura suggesting that gathering knowledge
bordered on obsession. And, perhaps most pointedly,
what is your interest in dogging the steps of Sir Hugh
of Clairvaux?
A question 1 would ask of you as well, my friend. Yes,
rhat, well.. , he has a connection to this place.
These tunnels?
Not the tunnels exactly.
By Ar-Rahman, you should not play so with an old
mans curiosity. It is difficult to tell when such games might
get out of hand.
I meant no disrespect, Markus said, smiling despite
the Assamites threat. The wizened vampires hunger for
knowledge was unmistakable. Now to gamble if this could
be steered to benefit Markuss agenda. It simply occurred
to me that you and I might not be at cross-purposes. Assuming, that is, that youre here to stop his mad crusade,
and that you havent done so yet out of concern that something might be behind him.
Seeing the Assamites thinly veiled eagerness, the final elements of a new plan fell into place. Yes, well, then
perhapsthere is something of interest I can show you in
these tunnels. Its not too far off.
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The aged figure hesitated but a single mortal heartbeat. He withdrew the knife and gave Markus room to
rise. Show me, he said.
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Egypt. He has been put up to this by Lady Alexias guardian, though I know not why as yet. This Fair as much as
revealed that he and a few others are here to stop it. But if
they destroy Sir Hygh, might not the Lamia simply find
another proxy?: Jr . /,,
Ah.. . But if the Lamia is destroyed, the Assamites
need fear no subsequent campaigns bnce the present one
is dealt with.
Exactly, Falsinar. Markus noted that this logic did
little to reassure his men. I do not discount your concerns, gentlemen. But the Lamia must be destroyed, and I
must find Lady Alexias haven before she returns. The
Templar is useless to me, as are his men. Fajr and his associates, however, are of the blood. They possess the
necessary skills.
But Saracens, Signore? Especially Cainite Saracens!
You put us in peril, dealing with ones such as they.
I grant that it is a risk, making an arrangement with
these creatures, Markus replied with some heat. But I
must take such chances if I hope to fulfill my obligations
to the family. Do not forget, gentlemen, that we are
charged with gathering any knowledge that will help secure the Giovanni as equals within Clan Cappadocian.
Lady Alexia has proven unwilling to form an alliance, but
that in no way lessens her usefulness to our cause. I will
have no better chance of entering her lair, and learning
what secretsshe keeps there, than now. And the Assamites
offer the best chance for me to accomplish this.
The ghouls were silent in the face of their masters
rebuke. After a frown of contemplation, Beltramose said,
I cannot dispute your logic, Signure. But I confess to unease at making a pact with Assamites. Who is to say they
may not decide you are a threat to their plans once they
destroy the Lamia?
I am confident Fairs primary desire is to remove the
Lamia from this world. There is no doubt that she is the
, I .
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C appadocian
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dor. It was silent for a moment but for the scrape of their
boots, then came the murmured echoes as they took up
their perennial chattering.
Markus took his own lamp and approached the wall
to the left of the chambers entryway. It was nondescript,
but that meant little. Lady Alexia was cunning in the
extreme. A panel or lever could be hidden as anything,
even a simple stone block in the wall. A measured, scientific investigation was the best approach to be sure he
missed nothing.
Still, though the guardian was destroyed and Lady
Alexia was gone three months now, Markus did not assume he could investigate at his leisure. His instincts
said that she would be gone for some time-yet reason
suggested that since he did not know where Alexia had
journeyed to, whether she had reached her destination,
or if she was already returning to Constantinople, it
was safest to assume she might come back any night.
Given that, he would much prefer to have already gone
through Lady Alexias haven by the time the elder
Cappadocian returned.
Setting aside the distracting thoughts, Markus extracted a thin iron probe from his belt and began testing
each block in the chambers wall.
Two nights later, Markus was in a state. An exhaustive search of the catacombs under the Church of the Holy
Apostles had revealed a number of clever, hidden levers.
Manipulating them triggered a surprising and extensive
reconfigurationof the underground complex and revealed
a handful of secrer chambers, including the destroyed
Lamias resting place.
Yet not a single one opened upon the lair of Lady
Alexia Theusa.
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27 July, 1204
Feeding and a day's rest left Markus in a better frame
of mind to address the matter of the mysterious shard. It
contained tremendous power, but what was its nature? Its
promise of omniscience was no mere taunt. The simple
fragment somehow retained impressions of events surrounding it; perhaps even more than that.
Whatever the case, Markus was sure it was an object
of some value to Alexia. The Lamia must have been a
valued servant indeed to be trusted with the shard. Or
perhaps Alexia had used it to help hold the Lamia to her
will. Given that Markus suffered a kaleidoscope of impressions after only brief contact with the thing, it was
evident that tremendous power was required to keep from
being overwhelmed by the shard's influence. Markus had
to admit he lacked such potency; it was quite possible the
Lamia had as well. That would explain why she had acted
bizarrely even for one of her kind. Despite this danger, a
part of him yearned to take up the shard again. To h a w s
the power of such a thing; to learn its secrets.. . Withsufficient
control, it can be done.
He was certain of it, for he had captured a single complete memory in the instant when his rage overwhelmed
the fragment's chill. The image shone through the tumult
of remembrance even now.
--Lady Alexia Theusa stands in a large chamber, examining a corgse with great interest. The shadowed alcoves
surrounding her hide a multitude of secrets, and nearby tables
hold all manner of devices and curiosities-
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Ca ppadocian
His will was strong enough in that instant to command the fragment-albeit inadvertently-to show a
specific thing: Alexia in her lair. Though offering no point
of reference, it inspired him. It could also be made to lead
him to her haven!
Markus wasnt foolish enough to take up the shard
again himself, though.
He emerged from his chamber to find Falsinar napping in the next mom. Where is your compatriot?Markus
asked, nudging him with his foot.
Signore!Falsinar struggled to wakefulness. (It is his
turn for watch.
Very well. Gather your weapons. Beltramosewill join
us on our way.
Where are we going?Falsinar asked as he grabbed
for his sword belt.
To test a theory.
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Monstra mihi purtum, Markus commanded as he lowered the necklace. Show to me the haven. The Latin words
gave Vesta directionand formed the final step of the ritual.
The bone dangled just above the Lilith shard. Then
the vertebra shot down to the stone like a lodestone seeking iron. Vibrations coursed up the leather cord as Vestas
spirit was drawn far enough into the physical realm to
touch the clay fragment.
The room was still but for the thrum of the necklace.
Then the bone shattered with such force that fragments
ripped myriad lines across Markuss flesh. The pain was a
momentary distraction, and he healed the tears with an
instinctive application of will and blood. Of greater moment was the frigid air that blasted into the chambers
ceiling, leaving a film of frost on the stone.
That was unexpected, Markus admitted, as he contemplated the residue of Vestas exit from the catacombs.
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drawn and mummified forms resembling closely the emperors interred beneath the Church of the Holy Apostles.
Markus saw more berths when he passed by the tunnel openings. He snatched up his lamp and hurried down
the corridor. It opened on a circular chamber with still
more corpses. Returning to the main crypt, he continued
his investigation along the far wall. The bodies here carried a greater sense of age than the others. Also, Markus
did not recognize their features. They had no look-alikes
in the catacombs beneath the Church of the Holy
Apostles. He might not recognize this part of the collection, but Markus knew they were like the rest.
They were not mere corpses at all, but undead.
The lair of Lady Alexia Theusa was filled with scores
of vampires.
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cently. The city still stood, but it was a shell of its former
glory. The fires of enlightenment and culture were extinguished in the aftermath of the crusaders assault. It
was a gilded capital no more. Alexia must be in a panic,
wondering if Constantinople had ever been the city of
her vision. Perhaps that was why shed left with the
Nosferatu Malachite, to search out some other place to
match her dream.
Marveling at Lady Alexias madness, Markus also
noted that Byzar must have a potent soul if he could observe Alexias actions so clearly through the veil of torpor.
She truly believes her efforts will return this Andreas to
her some night?
It is of no matter what Alexia believes. She has committed treachery against her clan. Rekae me and my brood,
that she may be dealt with.
All spirits asked for release soon enough. I cannot.
This ritual allows only for communication, and I know
too little of how Alexia bound you to attempt a reversal.
You must tell me all that you know, so that I can better
address your circumstance.
Reddish-brown whorls of frustration blossomed in
Byzars aura. Who are you to command me? I am Byzar,
chi& ofCappudocius, keeper ofthe secretS ofdeath, master of
the art ofdecay-
I have heard of you, venerable Byzar. Markus
would not release the ancient without first consulting
his own sire. It was possible, though unlikely, that
Guisseppi and his fellow Giovanni would decide to leave
Byzar to his current circumstances. Assuming that,
Markus could dispense with tact and force the shade to
respond. It would benefit him in the short term, but
would give rise to trouble in future nights. Byzar wielded
great power, despite having been trapped in slumber
for centuries. Markus doubted the ancient could utilize
these abilities in his present condition-otherwise he
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C appadocian
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Wellington Almeida de Oliveira (order #2110448)
Cappadocius is said to experience unparalleled revelations. How could he be subject to boundaries of any sort?
In a time before Christ, when the clans themselves were
aborning, Cappudocius encountered a powerful seer. This
man, a mortal named Sargon, heard the voice of God with
unparallekd clarity. In the grip of these dsions , the man transcribed His words.. . creatinga codex of matchless insight into
the diwine .
Cappadociusand Sargun debated matters of theology and
spirituality. Each.. . was fascinated by the others inwrpretations and insight. These t a k were not sufficientto quench the
thirst for ultimate understuruling that griigped Cappadocius.My
sire learned of Surgonsdidne codex. Overcome with the promise of omniscience,Cuppcdoaus euas determined to possess it.. ..
The two had a faling out. It m y be that, in his fevered state,
Cappudociusskwthed. OrperhapsSargunspotentmagic
drwe him off. This I do not know.. .. Byzars voice trailed
away, and his aura was reduced to the faintest gossamer
wisps. A frantic Markus poured out the last of his own
waning strength to sustain the connection. The spirit responded with a flicker of movement. . ..friendship.. . Their
friendship was destroyed, and Cappadocius newer men glimpsed
the codex. A great folly, for had Cappadocius commanded his
visions instead of being commandedby them... in time Sargon
may hawe @wenhim the codex without reservation.
I understand, now, the flaw of which you speak. But
surely Cappadocius has amassed great wisdom in the time
since. I cannot see that inducting the Giovanni was a similar mistake.
Of course, you would not. Yes. . . Cappudocius Lamed
from his folly.. . began a.. . more reasoned course of study, his
discussions with Sargon the basis of a curriculum that became
the foundation of our clan. But... his pursuits through the
centuries.. . newer strayed fur from a desire to discower the
insights that Sargon had inscribed in his cluy tablet-and an
ultimate hope to someday recover the codex itself. . . .
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C appadocian
Chapter Seven
30 July, 1204
Egypt, Signore?
And immediately, Falsinar.
Lady Alexias haven did not hold the information
you sought, then?
Alas, I have left her haven untouched. I lack the
time to catalogue her secrets, and I would that she not
know I have found it. I shall send Guisseppi a report relating all I have discovered, including the Lady Alexias
penchant for ensnaring Cainites. Of greater moment is
the Sargon Codex.
There is no need to feign understanding. I have never
spoken of the Sargon Codex before now. Suffice to say that
it is a treasure for which any Cainite would kill to possess.^"
And it is in Egypt?
Correct, Beltramose. I was puzzled before that the
Ventrue knight would move so aggressively to mount a
new campaign to Egypt, so soon after the debacle of this
latest crusade.
You suspected the Lamias hand in it, did you not?
Yes, but her motive was a mystery. I understand now:
the Lilith shard. Having spoken with Byzar, I have devoted my full critical and mystical faculties these past few
nights to studying this bit of fired clay. I am confident
that this fragment is a piece of the Sargon Codex. If Byzar
is to be believed, it was removed intentionally.
Toward what purpose, Signore?
To act as a key, I think. If even half the rumors are
true, the Sargon Codex holds secrets that could change
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Part Two:
M o u n t Erciyes
Chapter Eight
Mount Erciyes
26 June, 1204
The woman was on the threshold of the darkened
temple when the vision came upon her. She halted in
mid-stride, taking in the sensations without protest. The
visions often occurred without warning, coming unbidden and vanishing just as quickly. It was the price for
centuries devoted to becoming attuned to the ceaseless
flow of prophesy.
A visions meaning was not always clear, even to one
as skilled as she. They could appear as if actual events
unfolding before her eyes, or as abstract impulses. They
might be phantom voices or mysterious portents. She was
known to spend weeks puzzling out especially obscure insights. This one was easy enough to interpret: a pair of
travelers coming out of the west, a light dimming on the
horizon behind them. One carried within him a portion
of the light, a fitful spark buffeted by winds of doom. The
other wore a mask of bone.
It burned upon her mind for but an instant and was gone.
They will arrive within a week, the woman said.
Remember, none may enter but the Nosferatu and
his charge.
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Wellington Almeida de Oliveira (order #2110448)
Ca ppadocian
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but few had passed along anything new in the short time
since Constantinoples fall. With Malachites arrival at
Mount Erciyes, she would have the opportunity to cull
revelations from a mind not her own. What secrets have
you brought, little leper?she wondered. Was Constantinople
the end, or is it only the beginning?
Constancia roused herself from contemplation.
Malachitehas traveled far in body and spirit. I will honor
his request. Prepare him for the oracle.
A slight bow of the head and Qalhara stalked from
the meditation chamber as silently as she had entered.
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Constanciafelt the final parting of the veil. The gateway to the underworld was open. A multitude of whispers
spilled forth from the Well of Bones.
Though standing firm at its edge, Constancia swam
through the sea of ethereal voices that clamored for a return to life. She spared them no pity. Death was part of
the cycle to which they were bound. In time, they would
find their way back to the realm of flesh. Until then, they
held command of insights that would serve her well. With
the supplicants request as her beacon, Constancia would
search through the myriad of whispers for those whose
words held truth.
But the spirit world demanded one last offering before divulging the mysteries that were its provenance.
Robed initiates brought forth a mortal woman. Malachite
looked upon her, his servant, and said her name. The chant
took it up, paving the road to oblivion. Constancia lowered her arms. The grave cups fell from her fingers,
dispersing as they cascaded into the Well of Bones.
And then the mortal was sent into oblivion after them.
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Chapter Nine
Mount Erciyes
9 July, 1204
Constancia reclined in her private chambers, pale
dead skin washed clean of many of the tattoos she had
worn during the previous nights oracle, ceremonial robe
exchanged for a simple white belted shift. She sat still as
stone, though her thoughts ran in turmoil.
Malachite had made his query in the Hall of the Dead:
He sought the Dracon, hoping that elusive ancient could
give answers as to the future of the Dream. The vision of
utopia that Constantinople once embodied had long served
as an anchor of sanity for scores of vampires desperate for
meaning in the eternal nights of unlife. Constancia sifted
through the clamoring voices, culling the rare truths from
the legion of falsehoods, those chosen calling out their revelations in the vast chamber of bone.
But a voice called out that Constancia had not chosen, a voice that spoke not to the Dream of a Cainite utopia
but to destruction of a kind Constancia had never contemplated. I t spoke barely two sentences before she
silenced it. The Nosferatu was upset at the denial, though
he found no sympathy in Constancia. The words were not
part of the payment due from his offering. They were for my
ears alone.
She made the voice silent to the others in the Hall of
the Dead while its whispers coursed through her soul:
I see tunes numbmgtodwt, the wlcdlapsmgin upon itself.
I see the doom of the Clan of Death, swallowed by its
own desire.
I see the end of the fa&, destroyed at the hand of his son.
I see a new legacy, built upon the ashes of the old.
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able to slay his maker. But did any possess the resolve to
make an attempt?
The answer came to her in an instant: Lazarus.
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With one slender hand, she grasped the crown of his closecropped black hair. Constancia tilted his head back and
sank her teeth into his exposed throat. Her fangs tore at
Piotrs jugular and she suckled at the rich blood that
pumped from the wound. She felt his throat vibrate as he
sustained the chant while she fed.
Constancia took enough blood to erase the fatigue
from the earlier ceremony. She straightened and tugged
Piotr to his feet. He swayed, lightheaded, and his chant
was a mumble as blood coursed from his neck in regular
spurts.Constancia felt the warmth spatter her naked flesh,
obscuring both permanent tattoos and markings applied
anew for the ceremony. Taking up the mantra again, she
pushed Pion into the well. The ghoul struggled to continue the chant as he fell into the swirling darkness. As
ever, there was no impact of a body on cold ground, for
there was no ground, no bottom at all, in the well. Just
the abyss.
Constancia focused on the rising spirits, searchingfor
the one who spoke out of turn. She recalled the timbre, the
weight of the tone. Feminine,young,smg.. .Near. It is near.
Speak in full measure of our fate, we who spring from
Cappadocian roots, she commanded the soul.
In the thrall of the high priestess, the spirit was eager
to please. The words contained no hint of falsehood. With
her full power committed to calling forth the oracle,
Constancia heard the echo of others confirming, supporting the vision. They spoke again of dust and doom, of the
Clan of Death suffering from its own folly, of the destruction of the father at the hands of his own progeny, of the
rise of something new in place of his brood.
Why will this come to pass?
TheDremn.. . Echoes resounded from the ivory walls
as a multitude took up the words.
So this is linked to Malachitesquery, Constancia-reflected, trying to suppress the surprise that could ruin the
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trance. He seeks the Beum's last remuiningmdu'tect and somehow this quest will speU our desmcction.
This was a serious matter, Constancia conceded, but
it was not necessarily a problem. She was well acquainted
with the cycle of destruction and renewal. The Road of
Bones, the morbid vampiric faith she preached among her
clanmates, espoused a belief in a never-ending sequence
of life and death. Those who walked this Road cultivated
a scholarly dispassion regarding the living and the dead.
As two sides to the same coin, neither state held inherently greater interest. Every thing that lived would some
day die, and all that was dead would some day be reborn.
As high priestess of the Road, Constancia enjoyed
intimatefamiliarity with the many shadesof life and death,
and even understood secrets of the vampiric condition.
She had also come to recognize that the cycle occurred
on many levels. Not only did individualslive and die, but
also cities, kingdoms, empires-even cultures and ideas.
There was a link between the cycle of individual existence and the greater realm of being.
So it may be here. Constancia had assumed that the
clan would endure for many nights to come, experts as its
members were on death. Yet knowledge was not tantamount
to an exceptionfrom universal rules. Vampires were unique,
it was me-like flies in amber, they were caught in the
moment between life and death-but ultimately they were
subject to the cycle, like all other creatures. Death would
claim and recycle even the ancients one night.
Still, Constancia was not eager to see her clan end up
on the dust pile of history. Why does the Dream require the
destruction of Clan Cappadoan? Our discoveries could be of
unimaginable benefit to living and dead alike. Is there not another way?She put these questions to the murmuring souls.
The weave of cause and effect was difficult to parse
even from the spirits' unique perspective. But an answer
came at last. Upon hearing it, Constancia understood that
Clan Cappadocian was not the only thing that must die.
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Chapter Ten
Mount Erciyes
11 July, 1204
Attend me, Qalhara.
The Lamia warrior moved to the foot of the couch of
bone. Her face, marked with a mixture of tribal tattoos
from her mortal days and clan markings from her undead
nights, was impassive as ever. Yet, behind this dark mask,
Constancia felt her guardians loyalty and expectation as
clearly as if Qalhara shouted the words aloud: The two
vampires liked to speak as much as they desired the caress
of the sun. Alas, speech was unavoidable at times. Tell
me of Malachites departure.
There was an altercation at the outer gates, mistress.
Alexia Theusa accosted the Nosferatu.
She demanded word of Andreas?At Qalharas nod,
Constancia remained as still and pale as the divan, though
anger stirred within her. Given the second epiphanys revelations, it is paramount that Malachite survive. He, and two
others. Yet Alexia would threaten the w q stability ofthe cycleallfora single soul! And!
One of the Nosferatus coterie suffered injury. The
wound was not grievous. I interceded and sent Malachite
away. Alexia Theusa spent these past two days and nights
in an empty initiates cell. She awaits you now.
Bring her. I will speak of her beloved Andreas.
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And to spend nights in penance as a lowly acolyte.
I am most impressed by your adherence to the Road.
Constancia quelled her pleasure at noticing the turbulence flicker through Alexias aura, well aware that the
other woman could sense her emotional state in turn.
She went on in the same calm tone: It is good that your
actions caused no lingering harm, my sister. But that
makes them no less unwise. The same may be said for
manipulating a supplicant.
Donot lecture me on wisdom, my sister, Alexia spat,
hersmile curling in scorn.Yourmastery ofthe Well of Bones
is m a t impressive, but it does not make you omniscient.
At least I do not focus upon a pinprick, forsakingall
that remains of possibility.
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Ca ppadocian
Chapter Eleven
Mount Erciyes
15 July, 1204
The strands of fate have become tangled knots,
Constancia said. Would that you might gift me with your
wisdom, venerable Cappadocius.
Silence hung heavy in the small room; the creature
remained still upon the simple stone bier before her.
Cappadocius, patriarch of Clan Cappadocian, had not
heard a word she uttered. Constancia was not surprised at
his silence. He was deep in self-induced torpor. His consciousness was far from the shackles of his undead flesh,
searching for the ultimate truths of existence.
This chamber, deep in the bowels of Mount Erciyes,
was known only to a few-trusted clan elders like herself.
Even they ventured here but seldom. It was a trial to stand
in the presence of the ancient. With his small stature, the
Antediluvian hardly looked like one of the most powerful
beings on earth. Yet even in deepest torpor, the ancient
vampire radiated strength that made her shudder. His body
projected a sense of being so much more real that the surrounding bedrock seemed as flimsy as parchment.
Wondrous and terrifying as her grandsires presence
was, it stripped away all extraneous thought much like a
crucible burned impurities from precious metal.
Constancia was left with only the most vital matters on
her mind.
The recent oracles presented two possible futures.
Dramatic repercussions would affect Clan Cappadocian
either way. One future promised the clans destruction at
the hands of one of its own. Another future would see the
clan survive, though in a world transformed by a power
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Wellington Almeida de Oliveira (order #2110448)
Qalhara scanned the bizarre, rocky terrain with uncanny intensity.They were five nights travel from Mount
Erciyes and had yet to encounter the slightest sign of life,
but the Lamia warrior never relaxed her vigil. She stood
down only when she and her mistress sought shelter from
the rising sun. Aside from the searingdestruction it promised Cainites foolish enough to tempt its rays, the sun also
triggered overwhelming lethargy in the undead. It mattered little how valiantly a vampire struggled to retain
consciousness within crypt or tomb. As the sun climbed
the heavens, slumber exerted its inevitable pull. Still,
Qalharas slumber was uneasy. Four ghouled initiates
watched over them during daylight hours, but she was loath
to rely on others, for she alone could offer the high priestess adequate protection.
It didnt help matters that Qalhara was unsure just
why they sped westward at such a pace. Constancia was
never one for conversation, but she had become even
more brooding and withdrawn than usual after her two
visits to the Hall of the Dead. The encounter with Alexia had spurred her to action, but the brusque commands
she gave Qalhara hinted a t little of her plans. Their
present course would eventually lead them to the Strait
of Bosporus-to Constantinople. Were they trying to
catch the Nosferatu and his band? Did Alexia flee along
this route?Was there some other reason they were headed
for the fallen city? Qalharas subtle queries had been rebuffed consistently so far. And, being ignorant of
Constanciasplans, she was worried that she wouldnt be
adequately prepared for any encounters.
Shed been told only that she was to assemble a small
retinue that would travel with some haste. Qalhara and
her mistress were the only Cainites. The four mortalsAkil, Hamarta, Dhanep and Palladius-were chosen
primarily for their martial skill. Their horses were ghouls
just like the initiates, fed Cainite blood to enhance their
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strength and to make them more easily controlled. Invigorated by the blood, the mounts could traverse
Cappadocias blasted landscape at an alarming pace. Each
night Qalhara hoped that Constancia would disclose her
plans. And more than once, on the rare occasions when
they stopped to rest the horses, she sensed that her mistress was about to speak. But, in the end, the high priestess
said nothing.
Qalhara spied a rocky outcrop that would serve well
as camp for the coming day. She steered her mount toward the overhang, the others following her lead. The
initiates well knew their duties and started digging out a
pair of shallow graves over which they would erect a tent.
Qalhara watched Constancia dismount and walk a few
yards away. The Lamia followed suit.
If I read the maps correctly, Qalhara offered her
mistress, a caravan crossroads lies roughly along our
present course. We should reach it some time tomorrow night. Should we plan to turn south, or do we
continue west?
Constancia was silent as a breeze toyed with the
simple pilgrims robes she wore.
Forgiveme, mistress, but if you have in mind a destination other than Constantinople, it would be best I
know now.
We do, indeed, travel for Constantinople,
Constancia admitted.
Emboldened by getting a response at last, Qalhara
asked, And what is your intent once we arrive there?
Constancia gave her champion a look which, among
ancients who had not needed to breathe since Diocletian
was emperor, was tantamount to a sigh. Very well. I will
tell you this much. As you know, Malachite requested an
oracle in his search for the Dream. In the second vision, I
saw one who has a bearing upon his quest. We must steer
him to the Nosferatu.
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laughed with relief. The high priestess had not been attacked. Rather, shed been caught in the grip of a vision,
one intense enough that it overwhelmed her sense of the
here and now. Even as Qalhara reached her, Constancia
was coming backaround. But she was far from happy, given
the dark expression that fast replaced the disoriented look
she wore.
I am already too late! Constancia cried, bounding
to her feet so fast that Qalhara had to scramble out of the
way. Possessed with frantic energy, Constancia lunged for
her mount. He will be on the Mediterranean before I
reach the Bosporus! Hurry; I must hurry!
Mistress! The relief Qalhara had felt a moment ago
was gone. The sour copper tang of blood-sweat filled the
air as her mistress leaped into the saddle. Constancia had
been wound tight with tension for weeks; whatever she
had just experienced had put her over the edge. She wiU
succumb to fienzy if she does not calm docvn at once!
Constancia was too far in the throes of panic to hear
Qalhara call out. Having no other alternative, the Lamia
whispered a prayer to her ancestors and to Lilith, the dark
queen of her line. Her mouth filled with a bloody, phlegmy
spittle, which she promptly spat onto the high priestesss
exposed calf. Unlike most other Cainites, the Lamia were
mistresses of all four of their humors, not just their blood,
and among other dark doings, they could use them to affect others, even ancients like the High Priestess of Bones.
A lethargic calm swept over Constancia the instant after
the phlegm hit and was absorbed into her skin. She relaxed visibly, leaning against the powerful neck of her
horse. She was not completelydocile, however, as was clear
when she leveled an accusatoryglare upon her bodyguard.
Expelling the calm had aroused a contrary anger in
Qalhara-her own humors were now out of balance. She
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stared back in defiance, at last giving vent to the frustration shed kept in check for so long. I will not apologize
for using my arts against you, mistress; I did so only to
protect you.
And that gives you leave to attack me?Constancia
asked, her words all the more menacingfor their quiet tone.
When you might come to harm if I do not, yes. It is
my duty-one that you have been keeping me from fulfilling these past weeks. Please, mistress, it is past time I
knew what you intend. Whom do we hunt, and why?
No longer in thrall t o her fevered emotion,
Constancia pondered her guardians demand with her
normal placid composure. After a long minute, during
which Qalhara had plenty of time to think through just
what she had done, the high priestess finally nodded. Very
well. Malachite came to me seeking guidance on how the
Dream might be sustained i n the aftermath of
Constantinoples fall. More than simply pining for the
Dream, he hunted for it. Indeed, he hunted for the last
person who had helped give the Dream form so many
nights ago.
The last?You speak of the Dracon. I have heard you
mention him.
Constancia nodded. He is truly ancient, a childe of
the founder of Clan Tzimisce, and at least as much my
elder as I am yours. But he went into seclusion long ago;
not long after you first came to Mount Erciyes, I believe.
It is telling that, of the three who shaped the Dream from
vague wish to clear possibility, only he survives. Unlike
most of the fleshcrafting Tzimisce that comprise his clan,
he never had much interest in manipulatinghis ownform.
Rather, he saw himself as a catalyst, bringing change to
the world around him. Some have said that, when he left
Constantinople, he took with him the chance that the
Queen of Cities could complete its transformation from
Dream to Reality.
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It was a croak more than a whisper, the only word
spoken for many nights. Rather than lose all meaning with
the constant repetition, the name proved the only anchor in a turbulent sea of madness.
The creature that slipped into the Cilician city of
Tarsus two hours before dawn bore little resemblance to
the elegant woman who had entered Constancias private
chambers five weeks earlier. Frantic travel by night over
unforgiving ground and slumbering during the day in holes
scratched into the earth had taken its toll on Alexia
Theusa. Weeks of wild flight with no blood-other than
occasional vermin-for sustenance had reduced her to
little more than a skeleton within a skein of gray flesh and
wrapped in tatters. This assemblage of bone and rags was
mobile through sheer force of will. But it was the turmoil
within Alexias mind, unleashed after building up for more
than a millennium, that was the source of greatest strain.
She had come to Mount Erciyes desperate for answers,
but had fled in panic and ignorance.
The fall of Constantinople had triggered her mental
unraveling, but the pattern was woven long before. Born
to affluence in ancient Athens, Alexia had found true love
in a lowly slave-handsome Andreas, gentle Andreas.
They stole time together when they could, but in the end
the secret grew too great to bear. One a slave, the other of
the elite-they could never truly be together in this world.
Andreas and Alexia agreed on a pact of suicide, that they
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C appadocian
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Chapter Twelve
Principality of Antioch
23 August, 1204
The Silk Road had seen its share of troubles in recent years. O n more than one occasion, the Christians
had poured through the isthmus of Anatolia in ostensibly pious desire to capture the Holy Land. The border
region of Antioch-Tripoli, located along the route from
Byzantium to Palestine and one of the western terminus points of the Silk Road, was especially sensitive to
these incursions.
Being in this no-mans-land, Antioch-a region of
fertile plains twenty miles from the Mediterranean Seahad cultivated the habit of shifting allegiances. It would
enjoy an arrangement with the Frankish barons to keep
invading Saracens at bay one year, only to seek support
from the Turks in a bid for political autonomy from the
west in the next. This did nothing to encourage long-term
stability, which is why Antiochs present circumstances
were rather precarious. T h e crusaders arrival in
Constantinople the previous fall had stirred things up
across Outremer. Unwilling to be caught in the middle of
a clash when the crusade eventually crossed the Bosporus,
Bohemond-current ruler of the County of Tripoli and
the Principality of Antiochaistanced himself from the
Seljuk Turks hed been courting just a few months earlier.
T h e n the crusade spent itself on t h e sack of
Constantinople, leaving Bohemond in a desperate
scramble to reaffirm his friendship with the Seljuks. Few
slept easily, least of all Bohemond himself, as Antioch
struggled in the purgatory between alliances.
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caiicu u
u L
aa iic iicaicu L i i c L i a v c i c i a .
,ailed for
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I do 50 u e ~ a u ~your
piace 15 ds servant to your
betters. I do not seek audience with you, Assamite, but
with the master of shadows. Tell him the Lady of the
Bones awaits.
Constancia faced Zarathustra across the dim chamber. Even her keen senses barely detected him. The
vampires of Clan Lasombra were known for one of the
more arcane Cainite gifts. Control of shadow required
great skill, but with proper focus an adept could overwhelm the brightest torch with darkness, animate
tentacles of concentrated night, or even make a shadow
attack the very person who cast it. Zarathustra, the hidden ruler of Antioch-Tripoli, was truly a master of this
art. He was also secretive and paranoid to a degree notable even among Cainites. The ancient creatures
consciousnessanimated a figure formed of the very darkness, a shadow-form that acted as proxy for his own
physical being.
She inclined her head to the shape as she would have
greeted an actual person. I am pleased that we meet at
last, Zarathustra.
You presume much, to commit violence in my demesne and dictate demands to my vassal. The words were
a sourceless whisper from the darkness.
Constancia made the barest gesture, recognizing
Zarathustras command of the region. I attend to a matter most pressing. Delays of dealing with mortals and
underlings is not a simple matter of inconvenience, but
could result in disaster to all our kind.
Grand words, and seldom have you indulged in
such a degree of hyperbole. While the two had never
met prior to this night, they had maintained a correspondence for centuries. It was not a bond based on
friendship, however, but on enlightened self-interest.
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Wellington Almeida de Oliveira (order #2110448)
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ui -iciNh
24 August, 1204
The Crypt of Shadows was installed underneath a small
keep to the south of Antioch. It was one of many places
that Zarathustra used to meet with underlings and visitors.
Darkness hung heavy from its deep groined archways and
encroached upon the few torches that lit the subterranean
chambers. The gloom projected a restless hunger that made
even Constancia uneasy. The sensation was vaguely similar to the roiling souls in the Well of Bones, but it lacked
the ghosts desperate humanity. The darkness here was a
force without conscience or discipline, kept in check only
through the will of its master, Zarathustra.
The vizier Zakariah led Constancia and her retinue
into the crypts central chamber, a large ovalroom with a
high ceiling obscured by smoke and shadow. Though he
was nowhere to be seen, Zarathustras presence could be
felt. A resonant tension filled the air like an impending
storm. Other shapes lurked in the hungry darkness ringing the chamber, though even with Constancias acute
senses it was impossible to tell if they were Zarathustras
progeny or willful pieces of shadow. She took some comfort, even amusement, in the uncomfortable flicker of
Zakariahs aura. Though a loyal servant of ancient
Zarathustra, the vizier had been Embraced as a Child of
Haqim. The living darkness is as alien to him as it is to me.
The Assamite did a valiant job of keeping his unease in
check, at least. In a tone verging on boredom, he said, You
have been found guilty of offense to-the True Prince of
Antioch-Tripoli, His Most Vaunted Darkness, Grandchilde
of Lasombra, the Master of Shadows ZaratHustra. Do you
accept your punishment willingly and without reservation?
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matched the name of the renegade Alexia Theusas longlost love. After millennia as a seer, Constancia knew well
that coincidences were but omens in plain clothing. To
dismiss Ankhesenaten as a mere chauffeur would be to
ignore the chance of establishinga useful ally or revealing
a possible enemy. Whatever Ankhesenatens involvement-a matter of some frustration, as Constancia had
not gleaned anything useful from the oracles as yet-the
Cappadocianswould learn nothing by remaining secluded
in their cabin for the duration of the trip.
I have confidence in your restraint, she said, but
the Followers of Set are wily and persistent. They are sure
to learn something of our plans despite your best efforts,
unless we provide them with answers that will stop them
from looking any further. I shall request audience with
Andreas. I shall sate his curiosity, and glean something
useful in turn.
Wellington Almeida de Oliveira (order #2110448)
ate this courtesy. I have spent each night aboard your vessel
contempIating how we are come to meet, and if a reason
exists beyond simple chance that has brought us together.
Ankhesenaten was a perfect study in polite interest.
And what conclusion have you reached?
Rather than answer him directly, Constancia said,
Our people have been at odds for many centuries, yours
and mine. We Cappadocians seek the answers to deaths
mysteries, yet you Followers of Set guard with jealousy
the land that holds unimaginable revelations.
We merely protect that which is ours by right and
heritage, Ankhesenaten replied, some heat showing
through his suave veneer. You-
Pray, let me continue. I have no fault with your desire to maintain influence over Egypt. It has long been my
belief that much of what the ancients learned in bygone
times is best left undisturbed beneath the sand. I have
found that, like living creatures, some knowledge must
eventually pass from function into oblivion. It is the way
of all things. Constancia allowed a smile at the Setites
puzzlement. She was branching into the realm of the esoteric. Yet there are those of my clan who would defy not
only the order of things, but also your sovereignty of Egypt.
Ah. Ankhesenatens eyes shone with understanding. The Lazarenes.
Yes. Tell me, Andreas-
Please; we are soon enough returned to Khem. Call
me Ankhesenaten.
Constancia acknowledged the correctionwith a slight
raise of one hand. Ankhesenaten. Tell me, what do you
know of Lazaruss childer?
Littleenough. Death-worshipers4ppadocianslike
yourself-who trespass in our lands and steal our secrets.
Accurate enough, though not even your clan possesses the secret they desire above all else. She noticed
Ankhesenatens thin lips twitch at the Followers of Set
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being labeled a clan. The serpents denied any connection to Caine and the trappings that came with such ties.
He let it pass, however, more interested in where
Constancia was headed.
Lexpect,))she continued, that you are familiar with
who holds such secrets, are you not?
Ankhesenaten gave her his complete attetltion. Unless I misinterpret, you speak of the resurrected.
Our kind is frozen in a moment of limbo-caught
between life and death. A part of each, but belonging to
neither. We do not break from the cycle; we are but paused
for an unknown time within the course of its turning.
Cold anger seeped into her voice. It is not our place, nor
the place of any other, to force change upon the cycle of
life and death. Yet there are those who dare to do so. As
you say: the resurrected. They would defy the cycle, forcing souls to life before their time is due.
Constancia was certain he did. The resurrectedsometimes called mummies because their corpses were
embalmed with mumiyah, or bitumen, in the ancient man
ner-were said to be the Setitesgreatest foes. Just as the
dark god Set had battled his brother Osiris, so now did
the Followers of Set struggle against the reborn children
of the god of life and death. She had sometimes wondered
if the merchants who sold medicinal powders made from
crushing the bitumen-infused corpses of the resurrecteds
more mundane cousins were not agents of an especially
inventive Setite.
Regardless, the creatures were most rare indeed. Even
with Constanciascenturies of research, she knew of mummies only through legend and rumor. What she had learned
spoke of mysterious beings of great power-greatest of all
being true immortality, a means to defy death entirely.
Then you understand also that there are Cappadocians
who have long sought to learn the secrets of resurrection,
though to do so defies the will of God and Cappadocius.
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C appadocian
offered the barest flicker of a smile, but his eyes were deadly
serious. Mummies were far from a humorous topic among
his kind. Is that not just what your clanmate Lazarus has
been hoping to discover?Why does your progenitor not
punish such an affront?
It is of no moment to you why Cappadocius makes
the choices that he does. All you need know is that I now
take steps to deal with Lazarus and his childer.
The serpents smile widened, a flicker of delight touching his eyes this time. Fascinating. I wish you every
I would be that much closer to achieving it if you
would lend me your aid.
I am flattered that you would find my humble skills
useful, M i s m Constancia. Beyond ensuring that you arrive
in Alexandria safe and whole, however, I could not imagine
how I might assist someone of your power and influence.
Then I shall spell it plainly. You have traveled extensively, plying your merchant trade. I need one such as
yourself to act as a guide through Egypt. It would not do
for other Setites to misinterpret my intentions, and I lack
the time and temperament to explain myself each step of
the way. In addition, it might serve you well within your
order to have a hand in addressing such a troublesome
thorn in its side.
Mistress Constancia, Ankhesenaten said after he
made a show of considering the offer. I confess I enjoy
your company. For that reason alone I should be most grateful to offer my aid.
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Part Three:
Chapter Fourteen
2 September, 1204
Markus Musa Giovannis journey to Egypt was not
filled with the revelationshe had hoped. He had expected
to glean further secrets from the clay fragment recovered
from the Lamias ashes. During the nights aboard the ship
hed contracted for the journey-a small Venetian merchant craft hired for an exorbitant sum from the fleet
gathering for the Egyptian Crusade-Markus pored over
the Lilith shard. He took pains to avoid touching the fragment directly, despite the thrill of attraction he felt from
the thing. Having seen how it had warped the Lamia and
destroyed one of his own ghostly servitors, Markus was
not eager to fall under its influence. Despite weeks spent
applying his prodigious intellect and his understanding of
the arcane, he found nothing of use. Admitting defeat at
last, he had sewn the fragment inside a leather pouch and
resigned himself to using more straightforward means to
track down the lair of the Lazarenes.
Unfortunately,doing so would take more time--time
that he did not have. His journey from Constantinople
had been fast, but the threat of the building Egyptian Crusade hung heavy. He wanted to be well on his way toward
the Sargon Codexs hidden home before Egypt was thrown
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I have sent them to investigate,but there is no guarantee what they will find. They are as new to this land as
we are. A thrill coursed down his spine, equal parts exhilaration and unease. He was acutely aware that they were
in a land not just foreign, but alien. Egypt was a place of
ancient mysteries, a place in which powerful creatures
dwelled-creatures who had no great love for outsiders.
And he was here alone,far from the protection of his family
or his clan. Markus was confident in his powers, but he
lacked a reliable local network to help keep him safe or to
aid in finding the Codex. All he had were a pair of ghouls,
five recalcitrant wraiths, and whatever they could glean
from the locals. Perhaps it might be worth the risk to hold
the Lilith shard. A brief touch, just enough to gain a sense
of the larger Codex.. .
No! I must not listen to the s b d s whispers! He pinched
his nose between finger and thumb and shrugged off the
sensation as best he could. Come; I would speak with
Alessandro Sforza immediately.
Markus discovered that their quarters formed one
wing of a small estate built in the Muslim style. It was an
older structure, crafted with some skill. Alessandro was
doing well to afford such a place. Falsinar and Beltramose
led Markus across a central courtyard to the opposing wing.
A waiting servant took them immediately to a large sitting room and announced that Alessandro would join
them momentarily.
The man who came in a minute later was of average
build and wore a caftan in the local style over clothing of
a stylish Venetian cut. He offered Markus a warm greeting, but dispensed with polite banter when it was clear
that his visitor was filled with urgency.
Pleased with Alessandros astuteness, Markus
launched into his reasons for being in Egypt. Leaving out
any mention of ancient artifacts and crazed Lamias, he
described his interest in finding the Followers of Lazarus.
Tell me, Alessandro, do the Lazarenessound at all familiar?
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I am sorry, Signore, Alessandro said. He had a toowide mouth and a habit of accompanyinghis conversations
with vigorous gestures. Friends and those with whom he
did business learned to put away any delicate items when
Alessandro came by. They do sound curious, though. I
should think that, soon enough, misguided souls worship
even the most obscure Biblical figures.
Markus didnt bother to explain that the Lazarus he
spoke of was not exactly the figure from the Bible. Would
that I might indulge in a theological discussion, but circumstances deny me the opportunity for leisure.
Alessandro offered such a hearty shrug that his caftan almost fell from his shoulders. Ofcourse, Signore. I
wish that I had even a crumb of useful information.
Markus waved away the apology, though the concern
in his belly was not so understanding. Even a man as wellinformed as Alessandro could not know everything. The
Lazarenes were hardly renowned outside Clan
Cappadocian; it was no surprise that a mortal-ven
who dealt with the undead-was nor aware of them. The
merchant might provide other useful details, though.
What of Cappadocians?Has there been any mention of
such individuals?
I have heard the name. In my dealings with your
family, of course, but perhaps once or twice from others in
this region. It is my understanding that Cappadocians are
not very welcome in Egypt, though I cannot say why.
The Setites guard the Egyptians secrets ofdeath withgreut
jealousy. And the infiltration of that heretic Lazarus into this
place hac not made them any more inclined to aid our studies.
Aloud, Markus asked, Nothing beyond that?
Nothingof any significance,Signore.Another shrug
stirred the merchants clothing in a brief flurry. I am most
happy to help the Giovanni, but you may learn more by
speaking with one of your own kind.
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I had not thought there were any biovanni in AIexandria at this time.
That is true enough, but I do not speak of your family, exactly. Alessandro made a sweeping gesture at the
rooms far wall. You will find a sizable congregation of
Cainites in the great city of Cairo. They are quite a mixLatins, Saracens, and other religions even more obscure
than your Lazarus-worshippers. Cairo is unique in many
ways, yes? But surely someone there will have the knowledge that you seek.
I can but hope.
Markus reached Cairo just over a week after his meeting with Alessandro. The place was as impressive as he
had heard. The streets bustled with activity even in the
dead of night. Countlessvarieties of exotic dress, language,
and nationality could be witnessed simply by standing in
one spot for a few minutes. It was especially jarring to see
the mix of Latin and Muslim, given his recent exposure to
the rhetoric of crusade.
He soon confinned that the vampiric population was
subject to a similar dichotomy, though with an intriguing
twist. The Cainite who ruled over his fellows in Cairo
was a Roman by the name of Antonius. He was of Clan
as suited t o leadership as t h e
Cappadocians were to the study of death-and had held
sway as sultan for centuries. That he shared a name with
another Ventrue of note was no coincidence. The sultan
was the progeny of the same Antonius who had long been
companion to Michael and the Dracon in Constantinople.
Markus found it intriguing that a Latin and a Christian
such as Antonius the Younger could maintain control
among a predominantly Muslim vampiric population.
Then again, Antoniuss rule might not be as secure
as appearances first suggested. In the two nights that followed his arrival from Alexandria. Markus learned that
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Bright gold, slitted eyes regarded the mortal with interest. Curious that they did not have a wagon of their
own. And enclosed?
T h e y were very clear on that point, master. I recalled
your words on the subject. So after agreeing upon a price
I followed them to see what more I could learn.
And what did you discover?
I overheard them, Great One. They spoke of returning to their patron when night fell, to tell him of
their success!
Did they, now?That is most interesting. And where
does their patron bide?
I cannot say, Great One! Pity me; my old bones were
not sufficient to keep pace. I lost them in the crush of the
bazaar! Shame gripped Usama. There is no excuse for
my failure!
A flicker of irritation disrupted the creatures smooth
countenance. Do not upset yourself, Usama. You have
performed adequately. I may not know where the Latin is
now, but I know where he will be.
The Dark God Set blesses you with a vision of the
future, Great One!
No,Usama, the other replied with an effort at patience. You just told me they arranged transport with the
Bahariya caravan.
Wf course, Lord! I am but the least shadow of wit in
the face of your brilliance!
I shall not argue with you on that score either, Usama.
Tell me, what name did the Latins give to their patron?
Usama gobbled air as his mind scrambled to recall.
It was Giovanni, Great One. They called him Giovanni!
A cold smile split impossibly wide across the lean face
of the Follower of Set who went by the simpte name Bek.
Did they, now? How interesting. You have done well in
the service of the Dark God, Usama. Very well indeed.
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stalled further
tnougnts. raisinar pOKeQ nis neaa in me chamber. Pardon, Signore, but it shall be dawn soon. We should secure
you in the wagon and hasten to the caravan site.
Yes, thank you. I shall be ready in a moment.
Markus cast a cold gaze at his ghosts after Falsinar
left. You have kept your secrets for now. Very well. I will
find a way to expose them soon enough-though, when I
do, you may pray for the comparativelypeaceful destruction that your three compatriots suffered.
Wellington Almeida de Oliveira (order #2110448)
Chapter Fifteen
18 September, 1204
It took an effort for the High Priestess Constancia to
keep her temper in check. What do you mean, you do
not know where he is?Is it not your role to ensure that all
Cainites who come to Cairo pay their respects to the
sultans court?
That is so, Mistress Constancia,replied Jubal. But
your words strike at the heart of the matter. Markus Musa
Giovanni has left Cairo.
But surely you know where he has gone.
I cannot say with certainty. Jubals expression was
the same polite deference he had shown Constancia from
the moment she had first set foot in the opulent receiving
hall deep in the citadel of Salah al-Din. At most, I may
tell you what road he took from the city. Where he has
gone from there is unknown to me.
Constancia cast her cold gaze upon him, the Beast
roiling within her anew when she realized she would have
to make a formal requesr for the information. I have no
time fur such courtly pettiness!
Very well, most learned and sagacious Jubal. I ask
with all humility that you reveal to me what path Markus
Giovanni took from Cairo.
I am given to understand that he journeys to the
Bahariya Oasis.
At Constancias inquiring glance, Ankhesenaten
spoke up. Bahariyais the first and greatest of a handful of
oases that form a trading circuit through the western desert.
Almost three weeks travel if the weather is kind, I would
say. Longer by caravan.
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C a ppadocian
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shook off the thought. Being distracted by such contemplations would dull her edge, making her useless as
Constancias protector.
I feel your concern, the high priestess said. Would
that matters were otherwise. As they are not, we must
deal with them accordingly. With Ankhesenaten assured
that grave cataclysm will strike his treasured land if he
fails to aid us, we have surmounted the final impediment
to success.
A crease formed between Qalharas brows. Are
you not premature, mistress? We have not yet caught
this Markus.
Granted. But that will change soon enough. We
shallbe hours from Cairo by dawn, once Ankhesenaten
finishes arranging for our travel. Constancia paused, her
ivory teeth shining softly in the moonlight, And, truly,
Qalhara. Do you think it possible that a lone Giovanni
could pose a difficulty for us?
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people trafficked through the courtyard, slaves and attendants addressing various tasks for their master. The activity
maintained the same steady pace no matter what the hour
of the day or night. Those who drank of Sets dark gift
might rest while Ras chariot traversed the sky, but their
servants could not afford the luxury.
Ankhesenaten had just enough time to appreciate
the bustle around him when a voluptuous woman, clad in
silken veils and adorned with a wealth of cunningly fashioned bracelets and baubles, entered from the far side of
the courtyard. He recognized her from previous visits as
Ghaliya, a most capable and treasured slave.
May the Dark God watch over you, she said, nodding to the two visitors. Ankhesenaten returned the
greeting and indicated he wished to be brought to her
master without delay. Fluttering eyelids tinted with kohl,
Ghaliya led them along a columned passage. She stopped
before an entryway strung with glitteringstrands of beads.
Then, with a bow, she was gone. Goreb stood, ever watchful, at the threshold,while Ankhesenaten entered through
the beaded curtain.
The large chamber was strewn with many carpets and
pitlows made of silk. Rich hangings covered the walls, and
tastefully placed oil lamps cast a welcoming light throughout the room. In the center, reclining in intimacy with a
youth whose gender Ankhesenaten could not determine,
was the Setite spice merchant Bek.
Though exceedingly opulent, the chamber seemed a
dingy hovel compared to the peacock that was Bek. Embroidery upon embroidery covered every inch of his robes,
beneath which peeked silks in a riot of colors.
Ankhesenaten was not sure if he had ever seen some of
the hues Ekk sported, even in his most exotic travels. Gold
and silver glittered fromthe mans fingers and wrists, while
precious gems dripped from his ears and hung about his
neck. There were entire kingdoms that contained less
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Chapter Sixteen
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Gaaah !
Beltramose, if you please! I had just succumbed to
the embrace of Morpheus.
Blame our masters shades for my outburst. One of
them just passed through me. The pest lingers even now
like a chill wind!
Passing strange, my friend. I had not thought the
ghosts willing to leave Master Giovannis side.
And yet I shiver uncontrollably. I am too tired for
such games. I must find our master and demand he call off
his pet.
He feeds among the camp. Perhaps it would be best
to await his return, that you do not reveal-
Hsss~!Silence, Falsinar. 1see movement with sinister intent.
How can you tell such a thing in the dead of night?
The luck of the moment. Come; peer through the
crack of the door. The spot a few yards to the right of that
dune, you see?Where the caravan made its latrine when
we stopped for the night.
I see nothing.
Yes,but a moment before, one of the caravan guards
stood where you see nothing.
Sohe moved on.
Helped along by a form that rose up from the very
sands and wielded a pair of wickedly curved- blades. A
chance reflection from one of the fires on the metal drew
my eye at the perfect moment.
Lack of sleep and the pestering of ghosts has addled
your perceptions, my friend.
Perhaps. Then again, perhaps our master ordered one
of the shades to warn us of danger in the only way itahhh. Yes! No sooner did I speak the words than the chill
has left me.
I do hope, good Beltramose, that this isnt an elaborate prank meant to rob me of my precious sleep.
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By all means return to bed, Falsinar. I take no responsibility if you wake up dead, however.
Hmm. Perhaps I might gird myself and help you take
a further look. Merely to prove you agitate yourself for no
reason, of course.
Ofcourse. You are asaint, to enduremy.. .uh, Falsinar?
What is it now?
Perhaps my nerves continue to play tricks, but I
would swear that the creaking and the sand trickling down
suggeststhere is someone on the roof of our cozy wagon.
How curious. Well, perhaps the two figures I spy approachingwith drawnweaponsmean to deal with our visitor.
Really?Do you think it possible?
Beltramose. We willingly entered into the service of
a creature under Gods own curse, in the hope that we
benefit from the scraps of wealth and power that our dark
master might see fit to toss our way. Circumstance does
not tend to favor ones such as we.
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strengtn mom rne sneer voiume or mooa ne had ingested. His might would be sufficient toA rush of air was the only warning of the attack. Suddenly, Markus saw a cloaked figure with a heavy sword
chop into the rearmost corpse. The strike made a wet sound
and the attacker simply vanished before the reanimated
servant fell to the hard-packed sand with an almost relieved groan.
Stand fast! Markus ordered the remaining corpses
as he turned with blades drawn. He faced only the desert
night-or so it seemed at first. Like the Nosferatu and the
Assamites, the damnable Serites knew the secret art of
obfuscation. This attacker hoped to addle his mind into
thinking no one was there until it was too late. But
Markuss awareness transcended the mortal realm. His
consciousness was too disciplined to be so easily tricked
by the mind of another. His coustille struck with such force
that the Setite staggered back. The serpent shuddered to
visibility, all concealment lost. The attackers guise was
that of a reptile, glossy black with whorls of color. Slitted
gold eyes glared from an alien visage. A wide, lipless mouth
yawned open to display opposing pairs of long, needlesharp teeth. Though twisted by dark powers into something
monstrous, enough remained human that Markus could
see that the thing was female.
She called out somethingin ancient Egyptian-a language Markus had nor yet had the opportunity to
learn-and took a more defensive stance. Her scimitar
was longer than either his coustille or his dagger, but his
large size gave him a formidable reach compared to that
of her own slender reptilian arms. He had no idea of her
fighting skill, but her yell suggested that shed called for
the support of others.
Showing her a blood-tinged grin, Markus pressed his
advantage. Flank her, he directed, then stepped back.
The Setite responded with upset yells and some impres-
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sive swordplay, swingingthe scimitar in a series of maneuvers meant to keep the corpses at bay. She had no idea
that the things had no skill in battle, but her ignorance
would end soon enough.
The Setite displayed certain qualities of a snake, but
she was still made of flesh and bone-substances that fell
under the command of a Cappadocian. Markus employed
that control now, drawing upon the raging power of the
blood to send a whisper of death to the serpentine woman.
He mouthed an old Venetian curse to focus the mind
(other Cappadocians used other tricks, he knew) and
smiled as the rigidity of the dead fell upon his foe. Her
muscles and joints tightened and froze, locking her in midswing. Off-balance, the serpent fell to the sand. The thin
screams that tore from the locked muscles of the Setites
throat proved a minor distraction as Markus hacked her
head off. The blade of the all-purpose coustille was just
short enough to make the task a messy one.
Thinking it was best to avoid going toe-to-toe with
any other Setites, he liberated a bow of curious design and
a quiver of arrows from the rapidly decaying remains. A
few weaplaced shots should give even an invisible serpent pause.
After reanimating his fallen servant, he continued
with his grisly retinue in tow toward the wagon. Having
been exposed to the way the Followers of Set clouded the
mind, Markus was sensitive to similar attempts at invisibility. Fleeing through the growing tumult of camp, his
corpse servants trailing after, he saw two more of the shadowy forms. The creatures struck terrified merchants from
the darkness even as their mortal allies fought in more
conventional fashion. Markus left them to their fate. The
death of a few traders mattered little in the larger scheme,
and their struggles would cover his retreat.
Flames bloomed a few-score yards ahead. Markus
shrank back on instinct, his inner Beast quailing at the
sight of fire. A merchant rushed up in that moment, though
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est we-
to say it is best we depart before facing more of these heathen creatures, I must point out that we are too late.
Having interrupted his own vigil to secure the pouch,
he now saw a half-dozen robed figures advancing with
bloodied weapons on display. They were of little enough
concern, given the skill of Markus and his men. But he
also registered the hazy, flickering forms of three Setites.
A trio of Cainites is among their number, gentlemen.
They are cloaked from your sight, so I shall deal with them.
1 leave it to you to handle the mortals.
I take it your shades are of no use to us here, Signore?Falsinar asked.
I might force one of them to manifest. Even those
in service to the undead have fled in fear upon encountering a restless spirit. But even would I command them, I
cannot sense where they lurk now. It shall just be us three
in this battle.
Beltramose offered a tight smile. Let us not forget
our four new friends.
Indeed. They shall serve a useful function, at least.
It was unnerving to turn away from the wagon fire, with
its flames so near. But while Markus could feel the heat,
not having to look at the hungry flickeringdance calmed
him a great deal. Pruy it m a k e s the Setites as uncmfortabfe
as it did me;I shall need every advantage I a n find.
The enemy closed with confidence. They had twice
the numbers of Markus and his men-including three
Setites against a lone Cappadocian-and the burning
wagon blocked any hope of retreat. Markus knew they
must strike fast and hard or they would be overwhelmed.
He commanded the corpses to move to one side with their
arms wide, then unlimbered the bow hed taken from the
Setite. The Egyptiansquickened their advance when they
saw Markus ready the weapon, though they were barely a
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Dagger and coustille thrust upward to skewer his attacker. He left the blades in his victim and turned for the
next. Already coming to his companions aid, the raider
swung without hesitation. Markus lunged to one side, taking a glancing blow, and grasped the bandits sword arm
with one mammoth hand. The mortals limb shriveled to
a useless husk in an instant. The man fell back, his cries
an equal mixture of terror and agony. Markus snatched up
the bandits fallen scimitar and slashed twice with hard
strokes to silence the screams.
The remaining three Egyptians-Beltramose had
felled the fourth a few moments before with a vicious cut
across the abdomen-took a defensivestance. Markus and
his men were wounded but unslowed, while the bandits
were down to half their number. One looked around for
aid from his masters.
The two Setites were near, but otherwise occupied.
The sight might have been amusing if circumstances
werent so dire. The animated corpses were proving sufficient distraction t h a t t h e pair had trouble
concentrating to maintain their obfuscation. The vampires hacked and cut at the hapless things, which
clutched at their clothing with clumsy hands. A lone
cadaver had even scrambled onto a Setites back. It did
nothing more than hang there, but was determined
enough to remain that the Follower of Set had yet to
succeed in removing it.
Markus roared a challenge and lunged at the nearest
bandit, determined to carve his way through to the Egyptian vampires. The scimitar was clumsy in his hand, but
the fury of his blows sent the raider scrambling backward,
swinging his own sword in a desperate blur to deflect the
attack. Falsinar dropped his opponent as the tide of battle
turned, and rushed to support his master. Then the Setites
finally chopped the corpse servants enough that they lost
their last spark of animation, and likewise hurried to aid
their remaining men.
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draw deep upon the power of the blood. His thick hands
grabbed the Setites arm, holding the creature fast as he
spat a thick wad of blood that spattered the serpents face
and shoulder. If he had whispered a hint of the graves
decay to the first Setite to lock her limbs, here he had spat
out its full withering might. (Dust to dust, he croaked.
The Setite meanwhile uttered a garbled shriek. He
wrenched himself away with the strength of desperation
as his body crumbled and flaked to heavy ash on contact
with the corrosive blood. Enough flesh dissolved to dust
that his ann tore free of his body. It remained clutching
Markuss throat for no more than an instant before it disintegrated in his grip. The Setitestumbledaway, the power
of unlife sustaining him though much of his upper body
and the lower portion of his face had crumbled away. The
other serpent, now handling Falsinar and Beltramose with
an effort, spared a glance at his compatriots screams. He
broke off his attack and dashed to intercede as Markus
moved for a finishing blow.
Death is my realm, Markus growled through a fresh
mouthful of blood. Come, you both, and let me show
you its secrets!
The wounded Setite gasped somethingunintelligible.
His companion looked upon the injury and then directed
his reptilian eyes at Markus. With not a little hesitation,
the serpent raised his scimitar.
You doubt my power?Markus said. Another lesson, then. He indicated that Falsinar and Beltramose
should remain as they were. Already standing over the
hacked bodies of his erstwhile corpse servants, he spewed
blood upon the cadavers. As before, they stirred in a matter of seconds. Four bodies arose to stand between Markus
and the Setites, their countless wounds forgotten in the
power of Cappadocian magic.
Another, more urgent croak came from the injured serpent. His compatriot nodded. Retreating with
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Irking out.
Lazarenes in the name of his family and his clan, it was
folly to think that he could depart unmolested with the
Sargon Codex under one arm. He was confident answers
would present themselves once he got a look at the
Lazarene haven.
This is the place! Markus asked in accented Arabic. Habib responded with a weary nod. The dwelling
was typical for the settlement, low and built from clay
bricks. Two, perhaps three rooms with a weathered door
and a couple of tiny windows. Markus dismounted, adjusting the robes he had taken from a merchants
belongings to replace his own tom and blood-soaked
garments. With a jerk of his chin to indicate that Habib
should join him, Markus offered the reins of his horse
to Falsinar.
We are here, gentlemen, Markus informed them in
Italian. As there is no corral that I can see, we shall draw
undue attention to ourselves if we keep our menageriehere
also. I caught the pungent odor of a stables when we first
entered this quaint settlement.Take the animals there and
return to me.
But we do not speak the local tongue, Falsinar replied. HOWare we to make arrangements?
If you cannot explain yourself with coins, use one of
the beasts as barter. I shall express our desires to Habibs
cousin in the meanwhile.
Upon their return an hour later, Falsinar and
Beltramose saw that there was no cousin to be found. Habib
looked more dazed than ever, though whether it was from
confusion as to where his cousin might be or from some
other source was unclear. Markus let the man crouch in
the comer of the main room, staring blankly at the dust
and dirt covering the floor.
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Part Four:
Bahariya Oasis
Chapter Seventeen
Road to Bahariya Oasis
2 October, 1204
An entire caravan slaughtered,Ankhesenaten observed with more than a little curiosity. He pointed with
his chin to a collection of large mounds, well advanced in
decay after only a few days in the desert heat. Even the
animals put to the blade, by the looks of it.
Constancia pursed her lips, surveying the massacre.
Seeing death, even on such a large scale, bothered the
high priestess no more now than it had any of the countless other times she had encountered it. It was the clear
lack of appreciation for the transition from life to death
that displeased her. This was no effort of simple bandits.
I expect such a collection of horses and camels would fetch
a grand price at market, would it not?
Oh, certainly. Far too valuable to waste in such careless fashion. Unless the bandits felt they could not take
care of them all as they made for their destination.
Far less effort to simply leave the beasts to fend for
themselves. Constancia nudged her camel forward to look
over the rest of the carnage. To her mild surprise, the normally contrary beast complied without protest. Neither
animals nor goods were the goal, here. I believe we may
make a reasonable guess as to w h a t - o r whom-was. Ah.
Yes, this should do.
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C h a p t e r Eighteen
Bahariya Oasis
6 October, 1204
The thin man sat against one wall, a collection of
twitches and tics. He kept looking around, starting every
so often and muttering under his breath. The significant
bruise that discolored his temple suggested the source of
his addled condition, but Constancia hardly noticed his
antics. She was more interested in his missing master, and
on matching all that he had just told her with what she
had previously known and suspected.
The first oracle, all those months ago in Mount
Erciyes, had spoken of her clans destruction, of the death
of Cappadocius himself. She was now all but certain this
would transpire at the hands of Lazarus. She was troubled
by this, despite her understanding of the cycle of life and
death. When the time came for the founder to truly die at
long last, it must be allowed to happen no matter who the
agent of that destruction might be. To do anything other
would be to tamper with the cycle itself.
And there lay the greater danger. For if Markus
Giovanni fell to the Lazarenes influence, their heretical leader would have n o need t o usurp Clan
Cappadocian. Lazarus would instead attempt apotheosis-worse, he would achieve it. Cainites by the score
would flock to him in the belief that he embodied a new
Dream. And embody it he would, in his own way. But it
would be a Dream warped by power unknown to any other
than the Creator Himself. The world would be nansformed, the cycle broken.
She had figured that Markus Giovanni was sent to
Constantinople to meet with someone who could help
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Chapter Nineteen
Temple of the Lazarenes
6 October, 1204
Markus Giovanni awoke to darkness. The pervasive,
absolute blackness defeated even his preternatural sight. One
such as he, however, did not rely on sight alone. Using the
remainder of his acute senses, he began exploring his prison.
The cell was small, a mere three paces on a side. But
even with his formidablesize, stretching his thick arms up
and jumping as high as he could, he could not find a ceiling. This was not the first puzzle that the place presented
him. In feeling out the chamber's dimensions, Markus
could find no door. The four walls were blocks fitted together with cunning skill, with not even a hint of secret
panel or bricked-upopening. It might even have been airtight, for all he knew. He drew a few experimentalbreaths,
but that proved nothing. He would have to sustain that
for some time before he ran out of air. And what would
that prove?He had no real need to breathe. Best to spend
his time in more productive fashion.
He began a second investigation of the walls, this
time with the same exacting detail he had applied to the
catacombs under the Church of the Holy Apostles. Despite intense effort to remain calm, he was close to frenzied
rage by the time he finished with the third wall. He reared
up, snarling his anger at an uncaring universe-and saw a
smattering of distant lights fat above. Stars. They edged
just past a darkness marginally more solid than the night
sky. It was the upper wall of his prison. Though Markus
had difficulty reckoning the distance with the handful of
stars as his sole point of reference, he estimated the cell's
opening was at least one hundred feet up.
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It is, is it not?a voice replied. It had the smoothconfidence of ultimate authority, yet it was neither gloating nor
self-important. A simple solution to a mast vexing problem.
Markus barely concealed his surprise. His senses had
not offered him the slightest hint that anyone else was
near. He made conversation gamely as he tried to find
where his visitor hid. The most secure, yet manageable,
means to imprison a Cainite, you mean.
You are as quick with your wits as I was led to believe, Markus Musa Giovanni.
It is obvious enough, given my circumstances.
Markus supposed he shouldnt be surprised that his captor
knew his identity. Those who had ambushed him in
Bahariya had known exactly what they were doing. Hed
been subdued in moments, struck by the same rigor that
hed inflicted upon the Setite woman. As such, he had a
good idea of those who had imprisoned him. The question foremost on his mind was whether he had been
maneuvered to this position even before leaving
Constantinople, or if it was more a matter of the Lazarenes
seizing a convenient opportunity.
The latter, the voice replied. Ah; do not be so
startled. Your thoughts fairly cry out. I find it refreshing.
The thoughts of most are a ramble of disconnected fragments. Yours, in contrast, are clear and well formed, like a
vase of crystal. Be proud, childe. You have a most powerful mind, albeit an undisciplined one.
Markus found no reassurance in the words, though
he bridled at being called undisciplined. Even in his time
as a mortal, his brilliance had been as worthy of note as
was his size.
1 speak not of intelligence, childe. Creatures roam
this desert with the wits of a vole. Yet their minds have
the strength to shatter mountains to powder. Perhaps that
is how the great desert was first formed. The voice al-
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lowed itself a chuckle. NO,not intelligence, but discipline. It is the same as with the arts you have studied. You
applied yourself with diligence and have accomplished
great things. It can be the same with the mind. But we are
not here for a lesson, are we, Markus Musa Giovanni?
I would imagine not; though I am unclear as to what
agenda does lie at hand. He could make out more detail as
the moon edged further overhead, but there was little
enough to see aside from the featureless walls. Whoever
the stranger was, he remained hidden in the night. Somewhere above Markus, certainly. He thought he could make
out a slightly darker patch midway up one wall. A evindoeu,
perhaps, fromwhich the Lazarenes can gaze upon their new pet?
There is no need for bitterness, childe. We are on
the verge of great discovery.
Two more voices murmured their agreement, a Greek
chorus to the lone speaker. How many of them lurk above
me, watching me like some specimen?
Your arrival could not have been timed better had I
planned it, the speaker continued. I debated for some
months whether to call for the final piece of Sargonspuzzle.
I had mastered the secrets of the codex; all that remained
was the final reference, extracted long ago in preparation
of my studies. Then I discovered that it was already on its
way, carried by one of my own estranged brethren.
Markus sagged against a wall as he finally realized who
the stranger was. Thoughts flooded his mind, and he held
to the thread of conversation only with effort. So you.. .
you hope to achieve apotheosis.
The other voices repeated the word, an eager whisper
that echoed through the shaft. The Sargon Codex holds the
potential to do many things, but that is the greatest of them.
And you removed the Lilith fragment intentionally?
It was too much a temptation otherwise, having the
complete codex before me. I would have courted disaster
by using it without the utmost understanding of its poten-
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A familiar scent drew Markuss attention. His hypersensitive nose caught the tang of fresh blood, but
underneath.. . Falsinar?
No words came in reply, but the scrape of boots and
the coatse rustle of fabric confirmed that someone was
above him. It was not Lazarus or his pair of sycophants.
That ancient creature and his lackeys moved so silently
that it wasnt clear when theyd even left, although the
cajoling had ceased some hours before. For all that I know,
they lurk up there still.
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was still warm, taken just a few minutes before from its
host-a large animal of some sort, given the strong odor.
Despite gorging himself on merchants and beasts in
recent nights, Markus was overcome with thirst. He
crouched, lapping with greedy tongue at the stuff. O n l y after the edge was taken from his need did Markus wonder if
the blood might be drugged-a worse. Just as he kept his
ghouls bound to him through draughts of blood, so too could
one Cainite force loyalty upon another. It typically required
multiple feedings, but who knew what innovations these
heretics had developed during their time in the desert?He
flung himself back from the trickling stream, wiping at his
beard in dismay.
Worrynot, Lazaruss voice informed him. There is
nothing more than a camels essence in that vitae. And
spices to slow the rate at which it congeals, of course. You
are still your own man-perhaps more so now than ever,
away from the chains of family and clan.
If that is so, why am I in this pit? Markus spat
back, the anger of the Beast giving him strength to challenge a Methuselah.
Silence! one member of the Greek chorus declared.
How dare you show such disrespect to our master!
No, Andel. Allow him to vent. But Lazaruss next
words showed none of the humor from before. Your outrage is misplaced, childe. You came to steal from us. Had
not your resourcefulness and potential impressedme, your
ashes would be mixing with the desert sands even now.
YQU are free to choose your fate-but do not presume
that you are free before you make that choice. Should
you join my cause, you will be raised from the depths of
that pit as Christ was lifted unto heaven. Should you
remain bound to the ways of the past, you will see the
sun one last time when it shines down the length of this
stone shaft.
Then my choice is made. I pledge myself this
very moment.
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Cappadocia n
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elf, scrammutterings were due to its being so close to his person. But
now it seemed that range had nothing to do with it. Indeed, distance had not mattered once Sir Hugh had fallen
under the Lamiasthrall. Am I as Cwak-cuilledas duuTempfar?
No! I am a Giovanniand a Cappadonan.I am a man of reason
and intellect. A piece of pottery c o t control me!
The cold longing abated, the swirl of memory receded.
He stood, wiping his mouth as a smile parted his lips. Not
such an undisciplined mind after all; eh, Lazarus?
Yet Markus did not believe his own bravado. He had
repelled the shards song, but the disquieting tickle in the
back of his mind suggested that his victory was only temporary. He was infected by the Lilith fragment.
How long before I suffer the same fare as the Tmplar
and the Lamia?How long before I am a mindless pawn? Or...
am I already?
Markus felt a chill of a different sort as he wondered if it
was truly his own choice to search for the Sargon Codex.
What kind of folly was it to think he could brave the dangers
of Egypt, penetrate a J-azarene stronghold and escape with
such a potent artifact?Was he nothing more than a courier?
But the shardis returned, the codex is made whole. Why
does it still call to me?
As if in response, a new surge of sensation threatened to overwhelm him. Markus forced i t back,
blood-sweat breaking across his brow with the effort. Are
you not yet done with fie?What service would you have
me perform from my prison?
H e knew then that it was not simply the shard, but
the entire codex, that called to him. It yearned for his
release. It wanted him free, to join with it again in a permanent uniontranscendent embrace far greater than
his transformation from mortal to undead.
And, though he quaked to his disused bowels at the
idea, a part of him yearned for it with equal passion.
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Markus covered his panic as best he could by admitting a goodly portion of the truth. It ... it is not every
night that I meet one of your veneration. Being in the
bottom of a pit with destruction imminent lent me courage. Now, I fear making a misstep.
Do not presume that you have avoided destruction
yet, childe, Lazarus chided. He stepped into the room,
gesturing that the others wait in the hall. There are few
whom I can claim as equals. But surely you have encountered enough elders at Mount Erciyes that you may display
more composure.
I have never been, M a r h said as he followed the ancient. He sensed disapproval and concern from the other
Lazarenes, but they left without protest when their master
flicked his wrist.Only Falsinar remained, the other corpse servant having long since wandered off on some other errand.
No? Pity. It is a most enlightening place. Its many
vaults and libraries hold revelations of great interest to
any who study death.
I had thought you fled from Erciyes long ago. Yet
you speak of it with familiarity.
I am familiar enough with the place and those who
dwell there. Others call me outcast and heretic, but that
does not keep me from anywhere that benefits my studies.
The Mount is far less secure than you might suspect. Yes, I
have visited more than once. I have absorbed every scrap
of knowledge to be found in its many passages, adding it to
my own understandings. Lazarus bowed his head in a
strangelypensive pose. It is most impressive,what our kind
have learned through the centuries.We can pry secrets from
the dead and command their remains, but we only ever
studied the echoes of the soul left in the corpse. Even I
assumed the truly vital elements of the soul were beyond
our reach once separated from the flesh and taken beyond
the firmament. Ironic, do you not agree-for the echoes in
the corpse are linked to the immortal soul, are they not?
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I believe.
Exactly! What you believe; what the Giovanni believe. Was that the motivation for your familys study of
necromancy?Or did it form as a result of it? No matter;
what is important is that your studies drew Cappadociuss
attention. You have become part of the clan.. . but the
rest of our kind remain unschooled in the ways of the spirit.
Was it not my sires wish that you share this knowledge?
Not all share the desires of Cappadocius. Markus
and his fellow Giovanni werent exactly eager to divulge
the workings of spirit sorcery. They were cautious ahout
where they placed their trust. Yet Augustus, patriarch of
the Giovanni family and Markuss grandsire among the
undead, had been prepared to share their knowledge of
necromancy in return for the honor of being inducted as
equals in the clan. But the trust gained from that act was
lost when he saw that many were uneasy with the Giovanni
and their black arts. The Giovanni were not the heretical
pariahs the Lazarenes were, but neither were they welcomed as fully as Markus had once told his retainers.
Secrets were kept from them-the rare art of divination,
the innermost workings of Mount Erciyes, and more besides. The Cappadocians might thaw in time, but the
Giovanni were resolute that their secrets would remain
just that-theirs alone-until then.
Othersshun you,the Methuselah olxwed.Someeven
claim you are as heretical as myself. Shocking, is it not?Such
ignorance from those who should be open to possibility
So you propose that we join in our respective heresies? Markus scraped up a trace of humor. Some
Cappadocians may mistrust us, but that is a far cry from
our sharing the same label.
And what is my heresy, childe? Is it not a matter of
arbitrary interpretation? The Cappadocians espouse the
Road of Bones. Existence follows a set cycle of life and
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Chapter Twenty
North of Bahariya Oasis
7 October, 1204
Rather unremarkable, as temples go, Ankhesenaten
Constancia ignored his sarcasm, her attention on the
next rise. The rocky outcrop was the only significantlandmark for miles, but she would have assumed it held nothing
of interest if Markus Giovannis aura hadnt led directly
to it. It is safe to assume that the Lazarenes have fashioned an underground lair. Sensible,given the terrain and
their desire for secrecy.
Well, yes, the Setite replied, not bothering to conceal his irritation. They had been together long enough
that neither wasted effort in trying to overlook their conflicting personalities. So,shall we go announce ourselves?
Constancia offered a minute shake of her head and
quirked a thin eyebrow at Qalhara. It was clear that a frontal assault was out of the question, but she left it to the
Lamia to suggest their next step. Qalhara was a better strategist than she.
I believe it is their main entry, Qalhara said. It
looks unimpressive, but see how the rocks create a strong
defensive position?No; there must be other passages.
We would find them in time, but time is not a
luxury we have. Do the Setites have a means to seek out
hidden openings?
Ofcourse! It is the first gift our Dark God bestowed
upon us. Ankhesenatens laughter did not reach his
golden eyes. His tone grew quiet as he continued. Come
now. You spoke of calamity should your wayward
Cappadocian fall into the Lazarenes clutches. Well, they
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carried him off two nights past, and yet the world remains
unchanged. I think that I may have been duped into aiding you in what is nothing more than a minor squabble.
W h y should I offer any further assistance?
Constancia dug her fingers into the hard-packed
desert sand, her not-insignificant patience strained with
the trials of the past few months. Believe what you like,
serpent. But consider this before you go: Regardless of
whether the peril exists, I offer you the chance to strike at
a Lazarene temple. That would stand you in good stead
with your people, would it not?
A chance at walking into my own destruction,more
like, Ankhesenaten grumbled. I pledged to offer you safe
passage in our land, but I have no interest in suicide.
Then I release you from your pledge.
The Setite quirked his lips in mild surprise. Understand that you shall no longer have my protection, should
you encounter any of my brethren.
Constancia raised a hand, brushing away his caution.
More pressing matters concern me.
Ankhesenaten looked from Cappadocian to Lamia,
then glanced at his bodyguard. Very well, High Priestess.
Know that I bear you no malice, but I cannot guarantee
the outcome of our next meeting.
A smile touched Constancias mouth, but she didnt
challenge his bravado. She and Qalhara watched the
Setites slip back down the slope and depart on their camels. Thereis potential in that one, if he does not fall victim
to his ego.
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They had returned barely before dawn the night before, but Qalhara
picked up the argument as if they had never spent a day
in slumber.
Is that all that worries you?Constancia spun, her
parchment-thin skin even paler than usual, ice-blue eyes
filled with the specter of disaster. This place is thick with
centuries worth of burials, of these Egyptians so-called
mummifications. I sense the bodies resting beneath the
sand like a field sown with death. I can reap that crop in
moments-an army of the dead at my command! But it
avails us nothing if we are too late to stop Lazarus from
claiming the Giovanni.
Summon your army, then. Qalhara said, her own
blood rising with concern. The stress of the visions, of the
choice her mistress had made, was taking its toll. Shed
never seen the high priestess so manic. They might lack
the power of Cainites, but give me one hundred corpse
knights and I shall overwhelm any who presume to stand
against us!
The two women turned in surprise. They had commandeered a home on the outskirts of the oasis, more
secure than the place where they had discovered Markus
Giovannis ghoul. And it was he who spoke now.
Beltramose had been cast aside when his master was abducted, knocked unconscious by a fortunate blow and left
collapsed in a comer. Hed been addled, barely aware of
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his surroundings, ever since they found him. But the bewildered expression hed wom for the past two nights was
gone, replaced with one of nervous resolve.
What did you say?
Beltramose shook his head. Not me. Falsinar. He says
that sending a large force through the temples main entry would create a bottleneck. Only a few could hold you
off while the rest escaped with Markus.
The Lamia warrior showed him rows of sharp teeth.
What do you know of-
Qalhara. Constancia had recovered much of her
composure, and looked at the ghoul with keen interest. I
had not noticed before. This man has two auras.
How can that be?
Ofcourse. A soul clings to him, like a drowning man
to a piece of flotsam. Most curious.
Then this.. . Falsinar?It is a spirit?
T h e Giovanni studied necromancy before
Cappadocius brought them into the fold. It would seem
that this mortal has some skill in the art, to have such
a pet.
Beltramose shrank into the comer as if he could burrow away from Constancias scrutiny. What?Falsinar is
nothing of the sort.
That blow has softened his brain, mistress.
Constancia looked the ghoul over carefully, poking
him a few times as she made her evaluation. Perhaps. I
care not how he perceives the thing; all that matters is
that the spirit seems to have some knowledge of the
Lazarene temple.
Yes! Beltramose cried. He does!
Does he know of an entrance other than the one by
the rocks?
How should I-what is it, Falsinar?Have YOU not
been listening?That is why they are here. Then do it, and
give me some peace for a moment!
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feared the worst until he saw the telltale rise and fdof his fnends
chest. With a cry of relief, Falsinar rushed to his friend's side.
You idiot, a cold voice spat.
Falsinar whirled, snatchingfor the falchion that was no
longer at his belt. Two men and a woman stood on the other
side of the room. He hadnt noticed them before, so concerned
was he for Beltramose. The three stood out from the hazy
surroundings with startling clarity. The speaker was hardly a
man, but a tall boy of perhaps farteen years cuith strangely
flondskinandsunken, feveredeyes.The other man, aheavyset
Turk of middle age, had a dozen vicious wounds gaping open
on his flesh. It was difficult to tell the womans age, for much
of her face and upper body looked as if pulped by a fall froma
great height. Each moved in strange fits and starts, as if time
was not constant in this place. Disturbing as all this was,
Falsinar sensed somethingfamiliar about the three creatures.
You would have been free, the youth continued, but
instead of passingon, you come running back for your fiend.
Youve had it now.
You do not scare me, Falsinar replied, though the
squeak in his voice suggested otherwise.
The trios laughter was like insects skittering over fzagstones. The woman shuffledforward, pointing a ruined arm
at him. It is not us you need fear, Falsinar. If the things that
infest this land do not get you, our beloved mastershall.
What... what are you talking about? Who are you?
You do not recognize us, after all the time we have spent
together? The youth affected dismay. Your old friends
Infantino, Viator, and Domnola?
Falsinar shook his head even as he sensed the truth of the
boys worok. He had never met the people whose souls Markus
ensnared. Yet these three were no strangers. They hadall spent
years in service to the Giovanni, they in the spirit realm, he in
the physical world. Falsinar had grown to know their feel without ever reali&g it, But if I can see them-
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Chapter Twenty-one
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to that, would you not agree?The answer lies in the divine, childe, and in manifestations of mortal faith that
defy even the most powerful of our kind. Clever indeed
was Sargon in the steps he took to conceal his tablet. It
was thirty years after I found its hiding place before I hit
upon a means to enter safely, and another five before I felt
confident that I could remove it intact. It is no wonder
that the great Cappadocius had never tracked it down, let
alone recovered it. Consider it another irony; he was too
close to see the clues.
And now that you have the codex, you seek apotheosis. Toward what end?
You assume it is for power. No; I seek to answer the
fundamental issues of existence once and for all, Lazarus
said. Sargons tablet is the key to understanding Gods
plan-even of addressing the curse that afflicts all our kind.
But ... Markus struggled to process it all. Wait.
What need do you have of me? The final piece of the
Sargon Codex is in your hands. If you achieve godhood,
of what importance am I?
A surprisingly human sigh came from the robed figure. Though apotheosis shall lay bare much that remains
hidden, it is hubris to assume that 1will enjoy total omniscience ... at least for some time. My followers shall
continue to be of great aid. And you, with your unique
perspective on the realm of the spirit, shall be of particular use. Think of it, childe! Imagine knocking down the
last barriers of ignorance, casting aside the last shackles of
mortality that yet bind us. You search for the same answers as I. Look at what you have accomplished thus far.
Look at the risks you have taken with but rumor and legend as your guide. Does it not excite you to know that
ultimate discovery lies within your grasp?
Markus could hardly deny that he felt a thrill. Can it
be so simple? Based on a few clever words, am I to ignore all
that I have been told of the Lazarenes?
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To his surprise, when he called for the spirit, the response was immediate, almost as if Infantino was waiting
for the summons. There was an odd quality to the shade,
but there was no mistakinghis vibrant energy. Relief washed
over Markus. Without the amulets of binding, it would have
been difficult to force the wraith to him. As it was, the
slave would be easy enough to control once he drew near.
Markus spoke without preamble when the smoky aura
flickered into sight. We are short on time. I shall tear an
opening in the shroud that separates our realms. You must
focus your entire will upon me so that I may step through.
Do you understand?
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ravenous from his own blood loss and exertion. The reek
of the Lazarenes gore splashed all over him sent Markus
into a frenzy. Instinct overwhelmed reason, and he fell
upon the injured Cainite with a deadly hunger.
Markus was saved from diablerie-cannibalizing the
very essence of one of his own kind-when a curved blade
plunged through his back. The pain was fierce, like a blow
to his very soul, but it shocked him back to his senses. He
cast aside the Lazarene and writhed to get free of the awful weapons bite. The blade obliged, the barbs along its
edge ripping through him in further agony. Calling out to
Infantino, Markus spun to face his attacker.
I am here, master, Infantino declared, his grin as
wicked as the bloody weapon he wielded.
Already unnerved by the bloodlust that had overcome
him and struggling to get his bearings in the vast desolation of the spirit world, Markus could do more than gape
at the thing that had long been his ghostly slave.
The wraith looked, for the most part, as he had when
Markus first found him a few years before-a tall youth
dead from the ravages of fever. But his body now sported
an appendage impossible to the human form. The blade
that had stabbed Markus waved at the end of a manyjointed appendage which sprouted from Infantinos
midsection, like some obscene umbilical cord. Its surface
was hairless and hard, the carapace of a crab, and a hundred tiny teeth along its edge promised to saw at Markus
with the same viciousness as the first blow. Infantino
moved like a crab as well, scuttling sideways around
Markus, forcing him to stumble in place as he tried to
keep the ghost in view.
Markus struggled to master his shock. How.. . dare
you! I am your master!
No longer, came the reply. The wraiths eyes were
the bulging orbs of a madman. I can still feel the pull of
your necklace-but
they are yours no longer. The
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Chapter Twenty-Two
Bahariya Oasis
15 October, 1204
Markus awoke from seven nights of torpor to the
sound of strange voices. Though the situation was fast
becoming routine, he appreciated it not at all.
At least I am not in some pit this time.
He was in some kind of farmhouse, in fact, built of
clay bricks in the same style he had seen throughout this
land. He had grown weary of Egypt, but he was most
grateful to see anything at all after suffering the ravages
of Infantino.
He felt a dull ache in every inch of his body that
made even lying still uncomfortable. It meant his body
was healing, at least, albeit far more slowly than it would
have from wounds inflicted by a normal man or beast. It
would be some time before he was entirely whole, but he
was well enough this night to rise from the bed.
Or perhaps not, he thought as a wave of dizziness made
him stumble with his first steps. I need blood.
Beltramose rushed into the chamber at the first sound
of movement. Signore! Are you certain that you are well
enough to be up?
The weakness shall pass, Markus grunted, but I
must feed. Now.
Beltramose bobbed his head and scampered from the
sleeping chamber. The voices in the other room ceased
their dialogue, and Markus heard his ghoul ask for a container of vitae. The silence remained even after the lanky
man returned, a stoppered clay flask in hand. This is the
same that has been fed to you this past week. Mistress
Constancia said that it-
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She dipped her chin slightly. Then allow me to enlighten you, for the world itself has become imperiled by
your ignorance.
Markus found the rebuke harsh indeed, but the cold
gleam in the Lamias eyes warned against making protest.
Constancia gestured and they all sat-the three of them
upon the stools they were using when Markus entered the
room, he making do with a comer of the cold hearth that
took up one wall of the small dwelling. Beltramose retreated to tidy up the sleeping chamber.
Markus Musa Giovanni, we four discuss matters of
greatest import this night. You know me already, if only
by reputation. This is Qalhara, my guardian and protector. And this is Ankhesenaten, representative of the
Walid Set.
She must mean the recovery of the Sargon Codex. He
had hoped his family could get it first, delivering it to
Mount Erciyes or keeping it for study as the Giovanni
elders best saw fit. Still, better to help Constancia recover the codex now than to allow Lazarus the time to
make his play for divinity. I intend no disrespect, but
if you are here for the reasons I infer, is it not a matter
for Cappadocians alone? What right does the serpent
have to be here?
Please; I am sitting in the same room,Ankhesenaten
offered them an exasperated smile. DOme the courtesy
of including me in the conversation.
He acted as guide so that we would not be trespassers in his land, thereby sparing us from unwelcome
encounters with others of his blood. Constancia cast a
sidelong glance at the Setite. Though that service has
ended, he has come tonight on a new matter.
Ankhesenaten leaned forward, physically inserting himself into the conversation. Yes, let us come
back to that. As I said before we were interrupted by
yon colorful Cappadocian, I was subject to base emo-
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My grasp of the spirit realm is restricted to the divining arts. If you had not striven, even on the verge of
torpor, to return-and if the veil had been any tougher
than parchment-you would have been lost to that place
forever. Her pale eyes looked him over critically. That
was a most foolish endeavor, Giovanni. What possessed
you to brave the land of the dead?
A keen sense of survival. My only other choices
were to have my ashes mix with the desert sand, or join
them. Like Infantinos betrayal, the incident was still
too fresh in memory to contemplate now. Still, he would
not soon forget the doubts that were raised during his
time with the Lazarenes. But enough of me for the moment. You must have divined that Lazarus has the Sargon
Codex, that even now he makes plans for apotheosis. I
am puzzled that you came here alone, though. Was this a
diplomatic effort? Did you seek to dissuade him from
making the attempt?
Constancias placid features shifted in what Markus
could have sworn was consternation. Her aura rippled
too swiftly for him to discern the telltale hues that would
give him insight into her mood. She shook her head
slowly, her features adopting the stem calm as before.
You are as perceptive as I was led to believe. I witnessed an oracle that predicted Lazarus would, in fact,
attempt godhood. But success will not be what he expects. He shall not supplant God, though he will
achieve power undreamt of. You spent many years in
Constantinople; you are familiar with the so-called
Dream? Well, it will take on a new form when Lazarus
becomes like unto a god on earth. Lazaruss progeny shall
supplant the children of Caine in a conflict that will
rend the earth and destroy countless souls. In the end,
the Dream will become a perverted nightmare, and the
cycle will be forever broken.
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Wake, Beltramose. I have need of some companionship amid all this strangeness.
Shaken from slumber, the ghoul could hardly keep
from throwing his arms around Markus. Signore!It is so
good to see you up and about again.
It does me well to see you also. He peered closely at
the man. Is that Falsinar?
Beltramosenodded, far more comfortablehaving the
spirit of his compatriot hovering by him than he ever
was with the ghosts Markus had captured. I do not always see him, but 1 can feel him nearby. It is a most
strange sensation.
Well, greetings to you also, Falsinar. My thanks for
intervening when I was at Infantinos mercy.
He says- Beltramose stopped himself. Apologies,
Signore. I expect you can understand him well enough.
He was mad, Falsinar had said, his words warped
and muted by the barrier between them. We will never
escape this knd without you to lead us.
Markus heard the words with little trouble, but he
was surprised that Beltramose had picked up the knack
without any training. Your loyalty is commendable. Let
us hope we will be gone from here soon.
They stepped into the night and felt a gust of wind
that promised dawn would soon follow. Markus walked
in silence, taking in the simple construction of the few
buildings that comprised the farm, the fields that lay fallow until spring, and the fresh graves that surely held
the remains of those who had called this place their
home. DOyou know where Constancia has gone with
that pair of ghouls?
Signore! Beltramose yawned. Her servants have
been sprinkling some concoction of blood and other odious substances across that portion of the desert plain. She
went with them once before, though I know not what
purpose it serves.
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C a ppadocian
C h a p t e r Twenty-Three
Temple of the Lazarenes
16 October, 1204
Markus could scarcely believe his eyes. One hundred
twenty cadavers marched in the desert, promising violent
death to any man or beast that crossed their path.
Cappadocians were not militant by nature, but they were
nonetheless capable of awesome displays of force. The legion of corpse knights had arisen just before the previous
dawn and spent the day heading toward the Lazarene
temple. From his seat astride a camel a quarter-mile distant, Markus could almost feel their ravenous hunger for
destruction. How could you create such an army alone?
The ritual is a challenge to learn, let alone master.
Only those who have proven their skill after centuries may
learn its secrets. Constancia looked no differentfrom the
night before, but she could not disguise a great strain in
her tone. (Itcosts me greatly to keep them to their course.
Do not pester me with any more questions.
A squad of ten peeled off from the main force and
moved toward their group. Qalhara raised a bone wrapped
in stained cloth-a charm the high priestess had created
to allow her bodyguard to command a small group of
corpses. Come; we must hurry if we are to be in position
when the corpse knights begin their assault.
Markus shot Ankhesenaten a wicked grin as he
muscled his camel forward. Your Setite friends had best
hurry, or there may be nothing left for them to assault.
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Ca ppadocian
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Chapter Twenty-Four
Temple of the Lazarenes
16 October, 1204
Markus lunged for the doorway. Back down the
You just said that Lazarus was down there,
Ankhesenaten protested. And if that shouting comes
from him, he does not sound pleased.
Stayhere if you like, serpent, but it will be your tomb.
Our only chance of escape lies this way! Some cast about
for another exit, but they saw what Markus had. The
vaulted chamber was designed for security-there was no
other possible way out.
He was a pace behind Akil and Palladius; the ghouls
had originally been left to guard the doorway. Vampire and
mortal fled down the wide staircase toward the sounds of
battle and emerged into madness. Seven corpse knights remained,and they all foughtwith unfettered savagery against
three Cainites. Markus had no trouble recognizing the
Lazarene lieutenant, Osia. The well-built man with the
pointed features next to her had a blazing aura that revealed
him as Lazarus.The Methuselahs robes were nothing more
than shreds of fabric, but his flesh remained whole. He appeared to have avoided all but a few minor blows from
Constancias creations. The third vampire was a twisted
thing of wild hair and tatters. It lashed out with a fury equal
to that of the animated warriors. Markus caught a glimpse
ofthe creatures face and realized with some shock that itshe-was none other than the Lady Alexia Theusa.
By Christ and Caine, what has become of her? Where is
the poise and resmution? She is little m e than an a n i d !
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He was happy to let pass the mystery of Alexias degeneration in favor of finding a way out of this chaos. The
corpse knights were holding back the vampires for now,
but the space remained too cramped to attempt a dash to
any of the three corridors that emptied into the room.
We must push them back farther, into that tunnel,
he commanded the Cappadocian initiates. They looked
at the snarling mass of undead just two yards distant, then
turned shocked eyes to him.
He is right, Qalhara said from behind them. Her
tone had a dangerous edge that motivated the ghouls immediately. Though terrified for their lives, Akil and
Palladius remembered their duty and rushed to press the
attack. The Lamia moved up as well, making room for her
mistress as she readied an attack with her short spears.
Lazarus, acquitting himself well against four of the
corpse knights, finally registered the intruders presence just
as Constancia stepped through the archway. He took in
Markussscarred form and the high priestesss wan countenance, betrayal and outrage twisting his face to something
inhuman. A terrible roar burst from his lips: Giwunni!
Now! Qalhara ordered, thrustinghigh the bone charm
for emphasis. The corpse knights gibbered and snarled in response while the Cappadocian initiates yelled incoherent
battle cries. Osia was sucked into the animated warriors
deadly undertow. Shewas tom to wet gobbets of bloody gistle
that imploded into ash as final death claimed her.
Akil and Palladius struck at Alexia, but the cramped
confines restricted them more than it did her. She caught
Palladius by the wrist, her touch sufficient to freeze him like
a marvelously detailed statuary. The ghoul was thrown offbalance but could do nothing to correct his fall. The corpse
knights knew no distinctionbetween fnend and foe; any who
came within reach were fair game. They fell upon the immobilized Palladius with the same eagerness they showed Osia.
Akil cried out for his fallen comrade, and Alexia seized on
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Ankhesenaten and his bodyguard watched the carnage from the relative safety of the archway at the base of
the stairs. Beltramose crouched even further back, murmuring to the empty staircase.
We are surrounded by insanity, Ankhesenaten told
Goreb. These Cappadocians would destroy one another
over some tablet while their servants carry on conversations with spirits.
The taciturn bodyguard grunted. Pray that their
madness is not catching.
Quite the contrary, my friend. It would save us
much time and energy if they could eradicate one an-
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other with no subtle urging from us. We might then devote our full energies to wipe out at last the minions of
our Great Enemy.
Goreb replied with another grunt, but this time did
not elaborate.
Hmm; perhaps you are right, Ankhesenaten allowed. These Cainites have a knack for sending even
the simplest plans awry. We can rely only on ourselves to
see the job done right. But for now, let us remain out of
sight while this matter settles itself.
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The cry surprised them all, as did the form that tlashed
like an mow toward Constancia.Qalhararespondedas quickly.
It was the same pale figure that had attacked a sailor on the
ship Golden Vfrme--but this time the Lamia had her short
spear at hand. Her throw was a blur that struck the attacker
just as she reached the High Priestessof Bones. AlexiaTheusa
staggered,the spear embedded deep in the meat of her thigh,
but it did not keep her from her goal. She snatched at the
Sargon Codex with eager hands. Return it now!
Constancia heard the artifact creak in the tug-of-war
as Alexia tried to tear it from her grasp. Restrain yourself, my sister-or do you wish the tablet destroyed?
The codex is eternal! A glimmer of lucidity flashed
within the cracked madness of Alexias eyes.
Lazarustwitched a hand, sending vitae to splattera large
red stain of warning on the ground. Releaseit, Constancia!
Y o u surround yourself with the weak-minded,
Lazarus, Constancia shouted, struggling to keep hold of
the codex without snapping it apart in the process. And
you, my sister. Do you think that this object will return
your great love to life?Andreas shall return-but you will
long be dust when he does!
You lie! the madwomanshrieked,wrenching away the
tablet with a mighty effort. Bloody froth spattered the cloth
that wrapped the Sargon Codex as she cried, With this, 1
may usurp Gods will and be reunited with Andreas at last!
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the worn shackles of restraint in one terrible instantand Lazarus flung a handful of blood in outrage. Reason
returned immediatelyafter, but it was already too late. Even
one of Lazaruss might could not call back his deadly power.
Markus saw the Methuselah unleash his attack. Issuing an inarticulate cry of warning, he dove away from the
arc of red. Qalhara moved as quickly, driving her mistress
to the ground in a protective tackle.
Aware of nothing but her new prize, Alexia registered the attack only when the heavy crimson droplets
splashed on her shoulder and face-and onto the upper
portion of the Sargon Codex.
She had not even the time to scream as her upper body
detonated in a cloud of decay. The vitae of Lazarusate through
the tablets wrappings that same instant. Potent blood magic
and divine artifact collided in a blast that shatteredthe world.
Clay fragments showered the antechamber amid a
deafening peal like the thunder of heaven itself. All were
tossed like a childs toys in the shockwave, and the very
stone bucked and cracked around them.
Markus was staggered by pain both physical and spiritual. His body, stillweak from its recent injuries, was battered
as the temple started to implode in a shower of dust and
stone. And the song of the codex was tom from him, leaving a gaping tear within his soul. The emptiness swelled,
threatening to send him into a madness to rival Alexias.
But his agony was as nothing compared to that Lazarus
suffered. The Methuselah unleashed a cry of terrible loss.
Blood surged from his wounds in a rising cloud that threatened to engulf the chamber and far beyond. The bizarre
blood magic never took effect, however, because the ceiling caved in and a hundred tons of desert came crashing
down through the collapsing temple.
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Chapter Twenty-Five
11 November, 1204
Even a month later, their escape from the fall of the
Lazarene temple was a haze of splintered sensation in
Markuss memory.
Hed been aware only of being pulled free of crushing
debris and a frantic dash away from a massive sinkhole.
Then everything was darkness and loss. It took him eight
nights before he could cope with the gap in his spirit sufficiently to rise. They were well on their way to Alexandria
by that point, Ankhesenaten staying true to his word and
granting all whod survived the event safe p_assagefrom
Egypt. Markus shared an enclosed wagon with Qalhara
for the journey, who had suffered grievous physical injury
protecting her mistress from the worst of the collapse.
Beltramose and the spirit of Falsinar attended him
along the way, explainingas best they knew what had happened. The staircase in which they and the Setites hid had
protected them from the initial stages of the temples collapse. Ironically, the chamber in which the codex was stored
proved to be their best means of escape. A gap tore in its
vaulted ceiling as the rest of the complex fell in, leaving a
chasm up which they scrambled to reach the desert.
Ankhesenaten had, in fact, been less than truthful
regarding the Setite forces. Some of the serpent bands already lay in wait. They rushed forward at his call to carry
them all to safety.
A great rumbling hole appeared where the Temple of the
Lazarenes had been, a massive cloud of dust rising above. By
the time the hastily assembled caravan struck out for Alexandria, the desert sand was already shlfting to fill in the crater.
OfLazarus and his followers, there had been no sign.
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Constancia watched from the balcony as Golden Virtue made ready to sail. Streaks of light blossomed to the
east, but she had a few more minutes before she must seek
shelter from the dawn.
You are certain that the Giovanni will keep the
course to meet with the Nosferatu? Qalhara asked.
Though still weak from her injuries, she stood as alert and
resolute by her mistresss side as ever before.
He is enough in my thrall that a gentle request shall be
felt as a mast urgent order, Constancia affirmed. It lies with
Malachitenow, to see that the Dream meets its necessaryend.
And what does the future bring us, mistress?
Lazarus failed in his bid for godhead, Qalhara. He
may even have been destroyed for his temerity. But I have
seen no change in the fate of our clan. Whether he is the
cause, surviving by some miracle to exact his revenge, or
some other Cappadocian who I have somehowoverlooked,
it seems our time upon this world shall run its course.
Qalhara appraised her mistress. Must this be the way
of things?_
Only God may say. But while there is time, there is
hope. I have found new hope in the events of these past
nights. Constancia looked back into the room, where
pieces of clay tablet inscribed with tiny Chaldean characters poked from the open flap of a leather satchel. There
may yet be a way to set the future on a new course.
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C a ppadocian
As Andrew of Egypt, he had been paid for his services, and his reputation was at stake tonight. He was
obliging the great Cappadocian matriarch, Lady
Constancia, and if he did not make safe delivery of her
protege to the Giovanni house in Venice, it would be
known. Other customers might think again.
As Ankhesenaten, servant of Set, he devoted himself
to protecting his charge. The great work he would begin
tomortow depended on success tonight-Andrews reputation was vital to Ankhesenatens mission. Then, too, the
Giovanni were said to have powers over the spirits of the
dead, and he might one night need their services. A relationship with this one, young in years, yet very powerful
in blood and influence, was surely worth cultivating.
And Andreas, in his own heart, was really concerned
for his passenger. Markus, whom he liked, had joined a
war. He was involved, very publicly, in the schemes of the
mighty. Though he had proven himself in both battle and
intrigue, he seemed open and lighthearted, not suspicious
enough to survive the special enmity he might now have
earned. Andreas determined to bring Markus safely through
this wretched swamp of a city. The Setite would feel far
better when he saw his friend received into the stronghold of his kinsmen; until then, Andreas kept his vigil
and guarded against an ambush.
Slowly, a great halo formed above them in the sky.
Andreas had his attention on a particularly treacherous
bridge they were to go beneath, Markus was watching thin,
fine snow melt into the brackish water, and so, the gondolier saw it first. He was very young and simple,and he began
to cry out.
See, signori. There is a ring around the moon! See, see!
Andreas kept his eyes firmly on the bridge, but Markus
started from his reverie. He turned to look, not at the sky,
but at the boy.
He was an awkward creature. Not yet a man, though
his arms were thick and powerful, he could no longer be
termed a child. His voice cracked high and low, and the
down on his babylike cheeks had begun to coarsen. He
was poorly clad and shoeless-there was something wrong
there-the rags tied around his feet could not conceal the
club shape of the left one. Markus met his eyes, found the
face flushed with excitement, exertion or embarrassment,
and heard the young man shuffle the deformed leg behind
the other, out of sight. The boatman flung an arm helpfully upward, in case his wealthy passenger doubted where
the sky might be.
The Giovanni smiled gently and followed the pointing hand. Ah. So there is, he replied.
The moon was full and fat. She had hidden herself behind a thin veil, faint as a single drop of milk in a clear
pool-the deep, blue-tiled pool of his palace in New Rome.
She was a great white spider, and the ring around her shone
as frail and weak as the glow of drowned men. It seemed
barely strong enough to hold her swollen body in the firmament-and below her, in its own brackish, murky water, lay
the bloated city of Venice, gorged on the blood of Byzantium.
Markus shook off the conceit. The court of New
Rome, both the living and the dead, had been much given
to poetry. He must remember that he belonged to the practical, mercenary Republic now, not the sophisticated
Empire. He should consider himself a man of the winning
side and think of the rape of Constantinople as a high and
holy victory. It would not be easy.
As Markus mused, the boy persisted. His other patron
had not heard him. Eager to please, and anxious that no one
should miss the marvelous sight, he appealed to the thin,
brown man at the prow. Signore-signore-you
see it?
Andreas ignored him. They were drifting under the
troublesome bridge now-and slowing. The darkness below the arches might hide ghouls of a rival household, come
to abduct Giovanni-or a host of assassins, seeking to drain
the blood from them both-or even the mercenaries and
monks of the Church, ready with oil and hot coals to destroy them both. The boy might be making this fuss to
distract them. He had stopped propelling his little craft
altogether. Andreas detested Venice, not for love of
Constantinople, but because to travel through it, he had
to go in tiny, open boats, between and under and over so
much he could not see.
When they came out into the open again, the gondolier was still begging. Andreas brought his scrutiny to the
young mans face. He found sincerity on it, and the pleading note in the voice rang true. He nodded and smiled in
curt acknowledgement, and-to end the matter and get
the boat moving again-he looked, very briefly, skyward.
As if to plague him, the moon dodged out from behind her clouds just as he raised his gaze to her. Her
daybright face nearly blinded him, and he quickly closed
his stinging eyes against her.
The boy grinned with an ingratiating satisfaction.
He had their attention; he was speaking with great men.
Is it an omen, do you think, signori? A sign for our doge?
Having voiced the thought, he obviously feared it. He
gasped, leaning toward Markus and drawing the pole entirely from the water. What can it mean?
Andreas opened his eyes far enough to glare the length
of the boat. He rapped sharply on the prow, and the boatman
unfroze a little. He dipped the pole beneath the waves again.
They made a feeble sort of progress.
Markus twisted round again, concerned about the boy.
One glance told him that the mortal needed comforting.
He swung his legs over the thwart and settled down to
face the boy.
I think it must mean good fortune for the fleet, he
began confidently. It representsthe circle of their coursethey go out, they travel, and they come safely home to port.
My father has gone to Antioch on such a ship, the
boy offered.
Yes. Well, maybe this sign is meant for you, then.
Your fathers safe return ... Markus slowed, guiltily. He
knew the dangers of Outremer-the Christian kingdom
in the holy land was always in peril. Present war, the
threat of war, plagues and famine-one at a time and in
all possible conjunctions-the angels of death stalked
even the churchs holy warriors. He had best prepare
the boy for a different fate. ...or perhaps it represents
your fathers glory. The fulfillment of his vow to take the
cross to Jerusalem.
Silence ruled the boat for a time. The boy kept his attention on the sky and their course,the Giovanni let his dwell
on the boy, and the Egyptian studied the shadows again.
You dont look on such a sign and wonder?
Andreas glanced at the moons reflections on the water. Quietly,he murmured, I put no faith in omens, Markus.
Andreas lied. He believed in them most sincerely and
seriously;he simply dared not trust them. They never came
to him alone and in cettain terms, the way the Bible claimed
the prophets of Yahweh had found them. He knew no visions of Christ like the apostles,nor ecstasies like the saints.
The angels that had flocked to Mohammed did not visit
him. Most painfully, the signs and dreams that his brothers
and sisters were blessed with were not his. Even Sets heretics had (or said they had) more communication with their
god than he did-though Ankhesenaten believed his communion with the Lord of Storms was far stronger.
This omen, brought to his attention by such a frailspirited Christian as the boy-it was nothing. He raised
his head and met the Giovannis gaze with wicked glee.
What should I wonder?Whether it means the Doge
will have a son by a white cow?That the harlot whom the
Frankish butchers put on the throne of New Rome will be
Queen of the May this spring?Thats her crown of flowers
in sky, isnt it?
If I were his god, Andreas continued, and I wanted
to convey an important message to the Doge, I think I
would choose an omen that made a noise, Markus. He
laughed again. On the other hand, that moon looks exactly like the cast in a blind mans iris. Must be for Dandolo,
after all.
The Giovanni shook his head ruefully, but his lips
twitched toward mirth.
Andreas grinned back at him. Honestly, Markus, I
think it means theres a storm blowing in-but Ive been
seeing that in the clouds without the moons help.
into suspicion. The strange, thin one had taken his fine
new friend away. He spoke in an Eastern language; he
was dark-skinned and unnaturally lean; he dressed in poor
robes like a Cairene slave. The boy blurted out, Signore,
you ... you have seen the cathedral? and won back the
gentlemans attention.
What do you say?asked Markus, politely.
The cathedral, signore. Where the head of Saint John
lies?You spoke of the relics...
Oh. No, I have never seen it.
Would you like to go, then? I... I could take you.
The youths face lit up with enthusiasm. Tomorrow?You
should see it; it is so beautiful. He held the pole in the
cruck of his arm and gestured the churchs outline in the
air. There is not another like it in the world. He would
have continued speaking, not working, but Andreas cut
him off.
Markus. Is that the house?
The enormous Cappadocian craned his neck to see
around the prow. Through an alley that led off the canalside street, he could see an open square. The little campo
was bordered on all sides by tall houses, one of which was
well-lit and very solid-seeming. Built of stone to the second story, its upper floors were thick, timberframe
constructions. Its deep and narrow windows were open now,
but heavy, iron-bound shutters hung ready at every one.
It is, Markus answered.
This is a poor landing-place,Andreas warned. Is
there a better one?
Unless they have changed the arrangements drastically, yes. Around this corner, to your right, boy. Thats
the spot. Pull in beside those steps-no, the ones with the
railing. Very good.
Behind the rail, a very frail old man lay on a rough pallet, sleeping. His lids fluttered weakly as the boat scraped
against the stone quay. When he caught sight of the giant in
the black cloak, though, he rolled onto his feet with a speed
that startled even the Giovanni, who had expected it.
Piero, beamed Markus. Youre still with us.
gleaned a few final grains of gossip from the elderly watchman, lifted to his shoulder the small satchel he bore himself
and prepared to take his leave. The boys eyes were still
upon him, and he made a gracious half-bow as farewell.
Andreas cleared his throat, and the boy finally realized that the purse was in his hands. The Egyptian selected
one thin, copper quarter-pence and inspected it. Though
the boys disappointment was obvious and Markus expression disapproving, he placed the tiny coin in the mortal
palm. He let it lie there alone long enough to make clear
no brothers would join it.
Andreas gaze met the boys, and he seemed to think a
moment. Then the lean, brown hand dipped into the pouch
again. It emerged with something hidden between the fingers, and the child watched it with a curious, fearful hope.
The purse snapped loudly shut.
Tell me, young m a n - d o you really think that that
ring is a sign from God, or have you been trying to win the
patronage of my well-born friend here?
Markus opened his mouth as if to protest.
The youths eyes flickered from the confidential, inviting expression to the giants kindly, indignant one-and
down to the closed fist with its concealed treasure.
I.. . I did not mean any offence.The gondolier paled.
I hope I have been of service.
Of course, encouraged Andreas. But did you believe, he stressed scornfully, or were you just taking the
opportunity to make yourself agreeable to a customer?The
Setite gave the boy a knowing smile as he offered the second choice.
The youth smiled back shyly. Thought crossed his face,
with effort. Your friend, he is a pilgrim, I think, he said,
shrugging and staring at his feet. If he sees an omen from
my boat tonight, maybe he will hire me to take him to the
cathedral tomorrow.
And the ring is only the weather?
The boatman nodded sagely. Justpretty clouds,signore.
Andreas sighed deeply. His hand opened, and a tiny
piece of gold-half of a clipped sequin coin-dropped into
the astonished boys hand.