Chaining The Beast.
Chaining The Beast.
Chaining The Beast.
Written by:Gavin Bennett, Trevor Chase and James Wil Flachsbart, Ellen Kiley and the Meatnog Gang
Kiley. Vampire and the World of Darkness created
by Mark Rein•Hagen.
Storyteller Game System Design: Mark
Developed by: James Kiley
Editor: Ken Cliffe
Art Director: Richard Thomas
Layout & Typesetting: Mike Chaney
Interior Art: Vince Locke, Andy Trabbold,
and Kirk Van Wormer
Front Cover Art: Andy Trabbold
Front & Back Cover Design: Mike Chaney
Something is eating babies in El Barrio. Damn, even dead, it feels like my clothes are sticking to
Yes, you heard me right. Eating. As in, “Cracking the skulls me. Hot as a bitch. They say this summer’s not as warm as the
open, slurping out the brains, sucking down the eyeballs like last two. Not so’s you’d notice.
grapes, and leaving a mess of gnawed bones and skin.” That’s okay. It’s like a little crucible of Hell. Suck it up,
One of ours? Why, yes. Well, vampires don’t usually eat internalize it, and be ready to give it back to that puta.
people. But a few do. The crazy fetishists choke it down and See, his killing, it’s bad enough. Some of our kind don’t give
then vomit it up later. It doesn’t do them any good. It’s the act a rat’s ass about yanking a bum out of a subway station and suck-
itself — the ritual — that sates whatever need they have. ing him dry. It’s a waste of resources, but we have to be tolerant.
Yeah, it is pretty “fucked up.” Damn, I can tell you’re just We can forgive a stumble, just not a fall. Even our kind makes
out of the ground, using talk like that. Once you haven’t used mistakes. It’s ones like this thing, though… still going through
your dick for a decade, that kind of shit will fade. the old motions as he tries to cling to anything to stop the fall.
So what’s next? The fall into the Beast’s mouth.
No, I’m asking you… what’s next? He probably thinks he’s helping people, the moron. Take
Noches mios, I get the fucking pick of the litter every fuck- a right on 110th, here.
ing time. Yeah, I said “fuck” so I can sound as fucking stupid as How do I know he’s a “he”? Well, Agent, in my years as
you, motherfucker. Chief of… ahh, I’ll give you this one. You’re young. It’s a “he”
Okay, try this. Someone is killing and eating kine babies because they’re all “he’s.” He’s trying to hide what he’s become
in Sabbat stomping grounds… and it isn’t one of ours. And the in who he was before, and destroying himself and everything
bishop, she comes to me, and do you know what she says? around him in the process. I’ve seen it before.
I didn’t think so. So I’m through asking questions. Get your Over to the side, into the shadows. Good. Let your skin kind
Red Flower, man-cub. We’re going hunting. of… go. Exactly. You’ve got a way with that. Even I can barely
see you.
On the way, I want you to use your eyes and ears and brain.
Not like before I changed you. Consider this night a metaphor. You see them all around. Adam’s blind, idiot children. We
A night of the soul, like when I was teaching you. We’re going walk unseen in the spaces between. We don’t need some artificial
to look into the abyss, we’re going to take a big swig, and then Masquerade. It’s not necessary. We are malanoches — nightmares.
we’re going to spit it up onto this little bitch who hunts where We come as stealthy and silent as a dream, and we teach terrible
and how he shouldn’t. lessons in our wake. But there’s nothing to be taught in what
this one is doing. Turn up this alley.
Take the machete. Strap it to your back. Hide it. No, no
guns. No use, anyway. We don’t have enough money. And no, Speak of the Devil. Here’s our purpose right here. It’s a bit
we’re not driving. We’re walking. of a distraction, but worth making a point.
The old gentlemen in the suit is Big Business. The ones
you see in the news. He gets an eight-figure incentive bonus for
others best serve Storyteller characters or the characters of
experienced and mature players. DISCLAIMER FOR THE MORALLY CONFUSED
Chapter One: The Right Road Lost is an overview You are not a vampire. You don’t live by an inhu-
of Paths of Enlightenment in Vampire, including a look at man moral code. The Paths of Enlightenment in this
where they generally came from, and which Kindred can book are descriptions of the activities of wholly fictional
use them. creatures and characters. Even when you’re roleplaying
Chapter Two: Rigors of the Way walks a Cainite (and a character devoted to one of these practices, keep the
player) through the disillusionment and degeneration that real world and real morality in mind. These paths are not
accompanies a plunge from Humanity onto a path, allowing intended as any kind of behavioral suggestions for you.
a character to rise through the ranks of self-awareness. If living any of these tents seems like a good idea, make
Chapter Three: Paths of Enlightenment describes each an appointment with a mental-health professional.
of more than 20 paths in detail, including history, current
events, ethics and morality. to the course?
Chapter Four: Knowing the Way has advice for Sto- God: Who? We last heard from God either 2,000 or
rytellers on subjects ranging from mentors to advancement 10,000 years ago, as far as anybody can tell. If He really did
along a path to ways of challenging followers to keeping play- curse the First Vampire, where’s He been since? Can the
ers from abusing their characters’ newfound dedication. Kindred get His attention? Is He doing all this to them on
Appendix: Fellow Travelers contains descriptions purpose? Or does God even factor into a Cainite’s existence?
and basic game information on different vampires who He supposedly created man in His own image, after all. If
have resorted to morals beyond Humanity. As Storyteller, the undead are no longer “man,” does biblical justice even
you can drop any of these characters into a chronicle and apply to them?
spin subplots around them. Some could also function as Golconda: Some paths suggest that there is a metaphysi-
mentors to Cainites who are new to Paths of Enlighten- cal point of moral perfection, a stage of enlightenment at
ment. Others might serve as fellow students or rivals on which human, vampire and Beast all stand on equal footing.
the same course. Other paths consider the concept to be a blasphemy con-
cocted to fool the weak. It isn’t as though there’s any proof
THEMES either way; the existence of Golconda is a matter of faith.
There are unspoken common threads throughout many The question of whether particular paths are best suited to
of the Paths of Enlightenment. To some degree, they repre- reach Golconda or find another way is a matter of debate,
sent the vast unanswered questions of Vampire cosmology. to say the least. The question is, what does a vampire seek
As player or Storyteller, you may wish to take advantage of at the end of his path? Is there a metaphysical destination
some of these themes and truisms to help define a character’s or is walking the road its own reward?
Heaven: In ways that are perhaps more foreign to vam-
Adam and Eve: The First Mortals play a remarkably mi- pires than the existence of God, the existence of Heaven is
nor role in most paths, which is strange. They are the parents (pardon the pun) up in the air. Some Cainite scholars posit
of the Sire of all Vampires. They’re the zero-th generation, as that the world is decayed because, while there is a Hell, there
it were. If the biblical creation myth is to be believed, Adam is no Heaven. Few paths address the existence of Heaven,
and Eve are the direct, hands-on children of the Lord God except insofar as it corresponds to (or is a metaphor for)
Almighty. They’re the bridge between vampires and God. Golconda. But what if Heaven does exist? Is salvation even
So, what does their absence from a path mean? What does possible for vampires, despite the legends of Golconda? Do
it say about vampire self-perception and origins? creatures who turn to paths turn their back on forgiveness?
Death: Not even vampires are sure where ordinary mor- Is accepting the Curse of Caine worse than having been
tal souls go after death. Some might stick around as ghosts, afflicted with it?
and others could go to Hell. But the rest? Do they return Hell: It’s depressing yet somehow unsurprising that
to any “great cycle”? Do they just go into nothingness? As while many Cainites are unsure of the existence and nature
the undead, do vampires even have souls any longer? Are of God and Heaven, some are certain about Hell and its
they lost, recycled, or sent to Heaven or Hell to allow the inhabitants. The Path of Revelations glories in contact with
undead remains to persist on Earth? What does the relativity Hell, while most other followings eschew demonic realms.
of death mean for beings seeking direction afterward? In most cases, Cainites avoid Hell not because they’re afraid
Diablerie: For some paths, diablerie is the ultimate of its evil or distance from God, but because they fear being
sin (just as murder is among mortals). Other paths accept enslaved or losing what little soul they have left. But can
killing one’s own as a warrior’s just reward or the ultimate even demons find redemption if they only seek it?
honor paid to another Cainite. Scholars disagree as to what
happens to the soul of a vampire taken by diablerie, or if USING PATHS
that soul might even overpower its new body. What does a Paths of Enlightenment are not for every player, nor are
path’s prohibition against or encouragement of feeding on they for every troupe. Players who find a certain poignancy
other undead say about the morality of those who adhere to the struggle for Humanity may find that paths go too
Go into any bookstore and you’ll see it, probably near fall prey to the Beast, the personified urge toward savagery
the middle of the shop: the marketable, lucrative category and predation that dwells within every vampire’s being. The
entitled “Self-Help.” creature loses all capacity to control his behavior, becoming
Tony Robbins sells his Seven Lies of Success. Falwell little more than a corpse with an animal’s brain — a liability
and Falani, Page and Covey — all of them are happy to to human and undead society alike.
sell you answers. All of them agree that to believe nothing So, since retaining Humanity is intrinsically unnatural,
is to, in the words of Hunter S. Thompson’s lawyer, “sink yet losing it is a one-way ticket to damnation, Humanity
like a goddamn stone.” must be replaced by a stronger structure — one that works.
And these are only humans we’re talking about. The For many vampires, the answer is a Path of Enlightenment.
consequences of a few people’s spirals into pain are, in the Paths of Enlightenment are codes of philosophy, morality,
span of history, inconsequential. They’re the sum of a decade ethics and behavior specifically designed to address the
or three or five spent in unhappiness, unfulfillment, poverty, needs of the Kindred. Developed over centuries, sometimes
lovelessness — and then the release of the grave. millennia, paths enable a vampire to reorient himself in
For Cainites, it’s not nearly so easy. Once the Beast takes relation to his environment in a way that accepts and builds
hold, there’s no way back. No halfway house, no govern- on the intrinsic physiology and psychology of the species.
ment subsidy, no 12-step program. The consequences can Paths don’t tell a Cainite that “sucking human blood is
last not just for years or decades, but centuries, millennia, wrong,” high-handedly ignoring the fact that the creature
maybe until the sun swallows the Earth. For all practical must suck blood to sustain unlife. Rather, they acknowledge
purposes, eternity. that a vampire must drink blood, and then present ways of
Mortals are advised to believe in something. Cainites incorporating that concept into a worldview.
are mandated to do so.
Here are the facts. Humanity doesn’t work. Vampires
Woo-hoo! I’m on the Path of Metamorphosis! I can
run around and, like, pull people’s faces off! Yeah, yeah!
who attempt to retain their human soul act at direct cross- And then I can stick their faces on, like, a dog’s butt, and
purposes with the behaviors mandated by their new forms. I can suck, like, a million people’s blood and spend all
Vampires, by their very nature, can almost never gain the points to cast a ritual that summons bat-demons from
Humanity and are in constant danger of losing it. Hell, and then I can drink a demon’s blood and have, like,
super blood points and now my Strength is 12 and I can
But if they do lose all that makes them human, they
Like many fundamentalist mortals, practitioners tend
to view “nonbelievers” with suspicion. Even if a vampire
intellectually understands that there are many means to find
truth, she is emotionally bound to the one that sets her free
from the Beast. Thus, it’s hard for her to truly accept that
an alternative means of salvation can work.
This is less true for members of the Sabbat, for whom
many paths mingle and ideas are shared. Followers of different
visions, having common cause and living space on a nightly
basis, learn to bear each other’s views with tolerance if not
respect. In fact, there is an increasing demarcation between
“disciplined” path followers and the “do as thou wilt” rank
and file. Clustered in their elite orders, with their special
ritae, path followers look down their noses at their ignorant
brethren who think that all of unlife is a vast party.
In any event, path adherents tend to view undead still
“yoked” to Humanity as untrustworthy, potentially even
dangerous. A vampire remembers how fragile the currency
of Humanity was for her and what a near thing her own fall
was. It’s difficult — and perhaps enraging — to imagine that
someone else could maintain what she could not. Certainly,
it seems that many devotees treat Humanity-following
vampires with veiled or overt contempt.
Such suspicion is even more intense for beings who claim
to seek or have achieved Golconda. In fact, many path fol-
lowers scoff at the very notion of such a state, deeming it a
vampiric fairy tale or a machination of the sinister Inconnu.
One of the primary tenets of some paths is the impossibility
of attaining Golconda — a vampire must be a vampire, not
a part-vampire aberration. Path walkers viciously test and try
undead who claim to have attained this state. In fact, some
make it their duty to bring Final Death to those “blasphemers”
who would mingle human and vampire in one being.
Path followers have a greater understanding of the
Beast than most other vampires do, but such comprehension
doesn’t always translate into sympathy. Paths that stress
Instinct advise avoiding Beast-ridden creatures; there are
temptations enough to fall. Some courses such as Orion and
Blood call for the destruction of bestial vampires. The fewer
examples of failure, it is said, the less influenced the undead
as a whole will be. Adherents of other ways, remembering
their own plight, take pity on the lost and try to help them In the years after the Anarch Revolt, the Roads frag-
as best they can. Over the millennia, path followers have mented. The most experienced elders found themselves on
tried to aid their Beast-ridden brethren, hoping through the fangs of their students or enemies; many ancient teachings
example to guide them to the salvation of a calling. The and rituals were lost. Within 50 years of the revolt, Roads
effort usually ends disastrously, though, as bestial beings that had been communities of faith and discipline descended
exploit, eviscerate and feast on their erstwhile saviors. into wildly varying half-remembered traditions, superstitions
and new philosophies. In this fashion, the coherence of the
followers should come up with a litany of ceremonial behav-
iors that follow their own logic. Each path has had thousands
Path followers know that they are things apart from mortals. of practitioners in the centuries since it was developed (and
Camarilla vampires and the weak (or lucky) Sabbat who pursue truly ancient ways like that of the Beast go back millennia). It
the Path of Humanity fool themselves and the mortals around therefore stands to reason that any adherent has acquired a set
them into believing that the creatures are just other people. Path of ritual behaviors from her mentor and these minor traditions
followers make no such pretense. might never be seen outside of that forebear’s teachings. Such
In general, path followers have little to do with mortals minor ceremonies or taboos might include pronouncing the
beyond gaining sustenance, and that’s probably best for the Latin names of the major arteries of a victim before feeding,
mortals. Having shed their own humanity, the dedicated an elaborate bow, enameled paintings on fingernails, never
have no empathy for kine and both parties can quickly grow touching a rose, never using the word “human,” or whatever
distracted and uncomfortable after even brief conversations. else you devise. You’re encouraged to come up with your own,
Moreover, the self-sufficiency often instilled by paths means with Storyteller cooperation and permission.
practitioners are less likely to care about material comforts, Clever Storytellers can use these little rituals as hints of
entertainment and other “concerns” of the daytime world. other students’ paths. In a way, these trappings represent a
Each path tends to have its own stance toward mortals, ceremonial lineage. All students of the Metamorphosist Zara
but none recommends treating mortals as valued teachers Slatikov might prepare themselves for daily sleep by adding
or as creatures to be emulated. The paths typically fall into a new, temporary piercing, for instance, and any student of
one of three camps. Many (such as that of the Beast and Slatikov could recognize another by that activity.
Death and the Soul) consider humans to be cattle, freely
available for slaughter, torture or other abuse. Others (Bones
or Blood) suggest that mortals have a necessary place in the
world and are not to be murdered or abused indiscriminately.
The third group, including devotees of the Path of Caine,
holds humans in no particular regard, concerning themselves
With the Storyteller’s permission, you may create a
more with vampiric affairs. beginning character on a Path of Enlightenment. Creating
a follower involves slight changes to the Vampire rules.
scratch,” don’t get the free starting dots that Conscience, Self-
Control and Courage do. These “lost” dots are just that — lost.
Every Path of Enlightenment is an artificial, ritualized They’re not replaced or moved elsewhere. Thus, a character
guide to behavior. It is easy to believe that the courses on the Path of Night (Conviction, Self-Control and Courage)
began in ancient times as Cainites crazed with hunger or starts with Conviction 0, Self-Control 1 and Courage 1. A
fear looked for touchstones, shepherds that would help character on the Path of Metamorphosis (Conviction, Instinct
them avoid the worst of the Beast. Superstitions arose and Courage) starts with Conviction 0, Instinct 0 and Courage
around particular behaviors or ideas that helped keep the 1. Players get their normal seven starting dots, but must use
Beast at bay. Many vampires found that adhering to their some of these dots to raise all Virtues to a minimum of 1.
mortal morality served them well, but those who tried to A path follower must also begin the game with a
transcend that humanity, or who nearly lost their personal Willpower of 5 or greater. All starting path devotees must
battle with the Beast, had to take other roads. Cainites of have either a Courage rating (and thus a Willpower) of 5,
the most ancient times were able to pull one another out or freebie points must be spent to raise Willpower to 5. If
of bestiality and onto a Road of morality. the character wasn’t strong-willed, she never would have
By the Dark Ages period, many of the Roads (as the overcome degeneration and the Beast.
paths were then known) assumed a church-like role among A beginning character may not start the game with a
the children of Caine, ordaining dark abbots, priests and path rating above 5. This is true even if the combination of
cardinals, and holding their own services and sacraments. Conviction + Self-Control/Instinct would indicate a higher
Dark Ages Roads often assumed communities of their own, score. High levels in a Path of Enlightenment take decades,
to hear the ancients speak. sometimes centuries, to achieve.
So, you’ve decided to play a follower of a Path of Enlight- edgment that following the path of “goodness,” “decency” and
enment. Cool, and good luck. It’s a tall order, though. Even a “emotional maturity” does not always lead to material success
vampire who retains some of his human nature is by no means and security. While this book is not a work of social, political or
an easy subject for one of us humans to represent. A vampire economic criticism, it could make an interesting story to contrast
who’s not only lost his humanity, but deliberately striven to the behavior of a vampire with that of, say, a ruthless CEO who
replace it with something else…? Tough, indeed. made millions defrauding his shareholders and employees.)
And that’s where this chapter comes in. Here we explore Psychotherapy tends to view the human condition as
what happens to a Cainite along the lonely road into and out a continuum, much as the Humanity Trait does. We ascend
of the abyss. toward holistic wellness, or we slide toward sickness. We seek
to reach a state of “self-love” in which we accept and encom-
All vampires were human at one point. Even the most alien
pass our negative qualities, but we don’t glorify them or seek
to augment them.
By contrast, vampires on a path reject some or all of the
undead minds in existence built their postmortem perceptions on fundamental tenets of the Humanity code. What is positive
the foundation — perhaps the ruins — of human thoughts and for kine is not necessarily so for Kindred, and what is negative
feelings. It is thus as important to understand the starting point for kine might be expected behavior for a vampire. A quality
of the journey into darkness as it is to realize the destination. that a mortal or high-Humanity vampire would consider a
In Vampire: The Masquerade, “Humanity” actually personality disorder might well be the governing drive of a
represents a broad 21st-century paradigm of what people in “healthy” path vampire.
the Western First World consider “healthy” and “good.” That It is important to point out that, while measure of moral-
said, the tenets espoused in the Humanity code are reasonably ity and wellness among mortals must always be considered
universal. Whether one is a Christian, Buddhist, Wiccan, Taoist subjective, vampires face the very real and objective threat
or atheist, a traditionalist or postmodernist, a conservative or of the Beast. The Beast is neither imaginary nor subject to
liberal, we tend to agree that “Thou shalt not kill” is a correct postmodern moral relativism. Whether Cainites believe in
code of behavior. Some disagree or at least amend, but for the story of Caine, the Fall and the Curse from God, they
purposes of game play, we can assume Humanity is the default must act as if they do or risk madness and damnation. For all
condition for mortals in the World of Darkness, regardless of intents, undead must think of the Beast as a demon lurking
creed or culture. We can also assume that failure to adhere to “around the corner” of the soul, ever ready to pounce. Some
this code represents degeneration rather than difference. Se- psychologists argue that it is possible for the very worst of
rial murderers don’t following a unique but equally valuable us humans — the tyrants, serial killers, abusers and other
philosophy, they’re just sick. sociopaths — to be reformed given the right treatment. That
(It is interesting that in the new millennium, Western is impossible for Cainites lost to the Beast.
society gives an increasingly overt and unapologetic acknowl-
This level of Humanity is practically impossible for a vampire
AUTHOR’S NOTE to maintain. Such a creature may become autarkis, assuming
Some of the material in this book uses psychological and his sire lets him continue to exist. He may seek Golconda
therapeutic terminology. We’re not psychologists or therapists, relentlessly and tries to harm nothing during feeding. Because
and we don’t particularly espouse this material as true or even he may have been a paragon of human nature, the reality of
accurate in an out-of-game context. We certainly don’t intend his unnatural state can be dreadful; he can’t see the “good” in
for the material in this book — interesting as it is to study immortality. Characters at this level sometimes opt for a sunlit
— to be taken as gospel. That said, if “pop psychology” can suicide if they don’t or can’t seek Golconda.
offer a convenient shorthand to develop fictional characters Ironically, vampires who fall from this level and find a path
and game situations, it’s as valid a tool in the Storytelling tool often become the most monstrous members of their chosen
kit as any other. Just don’t consider this manual a textbook courses, because their free-fall into degeneracy is so much more
to diagnose yourself or your friends (or enemies). Refer to a intense than most others’.
therapist or a book written by an expert in the field.
9: This is the highest level at which a person seems “human.”
Characters with Humanity 9 stand out in groups, but can still
THE DOWNWARD function within them. The subject is not only nice, she’s nicer
than nice. She never has a bad word for anyone and loses her
In game mechanics, most vampires (and by extrapolation,
temper only when provoked beyond any reasonable limit.
Ironically, while the person with Humanity 8 seems like a
trusted friend, this person seems like a role model and can thus
most humans) start existence with Humanity ratings of 5 to 10, be less approachable.
with 7 being the norm. This range represents the minimum A vampire at this level is still horrified by her condition,
(and maximum?) necessary to function in “polite society.” The but is more likely to remain within undead society — the better
kind of person a vampire was before being Embraced has a great to “reform” it (or so she tells herself). She retains enough ego
impact on her eventual outlook. to, deep down, relish the thought of eternal life… for the sake
Even within the “acceptable” range, there is a broad differ- of goodness and compassion. At this level, the thought of all
ence in wellness and outlook. Many people spend their entire the good one can accomplish can justify the means. It’s just a
lives overcoming the traumas of a low rating, just to move up thought, a sliver of an idea easily put out of one’s head… but
one or two levels on the spectrum. Put a person with Humanity also the first chink in the vampire’s spiritual armor.
6 and a person with Humanity 8 in the same organization, and 8: A character with Humanity 8 is significantly more
others will eventually remark on their difference in warmth, compassionate, balanced and stable than the norm. This is the
happiness and attitude. person to whom you can confide your problems with perfect
Ironically, vampires who fall from the highest Humanity confidence that you’ll find sympathy and not be taken advantage
ratings can make the most devout path adherents, as they of — the person who “everyone agrees is nice.” In fact, this person
desperately strive to recover the inner peace they once knew. seems more approachable than others with higher Humanity
Conversely, Cainites for whom “it was all a bunch of shit anyway” levels, because she also has minor, “human” flaws. Even her
even as mortals might not expect much from self-improvement. peccadilloes display a considerable difference in degree. While
In fact, they might just hover at low Humanity levels until the she might get angry at someone or indulge in gossip, doing so
Beast finally wins. almost never deteriorates into true malice or hatefulness. In any
event, people with lower Humanity don’t feel as uncomfortable
HUMANITY RATINGS “letting it all hang out” around this person the way they might
The following is a breakdown of what each level of Human- around those with Humanity ratings of 9 or 10.
ity rating can mean in vampire outlook and behavior, divided A vampire at this level still desires relationships with
into approximate classes of control and decline. mortals (and his own kind). He’s still a compassionate, empa-
10: A person at this level is either exceptionally (perhaps thetic creature, so he tries to befriend his victims, disguising the
naively) innocent and pure, or has taken considerable pains Embrace through sex, accident or Dominate. The first time he
to advance himself spiritually. If the former, the person might inadvertently kills a victim can be maddening, blasting him
well have levels of True Faith or otherwise have been “chosen down more than one Humanity level at a time.
by God.” If the latter, he’s undertaken a systematic program of This is the first step of the “excuse stage.” Vampires at higher
self-improvement, meditation and/or therapy. levels never excuse or try to justify their sins. If they commit them,
In any event, someone at this level of Humanity is noticeably they take full responsibility. This is the level at which the fatal
different from others, and he may have as hard a time fitting into words, “I wasn’t myself,” cross the Cainite’s lips. In some ways,
the imperfect world as do those with low Humanity ratings. He this is true — but by objectifying and personifying the Beast as
probably chooses a career related to his spiritual development, something Other, the vampire only strengthens it.
such as becoming a minister, sifu, teacher or healer of some kind 7: This rating is the default. A person with 7 Humanity has
(doctor, nurse, therapist). Alternatively, he might “wander the experienced the vagaries of the “human condition” — the peaks
Earth” doing good. It is probably hard for this person to abide and valleys that you, the reader, know well. He’s “normal.” He’ll
wickedness or unpleasantness of any sort. give a homeless person some change (if he has it to spare and is
This label might be considered a misnomer, as people with
Real-world psychologists have identified 10 primary per-
Antisocial personality disorder are not necessarily shy or reclu-
sive, nor do they lack social skills as schizoids or avoidants do.
Oftentimes, the opposite is the case — a person is very socially
sonality disorders, also referred to as “character disorders.” These domineering, even aggressive. Antisocial personality disorder
ailments are not true psychoses on the order of a Malkavian’s de- refers to a lack of compassion, empathy and superego/conscience.
rangements. As some murderers have discovered to their dismay, The person simply cannot care about any being other than him-
personality disabilities are not grounds for the United States’ legal self, and almost always places his own wants and needs above
definition of insanity. Most people display at least mild levels of those of others. People with this disorder casually lie, steal, cheat
one or more of these dysfunctions; to purge one’s self fully of all and exploit — and a few even rape and kill. Most psychologists
of these qualities is the work of a saint or spiritual guru. and law enforcers consider this the “serial-killer disorder.” Ted
Character disorders are aberrations or facets of personality Bundy, John Wayne Gacy and other notorious monsters are
that detract from one’s capacity to cope emotionally, socially or classic examples of offenders who, while legally sane and capable
financially. Unlike clinically insane people, those with significant of making moral distinctions, simply don’t care.
personality disorders can function in society, though often at a
CONVICTION AND of a dog howling at the moon), or vandalize property for seem-
ingly no reason (think of a cat reflexively tearing up furniture).
In fact, the vampire diverts and channels his bestial instincts.
Presumably, we humans all have some level of Conscience
Like an aikido master, the Cainite senses the Beast rising before
it reaches full strength, and “throws” it into less overtly harmful
behavior. By letting the Beast “play” in this fashion, the vampire
and Self-Control. We grasp the concepts as part of our own hopes it learns to trust him.
identities and outlooks. Playing a character completely devoid
Kindred with high Instinct are known to go on “wild hunts”
of these qualities is therefore challenging — it ranges outside
or “walkabouts.” A vampire, upon rising for the evening, tries to
our personal experience. But now consider playing a character
slip into a state of intuitive sensation. Putting his Beast in a kind
who replaces those qualities, those frames of reference, with
of cruise control, he operates without a plan of where to go, what
something else entirely. This character becomes truly alien.
to do or whom to see. This is not a full-on frenzy. Metaphori-
And yet, that’s just what followers of certain paths are.
cally speaking, the vampire keeps his hand on the cruise-control
It might help to think of alternative Virtues not so much as and can avoid overly violent actions. Still, the idea is to let the
Traits that humans can’t develop, but as Traits that the human Beast “sniff around,” cause controllable mayhem, and guide the
character to whatever destination it will. The vampire trusts his Not all paths bother with training. Some, such as Typhon
Beast so that it can be exercised and exorcised. All too often, and Power and the Inner Voice, stress individual achievement.
walkabouts tend to be tragic for any lesser beings in the vampire’s If you can’t keep up, you’re left to the Beast. For these paths,
path. A Cainite on a wild hunt is on a hair-trigger, and kills and it is imperative that members closely observe others’ behavior
maims on the slightest pretext — or on none at all. and emulate or correct it successfully. Or, they can convince a
Ironically, some vampires with high Instinct ratings indulge specific path member to act as mentor in exchange for whatever
in political machinations and subterfuge. These games are often arrangements can be bartered.
part and parcel of undead existence, so a high-Instinct vampire
can be compelled to practice them. Creatures with high Instinct PATH RATINGS
can make deadly political foes. They wheel, deal and maneuver Obviously, there’s a tremendous amount of difference
“by the seat of their pants,” and can thus be unpredictable. between vampires with path scores of 2 and 9. Each level of
progression carries its own difficulties, rewards and inspiration
Having fallen from the higher faith of his one-time human-
for stories.
ity, yet having averted becoming an utter monstrosity, a vampire Most followers never make it past this range. As discussed
successfully navigates the spiritual void. Like Dante entering previously, there really isn’t much difference between a vampire
the ninth circle of Hell, or Hercules facing the hound of the with a path rating of 2 and a Humanity rating of 2. The same
underworld, a Kindred confronts the Beast, subdues it (albeit rationale presides in both cases: Why bother to behave any dif-
only temporarily), and continues on his journey. ferently? (Why bother to go attain a higher score?) A vampire
with 2 in any path (including Humanity), can pretty much do
Strangely, this period might be the happiest time a vampire
as she pleases, right?
knows throughout his bleak and bloody unlife. The being has
accepted his state and looks anew at the world through the eyes There’s one thing about the Beast, though: It’s perverse. It
of a predator. Though he’s still weak in spirit, it’s the weakness wants vampires to fall. As a player, it’s not enough to say, “Okay,
of a battered fighter who’s stayed on his feet through a 10-round as long as she doesn’t commit Stupid Senseless Atrocity X, my
pummeling. Many vampires at this point develop newfound character won’t fall any lower on her path.” When she’s that
confidence in their capacity to persevere through any trial. (In low, she wants to commit atrocities. She craves the notion of
game terms, this occasion is just cause to spend experience on “getting away with it.” And all those other people or Cainites…
an increase in Willpower rating.) well, what have they really done for her, anyway? They’re all
about “thou shalt not” this and “thou shalt not” that, but the
Existence is still a slippery slope, though, and a vampire is
whole thing is really just a house of cards built by a bunch of
well advised to stay close to fellow path adherents during this
hypocrites who want to keep all the money and power and
time. One error and he may plummet into the jaws of the Beast,
status for themselves. Right?
permanently. During his first few years on a new path, a Cainite
commonly practices “modeling” behavior, observing path gurus Well, fuck ‘em. Your character is going to do what she wants.
and emulating their actions as closely as possible. And what she wants, and wants very, very badly, is to commit
the very deeds “they” say she can’t, mustn’t and shouldn’t do.
Vampires among the independent clans often remain at
Simply to show that she’s better than they are.
their sires’ side, receiving spiritual instruction. Such a tie has the
benefit of providing a stable role model. Yet some sires barely And when she does, you shave another point off her already
cling to spiritual stability themselves, and are far from the best low Trait score. Beast 1, Cainite 0. As with a human serial killer,
teachers. A sire with a low path rating can hinder a childe’s the fact that your character got away with it once makes her
development as much as help it. want to get away with it again… and again… and again… and
each time more elaborately and baroquely than before.
Sabbat vampires rarely retain sire-childe ties, and the paths
tend to be practiced formally in this sect, so multiple teachers In game terms, when your character is confronted with
can instruct a newly turned Cainite. Such relationships can a temptation toward degeneration, the Storyteller is perfectly
result in a bewildering array of lessons and viewpoints to absorb, within his rights to insist that you spend Willpower for your
but they avoid the risks of a single, poor tutor. character to avoid committing the act, particularly if doing it
falls in line with her Nature.
Once a vampire has made a bit of progress on his new road,
he’s introduced to others on the same course. This introduction Furthermore, especially among the path-centric cliques such
often takes the form of a ceremony, elaborate or simple depend- as the Sabbat and Setites, vampires with low ratings don’t gain a
ing on the calling in question. Higher ranking adherents assign lot of respect from their elders. More enlightened ones, knowing
tasks to the novice, some seemingly nonsensical and others of lessers’ fundamental instability, don’t trust underlings. Vampires
obvious spiritual significance. don’t have a Geiger counter to measure path rating. But those
with 100 or more years of unlife have seen just about every shade
Training is more than just spiritual, though. Each path
in the spectrum of vampiric behavior. They can make pretty
upholds certain Traits — Attributes, Abilities and Disciplines
good guesses as to how close a Cainite is to the Beast.
— that all have their place in individual development. If a newly
turned vampire on the Path of Power and the Inner Voice has At the Storyteller’s discretion, you can make a Perception
low Social Attributes and Subterfuge/Intimidate ratings, now + Empathy roll (difficulty 9) for your character to interpret
is the time to correct those deficiencies. another vampire’s path rating. If the subject is on the same
Nickname: Albigensians or “Sinners”
deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in an effort to
stamp out the heresy. Indeed, the crusade resulted in the
official formation of the Inquisition.
The Path of Cathari is ironically named. It draws its
technical and spiritual terminology from the so-called Al- BASIC BELIEFS
bigensian Heresy of the Middle Ages. The path claims to The Path of Cathari is heavily influenced by the religious
accept one of the core concepts of the mortal Albigensians dualism of the Cathari creed. The faith holds that there are
and then, heretically, twists it to its own ends. two creators, a good one (God) and a bad (the Demiurge).
The good creator was responsible for the spiritual world.
THE CATHARIST OR The bad creator was the son or the creation of the “good”
ALBIGENSIAN HERESY God, and the Evil One created (or is) the material world.
The Cathari believe the body to be evil, but the soul to
The Catharist Heresy was a Medieval flowering of a
be good. They accept the physical world, but consider all
much older set of spiritual and religious beliefs. Mortal
within to be evil.
scholars trace the heresy’s development from Persian Man-
icheanism to Bulgarian Bogomilism to the more familiar The path teaches that vampires are Lesser Aeons,
Catharist Heresy of Languedoc. Manicheanism was a re- Archonic sprits of the Demiurge. The undead are God’s
vival of much older Zoroastrian beliefs. The Manicheans jailers and torturers, placed on Earth to ensure that human-
believed that the Holy Spirit appeared in the shape of ity remains trapped away from the Sophic light of divinity.
an angel to a Persian prince named Mani. The spirit said As instruments of spiritual imprisonment, vampires are set
that he was the last in a long line of prophets (including above humanity. Mortals are lesser, there to be used.
Zoroaster and Jesus). Oddly enough, this is similar to what Vampires are the creation of the “evil” God, or De-
the angel Gabriel would tell the Prophet Muhammad a miurge, to try the souls of mankind and force them to lose
scant few centuries later. hope and succumb to the corruption of the material world.
The Manicheans married Gnostic tradition with Zo- The God who cast Caine out of the Garden (obviously
roastrian myth. God (as both the Tetragrammaton IHVH a metaphor for the spirit world) was the evil God, who
or “Jaweh” and the Lord of Light “Ahura Mazda”) stood damned Caine to physicality and mortality. The Sabbat
against Sakhlas (the Lord of Darkness, Satan, the Ahri- on this path practice the same philosophies as their mortal
man). The Lord of Darkness created the physical world and forbears, the medieval Cathari, but they believe vampirism
God stood outside it, in the spiritual world. God was being must be predestined. To have been chosen for the Embrace
tortured by the darkness. Thus, the Manicheanists said, means one was fated to be. If you are so fated, one was
those who followed God must suffer, too. They rejected weak or evil in a past life. Now, as punishment in this life,
the flesh — total celibacy, poverty and vegetarianism. vampires are tied to the material world. The evil nature of
Those who were holy transcended to the spiritual world vampirism only adds credence to the belief in the innate
to be with God, and the weak were doomed to suffer and evil of the material world.
AND THE SOUL powers. The blood literally is the life, and the fountain of
all magic and might.
Nickname: Necronomists Like several other faiths, the Path of Death and the
The dead do not walk. The dead rot. Sometimes their Soul seeks to repress the Beast by denying it, and by pursu-
souls linger in a tormented in-between state. But eventually ing knowledge and understanding against all else. But the
even they pass, to Heaven or Hell or to whatever fate lies knowledge these vampires seek is a scientific comprehen-
sion of the vampiric state and the Beast that sleeps within.
Necronomists repress the Beast and study death so they may
at last confront and destroy their inner creature. The Beast
is believed a visceral, animalistic thing and is diametrically
opposed to the soul.
So, the soul is the key to a vampire’s existence. If the
soul can be understood, a scientist has a key to understand-
ing the irrational universe. It is then his duty to pass that
information along, into the rational world. Necronomists
are therefore a group of academics. Though they are obsessed
with death and the world beyond mortal perception, their
interests are not the scrabblings of the occultist or the ritu-
alism of the necromancer. They seek to categorize, dissect
and experiment.
Two very promising lines of investigation into the
soul have proved to involve the Asian (“Cathayan”)
vampires and the thin-blooded. Stories claim that
the souls of both of these vampire “species” spend a
little time in the Underworld before returning to life.
Some followers of this path work on a “unified theory
of vampirism” and seek knowledge from Noddists and
others to establish the exact nature of the relationship
between Cathayans and Cainites. Some necronomists
suggest that Cathayans are actually childer of one of the
so-called Second Generation whose curse has changed
over the ages and miles. Instead of the “blood” being
passed down from sire to childe, the Curse has become
an expression of some predetermined destiny. Before
the Week of Nightmares, when such things were easier,
necronomists recorded ghosts speak of things known as
“death signs.” Perhaps these marks designate all Cainites.
Perhaps no vampire is ever Embraced randomly, but
some other force of death or predestination leads sire
to childe. Many vampires dismiss such possibilities, but
to necronomists they remain tantalizing possibilities.
Perhaps a fated Embrace is all part of an Antediluvian
Another issue that the path faces but cannot seem
to resolve is that few ghosts persist as long as ancient
vampires. Spirits ultimately “move on” to some other
plane or state, apparently transcending the in-between
realm of the land of the dead. Do they merely cease to
be, subject to some special case of thermodynamics or do
they move beyond science? Is there a Heaven or Hell?
Is there a God? Other path philosophies declare and
define such things, but the necronomists know what
they don’t know. Some path followers claim that the
in-between state is a borderland between life and Hell,
and that Hell is close, but Heaven is eternally distant.
Some adherents fear that their rational investigations
and their perfectly categorized understanding is terribly
incomplete and perhaps utterly flawed. Necronomists,
despite their incredible array of sources and in-depth
records, usually work from partial records and second- or
third-hand sources. The power of Necromancy is greatly
reduced from ancient times, if the tales are to be believed.
And now there seems to be a terrible upheaval in the
Underworld. Necronomists would love an opportunity
to study that turmoil directly. Even now, devotees work HIERARCHY OF SINS
to perfect methods of viewing across the worlds so their Rating Moral Guideline
interrupted studies may continue. 10 Attachment to the living world
Scientists also apply their philosophy and research 9 Fearing Final Death
to the souls of diablerized vampires. The necronomists 8 Being guided by emotion
have spent decades debating and studying the fate of 7 Frenzying
these spirits. They have followed Caitiff diablerists 6 Not killing when useful or necessary
and roamed with Sabbat war parties. The Sabbat toler- 5 Not pursuing enlightenment
ates — encourages — diablerie, but researchers, who
4 Showing an aversion to death
are unwilling to taint their objectivity by committing
diablerie on their own, wait until a subject runs afoul of 3 Showing compassion
Sabbat justice. Sect leaders have found that condemning 2 Killing without studying death
traitors to necronomist laboratories is a useful way of 1 Preventing a death
maintaining discipline. The offender is experimented
on, and nvestigators have developed ways of torment- ETHICS OF THE PATH
ing souls to see which is capable of the most response. • Beyond death lies the hidden world. The transition be-
No results have been released yet, but rumors and leaks tween this life and the next holds clues to the nature of
abound. It is said that a powerful diablerie victim might things. Study that transition.
overwhelm its murderer and make the attacker’s body • As is above is not so below. The physical world is a pale
and mind its own. If this proves true, then the sect itself reflection of that which lies beyond. By understanding the
could be in danger. How many Sabbat leaders — the “irrational” or “astral” world, one can truly understand
great heroes of the Anarch Revolt and the wars with the hidden physics of this world.
the Camarilla — have powerful spirits inside them, • The soul, even a vampire’s soul, is immortal. The vampire’s
consuming them from within? undead state is not true immortality. Do not fear death,
By seeking the mysteries of the soul and the after- because true immortality lies beyond.
life, students of death explore an array of secrets. There • The mind is the physical twin to the astral soul. By
is far more to the mysteries of the irrational universe understanding the mind, one can glimpse the nature of
than any one vampire can understand. By obsessively the soul.
seeking these mysteries, followers of this path distract • God’s plan can be revealed in all things. Attempt to un-
the Beast, but few ever discover enough to conquer it. derstand everything. One has nothing if not time, and the
Some speculate that the Beast can never be overcome rewards of such studies are bountiful. Everything contains
completely. As a result, some investigators perceive a piece of the puzzle that is Creation. By learning, one
destruction as an escape, the only salvation from the can assemble the pieces. Learn to isolate the key truths
ravages of the Beast. But until they can lay down that and ignore the rest.
burden, they seek to understand as much of the road
• The vestiges of a vampire’s once-mortal self contain
ahead as possible. Forewarned and forearmed, they can
certain clues — in the form of conscience and emotion
move on.
— that can allow one to examine the current context of
NECROMANCY AND THE GIOVANNI existence. Explore these emotions as a scientist, but do
The Giovanni despise the necronomists. The study of not indulge them.
vampiric Necromancy may be older than the Giovanni, but • Accept that all belong to a greater phenomenon, be it
that clan claims proprietary rights to it. The Giovanni do a consciousness, a plan or some pattern beyond mortal
not tolerate family members either contacting followers of or understanding.
studying the Path of Death and the Soul. The necronomists,
for their part, would dearly love to gain access to Giovanni HISTORY
libraries. The scientists are at the forefront of the search The Path of Death and the Soul was the first faith
for any lore left by the slain Cappodocians. Their intricate codified by the Sabbat at the Black Monastery. It is an
theories on the nature of the afterlife derive from what few offshoot of older moralities — one followed by the Cap-
Cappodocian texts remain. podocians and another (or possibly several “gnostic” or
Though family policy prohibits contact with necrono- vampiric “mystery cult” philosophies all concerned with the
mists, the Giovanni would be very interested in gaining nature of the vampiric condition) now lost to history. The
access to the investigators’ discoveries, too. Some clan Tzimisce believe that this path has always been theirs and
members have attempted to infiltrate the Sabbat and the that Tzimisce and his childer from the earliest nights were
Path of Death and the Soul, but it is unlikely that any have obsessed with these philosophies. There have always been
survived. Fiends who study death and the limits of pain.
During the Age of Enlightenment, the path adopted
many mortal scientific methods — experimentation, docu-
mentation and empirical discussion — and used them as a
bulwark against the sheer insanity of their investigation. in some cases. Finally, those who study the Necromancy
The irrational universe is not easily understood in rational Discipline perform rituals to contact the next world. These
terms, they know, but there has to be a series of rules that are private rites and are not publicly acknowledged.
can be mapped and understood. By recording their studies, Necronomists are loyal to the Sabbat, but like some
by obsessively calibrating and re-checking each experiment, mortal scientists, they know that knowledge supercedes
and constantly refining their knowledge, the necronomists politics. They frequently correspond with like-minded
seek to distill the formulae and theorems needed to codify researchers — mortal occultists, magi, mediums and other
that other world. undead.
CURRENT PRACTICES The scholars have moved much of their lore and activity
to Toronto in recent years. That city has always been one
This path has many elaborate rituals. Human and
of the Sabbat’s prizes, with a reputation for experimenta-
vampire sacrifices are common. Most necronomist ex-
tion and science amongst the undead. Necronomists there
perimentation has a ritualistic quality. Such ceremony and
correspond with Malkavian scholar Dr. Douglas Netchurch.
research seeks to bring the soul closer to the fore, where it
The Bleeding Hearts pack of necronomists is one of the most
can be examined, understood and dissected.
accomplished groups of Sabbat scientists and researchers
By testing willing volunteers and human and vampiric in the world. Their interaction with Netchurch has been
victims, scientists can better understand the spirit as it suffers. fruitful. The Malkavian has provided the Hearts with sev-
Such “tests” allow one first-hand experience with the nature eral of his papers on the vampiric state, as well as a copy
of human mortality and suffering. Is there, as some claim, a of the Encyclopedia Vampirica and a copy of Trimeggian’s
state of clarity beyond pain? Does every soul have access to Encyclopedia Haemovoria. In return, the Bleeding Hearts
that rarified state? Is there a final limit to pain or can a mortal have furnished Netchurch with the results of much of their
shell be made to suffer endlessly in an infinite crescendo of experimental work, and extended an invitation to the Mal-
exposure? These are crucial questions. While mortals make kavian to speak at a convention of scientists. The pack has
interesting subjects for further studies, vampires are infinitely also, through Netchurch, established contacts with other
more malleable and repairable. Vampires, with their height- like-minded vampires in North America and Europe. The
ened senses and brittle emotions, are perfect test subjects. Bishop of Toronto has been asked to extend guest status to
Necronomists are not just sadistic scientists — they these august investigators, as well.
also subject themselves to the same rigorous intellectual
and experimental scrutiny. Researchers frequently volunteer
for experimentation by other interested parties. Indeed, a
Most necronomists are curious, objective and somewhat
teacher may fulfill his role by submitting to the inquiries of
callous. Yet they study human emotions and conscience,
those below him on the path.
even treating their own fading humanity as the subject
Beyond these explorations of the physical world, of scientific inquiry. They appear unemotional, but are
necronomists study the afterlife. Of particular interest are the actually very controlled. They are not bereft of emotions;
circumstances by which ghosts are formed. These wraithly emotion is one of the keys to the soul and must be studied.
presences seem to be remnants of strong individuals, or A necronomist whose emotions run rampant takes the risk
the last of people who perished with so much passion or of confounding his work.
frustration that something remained. Some scientists play
Path adherents’ detachment is notorious and many allies
games with chosen subjects before death, by interfering
feel that in dealing with necronomists, they too are being
in the mortals’ lives, taking away things that were loved,
studied. They are. Followers respect those with knowledge,
hurting them and then arranging one final accident. Others
but they do not form friendships. They are loyal to the
kidnap mortal test subjects and use them for experiments
Sabbat, but only because the sect allows them free reign to
and then, when the time is right, torture them to death
study. If the Sabbat were to banish the path, the scholars
to enhance subjects’ suffering. These efforts have proven
would leave without regret.
effective in creating ghosts, but many seem possessed of a
terrible inner darkness — perhaps otherworldly expressions Many researchers were possessed of morbid faith or
of the Beast — and need to be destroyed. Necronomists also obsession in life, and were chosen specifically to pursue their
study ways to destroy ghosts and some explore Necromancy inclinations in undeath. Necronomists tend to be spiritual,
for this purpose. but lack any apparent passion for their beliefs. They study
death and the occult as object realities. Indeed, those with
Academics classify their ritual practices into three
Auspex can even attempt to quantify the characteristics of
distinct groups. The first involves public rituals, which are
the soul. Neconomists eschew religious faith and any belief
performed as much for the entertainment and enlightenment
not based on empirical results. Even vampires of the Sabbat
of other Sabbat as for inquiry. These rituals are not totally
feel uncomfortable around them.
without merit, but necronomists do not ascribe much value
to them. The second class is the experimental test. These Toreador antitribu comprise the largest portion of this
practices are somewhat ritualistic, but happen in private and path’s following, after the Tzimisce, but several Sabbat
form part of an extensive body of experimental work. Outsid- Malkavians and Harbinger of Skulls are also members.
ers are not invited to watch, although they may participate Some Camarilla Malkavians and Tremere are said to be
interested in the path’s studies, but few of them could ab-
Nickname: Bahari (sometimes Lilin — both singular
and plural)
The first woman was not Eve. Eve was a submissive,
pure, behaved creation, designed to satisfy Adam’s arrogance
and to indulge his foolishness. The first woman was Lilith.
She demanded knowledge and equality and was cast from
the Garden of Eden for that sin.
It was in her long years of wandering that she found
Samael, the Lightbringer Angel. He too was fallen. Lilith
gave him her flesh and her love and he gave her knowledge.
At least, that’s how some tell it. Others say he raped her
and she stole magic from him in revenge. The details do
not matter, only the result: Lilith was pregnant and she had
learned of the power of angels.
God sent the angels Senoy, Sansenoy and Semaneloff
(Snvi, Snsvi and Smnglv) to subdue Lilith and drag her back
to servitude in the Garden. Her first children claimed that
the three angels raped and abused her and put a curse upon
her. If anyone carved the names of those three angels on an
amulet and held it to her or her children and shouted, “Out
Lilith,” she (and her children) would be powerless and would
have to flee. Lilith, betrayed again, bleeding and wounded,
gave birth to the angels’ children.
In later years, she met Caine, the son of Adam, wan-
dering in the Land of Nod. She took him in, clothed him
and taught him the secrets she had gathered from Samael,
from the angels, from the demons that she had taken as
her lovers, and from the wild ones who had sheltered her
when she gave birth. Perhaps she loved Caine. He too
bore a curse, an exile from God akin to her own. Caine,
too, betrayed her.
In time, Lilith became the mother of many strange and
demonic creatures, but those that were most like her, those
that honored her were the Lilin: those named the succubae
and the incubi. They in turn had children and those spread
throughout the world, born of pain and fire, rape and betrayal,
with the secret knowledge stolen by their mother rushing
through their veins. In time, they came to rule expanses of
the Earth. They preyed on the sons of Seth as the human
race struggled in the time after the fall of man. They warred
with Caine’s children.
Eventually, elder succubae and incubi offered their Those who do not follow her ways are fools. Those who
allegiance to Hell, or traveled away from the Earth. try to follow and fail her tests are chaff to be cast aside.
Lilith went into hiding, disappeared or died. Others Compassion is indulging other’s weakness. Conscience is
say she walked the Earth, stalking the tribes of man as giving free rein to one’s own hypocrisy. Only the strong
they spread. “The Dark Mother,” they called her, giv- can follow Lilith’s ways. Only those brave enough to
ing her names such as Kali, Morrigan, Hel and Tiamat. defy God and petty civilized “morality” can ever strive
But where she went, her children followed. Their blood to enter her garden.
mingled with all the races of man so that in each tribe Vampires who follow Lilith’s teachings must lust
there lay the potential for the dark, beautiful, demonic — no, have a need far beyond lust — for her secrets and
and immortal Lilin to be born. experiences. A postulant must prove that need. She
Before the Flood, the Lilin ruled huge kingdoms in must demand agonies — be it the torments of whip and
defiance of Heaven and the sons of Caine. Then three of fire, or the rages and depredations of the Beast — before
them, grandchildren of Lilith herself, entered Enoch to the Bahari accept her. Only then, when the initiate has
offer themselves to the dark gods who ruled there. In the taken the first tenuous steps into the exquisite agonies
sons of Caine’s lust for the children’s blood, beauty and of the Dark Mother’s love, do the Hierophants — the
knowledge, the vampires gave the Lilin the Dark Gift. vampire-priests — come to her and challenge her.
And in time, the Children of Lilith bade their siblings The Hierophants, the torturer priests of Lilith,
rise up and slay the sons of Caine. become the student’s lovers, and their ministrations
The Bahari say they were the first to walk the Path of are merciless. From the beginning, an acolyte experi-
Lilith, and the first vampires to know Lilith’s truths. ences pain beyond comprehension. If the student’s
need is sufficient, the pain draws her deeper into that
BASIC BELIEFS metaphorical garden and the Hierophants show her the
The Bahari (or the Lilin as they sometimes refer Mother’s thorns.
to themselves) are a large, diverse group of worshippers In the end, when the postulant has proven herself,
of the Dark Mother. Many Cainites worship Lilith, but when she has demonstrated her pure, ravenous need, the
only a few of those use such worship as the focus for a Hierophants put away their knives, hang up their whips,
Path of Enlightenment. remove the barbs, sheath their instruments, take her as a
Lilith worshippers do not follow any one canonical disciple and whisper the first secrets of Lilith’s way.
theology. Rather, they each follow one of a number of The Path of Lilith is not an infernalist path. One
apocryphal and contradictory beliefs, oral traditions of its sub-paths strays close to infernalism, but Lilith is
and fragments of ancient texts. All agree, however, no mere demon.
that Lilith is the Dark Mother, Caine’s lover and the Some Bahari hold that Lilith is the creator of all
explorer of hidden things. To find her truths, one must vampires — that the Caine myth is some form of revi-
suffer her thorns. sionism — but most feel that Lilith’s status as “mother to
A common concept discussed by the Bahari is the demons” is only allegorical. Some argue that vampirism
notion of “the Torture Garden” or “Lilith’s Garden” is an ancient expression of God’s displeasure, that all
— a perfumed oasis of pain, suffering, dark sensuality who are cast from His light are doomed to darkness and
and enlightenment. The garden is both a mythological eternal bloodlust. If that theory is correct, the hierarchies
place — spoken of in several stories about her — and a and genealogies so lovingly compiled by the Children
metaphorical thing. To be a true Lilin, one must dwell in of Caine are false.
the lair amongst the sharp, barbed flowers and the sweet The Lilin coven known as the Silent Rose, a group
moans of the seekers as they enjoy the Dark Mother’s of six female vampires led by the Gangrel Yasamhain and
torments. For a vampire, one of Lilith’s thorns is the based in Croatia, has studied the so-called “Cathayans.”
hunger of the Beast. They note that the vampires of the East describe their
To progress on this path, one must move deep into progenitors as a man and woman, a dark father and a dark
the garden, wherever darker pleasures and sharper agonies mother. The Silent Rose has traveled extensively and
await. At the center of the place lies the Tree of Enlight- seeks to understand Lilith by unearthing as many secrets
enment, which by legend Lilith grew from the stolen seed of the undead as possible. Unlike other Lilin, Yasamhain
of God’s tree, and which in metaphorical terms is the and her coven also seek Noddist lore. By understanding
final initiation that balances Beast and intellect, pleasure the lies and half-truths of Caine worshippers, they hope
and pain, intellect and sensuality. By opening one’s self to hone the truth of Lilith.
to true experience, suffering and ecstasy, enlightenment The Bahari revere the archaic written records of
and madness, one can comprehend the truth of reality. their faith. Texts such as the Guarded Rubrics, Revela-
This following has no place for insincere compas- tions of the Dark Mother and others are treasured, copied
sion or false conscience. The Mother suffered for her and compared to one another in order to find hidden
children’s joys and died for their sins. Those who choose meaning in their intersections. Many Lilin temples are
to follow her ways must suffer and endure as she did. also home to extensive research libraries.
Nickname: Metamorphosists or Freaks
Some Paths of Enlightenment are simply specific
ways of looking at the world. They’re taken to inhu-
man extremes, but they’re founded on a human basis.
Not so the Path of Metamorphosis. The brainchild of
Clan Tzimisce, this calling concentrates on alienation,
cultivation of inhumanity, and ultimately on escaping
all humane traits the way a butterfly breaks free from
its cocoon.
The basic doctrine of the path is that humanity is
but a precursor to the more evolved state of vampirism,
and vampirism is a prelude to something else… sometime
wondrous and terrible. As partly evolved beings, it is
Cainites’ sacred duty to continue the process of change
and refinement into a state of earthly apotheosis.
Perhaps characteristically, adherence to this path
is an individualistic rather than communal endeavor.
Devotees are competitive at best, outright rivals or foes
at worst. Each vampire must walk the path by herself.
While followers often ally to accomplish temporal ends or
to discuss general matters of spirituality, receiving more
than mere rudiments of knowledge from other paths is
considered weakness and dullness.
from it
Failing to ride out a frenzy
Metamorphosists are just plain weird. Invariably,
4 Considering the needs of others they develop high levels of the Vicissitude Discipline,
3 Failure to experiment, even at your own risk then use it to assume ever-changing but always inhuman
2 Neglecting to alter your own body or quasi-human forms.
1 Exhibiting compassion for others Most practitioners are members of the Tzimisce clan.
The philosophy simply doesn’t appeal to very many other
Cainites, even ones who’ve developed the Vicissitude
Nickname: Stalkers
Vampires, at their core, are hunters. Predators. But in
the modern nights, they often accept the roles of scavengers,
preying on mortal society’s castoffs. Rather than relishing
in their glorious destiny at the apex of the food chain, they
can cling to the tatters of their former lives or lose them-
selves to frenzy.
Most Sabbat vampires consider such debasement pa-
thetic. They loathe their own kind who do not stand up and
seize their deathright. For vampires on the Path of Orion,
Humanity and the Beast alike are the greatest offenses to
the Children of Caine. Both are impediments to a Cainite’s
understanding of her destiny and place in the natural order.
The species as a whole will progress, they say, only when
those who lose their intellect to passion are wiped from the
ranks of the undead. It is the stalkers’ holy crusade to be
the instrument of purification, and to test the extremes of
their own capabilities.
Followers of Orion are the hunters of hunters, the kings
of predators. For them, unlife itself is a great safari, a mythic
journey into the wilds of the unknown. By confronting
and destroying the Beast in other Cainites, stalkers hope
to confront and quell the creature within themselves. By
facing and destroying vampires who cling to the weakness
of their Humanity, they seek to overcome their distractions
of nostalgia and sympathy.
Sometimes acting in packs, sometimes alone, stalkers
stand slightly apart from the ranks of the Sabbat, even as
they protect the sect. They must be ever vigilant against
the human or Bestial taint that can bring down the most
perfectly evolved predatory species on Earth. It is not only
the Beast within that must be overcome, but the Beasts that
reside in the souls of all vampires.
The previously stated “as within, so without” maxim
summarizes this path’s philosophy perfectly. External
power is not coincidental; it is as much a reflection of
one’s spiritual development as the look in one’s eyes or
the expression on one’s face. For members of this path,
there is no such thing as luck or fate. Everything can be
controlled by those who have the will to do so. After all,
if everything were the result of chance or fate, would the
scales not have balanced out by now? There are clearly
those who earn more rewards than others, those who
impose their agendas, and in so doing they erase the lesser
wishes of the weak. And that’s good. The weak would
lead the whole astray. It is the titans who must forge the
stuff of Creation for the good of all.
The state of the early 21st century causes many
path practitioners to smile. Power, they see, inevitably
coagulates toward the deserving few. Economically, the
rich get richer, the gulf between the haves and have-nots
widens, and the distinction between the great and the
mediocre is broadcast across the globe in microseconds.
This evolution is natural, the unifiers argue. Eventually,
the bulk of resources gravitate into the hands of those
who merit them.
But material power, while useful, merely mirrors
the more constant, controllable medium of real power.
Blood power. Spirit power. The raw capability to bend
the world to one’s will. If a mortal spends a lifetime of
toil and pain accumulating a fortune, only to sign it away
in minutes to the first Cainite who Dominates her to do
The martyrs hold that vampires are God’s punishment
on humanity, an instrument of His vengeance and a tool for
salvation. Those chosen for the Embrace are not selected by
their sires, but by the Curse of Caine itself. Those chosen
are punished for their sins — but they are also tested, forced
through a purgatory on Earth and can be remade into a new
thing: a saintly servant of God.
To be a vampire is to be denied the ideals that are most
important to a mortal — the sun, love and God’s grace. But
that denial serves to make the soul stronger, and a strong
soul can be purged of sin and can enter Heaven and God’s
favor. Those vampires who follow this path seek to explore
the limits of their vampirism so that they can know a little
of God’s plan. He cursed Cainites and that means that God
is present in the world. By resisting the compulsions of the
Curse, the childer of Caine immerse themselves in the power
of God Almighty. They reject the Beast so that they may be
made pure, that they may do God’s work, and that they may
hunt down those who fall to the Beast or the Devil.
This path draws heavily on the ideals and morals of the
Jesuit order. The Jesuits hold that they are Christ’s soldiers.
Martyrs consider themselves Christ’s enforcers and destroy-
ers. By purging themselves of sin and bringing terror and
death to God’s enemies, followers use their undead nature
to save themselves and others. The Society of Jesus is a
scholarly organization that prizes research and scientific
investigation. Martyrs follow suit and use much of their
immortal existence to research mysteries and to master as
many fields of study as possible. To a vampire, this dedica-
tion can mean the practice of Disciplines, the honing of
skills or the study of occult or scientific lore.
Some see the Curse of Caine as a challenge, a penance
handed down. Others perceive it as a tool to examine the
nature of sin itself. Adherents choose progeny depending
on a prospective childe’s beliefs. Some Embrace only those
who are faithful (and only those who are faithful Catholics),
while others select sinners, but those who have some spark
PATH OF that waited in the utter night before the Word was spoken.
Others say that these things — called the Qlipphoth or other,
secret names — were shells of God’s Creation, scattered
Nickname: Infernalists or “Edimmu” (from the old
broken and forgotten in the night, away from the world.
Perhaps these intelligences whispered treason — or
bravery — into Samael Lightbringer’s heart. Perhaps he
Babylonian word for vampire) sought them out in the night. Infernalist poets sing of the
The oldest rebels turn their faces to Heaven and prepare Lord Lucifer surging down the void, finding the empty, dead
for war. Eschatologists believe that the Earth continues to world in the shadow of Creation, and there speaking with
survive only because of the fractiousness of demons. Should the sleeping Dragon.
Rating Moral Guideline
10 Pursuing your own indulgences instead of another’s
9 Refusing to aid another follower of the path
8 Failing to destroy a vampire in Golconda
7 Failing to observe a Typhonite religious ritual
6 Failing to undermine the current social order in favor
of the Typhonites’
5 Failing to do whatever is necessary to corrupt an-
4 Failing to pursue arcane knowledge
3 Obstructing another Typhonite’s efforts
2 Failing to take advantage of another’s weakness
1 Refusing to aid Set’s resurrection
Acting on impulse
Theft, robbery or vandalism
Like human cults and philosophies, vampiric Paths
Causing deliberate harm to a mortal
Feeding from an innocent by force
Succumbing to the Beast’s violence
of Enlightenment wax and wane depending on the times, 3 Allowing a crime to go unpunished
contemporary attitudes and the influence of the sects. Thus, 2 The murder of innocents
while there are 16 major Paths of Enlightenment that are
1 Aiding a follower of another path
followed by contemporary vampires, several more exist.
To follow a Path of Enlightenment is to sell your nography, fetish pornography and glamour. They’re like
soul in return for sanity. A path protects one’s identity old movie stars or the Picture of Dorian Grey in reverse.
against the Beast. By sacrificing Humanity, by altering Old movie stars get old and die, but their false faces
your outlook, you remain yourself. All it costs is your remain, bigger than the mortal actors could ever be.
soul. Vampires are like that. Forever young and beautiful and
Humanity is an overused word in Vampire games. unconstrained, they are true decadents, able to indulge in
“Humanity” is not a sliding alignment scale. It does not anything, with all eternity in which to do it. Whatever
merely measure morality. In a crude way, it measures makes them human eventually grows old and dies, but
the capacity to love, feel, empathize, care and to en- their false face — their glamorous, seductive and erotic
joy experiences. As Humanity falls, a character loses image — never fades.
those capabilities, but more importantly she sees those Some in the World of Darkness would say the
capabilities as liabilities. Humanity is a precious thing, spawn of Caine are walking corpses held together by
holding with it the possibilities of love, redemption and the Curse that animates them. Others speak of a “static”
contentment. But as Humanity slips away — and it will state, trapped between life and death. These are valid
slip away — the Trait itself becomes a sign of weakness. observations, but none can define what a vampire is to
The Beast leeches away at the soul. It becomes easier for any satisfaction.
a vampire to give in. Humanity carries with it idealism, Either way, one key concept emerges to define
dreams, new ways of thinking. As the Beast takes hold, Cainites: perversion. Vampires are the essence of per-
stasis sets in. version.
Once lost, Humanity is almost impossible to regain. Plenty of Vampire players discuss whether the
A Path of Enlightenment offers the distant hope of Damned can have sex, or whether their feeding is rape
somehow staving off the Beast, to maintain something or in any way morally justifiable. In the end, the undead
of one’s self. But the price is high. Humanity must be go long past conventional morality. The only vampire to
utterly rejected. You sell your soul. stand on the moral high ground is one already dead. To
By starting on a path, you admit defeat in order to feed is to rape, to demean, to kill, to dominate, to move
enter a new contest. so far past petty concepts of sin as to make the discussion
laughable. The Kindred are evil. We all know what evil
VAMPIRES — IN AND is. We know and we pretend we do not. The Kindred
OUT OF C HARACTER are evil and we are their food. Their humanity is an idle
thing, an immaturity, like an adolescent’s belief that he
Stoker called vampires undead demi-demons. Vam- will one day marry MTV’s latest goddess or change the
pires are products of human fascination with sexuality world. Cainites’ attempts to reach “enlightenment,” their
and mortality. They are tightly bound to Catholic ico-
One of the hardest things for any Storyteller to do
situations in which the their paths and goals collide.
A follower of Power and the Inner Voice may need to
spend a year in a city controlled by a powerful vampire
is create morality-driven obstacles for path characters who seems to be a fool. A Cainite on the Path of Night
to face. No philosophy should be a perfect fit for any who wishes to become bishop of a Sabbat city has a hard
character, given the inherently strange and foreign na- time coinciding the necessary politics with his path, and
ture of paths. The unfortunate truth is that many players as Storyteller you should have no problems dropping
choose the Path of What I Was Going To Do Anyway, obstacles in his way.
leaving it up to the Storyteller to fit the difficult parts Of course, many paths are structured so that ordinary
of a character’s morality into the game. unlives are difficult enough for followers. It is a level-2
Morality has always been at the core of Vampire. violation of the Path of Lilith to fail to dispense pain and
(“A Beast I am, lest a Beast I become” was the mantra anguish. Bahari must wander around, infliciting suffering,
of the first edition.) By choosing to take her character or they must commit a crime as serious as casual murder is
down a Path of Enlightenment, a player implicitly asks to a Humanity follower. It is an act of utter and hideous
the Storyteller to build storylines and roleplay around debasement for a follower Night to say, “I’m sorry.” You
the character’s morality. One of the responsibilities of don’t have to do a lot of work to force characters follow-
the Storyteller, then, is to make sure that players are ing paths to deal with the limitations of their morality.
aware of the consequences. Inform your troupe up front Again, make sure that players know going in that their
that if they intend to walk their characters on Paths of characters will be forced into an inhumanly nasty code.
Enlightenment they won’t find the experience to be Forewarned is forearmed.
trivial or easy.
That’s not to say that characters on paths should
be abused per se, but in an “ordinary” Vampire story A more complex story possibility is to pick two te-
characters face a minor crisis of Humanity roughly every nets of a given path and come up with a situation that
night — do I feed or not? A Storyteller might not play sets them in opposition. A follower of the Path of Blood
up that challenge during every evening of every story. must fulfill a contract, but he cannot act against another
In general, though, characters on paths should face mi- one of the Children of Haqim. What if he takes a con-
nor and ordinary crises as often as a Humanity-driven tract not knowing that his target is another Assamite?
characters would. Perhaps a Metamorphosist discovers that a particular
sort of bodily modification is extremely pleasurable.
As Storyteller, there are several general ways in Should he stop, knowing that pleasures of the flesh are
which you can pose moral roleplaying challenges. You forbidden, or continue, knowing that body modification
can present a situation that creates tension between is mandatory?
two different tenets of a path. You can create tension
between a path and a character’s immediate goals. Or CROSS PURPOSES
you can create tension between two characters on dif- Members of certain paths naturally come into conflict
ferent paths. But be careful. Don’t make each situation with one another. Their aims are so contradictory that
too contrived or players will lose their suspension of they cannot help but collide. Members of the Path of the
disbelief. They’ll recognize that “this is the point in Bones deliberately kill just to learn about death. Members
the story when we have to make a moral choice.” Your of the Path of Night keep mortals alive in order to let
goal isn’t to force the characters to fail in goals that people “earn” more sin. The Path of Paradox encour-
aren’t related to paths, or to cause them to fail in their ages violations of ordinary morality, while the Path of
callings. Your goal is to encourage meaningful, exciting Honorable Accord focuses on self-discipline and loyalty.
and memorable roleplaying. When coming up with story ideas, look for points where
GOALS the callings of two or more packmates could collide, and
insert story hooks at those points.
Your first and probably easiest choice as Storyteller
is to arrange an upcoming story so that the pack’s goals
are in opposition to one or more characters’ paths. A
group including Cathari vampires might be sent into a In game terms, you must spend a number of experi-
Camarilla stronghold to quietly spy and gain information ence points equal to twice the desired rating in order to
about the local Camarilla. The nightly restraint necessary increase your character’s path rating. But in story terms,
it’s not that easy. Course advancement makes certain
Every Path of Enlightenment has its notable figures. As Apparent Age: Late 20s
opposed to those of most mortal religions and philosophies, Morality: Path of Harmony 4
it isn’t a given that a path’s founder has died in the centu- Willpower: 5
ries since the movement came into being. Of course, the Quote: Bugger off.
founders of the most ancient callings (such as the Path of
Background: Fergus Alexander was born to a shit-poor
the Beast) may be lost to the mists of time. If such creatures
Irish family that had moved from Belfast to the slums of
still exist, they are surely in torpor and immensely danger-
Manchester. His father was “foreign” — Turkish, Bosnian
ous to any fool who dares disturb them. Indeed, many of
or something like that. Alexander didn’t know — his father
the founders of the recognized Sabbat paths were at their
didn’t stick around. The kid grew up hard as nails, cynical
prime in the 17th century and have faded from activity in
and disillusioned. He was tough, but he yearned for peace
the subsequent centuries.
and freedom. After turning 18, having no other prospects,
Some of the most influential path followers in the Fi- he left Manchester and joined the British army.
nal Nights therefore aren’t founders, but active adherents.
For the first time, he felt at home. Enduring, smart and
Some proselytize, spreading the word of their faith, while
brave, he was just what the army was looking for. A series
others are repositories of knowledge or masters willing to
of postings followed: Belfast, Sarajevo, the Gulf and then a
teach the worthy.
tour back in the Home Counties. Hereford seemed the next
The characters in this chapter can figure into a chronicle stop — a commission and a transfer to the SAS.
as mentors, students or fellow travelers. Players who read
But his record was marred by blemishes. Like the time
the following text should not assume that these characters’
he caught three Irish thugs knee-capping a 16-year-old boy
backgrounds or motivations hold true in their chronicles.
for the crime of smiling at one of the thugs’ girlfriends. Or
Storytellers are encouraged to change and revise each of
the time he and his squad killed three Serbian “snipers” in
these Cainites to fit their needs.
the hills above Sarajevo. And then there was the fact that
FERGUS ALEXANDER, he was some kind of dark-skinned half-breed.
GANGREL ARCHON So, promotions were delayed. He knew who he was
13th generation, childe of William Luft dealing with when he committed those offenses: different
Clan: Gangrel faces put on the same, old gangsters, all pretending to fol-
Nature: Masochist low a cause. He knew that dozens if not hundreds of people
Demeanor: Deviant were still alive because he and his boys did what they did.
But, right or wrong didn’t seem to matter. And Alexander’s
Embrace: 1993
disillusionment only intensified as the government’s soft