Raça Corax
Raça Corax
Raça Corax
Credits Special Thanks
Author: Richard E. Dansky Brian "Unwitting Victim" Petkash, for being blindsided by
Developer: Ethan Skemp the debauch.
Editor: Cary Goff Justin "Fascist Siskel" Achilli, for automatically disliking
Art Director: Aileen E. Miles movies about big, exploding, sinking boats.
Layout and Typesetting: Aileen E. Miles Chris "Metted Mixaphor" McDonough, for letting Justin
Art: Jason Felix, Anthony Hightower, Brian LeBlanc, know he couldn't be further from wrong.
Steve Prescott Mike ''Gorkamorka" Tinney, for blowing up the General
Comic Book Art: Andrew Bates, colored and lettered by Lee to save Hazzard County.
Matt Milberger Rob "Mistress Sascha" Hatch, for booking the forbidden
Cover Art: Steve Prescott delight of the Game Studio — as long as it isn't on Monday
Cover Design: Aileen E. Miles
10 Corax
Contents 11
There's nothing quite like the taste of a dead man's But I'm getting ahead of myself here. Way ahead of
eye. myself. You've got questions you need answered — hey, we
It's not just the flavor, though there's a good salty tang to all do, it's one of the defining traits of the species — but
aqueous humor. No, it's drinking in the secrets that the eye right now, yours are a little more pressing than most. You
saw, back when it was still part of a something living. There's want to know the important things like why do you sud-
no describing that, nor to someone who hasn't tasted those denly have wings, how did you get on top of this church,
dying sights himself. I mean, you could try, but whoever you and most importantly, how the hell are you going to get
talked to would probably look at you kind of funny. down.
Sure, it's ghoulish, but we d r i n k deep for a reason. You Am I right? Of course I'm right. I've been through this
can't possibly t h i n k we feed ourselves on eyeball cocktails, a lot of times, junior. But dig your claws in tight to that
can you? There's not enough there to keep a real bird going, cornice there, becau.se you've got a lot of listening to do,
let alone one of us. and I don't want you dropping o f f — l i t e r a l l y — before I'm
No, we do this to satisfy a soul hunger instead of a gut one. done. And when I'm done, when I've finished telling you
Think about it, junior. If we don't come along and suck those about the duty we owe to Raven and the Sun, when I've
last images out of the eyes of the dead, then those pictures are finished telling you why your little curiosity problem is
lost forever. Gone. Even the ghosts don't always remember going to get worse, and when I've finished explaining
them, and the worms, well, let's just say worms don't talk much everything else you're going to need to know to take
to our kind. And it's against our nature to let any secrets go — advantage of what you've just been given — well, then I'll
that's another thing you'll learn, kiddo. After all, you never tell you how to get down. I'm crappy at keeping secrets —
know when a tidbit's going to be useful.... hell, we all are, you included, kiddo — but I've at least got
For crying out loud, stop retching and listen. If the the stones to be able to pick the time and place to shoot my
thought of a retina hors-de-ouvre is enough to make you dial mouth off.
long-distance on the porcelain phone, then there's no way You settled in there, then? Grip nice and tight? Then
in hell you're going to be able to handle what comes next. settle down and get ready to have your ears talked off.
And we need you, kid. We need you like nobody's I love a captive audience.
Where We Came From yet, and I'd hate to see you do a full-throttle faceplant from
up here. It'd probably take the Sanitation Department
Secrets, kid. It's all about secrets. I'm going Co spill a bozos two weeks to pry your beak out of the concrete
few to you today, but the rest are up to you to discover. anyhow, and I hate to see that sort of wasted effort.
That's not to say you're not going to find them — there are
folks out there waiting to talk to you — but you'd best be The Beginning of the World
prepared to shake a tail feather when it comes time for you
In this joint, everyone's got A story of how their
to do your research. If there's one thing Gaia herself hates
spiritual great-granddaddy created the world, usually for
more than a Corax who expects answers to be handed to
their exclusive benefit. Now, after hearing the Garou and
him, it's, well, I'm not sure what it is.
the vampires and Gaia knows who else expound on how the
But that's not important. Lemme give you the basics world got made, I've just got one question:
about where we came from and who we are, and you can
How the hell do they know?
pick up the other stuff from your other teachers when you
I mean, think about it. One of the things that pisses me
find them. You will find them, you know. Spirits and
off most about the vast majority of the creatures crawling
Kinfolk and other kinds of Corax — all of them w i l l have
around on this rock is that none of them admit it if they
other things to tell you. The trick is to realise that there's
don't know something. They always have to come up w i t h
value in all of these stories, and to try to piece together a
some self-aggrandizing myth about how the whole megillah
t r u t h out of all of them that works for you. Remember:
is here for their benefit.
Treasures hide in strange places.
The thing t h a t makes this a right bitch is that any one
Geez, kid, you're not bored already, are you? Better stay
of the tales could be right, too. Mokole remember back a
awake through this part — I don't think you've q u i t e got
long time, although they ain't too talkative. But so do
the knack of the tighten-claws-when-you-sleep thing down
spirits, and all those Incarna from Luna to Fenris and on
16 Corax
a gut kind of way, that everything she'd created would have So Raven leveraged a few more goodies out of Gaia,
consequences. I mean, for one thing, a good number of the like certain protections for his children, and most impor-
critters she made were sneakier than she was — look at the t a n t l y , the ability for some of his kids to wear man and raven
way Coyote and Wolf and Spider and the rest of the skins. He claimed we needed that to get at all the secrets out
skinchanging lot kept creeping back in for second helpings there, yon see. He didn't want Gaia to miss anything
of Gaia's loving. For another, she didn't have the resources important just because it happened on the human side.
to keep track of what the things she'd created were up to — So Gaia loaded up Raven's dessert cart, possibly just to
there was too much going on ail of a sudden, if she took a make him go away and stop annoying her. She did. how-
minute to make sure that Coyote and his children were ever, tag on a little rider that's a pain in the butt to this very
behaving over here, the Gurahl made a mess over there. day. It's this: We can't shut up. Gaia thought it would be
Sure, she created Coyote (and his children) to play the nice if all her creations knew what the other ones were
part of the Trickster, but she did it too well. Coyote was the doing, so she charged Raven with spreading the word
p e r f e c t Tricksrer, focused entirely on that, so Gaia (who everywhere, not just back to her. Needless to say, this went
had umpteen-zillion other things to take care of) couldn't over as well as a yak-meat burrito, but even after Gaia saw
keep up with him. So when Coyote short-sheeted her it wasn't working out the way she'd told Raven it would, she
divine bed, had his kids whiz all over the Umbra to mark "forgot" to take the damn a impulsion to keep talking off.
their property and generally lowered the property values up It's a way or showing Raven he didn't quite get away with
where the totems live, Gaia knew that something had to be everything he thought he did, I suspect.
done. She'd created Trickster, but as an idea, you see? She Like the man says, it's not nice to fool with Mother
hadn't realized that these wonderfully ideal notions (mak- Nature.
ing the Bastet her eyes and the Mokole her memory and so
forth) had literal repercussions in the real world. Ash and Coal
Oh sure, she could have lowered the boom on the In the early days, we weren't black in bird-shape. We
Breeds, but punishment's not really her style; and besides, were snow-white, with golden eyes, it was a good look for
nothing short of destruction was going to teach some of us, I think, but like all good things, it came to an end.
those critters a lesson. And Gaia, bless her heart, wasn't It's all Helios' fault, really.For a Celesiine, he has real
quite up to destroying some of the concepts she'd created. issues with self-esteem. He was off doing something private
So she sat down, after a fashion, and thunk about the or other when Luna started doling out Gifts and presents
whole mess for a bit. The solution she came up with was and auspices to the other Changing Breeds. So when he
that she needed someone to keep an eye on what was going finally got done doing whatever he was doing, all the Garou
on for her, preferably someone who didn't have a bias or an were doing their little Lunar hora and praising Luna to the
agenda, and who would let her know what she had to worry skies — and they were damned loud about it, too.
about and what she didn't. She needed something between The thing is, they were giving thanks to Luna, not him.
an editor and an executive secretary, someone who could This put Helios in what can politely be called "a snit." More
sift through the mess o' details and let her know when accurately, he took his toys (light, heat, all that good stuff) and
something vital was going down so she would only have to went home. This little star turn, as you might expect, left the
spend her time, personally, when it really mattered. rest of the world in something of a pickle. I mean, it was dark
So she created Raven, whose job it was to serve as the and it was cold, and no plants would grow, and, well, it was just
interpreter between Gaia and her creations. She made Raven generally a bad scene. More to the point, it was going to be a
fast enough to go from place to place, to see what was terminal scene if Helios didn't come back, because even the
happening everywhere. She made his eyes sharp enough to see Gurahl were bitching about how cold it was, and that means
the smallest details, so that Raven could bring them back to we were well on our way in ice-age status. Luna was doing her
her. She gave him a taste for carrion, as a subtle reminder to the best to heat things up, but she's A) forgetful, B) easily dis-
other critters as to who was the real boss (and that they'd be tracted, and C) not real good at that sort of thing.
dead meat if they pissed her off too much). She gave him a So Raven decided something had to be done about it. He
quick wit and a ready tongue, probably so she wouldn't get had a plan, which he passed on to us, and we went off to where
bored listening to his recitals. And she made Raven bright Helios was sulking. (By the way, if it hadn't been for us, this
enough to understand what he was doing, so he could explain planet would be frozen solid, 'cause even if one of the other
Gaia's creations to her and help her understand them. breeds had doped out a plan, no way could they have gotten the
That might have been her one mistake with Raven, altitude to bring the plan to the Man. Wings are a real plus in
come to think of it. Making him smart, that is. Or maybe it this biz.). Oh, and we took one thing with us when we went
was telling Raven how smart he was that was the big boo- knock-knock-knocking on Helios' door.
boo, because once Raven doped out that Gaia needed him, A mirror.
he started extracting concessions. Let's put it this way:
So, anyway, we got there, and Helios' house was all
There's a reason he's the patron totem of all sports agents,
boarded up with a big "DO NOT DISTURB" sign on the front
even if they don't know it. He's good.
Chapter One: An Oral History 17
of it. Occasionally you'd see sunbeams leaking out the win- Turns out we'd outsmarted ourselves on that one. Nor
dows, but on the whole it was pretty damn dark up there, too. only did we get roasted up close and personal, but when
That's how we knew things were serious. When Helios doesn't Helios came back to much acclamation, he decided that he
even bother to light up his own place, it's bad. wanted to hug us and squeeze us and call us George — in
We got to work, fast. The mirror got itself stationed short, to adopt us, as a personal thank you. Now, we wanted
right in front of the door, and then, in between shivers, we no part of this, but Raven pulled a fast one on us and we got
started yelling and hooting about what a great time we were suckered into i t . Basically, the bastard convinced Luna that
having now that this new sun had come along. it was better to let us go over to her bro than risk having him
Helios, poor sap, bought it hook, line and sinker. I mean, run away again — so she and Raven sold us out. In one swell
the only reason Helios had stomped off in the first place was foop, we had our auspices stripped, and that was not pleas-
because he didn't think anyone liked him, so when he heard ant. Helios made us his personal property, and with that we
us whooping it up about our new bestest solar buddy, he were taken out of the good graces of the ever-changing
flipped. More to the point, Helios came charging out the front Moon; we were stuck, as Changing Breeds go. I mean, even
door to take a look, and what do you think he saw? the Mokole have more tie to Luna than we do — and
Damn straight — he saw his own reflection. And, seeing because they were Helios' first babies, he shone on them in
as Helios isn't real ingenious as celestial bodies go, he went right all kind of ways. That's why we're all pretty much the same,
back inside and started crying. That's where the clever part when it comes to our purpose among ourselves: no warriors,
came in. We knockd on his door (careful not to stand in front bards or whatever kinda lines to break ourselves up among.
of the mirror) and made him an offer he couldn't understand. As far as I know, only the Nuwisha are in the same kind of
Basically, we hosed him. We told Helios that we had an "in" one-note boat. But they're still doing okay, and so are we.
with the powers of the universe, and that we could get him his Now, Helios wasn't what you'd call a bad guy to be
job back — but only it he came back with us right away. adopted by. I mean, Raven still had dibs, and Helios himself
He damn near broke down the door on his way out, he kept on dumping all of these Gifts on us. That means,
was that eager. We barely beat him back to the friendly incidentally, that we've got a hell of an arsenal because
neighborhoods in the Umbra, and he was so close on our Helios thought that giving us nice stuff was the way to make
tailfeathers that he burned us black, every blessed one. sure we liked h i m . It was never necessary, really, but he
18 Corax
never got the message, and we're just as happy to have the As a further precautionary measure, Raven also told us
toys. But we knew that Helios can get temperamental, and that whenever one of us ran across another, we should sit
we weren't sure if hanging around him that closely, like he down and compare notes to make sure that it anything had
wanted us to do at that point, was such a good idea. After been taken away from one, the other could teach it right
all, he'd done something stupid once. He might well do back to him. This sort of exchange program's gotten a bit
something else equally dumb, and drop it on us. wider over the years; nowadays, we gossip more and shop-
Fortunately, Raven was just as paranoid. talk less. Still, it's all in the interest of making sure we hang
onto what we know, and pass it on when the time is right.
Raven-Folk Scattering Now don't get the idea that we don't like Helios. Hell,
we love the guy. He's great. I mean, his Gifts are killer, he's
Raven may be a cocky bastard, but he's no fool. As soon as a lot more predictable than Luna and let's face it, the Moon
he'd received Helios' Gifts for his children, he turned around and isn't what you'd call a warm personality. No, we all t h i n k
called all of us together — and I mean all of us. Skinchangers, the Sun's one hell of a Celestine, and one of the reasons we
ravens, and the rare human bright enough to honor Raven usually operate in the daytime is because he's got the same
properly, we all came together to hear what Raven had to say. interest we do in shedding light on things. He's a bit more
His message was direct and to the point. He handed literal than we are, but who isn't?
out the last of the Gifts Helios had bestowed, instructed us It's just that, well, we're a paranoid kind of breed. So we
in their use, and then told us to get lost — literally. like Helios, and we respect him; we just, take precautions
You see, Raven was less than sanguine that Helios wasn't because, well, you never know. Helios has already flaked on
going to figure out how Raven had snookered him. He didn't us once; it could get kind of inconvenient it he did it again.
want the Sun stumbling onto the truth, then deciding to
punish us by taking away our Gifts. So Raven ordered us to
travel to every corner of the world as quick as we could. That
Other Realms
way, no matter what happened, there would always he some of The first man to fence in a piece of land saying "This is mine"
us hidden from Helios in the night, ones whom the Sun and who found people simple enough to believe him, was the real
couldn't touch. That's why there are Corax from Alaska to founder of civil society.
Japan, and all over Europe as well. When your head honcho — Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on the Origins and
spirit tells you to move, you get your ass in gear and go. Bases of Inequality Among Men
Gaia created Raven to tell her what was going on, and real hard keeping things from the Nuwisha ever since they
she didn't impose any jurisdictional boundaries on him. It decided to up and move en masse into the Umbra. (Kind of
wasn't like he was allowed to see what was going on in like seniors legging it to Florida, only more distracting.
Europe, but not in Africa — or allowed to see what was Sometimes they take some things out of your bestest, most
happening in the real world, but told that the Umbra was secret cache and leave behind something by way of pay-
off limits. And seeing as no one had ever told Raven not to ment. Freaks.) If you're ever in the Umbra and see some
go there, he went and we followed. stuff t h a t looks like chickenscratch, that's the latest Corax
Now Coyote and his kiddoes had already been to the news, traffic and weather. Pay close attention to it and
Umbra by the time we got there, and the place was kind of you'll find the fastest and safest routes to where you're going
pungent as a result. The situation had its advantages as well over there. Ignore it and you're likely to go face-first into a
as its disadvantages, though. I mean, sure, the Nuwisha had nest of Pattern Spiders.
taken a whole bunch of neat stuff, made the whole place
stink to high heaven, and left behind a mess that bore a Eggs
suspicious resemblance to mass-produced American beer. Now most of the other skinchangers — the cats and
(It's called "marking your territory." Pay careful attention the bears and the wolves and the coyotes — have a certain
to that fire hydrant down there if you need further explana- advantage in reproduction over us werebirds. It's the fact
tion.) But there was an upside. that both sides of the family tree are mammals for those
Namely, the place was such a mess that just about no guys; either way, the whole birds'n'bees process is pretty
one — and I mean no one — else wanted to visit. Can you much identical. For us, it's a little harder. If a pregnant
imagine a Silver Fang dipping his paws into the mess the Corax shifts to bird form, she's got — what? Eggs? It's a
Nuwisha left behind? Not bloody likely. So, as we could fly mess. Hell, we don't even want to think about it. That's
over the nastiest bits, we pretty much had the place to why the women, once they get preggers, don't shift. It's not
ourselves. We took advantage of it, setting up meetpoints even law, it's custom, which is a hell of a lot stronger. No
and runner routes, supply caches and hidey-holes all over one enforces it, either. There's no need. Everyone just
the place. knows.
Hell, a lot of that's still there, and we're constantly Which leads us to where you came from, metaphysi-
upgrading. Most of it's still secret, too, although it's been cally speaking. The stories go that when Raven decided to
20 Corax
take some of humanity and make them his (to go with the as they wanted — though with the approval of the potential
birds who'd already come along), he watched what the Corax' real parents, who would have to be part of the whole
other totems had done and paid careful attention. Then he ceremony.
went them one better. As you might expect, this shut everyone up real quick.
You see, Raven figured out that this is all about spirit. So that's the reason we're made as we are,and why there
Even Wolf and the rest, they didn't quite get it when they aren't so many of us. Neither the homids nor the corvids
taught their children how to perpetuate themselves; those want the line to die out, but we don't want there to be too
guys got it all mixed up with the flesh (and all the problems many of the other kind out there, either. In the meantime,
that come with that). Raven realized all that was excess we're balanced, as balanced as we can be, considering,
baggage, that all that was necessary to make a new Corax
was spirit and will. Well, spirit, will, access to the Umbra
and a few other things, but that's besides the point.
Thought and Memory
Raven took the smartest of his children and walked Just us Raven was treated to serve as a sort of spiritual
'em into the Umbra. He showed them how to take part of NSA for Gaia, individual Corax have performed similar
themselves and shape a spirit egg out of it, and how to bind functions for some of the more powerful spirits over the
it to a baby (or a chick) with a bond made from a hair (or centuries. These Corax, who have "forgotten the Sun," just
feather). And Raven told them that a Corax soul is too wander oft into the shinier bits of the Umbra. A lot of them
much to handle right off, so it has to incubate for a few years just keep going and going — rumor has it that they fade into
while the body gets ready for it. You see, he'd tried creating pure spirit and never actually die. A few, however, end up
a Corax right off the bat first, and it was a miserable failure. working directly for big spirits they run into out there, and
The raven spirit was so strong in the human kid that it tried these guys often end up coming back to Earth, sort of, kind
to fly off the table and ended up breaking its neck, while the of, on the job.
human spirit in the raven chick caused it to crawl right out Let me give you an example. You might have heard of
of the nest (which wouldn't have been so bad if the nest a guy named Odin? Tall, bearded, one eye, spoke Swedish?
hadn't been 40 feet off the ground). So Raven thought He had two ravens named Huginn and Munin (Thought
about it, and thought some more, and figured that a wait and Memory, that is). Now supposedly, Odin would sit on
period was in order. After all, a Corax soul is a hell of a lot his throne all day while Huginn and Munin flew all over the
more dangerous than a gun, and they make you wait for world, collecting into that this guy could use. They were
that. That's why he created the spirit egg — it's really a literally his thought and memory — while they were gone
time-release system so that a new Corax gets little doses of Odin was without either thought or memory, and basically
her new soul over a long enough time that it doesn't fry her just sat there staring at the wall and wondering what the
synapses. Then, when critical mass gets reached, the egg hell had happened to his depth perception. Then at the end
"cracks" and the rest of the stored spirit energy gets injected of the day, H&M would come flapping back in their own
in one big shot. That's the First Change, kiddo, explained sweet time, sit down on Odin's shoulders, and fill him in on
all technical-like. But we're getting away from the story the day's events.
here. Now this story does a pretty good job of illustrating the
With the world being the way it was, and is, Raven felt role we play in things. We're the eyes and ears of the spirit
that keeping the egg in the real world was too dangerous. world, even more so than the kitties, because we've got
You know what they say about making omelets, but these perspective, the view from the hill, whatever you want to
things are too valuable to break. If the spirit egg were to get call it. We get overviews that they don't, which is good for
broken, you see, all of that stored soul would come pouring our role. The Bastet stash secrets away for safe keeping; we
out and things would go to hell real fast. That's why Raven drag 'em out into the sunlight and shout, "Hey, Look at
decided to make the egg 100% spiritual and keep it in the this!" for the benefit of the less nosy Changing Breeds.
Umbra, tied on with that feather or hair. In the Umbra, you This is why we have always been linked to powerful
see, it's almost unbreakable. Raven explained all this to his spirits, and some of those connections have been made public.
kids on both sides, and they got sort of jumpy. Each wanted There was an Odin, though he's long gone, and he did have
to know whether eggs should be given to raven babies or two of our oldest and wisest as his advisors, Huginn and Munin,
human babies, and how many, and all of those other a mated pair. Word is that Odin granted them immortality as
pertinent details. a reward for long and faithful service, and that they're still
Raven saw this, and he knew pretty quick that unless flying around the Umbra, sun-lost. I heard from Skirts-the-
he did something, there was going to be competition Corona, who got it in a message from Johnny, who claims to
between his feathered children and his human ones. He'd have heard it from Old Roarkh, who swears up and down to
seen it with the Garou after all. He pondered a little bit, and have seen Huginn and Munin in the feather. Word is they're
then he gave the human and the raven the big decision: still watching, waiting for Odin to come back some day so they
They were both free to make as many kids of the other type can share everything they've seen.
When people think about Greece, we come in a
distant second or so in the Important Bird Name Recogni-
tion Contest. Owl's got it, hands down, for hanging with
Athena and getting his face in all the pictures. That doesn't
mean we weren't there, though. You want proof? Look at
Aesop's fables. There are two, count 'em, two that star
ravens, even though one of them isn't terribly flattering.
The one that is, though, is instructive.
You know what I'm talking about, don't you? The one
about the raven who finds the pitcher with a little water
down at the bottom, so he drops pebbles into the thing until
the water rises high enough for him to get a good drink out
of it. Now that, kiddo, is literal thinking, something we
were championing way back when in the glory days of
Athens and Corinth. Taking things from a different angle.
Encouraging people to question and to reassess. Sound like
the basis of any school of Western philosophy you know?
Naaah, can't be, right? Well, you decide for yourself. The
point being, the Corax' idea of looking at things from every
possible angle was a l i v e and well in at least some parts of
Classical Greece.
Speaking of which, there are a few things you need to
know about Classical Greece. Contrary to popular belief,
the place was not full of white-bearded guys standing in
front of white-columned temples in white togas declaiming
the wisdom of the ages. Uh-uh. Even Athens, the cradle of
democracy, didn't let women or foreigners vote. Read some
Aristophanes some time; it's instructive.
But the main point I'm trying to make here is that in
the good old days, Greece was full of mountains, goats and
guys in hoplite armor trying to skewer their neighbors —
and that's i t . Communication from city to city was damn
near impossible at the best of times, deadly at the worst, and
still the news had to get through somehow.
Three guesses how. Yep, it was us. A lot of your famous
communiques in Greek history — the run from Marathon,
the news of the walls of the Piraeus — have our feather-
light touch all over them. Mind you, we didn't necessarily
make the runs for those guys, but we helped. You know,
scouting out safe routes and directing traffic, whacking
bandits along the way, things like that.
Why? Well, basically because in those days we played
favorites. The Persians and Spartans were information
control freaks while the Athenians allowed the occasional
discussion, at least. Of course, we later wised up and threw
our lot in with Alexander — an empire is a great way of
establishing reliable and safe communications networks;
you dig? Too bad it couldn't last.
The Beasts of Battle and we'd drink memories out of men's eyes. The poets saw that
we came to every battle for news and rales, and they made us
Despite the War of Rage, we've managed to maintain part of their ritual. "The fighting was now imminent, glory was at
fairly good working relationships with the Garou most of hand; the time was come when doomed men were to perish there. A
the time. It's just when they get their dudgeon up that din was upraised there: ravens wheeled about, and the eagle greedy
they're a pain in the collective ass. Most of the time, for carrion." That's beauty; that's poetry. The skalds knew we'd
though, we work well together — even our animal Kin come to record the battle, the names and visions of the fallen,
cooperate. Weird, huh? and they immortalized it. By the time the Normans came across
The best example of this is in, believe it or not, poems. Old the Channel, it was impossible to conceive of battle without us.
English ones like "The Battle of Maldon." The skalds saw us We were that much a part of the fabric of their culture. A battle
working together and immortalized it in poetry. After each without our presence lacked benediction.
battle, the eagles would seek carrion, the wolves would prowl Pity those days are gone. We could probably stop a lot
the field looking for Wyrm-foes to dispatch or trophies to take, of pointless f i g h t s simply by not showing.
Now there's one story about ravens that everyone, even skinny kids from the 'burbs like you, has got to be familiar
with. You know what I'm talking about here?
No. not the friggin' poem! Christ, if all we said was "Never-frackin'-more." Gaia would have put us out of our
misery ten thousand years ago. Why do you t h i n k you don't see my wereplatypi running around? 'Cause they'd he
useless, that's why — and if all we could do was yammer one word, we'd be useless, too. "What's going on with the
Ananasi!" "Nevermore." "How strong is that fomori encampment?'" "Nevermore." "Are you guys ever going to be good
for anything?'' "Awwwk. Nevermore." Fuhgeddaboutit.
No, I'm talking about the Tower of London. Back when this country actually had an educational system worthy of the
name, every kid knew how the Tower had its own flock of ravens that roosted there, and how there was a legend that if the
ravens ever left the Tower, the whole country would come crashing down. The British government's so whacked-out on this
one that even to this day the bastards clip our Kinfolk's wings to make sire they stick around. I mean, they don't think the
stories are true, but who wants to be the prime minister when it's time for empirical experimentation. Get my drift?
Well, anyway, that's the legend. Honest. Of course, the truth behind that story's a l i t t l e different. There's a whole
flock of us and our Kinfolk who hover around the Tower, but it's for two reasons. One is that, as I said, they clip the
wings of the permanent residents. (As a sort of apology, the bastards at least make sure the food is damn good. They
feed us like kings, but that's not what I call sufficient recompense.)
The second takes a little more explaining. Once upon a time, England had a king, a giant by the name of Bran. Now
after various misadventures involving wars, sacks full of badgers, cauldrons that resurrected dead guys and all sorts of fun stuff
like that, he managed to get his head cut off. As Bran was a guy after our collective heart, this setback didn't shut him
up. On the contrary, once Bran was dead he kept yammering away more than ever. So this giant detached head just sat there
spouting prophecy and one-liners, and expected his entourage to pick up the slack.
One of the things he said was that his sidekicks had to tote his noggin back to Merrie Olde Englande, bury it facing
some mystically appropriate directions, and build a tower on top of it to protect it. And Bran, being the humble talking
head t h a t he was, prophesied t h a t England would be safe as long as his head was undisturbed.
Beginning to see how the stories fit together? Good kid. We'll make something of you yet.
Bran's sidekicks did the whole wailing and moaning thing because they were losing their bestest buddy under a pile of
dirt. It says something about these guys that they preferred the company of a dead head to that of, say, their wives, but this
was back when the Brits were still in their painting-themselves-blue phase, so go figure. But while they were bitching and
moaning and dragging their feet as they went for their shovels, we saw our chance. We swooped down and started asking Bran
questions, lots of them. Questions like the secrets of the other breeds, the rules to magic, and all sorts of other goodies. And
just as Bran's band of followers came back with their construction equipment, one of us asked him about the Apocalypse.
Bran opened his mouth to answer —
— And one of his idiot henchmen threw a shovelful of dirt into i t . Before we got our answer, those guys had buried
Bran, built some piss-ant fortification on top of him. and performed a few interesting rites to inform the local gods that
it was a done deal.
Which left us waiting for our answer. And we're still waiting, damnit! That's why there are always ravens at the
Tower; we never know when Bran's going to spit the sod out from between his incisors and answer the damn question.
Mind you, it doesn't look like that's going to happen any lime soon, but we want to be there 24/7, just in case it does.
Just in case.
Viva La Industrial
Remember how I told you we'd backed the Weaver in
early human social development? Well, right around 1800,
we realized that she was getting out of hand. I mean, p u t t i n g
fences up against the Wyrm is one thing, but she was getting
out of hand. Soot filled the sky, making it hard to fly -- or
breathe. Carrion got trampled in the muck or carted off,
m a k i n g it harder to feed on things that weren't Wyrm-
tainted. Bodies were, for the most part, carted off out of
sight, so we — and the dead — were denied that last rite.
Things were getting too organized, and nor in a good way. They raided caerns, wiped out Pure One packs, and did all
Sure, the new cities were rife with stories and places to sorts of other nastiness, all in the name of "progress,"
roost, but too many things that we saw were petty and Heh. Weaver seduced 'em, more or less — conned
tawdry. The visions sickened us. Children chained into them into thinking that they were "doing the right t h i n g
factories — that's too damn much order for me. and protecting what the savages couldn't." And thus began
Meanwhile, the Wyrm had snuck in the back door and the second War of Rage — only this time it was Garou
subverted the Weaver's process. Yep, everything was really versus Garou. We took our stories f r o m the first go-round,
nicely ordered on the front end — but on the back end, showed them to as many breed-types as we could — and got
toxic sludge wns pouring into the rivers and poisonous fog most of them to sit it out. Only the Garou (big surprise)
was creeping o u t . Wonderful. Hammer and tongs, Scylla were hard asses and insisted on fighting.
and Charybdis. It sucked either way, You know something? That suited us just fine. As well
Soooooo...we punted. We spread the word every- as we get along with individual Garou, we were more than
where we could as to what was going on in the cities, then happy to let them practice their atrocities on each other
pulled back to watch and keep an eye out for further this time. The only thing we made sure of was that there
incursions. I mean, by that point, it had gotten way too big would always be someone, no matter who won, to take care
for us. All we could do was cull in the big guns ,and spot for of the caerns when the dust cleared. Even if it was just a
the heavy artillery. Mind you, a lot of us took to the cities Nuwisha.
really well — Gaia knows there were secrets to find there, Oh, we also made sure that our people up in the
schemes on both sides to topple. One whole heck of a lot of Northwest got away scot free. Emissaries from the villages
us got into fields like accounting and banking, simply let both sides know that if anyone laid a paw on those
because t h i s was where the new hidden treasures were. Kinfolk communities, we'd go over to the other side with a
But a l l in a l l , it was a bad time for us. The skies weren't vengeance. And our support — or enmity — is worth a lot
worth flying in. A lot of Corax retreated to the Umbra for more than you'd suppose. We're nor great at fighting,
good, losing the Sun and saying, "Good riddance" to the though we're better than we look. But that's not important.
mud ball. It looked like the fight was over, and that we'd What is important is information. How well do you t h i n k
lost. the Wyrmcomers would have held out if we'd reported back
Of course, that could mean only one thing: Things all of their locations, all of their secrets, to the Pure Ones?
would get worse. How 'bout if we'd given the Pure Ones lifts through the
Umbra to strategic strike points, or gone in to steal appro-
The Second War of Rage priate shiny things — like guns, ammo, fetishes...?
Would have been pretty hairy, wouldn't it? Probably a
Yippie-yi-yay. Ki-yay, even. good thing we didn't do ir then. Maybe.
Now, when the Garou found their way to the Pure I dunno.
Lands, some of us went with them, mainly in the second Mind you, you're getting biased info here. My ances-
waves of colonization after the noble, brave and true types tors hitched a boat ride. I'm a carpetbagger, and so are the
(who didn't want any sneaky scouts along with them) had Corax I learned from. So I can't know what they saw back
settled in. Some of us, I say, the rest of us we re already there. then, and when I try to tell it their way, it comes out flat.
The thing is, even those of us who immigrated already I've heard the stories of the Second War of Rage from our
knew what was over there. The European Corax went with Northwest cousins, and they're a bit more acerbic about it
our K i n f o l k , but all of us true Corax had been t a l k i n g with than I am, but I don't want to go putting words into their
the ones up in the Northwest for years, decades, centuries, mouths. I can tell you this, though: The last Corax I talked
even — in the Umbra. So we knew they were there; they to from up that way had a story for me, a story about a time
knew us European types were coming, and we hashed our when a bunch of Garou outrunners blundered their way
some mutual protection deals. We also tried to warn the into a pre-declared safe zone and started getting uppity.
Uktena and Wendigo of what was on the horizon, but they The Kin who lived there put the word out, and Corax —
didn't want to hear it. After all, who trusts Trickster's word, from both sides — descended.
right? The bodies got dumped where the message would do
Why the hell does no one ever listen to us? the most good, and word of it got spread far and wide by the
So the Europeans moved west. Our Kinfolk came with time Luna had come up.
them in fits and starts— things weren't great back East for Rut remember, that's still coming from me. Much as I'd
many of them — and it took the railroads and land rush to l i k e t o say we're a l w a y s this s o l i d , h u m a n K i n
get them moving in any real numbers. Meanwhile, a lot of notwithstanding, it wouldn't he accurate. You're still not
the European Garou and their Kinfolk were going nuts. getting the whole story — but remember that it's always out
there, if you look and listen.
One point of information before this goes any further: I'm But it brings up an important point. You've been
corvid-breed, New York raised. Learned all my humanisms getting the way I see things. If you want a broader perspec-
from a cabby who lived down Marine Park way, and I've been tive, you should go find a few other teachers and hear what
walking on two legs for a while. I'm told this means I've got a they have to say, then sit down for a bit and cross-reference.
quote-unquote' "skewed perception." To that I say, well, hell Figure out what you think is true. Me, I'm just telling you
yeah I do. You think you're gonna get the same take on matters what I've seen and heard, and it that ain't good enough to
from me that you would from a European homid, or a Tengu, get you started, pluck me and sell me to the Colonel.
or one of the laughing type's from out Northwest? Christ on a
pogo stick, even you can't be that monumentally naive.
A lot of people have trouble reconciling the fact that on
one wing, we're supposed to be these wacky trickster types. (I
mean, hey, it takes serious stones to pull a fast one on the Sun.)
But on the other, we're carrion-chomping beasts of plague and
desolation. Most homid-type observers don't get it. They want
to button hole us into some little high-concept niche role, like
we're wereGalapagos Finches or something.
It's two sides of the same coin, you see? Our job is to
observe, right? We're here to make sure that there's a witness to
everything that goes on. If things were the way Gaia intended,
every life, every death would have a respectful witness in us.
And while the Wyrm and the War of Rage may have bollixed
that plan up pretty good, that doesn't keep us from trying to
f u l f i l l our end of it. We still watch. We s t i l l watch, when we can,
everything. That means going into the dark places, the famines
and the genocides, the battles and the murders. That means not
flinching when we see the horrors that make the vampires and
Shadow Lords turn pale. Why? Because, goddammit, every
single corpse sprawled out on a battlefield was a life, a voice, a
unique perspective on the world, and now it's gone, gone
because some vampire needed a snack, or some Garou got a flea
up his butt, or some tin-star dictator needed to show off how big
his plumbing was, but gone — Forever.
Someone's got to bear witness to that life. And pardon
my grammar, but that someone is — has got to be — us.
'Cause no one else w i l l do it, and even it they tried, they'd
screw it up.
Of course, bearing that kind of witness means we see
horrible, horrible things every day and every night. You
know something? It wears on you. It grinds you down. It can
drive you crazy faster than a skateboarder going down
Everest. It can wreck your head.
Which is why we have to laugh about it. If we don't, if we
can't heckle the moments of absurdity, we lose it. Raven
knows this. Raven understands. That's why Raven gave us this
sense of humor, so that we could realize that we were beak-deep
in a dead man's eye and still find a reason to go on. And yeah,
that goes for us corvids, too; we come from a fine tradition of
feasting on carrion, but it's a little sobering to find out what
kind of hopes and dreams your latest snack might have had
before, they passed on, So maybe we can't stretch our beaks into
smiles, but we chuckle with the best of 'em.
(Let's face i t ; you strip a lot of this deadly serious stuff
down, the vampires and the Wyrm and everything else, and by
itself, it's pretty damn ridiculous. I mean, think about it like
this: All of creation is being threatened by a big lizard with a
self-esteem problem? Looking at the horror in that way dimin-
ishes it, and makes it bearable for at least another day.)
I bull you no shit here: Things are that bad, and we're
in the uncomfortable position of maybe being the only ones
who know how bad things really are. The way I see i t , we've
got two choices. One, we can laugh. Two, we can drive
ourselves suicidal thinking about the ramifications of what
we know. Gaia don't approve of the latter, and if you try it,
Raven w i l l call you a wuss.
So laugh, kid. It's the only hope you h a v e .
Deep Draughts
One of the most important things we do is record the last
sights of the dying. That's why we drink eyes, kid, not because
vitreous humor tastes that good. No, when you do it right, you
can drink down the last thing that the poor bastard's eye saw.
Mind you, you have to ask the body's permission first. Don't ask
me why; that's just the way it's done. You'll learn, kid, that
certain things are just done a certain way because, well,
because they've always been done that way — and every time
some smar-ass new chick comes along and tries to modernize
procedure, everything goes to hell.
So, in any case, there's a ritual to how this goes. First
you find a body, preferably one that's not too thoroughly
decomposed. You settle down, get a good position, then ask
the corpse's permission to violate it. (That's another differ-
ence between us and crows. A crow sees a corpse as a buffet.
We realise something died to provide for us.) Then, if the
corpse gives its okay — and it's just a gut feeling, the body
doesn't sit back up and tell you that it's groovy — then you
can plunge your beak in.
You can only drink from one of a corpse's eyes. If you
drink from the right eye, you see the good in the sucker's
death. If you drink from the left eye, the sinister one, you see
the evil. It's best to switch back and forth between corpses
— too much of either view will drive you off your rocker.
On the other hand, there are times when you need to know
the best. — or worst — in what happened, and then you
don't have a choice as to which eye you can drink out of.
We can do this for animals too, you know. And believe
me, a rat's or a dog's eye sometimes sees some pretty
interesting — and terrifying — things. Trust me, you will
never use the expression "gunned down like a dog" again
once you've seen that shotgun barrel swing into line through
another body's eyes. On the other hand, better than half
the time all you get is an image of oncoming headlights.
Gross as it sounds, we can even share memories that we
get this way. As long as a little bit of that eye's jelly is in your
stomach, you can barf it back up and feed it to another
Corax. This lets the guy getting the sloppy seconds see
exactly what you've seen. Plus, he can then pass along what
he's taken from you and share the vision with someone else.
Usually, memories can be saved for up to a week this way.
Look, I know it sounds gross, but it works, okay? We
birds have been feeding our young this way since before
there were mammals, all right, so don't get so high and
mighty about what you will and won't put in your beak.
Besides. I've seen you eat hot dogs — you want to know the
secret of what's really in them?
Heh. Didn't think so.
The ability to drink eyes is something utterly unique to
the Corax. By the act's ritualistic nature, it's best defined as
a rite, but you never hear the Corax themselves describing it
as such. The performance of this duty is so deeply ingrained
into the Corax character that even the ever-inquisitive
raven-folk don't ask questions about it. The drinking of the
eyes just is, and that's all there is to it. Teaching a hatchling
to do so rarely takes more than five minutes.
For a Corax to drink a corpse's eye, the wereraven
must first ask the cadaver's permission -- politely. Brusque,
rude or disrespectful requests will be declined, leaving the
Corax to explain his failure to uphold his duty. A Percep-
tion + Empathy roll (difficulty 7) determines if the Corax
sees anything from his draught, or if the vision is too
obscured for him to make anything out. The more suc-
cesses obtained, the longer and clearer the vision ob-
tained is.
The Corax must do the actual drinking while in Corvid
form. The Crinos beak is a bit too large for the bird to perform
the operation with any delicacy, and if a wereraven tries it in
Homid, the gag reflex kicks in rather abruptly.
While a Corax is drinking an eye, he is totally focused
on what he is doing. This is perhaps the only time when a
Corax can be easily surprised, because the receipt of a corpse's
last vision requires complete and utter concentration.
Inside the Eye
The body was dumped in a small field in East Orange,
nothing more than a couple of acres of weeds and broken
glass in between factories. When I found the corpse, it was
wearing just a T-shirt and briefs; the killer had stripped him
of clothes that might have telltale fibers or bloodstains. It
would be good enough to slow down human cops, sure
enough. Good thing I found him first.
The right side of the victim's face had been caved in by
whatever killed him, so I had to drink from the left. I hate
doing that, but if I was going to discover who'd wasted this
poor sap, I didn't have a choice. I looked around, but the
field was abandoned; even the local kids knew better than
to play there. Good.
I spread my coat on the ground next to the body, then
knelt down next to the victim's head. Then I whispered,
"Look, I know this isn't going to be pretty, but I need your
permission to take your eye. Let me help you rest."
I got the definite feeling he was thinking it over. Even
dead people don't like a poke in the eye, and the silence grew
and grew while I waited for a response.
Eventually, I got that old comfortable feeling in the gut
that said that the corpse was cool with the procedure. So
with a sigh, I shifted down to Corvid. It took a minute
longer than normal, probably as a result of the accrued bad
karma on that field. Raven knows how many other bodies
had been dumped there without someone like me to take
their last sights. When the process was done, I hopped up on
what was left of John Doe's nose and stuck the beak right
There was a salty taste to this one, like he'd been
crying when he died. It was the left eye, so of course I got
lousy reception, but certain things were clear enough.
Things like the big sign reading Aesop Research Com-
pany on the wall behind the killer, things like the almost
palpable Wyrm-taint hovering in the background, and
things like the fact that the killer had all the hallmarks of
being fomori. If nothing else, the tentacle that smashed this
poor fool's face in was a dead giveaway.
The aqueous humor was smooth as it went down. It
would probably be the last thing to go smoothly for a long
— from the journals of Raina Fader, Private In-
36 Corax
time, and for giving us the light by which we can see the
wonders of creation. Helios eats that stuff up, you know, but Crashing the Party
we actually mean every word of it. Our job, after all, is to We don't have Parliaments of our own that often.
poke at the dark places and drop a little illumination on Thar doesn't mean, however, that we don't crash
them. Without Helios' help, we're reduced to the odd everyone else's. Garou are always happy to have us at
spiritual Maglite, which isn't nearly as effective. Besides, their moots. You drop in after the formalities are out of
we are genuinely appreciative of everything he's done for the way, tell a few stories, and drink their booze in
us. Hard to believe, huh? exchange. It's a great system, and if your tidbits are
The next thing we do is offer up a prayer to Raven, good enough, you can even cadge some Renown w h i l e
asking him to watch over us. We don't actually expect that you're at it. I mean, hey, if you're tough enough to
he w i l l , though — Raven likes watching us scramble in and sashay into a Red Talon moot and tell them a bit of info
out of trouble. Mind you, if things look realty hairy — say, or a few stories they've never heard before, you've
if Wyrm-tainted squirrels climb up the tree and start as- earned whatever you can get from them.
saulting the ravens in the back rows — Raven has inter- Just make sure to tell someone what, you're doing.
vened on occasions like that. The thing is, he always does Thar ensures two things. One, it means your Renown
so in a way to make the survivors look ridiculous. gets verified. Two, it means that if worst comes to
Anyway, what happens next is Roll Call, but not in the worst, you'll be rescued.
way you'd expect. We don't call the names of the folks who But don't be afraid to experiment, kiddo. Go hunt
are actually at the Gather. I mean, if they're there, we know with the Talons as a spotter. Drink mead with the Get
they're there, right? No, we call out the names of the folks u n t i l you puke. Sing with the Fianna and run with the
who didn't show. Anyone who's recently seen one of those Nuwisha when you can, because every time you do, it
Corax spouts off, letting the rest of us know t h a t she's all gives you a little more perspective on why we're here,
right. and what we're fighting for.
And if the Minister calls out a name, and there's no
answer? Then two things happen. The first is that a murder
gets set up to go search for our missing cousin. The second
is that we get ready to mourn.
Next is a check on all the local eggs. Each guardian gets
up and gives a status report. Hopefully, this is perfunctory.
No news is good news when it comes to eggs.
New fledglings get introduced next by parents and/or
current mentors — don't worry, I'll cover you. There's
semi-formal introductions, then some instruction, then a
quiz. That's right, a quiz. If you can't answer the questions
put to you about earlier events at the Parliament, you're in
for a world of hurt. Gotta go sit on the bottom branch if you
screw the quiz up.
Yes, sitting on the bottom branch is a bad thing. Think
about it.
Anyway, then we get into old/new business, which is
basically going around the tree sharing gossip. Depending
on how late this runs, there's also storytelling and singing,
and Renown gets slathered around at times like this.
That's why you take your Renown wherever you can
get it, kiddo. There aren't that many chances to get it, and
there's always a dozen of us yammering at once on the few
occasions when it's available. Practice shouting, that's my
Parliament can never, ever run past sundown. To do so
is disrespectful to Helios, natch. So, at every Parliament, as
soon as the sun starts heading down, we all take off and do
a circuit over whatever city we're in. We scan at the
perimeter and spiral in, falling out every damn thing we see
along the way. If things work right, we hit the center of
town at sundown on the nose, at which point the
Parliament's over.
Officially, anyway. In the real world, that's when we all
go out for a beer.
There's a big difference between social animals and
pack ones. Garou, for example, are pack animals. The
wolves may not talk to one another, but they feel naked
unless there are four or five other fur coats around. The
members of the pack may hate each other — Raven knows
I've seen it often enough — but the wolves are almost
incapable of functioning on their own.
We, on the other hand, are social animals, which
means that we need company, and often. However, the
t h i n g is, it's only company that we need — partners are
right out. Ninety-nine percent of what we do is observation
and discovery, and having too many eyes trying to focus on
the same target can mean t h a t nobody sees anything
But during down time, we love to get together to gossip
and swap info. Raven actually mandates the latter — he's
made it damn clear that we'd best share everything we learn
with the first three Corax we come across. Dissemination of
information, you see, spreading the word. Nothing gets lost
and everything; gets backed up. C'mon, you've got a computer,
kid — you know about parallel systems and redundancies.
In a nutshell, then, the arrangement is this: We almost analyze it, and then reduce the place with some kinda
never work together long-term, because we drive each efficiency, but on the other hand, a lot of times a murder
other nuts when we do. Short-term, however, every Corax just devolves into a bunch of birds sitting in a tree or a
is w i l l i n g to sit down with every other over a beer or a trendy coffeehouse, bitching about who gets to be in
roadkill squirrel and swap stories. Eldest Corax goes first, charge.
then we go around the table in order. Young 'uns like you There are very, very few permanent arrangements our
are expected to shut up, listen and take notes, 'cause at the kind has come to. Some are more organized than others, to
end of the meeting, the youngest one there is expected to he honest — the Sun-Lost aren't even what you'd call
spit back, verbatim, what he's heard. Sure, it sounds harsh connected. S t i l l , there are a few of us who've taken a look
— but how else is he going to spread the word unless he can at the strength in numbers shtick and doped out how to
repeat what he's heard, exactly. Otherwise, it turns into make it work.
one big game of Whisper Down the Line, and you know
how accurate that can be. The Sun-Lost
We're in the accurate information biz, after all. Ru- These guys aren't technically a group. Sun-Lost is the
mors and garbled transitions are Nuwisha, three doors name we have for Corax who've said, "Thank you, but no"
down and follow the odd smell. to HeJios and wandered off into the Umbra full time.
However, information swap isn't the only thing we do Maybe one or two has ever come back from this sort of
when we hang out. Sometimes we... play pool, or have a few- Diaspora, but that's all. The rest hear the call of the shine
beers, or go flying over the city and leave messages on new of the Deep Umbra and... just... go. They lay down their
cars. Sometimes, we just like to have fun, you know? When responsibilities, their messages, their eggs in some cases,
things aren't life or death, we love just spending time with and they just go off into the Umbra to see what might be
one another — because we don't have to. seen.
The thing is, we like our associations to be matters of We see Sun-Lost from time to time. Occasionally the
choice, fluid things. I may like hanging out with, you for a deeps of the Umbra get to be too much, and they decide to
day or two, but after that, I'm gonna want to move on. If I take it easy in the shallows for a while. In cases like that,
get stuck to you by a shared allegiance to some totem or settle in and prepare to hear some fascinating stories. Just
other, or even by guilt, I'm going to be miserable. After all, because the Sun-Lost aren't part of the community any
we need freedom to follow our hunches, to fly wherever the more doesn't mean that they've stopped being Corax. Sun-
hell we want to go. Being tied down to a partner or, even Lost still feel the need to gossip on occasion. That's why
worse, a murder, means that my decisions have to go they come back toward home, to schmooze with Corax who
through committee. It means that I don't get to do what are more integrated into the community.
that little voice in the back of my head tells me to do. More often than not, though, we don't actually see
In short, it drives me nuts, and a nutso Corax is an Sun-Lost. We just get reports, scratched in sigils, of things
inefficient one. If I'm too damn busy staring at my navel (or they've seen. If you find a message from a Sun-Lost, boy,
the feathered equivalent) to fly, I'm not keeping an eye out you're lucky. In a case like that, you (and I mean you in
for what I'm supposed to. particular) were meant to find it. Whoever dropped that
So, we hang together, temporarily, by choice, but work story,or legend, or whatever, off wanted you and noone but
alone. We cover more ground that way, which is another you to be the first one to see it. Don't ask me why they do
advantage — there aren't enough of us left that we can things like that; they just do.
afford to waste birdpower on redundant observation. And We always know when one of the Sun-Lost dies. A
this way, each of us gets to follow our hunches, which single feather shows up at the spot were the deceased's spirit
means that no one's gut feelings get disregarded. egg hatched. No one knows how it gets there, though I
There are rare occasions when a bunch of us (bunch? suspect Wind-spirits. Whaddevah. It happens. That's why
flock? The words for this sort of thing always sound so we think Huginn and Munin are still alive, by the way. No
lame) actually do band together in some kinda semi-hemi- one's ever seen a feather for them. And yes, we know their
demi-formal arrangement. These so-called "murders" gen- hatching places.
erally form around one particular mission, and disband as Stupid question, do we know where to look. Of course,
soon as the important things get taken care of. (Yeah, the we know. We're Corax, ain't we?
technical term is an "unkindness" of ravens, but no one Among the Sun-Lost
ever remembers that. Yet another reason to resent the Malcolm, I am sure that, barring catastrophe, you will be
goddamned crows. On the other hand, we got Bela Lugosi the one to find this. You do not know me, nor should you. Suffice
in our flick; they got Iggy Pop in theirs. It all balances in the to say that I gave of myself to craft the egg that hatched he who
end.) Murders operate on the committee principle, namely, gifted you with flight. You might consider me your grandfather,
that whoever yells loudest is in charge. Mind you, an if you consider me at all.
organized squad of Corax can scout out an enemy position,
TheMorrigan Murder'sDaughters
Battle-crow biddies, old and dry and fierce as a u t u m n The Morrigan are scary because they're genuinely nasty,
leaves. They're found in the Old Country — ahem, "the andbecauseRaven's put his blessing of murder down on them.
Auld Sod."Sod off, I say — they scare the hell out of me. Murder's Daughters, on the other hand, are scary 'causethey're
There are only three members of the Morrtgan, and wannabes. Each and every one wants to he part of the
they serve Raven's less pleasant aspect. Whenever a Corax Morrigan some day, and they've got this fugazi notion that the
joins the Morrigan, she loses her old name and takes a new way to one of the three spots is to out-nasty the rest of the gang.
one, one of the faces of the Morrigan from legend. Bedb, It's stupid, 'cause I ain't yet seen one of the Daughters get
Nemain and Morrigu -- always the same names, ever since picked for promotion, but they keep trying.
they started writing legends down. It doesn't mutter if it's What do they do? Well, to improve their chances
your lover of 50 years who gets picked; the woman she was Murder's Daughters are always picking fights, swarming
dies the second they settle that new name on her, and all things, and generally caught up in acting antisocial. The
she lives lor from then on is battle. Daughters hang together way too much, and spend a lot of
They say. in the legends, that Morrigan and Dagda time after dark in the sorts of clubs where the vampires go.
were married once, then something happened and she Trying to be bad, yep, yep, yep. Pulling it off? Sometimes.
40 Corax
A murder of pissed-off sisters w i l l pluck out your eyes and
use 'em for marbles, and they're always looking for excuses Raven'sLaws
to be pissed off.
Oh, and it's a girls' club only. No boys allowed. It's a (With a Nod Toward Helios)
time-honored tradition dating back all the way to at least There are certain rules and regs that the entire breed lives
1952, which is the first, time anyone was gutsy enough to use by, no ifs, ands or buts. Most of these got laid down by Raven
the name in public. before he shooed us all over the planet, but a few were added
On the other hand, I'm smart enough not to argue. out of respect for Helios. The thing is, some folks might try to
A Daughter Warns: puff these things up as sacred commandments, but they're as
What are you? Some yellow-ass coward, or just a hefty much common sense as anything else. As long as you keep
variety of stupid? Look, I don't know if you've actually thought these in mind and use your head for something other than a
about this or not, but war is a fact of life. The Morrigan know neat place to put your hat, you'll do just fine.
that, and they know how to get things done about it. You wanna
come over here and tell me that I'm following a lame tradition? ThereAreNoSecrets
Come on, dipshit, something on your mind? Go ahead, say it! It's your duty to uncover every secret you can, even the
I goddamn dare ya! unpleasant ones. Left alone in the dark, secrets fester, rot
and turn into some damn unpleasant things. It's our duty to
Hermetic Order of Swift Light uncover things that others want hidden, because odds are,
This is the business arm of the Breed: basically, a bunch if someone's t a k i n g the effort to hide some information,
of guys who do their Gaia's-gossip thing for the right price. that information's dangerous. If you hear a rumor or catch
It's HQed out of Manhattan, w i t h posh offices on Madison a detail that nags at you, you had best follow up to the best
Avenue at a yearly rent that will make you puke. By of your ability or there'll be hell to pay. You never know if
tradition, there's only one actual raven in the joint, though that lead you ignore as being "too ridiculous" will turn i n t o
the rest of us can make some dough by hiring out as the thing that bites you in the ass.
freelance couriers and the like. Word is that the Corax who
runs the place has been doing some reorganization; for one Share What You Know
thing, the IPO went gangbusters. Word in the grapevine is Information does no good in a bottle. It doesn't matter if
that soon there'll be a bit more of a permanent structure, you know the three magic words that will save the world; as
not to mention some electronic backup for the gossip net. long as those words are locked in your brainbox, they're not
It's gonna be interesting seeing how it all shakes down. doing anyone any good, including yourself. Odds are you're
A Hermetic Bargains: not going to be able to do a damn thing about most of the
Oh, stop flaring your nostrils. Gaia intended us to be Her secrets you uncover, but that's not the point. After all, we're
messengers and scouts, but She can't have expected us to do it not here to take care of the messes, just to uncover them. That's
for free. Let's face it, nothing's free. Not even the benevolent why it's necessary to share what you know. Tell others, who
protection of your totems, right? So are you going to take a few deep can tell others, who can tell others who just might be able to
breaths and start bargaining, or what? do something about whatever you've stumbled over.
On a more somber note, the sooner you spread the
Chasers word over what you know, the safer you are. If you're the
Chasers are loose murders of young brats like yourself only one who knows w h a t the local Pentex subsidiary is up
who get together to play X-Files. Yep, it's real fun to go to, you're a prime target. If you tell three other Corax, who
poking after spooky stuff, ain't i t ? Just make sure that if you tell three more each, who tell a buttload of Garou, well,
join a band of Chasers, at least one of you has the brains to suddenly you're way down on the hit list priority.
keep an eye on where the exits are. Finding a nest o' Banes And if they do catch you, if word of what you found gets
is great; deciding to play "Clean Out the Nest" w i t h your out, at least you didn't die in vain.
little buddies is a one-way ticket to the Great Deep Fryer in
the Sky. Most Chaser murders break up after a year or two; TeachThemWhatThey'llLearn
that's about how long it takes for the members to realize Not everyone accepts the straight dope from us, or even
they cramp each other's styles. likes us. And sometimes, the very folks who won't listen are the
A Chaser Ruminates: very same ones you need to get information to. In that case,
That corpse isn't just the victim of your average, everyday Raven has authorized use of unnecessary and ridiculous force.
vampire, friends. Look at the discoloration around the edges of More to the point, the methods don't matter — the informa-
the wounds. That kind of pre-mortem inflammation is above rion has to get through. It doesn't matter how. It doesn't matter
and beyond the norm. I'm thinking we have a Giovanni on our if you have to get a whole pack of Garou howling for your blood
hands. Anyone care to drink an eye and verify? or if you have to make yourself look like an idiot to get a Simba
to listen — if they have to know, then it's your job to let them
This one is a no-brainer. Eggs are our future. We're too
few as is. Defend a spirit egg with everything up to, but not
including, your own life. We can't afford to lose a single one
of us, even to save another, except under the most dire of
circumstances. But a threat to an egg is intolerable. If you
see anything going after a spirit egg, cowboy the bastard.
We're not the fighters. We're the scouts and commu-
nications officers. Yeah, it's tempting to be the one to save
the day and rescue the girl, but we're not built for that, and
trying stupid heroics is a good way to get yourself killed.
Your job is to get information and get out, preferably
without the enemy seeing you. If you do get spotted, escape
makes more sense than fighting, particularly since he can
call on more reinforcements than you can. Before you
throw a single punch, consider what you're up against and
what your odds of walking away from the fight are. Nine
times out of 10, that should be enough to send you scurrying
in the opposite direction as fast as you can go.
In the end, it's not important who gets the job done. It's
important that the job gets done, and if the job is kicking ass,
there are lots of folks out there better at it than we are.
Bear Witness
Every living soul has a story, and it's part of our mandate
to save as many of those stories as we can. That's why we drink
the eyes of the dead, after all. It's a great information source,
sure, but it's also respect, and making sure some little bit of the
corpse's story gets carried away by someone.
The other part of this rule is that you cannot turn away.
Not now, not ever. No matter how brutal or horrifying what
you're looking at might be — and I'm talking about anything
from the killing fields of Kampuchea to the worst bits of Bed-
Stuy — you have to see it all, so that when.you tell the tale, you
tell it right. To do any less is disrespectful, and dangerous.
There's no cutting comers in this business.
Don't judge anyone or anything out of context. Gaia had
a plan when she put this rock together, and everything has a
part in it. So don't jump to Fly!
conclusions about whether
someone or something: is You've been given an
unnecessary until you figure out unimaginable gift: wings. So use
why they're doing what they're do- 'em! Fly, 'cause it's a dead cert no one else
ing, and what purpose it serves in the in your family can. Experience everything you
grand scheme of things. After all, some can. Talk to everyone you can. Learn as much as you can
day someone might just look at you, with your and look at things from as many angles as you can. Why?
beak buried in a corpse's peepers, and decide Because you can, that's why. As much fun as just getting
that you were some gross bit of vermin barely airborne is, it's also symbolic of what we're doing here. If you
worth the round of birdshot he buries in your ass to can look at a problem from another angle, say, from above, you
"protect the sanctity of the body" from your unholy have to do so. Don't let any of your talents or opportunities get
depredations. In other words, judge nor lest ye he wasted. Otherwise, why the hell did someone thing you were
judged. worth wings to begin with?
46 Corax
humans do it to themselves. Hell, if the Wyrm didn't exist, they Australia
would have invented him.
The English brought all the trapping of home w i t h them
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Africa is
when they came down here, including ravens, and not to
Wyrm Central, or that the folks here have any kind of
mention a half-dozen other species guaranteed to mess up the
monopoly on the sort of behavior that feeds the beast. I can
local ecology for centuries. Brilliant foresight, let me tell you.
give you examples from around the world, in stereo; atroci-
It's the same sort of foresight the new Garou showed when they
ties from Aachen to Zebulon, Ohio. It's just that the point
came in and steamrolled the Bunyip.
needs to he made, and Africa's at the start of the list.
Unfortunately, by hook or crook, we didn't actually
Asia make it down to Australia until it was pretty much too late.
Again, we knew the truth, but who's going to listen to the
Tengu territory, at least in Nippon. They're the most
damn birds? Not the Garou, not when they've got a hard-
standoffish of our kind, and with good reason. Mind you, you'll
on for wiping someone out.
always get a friendly welcome from a Tengu, but there are
But that's past tense. We're here now, and as far as things
certain things they just won't talk about with an outsider. So
go, Australia is a pretty good place to be. Basically, the "powers
if the absolutely vital discussion you need to have with a Tengu
that be" off in Europe for the vampires, the Garou, everyone
is on one of those taboo topics, well, you're screwed.
else — they all regard Australia as a pimple on the butt of the
The mainland isn't such a friendly place. Cathayans.
world, so the poor bastards that get sent here aren't exactly the
That's what I've heard the native soul-drinking vampire sorts
cream of the crop. Witness that Sabbat pack in Brisbane —
called. Those guys are absolutely everywhere, and are always
dumber than a box of rocks. I've personal watched half of 'em
looking for the main chance. The normal run-of-the-mill
screw up in a dozen cities around the world, and I can only
vamps we deal w i t h back home get chewed up and spit out by
assume the rest are as awful. However, all that means is that we
the Cathayans unless they're lucky and good. Siberia actually
can operate with relative freedom, because we're among the
isn't as had as you'd think — there are some Kinfolk there, and
baddest badasses down here.
some shared mythology that jibes with what our Kinfolk in the
Pacific Northwest know. But the further south you go, the Europe
higher the freak population gets — don't stay too long in any
place south of Ulan Bator, or you'll regret it. The Continent is someplace we all love to visit, but
not to stay. The architecture you can find is a dream —
cornices and buttresses and gargoyles, cathedrals you can
perch on for days and never get bored with the view — man,
it's gorgeous. The problem is that the people and critters are
nowhere as nice as the architecture. Everyone over there is
so territorial, from the vampires to the Garou to the
humans, for c r i - y i . You wanna explain to me how living on
one side of a particular river makes you better than the guy
on the other bank? Exactly.
We still have some strongholds on the Continent.
There's a whole colony of K i n f o l k in Greece, if you can
believe that: shades of Aesop. Germany has a few of us, but
there used to be more. Once the wall came down. there
were fewer secrets for us to uncover there. The Teuton
influence still runs north from there, though. We can still
call Scandinavia home, and a fair number of our kin live
there still. Unfortunately, it's got the ambiance of Mom
and Dad's house after you come home from college; cramped,
musty and old. It just doesn't suit us any more. Odin's dead
and gone. There's nothing here for us any more.
The basic deal on Europe is this: Most of the Breeds are
way, waaaaaay underground there. The vampire presence is
way too strong, and the remaining Garou are way too
paranoid to allow any wild cards to wander around. So we
get in, find things out, and rotate out. No one stays too long
because, frankly, it's dangerous.
Great Britain
The UK is a bit of a different issue. We've got old,
strong ties here. The Celts and the Saxons, they knew us as
patrons of battle. We're still in their art, their music, their
legends. Morrigu is still on the outside looking in, and all
three of Morrigan's faces rode with our wings. There's
respect for us here, even if people don't understand what
that respect is for. That's reason enough to stick around,
even though the weather and food are lousy, and the folks
most likely to show us proper respect are also the ones who
insist on playing CDs of bagpipe music all day and night.
"I am a bird in God's garden, and I do not belong to this
dusty world."
— Hakim Conrad Archuletta, "Bird in God's Garden"
Truer words, my friend, were never spoken. The Middle
East has more of our human equivalents — reporters —
than damn near anywhere else on the planet, and we just
blend in with the flock. Unfortunately, the news out of here
is sadly repetitive. Strike, counterstrike, religious denounce-
ment— when will it end? In the meantime, there's a lot of
skullduggery going on that bears watching, just remember,
the paranoia level over there is so high as to be off the scale,
and with good reason. You have more to worry about from
the mortals than from the rest of the zoo in Damascus or Tel
Aviv, and you'd do well to remember that. If you get out of
line, a Mossad agent will cap your ass just as fast as a vampire
will, and probably with less posing.
North America American Southwest; we just try to give traffic reports to
whoever's in the area. There's good eating here, but a lot of
North America. Give me your tired, your hungry, your risk.
poor, your software engineers late of Hong Kong — oh
yeah, we know what's going on here. America's the biggest South America
contradiction on the planet: a hunch of paranoid stay-at-
homes who insist on being the baby-sitter for the rest of the The last War is going on here. If the Breeds lose the
Amazon, everything's all over. You like oxygen! I t ' l l get a
world, and they can't understand why the rest of the planet
hates it. S t i l l , there's opportunity here, that and plenty of hell of a lot more expensive if Pentex paves the basin. So
i n t e r e s t i n g secrets to bring to light. The risks and rewards we're down here, and our numbers are increasing, for one
simple reason. We're t r y i n g to get the cats and the lizards
are both higher here — the landscape is plenty dangerous,
and the imported wolves to work together for once. I mean,
but not so bad that you can't succeed. At the same time, the
with my own eyes, I watched a fight when three Garou, a
plots aren't as deep as in Europe, but there's plenty worth
learning. Bastet and a Mokole took on a Pentex team complete w i t h
Black Spiral Dancer — but since none of the three types
We've got a lot of K i n f o l k in protected communities
were talking to one another, two of the Garou got kakked
up and down the West Coast: Alaska, BC, Washington
before the Mokole deigned to show his face. I agree; the
state and Oregon. That strip of land is special to us, and it's
War of Rage is plenty off-pissing, but this is it. They can
one of the few things we'll fight for.
beat the crap out of the Garou later, save the damn jungle
Canada is a bit lower in the pressure department. A first.
riot in Quebec is a rush hour train in New York, and I like
the rush down here a lot better. Slowly but surely, the
States' problems are sneaking past customs, and the trouble- The Umbra
makers are heading north with them, but in the meantime None of the other breeds has the connection that we
Canada's a hell of a lot more relaxing than America. do to the Umbra. That's because, for all of their posturing
Mexico is, frankly, a mess, There are all sorts of Bane- (not to mention that good ol' Owl has seen fit to teach his
type things walking around under sunlight, out in the favorite werewolves to grow cutesy-style wings), we're the
deserts where the cops and troops don't go. There's more or only ones who can really fly. There's so much more to see
less a monster pipeline straight up from Mexico City to the than just the landscape — Pattern webs are beautiful when
Another Perspective
Our European cousins sometimes fall prey to the same things of which they accuse others. They look around and
see things they do not understand and mark those things as "Other," not to be dealt with. They miss a lot that way.
One of their worse sins is that they don't respect Raven enough. They see his Gifts and appreciate him, but that
is all. They forget that Raven brought the Sun back to the sky, and led Luna to her proper place, and placed the stars
one by one w i t h his beak. They look at their duly to observe as a calling. We know that is an act of reverence.
We stay closer to our Kinfolk than they do, human and raven both. There's much to be said for learning one place
in detail, rather than gaining impressions of many places but knowing none. We stay on the reservations mostly when
we're in the real world, but fly free in the Umbra. There is as much mystery and wonder in our inherited lands as can
be found anywhere else.
The others know to leave our Kinfolk alone. Both human and raven know us for what we are, and so we can move
among them more freely than we might among wasichu. Our stories are taught in the schools a along with the white man's
science, so that our heritage gets taken to the future with our children. And should any of our Kinfolk forget what they
once knew, we are there to remind them. After all, if Raven was kind to the naked humans he found in a clamshell,
we can do no less.
As for the Trickster, we know that face of Raven as well. Many confuse Raven with Coyote, seeing them as the
same. This is not true. Coyote catches himself in his own traps and laughs. To Coyote, the trick is what matters. Raven
makes certain only to catch others in his tricks, and to use his games to lead others to knowledge and their proper place.
A trick for its own sake is worthless to us. A trick that teaches the victim to watch where he puts his feet, lest he trip
— that is the sort of thing that Coyote does, but that Raven demands be our only trickery. Using Sky's Beneficence
to stir a Wendigo into rage against one of us, distracting him from going to a battle where he is surely doomed — that
is t h e sort of trick the Corax play. And we seek no reward and no thanks for this work that we do. We do not expect
the tricked Wendigo to ever forgive us. It is enough that he is alive to blame us for robbing him of a chance for Glory.
Perhaps next time he will look around more carefully, anticipating one of us, and instead will see the trap that awaits.
So you have to prepare to go wherever the story takes you. are some bright ones here and there, but for the most part,
Thar means learning local customs—and laws of reality. If you they just don't think. I mean, if they had their shit together,
need to go info the Dark Umbra, for example, don't bring they'd stop beating the snot out of one another, gang up like
along fetishes and don't make Dead Baby jokes. If you're going a buncha big fuzzy Superfriends and kick the Wyrm's butt.
to the High Umbra, bring presents and clean yourself off. They could do it, you know. No bullshit.
The critters you're most likely to meet up there, besides But instead, they've got to whine and squabble and rip
spirits, are Nuwisha. You'll find scads more of the coyote folk each others' throats out. "Oh no, we can't let them lead the
on the other side than you will in the waking world; the fight against the Wyrm, we're so much better qualified."
Second War of Rage chased most of them off for good. Heh. Idiots. Hey guys, here's a thought — fight the war first,
Everywhere you go in the Umbra (except the sky), you're worry about the credit afterward. Capiche?
going to f i n d a Nuwisha sticking his nose into things. Other- Now, mind you, we get along just tine with these guys.
wise, the place is reasonably deserted in terms of folks from the We like them, we just recognize their limirations — most
fleshy side of things. You'll see the occasional Strider or really of which are intellectual. And some are brighter than
lost wraith, and that's about it. On the other hand, spirits are others. However, I like our chances of tricking them into
all over the place. Treat them politely and word carries. saving the world a lot better than I like their chances of
Getting a good rep among spirits is vital — they communicate figuring out how to do so on their own.
even faster than we do, and getting blacklisted by the spirits is
a shortcut to the long dirt nap. If they don't like you, the Umbra BlackFuries
will become a deathtrap, and it's only a matter of time before
Most of the other furries just don't get it. For a gang
the spirits catch you. What follows isn't pretty.
that's supposed to be all about balance, way too many of the
So be polite, don't litter, show some respect, and the Garou buy into the "nine-foot-tall man-hating castrating
Umbra can be your home away from home. All the rest is bitches" stereotype awful easily. Of course, we see what
a commentary; go and read the regs. they're up to behind the scenes — the shelters, the hot
lines, the actual honest-to-Gaia curing that they do — and
Thoughts on Others we respect that, a lot. Too bad a few of the younger ones buy
into their own publicity, that's all.
Digging deep I came across a murder
Among the roots of our spreading family tree BoneGnawers
-Fish, "MR 1470" As above, so below. We're the eye in the sky; they're
The thing you have got to understand is t h a t we watch rummaging through the city's garbage. On the whole,
everyone. Everyone. This world's full of 31 flavors of su- they're good guys, but they've been living in cities too long
pernatural critters all s k u l k i n g around pretending to hide — they've t h i n k that if they look around and look down
from one another and the poor stupid normals. Most of and don't see anyone, that no one sees them. Truth be told,
them have no idea that there's anyone else out there. We they're just like every other bunch of burned out urbanites
do, though. We know exactly who is out there, what they're 'cause they never, ever look up. So they spy on everyone
up to and how likely they are to pull it off. else, and we spy on them, and they have no freakin' idea
Why? Because that's our job. Gaia didn't say, "Oh, we're doing i t .
watch the Garou for me, would you dears, but ignore the Oh, if we see bad doggie going after long pork, we make
bloodsucking freaks, walking corpses and immortal ban- it a point to put bad doggie down. The Wyrm doesn't get
dadge salesmen." No. She told us to watch everything. So we every Bone Gnawer who disappears. We claim our share.
do. And that's why we keep tabs on the vampires and the
Changing Breeds, the wizards and the ghosts, the mummies Children of Gaia
and the foofy little changelings.
They're so nice. So very, very nice. They wander
'Course, we don't just watch. We've got opinions on
around doing nice things, saying nice things and hoping to
them all. which is the fun part. I mean, what's the point of
make the world a better place. Get a plan, kids. Do some-
being made to watch the movie of the world 24/7 from the thing big. Organise. Otherwise you're pissing into the
day you're born if you don't at least get to heckle? ocean. I mean, the Children are the nicest, sweetest,
I dunno about you, but I love to heckle. friendliest Garou you're ever going to meet, and in any
given situation they're great to have around but there's
Garou nothing past the moment there, you dig? Which is a shame.
Garou, by and large, are dumb. I mean, it's not their Fianna
fault, but even so, any culture in which butt-sniffing is as
good as a formal introduction is probably not a prime The Fianna are the best and worst of the Garou, all at
breeding ground for rocket scientists, you dig? I mean, there once. They're the self-proclaimed best at fighting dirty.
52 Corax
even if they knew it, there's no one who could replace
them. So they limp on, and the Garou limp on with them.
If you see a half-dozen Stargazers in a lifetime, you're
doing well. They're almost as rare as we are, and more
unobtrusive. You rarely find Stargazers in the middle of a
fight — no "Let's go kick the Wyrm in the nuts!" for these
guys. Instead, they're the Garou who t h i n k most about
consequences and repercussions, the only ones with real
vision for the long view. It's a refreshing change, you know?
The problem is, when I say rare, I mean rare. Last time
we ran an informal census, these guys clocked in at under
600 — and that includes here and in the Umbra. Problem
is that on the rare occasions when a Stargazer does get
caught in a rumble, he's still caught up in his intellectual
and philosophical ruminations. While he's s t i l l debating
the deconstructionist nature of the throat slash, a couple of
fomor have already kneecapped him and taken a chain saw
to his guts.
We talk to them frequently, though they prefer speak-
ing to native-bred Corax than to European-bred ones.
Corvids, they don't care too much where the bird came
The Uktena have a bit of our sensibility, in that they're
all over any mystical secrets they can ferret out. Mundane
stuff, they're not so interested in, but the magical side of
things? They're there with bells on. We a c t u a l l y do the
occasional cooperative project with these guys when we're
onto something good, and need muscle, or they've found
something neat but need altitude and perspective. There's
a lot of trade of info back and forth in the Pacific North-
west, especially. The rest of the t i m e , it's mutual respect at
The one snag is the whole Trickster deal. We take it
seriously, sure, but every so often an Uktena gets a burr in
his butt to try to out-Raven us — to play tricks on us before
we uncork one on him. Generally, it's the younger ones
who have that sort of problem; older and higher Rank
Uktena realize that there's a method to our madness. It's
just the kids who haven't got enough experience to realize
that no matter how artistic a practical joke they pull, we're
unlikely to appreciate it from the receiving end.
Sunday, Sunday. Sunday, the Wendigo and the Get of
Fenris in a steel-cage grudge match six werewolf lucha, no
holds barred.
Bleah. Yell and scream and howl all you want, Mani-
fest Destiny (as much as it sucked), happened. The land,
the sacred places, the herds — anyone with one clear eye
can see that it's history, man. Time to see what can be saved
and what can be earned. I wish they could be made to see I admit, I have no idea what that reason might be, but still,
that, because right now, it's like the whole tribe has a death they're part of the plan. I can't say for sure whether or not
wish. Croatan envy, you know? the Bastet have a reason for being pissed at these guys, but
war is one thing. Genocide is another. I don't ever want to
Animal Crackers hear another cat bitch about the War of Rage again, not
after watching this.
Us and the wolves ain't the only breeds out there with
multiple skins, you know? It's a freakin' zoo on the streets Ananasi
sometimes — b u t not often. There are way too few of us left:
the War of Rage and slow centuries have whittled at us like The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout — and
drinks blood like a bastard. Old Eight Eyes and company are
we're soft pine and they're extras from Sling Blade.
the femmes fatale of the Changing Breed world. They've
You know something scary? I don't think there are
been sold out to the enemy, and there's some sort of
even enough of us left (us meaning Changing Breeds as
metaphysical hostage situation, and they're really trying to
a whole: we've s t i l l got our act together, thankyouverymuch)
be good....but the phrase "bird-eating spiders" keeps leap-
to do our jobs properly. Breeds going extinct: the Mokole,
ing to mind. Sure, they're killer in a fight and for getting out
hiding in the jungles; the Ajaba, bastards though they are,
of a tight spot, but they're tied just a little too closely to the
being hunted down like dogs... err, so to speak, none of this
Wyrm for me to be completely happy schmoozing with one.
is what the marketing boys would call "positive trending."
But anyway, here's the scoop. Bastet
Ajaba You want a bird to tell you about cuts? Oh yeah, I got
yer cats r i g h t here. The Eyes of Gaia, yes. The Brain of
The hyaenas arc past tense. Forget about them. The Gaia? Not so much. So, okay, the kittycats know what's
only thing you'll see of an Ajaba is a vaguely hyaena-shaped going on right in front of them, but they've got no perspec-
blur moving thataway, fast, with a pack of Bastet right tive, see, and definitely no sense of peripheral vision.
Let me put it another way. Have you ever, ever seen a
All of which has me extremely unhappy. I mean, the cut with so much as the vaguest h i n t of something that
Ajaba got put on this rock for a reason, right? might in some way he related to some emotion that has
some diaphanous resemblance to humility? Me neither. So Nagah
the Eyes of Gaia insist on forcing their own explanation of
events on everything they see. This is not a good thing. You The snakes have style. I'll give them t h a t . They also
hire your scouts to report, not to interpret, because some- never particularly cared for any of the rest of us, particularly
thing always gets lost in that sort of transmission. not us flighty types. They're almost as devious as we are, not
to mention better at hiding, and they've got literal and
And another thing — not only do they have this
figurative poison in them. Now, at this point, the Nagah
superiority kick in where they see themselves better than
seem like they're dead, and we haven't found any proof to
the other breeds, but they've got their own little tribal
the contrary. But I figure they're way too sneaky to get
egoboo thing going, too. King of the Beasts my ass — the
killed like a bunch of amateurs, and if they wanted to play
Simba and the Shadow Lords should compare notes.
dead, they could do it. So I figure they're still at the bottom
Oh, by the way, bite your tongue if you ever hear of their rivers, where even we can't go, and they must be
Morris, Fritz and Sylvester waxing sniffly over the "loss" of hiding something really, really interesting. If you can find\
the Ceilican. For one thing, the other cats weren't sorry to out what it is — and make it out alive — you're gonna make
see the little bastards go — cat magic and insanity are a bad a name for yourself.
combo. For another, they're not dead. And we're about the
only ones who know that little tidbit, fancy that. Nuwisha
Gurahl Raven and Coyote get along just great, and if the
grownups do, there's no reason us kids shouldn't. They're a
Zzzzzzzz...Hibernation for fun and profit. Oh, I know little mote rambunctious, but that's to be expected. Way
everyone thinks that the War of Rage sent the last of the they tell it, Coyote put 'em on this mud ball to teach, and
bears off to the big honeycomb in the sky, but it's PR. There he was nice enough to give them a fun way to do so — and
are a fair number left, snoozing and snoring like bastards, they sure are dutiful kids. Tricks are t h e i r raison d'etre, their
slamming one paw down on the snooze bar on their alarm whole ball of wax, really. With us, practical jokes are
clocks every nine years. diversions or lead-ins. So they're a bit more serious about
As for what they're like when they're awake, well, you their joking, while we use jokes for more serious stuff. But
know how everyone has one big, fat jolly uncle who slips we're Frick and Frack, Heckle and Jekyll with them, and
the kids a beer when Mom and Dad aren't looking, but who that's just fine.
generally has his act thoroughly together and bulls you no
shit? That's the Gurahl in an overweight, hairy nutshell. Ratkin
Kitsune Twitchy noses and cheese underground — not my
favorite combo. The rats are into secrets in the dark, and
Gotta love a walking Hendrix riff... "*zum zum* Fox- they think that putting a roof over their heads protects
y *zum zum* Fox-y...". them from discovery. In most cases, they're even right, but
All jokes aside, the Tengu know more than I do. The not all the time. We've got a pretty good handle on their
stock line is "mischievous fox types," while my reaction is secrets — carrion eaters think alike, you know — and
"sneaky-ass predatory canines who don't mind chowing they're not half so clever as they t h i n k they are. There are
down on eggs." I'm not saying the foxes are bad people, just a lot of them down in the sewers, though. Mark my words:
that I don't trust them. I'm sure in their own way, they do One day they're going to boil up onto the streets and give
important work defending Gaia, yaddada, yaddada, yaddada. the Garou a nasty surprise.
Just as long as they do it somewhere else,
Mokole There's only one place we can't go, and that's under-
These guys are hard to find, even for us. The rain forest water. We're ravens, not penguins, after all. So the Rokea
isn't comfortable for us, not by a long shot, and the lizards get away with a ton of stuff we know nothing — and I mean
rarely go anywhere in the Umbra that we frequent. nothing — about. Which, naturally, drives us nuts.
The War of Rage burned them, bad. The Mokole were On those rare occasions when we meet Carcharodon
never what you'd call sociable, but they had no idea what and friends, we maintain altitude and have a nice chat. The
hit them when the doggies went nuts. Let's just say they got sharks are just reflexively dangerous, and it's best not to
a little bitter as a result. What that boils down to is that they tempt them. If you can get one to open up (figuratively, that
maybe be memory of Gaia, but they're not feeling sociable is; literally, it's no problemo) then the stories they tell of
about sharing what they know. We can approach them — what they've seen down there are amazing. If not, well,
respectfully — and our relations aren't at all bad, but they Gaia didn't make us waterproof, and you have to assume it
really don't want to talk to anyone, and we respect that. was for a reason.
56 Corax
I heard some vampire joking about Embracing one of us. Apparently, the punchline was that birds don't have
teeth, the whole image of a Rara Avis trying to bite someone's neck was funny.
Guess what? It ain't so funny. If, Gaia forbid, one of us gets Embraced, and if the Embrace takes, the poor bastard's
doomed. Not one of your long, slow angstful dooms that the vampires love so much, either. We're talking a headfirst
dive into the crapper, effective immediately. First of all. a Corax loses his connection to Helios, instantly. Next, the
Gnosis starts draining out of the schmuck like water through a sieve. Finally, because he's a Sun critter, the whole
"creature of the night" shtick provokes a fatal allergic reaction that coincides with the sun coming up, and that's even
assuming that he's even around to see dawn. Forget "the dark powers of the night." Forget the fangs and the cloaks and
the androgynous sex appeal. Getting Embraced is a death sentence. Pure and simple. There's nothing romantic about
burning to death in agony.
So if the vampires offer to make you immortal, kiddo, back away slowly, don't make eye contact and don't show
fear. Just fly. It'll be the smartest thing you ever do.
Alexei watched the snow swirl around his boots, and note ran into an unintelligible mess. Disgusted, the old Corax
shivered. "I'm getting too old for this," he mumbled to himself, threw the paper away and looked around. The building around
then gave a bitter laugh. He'd been saying the same thing under the Square, even the Metropol Hotel behind him, had almost
his breath for three decades and more, and he kept on getting vanished behind veils of hurrying white. Even if the bird walked
older and older while the work stayed the same. With a shake to across the cobbles in front of him, Alexei mused, his old eyes
dislodge the snowflakes from his hat, Alexei hugged his arms to would miss the target. And that was no good, no good at all.
himself tightly for warmth and stared intently across the square. He closed his eyes and muttered a few words under his breath.
The pigeon -- that was how he always thought of them, as fat, The words were meaningless, just a mnemonic to help him with the
passive pigeons, as due to show any minute. trick he needed to work, but he'd been saying them for all these years
If everything's gone as planned, the spymaster thought to and wasn't in a mood to change now. Deep within, the old man felt
himself, I won't have to be out here much longer. Then again, something change. Satisfied, he opened his eyes.
since when have things gone according to plan? He reached a Everything was crystal clear. The stinging snow, while he
gloved hand into his pocket and extracted the note contained within. still felt its presence, was no longer a hindrance to his eyes.
It couldn't hurt to read the thing once more, that too-familiar Across the Square, he could see a taxi pull up to another hotel,
inner voice of caution warned. Sighing, Alexei complied. That inner while to the left an obviously misguided tourist couple tucked
voice had been right too many times. themselves deeper into their winter coats, and on the ground sat
"Alexei," the note read, "Ploshcad Revolutsii on the 14th, a half-crumpled note. Even with the smudging from the snow,
1700 hours. The bird will be there." That was all, a simple Alexei could easily read the words, hastily scribbled on paper.
declaration of one of the target's movements. From here, it "The bird will be there."
would be up to Alexei and his people to determine what the The bird....
pigeon was carrying, and how badly it needed to be retrieved.
Evenbefore the crack of the rifle fromabove,Alexei wasmoving
The snow blew in thicker gusts, and wet flakes spattered the throwing himself forward and to the left in a flurry of sudden motion.
fragile piece of paper. Alexei looked down, even as the ink on the Thebulletwhined against the stone even as the Coraxrolled to his feet
Show me a congenital eavesdropper with the
instincts of a Peeping Tom and I will show you the
makings of a dramatist.
— Kenneth Tynan
As f a r back as you could remember, you
always had to know. History, science, which of
your classmates were secretly kissing another be-
hind the bleachers — the subject matter wasn't
important. What mattered, though, was that regard-
less of how inconsequential the information you sought
was, you had it. A secret kept from you could drive you
mad, while the joy of discovery, of knowing, brought you
ecstasy — until the next mystery came along...
.. .or perhaps you found yourself needing more than your
nestmates, who wondered why the antics of the monkeys on the
ground held so much more fascination for you than they did for your
brothers and sisters. One ape dropped something shiny on the ground once,
but when you went to retrieve the treasure, it burned you in a way that nothing
ever had. Startled, you dropped the piece, and watched in shock as a fellow raven
scooped it up. He flapped off, crowing about his prize while you watched in amazement,
all the while knowing that you were different. It wasn't until years later that you
understood the notion of the gold-plated earring...
... or maybe since you were born, you'd been told that you were different,
that Raven had chosen you for his own. The elders in the village let you
grow and play with the other children, but when school ended you were
always taken aside for more instruction, more teaching, more secrets.
You were told early on that you would wear bird-shape, and so you awaited your
First Change with curiosity, and not a little impatience....
There are as many preludes for a Corax character as there are Corax
themselves. Scattered across the globe, drawing equally from bird and man.
Raven's firstborn have no set pattern to their origins. The only
common thread is the need to know more than those around them.
Even from the first moments of life, the influence of the spirit egg
can be felt, pushing the soul to seek, learn and discover. Other
Corax may gather to watch the incipient fledgling, but no
assistance will be offered until the moment the spirit egg
Until then, you're on your own — in more ways
than one.
TheNotionofCharacter soothe — anonymously — the worst of the new Corax'
birth pangs in the real world. Bitter experience has taught
So you wanna be aCorax, hmm? Well, let's see ifyou've got the raven-folk that the sudden appearance of a talking bird
what ittakes. Suck in that gut; straighten those feathers --preen, from the bathroom mirror is not the best way to calm a
mister, preen like you mean it -- and get one thingstraight: There's hysterical teenager who has suddenly developed feathers
no quick and easy explanation for why we getpicked to be what we and a beak. It is only after the new shifter has calmed down
are. It's not genetics; it's not Raven himself coming down and that the guardian introduces herself, and gives a t h u m b n a i l
saying, "Yo." Instead, it's the pick of women and men -- and birds sketch of explanation as to what's going on.
— who look at a baby or a sick and say, "This one's got potential. Corax don't believe in a rigid mentoring system, nor do
This one's going to beworthy of what we'regiving him." they t h i n k it's a good idea to pull new wereravens from their
You know what? They're almost always right. There's no homes and families to immerse them in Corax culture.
rhyme to it, no reason — just gut instinct. Because if there's oneAfter alt, the reasoning goes, the whole point of being a
thing we know, it's that if you're predictable, you're dead. Corax is finding; things out for yourself. Why set a bad
Playing a Corax is not for everyone. After all, Corax precedent right off the bat. With that in mind, a fledgling's
aren't great fighters, aren't universally loved, talk too much guardian takes an opportune moment, as early on as pos-
and generally tote around a lot of baggage. On the other sible, to give the new wereravena relatively brief overview
hand, Raven's Children have fascinating Gifts, some sur- of the ins and outs of Corax existence, all the while
prisingly effective dirty tricks and a knack for being in the reinforcing the notion that the fledgling needs to go out
middle of the action. and learn the details for himself.
In the end, though, all of that means nothing if you don't And so, for the first year, that's exactly what the new
have a reason for your Corax to be, well, a Corax, A Corax is Corax does. Other raven-folk do make an effort to "watch out
a ball of pure curiosity, wrapped up in barbed-wire nerves and for the new guy," but no one takes a new Corax by the beak and
tossed in the air for the pleasure of the archetypical Trickster. leads him through the ins and ours. A Corax who doesn't
Background and stats are less important in creating a Corax actively go out and find his own answers to all the questions
character than defining and grounding the intense curiosity raised by his new existence is a lousy Corax indeed.
that every Corax has at his core. Both humans and ravens are There is a m e n t o r i n g system among Raven's children,
driven by the need to see what lies below the surface; in a and it doesn't end w i t h just the first year after the Change.
Corax, this compulsion is squared and synergized. If, when Corax love to gossip, after all, and any polite request for
creating a Corax, you can look at the personality you've instruction is usually met with a hours-long lecture, com-
thrown on the page and can honestly see that character risking plete with digressions galore and a pop quiz at the end, to
everything to uncover just one more bit of information, then make sure the youngster has good memory and retention.
you've got a true Corax on your hands. Homid or corvid, New Corax are expected to find their own teachers, how-
Amerind or European or Tengu — the details don't matter. ever— no one's going to come up to them and offer to give
The urge to know is everything. All the rest is commentary. Go lessons. Among the wereravens, even the form of the
and learn every last bit of it — if you've done this right, you education is an education in and of itself.
won't be able to resist doing so anyway.
The First Year Corax never, ever stop learn ing. It's their whole purpose,
Prospective Corax are not alone. There are no lost keeping information in play instead of static and hidden.
fledgelings among the raven-folk; the process of spirit egg Corax aren't interested in territory; indeed, they prefer to he
creation is too dear for the Corax to allow even one new mobile. Some settle down physically but continue to let their
hatchling to slip through their fingers. Each spirit egg is minds wander in the endless labyrinths of finance, along the
assigned a guardian who takes her duties watching the egg Internet and elsewhere. Others f i n d the lure of the Deep
very seriously. However, once a child — or a raven — gets Umbra irresistible in the end, and eventually wing their way
tagged, Corax will make a point of dropping by to observe off into the endless twilight. Some stay solo and keep moving,
the new blood every so often, just in case. always digging for more secrets in a world reluctant to give
It's only when the spirit egg cracks wide open that them up. A few find companions they can trust and work with,
things get frantic. The screech of a new Corax spirit alerts and stay with a "pack" or some such as much as they are able,
every predator in the Umbral vicinity, meaning that if the but these are rare.
egg's guardian doesn't get back to her charge in a hurry, But Corax never stop learning, never stop seeking
there's going to be a crowd of hungry unfriendlies — secrets to uncover, and preserving testimonies of the dead.
everything from Banes to wandering Black Spiral Dancers To do so, even for an instant, would be to renounce all that
— descending upon the site of the- hatching egg. it means to be Corax. There's always more to know, after
With any luck, the guardian makes it back in time to all, and more folk to share the story with. Thank Gaia for
shepherd the spirit egg through the hatching process and to that.
You can use the optional Nature and Demeanor rules
if you like (see Werewolf Players Guide), but bear in mind
that Corax tend to be relatively uncomplicated people. As
such, there's frequently similarity or even congruence be-
tween a Corax' true self and the face he puts on for the
world, Corax just don't have time to engage in deceptions
over that sort of thing. Corax are who they are, and they
frankly don't care if the rest of the world doesn't like them
— as long as the rest of the world listens.
Character Creation Chart
Character Creation Process Backgrounds
Step One: Character Concept See also Backgrounds, pp. 70.
— Select Nature and Demeanor • Allies: Your friends among ravens, humans and even
— Choose Breed (homid or corvid) other supernaturals
— Choose Geographic Origin (Amerind, European, • Contacts: Useful people and other critters whom
Russian, Asian) you know and can call on
Step Two: Attributes • Fetish: A magical item containing a bound spirit and
— Prioritize Attributes (7 Primary, 5 Secondary, 3 Tertiary) possessing certain powers
— Assign Physical Attributes: Strength, Stamina, Dexterity •: Kinfolk: Humans and ravens free from the Delirium
who know you for what you are; relatives and friends with
— Assign Social Attributes: Charisma, Manipulation,
Appearance a touch of the raven blood in them.
• Other People's Secrets: Something important you
— Assign Mental Attributes: Perception, Intelligence, Wits
know that you have no business knowing
Step Three: Abilities
• Past Life: Your connection to your Corax heritage
— Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills and
and the Legendary ravens of days gone by
Knowledges (13/9/5)
• Resources: The amount of money and other crassly
— Choose Talents, Skills and Knowledges
material goods that you own or have access to
Step Four: Select Advantages
• Rites: The number and/or potency of the rites that
— Choose Backgrounds (5) you have learned
— Choose Gifts (3 of selection given by breed) • Umbral Maps: The depth and breadth of your
— Choose Renown (2 Wisdom, 1 other) knowledge of the Umbra
Step Five: Finishing Touches
-- Record Rage (1) Gifts
— Record Gnosis (6) Breed determines (barely) the Gifts you can choose
— Record Willpower (3) from to start with.
-- Record Rank ( 1 )
— Spend Freebie Points (15)
— Pick Merits and Flaws (if desired) All Corax begin with at least 2 Wisdom Renown. They
— Add Raven's special presents (1 point each in have one other Renown point to distribute wherever they
Subterfuge, Enigmas and Dodge) wish — Wisdom, Honor or Glory.
Breed Rank
See also Breeds, pp. 64 All characters begin as Rank One.
• Corvid: You were born a raven and lived as a bird Rage,GnosisandWillpower
u n t i l your spirit egg hatched and new vistas opened to your
gaze. Now you'd never go back to the way things were. 1 Rage; 6 Gnosis; 3 Willpower.
Restricted Abilities: Computer, Law, Linguistics,
Medicine, Politics, Science
Bonus Ability: Flight 2 FreebiePointCosts
Beginning Gifts: Voice of the Mimic, Enemy Ways, Trait Cost
Word Beyond, Raven's Gleaning Attributes 5 per dot
• Homid: Raised a normal human, you were an easily Abilities 2 per dot
distracted chatterbox. The reason for this became apparent Backgrounds 1 per dot
at your First Change when you learned the truth of your Gifts 7 per dot (Level 1 only)
heritage. Rage 1 per dot
Restricted Ability: Flight
Gnosis 2 per dot
Beginning Gilts: Voice of the Mimic, Enemy Ways,
Willpower 1 per dot
Morse, Word Beyond
64 Corax
his order. They tend to gravitate toward jobs that grant a lot
of mobility — bicycle courier, magazine stringer, treasure
hunter and the like — and tend to rack up and lose huge
fortunes w i t h alarming frequency. (A distinct minority of
Corax go into accounting or finance. They feel that there are
better secrets — not to mention a higher information turnover
— to be found there than in any other field.) Older Corax, at
least European-bred ones, tend toward the jeans-and-T-shirt
look while young, but grow compulsively more formal as they
get older, and not a few drift into the excessive formality of
Dickensian attire.
Homid Corax aren't quite as obviously birdlike as their
corvid kin, but they're still prone to making quick, d a r t i n g
movements and to walking on the halls of their feet,
birdlike. There's often a streak of mild kleptomania among
humid Corax, who like pocketing shiny objects just 'cause
they can.
Corax are also capable of getting quite intense once
their attention is focused. A Corax whose interest has been
piqued — or whose ire has been aroused — can achieve an
almost psychotic level of focus on a particular problem until
it is solved. Cases like this are rare, thankfully, and most of
the time a homid can go back to his preferred state:
networking, gossiping and setting others on the track of the
d i r t y work that needs to be done.
There are a few differences between the European and
and more Native American Corax, of course. While Native
American Corax are aware of Raven's role as Trickster
(which they take very seriously), they also know a slightly
less publicized aspect of Raven's character — that of pro-
tector. After all, it was Raven who found some of the first
mortals, naked and huddling in a clam shell, and who
decided to take p i t y and protect them. With that in mind,
Corax from tribes, including the Tlingit and Salish tend to
form stronger with their communities than do Euro-
pean Corax, and to return or stay home more frequently.
These Corax are also more willing to fight t h a n ones of
European descent, but only in the defense of their commu-
nities or the helpless. After all, Raven himself did the same.
Corax from certain Northwest Native American commu-
nities with a high Kinfolk concentration are often i d e n t i -
fied as Corax well before the First Change. As a result, their
K i n community trains them in their potentials, and respon-
sibilities prior to the moment of t r u t h .
Homid Corax can only purchase Flight with freebie
points or experience points; they can't begin the game with
the A b i l i t y in any other way.
Being a Corax isn't exactly like being anyone else.
There are a few modifications that Gaia (and Raven, and
Helios) has made to the basic model to allow the raven-folk
to fulfill their jobs more efficiently. Of course, there's
always a price to pay for that sort of thing, and for each
bonus the Corax got, there's a downside. On the other
hand, ask any Corax if she'd willingly trade the positives to difficulty on any scent-related roll is increased by 2. These
get rid of the negatives and she'll laugh in your face. effects only manifest when the Corax is in non-Homid
(Then she'll probably steal your wallet, slip a dead (that is, Corvid or Crinos) form. When in Homid, a Corax'
mouse in your pocket and take off, but that's your problem. senses are human normal.
We're just talking things from the Corax perspective here,
bud.) LightBones
If you're going to fly, you'd better not be built like a
Flight middle linebacker. Big, beefy guys tend not to have good
The best part of being a wereraven is t h a t after First lift. Instead, the vast majority of Corax are whip-thin and
Change, you don't have to earn your wings. You get the corded with muscle — and have extremely light bones.
ability to fly automatically. Obviously, flight is only pos- After all, every little bit helps.
sible in Crinos and Corvid forms, but even so, that's better Of course, in Corvid form a Corax' bones are actually
than what most folks get. hollow, but even when she shifts to Crinos or Homid, her
Even without the Flight Ability (see page 68), every bones stay far lighter than is human norm. There's no
Corax is capable of flight, even if it's clumsy, basic flapping. decrease in a Corax skeleton's loadbearing capacity be-
(Note: It is assumed that every raven-breed Corax has at cause of this fact, and in the meantime, the wereraven has
least two dots' worth of Flight, seeing as they had to get a leg — or a wing — up on shifting back into a flight-
around somehow before the First Change. Homids, on the capable shape.
other hand, are an entirely different kettle of fish.) That Above and beyond the obvious advantages a lighter
includes the ability to achieve actual liftoff, as well as the skeleton gives a Corax in flight, there are a few other
knack of landing safely — something that many would-be effects. The difficulty for Athletics (and Dodge, if the
fliers sadly overlook. Storyteller deems it appropriate) rolls are reduced by 1 for
A Corax is capable of a solid hour of flying without all Corax. After all, there's less mass for them to move. The
tiring, and does not need to he taught how to do this. The flip side is that when a Corax does get clocked, he really
knowledge is instinctual. Furthermore, airborne Corax can feels it. Any sort of crushing attack on a Corax (bludgeon,
reach altitudes of up to 1000 feet. club, fists, 2x4, etc.) hits him especially hard. So hard, in
On the down side, the fact that a Corax can fly means fact, that the Corax' soak pool is reduced by one die, and for
that she pretty much has a psychological compulsion to do every Health Level of damage indicted, the Corax staggers
so. A Corax who doesn't get out for at least a good flap back two feet. (Note: This is usually the Corax' cue to shift
around the neighborhood once every few days gets nervous, forms and fly the hell away.)
edgy and i r r i t a b l e . Long-term groundings cause disorders
like depression and uncontrolled rage. Sparkly Things!
Having an eye for detail can be a good thing — unless
Altered Senses there's one particular sort of detail that you feel to com-
Gaia created the raven-folk to be her spies and infor- pelled to check out every single time. For the Corax, that
mants. Myopic spies and blurry-eyed informants tend not particular obsession comes in a b r i g h t , shiny package.
to bring back much in the way of useful information. With Simply put, Corax are utterly unable to resist checking out
that in mind. Gaia blessed the Corax with sharp vision. anything that shines, sparkles or gleams. Sometimes this is
Gaia's little present allows Corax to see things in greater good, allowing a wereraven to pick up anything from loose
and sharper detail than most creatures. Furthermore, it also change to gems to lost keys to, well, Gaia knows what.
lends itself to aerial spotting, enabling a wereraven to have Sometimes the obsession is indifferent when it compels a
a crystal-clear image of those things he sees from above. Corax to check out bits of broken glass or crumpled cello-
The problem is that Gaia likes balance. That means phane. And sometimes the obsession is very, very bad —
that there's a corresponding negative for the visual positive like when it compels a Corax to make a grab for something
that all Corax possess. In this case, it's a question of smell. made of gold, or allows an enemy to bait an irresistible trap
While wereravens aren't completely cut off from olfactory with nothing more than a piece of aluminum foil.
input, they're not bloodhounds by any stretch of the imagi- Under normal circumstances, a Corax spotting some-
nation. All but the strongest, most pungent odors slide thing shiny feels compelled to check it out, at least visually,
right past Corax. Considering what ravens eat, this is With a Manipulation + Subterfuge roll (difficulty 6), this
probably a blessing; even so, the expression of this condi- can be done without being obvious. Furthermore, a Corax
tion means that every so often the Corax miss something can make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) or bum a Will-
that a good whiff might have uncovered. power point to ignore the summons of something bright,
In game terms, this means that the difficulty on all shiny and sparky.
vision-related rolls is dropped by 2 for Corax, but the (Note: This effect crosses form and breed lines. Homids
are not immune, nor are Corax in Homid form.)
66 Corax
Corax love to talk. Correction, they love to talk. That's
primarily due to the fact that Gaia, who didn't want the raven
kin to hold out on any pertinent details, gave the bird-folk a
compulsion to keep talking.. .and talking.. .and talking. That
means that Corax tend to be regarded as bigmouths by anyone
they're around, regardless of form or breed. This means that
often, it's hard for a Corax to get anyone to take some thing she
says seriously. ("Raina said that? Oh, she's always saying stuff like
that. Ignore her.") After a l l , if you're constantly talking, sooner
or later your conversation turns into white noise, and your
companions unconsciously tune you out. Even those who
should know better — Gurahl, Uktena and the like —
sometimes have a hard time convincing themselves that it's
worth it to separate wheat from chaff in Corax babble.
In addition, talking all of the time means that you're
always talking about something, and Corax hate to repeat
themselves. That means that sooner or later, a Corax is
going to run out of comments on the state of the Mets'
outfield, or the salmon run, or the quality of the grub put out
at the Tower, and be reduced to talking about "the impor-
tant stuff" — secrets — things that Corax shouldn't be
blabbing about to anyone but other Corax. Needless to say,
this can cause problems — a spilled secret can cause all sorts
of trouble in no time at all.
Corax, thus, are at a disadvantage (+ 1 difficulty) when
making any roll that relates to their holding t h e i r tongues,
keeping quiet, or otherwise refraining from speaking. And
yes, this includes those Willpower rolls to avoid snapping
back that last one-liner to a really big, ugly Garou whom the
rest of your pack has just managed to calm down from a fit
of homicidal mania....
Of course. Corax don't talk all of the time. If they did,
they would do a rotten job of the task Gaia's set for them.
Besides, a player who felt compelled to talk all the time
during gameplay "because it's in character" would probably
get himself throttled ( j u s t i f i a b l y ) by the rest of his gaming
group. The thing to remember is that with a Corax, it's
more a matter of not being able to stop talking once you
start, or not being able to bite your tongue on a one-liner,
or not being able to keep a secret that's really really good, or
not being able to let anyone else get the last word in.
Garou, and indeed most Changing Breeds, are crea-
tures of Luna. As a result, silver is a deadly enemy to even
the mighty Garou.
For the Corax, though, things are a litrle different.
Wereravens are completely immune to the effects of silver,
and indeed many Corax proudly wear silver jewelry. (They
do this for two reasons: because silver sparkles nicely, and
because it drives Garou crazy.) This immunity derives from
the simple fact that Corax are linked to the Sun, and not
bird's) actual birth. Instead, through a rite enacted in the
ExistingTraits Umbra, a spirit egg gets bound into the future Corax (often
Needless to say, there are an awful lot of books a child of a Corax, but never the child of two). Eventually,
with the Werewolf: The Apocalypse logo on them this egg hatches; the young Corax undergoes First Change
out there, chock full of the sorts of Traits available to and all of the local Corax rush to the side of the fledgling
to defend her from any Umbral predators who might have
characters. With that in mind, here's a listing of a few
that might make sense to use when creating a corax heard her "birth pangs."
character Furthermore, every Corax begins with three points of
Renown. Two of these points must be put into Wisdom.
• Abilities
The third can be assigned to Wisdom, Honor or Glory at
Alertness. Dodge, Empathy, Streetwise, Subter-
player discretion.
fuge, Stealth. Survival. Enigmas, Investigation, Ritu-
als, Instruction, Mimicry, Disguise, Escapology
• Backgrounds Abilities
Allies, Contacts, Resources It was raining in New Jersey when Raina landed. Fortu-
• Merits nately, she hadn't hit the rain until the last minute; a look at the
Concentration, Eidetic Memory, Time Sense, Jack Weather Channel and a chat with some Storm-spirits had let her
of all Trades, Computer Aptitude, Luck, Favor map a flight plan that was mostly free of precipitation. For that,
• Flaws Raina was thankful. It was hard enough walking into something
Dark Secret, Overconfident, Short that was surely a trap; walking into a trap tired from a rough
flight was much, much worse, not to mention being potentially
No-Nos fatal.
She shifted, frowned, looked around and shook once,
There are also a fair number of Traits that are
reflexively. The shipping depot in front of her was deserted,
e i t h e r inappropriate or unusable for Corax characters.
closed because of a strike and too far off into the hinterlands for
There arc too many to list here, but many (Fair Glabro,
anyone to bother picketing it. Trucks sat idle and rusting in
for example) are obvious. Some of the most important
the acres of parking log while rain streaked down the windows of
banned Traits are listed below.
the main depot itself. No one was around, not even a security
• Abilities
guard. There was no sound save the swishing of the rain down
Kailindo (for Garou only, obviously) the depot's drainpipes, and a car backfiring somewhere off in the
• Merits & Flaws distance.
Berserker, Pack Mentality, Territorial, Sign of the "Gotta be a trap," Raina said to herself and marched
Wolf, Moon-Bound, Silver Tolerance, Twisted Up- straight for the depot's doors. Inside, a single light came on.
bringing, Fair Glabro, Monstrous, Wolf Years Raina saw the glow and smiled.
There are things the Corax specialize in that no
the Moon. As such, silver has no hold on Raven's children, member of any other Changing Breed can come close to
and they flaunt this fact. attempting. Flying is the obvious example, but there is a
Gold, on the other hand, is an entirely different whole slew of Abilities that the Corax have spent millennia
matter. Gold affects Corax in Corvid and Rara Avis forms perfecting and honing to a frightening degree, and teaching
the way silver affects Garou, which is to say, badly. Skin other Corax how they are done.
contact with gold causes an aggravated wound every turn, These Abilities are designed to be plugged in as addi-
w h i l e every successful attack an opponent makes with a tions to the basic Abilities available to every Corax at
gold weapon causes an aggravated wound, regardless of the character creation. Don't worry if you don't have room on
niceties of the damage roll. Furthermore, each gold item the sheet or freebie points with which to buy them; the
carried by a Corax reduces his Gnosis score by 1 until such actual Ability just represents a degree of special expertise
time as he discards the offending piece. Needless to say, and focus of study. A Corax who doesn't take Flight will
most Corax abstain from carrying any gold at all, but do still he able to get off the ground; a Corax who doesn't take
adorn themselves with silver — just in case. Gossip can still pass on a juicy rumor with the best of them.
It's just the fine points that are missed in cases like those.
Rules NewTalent:Flight
TheBasics Alone among the Changing Breeds, Corax can fly.
More than that, the wereravens love to fly, taking every
A l l Corax start with 3 Willpower, 6 Gnosis and a opportunity to spread their wings and get some altitude. A
single point of Rage. There are no metis Corax, as the Corax who doesn't excel at Flight is likely to take a lot of
process of becoming Corax is independent of a child's (or
68 Corax
flak — of the verbal kind — from his cousins u n t i l he gets Specialties: Rumormongering, Misinformation, Sift-
good at it. ing for the Truth
While all Corax have the ability to fly from Point A to
Point B w i t h o u t crash-landing along the way. Flight dem- New Knowledge: Cryptography
onstrates a wereraven's knack for serious aerial agility. You know some form of encrypting and decoding
Corax with Flight can navigate more accurately, squeeze information for transmission. Implicit in this knowledge is
through smaller spaces while airborne and perform more also an understanding of basic encryption techniques and
and more complicated acrobatic maneuvers. The talent theory. You can recognize when someone is trying to pass
also covers such related acts as pulling out of falls, landing encrypted information in front of you (usually) and have a
on precarious surfaces, and picking things up without reasonable chance, assuming you are given time and re-
landing first. sources, of cracking any code or encrypt ion scheme you are
• Novice: You can take off and land without crash- faced with. You also know at least one code (Morse,
ing too often. perhaps) that is your default method of hiding data.
•• Practiced: Trees and buildings are no obstacle. (And yes, we know this is a kludge. It's a game. Deal
••• Competent: You can weave through brambles with it.)
and skyscrapers with equal ease. • Novice: Ix-nay on the ode-cay.
• • • • Expert: No natural creature can keep up with you •• Practiced: You can crack basic ciphers.
in the air. ••• Competent: You've begun to understand the
• • • • • Master: Immelmans and barrel rolls? Blindfolded? theory behind the practice.
No problem. • • • • Expert: You know the why as well as the how of
Possessed by: Corax, and no one else who really most encryption schemes.
matters • • • • • Master: Alan Turing and you, together again,
Specialties: Combat Maneuvers, Tailing, High-Alti- Possessed by: Spies, Paranoids, NSA agents, Linguists
tude Surveillance, Dive-bombing, Aerobatics Specialties: Morse, Software encryption, Military se-
crecy, Decryption, Black Ops
New Skill: Gossip
There's tattling, there's gossip, and then there's what NewKnowledge:Navigation
the Corax do. Handled properly, Gossip is so much more Getting from Point A to Point B isn't always that easy,
than hearing a story from one person and passing it on to especially from the air. After all, when seen from above,
the next. It involves coercing additional details from infor- roads don't have route numbers, states don't have neat
mants, and earning the confidence of those who "really borders done in double-thick black lines, and there's no
aren't supposed to say anything." Gossip is also the fine art compass rose or legend reading "1 inch = 10 miles" in the
of starting and spreading rumors, and directing the flow of lower right-hand corner of the world. It's pretty easy for
informarion once it leaves your lips (or beak). Finally, there someone to get lost up there.
are always the nuances of altering information or dreaming Mind you, traveling on the ground isn't much easier,
up misinformation, so that only the words you want public and truth be told, there's more to Navigation than just
get passed along. This is a wonderful way to confound hopping in the car for a jaunt to Grandma's house. Travel
enemies, discredit rivals, and make sure that no one but you in the World of Darkness is a difficult and dangerous
knows the whole truth. business, by day or night. There are questions of finding the
Assuming, of course, that no one was practicing a best route, avoiding delays, prepping for a trip, making sure
similar sort of deception on you. there are safe places to rest up along the journey, and
• Novice: Joseph told me that Chris liked Gretchen discovering what alternate routes are available in case of
because she was cute...amateur stuff. inclement travel conditions or enemy action. Otherwise, a
•• Competent: The Walter Winchell of the school trip from one city to the next could be cut fatally short with
cafeteria. ease.
••• Practiced: You reign supreme at the office water • Novice: Over the river and through the woods...
cooler. •• Practiced: You can avoid delays whenever traveling.
• • • • Expert: You know exactly what's going on — and ••• Competent: You can plot a cross-country trek and
share some of what you know. make it comfortable,
• • • • • Master: You can drop a rumor onto the Net and • • • • Expert: Roadblocks? Bad weather? Nothing will
hear it reported back to you as the "next big thing" keep you from getting there.
within the hour. • • • • • Master: You know the fastest way to go, where to
Possessed by: Gossip Columnists, Maiden Aunts, Net stop along the way, what the weather's going to be
Totem can-bred Corax, thin and willowy figures are still the norm.
Black eyes are universal among all Corax, and many sport
Corax don't have pack totems. This isn't terribly surpris- ring fingers as long as their middle fingers.
ing, seeing as Corax don't run in packs. Even those rare gangs Roleplaying Notes: There's no such thing as an over-
of youngsters who hang together to terrorize an area for a year weight Corax, or even a burly one. Even the most well-
or two aren't adopted en masse by Raven — he prefers to deal muscled of the breed are whip-thin and wiry, as opposed to
w i t h his f a v o r i t e children on an individual basis. This means, bulky. A l l Corax, regardless of original breed, make ner-
among other things, that Raven adopts all Corax as his own at vous, quick gestures and rarely sit s t i l l for more than a
the instant of First Change. Furthermore, Raven really does minute or two. They t a l k incessantly, dropping hints about
like some of his kids better than others; Corax are exempt from important things that they know but never quite spill the
Raven's Ban, and as a result are free to pile up as much in the beans unless pinned down by a skilled interrogator.
way of earthly possessions as they like. • Crinos, also called Rara Avis as a Corax in-joke:
In truth, this situation irks some of the better-educated An unwieldy combination of man and bird, the Corax
Corax a bit. After all, the other Changing Breeds have a wide Crinos form is nothing to write home about unless you have
choice of totems, but not the Corax. Oh, no. Raven knows his a really depressing home. While the wereraven's form is
children too well to trust them, and definitely too well to let vaguely recognizable as humanoid (if not human), "vaguely"
76 Corax
• Sky's Beneficence (Level Two) — More than one
Special Combat Maneuver: human has commented with supreme annoyance at birds'
Wing Swipe uncanny ability to deliver payloads from altitude. This
Gift, reputedly one of the first Raven granted his children,
C o r a x who know Razor Feathers have at their
allows Corax to take that aptitude and turn it into some-
disposal a unique combat maneuver that takes full
thing with more practical implications. Simply put, Sky's
advantage of the possibilities the Gift offers. Simply
Beneficence allows a Corax to drop a package of any sort
p u t , once the Gift is in effect, the Corax just drops his
(including the stereotypical) onto a target no matter how
shoulder and brings the wing around in a vicious slash,
high the altitude of the Corax. Obviously, depend upon upon
w h i c h hopefully drags the c u t t i n g edge of the Razor
the Corax' current a l t i t u d e and the size of the payload, the
Feathers across the Corax' target. With any luck, even
drop may actually damage whatever the payload lands on.
if the attack doesn't connect, the target is so busy
Any aerial spirit can teach this Gift.
spinning out of the way t h a t he's off balance for his
next attack. System: Sky's Beneficence requires nothing but a
Perception + Melee roll (difficulty 7). If this Gift is used,
A Wing Swipe requires a Dexterity + Brawl roll
the Corax automatically takes into account factors like
( d i f f i c u l t y 7), but it does Strength +3 levels of aggra-
crosswinds, precipitation and so on, meaning that the
vated damage. Furthermore, even if the attack misses,
difficulty of the roll is always 7.
the Corax' opponent must roll Dexterity (difficulty 5)
or be knocked off-balance by the assault. Off-balance The limitations on this Gift are twofold. The first is
opponents are at +1 difficulty to all rolls the next that the Corax has to be, obviously, fully airborne when
using Sky's Beneficence. In other words, Homid-form Corax
need not apply. The other factor is that the Corax needs to
Successful Wing Swipes cause lengthy slashes
be able to see her target, else she will not be able to deliver
that, while not deep, do bleed profusely. The force
her payload properly. This Gift can he used in conjunction
behind a Wing Swipe is also more than sufficient to
with other Gifts, however.
perform maneuvers like c u t t i n g ropes, breaking win-
dows, slashing tires and so on. • Sky's Shadow (Level Two) -- There's little that is more
frustrating than a creeping sensation that you're being watched.
This Gift allows a Corax to bestow that feeling on the target of
78 Corax
• Larder of the Shrike (Level Three) — Shrikes are it. The understanding of the ways of the Umbra granted by
notorious for killing more than they need, then storing the this Gift halves travel time through the spirit world.
corpses for later use. Shrike-spirits can share the knowledge of • Gauntlet Runner (Level Four) — With a l l the time
the benefits that can accrue from such behavior. Essentially, the Corax spend popping in and out of the Umbra, it's no
this Gift allows the Corax to store food — and anything else, surprise that they've acquired a trick for lowering the
like, say, a corpse — in perfect condition for up to a year, so long Gauntlet and making the trip back and forth immeasurably
as the stored item is allowed to hang free in the Corax' "larder." easier. After all, when you need to get into the Umbra fast,
System: By spending a Gnosis and succeeding on a lowering the Gauntlet before you start makes life a lot
Willpower roll (difficulty 6), a Corax can use this Gift on easier. Any Wyld-spirit can teach this Gift.
a hunk of meat (or vegetables, though few Corax have System: A roll of Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 8) reduces
deigned to do so) to preserve it nearly ad infinitum for future the Gauntlet by 1 for every two successes. The area affected
use. For as long as the Gift's effect lasts, neither rot nor bloat can be up to 20 feet on a side, but no matter how successful
affects the stored items — including dead bodies. the Corax is on her roll, she must still use a reflective surface
Living items cannot be placed into a state of suspended to enter the Umbra.
animation by this Gift, which only affects dead things. • Helios' Child (Level Four) — Occasionally, the
Vampires and Risen don't fall under Larder of the Shrike's Sun deigns to lend a bit of himself to a Corax in need. This
purview either, unfortunately. present takes the form of a ball of lambent flame that
• Mynah's Touch (Level Three) — The Corax often materializes in the Corax' hand. This fire doesn't burn the
brag that they've uncovered all of the Garou's secrets. That Corax, but will ignite anything it touches (effective tem-
isn't quite accurate, but with Mynah's Touch, the Corax come perature: 1000 degrees Fahrenheit; doing damage akin to
a lot closer to achieving their boast than the Garou would like. that of a chemical fire. See Werewolf, page 197 for details).
Simply put, this Gift allows a Corax to know the details of any One of Helios' spirit-servants teaches this Gift.
Garou Gift of Level Three or below, providing that the Corax System: To summon Helios' Child, the Corax first asks
has actually seen a Garou successfully use the Gift in question. Helios for help. The Gift can be called upon at any time,
This knowledge flees the instant that the Corax actually uses day or night, but the request must be made of Helios before
the "borrowed" Gift, but in the meantime, an impressive body anything else happens. Of course, various Corax have
of knowledge is there for the taking. various definitions of what constitutes a "request," and
This Gift is only taught by Mynah-spirits. Corax theologians point to the continued workings of this
System: The use of this G i f t demands two points of Gift as proof that Helios docs in fact have a sense of humor.
Gnosis, as well as a Wits + Alertness roll (difficulty 6). If there Beyond the request, the Corax must burn two points of
are any successes, the Corax using the Gift can now pick and Gnosis and close his eyes for a brief second (and roll
choose knowledge of a single Gift from the entire list of Garou Manipulation + Subterfuge, difficulty 7). When the Corax
Gifts lower in level than he is. Naturally, the Corax must pay opens his eyes, if the Gift has functioned properly, a l i t t l e
whatever costs and make whatever rolls are associated with his piece of the sun w i l l he resting in his palrn, ready for use.
"borrowed" knowledge. The Storyteller is also free to stipulate • Vulture's Feast (Level Four) — One of the great
that certain Gifts simply cannot be duplicated by this Gift, advantages of being a carrion eater is that your dinner plate is
particularly those that are the secrets of various camps or rarely empty. There's roadkill everywhere just waiting for you
taught only by Avatars of various mighty spirits. to dig in. What happens, however, if you want something a
• Sun's Guard (Level Three) — Given to his children little fresher? After all, who knows how long that hunk of ex-
by Raven after the great misadventure with Helios, this Gifr squirrel has been hanging out in the passing lane?
serves to protect Corax from excessive heat. After all, the Vulture's Feast allows a Corax to rot flesh with a touch,
ravens got away with being burned to a crisp on the outside the regardless of whether the target meat is dead or alive.
first time; next time, the Corax might not he so lucky.... To no Obviously, this is not a Gift to he used l i g h t l y , but there are
one's surprise, an Avatar of Raven teaches this Gift. times when even the most peaceable Corax has no recourse
System: Raven's Guard costs two points of Rage, and but to turn someone's face into a mass of decaying suppu-
also demands a Stamina + Primal Urge roll (difficulty 6). ration. A V u l t u r e - s p i r i t teaches this Gift.
Each success is a turn during which the Corax is immune to System: The exercise of Vulture's Feast requires the expen-
flames literally up to and including those of the surface of diture of a Willpower point and two Gnosis. The Corax must
the sun. This includes regular flames, magickally conjured then make a successful Dexterity + Brawl roll (difficulty 5) in
fire, and even balefire. order to touch bis victim, then he must succeed on a contested
• Airt Sense (Level Four) — This is the same us the Stamina roll. If he wins, the flesh he's currently touching
spirit Charm, and can be taught by any type of spirit becomes withered, dead and rotted; the victim takes one Health
possessing that particular Charm. Level of aggravated damage for each success the Corax has left.
System: Corax using Airt Sense must spend one Gnosis Only Corax in Homid can make use of this Gift. Corax
point and roll Perception + Occult (difficulty 7) to utilize who become too fond of using Vulture's Feast are often
Give me wisdom in misfortune
Heart's ease for my distress
— Richard Thompson, "May Day Psalter"
While Garou and Corax agree on the types of Renown
they value, Corax hold Wisdom in highest esteem, no
matter what. Wereravens seek Wisdom assiduously while
sometimes forgetting to follow up on Glory or Honor.
Renown is very important to the Corax. After all,
having Renown means you're being talked about, and
perhaps the only thing Corax love more than talking is
having someone else t a l k about them — saying nice things,
preferably. With that in m i n d , Corax avidly seek Renown
from their fellows, turning the Corax compulsion to talk to
their advantage by p r a t t l i n g on incessantly about their
i n d i v i d u a l accomplishments. In a way, this serves Gaia's
purpose, because every Corax generally has a pretty good
idea of what nearly every other Corax has been up to.
Indeed, in an odd way, Corax Renown is self-reinforc-
ing. Corax exist, after all, to uncover secrets and spread
word of those secrets 'round the world. So every story told
of a Corax uncovering a secret not only adds to the Renown
of the intrepid Corax in question, but also passes the freshly
unearthed secret along. In this fashion, a Corax' Renown
can mount q u i c k l y .
As Corax are solitary creatures, wereraven Renown
tends to come from solo operations more than anything else
(though any Corax who succeeds in getting h i s breedmates
to cooperate often gets a healthy dollop of Renown as well.)
Elements of Status
While Honor and Glory are known and vaguely respect-
able concepts among the Corax, the bird-folk have learned the
hard way that many glorious and honorable actions tend to
produce dead Corax. Garou don't understand Corax Renown
and don't pretend to, but occasionally bestow Renown of their
own on Corax who have performed especially worthy services
for a pack or sept — uncovering the details of an incipient
attack, snatching (at great risk) the blueprints of a building a
pack wants to assault, and so forth. Usually this Renown is
Glory Renown, to which the reaction of a Corax so honored
is, "Err, thank you." On the other hand, once it sinks in that
a pack of Garou has given him a dollop of Renown, the Corax
is likely to go repeating the story high and low (while trying to
gain Renown from his fellow Corax, no doubt).
The latter is frankly more common, as the Corax hold their
Grand Theft Auto Kinfolk in high regard. Honor is also bestowed for acts of
Well, not really, but there's a little secret I've been selflessness, particularly those performed on behalf of the
saving for last that I thought maybe, just maybe, you Corax. Then again, there's no tradition limiting that sort of
might want to know. It's simple. You know those Renown to those helping the feathered folk....
dreadfully secret rites the Garou have? The ones no The Laws of the Honorable Corax are:
one else can see on pain of death? The really, really • If you're going to do it, do it all the way. (Trying
secret ones? to do something honorable and backing out halfway
We know 'em. More to the point, we also know through is worse than not trying)
Bastet rites, Nuwisha rites, Ananasi rites, Mokole rites • Get witnesses. (The worst thing in the world is
— hell, we've stolen everyone's secrets. And they having your attempts at honor misinterpreted by those
don't have a clue we've done it. who weren't there. Keep the story straight.)
How the hell did we pull it off? I could tell ya, but • Don't do it unless you're sure. (Performing a
I'd have to bury ya. selfless action and expecting a reward isn't selfless.
What if boils down to, though, is this: If you get a Don't even try it unless you're doing what you're doing
hankering to learn a rite that's supposed to be marked for the right reasons.)
"For Cats Only," just ask around. Leave a few query
signs on the straight paths. Odds are, the info you're Glory
looking for will find you. Glory Renown is rare among the Corax, because Corax
Mind you, we don't know 'em all, but hey , that just aren't built far Glorious deeds. It's much more common for
gives us something to shoot for. What's more, some of a Corax to get someone else to do the dirty work of fighting
em just plain don't work for us — the spirits that lor him than to stand up and get into a brawl himself; more
empower a rite that's been done property sometimes sensible, too. However, on those rare occasions when a
take exception to being called by a bird they don't Corax does something worthy of Glory Renown, the whole
recall giving their number to. So you might not want breed hears about it within a matter of days — and only
to try forming your own Silver Pack for kicks — some of that can be traced to the bragging of the newly
Phoenix'll burn your balls off before you can croak out minted Glorious Corax herself
a soprano "Awk." But a lot of the more general ones, Corax give Glory Renown for getting into — and
the ones that the Garou learned from the Gurahl, who surviving — fights that absolutely have to be fought. A
learned from.. .you get the idea. Corax who goes around picking fights and winning them
Just don't show off in front of the other breeds, through creative use of Gifts isn't likely to gather much
okay? It's not polite. Glory. On the other hand, a raven-woman who has to take
out a trio of fomor guards in order to escape an office with
some stolen files — she's likely to be covered in Glory if she
Wisdom makes it out alive.
With this set of circumstances in mind, Wisdom Renown The rules of the Glorious Corax are:
is the one thing that really matters to the birds, but it's a very • Only fight when you have to. (Get into too many
Corax-specific style of wisdom the birds venerate. In fact, the scraps and the rest of the Breed will be eulogizing you.
Corax definition of Wisdom is a little muddied with Knowl- Corax aren't built to be infantry.)
edge— Corax who uncover great secrets and pass them along
• Fight to win. (If you lose, you're dead. No one will
are showered with Wisdom Renown, while those birds who
care that you fought "by the rules" at your funeral.)
prudently (or wisely) don't go digging through dangerous
• No second chances. (If you have a chance to finish
garbage are routinely dismissed from consideration.
an opponent, do it. Killing him immediately saves you from
There are three rules of Wisdom for Corax:
ever having him come back when you least expect it.)
• Get it fast. (Old information is worthless.)
• Get it accurate, (Bad information is worse than
• Get out safely so you can tell someone. ( I f you get Seeing as it's birds who gave us the term "pecking
killed without passing the information along, who the order," it should be no surprise that Corax have a reasonably
hell cares what you found out?) stable system of Ranks. Basically, a Corax' Rank deter-
mines three things: What secrets she's let in on (meaning
Honor rites and Gifts), what order she speaks in (and by extension,
how many folks are still around and listening when it comes
Honor among the Corax is reserved for those who have
t i m e for her to speak) and where she sits at Parliament
done something to benefit the Breed as a whole, or for Kinfolk.
(more important than you'd think).
86 Corax
reputable Corax has ever seen such a thing. Gold claws sigil and painted white. Most Counterfeits are three inches
would only be useful against Mokole or other Corax, after long and an inch across, though there are no hard and fast
all, which raises disturbing questions about what sort of rules.
Corax would he twisted enough to commission or create What a Counterfeit does is ingenious. When charged
such a thing. with a point of Gnosis, a Counterfeit can morph itself to
look like any single small object to which it is touched,
Corvid'sFavor ideally, the object in question is one that the Corax has just
Level 1, Gnosis 2 stolen and needs to replace immediately.
Nothing more than a feather plucked from a corvid's The Counterfeit does not duplicate any of the func-
head and wrapped with a single strand of the bearer's hair, tions of the object it is mimicking, merely the appearance.
this fetish allows a Corax to use any Corvid-form only Gifts What that usually means is that the victim of the theft will
while in Homid. While it doesn't permit a Corax in Homid attempt to use their cell phone, or gun, or fetish, or
to fly, does grant access to those knacks that are generally whatever and get absolutely no response. At this point, the
only available to the feathered members of the family. Counterfeit reverts to its true shape, no doubt in the dismay
of its new owner.
Raven'sFace Clever Corax keep an eye on those whom they've
Level 3, Gnosis 3 slipped Counterfeits, because more than few victims have
Generally, only the Corax of the Pacific Northwest thrown the fetishes away in anger at being tricked. The wise
have access to this particular fetish, which takes the form Corax makes sure he's in a position to retrieve the aban-
of a totem pole capped with Raven's visage. When properly doned Counterfeit, which hopefully is undamaged and
prepared, the fetish can serve as a Gnosis repository, hold- ready to be used again.
ing up to 3 points of spiritual energy for each Rank of the
Corax who carved the icon. As the Corax who created the
Helios' Mirror
fetish advances in Rank, the capabilities of the totem pole Level 5, Gnosis 4
increase as well. There are only a few shards of the mirror originally
To invest Gnosis in Raven's Face, the Corax needs used to trick Helios back into the world still extant, and the
only to perch on top of pole and spend the Gnosis he Corax who possesses one is accounted lucky indeed. A
wants to store. There's no additional cost; the Gnosis fragment of Helios' Mirror is not something one carries
simply drains from the raven into the totem pole. When the around, as even the smallest is at least a foot long; usually
time comes for withdrawal, the Corax simply reverses the they are kept in homes or safe places in the Umbra.
procedure and the Gnosis flows back into him. Raven's What a chunk of the Mirror allows, however, is noth-
Face can he used by any Corax, and indeed many of these ing short of miraculous. A l l the possessor needs to do is
fetishes are set up as community Gnosis banks throughout mention a name or place, and, if that person or location is
the Northwest Corax' territory. on the daytime side of the planet, the Mirror shows the
To Corax eyes, a "charged" fetish appears to have a : requested scene. The Corax can gaze into the Mirror for as
slight heat haze around it, which is the only way Raven's long as she desires, or until the image depicted slides into
Face can be distinguished from a more mundane sort of the darkness of night. The Mirror cannot show anything on
totem pole. The Gnosis contained within these fetishes is the night side of the planet, nor can it display anyone in the
inaccessible to anyone except Corax — after all, it's kind of Umbra, but it does make an excellent too! for checking up
hard for Garou to perch. on errant Corax who haven't shown up for Parliament for
a while.
Counterfeit The Mirror can be used at any hour of the day or night,
Level 2, Gnosis 3 but only once per day. Overuse or abuse of the Mirror can
Sad to say, certain Corax have a small problem with cause the fragment to shatter.
kleptomaniacal tendencies. Many of the things the Corax The object of the Mirror's scrutiny has no idea that he
consider to be worth stealing are rare and/or valuable, is being watched, though with a successful Perception +
rendering the theft risky. With that in mind, survival- Empathy coll (difficulty 7) he does get an itchy feeling
minded Corax get their hands on a Counterfeit, which is between his shoulder blades (or the equivalent).
nothing more than a clay tablet impressed with Raven's
Read my beak, boy wonder: There is no such thing as a a feathered security cam -- and that each of us is born to get put
typical Corax. We come in all shapes, sizes and colors -- well, into that spot. Me, I dunno. I'm just here to teach you the ropes
not colors, but you get the idea, kid. Basic black and that's in it for and watch as much of this burg as I can, and the rest is just
us, but we're here not to make a fashion statement. details, you know? But take a gander at these guys. They'll give
There's a theory going around that each of us is born to a you some idea of the options.
specific roll -- that there's a specific spot that Gaia thinks needs
90 Corax
Quote: Are you positive it wasn't Elvis, ma'am? No? Can I quote you on that?
Prelude: They had names for you back in school: Snitch, Sneak, things like that. Part of
it was because you were smaller and skinnier than the rest of the kids, and thus different.
The rest came from the fact that, well, you were a snitch and a damned good one. You
knew which boys were sneaking dirty magazines into the locker room, who was smoking
pot after gym class, who was doing whose homework — all of the things yon could turn
into a l i t t l e ready cash by a judicious application of blackmail.
One of the teachers whom you snitched to on a regular basis (only on the guys who
welshed or tried to beat you up; you had your rules) thought it might be worthwhile
to t r y to direct your tendencies, and got you onto the school paper. It clicked for you,
and from then on you wanted nothing more than to be a journalist. New York Times
columns, Pulitzers — you could see them all. You graduated and soared into
college, impressing journalism professors and turning; the campus paper into your
personal playground. Everything was going according to plan. Everything was cool.
Then you had your First Change, and everything went to hell.
After finding yourself sitting on top of the English department building
wearing a full suit of feathers, you realized that suddenly your neat little plan for
your life didn't work any more. There were other things to consider, a bigger
picture to observe. So you changed your direction. After finishing your degree, you
went straight to the newspaper tabloid rags and applied for a job. Bemused that
a graduate of a prestigious program like yours would want to work for the Weekly
Inquiring News, the editor of the first rag you hit snapped you up. Since then, it's
been nothing but Jesus in the kudzu and Elvis at the swap meet, but you're happy
— and well hidden.
Concept: You're t r o l l i n g for information on the unlikely in a sea of the
impossible. Sure, you get stories about sweet potatoes that look like the
Virgin Mary, but: every so often some valuable info comes along. Plus,
you're in a perfect position to disseminate information to the WIN's
subscriber base of Corax. Let's face it, no other tabloid services that
market niche as well as you do.
Roleplaying Hints: You've got the Socratic method like a virus —
questions, questions and more questions. There's always a crunchy truth
center you can dig out from the chocolate coating most people provide, and you
don't care if you get messy finding that one magical nugget. Some people are put off
by your abruptness; others find you refreshingly direct. As long as you get the story,
though, you don't care if people think you're an alien from the planet of the exploding
penguins — you've got priorities.
Equipment: Minirecorder, pilot PDA, lockpicks, camera
92 Corax
Quote: Come on, monkeyboy -- you're toting around so
much lard anyone watching you fly would think your bones
weren't hollow! Now give me 20 laps around the campus, and no
Prelude: You don't remember too much before the
Change hit you — your mama knew you were different, but
taught you the winged ways as best as she could. There weren't
any other Corax around the park where you nested, but there
were plenty of humans — and you got to watch them day in and
day out. You got to watch them trash the place unthinkingly. You
got to see the muggings and the rapes, the pollution and the
foulness, and you took it all in, every last detail. You didn't know
why, but you knew it was important.
When the Change finally came, everything fell into place.
Other Corax finally found you and educated you, and showed you
what it was you needed to do. You shared what you'd seen with
them, and they spread the word. Before long, the park was cleansed
They, in turn, entrusted you with a sacred duty — to train others
as you'd been trained.
However, more and more of the new Corax you saw weren't
up to your standards. They were monkeys, born and bred. So you
found yourself being extra hard on the students who came to you
with opposable thumbs. Those who broke, well, the Wyrm
would have broken them anyway. And those who survived your
training? Someday, they might even show enough merit to
overcome their species.
At least, that's what you hope. In the meantime, there's
work to do.
Concept: The business of being Gaia's eyes and ears on
the world is something you take very seriously. There's no
time for fun and games as far as you're concerned (though there
is time to purse the occasional shiny thing -- you never know
when it'll be relevant.) The monkeys have no idea what they're
doing -- damned groundhuggers, the lot — and it's up to you to get
it right.
Roleplaying Hints: If it was born a mammal, you haven't got the
time for it. Sure, you and all the other Corax have to work together
for Gaia, yaddada yaddada yaddada, but you'll he damned it you take
any lip from any fur-bearing, flea-ridden, sensitive-spot-scratching
jumped-up chimp. If anyone's going to be in charge of any joint ops, it's going
to be you, and no biped's going to get any kind of responsibility — or respect — while you're
Equipment: Binoculars, notepad, bag lunch
94 Corax
The idea of "notable Corax" is somewhat misleading
— after all, every Corax knows about durn near every other
Corax. It's part of the job/species description. But there are
a few birds who have, by virtue of sheer audacity and s k i l l ,
managed to establish themselves as avatars of everything a
Corax should be. Stories (okay, more stories than usual) are
told about those Corax as educational exercises, songs sung
about them and occasionally independent graphic novels
w r i t t e n , just as a way to tweak the Pentex-owned major
comics company.
However, Corax are only famous as such to other
Corax. Despite the fact that the were-ravens have no real
enemies among the other Bete, despite the fact that the
Garou actively seek alliance with the Corax, and that
Corax are much more vicious fighters than anyone sus-
pects, there still are very few of them. Furthermore, a high
profile isn't conducive to effective information-gathering
— a well-known Corax ends up dead, neutralized or worse.
With that in mind, here are a few of the most notorious
Corax. You may have heard of them, but you can he sure
they've heard of you.
Contrary to the evidence presented in certain revi-
sionist history text, Leif Ericsson was not the Viking who
Herjulfson had described. The longboat was then turned
set foot on what would someday be called North America.
for home, where the crew received a hero's welcome
That honor falls to Ericsson's navigator, a corvid-breed
— except for poor Einarr, who from that day forward
Corax who adopted the human name Einarr before signing
had abuse heaped on him relentlessly for being possibly the
on with Ericsson to go a'Viking.
biggest screwup in the history of the breed. The other
(Historical Note: The first Viking to see North America
Corax never forgave poor Einarr for his change of heart,
was a trader named Bjarni Herjulfson, who got really, really
and after a few years, he adopted human form more-or-less
lost while trying to visit his father in Greenland, but he was
permanently so as to hide from the relentless derision.
in such a rush to get home that he never even disembarked
Einarr's king been in his grave, but his name lives on.
to explore the new land. He did, however, tell people what
Any time a Corax fouls something up spectacularly, he's
he had seen, inspiring Ericsson to mount a voyage. Bjarni,
referred to as a "Little Einarr." It is believed that Gaia, in
incidentally, was Corax Kinfolk and word of his little side
her mercy, kept Einarr's soul from reincarnating, simply to
trip quickly spread throughout the "family.")
spare him incarnations of abuse, because even a thousand
H a v i n g long been in contact w i t h the Corax of the
years later, the Corax haven't forgotten.
Pure Lands, Einarr originally inserted himself into Leifs
crew to steer the ship away from Newfoundland. Unfortu- EsmereldaNorthrup-Medina:CEO,the
nately, Einarr's plan to steer the ship in circles until Leif was
forced to return to Greenland hit a weather-related snag: Hermetic Society of Swift Light
Storms drove the longboat before them and Einarr had no The current head of the Hermetic Society of Swift
choice but to steer the ship to safety. Ironically, Einarr's L i g h t (since renamed Helios Overnight Services —
skill as a navigator was such that had he not been on board, NASDAQ symbol HOSer), Esmerelda has been trying to
the ship probably would have foundered and the semi- give the job away, to no avail, for the last 14 years. During
disastrous interactions between Vikings and "Skraelings" that time, she's also turned it into a highly successful,
would never have occurred. publicly traded courier service that turns an obscene profit
Einarr himself resigned himself to helping Leif out, and every year. Esmerelda herself has retired from active ser-
eventually Ericsson's expedition stopped at all three places vice, leaving all but the most vital deliveries to her human
and Kinfolk employees. On those rare occasions when The
96 Corax
know about Esmerelda's database, but none have ever seen
it. That doesn't mean that none have tried, merely that
none have pulled it off.
Esmerelda and her husband, Ivan, have one child, a
boy named Diego. Diego's already been earmarked for the
Change, and many Corax believe that, contrary to her
protests, Esmerelda has decided that Helios Overnight will
be handed down to Diego as an inheritance. While there's
no custom specifically preventing this sort of thing, it's
never been an issue because before Esmerelda, no one's
managed to hang onto the Hermetic Society for more than
a couple of years.
Raina's interested in the practical application of infor-
mation, more so than perhaps any other Corax. A p r i v a t e
investigator who operates out of Hartford (convenient
flights to Boston and New York — it doesn't take her more
than a couple of hours to get to either), Raina's business is
equal parts corporate espionage and divorce cases. The
former are lucrative, the latter are fun, and so she gets the
best of both worlds.
An accomplished basketball player in college, Raina is
almost six feet tall and still maintains tip-top playing
condition. (She recently had to turn down an inquiry from
the WNBA.) Her one concession to vanity is the fact that
she keeps her hair long. While this has proved to be a
Old Lady (as they respectfully call her -- when her office
door is closed) actually gets involved with the legwork,
there's something truly serious going down. Past cargoes
she's handled personally include Grand Klaives, blueprints
of Pentex corporate HQ, weapons-grade Plutonium and
other, more important things.
Now pushing 45, Esmerelda keeps herself fit enough
for active service. Her black hair is kept short, and while she
usually wears business suits, the dress code around the office
is casual — just in case. You never know when a dissatisfied
client or supernatural e n t i t y is liable to burst in, demanding
a refund. This has happened twice; the firm's offices have
relocated twice as a result.
While custom demands that only one Corax work for
the Hermetic Society at Swift Light at a time, Esmerelda
has an open-door policy to others of her breed. Further-
more, she has been known to commission freelancers and
subcontract runs to give other Corax a hand — or when she
doesn't feel like risking one of her own people.
In a sense, Helios Overnight is just a sideline for
Esmerelda. To no one's surprise, her real business is the
collection and collation of information. Every time some-
one hires (or inquires about) Helios, Esmerelda creates
an in-depth file on the client. These files are constantly
updated and cross-referenced, and some fascinating tidbits
of information have come to light that way. Most Corax
handicap on a couple of occasions. Raina has steadfastly Sparkles is part of the flock that makes the Tower of
refused to modify her "look." This "look" also means work- London its base of operations, and is universally acknowl-
ing clothes of a long black raincoat, a hat that shades her edged as the ringleader of that merry band of idiots. When
eyes, and black leather gloves; Raina herself refers to it as not showing off for tourists or dive-bombing assorted tour-
"Sam Spade goes goth," but claims that it's the only sensible guides and Beefeater guards, Sparkles also coordinates all of
choice for the unpredictable Hartford weather. the Corax of Britain into a highly disciplined (if not always
Recently, Raina's been letting the business of nailing sober) information-gathering force, and his contacts ex-
unfaithful husbands slide a little b i t , while putting in more tend up into Scotland and across the Irish Sea as well. If
and more time on the case of a baby-food manufacturer anything supernatural happens in the British Isles, Sparkles
that's been shipping tainted product to Africa as "charity." knows about it within the hour, and the Corax response (if
As one of her best informants has already been killed during one is demanded) is underway shortly thereafter.
the course of the investigation, Raina's decided that this In his native form, Sparkles is an astonishingly large
one is personal. raven. On those infrequent occasions when he switches to
Homid, Sparkles keeps his hair short and spiky, and has a
Sparkles: Watchman at the Tower series of tattoos in knotwork patterns up both arms. He's
No one knows what Sparkles' real name is. He's raven- thin, but wiry, and wears round glasses with mirrored
breed, and delights in playing to the worst stereotypes of his lenses.
kind — specifically, the corvids' legendary obsession with There are only two reasons for Sparkles to drop into
shiny objects. Legend has it that some poor fool once Homid form. (He even prefers to read the paper in bird
showed Sparkles — in Homid form for the first time -- a shape; he'll perch behind someone reading on a park bench
cartoon wherein the hero outwitted a crow who kept on and do an over-the-shoulder read.) One reason is to meet
shouting for his "Sparklies!" Apparently, Sparkles was so with one of his near-infinite information sources, most of
amused and/or appalled that he took his name from that whom would be rather disconcerted to discover they're
cinematic masterpiece, and has been going by his nom de swapping news with a bird. For these folks, Sparkles has a
animation ever since. variety of guises he'll adopt: drug dealer, band promoter,
music magazine reporter, police informant, and he'll often
go through four or five fictional identities in a single
The other reason Sparkles takes off the feathers is that
he's an absolute stone-cold ska fan, and if there's a good
show (or even a not-so-good one that promises an energetic
pit), he's there. He's even taken a turn or two behind the
mike, but his bands always fall apart as more pressing
business interferes with the rehearsal schedule.
Spymaster of the Evil Empire
There are only two things that Alexei Kovalenko
really, truly hates. One is his job, the other is his species.
Mind you, there are plenty of things Alexei dislikes — the
winter cold, the summer heat, the prevalence of those
arrogant Shadow Lords in Kiev these days — and he'll
complain endlessly about any and all of them to anyone
who'll listen. Indeed, Alexei's nickname among his fellow
spies and Corax is "The Cave of Winds," for he never, ever
stops moaning about the latest thorn in his side.
Alexei is a spy, you see (though he prefers the term
"information transfer facilitator"), and a very good one.
While there's no actual proof that he was connected to the
Ames or Walker spy cases, he occasionally drops details
into conversation that even the special prosecutors haven't
uncovered yet. For forty years and more, he has sat in his
Though now shrinking with each generation, the
Corax Kinfolk villages in the Pacific Northwest are still
vibrant and vital. Malachi is one of those Corax who sees
to that. While bom to corvid stock, Malachi has been
spending more and more time as a human, simply to ensure
the survival of the culture that raised him. There are some
things — legal documents to sign, meetings to attend or
disrupt, and so on — that are best attended by a man instead
of a bird.
When not working to protect the fishing, land and
other rights of the Kinfolk villages, Malachi spends much
of his time in the Umbra. Popular wisdom holds that if his
work on Earth were ever done, Malachi would "forget the
sun" in a flash. Affairs of the breed, apart from those related
to the Kinfolk villages, hold less and less interest for
Malachi these days, while he speaks more and more rever-
ently of the wonders found in the Deep Umbra.
In human form, Malachi usually wears a blue work
shirt, jeans and boots. He's over six feet tall, with his hair
pulled back in a braid that snakes halfway down his back,
and features that mark him as being from the Quinault
reservation on the Olympia peninsula. Malachi is unusu-
ally taciturn for a Corax, and at Parliaments, he's quite
content to let others ramble on for days while he just notes
all the useful tidbits.
100 Corax