Enter The Shadowside - Core Rules PDF
Enter The Shadowside - Core Rules PDF
Enter The Shadowside - Core Rules PDF
B y Marco Leon
May 30 2012
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are Note: For simplicity, I've used "he", "his" and
products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance "him" where needed, but feel free to replace with
to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. "she", "hers" and "her"; nothing is gender-specif-
rologue--------------------------------------- 5
anni's Hierogamy------------------------------ 8
haracter Creation----------------------------- 24
rganizations---------------------------------- 34
echanics------------------------------------- 61
toryHost Reference---------------------------- 69
ewfriend's Guide to the Shadowside-------------- 74
he Shadowside and You------------------------- 79
A few words Out Of Charac- You won't find too many tables in this book; I would
ter rather give you item-making guidelines than item
lists, and few but flexible generic rules over many
T his is a role-playing game, and like all games it scenario-bound ones -the mechanics for Combat for
aims to entertain. It's fiction. If you enjoy it, if instance, all fit in one page including every variation
you share some laughs around the table, if you feel (ranged, grapple, defens-
some thrills while throwing dice, if, some day, may- ive, etc)
be, you even shed a single tear over a particularly It is my humble role to try
powerful moment in the story, then this game will and facilitate that experi-
have accomplished all that it set out to achieve. We ence for you by offering
will be able to say that it was "fun". this simple canvas, and
perhaps by sharing a cer-
I have wondered many times what "fun" truly tain spark of curiosity to
means, though. I think tabletop roleplaying games send you on your way.
are a very unique breed of fun -very different from Happy trails, pilgrim.
movies or books or videogames. For one, they are
very much about you -there is something very per-
sonal about making and playing a character. And
then there's the fact that you have others around the
A few words In Character
W hat can you expect out of
this game?
-Portability: It doesn't matter which side of the con-
flict actually rolls the single D20; the probabilities
adjust seamlessly for either. If you pit a 10 vs a 5, you
Story First: Our use of "StoryHost" is telling: get the same chances of success as a 5 vs a 10 would
get of failure.
A Game Master, like all Masters, owns his Game
and can sometimes be an adversarial figure whose -Significance: There are no guaranteed success rolls,
job is to challenge and occasionally defeat the player- and there are no guaranteed failure rolls. Even the
s. Also, Games can be "won". gods may stumble; no roll is trivial.
A Story Teller emphasizes Story over Game, but -Comprehensiveness: A single roll of D20 accur-
there's still one Teller of it, and he's it. ately reflects Traits, Skills, Items, situational advant-
ages and a host of other factors. For example: James,
A StoryHost by contrast, is just there to let the Story with DEX of 3 and STR of 4, armed with a +2 STR
happen nearly by itself. A Host arranges the locale, Knife and enjoying the upper ground, attempts to
invites the guests, turns on the music, (may stab John with DEX of 2 and END of 5 in the lower
occasionally send bouncers to kick out the abdomen, where John is wearing a +1 END Leather
drunkards) and then usually just stands out of the Jacket, and not wishing to fight James back but
way letting the party goers enjoy themselves. A St- merely dodge away... it can all be boiled down in
oryHost is very hands-off when it comes to driving under 5 seconds to a single D20 roll, which either
the story -the world is a sandbox and the characters James or John may do the honors for.
will do in it as they will. At the same time the St-
oryHost is very hands-on when it comes to adjudic- Setting: Enter The Shadowside takes place in our
ating consequences to the decisions the characters modern days -using real life locations and taking in-
make. Both short and long term, the SH's job is to spiration from real life events. The titular Shad-
perceive how the entire world reacts to the charac- owside is a spiritual realm that overlaps our own,
ters' actions, surfacing only the now. and is shaped by our thoughts, fears, desires and
hopes. Ghosts and deities live there, and play chess
Rules Light: Although the Jacob's Ladder system is with our mortal selves. Characters switch between
flexible enough to reasonably represent anything, cold realism in the physical world, and surreal sym-
the emphasis of the mechanics lies in getting a com- bolism in the spiritual one. The fact that the St-
prehensive verdict early in every contest, and then oryHost plays each character's spirit companion
moving out of the way. Dice are called for only when makes for potentially very intense relationship dy-
truly needed, and even then the mechanics help boil namics. The game's dramatic engine lies in the inter-
down every little factor into one single decisive roll. actions between the seven organizations which
There are hardly any tables or lists; Enter The Shad- access the Shadowside in service of their own agen-
owside can be a hard game to lawyer. das and with very different ideologies.
System: Jacob's Ladder. Instead of tables or formu- Structure: Roughly, Act I establishes the place of
las, Jacob's Ladder uses geometry for conflict resolu- the characters in the world, only to disrupt it with
tion. As such, it has several unique properties, such some big, destabilizing event. Act II sees a seven-way
as: race amongst the organizations to come out on top of
said event, which leads to all-out war during Act III.
-Scalability: Jacob's Ladder can consistently give All Acts are optional -it is perfectly fine to remain in
you success probabilities for any range of opposed Act II forever, if you please. Also, great care has been
values. The chances of a 3 vs a 6 are the same as paid to make it so that each of the seven organiza-
those of a 30 vs a 60, or a one million vs two millions. tions can reasonably justify joining one side of the
Although this setting discourages astronomical num- endgame conflict or another, making it so that each
bers, mechanically the system can handle astronom- campaign has different alliances, dynamics and out-
ical numbers. comes -all entirely up to you.
T he case for the Shadowside importantly out of) the Shadowside, and have ex-
plored its secrets in pursuit of their various agendas
-some much darker than others.
Some come
Some come back,
back, however.
Throughout history
various groups have
found ways to venture
into (and more
L ife Stories Welcome grow roots with. Not stable enough. He doesn't
blame her.
C ertainly a good character is closer to your His thoughts go to his boss now. What will he do,
super-ego than to your ego, to use Freudian once his boss is cut down? Because the hammer is
terms. “Who do you want to be?” is an easy, self- about to drop. Everyone knows it. He may just have
indulgent question. “How did I become who I am?” to freelance. There's nothing else he's good at. Nicky
is much more interesting, storywise, and much better again. What if he simply... never came back home?
fuel for your creative engines. At least she would have a good life with her
grandparents. Dad was a sailor. He suspects what he
The Flash Method: Start with a single glimpse does for a living, but says nothing. Mom, god bless
-the flash- a single moment that is significant in the her heart, thinks he's an investment banker,
life of your character. You don't know him yet, but frequently on business trips.
you're about to do a cold reading on him, carnival
psychic style. Etcetera. Allow yourself to be carried away. Let go,
and get used to the feeling of your character at the
Draw a sketch, if you have the aptitude -plenty of steering wheel with you on the passenger seat.
space in the back of the sheet. Start riffing and im-
provising details until a coherent picture emerges The Biography Method: A little more traditional,
"by itself". He is sitting at a beach bungalow, in some you start at the beginning. Where was your character
South American country. It's Sunday, sunset. He born? What was his childhood like? What did he
looks thoughtful, why? Because this is the eve before want to be, growing up? Did he? Why? Why not?
the big job. What big job? Well, after he finishes his Who got in the way? Does he owe anything to any-
margarita, he's going to go back to the hotel, plant one? Does anyone owe him? What are his goals and
evidence that he's just another tourist seeking some plans?
vice before returning to a dull 9-5 life in the states...
he'll carefully load all his tools in a duffel bag and Avoid becoming satisfied with easy labels, such as
take a taxi to the nearest nightclub to the Governor's "thief" or "assassin". A good character is not defined
Mansion, enter it, dance for a while, pretend to get by what he can do but by who he is -which is the
drunk, make sure he is seen pretending to be drunk, product of having done what he can do over a long
then disappear in an alley. He will climb up to a roof period of time, plus plans to continue doing it. Char-
he previously scouted and wait for dawn, by the acters need a goal to pursue right out of the gate.
light of his sniper rifle. But right now, he's just star-
ing at his margarita. egardless of which method you use, the fuller
you dream up a Life Story up until the point
Try to see details. Do I see any tattoos? Yes, an eagle. where the first session begins, the more enjoyable
Maybe he's military. Do I see any scars? He has one and exciting the game will be for all, and the closer
right under the ear. Looks premeditated. Maybe he you’ll be to experiencing one of the more unique joys
was tortured? How old is he? Looks around 34. He's of roleplaying: that feeling you get when the story
been doing this for a while. Does he have a family seems to be “writing itself” as it goes. This can only
waiting for him back home? Anyone calls him happen when everyone cares for their characters
"Daddy"? Oh god, a little girl. But where's the moth- deeply, and this caring is much likelier to happen
er? Ah, she left him, of course. She got spooked a once you’ve invested your creativity into seeing a
certain night when a drug lord sent some henchmen truly compelling Life Story.
to pay him a social visit. He "took care" of them all,
and little Nicky (Nicole?) didn't even wake up, but Good characters are vectors: they have direction and
her mother left the next day. It was not working out velocity. Share yours with the group and dare your-
anyway -he was just a thrill to her, not someone to self to care. It's a worthy gamble.
T raits and tth
he Worlld
or d-
ke aa moment
will notice
moment to
self with
with the
to familiarize
familiarize your
the WorldTurtle:
notice it's
World-Turtle: you
it's built
built out
out of
of two
rings around
around aa central
central core
core of
Soul, Life and Body.
he outer
The outer ring
ring is
is laid
laid in
uch way
such way that
that each
each Surface
rait can
Trait can be
be said
said toto be
be the
mix ofof the
the two
two Core
Core Traits
Traits dir
The Hiero
ectly beneath
beneath it
it (including
(including Life).
Life). For
The Hiero-
gamy entity
entity will
ple, Mind
Mind and
and Dexterity
Dexterity together
together give
have his
have his own
own Traits
Traits and
example, give
Skills which
which combine
combine with
with yours
yours to
you Reflexes.
create a stronger whole. The sheet is de-
Finally, Soul is simply the sum of all non-physical
signed so you can write your character Traits in the
Traits, and Body is the simply the sum of all physical
clear side of each pentagon, your companion spirit's
in the shaded side, and the sum of both in the
All together, the Turtle is set so that you only have to
control seven numbers -your Core Traits- and end
ou will also notice a number of formulas for
up with fourteen Traits plus three kinds of "HP"
common actions such as Combat, and
Paranormal Skills -you will come to discover in the
Mechanics chapter that these are very simple sums
here is more. In the next pages (which you
meant to account for every factor that goes into
should print and make photocopies of) you may
determining success or failure for the character's
be puzzled to discover references to an "Entity", and
actions. Readying these right on the sheet is a time-
wonder why each pentagon in the World Turtle has
saver. Finally, you have space for a small inventory
a shaded side and a clear side. The answer is Hiero-
of significant items your character may carry in his
person, as well as a list of Normal Skills -all will be
Hierogamy will be explained at length before this
chapter is over, but for the moment simply consider
haracter Sheets are double-sided; you can draw
that your character sheet, after a certain pivotal point
portraits in the back and add brief summaries
in the game, will account for two individuals, your
of your character's life, and when the time comes for
character and his spiritual companion played by the
you to learn it, of your spirit companion's death...
C ore Traits
END=Endurance: It represents how sturdy your MND=Mind: Your sentience and reasoning ability.
body is in general. It’s mostly used to oppose all Mostly used to harness (or defend from) magical
forms of physical damage. energies, but also important to operate complex
machinery, understand technical concepts, unravel
STR=Strength: It represents how much force you intricate plots, etc.
can exert with your muscles. It’s mostly used to
inflict bodily damage during Melee Combat, once SPI=Spirit: Your connection to the Shadowside.
you hit, but you can also use it to lift heavy objects, Mostly used to harness (or defend from) magical
pry jammed doors open, etc. energies, but also important for meditation,
manipulating auras, serving as a Medium, etc.
DEX=Dexterity: It represents how precisely you
can move, and eye-hand coordination in general. CHA=Charisma: Your aptitude to persuade people.
It’s mostly used to hit (or to avoid being hit) Mostly used to convince others to do what you want,
during Melee Combat, but it’s versatile enough to perceive dishonesty, win debates, give inspiring
baseline your chances at card tricks, darts, piano, speeches, etc. The main difference with PRE is that
etc. CHA is active and wordy, while PRE is passive and
LFE=Life: After taking enough Damage, LFE runs out and you may die. Even before it runs out a Damaged
LFE will still result in crippling Penalties to most rolls, and serious, possibly-long-term harm. LFE starts
taking Damage only after Soul or Body have run out.
Surface Traits
HLT=Health: The combination of LFE and END. It governs your resistance to disease and general physical
CON=Constitution: The combination of END and STR. It represents how well physically built you are and can
sometimes serve as a crude stand-in for weight, mass or volume.
AGI=Agility: The combination of STR and DEX. It represents how fast you can run, how high you can jump,
and in general how acrobatic you can be when your whole body is in motion.
REF=Reflexes: The combination of DEX and MND. It determines how quickly you can react to events. Once
per round you can call to check your REF if you wish to interrupt someone else’s action in progress, even if
you already had your turn that round. This is the only way to have two actions per round; bear in mind you'll
lose your next round's turn if you fail.
AWA=Awareness: The combination of MND and SPI. It means perception of your surroundings: the physical
realm thanks to MND and the spiritual one thanks to SPI. Therefore AWA is associated to premonitions, to
reading the intentions of people, to noticing details out of place in any environment, gut feelings, and a sense
of alertness in general.
PRE=Presence: The combination of SPI and CHA; considered the passive version of CHA. Presence can make
you liked or disliked by complete strangers before a single word has left your mouth. It intimidates your foes
and inspires your friends by your simple act of being there.
BTY=Beauty: The combination of CHA and LFE. It makes you attractive, pleasing to the senses in every way,
and, if greater than CON, overrules all of CON's weight, mass and volume assumptions.
S kills
N ormal vs. Paranormal
1.- Come up with a great Life St- 1.- Inform the StoryHost which 1.- Roleplay your heart's best the
ory, tell it to the group, make Organization (if any) you wish entire time. Have a blast.
everybody care. This is not op- your character to join. The St-
tional; this is very important. oryHost will keep your wishes in 2.- Receive 1 or 2 Experience
mind. Points for good roleplay.
2.- Roll a D6 7 times and assign
each roll to a Core Trait OR dis- 2.- Roleplay the developing rela- 3.- Apply your point(s) towards
tribute 23 points, noting that no tionship with said Organization. any of your (or your Spirit's) Core
Trait may be higher than 6. Calcu- It could take several sessions. Traits or Skills, noting that no
late Surface Traits, Soul and Body Trait or Skill may be higher than
as explained in the sheet itself. 3.- Roleplay the Hierogamy event; 8, OR towards a new Skill,
and use that session's Experience provided you've been roleplaying
3.- Distribute 3 points for Normal Point(s) towards your first the process of learning it story-
Skills, and add a few items. Paranormal Skill. wise and the StoryHost agrees.
T his is what a typical brand-new character sheet could look like: only 3 points in a single Normal Skill, no
Organization, Hierogamy, nor Paranormal Skills, and only a few items.
H ierogamy "Dating" period; other organizations, (such as Accel-
letrix) purposefully neuter the individuality of the
spirit half, reducing it to a mere "power source". Fi-
I t literally means “marriage to a deity”. To nally some others (such as the Somosa) expect the
understand Hierogamy one must understand the spirit to be "on top" and calling all the shots.
basics of the Shadowside: it is a realm where only
thoughts exists -only feelings, only intentions, hopes The StoryHost is expected to roleplay the spirit in
and fears. Our brain can tune-in to these just like an Hierogamy with the character, and is expected to be
antenna, and we live our every day lives blissfully agreeable in general to anything the character may
unaware of the place where those very memories, want to do. Ultimately, the character is in control of
sentience and personality truly come from. After his own body -even the spirit disagrees. Being in a
death, our minds are thrown into the Shadowside “bad marriage” is not impossible but it should be
full-time, and the experience is at the very least extremely rare and only done if the player consents,
maddening: you could compare it to a sand castle for story purposes. In all organizations, the
slowly eroding after the plastic mold has been taken metaphysical union is only possible to begin with
away. The mold is our physical brain, and the sand when the two souls are essentially compatible; a
castle is the particular configuration of our thoughts, reliable sign that the individuals are likely to get
feelings and ambitions that make us up as unique along well together –or as well as could be expected
individuals. in the unusual circumstances.
Some individuals, through sheer force of will, Save extremely rare circumstances, the Hierogamy
manage to literally “keep it together” and make spirit cannot be harmed nor forcibly exorcised out of
sense of their new state of being. These entities tend his host. It is a thinking entity however, as a such is
to become quite powerful over time, but like vulnerable to madness -that's likely a big part of the
everyone else miss and envy those of us who are still reason why it agreed to enter Hierogamy.
in the flesh.
Hierogamy is a mutually beneficial partnership M echanically the Traits and Skills of the spirit in
Hierogamy add together with those of the
Character (you may be surprised to learn spirits have
where a living person agrees to host a Shadowside
entity -a ghost, if you will- inside his physical body, physical Traits, but this is why “possessed” people
while the Shadowside entity agrees to provide a cer- typically appear to have superhuman strength and
tain measure of paranormal power and otherworldly endurance). Furthermore, this is a reliable way to ex-
wisdom. This companionship is a double-edged ecute anything paranormal -when both the character
sword: on one hand you’ll never be alone; on the and the spirit possess a Paranormal Skill- by allow-
other... you’ll never be alone. You will helplessly ing you to exert your joint will out of the Shad-
listen to the ghost’s thoughts and he will helplessly owside, twisting “fate” and defying reality. This is
listen to yours -having voluntary and involuntary the core of the Belief Points system; which is detailed
conversations inside your head. Hierogamy, for all in the Mechanics chapter.
practical purposes, cannot be undone. Choose well
the person for whom you’ll “hear voices in your The StoryHost is tasked with Character Creation for
head” for the rest of your life. the Hierogamy spirit -the process is virtually the
same as the one for Player Characters except for the
Each organization has different methods to enact possibility of starting with certain Paranormal Skills
Hierogamy but nearly all are irreversible. Major per- out of their respective organizations' lists. Life Stories
sonality changes for both partners in the are just as important for these spiritual entities.
arrangement are common -and frankly to be
expected. Although the StoryHost is tasked with roleplaying
them, it is the player who decides how to allocate
Some organizations (such as the Sisterhood of Salem) experience points onto them, since after all they
see the Hierogamy partners as equals and allow for a come from his character's own pool.
W hat do Hierogamy spirits
look like?
memories can establish a dangerous feedback loop.
At it's worst, ghosts can forget that they are ghosts,
and re-live their favorite days endlessly -every itera-
T heir appearance, like everything else in the tion a little bit closer to some made-up ideal and a
Shadowside, is driven by their own perception. little bit farther from what actually happened in real-
Most entities who were once human will remain ity. Details are lost, until that is left is raw emotion,
roughly humanoid to various degrees -but keep in then vague "moods". This is the true death of a
mind not all inhabitants of the Shadowside were Shadowside entity: entropy.
once people, and not all who were once people like
to still remember it. 2.- Without being necessarily aware of it, Shad-
owside entities strive to avoid this fate by consuming
Some of the Fujin Blood's spirits, the Burnt, are still fresh energies to replace the ones they wear out.
smoldering in radioactive fire. Frequently the So- Artists haunt museums, or other artists, politicians
mosa Abuelos will bear broken bracelets and chains, hang around in the halls of Congress, soldiers seek
while the GTS partners have a penchant for mytholo- battlefields. The fresh energies do stave off entropy,
gical beasts and the fantastic. Big Sis has a dispropor- but also replace the original configuration that made
tionate share of animal-looking spirits, while the ghost his own particular person. Spirits who have
Scavenger typically finds monstrous or otherwise been doing this for centuries have drifted, unknow-
unsettling partners. Each entity is unique and limit- ingly, into becoming caricatures of their former
less in its capacity to represent his inner self out- selves -composites made up of thousands of stolen
wardly, even if most of them started as humans, once details and memories, which nevertheless they'll
upon a time. treasure and defend as if they were their own. While
considerably more powerful, Hierogamy with an
In the real world, most spirits are invisible to all but Archetype is extremely dangerous. The Archetype
the mortal whom they're in Hierogamy with -who cannot help himself from trying to consume you, like
can see them only if he "searches" for them, with his he has consumed so many others before. People in
eyes closed. Clairvoyant or otherwise psychically the real world will notice you going slightly mad,
sensitive individuals may detect the presence of Hi- until one day there are no longer two distinct voices
erogamy spirits, and on occasion, even visually dis- inside your head, but just one, which is slightly mad.
cern their features. You become part of the caricature.
I nfinitely so. Some spirits can and are called deit- millennia or so, the pendulum starts to swing the
ies, by every right. This, however, does not mean other way, and if the Entity has resisted the tides of
they would necessarily make good Hierogamy part- Entropy so far, a new unique personality starts to
ners. To understand why, we must study the typical emerge. For all practical purposes this is an actual
process of devolution in a ghost -without a physical person, wise from the years, and incredibly power-
brain to literally keep his thoughts in order, a ful. Madness remains, but it is now utterly subjective
ghost's mind will slowly but surely drift into demen- and undistinguishable from Genius. These are the
tia -even as it continues to accrue power. deities of our times -and of all times- and they
scheme grandiose designs for the world of the mor-
1.- For his first century or so, a ghost will remain tals, where things are blissfully still and teasingly
mostly his own individual person. As time goes on, solid. Some call these Mythos. You don't enter Hiero-
however, and as the world that birthed him is slowly gamy with a Mythos, anymore than you sign a con-
buried in the past, entities tend to seek (and find) tract with the clothes you're about to wear. It is a
comfort in their own memories. Unfortunately, due great mercy that Mythos are limited from exerting
to the nature of the Shadowside which adjusts itself their considerable power in our physical world. At
to one's thoughts and ideas, living in one's own least to some degree. At least so far.
T his is an experienced character in Hierogamy: his Traits are in the clear area, the Entity's in the shaded
area, and the sum in the center. We see plenty of skills too, and stronger items.
S ooner or later (preferably no later than the third
or fourth session) characters will enter in
Hierogamy with some entity from the Shadowside.
own organizations (refer to the StoryHost Reference
F UJIN’S BLOOD: Asian mafia, dirty
money, honor-codes and hierarchy. Assassin-
ations, torture, blood and wind magic.
P aranormal Skills
K yofu Zei (Fear Tax) (MND) – "Please don't kill me. I'll pay you... I'll pay you anything, say a
number -just let me go!" "Mr. Harris, we will most certainly not kill you. And eventually we will
let you go. But please..." said Red Tiger as he produced a switchblade and a lighter "don't you ever
insult us again by offering us money."
Roll: Belief
Roll: Belief Points
Points VS
VS Target’s
Target’s PRE
PRE on on line
line of
of sight:
sight: A
A spiritual
spiritual blood-
wind link is established between n the
the Caster
Caster and
and the
the Target.
Target. For
For every
int the
point the Target
Target loses
loses in
in any
any Trait
Trait for
for any
any reason,
reason, the
the Caster
Caster wins
wins one
elief Point,
Belief Point, and
and vice
vice versa.
versa. Storywise
Storywise the
the Target
Target suffers
suffers some
some meas-
ure of fear. Used mostly for torture; the link lasts for as long as there
is a continuous stream of air between Caster and Target or until the end
of the storywise crisis.
C hi No Ha (Blade of Blood) (MND) – "Very well, in that case I shall honor the rules of this temple.
But please know this: if you double-cross me you will wish you had let me keep my gun."
Roll: No further roll required. All the spilled blood around the Caster will congeal into a bladed shape around
his hand, which he may wield it as a weapon applying Chi No Ha itself as it's own weapon-related Skill. For
every point of LFE that has been lost by anyone within eyesight (including the Caster) during the storywise
crisis, the Blade gains a corresponding point of STR as an Item. The Caster
may use this Item in Melee in the same turn in which it is cast. The Blade will
remain solid for 1 turn for every 10 Belief Points spent during Casting.
Roll: No
No further
further dice
dice required.
required. Blood
Blood Mist,
Mist, resembling
resembling aa reddish
reddish fog,
fog, is
is not
actually real
real but
but merely
merely inside
inside the
the minds
minds ofof all
all Targets
Targets which
-which is is everyone
within line
line of
of sight
sight of
of the
the Caster
Caster atat the
the time
time the
the Skill
Skill is
is cast.
cast. Each
Each Target
Target must
individually dispel
dispel his
his own
own MistMist by
by succeeding
succeeding aa roll roll of
of AWA
AWA vs vs Belief
Points, and
and until
until they
they dodo so,
so, they
they will
will suffer
suffer proportional
proportional penalties
penalties toto all
actions which
which require
require visibility,
visibility, including
including Combat.
Combat. Critical
Critical failures
failures result
result in
hallucinations. Example:
Example: ifif aa character
character needed
needed to to roll
roll 14
14 or
or better
better toto dispel
dispel the
Mist, and
and only
only rolled
rolled aa 10,
10, hehe now
now has
has aa 44 point
point penalty
penalty to to any
any action
action that
requires use
use of
of his
his eyes
eyes for
for that
that turn.
M ALLEUS DIABOLI : Elite Catholic
Knights and Priests. Dogma, self-righteousness,
history, tradition and a higher-calling.
they purified, everything profane through blood
they consecrated. They were at their finest for the ierogamy: Communion with the Saints is
Inquisition. the ultimate reward given to exceptional
members of the organization, usually after many
Their quest to find, deconstruct and ultimately flip years of service from both parties. The Saints, that is,
the tools of Darkness into the service of Light earned the Shadowside entities, are carefully picked “in the
the Malleus Diaboli a vast and nuanced wild” by Missionaries, chosen for their virtue and
understanding of the Shadowside -which they refer loyalty, converted and indoctrinated for years and
to as Limbo -and the know-how to leverage it’s only finally awarded the Breath of Life once again.
rule of “Belief Creates Reality” –which they refer to
as Faith. The ceremony is themed after Jesus’ fabled re-
surrection: the Acolyte is locked in a cave to
P aranormal Skills
R ecreatio Sanctus (Holy Restoration) (SPI) – "It's just a flesh-wound. It's a scratch." "Are you
mental?! That... thing nearly ate my goddamn foot off!" "In The Eyes Of The Lord it is but a flesh-
wound. Now rise, and watch your language."
Roll: No
Roll: No further
further dice
dice required;
required; line
line ofof sight.
sight. The
The Belief
Belief Points
Points can
can restore
restore any
any damaged
rait of
Trait of any
any Target
Target inin sight
sight (including
(including the the Caster's)
Caster's) atat aa 1:1
1:1 ratio
ratio for
for the
the first
first Trait,
2:11 for
for the
the second
second Trait,
Trait, and
and so so on.
on. ItIt can
can heal
heal Body
Body and/or
and/or Soul.
Soul. Example:
Example: thethe
arget has
Target has lost
lost all
all 66 CON,
CON, andand isis down
down to to just
just 22 out
out of
of his
his 66 LFE.
LFE. The
The Caster
harnesses 12
harnesses 12 points:
points: 66 are
are used
used toto heal
heal the
the CON
CON entirely,
entirely, and
and the
the remaining
remaining 66
are used
are used to
to heal
heal 33 points
points of
of LFE
LFE at at aa cost
cost of
of 22 to
to 1.
1. The
The Target
Target isis left
left with
with full
6/6 CON and 5/6 LFE.
V irtus Domini (The Lord’s Strength) (SPI) – "Padre Nuestro que estas en los cielos..." begun
Padre Castañeda, his eyes shut tight and his hands bound behind his back by the same heavy
chains as all the rest. "Santificado sea Tu Nombre." "Oi Royce, your boy is going mental on us again."
"Are we going to die?" "Shut up all of you wankers. That's not what he's doing." "Venga a nosotros Tu
Reino. Hágase Tu Voluntad..." Two levels up, the guard thought he heard a commotion. He rushed
downstairs but it was too late -"El Señor Es Una Sombra Sobre Mi Mano Derecha!"- was the last
thing he heard, as the frail old man threw the entire cell door at him.
Roll: No
No further
further dice
dice required.
required. TheThe Caster’s
Caster’s Target
Target (or
(or himself)
receives aa Bonus
Bonus equal
equal toto Belief
Belief Points,
Points, toto aa chosen
chosen Trait.
Trait. This
This Bonus
remains onon stand-by
standby and
and isis used
used whenever
whenever the the Trait
Trait is
is next
next used;
used; not
necessarily in
in the
the same
same turn
turn asas the
the Caster’s
Caster’s spell.
spell. Example:
Example: the
the Caster
wishes toto help
help anan ally
ally land
land aa final
final blow.
blow. Applying
Applying Dominus
Virtutem withwith Belief
Belief Points
Points of
of 1515 to
to DEX,
DEX, the
the ally
ally now
now has
has 15
Bonus forfor step
step 11 of
of his
his Melee
Melee combat.
combat. After
After aa successful
REF check
check the
the Target
Target may
may spend
spend Dominus
Dominus Virtutem
Virtutem in
the same
same turn
turn as
as it
it is
is cast.
erbum Dei (God’s Word)
(MND) – "Stop. All of you.
There will be no more discussion. No
more negotiation. For truly the Scripture said there
would be weeping and gnashing of teeth... it is time
for you to bow before the Lord. It is time for you to
Roll: All
Roll: All Targets
Targets within
within audible
audible range
range must
must roll
roll with
with their
Soul vs
Soul vs Belief
Belief Points.
Points. Those
Those whowho fail
fail this
this roll
roll will
will obey
–clearly against
against their
their will
will- any
any twoorthreeword
two-or-three-word command
heard live
live from
from thethe Caster,
Caster, for
for one
one turn.
turn. Storywise,
Storywise, the
Targets are
are fully
fully aware
aware of of the
the fact
fact that
that they
they are
are being
coerced. Example:
Example: If If the
the command
command is is “Kill
“Kill yourself”
yourself” skip
skip the
first Step
Step of
of Melee
Melee (the
(the blow
blow automatically
automatically lands)
lands) and
and rule
damage directly
directly asas Target’s
Target’s STR
STR ++ Weapon
Weapon + + Skill
Skill VS
VS his
own END
END + + Armor,
Armor, no no Skill.
Roll: The
The Target
Target mustmust roll
roll with
with thethe value
value ofof all
positive modifiers
modifiers of of the
the Item
Item being
being transmuted
against Belief
Belief Points.
Points. IfIf the
the Item
Item fails
fails this
this roll
roll for
for three
consecutive turns,
turns, the
the Item
Item is
is transmuted
transmuted into into the
the "Body
of Christ",
Christ", that
that is,
is, actual
actual human
human flesh,
flesh, and
and the
the StoryHost
must rearrange
re-arrange the
the Item's
Item's modifiers
modifiers accordingly.
accordingly. Using
this Skill,
Skill, an
an expensive
expensive sniper
sniper rifle
rifle can
can bebe turned
turned into
basically meat.
SOMOSA : Third world voodoo, tribal religions,
folk magic. Underworld crime. Curses, corpses
and possession.
Somos Santos” (We’re Holy) aka “La
Somosa” is a loose network of third-world
houngans, witch-doctors, shamans and other
animistic magicians hand-picked from a variety of
African-influenced religions, such as Haitian
Voudou, Brazilian Candomblé, Cuban Santería, etc.
Surprisingly they don’t argue much on doctrine,
choosing instead to focus on their similarities, and
above all things their common cause: the fight
against oppression, racism, poverty and colonialism.
They believe their organization started in 1862
simultaneously in West Africa, Louisiana, South
America and the Caribbean, organized from the brutal- will ever be enough to sate the hunger of the
Shadowside by barbarously slain ancestor spirits. Abuelos.
The Somosa is the spirit world's response to the
brutal raping of Africa, the institutionalization of As a group the Somosa is extremely well attuned to
slavery in America and the pain of the poorest the Shadowside (called Fén Nwa Bó) and it has built
third-world countries. a reputation for powerful magical curses, lack of
moral qualms, and a penchant for necromancy and
The Somosa believe the End Justifies the Means, and possession. In reality, they are a source of both hope
so it has little remorse about financing its operations and vengeance for many of the forgotten and humil-
through criminal activities such as drug trafficking, iated peoples of the world, and in this dichotomy
arms dealing, kidnapping and assassination –and they hold the key to either their own division and
whenever a pang of guilt surfaces (usually in the destruction, or synthesis and evolution.
more junior members) it is quickly sublimated
through the mantra: “They did worse to us”. They ierogamy: The Bride Ride is the climax to a
donate a large portion of their profits to their very, very intense night-long party. Drums.
communities in the third world: building hospitals, Intoxicating substances, mind-numbing chants,
schools and churches, and occasionally raining 100- frenetic dances, animal sacrifices; an entire trip. For
dollar bills upon street urchins. Only one other some it’s a nightmare that they go through while
group, “Big Sis”, forms bonds as close as Somosa's; high as a kite. Somosa likes to marry half a dozen
all brothers and sisters are there for each other, and recruits or more at a time, and they don’t know
as long as slums exist one is never far from a warm which spirits will choose which brides (as they call
bed and a hot meal in a Somosa Cuartel. the uninitiated) but trust that the Abuelos know
what's best. For their first night back in the world of
P aranormal Skills
S omos Santos (We’re Holy) (SPI) – "Yeah, but that's not how it works with us, sister. When you
roll with us, we're all one, you know what I mean? No more Ms. Collins -just Somosa now. See,
that's all the Man does, you know, selling you on the bullshit of individualism so that they can divide
and conquer. Not us, Sister. We done wise up to that bull, long, long ago."
Roll: No further dice required; line of sight. Until cancelled by the Caster, the Target (or the Caster himself)
receives a Bonus equal to the Belief Points to one chosen Trait, while the Caster suffers the same as Penalty to
two other chosen Traits. It is the opposite of De Pou Yon (Bonus instead of Penalty) except that no challenge
roll is required. Somosa packs will usually choose a champion to represent their collective holiness.
M ontado (To be riding another as a horse) (MND) – "So mi say the guy,
mi say, you gonna tell I and I what to do? You gonna stand there and
yapyap your mouth and tell mi bullshit? Mon, my Pierre had his barking
like a dog, remember Pierre? Ah haha, remember? Bad man was
humping legs now!"
Roll: Belief
Roll: Belief Points
Points VS
VS Target’s
Target’s Soul.
Soul. The
The spirit
spirit in
in Hierogamy
Hierogamy with
Somosa Caster
the Somosa Caster will
will temporarily
temporarily possess
possess the the
Target. The
The Target
Target will
will remain
remain possessed
possessed until
until hehe
succeeds aa roll
roll of
of MND
MND or or SPI
SPI (whichever
(whichever is is
higher) against
against the
the spell’s
spell’s Belief
Belief Points,
Points, or
or until
ancelled. Possessed
cancelled. Possessed Targets
Targets whowho resist
resist will
ove unnaturally
move unnaturally and
and be
be driven
driven like
like twisted
puppets against
against their
their will
will frequently
-frequently they
ill vomit,
will vomit, andand soso they
they suffer
suffer great
penalties to
to every
every action
action the
the spirit
spirit forces
them toto attempt.
attempt. At
At the
the same
same time
time the
Caster doesdoes not not benefit
benefit from from
Hierogamy in any way until his
partner spirit has returned from the
possessed Target.
Roll: Belief
Roll: Belief Points
Points VSVS Target’s
Target’s SPI
SPI on
on close
rters. The
quarters. The Caster
Caster sends
sends the
the Target
sly away
helplessly away to to any
any nearby
nearby point
point in
in the
Shadowside. Typically
Typically this
this is
is delivered
delivered by
wing aa special
blowing special powder
powder known
known as as
Cemetery Dust off off the
the palm
palm ofof the
Caster’s hand.
hand. Other
Other organizations
organizations which
learn this
this skill
skill rely
rely on
on slightly
slightly different
substances or methods.
M emento (MND) – "Sure, he beat my ass, but I got us a souvenir, brothers." "A tooth. Nice." "So...
are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Sister, I was thinking what you're thinking even before
you thought about thinking what you're thinking."
Roll: A two-step ritual is required, and the Target must be within eyesight of the Caster operating the object.
After fashioning part of a Target's body (such as blood, hair, skin, or teeth) into an inanimate object (such as a
cloth doll) and investing Belief Points in it, the object becomes a sympathetic link to the Target, magically
communicating all
communicating all physical
physical sensations.
sensations. The
The object
object can
can be
be punctured,
punctured, crushed,
crushed, cut
cut or
burned resulting
burned resulting in
in excruciating
excruciating pain
pain to
to the
the Target,
Target, which
which the
the Target
can only
only overcome
overcome through
through aa roll
roll of
of MND
MND or or SPI
SPI (whichever
(whichever is is higher)
vs Belief
Belief Points,
Points, at
at the
the beginning
beginning ofof the
the turn.
turn. Failing
Failing this
this roll
roll will
will result
result in
aa corresponding
corresponding Penalty
Penalty toto that
that turn's
turn's action.
action. Repeat
Repeat every
every turn
turn for
for as
as long
as the
the object
object exists
exists and
and is
is being
being operated
operated on on within
within eyesight
eyesight ofof the
the Target.
Roll: AA twostep
two-step ritual
ritual and
and aa corpse
corpse are
are required.
required. For
For every
every Belief
Belief Point
invested, the
the corpse,
corpse, imbued
imbued withwith aa barely
barely conscious
conscious spirit
spirit from
from the
Shadowside, willwill "live"
"live" one
one more
more turn.
turn. Belief
Belief Points
Points can
can be
be distributed
between multiple
multiple corpses,
corpses, if
if multiple
multiple corpses
corpses are
are available.
available. What
What the
the freshly
risen corpses
corpses do,
do, and
and what
what their
their Traits
Traits are
are is
is left
left entirely
entirely up
up to
to the
the SH,
SH, as
as the
spirits within
within are
are barely
barely sentient
sentient to
to begin
begin with
with (no
(no sentient
sentient spirit
spirit would
willingly take
take this
this kind
kind of
of Hierogamy
Hierogamy deal).
D e Pou Yon (Two For One) (SPI) – "Thing is, these people like
being ugly. They trade their looks to weaken you -no they do!
Bro, you've never seen them, so you don't know. Let me tell you: I
was there. San Juan. Like fucking dogs. Nearly pissed myself run-
ning back to Ops."
Roll: Belief
Belief Points
Points VSVS Target’s
Target’s Trait
Trait (as
(as chosen
chosen byby the
the Caster)
Caster) on
on line
line of
sight. The
The Target’s
Target’s Trait
Trait (as
(as chosen
chosen by by the
the Caster)
Caster) and
and two
two of of the
Caster’s own
own Traits
Traits (also
(also chosen
chosen byby the
the Caster)
Caster) will
will all
all suffer
suffer negative
penalties in
penalties in the
the amount
amount of of Belief
Belief Points
Points for
for every
every turn
turn until
until the
Target succeeds
Target succeeds in in aa roll
roll of
of his
his affected
affected Trait
Trait (at
(at nominal
nominal value
value of
course) VS
course) VS the
the Belief
Belief Points,
Points, or
or the
the Caster
Caster voluntarily
voluntarily lifts
lifts the
curse. Like
curse. Like Montado,
Montado, thisthis means
means the the Target
Target could
could potentially
potentially be
cursed for
cursed for aa very
very long
long time.
time. Example:
Example: The The Somosa
Somosa houngan
houngan is is
facing aa powerful
facing powerful warrior.
warrior. HeHe curses
curses him
him with
with 1313 Belief
Belief Points,
sacrificing his
sacrificing his own
own PREPRE and
and BTY
BTY (which
(which he he doesn’t
doesn’t need
need at
the moment) to sink the warrior’s STR. Until the curse is
lifted, the
lifted, the warrior
warrior will
will have
have aa crippling
crippling penalty
penalty ofof 13
13 points
to all tasks involving STR (while the houngan suffers the
same to all tasks involving PRE and BTY).
Wicca, nature-loving do-gooders, gypsies, lovers.
Lairs, vampires, werewolves and freaks.
of the state of the moon. Not all of the medieval
legends about vampires and werewolves ought to be ierogamy: Most members of Big Sis were
disregarded: many did devolve into beasts -but those already in Hierogamy –usually against their
who found the Sisterhood in time finally understood. will- before even hearing about the organization; in
these cases Big Sis teaches the “monsters” how to live
The Sisterhood arranges for them what is necessary with themselves and eventually find peace. However
to sate the hunger of their inner demons, and then voluntary inductions do occur: the Sisterhood of
teaches them to gradually regain some measure of Salem is the only organization that believes the guest
control. These so-called “vampires”, “werewolves” spirit and the mortal host must actually be in love in
and "freaks" are amongst the most loyal forces any the fullest sense of the word; and won’t proceed with
organization could ever have: for when they fight the union otherwise. A Moon Marriage resembles a
they fight for the only home and family they've ever traditional Wicca wedding: think of being
known. surrounded by all your friends and loved ones in
their best attire at some picturesque chapel in the
P aranormal Skills
A stral Travel (SPI) – "I understand this is going to be your first time to try this." "Y-yes, yes sir."
"You don't have to call anyone 'Sir' around here. Call me Jake". "Yes... Jake." "You're nervous.
Don't be. It's not like Summerland, where everything changes all around you. You will still be in this
physical world, and no one will be able to touch you, no one will be able to harm you."
"No one? Not one?" Jake looked away for a second. "No one near."
Roll: No
Roll: No further
further dice
dice required.
required. Caster
Caster gains
gains Belief
Belief Points
Points Bonuses
Bonuses toto
MND, SPI and CHA but equal Belief lief Points
Points Penalties
Penalties to
to STR,
and END.
and END. Storywise
Storywise the
the characters‘
characters‘ trance
trance can
can be
be so
so strong
strong that
Aura becomes
their Aura becomes brightly
brightly visible,
visible, acting
acting as
as aa light
light source.
haracters with
Characters with zero
zero STR
STR may
may find
find themselves
themselves unable
unable toto even
walk. It ends at will.
P rimal (SPI) – "Oh, it'll be the best sex you've ever had, in your entire life, bar none, guaranteed.
But just two caveats: one, you may not survive it, and two, if you do, you may not remember
much of it. Wear protection. As in, armor."
Roll: No further dice required. When the Caster goes Primal he gains Belief Points Bonuses to STR, DEX and
END but equal Belief Points Penalties to MND, SPI and CHA. Storywise the Caster enters an animalistic state
which is is incredibly
incredibly useful
useful for
for melee
melee combat
combat (or
(or for
for any
any physical
physical task)
task) at
-at the
cost ofof sentience.
sentience. Depending
Depending on on the
the degree
degree of of intensity,
intensity, the
the Caster
Caster may
manifest certain
certain physical
physical changes
changes such
such as
as enlarged
enlarged fangs,
fangs, claws,
claws, or
or vellum.
Characters with
with zero
zero MND
MND willwill exhibit
exhibit intelligence
intelligence nono better
better than
than that
that of
of aa
feral beast.
beast. The
The only
only way
way toto return
return to
to normal
normal is is by
by rolling
rolling nominal
nominal MND
Belief Points.
Points. Give
Give Penalties
Penalties to
to this
this roll
roll if
if the
the Caster
Caster isis wounded,
wounded, forfor aa
wounded animal
wounded animal is
is that
that much
much closer
closer to
to the
the psychic
psychic surface.
Roll: Belief
Roll: Belief Points
Points VSVS Target’s
Target’s SPI
SPI on
on contact
contact with
with Target,
Target, or
with an
with an object
object that
that is
is highly
highly significant
significant toto Target.
Target. The
The Caster
will receive
receive inin aa few
few seconds
seconds (as
(as if
if during
during aa flashback)
flashback) the
total input
input ofof the
the Target’s
Target’s senses
senses andand feelings
feelings for
for the
the last
few hours. Pain, pleasure, fear, anger, plus whatever the
Target saw, heard, smelled, etc, will become an instant vivid
memory; it
memory; it can
can be
be overwhelming.
overwhelming. SomeSome invoke
invoke Empathy
Empathy after
having the
the Target
Target reminisce
reminisce first;
first; this
this way
way the
the Caster
Caster can
can peer
into longpast
long-past events.
events. Empathy
Empathy works
works with
with animals
animals and
and plants,
plants, too.
Roll: No
Roll: No further
further dice
dice required.
required. Once
Once harnessed
harnessed the
the Belief
Belief Points
remain in
remain in stand-by
standby until
until the
the Caster
Caster wins
wins step
step 11 of
of Melee
Melee atat some
future turn.
future turn. At
At this
this point
point consider
consider aa storywise
storywise grapple
grapple with
with Belief
Points replacing
replacing STR,
STR, and
and with
with any
any Damage
Damage dealt
dealt to
to the
the Target
simultaneously beingbeing used
used toto heal
heal any
any damaged
damaged Trait
Trait of
of the
the Caster,
including Body
Body and/or
and/or Soul.
Soul. Some
Some selfidentifying
self-identifying “vampires”
“vampires” will
will feel
the urge
urge to
to bite
bite into
into the
the Target’s
Target’s neck
neck at
at this
this point;
point; some
some avoid
avoid Melee
Melee step
11 altogether
altogether by
by tricking
tricking their
their Target
Target into
into aa consensual
consensual embrace.
Occult secret society, conspiracies, rituals, old--
world-old-money, power and debauchery.
them to wield disproportionate economic, political
and cultural power: picture 12 black Cadillacs all ierogamy: The ritual includes all the classical
arriving at midnight at some venerable hilltop trappings: runes drawn on the floor, latin-
mansion in the historical heart of Boston. Usually chanting robed figures, black candles, mirrors, and
that is all anyone can picture, for what happens most certainly a sacrificial knife -which is soon
behind closed doors is a dearly guarded secret. There plunged into the inductee’s chest, and left there. The
are rumors of devil worshipping, of bacchanalia and inductee is then buried in private land, inside a
orgies, of human sacrifices and pentagrams drawn in luxurious coffin. His spirit has two days to wander
blood over expensive hardwood flooring, chants in the Shadowside looking for a suitable companion. If
latin and hooded men wielding ceremonial knives, successful, the new Thelemite wakes up inside the
etc. Their relic collection is said to rival both Malleus' coffin, removes the knife, and pulls a rope connected
and the Vatican’s. to a bell up in the surface. Within days the club will
celebrate the inductee's successful rite of passage
P aranormal Skills
S ervitor (SPI) - "Have you met our majordomo, Mr. Welldone?" inquired Harris, cheerfully, as the
grisly apparition resembling a charred skeleton draped in thick black smoke picked up the guest-
s' luggage and merely flew to the balcony. "Good help is so hard to find these days."
Roll: A
Roll: A two-step
twostep ritual
ritual is
is required.
required. TheThe Caster
Caster manifests
manifests hishis will
will in
in physical
physical form
creating a servant sustained ined byby his
his life
life force.
force. This
This spirit
spirit has
has approximately
approximately half half the
aster’s Belief
Caster’s Belief Points
Points inin all
all Traits,
Traits, can
can fly,
fly, talk,
talk, and
and will
will remain
remain present
present until
ismissed or
dismissed or destroyed.
destroyed. TheThe Caster's
Caster's Soul
Soul and
and Body
Body are
are diminished
diminished by by thethe same
elief Points
Belief Points amount
amount and and may
may notnot be
be restored
restored for
for as
as long
long as as the
the Servitor
Servitor exists.
The specific
The specific shape
shape of of the
the Servitor
Servitor is is up
up toto the
the Caster’s
Caster’s imagination
imagination (even(even
personating anyone
impersonating anyone the
the Caster
Caster can
can vividly
vividly imagine)
imagine) but
but may
may not
not be
be bigger
than aa man.
man. Servitors
Servitors maymay talk
talk with
with any
any voice
voice the
the Caster
Caster imagines,
imagines, but
knowledge hails
their knowledge hails directly
directly from
from the
the Caster’s
Caster’s own
own -their
their sentience
sentience isis
thereforere an
an illusion.
illusion. Example:
Example: withwith 1010 Belief
Belief Points
Points the
the Caster
Caster may
onjure aa black
conjure black dog
dog with
with burning
burning redred eyes
eyes and
and average
average traits
traits of
of 5,
5, but
Soul Trait
his Soul Trait goes
goes from
from 1212 to
to 2,
2, and
and his
his Body
Body Trait
Trait goes
goes from
from 1010 to
to 00
ing him
leaving him quite
quite vulnerable.
vulnerable. Soul
Soul and
and Body
Body Traits
Traits may
may not
not gogo below
zero from
zero from this
this skill
skill even
even if
if the
the Belief
Belief Points
Points are
are greater.
greater. Servitors
Servitors have
same Skills
the same Skills as
as the
the Caster
Caster -including
including thethe ability
ability to
to create
create Servitors
of their own.
T he Eye of Isis (MND) - "I'll tell nothing!" the crook vowed. "Oh
hush now and close your eyes, son. When I ask my questions,
you're not going to want to see what answers."
Roll: Belief
Roll: Belief Points
Points VS
VS Target’s
Target’s MND
MND within
within audible
audible range.
range. Take
Take thethe
quired roll
difference between the required roll and
and the
the actual
actual roll;
roll; this
this is
is the
aximum number
maximum number ofof Yes/No
Yes/No answers
answers thethe Caster
Caster will
will intuit
intuit (even
against the
against the will
will of
of the
the Target)
Target) provided
provided the the Target
Target merely
merely hears
hears the
tions. Typically
questions. Typically the
the Caster
Caster will
will stare
stare atat his
his Target
Target with
with one
one eye
ugh aa triangle
through triangle shaped
shaped with
with his
his fingers.
fingers. Caster
Caster may
may askask up
up to
to three
questions per turn.
Roll: Belief
Roll: Belief Points
Points VSVS any
any Target’s
Target’s Trait
Trait (as
(as chosen
chosen by
by the
the Caster)
Caster) on
uring contact.
enduring contact. TheThe difference
difference between
between the
the required
required roll
roll and
and the
the actual
ll, if
roll, if positive,
positive, is is the
the maximum
maximum number
number ofof points
points the
the Target
Target loses
loses and
and the
aster (or
Caster (or aa chosen
chosen ally
ally in
in contact
contact with
with the
the Caster)
gains in in the
the challenged
challenged Trait,
Trait, including
including Body,
Body, Soul
orr LFE,
LFE, until
until the
the Target
Target either
either dies
dies or
or recovers
recovers at
hich point
which point allall gains
gains over
over nominal
nominal value
value disap
pear. Since
Since itit requires
requires prolonged
prolonged physical
physical contact
the Target
Target must
must be be willing
willing or
or otherwise
otherwise defenseless
to be exploited.
H ex (MND) - "It's just not my day today, I guess. I never miss a shot. And it was just 10 feet!
What's wrong with me!?" The agent was just too preocuppied to notice the incoming bus-
Roll: Belief Points VS Target’s MND and SPI combined on line of sight. The difference between the required
roll and the actual roll, if positive, is the Penalty the Target will suffer to his next roll, representing the
temporary curse.
temporary curse. Large
Large numbers
numbers may may bebe split
split across
across several
several turns
turns if
if desired.
The Caster
The Caster may
may quietly
quietly Hex
Hex anyone
anyone within
within eyesight
eyesight without
without their
knowledge. Example:
knowledge. Example: rolling
rolling 17
17 on
on aa required
required roll
roll of
of 11
11 yields
yields 66 points:
enough to
enough to Hex
Hex aa target
target 33 points
points per
per turn
turn for
for 22 turns.
Roll: A
Roll: A ritual
ritual of
of at
at least
least two
two steps
steps is
is required.
required. The
The Caster
Caster draws
draws aa
pentagram on
pentagram on the
the floor
floor and
and imbues
imbues itit with
with his
his choice
choice ofof positive
or negative
or negative energy
energy applicable
applicable to to his
his chosen
chosen Trait.
Trait. Any
Any person
(friend or
(friend or foe)
foe) who
who stands
stands inside
inside the
the pentagram
pentagram will
will receive
receive aa Bo-Bo
nus (or
nus (or Penalty,
Penalty, as as chosen
chosen by by the
the Caster)
Caster) to
to the
the chosen
chosen Trait
Trait for
the amount
the amount of of Belief
Belief Points
Points the
the Caster
Caster invested
invested until
until the
the end
end ofof the
storywise crisis.
storywise crisis. The
The number
number of of people
people who
who fit
fit inside
inside aa pentagram
correspond to
correspond to the
the number
number of of turns
turns the
the Caster
Caster spent
spent in
in its
its ritual.
ritual. A
Caster may
Caster may draw
draw several
several overlapping
overlapping pentagrams
pentagrams to to target
target more
than one
than one Trait
Trait -each
each isis considered
considered aa separate
separate application.
application. Penta-
grams may
grams may be be drawn
drawn on on aa ceiling.
Roll: A
Roll: A ritual
ritual of
of at
at least
least two
two steps
steps is
is required.
required. The
The Caster
Caster must
know the
know the Entity's
Entity's True
True Name.
Name. The The Entity
Entity must
must come
come voluntar-
ily. For
ily. For every
every 10
10 Belief
Belief Points
Points thethe Caster
Caster invests
invests he
he may
may open
open aa
oneway bridge
one-way bridge toto the
the Shadowside
Shadowside that that allows
allows aa named
named Entity
Entity to
visit our
visit our real
real world
world for
for one
one turn
turn (or
(or 11 minute
minute ifif not
not cast
cast during
during aa story-
wise crisis).
wise crisis). The
The Entity
Entity is
is fully
fully capable
capable of of interacting
interacting with
with our
our world.
There is
There is no
no guarantee
guarantee that
that the
the Entity
Entity will
will be
be agreeable
agreeable to to the
the Caster's
desires; it
desires; it remains
remains hishis own
own individual,
individual, with
with his
his own
own motivations
and plans. A wise Caster will prepare something to bargain
with before bringing such powerful party to the table.
A CCELLETRIX: Corporate ruthlessness, men-
in-black, high-tech, mad science. Big profits and
low scruples.
P aranormal Skills
A ctive Biological Denial (MND) – "What the- are you out of your goddamn mind, Jones? Do you
have any idea how much it will cost to clean this up?" "But you saw how he was coming at me!"
"Then you should have remembered your goddamn training, son. We have options for this kind of
shit. ABD ring any bells? Jesus Christ. I'm telling you, the paperwork for this? All
Roll: Belief
Roll: Belief Points
Points vs
vs Target’s
Target’s STR
STR oror DEX
DEX (whichever
(whichever is is lower)
lower) on on line
line of
of sight.
sight. The
difference between the required d roll
roll and
and the
the actual
actual roll,
roll, if
if positive,
positive, is
is how
how many
many points
points the
arget loses
Target loses from
from Belief
Belief Points,
Points, then
then either
either DEX
DEX oror STR,
STR, then
then Body,
Body, then
then LFE.
LFE. Upon
Upon STRSTR or
DEX reaching
DEX reaching zero,
zero, the
the Target
Target falls
falls to
to the
the floor,
floor, unable
unable to to move.
move. Provided
Provided LFE
LFE isis
untouched losses
untouched losses are
are not
not permanent,
permanent, andand disappear
disappear byby themselves
themselves at at aa rate
rate of
of 11 point
point per
turn. ABD feels both numbing and painful.
P acifier (MND) – "Wow, I... these must be some strong Margaritas, will
you excuse me for a moment?" "Of course, baby!". The pretty lady
walked away, trying not to stumble, towards the ladies room. "I cannot
approve of what you are doing, Omar." "What's it to you ghosty? You were
gay in life, or something?" "Why I... no! It is simply
wrong. You are not supposed to-" "To what? To
turn off the mute button on your PT Module
there? Wanna go nighty-night again?" "... No..."
"Good. So just chillax, and enjoy the ride then,
Roll: Belief
Roll: Belief Points
Points VS
VS Target’s
Target’s MND
MND or or SPI
SPI (whichever
(whichever isis lower)
lower) on
on line
line of
of sight.
tween the
The difference between the required
required roll
roll and
and the
the actual
actual roll,
roll, if
if positive,
positive, is
is how
any Belief
many Belief Points
Points the
the Target
Target loses.
loses. Once
Once aa Target
Target is
is out
out of
of Belief
Belief Points,
Points, Pacifier
begins to
to reduce
reduce either
either SPI
SPI or
or MND
MND until
until the
the Target
Target loses
loses consciousness,
consciousness, thenthen
Soul, then
then LFE.
LFE. Provided
Provided LFELFE isis untouched,
untouched, the
the Trait
Trait damage
damage is is not
not permanent,
and healsls by
by itself
itself at
at aa rate
rate of
of 11 point
point per
per turn.
turn. Victims
Victims describe
describe the
the effect
effect as
as aa
sudden heat
heat wave
wave that
that makes
makes them
them feel
feel dizzy,
dizzy, disoriented
disoriented and
and aa little
little drunk.
N ull Field (SPI) – "Yeah, I see them, too. Hold your positions." "6
o'clock too, sir!". "Copy. Just stay cool and get those Null Fields
going. Maintain unit formation for maximum AoE. After the first wave
fizzles we come out guns blazing towards Alpha, understood?" "Yes sir!"
the six men replied. "Good. Maybe you monkeys do get to live forever."
P otentiator (SPI) – "Science, bitches." crowed McReady, as he emerged out of cover to find all 24
assailants suddenly asleep all around the plaza. "But... but I don't understand" replied Father
Garcia "I expected at least a few of them would defy the Holy Word..." "Yeah, I gave you a little assist
there, Padre. Like I said, Science."
Roll: No further dice required; line of sight. Once harnessed the Belief Points remain in stand-by, and the
Caster may
may atat any
any time
time add
add them
them toto the
the Belief
Belief Points
Points of
of any
any Paranormal
Paranormal Skill
Skill in
progress within
within line
line of
of sight.
sight. Example:
Example: one
one Accelletrix
Accelletrix agent
agent is
is casting
casting Pacifier
against aa Target
Target with
with 12
12 Belief
Belief Points.
Points. The
The Caster
Caster applies
applies Potentiator
Potentiator for
for 10
10 more
points, and
and the
the resulting
resulting Pacifier
Pacifier hits
hits with
with aa force
force of
of 22
22. After a successful REF
check, the
the Caster
Caster may
may issue
issue Potentiator
Potentiator even
even inin the
the same
same round
round as
as the
the effect
effect it's
trying to
to strengthen.
strengthen. AA Caster
Caster may
may have
have only
only one
one Potentiator
Potentiator in
in standby
stand-by atat aa
time. Potentiator can only be applied to Targets other than the Caster and
effects other than Potentiator.
Roll: No
Roll: No further
further dice
dice required;
required; all
all individuals
individuals within
within aa 90
90 degree
degree cone
cone and
in line of sight of the Caster are Targets. Attitude Adjustment encourages
peaceful Targets to become aggressive, and aggressive Targets to become
peaceful. Targets must roll MND or SPI (whichever is higher) against Belief
Points. Failing
Points. Failing this
this roll
roll will
will result
result in
in aa corresponding
corresponding penalty
penalty toto all
all actions
contrary to
contrary to the
the Attitude
Attitude Adjustment.
Adjustment. Targets
Targets must
must repeat
repeat this
this roll
roll every
every turn
until they
until they succeed,
succeed, atat which
which point
point they
they break
break free
free from
from the
the Skill's
Skill's influence.
Roll: No
Roll: No further
further dice
dice required.
required. T.S.
T.S. Relocation
Relocation (where
(where T.S stands for Time-
involves using
Space involves
Space) using the
the Shadowside
Shadowside as as aa shortcut
shortcut between
between twotwo locations
locations inin
our real
our real world.
world. ItIt is
is usually
usually fashioned
fashioned out
out of
of existing
existing doors,
doors, windows,
manholes, or
manholes, or any
any other
other element
element which
which can
can be
be understood
understood to to "open",
"open", "close"
and "let
and "let people
people through".
through". Belief
Belief Points
Points open
open the
the first
first entry
entry point;
point; opening
opening thethe
corresponding exit
corresponding exit point
point in
in any
any future
future turn
turn has
has no
no further
further costs.
costs. The
The system
system is is
simply not
simply not usable
usable unless
unless both
both entry
entry and
and exit
exit points
points are
are set,
set, but
but once
once set
set then
communication can
communication can go
go both
both ways.
ways. For
For every
every 10
10 Belief
Belief Points
Points invested,
invested, the
the Portal
will remain
will remain open
open 11 turn.
turn. All
All who
who travel
travel through
through must
must all
all aa D20;
D20; if
if the
the die
die falls
falls on
1, the
1, the traveler
traveler does
does not
not come
come out
out through
through the
the matching
matching exit
exit point,
point, but
but instead
becomes lost
becomes lost in
in the
the Shadowside.
SCAV3NG3R : Internet subculture, geeks, punks,
nihilists, rebels and anarchs. Folk and stage magic
meets Fight Club / Anonymous.
#!SCaV3NG3R” was the "tripcode"
originally used by the movement’s
founding figure in some backwater internet image
board known only as "/x/". People who followed
him in retracing the steps of “creepypastas”
eventually took to calling themselves “scavengers”
(or “scavs” for short) and started contributing their
own findings online. The “legit” ones would be
endlessly re-posted, resulting in that many more
thrill-seekers joining the fad and in turn creating new
“creepypastas”. While /x/ itself would eventually
fall into grievous disrepair, other specialized forums
and blogs started popping up everywhere, manuals
hey are also a bunch of nerds. Expect “newfags”.
were written, comics were drawn, infographics were
Expect no better headquarters than cybercafés or
charted and just like that in the space of a few years a
comic book shops and basements. Expect people
whole new subculture had been born.
“doing it for the lulz”. Expect offers to flood the
enemies with pizzas, or “dox” them. Expect
It was all fun and games at first. For many it still is.
brotherhood. Expect loyalty and lifelong friendships,
But many “oldfags” have been trying to organize
and a cause greater than any you could find in a
into something more coherent. Scavengers are in the
cubicle. They are the ultimate Joker card; the last
unique position to know exactly what each and
representatives of an honest humanity in all of its
every other organization represents for the
raw beauty and raw ugliness.
Shadowside, They don’t gel with the medieval
dogma of Diaboli, the gang zealotry of Fujin’s Blood, ierogamy: Being the most anarchic organiza-
or the brutality of Somosa. They don’t buy into tion, Hierogamy in SCaV3NG3R occurs on a
Thelema’s claims of a New World Order, and see case-by-case basis, and sometimes almost by random
right through the fascist P.R. BS of Accelletrix. As for chance. Scavs are frequent visitors to the Shadowside
Big Sis, they consider their ideals noble at best, but –often following urban legends and “creepy pastas”-
naïve. They know the Shadowside (a term they and sooner or later are bound to cross paths with
coined) holds the key to more than just freedom in interesting individuals there. Words may be
this life or salvation in the next. But no one listens. exchanged, agreements and proposals discussed.
Sometimes all it takes to seal the deal is a handshake;
It would be a mistake to underestimate SCaV3NG3R sometimes the host spirit demands much, much
simply because they lack the money of Thelema, the more (and "forever-alone" "newfags" are often made
hardware of Accelletrix, the numbers of Big Sis, the fun of for falling for the first succubus they find). Out
relics of Diaboli or a vendetta to run them ragged of all organizations, Scavengers are at most risk of
like Somosa or Fujin’s. SCaV3NG3R is an internet being taken by Skinstealers, malicious spirits who will
consciousness lead by all but ruled by none, utterly absorb the sentience of their host. One way or
powered from a million connected points of light another, Scavengers are rather prone to enter the
and impervious to corruption. They are the bane of Shadowside alone and return accompanied. Unlike
Accelletrix -and of any other group who gets too big all other organizations, Scavengers can break
for its britches. They are the infinite-headed hydra of Hierogamy (albeit with great difficulty), and
the Information Age, living Chaos Theory, and all of sometimes this leads to a debatably-deserved re-
our youth facing the final days of a much harsher, putation of spiritual “promiscuity”. They're under-
darker world. dogs... but they live free.
P aranormal Skills
S igil (MND) – "Damnit, it's barred from the inside! What now?" "Relax. You know, Malleus is right
about one thing... and if you're gonna' roll with us you might as well get it right... " "And what is
that?" "Kids, man..." said t-daun as he produced a can of spray paint from his jacket and started to
shake it "Fucking kids today, so disrespectful..." "Wait, seriously? You're just
gonna draw a dick there and go? Fucking graffiti-that's the big mission?"
"Follow the letters I'm tracing, new-friend: W-E-A-K-S-A-U-C-E all in one
space-make it artsy". t-daun contemplated his handiwork for a second,
grinned, then gave the heavy church door a kick: it snapped cleanly in two.
"Tango Down."
Roll: No
Roll: No further
further dice
dice required.
required. ByBy drawing
drawing aa particular
particular symbol
symbol on on any
any object,
Caster may
the Caster may temporarily
temporarily endow
endow or or weaken
weaken the the object
object with
with aa one-time-
usee Trait
Trait sustained
sustained byby his
his harnessed
harnessed Belief
Belief Points;
Points; this
this Trait
Trait remains
in stand-by
in standby until
until spent.
spent. This
This isis particularly
particularly useful
useful for
for creating
creating traps
or one-time-use weapons. Example: the enemiess are are about
about toto break
through the door, so the Caster draws a HARDEN Sigil Sigil on
on it,
imbuing it it with
with 20
20 Belief
Belief Points.
Points. That
That door
door now
now has
has an
an additional
20 points
points of
of END
END forfor the
the next
next turn
turn when
when the the enemies
enemies trytry to
break it. Example: the Caster draws SURESHOT on on an
an ally's
rifle for
for 15
15 Belief
Belief Points
Points on
on DEX.
DEX. Next
Next shot
shot fired
fired by
by that
that rifle
ill have
will have aa 15
15 DEX
DEX bonus
bonus toto hit.
hit. Sigils
Sigils may
may only
only be
be applied
to inanimate
inanimate objects,
objects, and
and take
take one
one turn
turn toto draw.
draw. Digesting
an imbued object has no effect.
H unch (SPI) – "Yeah, well, ain't no party like a Somosa party, cuz' a Somosa party don't stop.
Like, ever. The Abuelo grabs you by the nuts and rides you around until you get killed for the
cause, then grabs another. Trust me you don't want to attend that little soiree tonight; your cousin is
lying and there are safer ways to get laid, anyway."
Roll: Belief Points vs Target's MND or Story-Host difficulty for objects/places, on line of sight: If successful,
the Caster receives an accurate "gut feeling" about the intentions of the Target, or the likely outcome of
proceeding into a certain location or using a certain object. The Story-Host will not give specifics but will
describe positive or negative feelings to his best Seeing ability.
P resto (MND) – Toshiro wiped the blood off his bottom lip, and aimed his gun at ManDraKe... the
scavenger had nowhere left to run. "Sayonara, gaijin". Click. Nothing happened. Toshiro pulled
the trigger again -click, click. Nothing. Confused, he checked the gun’s chamber and found... a tooth?
Only then did he realize something was sloshing inside his mouth... and spit out a bullet. Presto.
Roll: Belief Points vs object’s CON on medium-to-close quarters: Provided both objects are loose enough,
reasonably small and out of sight, the Caster may make them swap places -like a stage magician.
M edium (SPI) – "Why... why can't I move?" "Because this body doesn't belong to you." "W-where
am I?" "If you must know, we're in the basement of Tony's Pronto Pizza, in Weehawken, New
Jersey." "But, my wedding... the estate... Baron Rothschild will-" "That was all a long, long time ago,
sweetheart. Right now though, it would help us a whole lot if you could remember where you left your
engagement ring. You weren't buried with it. You remember it right? Big,
shiny thing?"
Roll: A
Roll: A ritual
ritual of
of at
at least
least two
two steps
steps is
is required.
required. The
The Caster
Caster must
must know
know the
Entity's True Name.
Entity's True Name. For For every
every 1010 Belief
Belief Points
Points the
the Caster
Caster invests
invests he
he may
channel the
channel the Entity
Entity forfor 11 turn
turn (or
(or 11 minute
minute if
if not
not cast
cast during
during aa storywise
crisis), allowing
allowing it it to
to talk,
talk, but
but not
not much
much more.
more. There
There is
is no
no guarantee
that the
that the Entity
Entity will
will be
be agreeable
agreeable toto any
any conversation;
conversation; Medium allows
it the
the capability
capability to to speak
speak through
through the
the Caster,
Caster, but
but doesn't
doesn't necessarily
compels it it to.
W hat does the
look like?
D o we leave
our bodies
We do not. Seeing the Shadowside is not ex-
t looks like whatever most people think it looks
traordinary by itself -many people experience
like. Just like in a dream, where we recognize loca-
glimpses of it through premonitions, dreams, or
tions even if they are not exactly accurate to their
simply "hearing voices". Entering the Shadowside,
real-life counterparts, the aggregate of most
on the other hand, involves bringing our entire
people's memories and feelings about a
fleshware along for the ride, and this is what gives
particular place will give that place it's particular
organizations an edge over most lost and demented
Shadowside natives.
places where few would wander willingly.
hat can a living person
Ordinary places may seem fundamentally not that
do in the Shadowside?
different from our real world -perhaps merely
Once inside the Shadowside physical distances be-
dreamlike. But the greater the intensity of the men-
come subjective, and trained individuals may will
tal energies projected (consciously or unconsciously)
themselves to locations either too distant or too se-
onto a location, the more it will morph into it's own
cure to reach via the real world. Accelletrix makes a
singular world; some becoming the true stuff of
fortune transporting goods and people this way, and
nightmares with leather-skin walls pierced by bones
infiltration becomes a distinct possibility, as Somosa
and dripping of blood. Others may resemble the
and Fujin's Blood know only too well. The Shad-
classical Judeo-Christian heaven, with warm lights
owside is also useful to observe and influence the
and an overwhelming, flooding sense of peace.
minds of the living at their peak of honesty and vul-
Every place has a meaning and a message.
nerability -usually via their dreams- and GTS has
mastered this art through its use of Mentors, Muses
ow does one enter the
and Rivals. If knowledge is what you seek the Shad-
owside is the ultimate living record of every single
event in history since the dawn of sentience, albeit
It is important to understand that we are all already
twisted and corrupted in parts. In search of God Di-
in the Shadowside. The Shadowside overlaps our
abolis has been gathering these parts, and in mock-
reality, feeds on our perceptions and grows to match
ing Him Scavenger has been putting them together.
their intensity. When we sleep all of our dreams take
Ultimately the Shadowside holds the scent which
place in the Shadowside, and our ideas, inspiration,
makes us both divine and mortal, and the key to our
fears, hopes -our very sentience- all have their genes-
survival. This is the Sisterhood of Salem's quest.
is there. Entering the Shadowside is more about fine
tuning our awareness to match the consensus that
already surrounds us, than it is about actually trav-
hat do organizations ul-
eling to a different physical location -although fre-
timately want?
quently the two elements reinforce one another.
Fujin wants revenge against the West. Malleus wants
to return to prominence as world-saviors. Somosa
Therefore, the common factor in all means of entry is
wants both a better life for its oppressed people and
conviction: the belief that in following a certain pro-
revenge against its oppressors. Big Sis wants world
cedure one will surely make us pass through the
peace. GTS wants to rule a New World Order; Accel-
looking glass.
letrix too, but through science. Scavenger wants lulz.
H ow do different organizations enter the Shadowside?
Fujin's Blood: They are infamous for casting Kyofu Zei on a victim, then gorging on the link via psycholo-
gical torture until they reach a drunken-like stupor. The Chimamire will remain in the Blood Web until Ky-
ofu Zei is broken.
Malleus Diaboli: Supplicants are given a holy relic from the vast Malleus collection, and, clutching it tightly
to their chest, pray with every fiber of their being. The true believers open their eyes in Limbo, and return
back to our world in the same way.
Somosa: Through Cemetery Dust -an intoxicating powder prepared by their Shamans- and ingested like a
recreational drug. It is also the only method that can force an unwilling victim into the Fén Nwa Bó. A second
dose brings them back.
Sisterhood of Salem: Through water -preferably running water such as rivers or streams, and preferably
through full submersion, although on occasion Speakers have been known to make do with a quiet bathtub.
The Speaker will hold his breath, close his eyes, submerge, believe, and then re-emerge into Summerland.
Same procedure for exit -most travelers carry a vial of water around their neck as a fallback.
Greater Thelema Society: GTS uses Hermetic rituals, which require at a minimum the drawing of chalk
lines on the floor, and candles. They exit the Astral Plane through whispering an agreed-upon secret pass
phrase, which is inscribed on the floor together with the pentagram.
Accelletrix: PT-Enabled individuals simply enter a password into a bracelet-mounted device, which then
pumps measured doses of goop into their implanted modules. The effect is temporarily intoxicating, and ab-
use may lead to renal malfunction. They follow the same procedure for exit.
SCaV3NG3R: Through following creepypastas, or through any of the other methods used by any other or-
ganization, save of course Accelletrix. Exit is much less reliable, and happens on a case by case basis.
T erms and Lingo
Shadow- KK, Ketsueki Limbo Fén Nwa Bó Summerland Hyper-uranium Psychic Tem- Shadowside
Belief Kasai Faith Fós Strength Heart Will Temporal Bio- Voluntas or
Ghosts Yurei, Kogeta, Souls, Saints, Loas Ghosts, Souls, Astral Forms P.T. Entities Ghosts, Spooks,
Restless, Angels, Demons Spirits, etc Skinstealers, etc
Divine Wind
Transition (No particular Purgatory Ni Aquí ni Allá To be Homeless The Great Depersonaliza- Euphoria
Hierogamy Kizu Bound Saint Abuelo (Referred to by Guardian P.T. Energy Casper
Hierogamy Shizou Sasu Breath of Life Riding Moon Marriage Grand Hosting P.T. Enablement Hierogamy
Stabbing the (Vatting)
Crisis of Kanbatsu The Great The Sufferation The Long The Withering Zasukha Cancer
Faiths Drought Tribulation Winter Drought
The End of Chi no kozui The Apocalypse Armageddon The Void Endgame Protocol Omega Longcatnaröck
the World To Flood with
Fujin's Malleus Somosa Big Sis GTS Accelletrix Scavenger
Blood Diaboli
Skill Fear Tax Binding Mercies As You As Me. Solidarity Psychical Inter- P.T. Entanglement Handcuffs
Names Whispers Gift of Omens Cat's Ball of Yarn Windwords Projection of Mind Telepathy Ghost-mail
Wind's Hand Hand of God Spirit of the World Force of Gaia Projection of Telekinesis Spoon-bending
Any character Might
Blade of Blood Blood of the Lamb Butcher Blade of Pain Sanguinaries Shaped Organic Carnage
can learn any Weapon
Blood Tax Sacrament Sacrifice To Turn Inside Exsanguination Supracutaneous Messy Mendez
skill from any Hematomy
organization Blood Mist Veil Fog Shadow of Sum- Tenebrae Tactical Area Fog of War
merland Concealment
provided he Inner Strength Holy Restoration Second Breath Healing Mending the Flesh Accelerated Biolo- To Life up
gical Recovery
finds a willing Royal Presence Sun's Radiance Respect Majesty Projection of Right Psychological De- Bluff
tutor. Skills in
War Notice Evangelize Good Word Power of Truth Projection of Will Non-ectoplasmic Braveheart
italics denote P.T. Recovery
Tiger Spirit Lord's Strength Big Punch To have One's Spiritual Might Tactical Trait En- Short Buff
organization of Heart in his Fists hancement
Decree God's Word The Law Final Truth Compel Psychical Coercion Simon Says
origin and
preference. Clay Transmutation * Sticks and Stones Turning Carnifection Material Mutabil- Nerf
War General Martyrdom We're Holy Champion Concession Attribute Trans- Long Buff
Fujin's Blood, Posession Lower Visitation To be Riding Uninvited Guest Forced Hosting External Sentience NPC
Another as Horse Override
Malleus Di- Spider Trap Jacob's Ladder The Dark Side Diving Through Janus' Gate Involuntary P.T. Either Dakota
aboli and So- Insertion
To Hold by the False Idol Memento Soul-Anchor Reverse Homun- Anchor-based Voodoo Doll
mosa's Skills Hairs culus Sympathetism
Flesh Demon Lesser Lazarus Zombi Aberration Incarnation Depersonalized Carpenters and
are usually in life-form Romeros
Noble Sacrifice Flagellation Two for One Entrustment Tribute Tactical Trait De-buff
Japanese, Latin Degradation
and Creole or To Fly Over The Revelation Fleshless Astral Travel Astral Projection Psychical Loco- Ghosting
Web motion
Spanish, re- Old Wives' Brews Holy Waters Medicines Homebrew Lower Alchemy P.T. Consumables Powerups
spectively. Correctness Divine To See as the Loas Enlightenment Muse Gamma State Going Hawking
Rage Leviathan All Muscle No Primal To Channel the Frenzy To Tank up
* The Trans- Brains Beast
To Query the Scrying of Souls To Read the Bones Empathy Hera's Mirror Extra-Temporal Gypsy
mutation Skill Wind Perception
Blood Drinker Eucharist of Wine Soul Eater Vampire Venice Working Attribute Absorp- Leech
results in ma- tion Alpha
House Demon Angel Pet Inner Child Servitor Simulated P.T. Puppet
terials other Entity
than flesh for Contract Arts Sight of St. Paul Truth-getter Honest Hearts Eye of Isis Cognitive Extrac- Snake Eyes
some organiza- Spirit Drinker Eucharist of Bread Dog Eat Dog Ghoul Damascus Attribute Absorp- Cannibal
Working tion Beta
tions. Four and Nine Damning Evil Eye Curse Hex Concealed Jinx
Cobweb Mene, Mene, Tekel To Enter the Loas' Place of Power Pentagram Preassembled P.T. Sweet Spot
u-Pharsin Backyard Effect Area
Honored Guest Higher Visitation In The Flesh Summerland Gate Summon P.T. Entity Mani- Hellgate
Castration Smiting Painmaker Weakening Hamstring Active Bio Denial Body Crip
Slow Gardening Condemnation Peacemaker Disheartening Shattering the Will Pacifier Mind Crip
Spirit of Rock Shield of Faith Turtle Shell Sidestep Shield of Ozman- Null Field Nerf Wall
Brotherhood Sword of Spirit My Brother's Unity Synchronization Potentiator Assist
Herding of Hardening / Hot or Sleepy Anger and Peace Eris Working Attitude Adjuster Aggro
Pigeons Softening Hearts
Sacred Gates Chariot of Fire To Fall up a Well Bridges of Gaia Mystical Portals T.S. Relocation Spawn Points
Paper Prayers (O- Scripture Deadman's Writ- Runes Sacred Geometry P.T. Focal Glyph Sigil
Fuda) ing Points
Playful Spirit To Imbue Living Toys Animistic Homunculus Pseudosentient True Purpose
Ominous Paths To Mind the Signs Guts' Wise Prescience Mystical Anticipa- Extra Sensory Per- Hunch
tion ception
Children's Trick Cantrip Hustler Switch Parlor Trick Minor Transloca- Presto
To Solicit Audi- The Act of Endor Chatter Channeling Minor Hosting P.T. Channeling Medium
To Step in Elder To Follow the Writ Recipe Rituals True and Accep- Empirical Pro- Creepypasta
Footsteps ted Wizardry cedures
A t its core everything comes down to this: Difficulty: Difficulty is issued by the StoryHost as
objectively as possible. It shouldn’t change
depending on who’s making the attempt –that’s
Every time a character tries to do
something which realistically may or may what we have Might for.
not succeed, a die needs to roll.
To aid in visualizing Difficulties as fairly as possible,
imagine what each action would feel like to a regular
To emphasize: not every single action requires a roll
Joe (and we define “regular” here as having a Might
-only those actions which realistically could fail, do.
of 7, which you can picture as 3 Trait plus 3 Skill plus
The die will tell us whether the attempt succeeds or
1 for either Item or Bonus). If something would feel
fails, and by how much –but there are two things the
Very Difficult to Joe, then Very Difficult it is to all.
die needs to know first: Might and Difficulty.
Sometimes, when two characters go against each
Might: At the bare minimum Might can be a single
other (typically for Melee, as you will soon see), the
Trait; there’re 14 of them so one is bound to be the
Difficulty for one is the Might of the other, and vice
best fit to whatever is the action being attempted.
versa. Try your best to map Difficulties to reality as
we know it (and for anything paranormal do stick to
Might is the sum of all the forces in favor of
the official Skills in this book, at least until you gain a
success and Difficulty is the sum of all
grasp of what “normal” really means in your
forces in favor of failure.
paranormal universe).
Now remember: Rolling a 14 is a different kind of
success than rolling a 20; the former has the ball hes-
itate around the rim for a few suspenseful seconds
D ice can be ruthless sometimes –which is part of
what makes all chance-based games exciting-
but there are times when chance is overrated; there
while the latter is a clean shot that bounces on the are times when certain outcomes deserve to happen
rival's head for good measure. A good StoryHost will even if the roll wasn’t quite there. For that we have
interpret not just the binary win/fail, but it's mag- Belief Points.
nitude too, and craft it in the story.
to hit that chandelier with 10 points worth of STR?
elief Points
That will cost you 10 Belief Points -and in the process
of casting it chances are you will recover a few. It is
possible to invest less points in a paranormal Skill
The Shadowside is a realm composed entirely of
than you will gain from successfully executing it.
psychical energies and “Belief Creates Reality” is its
only rule: you can literally dream anything into
Forcing the Hand of Fate: Say, for example that
existence if you believe in it hard enough. Belief
you needed to roll a 7 or better to succeed but you
Points represent your conviction, and for characters
actually rolled a 2: right off the bat this means you
in Hierogamy this conviction is key for two things:
lose 3 points (10-7=3). Now, before the StoryHost
1) Accessing the You gain Belief Points gets started describing exactly how you failed (for
paranormal -read by succeeding at rolls that would instantly make it canon) you could
as "casting spells" that needed 11 or choose to spend another 5 points to turn your roll of
more, and you lose Be- 2 into a 7. Announce it quickly. You won’t get back
2) Forcing the
lief Points by failing at the 3 Belief Points you already lost of course, so your
Hand of Fate -read
rolls that needed 10 or net point loss is 8, but at least you succeeded story-
as “fixing failed
less. wise, and sometimes that’s worth it.
A Complete Example -searing golden light which seals shut the vortex
with such force that stepping into the Shadowside
T he powder envelopes her face; she closes the book shut from this location will be nearly impossible in the
but it’s already too late; she has smelled this before: future, willingly and not! This lodge is now safe as a
it's Fén Nwa Bó. Instantly she feels dizzy. All three doors lock-box, no matter how hard the Somosa blood-
slam shut, a sudden gust of freezing air snuffs all the lures around it. She wins 3 Belief Points.
candles and the table starts trembling. "They’re sucking
you in, woman!" cries the voice of Demetrius The Unborn * Say she rolls a 14: Bare Success: The whispers
inside Meridian's head, barely audible above the rising turn into screams that rise into a cacophonous
chorus of disembodied whispers. Was that fear in the old crescendo –then the table breaks in four and
ghost's voice? She had never heard him sound quite like Meridian collapses out of breath, nearly unconscious.
this before in the six years since they merged in But there is silence -blessed silence; she has
Hierogamy. succeeded, barely, and even Demetrius feels faint.
The Somosa lose their connection. They will try again
Meridian rises, opens her arms and, infusing her voice some other day. She still wins 3 Belief Points.
with as much authority as she can muster, declares:
"Spirits of the Abyss! Leave us!". * Say she rolls a 13: Bare Failure: Meridian's eyes
fill with darkness, and the whispers fill her ears until
Will she succeed? Let's rule it: nothing else can be heard. She passes out for what
seems like a minute. But it couldn't have been a
S he is being the target of spell (Fén Nwa Bó is a minute. She knows this, because when she opens her
Somosa spell which can drag a target, kicking eyes again she is no longer in the old cultist's lodge.
and screaming, away to some nasty pre-determined The peeling-stained walls, the dark pool of liquid
place in the Shadowside). The question her dice are under the door, the moldy smell --all in a washed-
about to answer is whether it will work on her or out, misty black-and-white... it’s the asylum. She has
not. shifted into the Shadowside. At least old Demetrius
is still with her, standing by her side in his old 50’s
First let’s figure out her Might: take her SPI Trait of raincoat and hat.
7, and add the SPI of Demetrius –whom she's spir-
itually merged with- for another 8. She has no relev- * Say she rolls a 1: Critical Failure! Instantly the
ant Skill to use in her defense, but let's throw in the room "flips" into a large cell full of lunatics in
powerful +5 SPI Third Eye Amulet she's wearing straitjackets. There are surgery tools strewn about,
for another 5. That's a Might of 20 in all, and it's blood stained. The crazies grin at her and stare with
considerable –she’s an expert after all. But the trap bulging eyeballs -they seem to want her to start
set by the Somosa houngan is equally fearsome: 28 laughing?! Panicked, Meridian instinctively looks for
Belief Points worth of sucking her down into the a mirror, or any reflecting surface –quick, that grimy
Shadowside’s version of a nearby abandoned window! But her reflection is wearing a straitjacket
asylum. too... and it's starting to smile. Demetrius bangs the
door from the outside, unheard... as the twisting
We could have the Somosa houngan’s player roll on figures begin to close in and down on him...
28 vs 20, or we could have Meridian roll on 20 vs 28
–either way the chances are the same, but whoever
rolls the dice is the one whose Belief Points are at T he heart and joy of a roleplaying session lies in
giving creative and descriptive interpretations
to the cold numbers the system throws at us. It's cer-
stake. Let's let Meridian do us the honors, then: using
Jacob's Ladder we find she needs to roll a 14 or bet- tainly okay to say "you get hurt for 5 points of dam-
ter. age" but don't let that be the only thing you say.
Describe how did it happen. Did the damage come
* Say she rolls a 20: Critical Success! Her voice out of Body or Soul? Describe how the character
thunders like the Rock of Lazarus, and for a moment heroically avoided what would have been tragic and
her very aura manifests into the visible spectrum got lucky with just a scratch. Did it come out of Life?
Describe the very tragic event and it's implications.
D amage
A ll sorts of perils
Combat and Magic)
Body or Soul runs
out, then Damage is subtracted from LFE.
Damage to Body or Soul is considered minor and Regular Items simply pile on to your Might. You
doesn’t impact the character’s abilities in any way may hit hard with your fist, but you hit harder with
(think of minor “flesh wounds” in firefights, or a hammer; you may go fast on your feet, but you go
scrapes, cuts and bruises in melee brawls, headaches faster on a bike, etc. For example, a +7 END Bullet-
for psionic attacks etc). This Damage goes away proof Vest adds 7 points to your END when you’re
relatively easy (rest, first aid kits, wound dressing, taking a bullet. Refer to the Combat section, ahead.
medium level healing spells, etc).
Skill Based Items only help you if you already
Damage to LFE on the other hand means serious have a relevant Skill. Lacking a relevant Skill doesn’t
harm –the kind that normally requires immediate mean you cannot attempt the action; it just means
professional attention, is usually long-term-lasting that you don’t have what it takes to use the Item the
and causes penalties to nearly all rolls. If LFE reaches way it was meant to be used, and therefore it helps
zero, the character passes out, and it would be reas- you very little, if at all. For example, a +3 MND
onable to expect some permanent consequences even Chemistry Reference Book adds 3 points to your
after the character is revived -limping, for instance, MND for the task of making a chemical compound,
or a mild loss of sanity, if due to Soul damage. but only if you already know enough basic chemistry
to read it.
Death comes at the StoryHost’s discretion once LFE
starts dipping into the negative numbers. Fixed Might Items replace your Trait with theirs,
whether is the punching STR of a firearm, the
Although traumatic and pivotal, Death is the end of running speed AGI of a motorcycle, the BTY of a
the character -just the start of his spirit journey. First disguise, etc. Your Trait doesn't become part of
he will be thrown full-time into the Shadowside, and Might. With a 12 STR Sniper Rifle, for example
will experience the maddening period known as Eu- (notice lack of a plus sign) the bullet will always hit
phoria -this translates in constant challenges to his with 12 STR no matter how muscled is the guy
MND Trait, and loss of sanity for failrures. Eventu- pulling the trigger.
ally he will stabilize, and after a session or two
should be able to come back as the Hierogamy spirit Encumbrance: The Story-Host will exercise com-
of another mortal -one played either by the SH or an- mon sense in letting you carry only what you could
other player. realistically carry -refer to the inventory section of
the character sheet.
-grant these sparingly as a reward for good roleplay
as opposed to rule-play or roll-play.
Step 2 – How much it hurts: This is a STR vs
t calls for two rolls; one based on DEX vs DEX to
END contest.
see who hits who, and one based on STR vs END
to see how much it hurts. Damage dealt is the difference between
the required roll and the actual roll, if
Step 1 – Who hits who: It goes for everything positive.
from fist fights, sword fights, grapples, gunfire,
chair-swinging at a bar, etc. A losing roll means it’s
For example, if a roll of 10 or more was required and
the opponent who lands the blow instead of the at-
the character rolled a 16, then 6 points of Damage are
tacker (this goes for ranged combat too if the
dealt. Get creative with the descriptions; optionally
opponent is armed with a ranged weapon). The fact
you may let Criticals (natural 20 rolls) in step 1 by-
that losing this roll doesn't simply mean "you didn't
pass Body and go straight for LFE in step 2.
hit" but actually "you get hit by the person you were
just trying to hit" means that it doesn't really matter
Weapons modify STR and armor modifies END.
who starts the attack and it doesn't really matter
Both characters may benefit from the same Skill bo-
who rolls the dice (feel free to let the defendant do
nus they relied on during Step 1. Bonus, once again,
the honors, if he prefers). In the end, which person
should be situational and rare.
hits which person is determined only by this roll.
If Then
The opponent is unaware or unable to defend Take out the opponent's Trait and Skill from the Diffi-
himself… culty of both steps.
The opponent doesn’t want to hit back but would Wish granted: just double the Difficulty to hit.
rather focus on dodging or blocking…
The attacker wants to hit a specific body part (usually Double the Difficulty to hit (unless the opponent is
done in order to to bypass the armor bonus of other also hoping to hit a specific body part in return –in
body parts during step 2)… which case they cancel one-another).
The attacker wants to sacrifice accuracy in favor of raw Penalize DEX in step 1 in exchange for an equal bonus
power, or wants to sacrifice raw power in favor of to STR in the step 2, or vice versa (obviously this
accuracy… wouldn't apply to Fixed Might Items).
It’s a ranged attack (arrows, bullets, throwing knives, Increase Difficulty to hit proportionately to the
etc)… distance -one point per every 5 feet works.
It’s a grapple/submission hold or throw move... No +STR from weapons, replace END with CON.
P aranormal Skills / Magic Step 2 – Unleashing the power: The energy is
now here and under the Caster’s control: now it does
what it was meant to do.
Each Skill specifies whether it's MND or SPI based. Some Skills require a ritual. Mechanically speaking,
Some magicians have years of practice and study of a ritual is simply a process that repeats step 1 for a
arcane books –they would have low SPI but high number of times before moving on to step 2, and is
MND- while others are naturals and phenoms; they done in order to harness more power with less risk of
don’t know exactly what they’re doing but can feel Out of Control Magic -with only a single turn's
the power flowing instinctively –they have high SPI worth of points at stake. Two consecutive Out of
and low MND. Then, of course, some enjoy both. Control incidents, however, will cause the entire ac-
Add to whichever is the needed Trait the value of the cumulated pool to go haywire.
Skill itself, as well as any applicable Items and a situ-
ational Bonus. A ritual is For example:
simply Turn 1: 10 pts. Pool: 10 pts.
For Skills, remember that unlike nearly every other several Turn 2: 10 pts. Pool: 20 pts.
action, when it comes to the paranormal a Skill is turns of Turn 3: 10 pts. Pool: 30 pts. Turn
actually not optional. You must have one, and it careful 4: 10 pts -roll fails! 10 points are
must sum at least at 3 points between yourself and harnessing out of control, 30 remain safe in
your Hierogamy spirit. Also, both of you must have (step 1) the pool. Turn 5: 10 pts -the
at least 1 point. before un- roll fails again! Now 40 points
leashing are out of control (the whole
Relevant Items are those which modify the Trait you (step 2) pool plus that turn's points).
are using, or the Skill itself. Most organization treas-
ure relics for this purpose -think of medallions, To reduce the risk of Out of Control Magic even
bones, voodoo dolls, etc. more, several Casters may coordinate to pool their
Mights together, sharing the resulting Harnessed
For Bonus consider: is the attempt well described power through one of them. This is called pooling.
and in character? Is the Caster of sound mind and
able to concentrate and focus? Does he have faith? Both rituals and pooling should receive bonus from
Reward good roleplay. the SH if enough attention has been paid to the
formalisms of the arcane -this is where the candles,
The Difficulty in Step 1 is the arbitrary number of incense, drum beats or whichever other parochial
Belief Points the Caster wishes to spend for step 2. trappings come into play.
Literally this is “how big of a boom you want”.
(Notice that succeeding this step by itself yields a Magic is incredibly flexible; you’ll have to rely on
certain number of new Belief Points). your common sense and experience when translating
numbers into story; this is both an art and a science.
Failing this roll results in Out of Control Magic:
whichever amount of Belief Points the Caster was By all means, you are welcome to create your own
trying to harness will now be acting on their own as Paranormal Skills once you feel you are experienced
free energy -as the StoryHost sees fit, which makes enough to do so; refer to the StoryHost Reference
for a chaotic, but fun step 2. chapter.
At a value Traits are considered... Skills are considered... Items are considered...
Notes Most people's Traits hover Skills shouldn’t be too broad Normal items add themselves to
around 3. Top athletes and nor too narrow. Firearms is Might, Skill-based items do too,
celebrities in their respective too broad, Colt .45 is too if the character has the relevant
fields have around 7. Only narrow, and Small Arms is Skill, and Fixed Might items re-
legendary people have 8’s. just about right, if it covers place the character's Trait en-
Part of the reason why Hi- just operation and mainten- tirely.
erogamy is appealing, in ad- ance. Except for paranormal
dition to the paranormal Skills, you can always StoryHosts can create items on-
Skills, is that the Traits of the attempt any action even the-fly based on the table above,
partner spirit effectively sum without a Skill. New Skills but should double the value of
together with the character's must be learned through the Fixed-Might items to account for
for Might. story -from a mentor. the fact that they replace Traits.
Examples Some people you may have Anybody can try to swim Your typical switchblade would
heard of who’d probably across a river using AGI add 2 to STR, 3 for a baseball
reach 8 in a given trait: Neil alone, but if you have an bat, 4 for a bowie knife, 5 or 6 for
DeGrasse Tyson for MND, actual Swimming Skill you a sword, and 7 or 8 for particu-
George Clooney for CHA, can add it to your Might. larly vicious blades. Double
Angelina Jolie for BTY. these values for firearms
On the other (since they are Fixed Might), and
hand, without a you get 4 points on the low end
Hex skill you for a Taser and 14-16 on the high
simply may not end for a Sniper rifle. Ordinary
magically curse clothes won't provide any armor
people. benefits to END, but a good
leather jacket may start at 1 or 2
(and as "armor" it would be
C ampaign Structure Act II - Where characters strive for a new
balance: Whichever the Big Event at the end of Act
I was, the various organizations must now react to it
investigation, the organizations learn the child is in pend half-an-hour getting everyone's characters
Hierogamy with an ancient spirit who had been made. Listen to everyone's Life Stories -this is
dormant in the Shadowside since the time of Jesus paramount. Life Stories are vectors: they have direc-
Christ. Wait, it's John the Baptist! Getting this child tion and velocity, and all you have to do is pay at-
suddenly becomes Diabolis' number-one priority, ex- tention and follow them.
cept GTS wants him too, for it is the greatest bargain-
ing chip since the Grail! Now Fujin wants the kid Seek no-turn zones -turns are only necessary during
dead, as an act of defiance against the west, and Big combat, or when characters are not physically to-
Sis, of course, wants to save the poor child from all gether and you must divide your time attending
this peril, etc, etc. them. Getting all your PCs in the same place is half
the battle. "But what if one character hates another?"
Organizations will form different alliances under dif- Not your problem. Let them fight it out if they want
ferent circumstances, and most conflict will arise or- to. "But, the story?" Not your problem. You're not in
ganically out of the natural friction between very a rush to take them anywhere; they must understand
powerful entities with very different viewpoints that the burden of moving forward is on them.
competing for very similar resources. Eventually,
one will prevail, and Act I will end with a big, dis- Relax. Put the burden of life on your players, where
ruptive event -which launches Act II. it belongs, sit back, and enjoy the ride.
are the same as of those of a 60 vs 30, or a four mil-
ules Cheat Sheet
lion vs two million. The probabilities are also transit-
ive to whoever rolls the dice: a 10 vs 5 has the same
chances of success as a 5 vs 10 has of failure. Only he
Character Creation: Let your players roll a D6 7
who dares roll the dice, however, may actually earn
times and assign each roll to a Core Trait OR distrib-
or lose Belief Points from the attempt.
ute 23 points between the 7 Core Traits, noting that
no Trait may be higher than 6. Calculate Surface
Combat: Most battles should feel like PvPs: high-s-
Traits, Soul and Body. Distribute 3 points into
takes strategic conflict between opposing forces
Normal Skills. Allow them an item or two. For the
which are nearly equal. This is because most conflict
love of all that's holy: don't skip the Life Story step.
in the setting arises between members of different
Follow this same procedure yourself for your NPCs,
organizations; unique individuals with particular
including the spirits that may eventually join the PCs
motivations and Life Stories, as opposed to generic
in Hierogamy (yes, Life Story too!). Typical spirits
"monsters". Therefore it should be rare to find com-
distribute 3 points into Paranormal Skills from their
batants willing to fight to the death, like in video-
organization's list, and 3 more on Normal Skills.
games. Rational NPCs will either retreat, surrender
or negotiate long before their lives are in true risk,
Hierogamy: This is a big deal in the life of a charac-
just like PCs would. Also, dead bodies carry with
ter: save it for the second or third session to give that
them all the implications we would expect of our real
character the chance to become an "insider" in his
world -the police will get involved, for starters.
own organization first -which is what makes the
Keeping your NPCs alive will feel more natural to
most sense storywise and should probably be part of
you as SH as you create Life Stories for all of them.
the Life Story, during Character Creation. Play the
No NPC should ever be made simply to be dispos-
Hierogamy spirit in such way he mostly gets along
with his PC yet remains his own individual -with his
own debts to pay and collect. The relationship
Belief Points: All characters begin with as many
between a PC and his spirit is, emotionally, one of
Belief Points as their Soul Trait, and Belief Points are
the strongest aspects of this game. Mechanically, the
capped at five-times-Soul. Every single roll may earn
PC may merge the two World Turtles as shown in
or lose Belief Points: they are earned by succeeding at
page 33.
hard rolls, and lost when failing at easy rolls. Certain
dramatic events, at your discretion, can modify Belief
Character Progression: Players earn one or two
Points even without dice rolls. Characters can also
points per session, and are able to spend them in any
spend Conviction Turns trying to grow their Belief
Trait or Skill of their own character, or of the spirit in
Points pool.
Hierogamy with them. No Trait or Skill can ever be
above 8: unlike merely spending points (vertical
Number Keeping: The onus is on the players to
growth), acquiring new Skills (horizontal growth) re-
keep track of their own character's frequent Buffs
quires roleplay in the form of a mentor and an edu-
and Debuffs. Trust must exist so that the SH is able
cation process. This should help promote roleplay
to query (as opposed to tracking or memorizing) the
over powergaming, and should make it easier for
current value of any Trait or Skill at any time and get
new characters to join even late in a campaign. Strive
a truthful answer. This releases the StoryHost's busy
to avoid demigods, PC and NPC alike.
mind to focus on the Story alone, which is truly what
is best for everyone at the table.
Dice checks: A D20 is called for whenever anyone
(PC or NPC) attempts something which may realist-
Your Job: You will be, by far, the busiest person at
ically fail. The roll always follows the same structure:
the table. For every character, your first job is to ro-
the sum of all forces in favor on one side of Jacob's
leplay the corresponding Hierogamy spirit -that in
Ladder versus the sum of all forces against on the
itself can be as exhausting as it is rewarding (and
other. If either side is bigger than 30 points try halv-
useful). Job number two is to simply react to the mo-
ment from one roll to the next; and job number three
ing both sides -the probabilities on the dice will re-
main stable. In other words: the chances of a 30 vs 15
is to keep track of the entire world, long term. Enjoy.
you will, in such way that anyone can tell, intuit-
reating your own Skills
ively, when something "feels off" and when
and Organizations
something "fits". If your new organization has a
strong archetype then you'll never be entirely in the
nter the Shadowside has two core dynamics: the
dark when trying to feel what's in and what's out.
interaction between the character and his Hiero-
Same applies to Skills: they need to have a theme to
gamy spirit at the personal level, and the interaction
help us instinctively feel which tasks are within or
between the seven organizations at the environment-
without their range.
al level. Making new Paranormal Skills and
Organizations can greatly enrich both, but also risk
2.- Flaw them: make the organization seriously
their delicate balance.
flawed, make it so that joining it is a controversial
decision that has to be weighed carefully since the
1.- Seek archetypes and themes: the seven original
pros matter as much as the cons, and in the end it
organizations are intentionally based on concepts
comes down to personal preference and style. Same
already embedded into our cultural subconscious if
for Skills: if joining the new
organization or learning the new
Skill is a "no brainer", mechanic-
ally or storywise, then the
balance has been lost.
whatever rough skeleton you do have. It seems the
ips and Advice
ideal balance, therefore, is to plan only at the Macro
level, if at all, and leave the right-here-right-now to
sort itself out how it may.
he most fluid values in a session will be the
character's Belief Points, Mind, Soul and LFE:
For example, you may know that Malleus has issued
it's a good idea to keep track of them in a table on a
a Sacred Hunt for a member of your party. You know
dry-erase board.
why, too, and you know the places where Knights
and Missionaries are prone to be looking. What you
You don't need a map grid to play, but it's a good
don't know -and shouldn't- is exactly who will spot
idea to have another dry-erase board ready to
the guy, nor when, nor where, nor how. You are
quickly sketch the character's relative positions and
ready for it to happen, but at the same time you are
other relevant features of their location. This usually
aware that it never might, and that is as it should be,
only matters during crises: a crisis is a period of time
and does not worry you. Let the story flow organic-
where the order of the actions matter so much that
ally, and make sure your players understand the
players must take them in turns. All combat situ-
burden of moving it forward is on them, not you. Let
ations are crises, for example. A rule of thumb to end
them understand that you, the person, doesn't even
a crisis is simply this: ask yourself "could any charac-
exist in this fictional world. Only their characters
ter survive a 15 minute nap, now?" If the answer is
exist there, and only their characters may influence
yes, the crisis is over.
it. Your job as Host (not Master, not Teller) is to
simply adjudicate consequences.
In general you want to keep most of your party in
no-turn zones for most of the time. No-turn zones
StoryHosting Enter the Shadowside can leave you
are the valleys in a story where characters talk
drained -physically, emotionally and mentally.
amongst themselves, plan, reflect, and in general live
There's a reason you shouldn't burden yourself with
their lives. Valleys are wonderful for roleplay, but if
excessive planning or excessive shepherding, and it's
your session has nothing but valleys it may become
simply that your three core jobs are draining enough
stale (think of a soap-opera). Crises (signified by
on their own. If you try to leash it all by force, like
their reliance on turns) are the peaks of the story,
one would a wild horse, it will consume you. In-
where characters struggle valiantly in the face of im-
stead, learn to embrace uncertainty. Learn to be okay
posing odds. Peaks are much more mechanical and
with not knowing what will happen next. Make
tactical than valleys, and if your session has nothing
peace with the fact that the story is out of your
but peaks it might as well be a videogame. Empiric-
hands, and into your players' (or more properly,
ally speaking, a good session is a balance of about 70
their characters'). Divest yourself from the concept of
percent valleys and 30 percent peaks, with the peaks
credit when things go well, and from the concept of
increasing in frequency and intensity towards the en-
guilt when they don't. Relax. If you ever feel over-
d. It goes without saying: do not keep track of these
whelmed here is a simple trick to help you find your
percentages during the session. Analyze them in ret-
footing again: narrow your vision to only the present
rospective, if you wish, but do not concern yourself
moment and current location. Surface only the right-
during session time with anything else other than
here-right-now, and expand gradually, as con-
your three jobs: 1) roleplaying the NPCs (notably the
sequences and events manifest themselves naturally.
Hierogamy spirits), 2) being a fair arbiter of the
It's okay if your players know that you don't know.
rolling of dice, and 3) keeping track of the world and
In fact, roll plenty of "finding out dice" right in front
all who love in it, long term, then surfacing only that
of them, and announce how you'll interpret the res-
which is relevant to the right-here-right-now.
ults them before the die hits the table. Let them un-
derstand that even though you're driving the bus, it
Feel free to plan as much detail as you like about
doesn't mean you know the curves ahead.
your campaign, but understand that the more de-
tailed your designs are the less likely the players are
Enter the Shadowside is about experiencing an in-
to follow through them. The opposite is also true: the
teresting story together with people you care about.
less you plan, the more the story will follow
Let everyone play it to feel, not to win.
certain altered states) our brain has a grip on it all
(Note: the following is written -and crudely illus-
automatically, and we continue to see and experience
trated- by Jason Vree, a scavenger)
only the physical world and only through our
physical senses.
cavengers (or scavs, for short) are a bunch of
neckbeards who go in and out of the Shadowside
But at the moment of death however, what we call
for fun or for profit. Some have magical lolpowerz...
the flash, all physicality is stripped from us -we lose
the fleshare- and only our mind and personality
The Shadowside, in turn, is where ghosts live... that's
remain -that is: those thoughts and wants and drives
that made you a person are all that's left; the rest
how they told it to me the first time and that's how I
tell it to you now. There's more to it, obviously. But
goes to the worms. And without a brain to keep
baby steps.
emotions in check people typically go ape-shit for a
while, usually in whichever direction they were
First: the Shadowside is where ghosts live, yes, but
leaning to, to begin with. We call that euphoria, the
it’s also where you live too, and me and everyone
rough realization that you can still think without a
else -is just that most of us don't know it yet (and
brain, just messier.
trust me that's a good thing). Then we all die one
day, and surprise: the Shadowside becomes our
We continue living, in a way, the differences being
that we are now seeing and experiencing the
Shadowside overlapping (and eventually overtaking)
Don't misunderstand me; this doesn't make any of
the physical world and, that we no longer have a
the knowledge you gain here moot. Far from it: the
direct way to interact with solid matter (emphasis on
better prepared you are, the better your chances are
to keep your personhood when the flash comes and
the winds of Gehenna burn the tiny hairs of your ass.
Oh, and another detail: we've just been through a
But again, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
little nugget of mindfuck affectionately referred to as
"death". It would be reasonable to expect some
Physical vs Spiritual
psychological repercussions.
How Ghosts Work This is why older ghosts, after decades (or
sometimes centuries) of wandering the Shadowside
gradually lose all nuance and complexity and end up
As far as thoughts and as shapeless manifestations of their basest remaining
feelings and concerned, components: rage, sadness, love, anger, etc. When
possessing a physical host the process happens quickly we call those Omens.
brain is either an When it finally gets at them after centuries (or
advantage or a crutch sometimes millennia) of bucking the tides, we call
depending on who you them Primordials. Even without their personhood
ask: the fleshware acts as primos are still pretty powerful and won't dissolve
an automatic, always-on into ether for another thousand years or so. Very
force of order keeping the valuable; very dangerous - highly sought by those
mental energies cohesive craving the powers of manifestation without the
and focused (aka keeping commitment of Hierogamy. But I digress again.
your shit together). There
are beings who never had one, and so they natively o let's get back on topic with an example: say a
know how to keep their focus in other ways -ways certain John Doe is killed while trying to cross
most of us need to learn in a hurry once we die and the border with his family to escape war somewhere
before euphoria sets in. (happens more often than you'd like to think and this
is why I hate airports).
So, after death, when our brain is no longer there to
rein them in, those mental energies gradually start to For the first few years the ghost of this John Doe will
spread too thin and become unorganized -sort of like try to protect his family and haunt the specific
a cup overflowing- and you become an Omen. soldiers who killed him. But after 20 or 25 years be-
ing mostly ignored (other than your typical dreams,
Another analogy because this is important: think of a perhaps) the details will become blurrier and blurrier
sand castle that keeps its shape for as long as the and the ghost of Doe will start protecting all generic
plastic bucket is in place. Now suddenly yank away border crossers or haunting all generic soldiers.
the bucket and what happens? Well, depending on
how rough the yanking was (this is death, the flash) After 50 or 60 years Doe will be stuck simply re-
maybe you just lost a chunk or two but your whole living his fatal night in an endless loop, oblivious to
castle is unlikely to just collapse instantly. It'll keep the real world outside what’s left of his mind.
its shape for a while, depending on many factors, Awareness of the present is lost, along with all of his
and will only deteriorate slowly unless a new bucket sense of time-linearity, and after a hundred or more
comes along (Hierogamy, as you will soon see), or years nothing else is left of Doe anymore -but his
unless the sand magically hardens up by itself (we'll shapeless anger, his pain and some sort of generic
talk about both scenarios later). If neither occurs, the regret which only the good psychics can still smell
castle will eventually erode back into featureless (hence the term, omen).
sand, to be re-used again in a
different mold for a different After half a millennia or more there’s nothing left at
castle. all but some amorphous, impersonal vague energy, a
"bad hunch" feeling for the living that enter the area,
The core is the last to dissipate and nothing more.
-that is: our strongest ideas and
feelings will survive the Not all ghosts suffer this fate though. Like I said:
longest after all other more some learn to make-do without a brain -still others
menial thoughts are gone. A never had one to begin with. Both kinds retain per-
ghost may forget what year it is sonhood and, given enough time, they rise as the
sooner than who did him in (or kings and queens of the Shadowside. Dangerous
whom he has to kill back). folk. Strong. We call them Mythos.
Dreams as Entrances to the pleasant. All your loved ones are there, yadda,
Paranormal yadda. Not all processes of euphoria have to be scary
and painful.
It's easy enough to feel what it’s like to exist as a
being of pure-thought-and-feeling -in fact we go By the same token the opposite is true: tortured
through this most nights because that's exactly what minds will create tortured worlds to live in, and as
dreams are, when our brain rests. you might have guessed we call those "hell".
This is why we act strangely during dreams, and This is why all Near Death Experiences report back
why dreams are forgotten so quickly in the morning pretty much along sectarian lines; you never hear
when the brain returns to sheppard our scattered about Muslims seeing Saint Peter, or Christians
mental energies back in the corral. Yup, all dreams meeting Shiva (but hold that thought though -we'll
are body-free visits to the Shadowside -somewhat discuss divinity soon).
safer than other more comprehensive incursions.
Keeping this in mind will also help us understand The
why several decades of a non-stop, dream-like Monster
mental state would deteriorate anyone's psyche and Under the
eventually disintegrate the sense of self. Bed
Important to know:
In our dreams locations seem strange and people act it is impossible to
strange, but it feels normal at the time. This is not "go" to the
only because the conscious part of our brain is Shadowside
asleep, but also because the Shadowside exists because we are
purely as a world of thoughts and feelings -indeed, already in it: it already surrounds us and it already
in the Shadowside Belief Creates Reality. overlaps us just as much as the real physical world
does -is just that we don't see it, therefore we don't
Cogito Ergo Mundi Est. believe in it, therefore it doesn't affect us. Mostly.
This is a good thing.
Remember that, kiddies. Belief Creates Reality: that's
the number one thing you gotta know about the What is possible though, is to tune one’s own mind
Shadowside, that is it's main engine, it's entire in such way that the Shadowside becomes visible: it's
ontology; the little clockwork core at the center of the all about striking the right note and matching one's
machine -at the center of everything! perception with the Shadowside's overall
interpretation of the location where we’re at. It’s all
Belief Creates Reality is the ONLY real rule of the about priming up our minds to see the invisible, to
game. feel what’s not physically there, to hear what’s not
audibly being said. "Suspension of Disbelief" is a
Therefore, the Shadowside can be described as a crude but effective way to describe the process
"subjective reinterpretation" of the real world: drawn -"Faith" works too if you're religious (not for long!),
from the memories and experiences of its but if you want it in scav lingo it's Voluntas.
inhabitants; a place where, absent all "real" matter,
perception alone translates into truth. Voluntas -your capacity to believe things- is your
only currency in the Shadowside; your only
Heaven and Hell bargaining chip, your only real power.
To exemplify: a dark
corner in a derelict
building at midnight
may not necessarily
contain monsters, that is,
at least not to begin with.
It's not until we start
staring at it, and keep on
imagining the kind of
creatures it could
contain, and start
wondering which shapes
are what and how much
did they move while
breathing and whether
its a single pair of eyes or
two, that the engines of
the Shadowside kick into
gear. For all practical
purposes monsters will
in fact have been
summoned, made to
order and in proportion
to our degree of belief or disbelief. Keep this You can't. You just can't -it doesn't matter what
mechanic in mind as we're about to explore it much you want to believe; the way it works is that beliefs
more deeply very soon. aren't optional. You can't really choose them. Wheth-
er we want it or not, we are simply forced to
Becoming aware of the Shadowside is a one-way- automatically and unavoidably believe whatever
street: once you've seen it you can't unsee it. We seems the most likely representation of truth. It's just
scavs call it paraphrenia and yes, it is a mental dis- how it works (and why lunatics are the most dan-
ease; dreams don't really count as paraphrenia -after gerous foes in the Shadowside).
all you do wake up, eventually. But the hardcore
have developed more invasive means. We scavs do a ou can't fool yourself, but you can still be
lot of things regular people shouldn't do. We don't fooled. See? And you can fool others. That's
only see ghosts; we break in their houses, empty how the game is played. It doesn't matter who does
their fridge and come back as buddies. At least some the believin' as long as some believin' gets done. Get
of us do. Others get skinned. But maybe I'm scaring enough suckers to believe you're king, and step up to
you. Baby steps, Jason. Baby steps. collect your free crown.
The Shadowside Belief Games This dynamic favors games of persuasion, bluffing,
and naked manipulation. You can't will yourself to
If you're one of the sharp ones and you've been wield Lucifer's Own Shaving Knife, but if someone
following along this mechanic of "Belief Creates else seriously thinks you got it... and the opposite is
Reality", then probably your first thought was "great! also true: being caught as a liar and losing face
I only have to wish myself to be a king and blammo makes you literally weaker -the worst fate for an
it shall happen". But son, it just doesn't work that outlander (which is what we all are until we die) is to
way. be known as a weakling and a bluffer.
Look: try it. Convince yourself that you can levitate Are the gears in your head spinning yet? Ready for
one inch off the floor, right now. Do it. Close your the biggest scam of all time?
eyes and give it your hardest. Believe. Give up yet?
Carlin was Right capable of holding a thought. It comes from the
beginning of history, and all the way up to these, our
Ghosts have existed since the beginning of time. This sickly final days.
game has been played continuously, ruthlessly, since
the dawn of civilization, son. As you can imagine, these beings, these Mythos,
directly benefit from having believers both alive and
Looong ago entities in the Shadowside became dead bestowing them with power, and will try to
aware of the Cogito Ergo manipulate perceptions towards
Mundus mechanics. Indeed, this goal -either by speaking
some of them postulate that the through appointed emissaries
Shadowside and it's dynamic of (sensitive people who can
belief is the real universe, the experience the Shadowside in
Hyperuranium Plato talked visions or dreams -call them
about, while the physical world "prophets" if you're feeling
of matter we perceive during our classical), or on rare occasions, by
short existence is the anomaly, projecting actual paranormal
the hiccup -the exception. In any power into the physical world, at
case, long ago it became clear a cost (call these "miracles").
that the best road to power went There are angels, and there are
through large masses of people demons. You could become one,
believing you were powerful, and indeed, the more through Hierogamy, and most orgs do. They do war,
devoutly so the better. If you are a Mythos, you want and they do compete for souls both up here and
the world to know it. down there. For believers. That's what religion is.
That's all it is.
So what do you do? A freak storm destroyed the
crops of a non-believer? Give a dream/vision to your The "gods" are only as powerful as the number of
favorite prophet/priest and take the credit. A family their faithful, and the intensity of their faith. All
member who was ill suddenly got better? Take the rituals and ceremonies -from mainstream
credit. Even when it doesn't works it works: say a Christianity to tribal witchcraft in fucking Africa- are
man has been praying to you non-stop for some nothing but institutionalized means of channeling
impossible wish, and then he fails anyway: claim he the faith of as many minds as possible into forming a
didn't have true faith after all, then take the credit. coherent reality for the benefit of particularly ancient,
greedy little entities inside the Shadowside.
Faith. Sacrifices. Rites. Prayers. You see where I'm
going. You see what that does -you see for whom. The major orgs you may have heard of: Malleus on
Yahweh's side (Islam is a whole different ballgame
And the gravy train doesn't end when the devout die -don't go there), Fujin's Blood working for Fujin, the
-rather if you did your job well as a deity (there, I Somosa for a ragtag association of tribals, Big Sis has
said it) then your followers will go either to a an assortment of pagan has-beens (Dagon's a decent
"heaven" or a "hell" of your choosing. By their own guy though) and GTS for goddamn Aleister Crowley
making, true, but their dreams before and their (luckiest fucker ever, imho), etc.
reality today were your machinations. You planted
the ideas. They believe what you told them to, and They have agents -we call them Avatars -they call
now in the afterlife they can't help but to perpetuate themselves all kinds of things- and usually through
its reality and see everything confirmed, and thus Hierogamy they manifest all kinds of supernatural
put even more of their voluntas into your service. powers. It's a brutal drive for the most precious
resource in the universe: faith. We scavs don't pick
It's a pyramid scheme, I tell you. And it goes all the sides, at least not without a good goddamn reason.
way down from the highest Mythos to the lowliest
tarot-stacking schmucks as long as their mind is --Jason Vree
even kill your character. This is not what Enter the
left this section for last (and I tell it in first-person)
Shadowside was designed to be.
because it is in fact very personal. I speak as just a
guy who enjoys the hobby, not as "Game Designer".
The unspoken contract of this game is that the play-
ers, by virtue of their caring, will "See" their charac-
Different people look for different things out of
ters just as the StoryHost will "See" the world, and,
roleplaying games; some are happy to see fair and
together, through us, a compelling story will be dis-
well thought-out mechanics so they can formulate
covered rather than created -sometimes despite us
strategies and “win”, like a sports-event-with-a--
and our egos and our papers and our dice.
back-story. Others are intrigued to see a realistic
simulation that translates complex life scenes into
here are risks of course, apathy being the main
workable formulas and mathematical
one. What do you do, as StoryHost, with char-
representations, like a documentary-with-dice. And
acters who passively sit around the bar all day wait-
yet others are looking for narratives and compelling
ing for something to happen? Players who won't take
stories, dramatic characters and scenes, like improv-
the initiative, and merely wait for you to lead them,
table-theather. While I certainly care about all three
as if through videogame cut-scenes between levels of
aspects -perhaps the last one more so than the first
mostly combat? The problem is two-fold, and part of
and the second- over the years I've realized you can
the responsibility to fix it lies with you. First, your
never have one exclusively without the others, and
players haven't internalized the concept that in a
furthermore, that neither of the three, by themselves,
Seeing game they are the ones doing the driving, and
suited me perfectly. Over time, I found a combina-
not you. The more veteran your players, the greater
tion which I came to call Seeing, and the name stuck.
the risk of them being used to seeing your role as
I’ll try to explain Seeing to you here:
that of an antagonist who has elaborate plans that
can be resisted to a point but must ultimately be fol-
as it ever happened to you, usually during a
lowed. Talk them out of this self-sabotage, privately
particularly intense game, that your character
and one-and-one. Confide in them that you're just a
suddenly does something you didn’t expect him to
passenger, and that the fate of the story is in their
do? Maybe something that you, as a player, think it’s
hands, or more appropriately, their characters'. And
a terrible idea but at the same time you understand
second, never allow toons at the table. Toons are the
it’s what the character "has chosen"? It’s a funny
result of skipping the "Life Story" step during char-
feeling, isn’t? To see that this character, this sup-
acter creation: disposable and mostly faceless collec-
posed creation of yours, this fictional product of
tions of traits who tend to sit around all day waiting
your imagination, this puppet, is now surprising it's
for quest-givers. Characters are vastly different.
creator and "making his own choices"... somehow.
Characters have a past and a future, debts to pay and
to collect, dreams and fears, and, most important of
As a StoryHost, Seeing is an entirely liberating ex-
all, a blissful ignorance of us, the players, with our
perience. I no longer plan, nor do I take credit nor
dice and our papers, watching them, as if in an ant-
blame for what happens in the story. I am an observ-
farm through our little game. They wouldn't believe
er, a faithful witness of events which are out of my
it, and if they did they wouldn't care. They've things
hands, happening in a plane made real by virtue of
to do with or without us. They don't need us.
our collective respect. This frees me as an individual
to actually root for my friends when challenged, cel-
If your players truly invest themselves in the "Life
ebrate with them when victorious, fear for them
Story" portion of character creation (and this is a gi-
when in peril, and mourn with them when tragedy
ant act of trust on their part -please never take it for
strikes. It's weird at first, particularly if you come
granted), then you will have characters instead of
from a background where the "Game Master" is seen
toons, and Seeing will feel not just like an easier al-
as an adversarial figure whose actual job is to some-
ternative, but more like the only one that really does
how make your journey difficult and, one good day,
them justice. Nothing else feels more rewarding.
O pen Canon
ou can
ou can contribute
contribute to
owside canon,
canon, and
to the
and we'd
the Shad
we'd love
love you
Join us at
and post to your heart's content.
Post about your characters,
about your sessions, about
things you have seen in your
campaign -anything.
I do reserve just one right
alone and it's this: to be able to declare whether
There are other books written by other members of
something is "canon" or not. All you have to do is
the community; books written for each of the organ-
come to the subreddit and start a conversation. We
izations for example, detailing their history, lingo,
have Official Writers there, for each organization,
additional Paranormal Skills -and most enjoyably-
and we pride ourselves in our capacity to play ball
stories which can inspire you. Great care and atten-
with others and reach common ground. The subred-
tion has been paid not to make these books into be-
dit is a community -conversations take place in pub-
all-end-all authoritative "Bibles", but rather guides to
lic and we do everything in the open. If you're not a
simply point you in a certain direction and let you
jerk, I promise you we'll get along. And once your
and your party actually explore and discover your
work is granted canon status, you get to use the offi-
own truths.
cial logo above, artwork, and everything else we can
hat is that? You want to formally write for the
Shadowside? You have an amazing story to
This book would not have happened without the
tell and want to write a novel? You have an en-
support and effort of these people. In no particular
semble of NPCs which did wonders for your cam-
order, I thank you most sincerely:
paign and you can't wait to share them? You
developed awesome locations which exist in the
gt5snake and Owlmandius - Fujin's Blood
Shadowside, awe-inspiring artwork, whole new or-
OfADyingBreed - Malleus Diaboli
ganizations perhaps, or found an incredible twist to
Palhinuk - Somosa
your Endgame and the Muse commands you to put
flamespire - Sisterhood of Salem
it down on paper? And sell it? Go for it.
HeirToPendragon - Greater Thelema Society
elrundir - Accelletrix
I, Marco Leon, won't charge you any royalty whatso-
paintings_of_fire - SCaV3NG3R
ever for doing so. Whether you choose to give your
kingbirdy - Tian-Shi
work away for free, or sell it online, or even if you
Jagadaishio - Adversaries
strike a deal with a traditional publisher: you'll find
goatsgomoo - Jacob's Ladder
in me nothing but encouragement and zero demands
Huzzah107654 - Editing
for money. It doesn't mean I'm transferring to you
RecapGuy - Promotion
my copyright -for that would prevent me from creat-
rednightmare - Sage advice, huge help
ing new work down the road- it rather means you
trollitc - Sage advice, huge help
can create your own derivative works and freely
profit from them without having to ever pay me a
dime. It's your work.
A bout
I believe copyright-
enforcing techno-
logies such as DRM
are deeply mis-
guided because they
ultimately punish
the legitimate con-
sumer with an in-
ferior product. I
believe organizations
such as the RIAA are
and stifle innovation;
I feel the same way
about draconian le-
gislation such as
and CISPA. And
most important of
all, growing up in
Mexico I learned
what it feels like to
really want
something and not
be able to afford it.
I priced it like a sandwich at the mall, and opened up
So yes, I'm sure you could torrent this whole thing in the canon so that anyone who really cares can pro-
a heartbeat if you really wanted to. I did not water- duce derivative works and even sell them without
mark it, nor did I set the PDF to prevent copy-past- owing me a dime. I also won't make you buy it twice:
ing, nor printing -nor did I do anything else that as corrections, additions and even new editions be-
could possibly cripple your experience in any way. come available I'll simply continue updating this
PDF file at DriveThruRPG so that you can just
StoryHost Certificates 1.- Describe a certain location in the Shadowside.
What do you see for its history? Who lives there?
As a token of my
gratitude for your
time, I will email you
back a StoryHost
Certificate; similar to
what you see in this
S hadowside: Endgame are now pale, bitter shadows of their former selves.
They weaken as belief in them wanes; their very ex-
istence is in jeopardy. They are desperate to act, and,
E ndgame: the ultimate goal, the final state of a sys- most importantly, they have a plan. In fact they al-
tem that has run its course, and sometimes, the ways did.
necessary destruction that allows a new cycle to be-
T he end of Times is a common prophecy across
most deity-based religions. While the specifics
vary between "Ragnarök" and "Armageddon", the
Every universe needs polarity: every conflict, even-
tually, can and must be framed in terms of an even basic premise is one of divine comeuppance levied
bigger conflict, which sooner or later will bring us to against a fundamentally rotten system. Doomsday is
a certain fundamental duality -an existential struggle a hard-reset, a wiping clean of the sickness that en-
between two opposite and universal Endgame velops this ailing world and the necessary setup for
Forces. Traditionally we've heard of it in terms of the rebirth of a new one; humanity's proverbial
"Good" vs "Evil", "Light" vs "Dark", or "Order" vs second chance to start over and build things right,
"Chaos". None of these terms are nuanced enough to from the ground level up. This is the other common
neatly describe the crisis happening in the Shad- theme in the old religions: Paradise. This is gods be-
owside -even as the forces themselves are as distinct ing gods again. This is humans -at least a chosen
and opposite as night and day. few- becoming gods. This is the first of the
Endgame Forces.
L ongcatnaröck and unlike the other orgs, we don't monolithically go
swing for one team or another as a whole group.
(Note: this, once again, is Jason's particular take) Team Save The World typically has none of the
major Mythos but rather your middle-management
W ell, not even the best scams last forever. Reli- types (Angels, Demons and other Avatars), or maybe
gion worked well and good up until the washed up deities (think of Tlaloc for example, or
Renaissance or so, and the Mythos entertained Dagon, or various other Greek legends) who are still
themselves by pitting their followers against one in touch with their humanity and favor more discrete
another in various Crusades, Jihads, Inquisitions, methods of perpetuating the sucker's game without
Colonizations and other Holy Wars. killing us fucking all in the process.
Today however, the secular world is taking hold and Team Kill'em Fucking All In The Process, on the
religion is being beaten back to its dark corner: it's other hand, is more likely to line up heavy hitters
not just the rise of hip atheism amongst the online like Yahweh, and it's a newfag mistake to automatic-
crowd, it's the utter hopelessness of the downtrod- ally think they must be "evil". For all we know, their
den, when even the poor and uneducated start to new reborn world is in fact going to be an awesome
wise up to the fact that prayers have a bad response- Golden Age of nutella and blowjobs and we're the
ratio. People the world over simply have less faith assholes for delaying it. There's something to be said
-which means less power for most of these ancient about justice too, and giving every jerk what they
entities, and they've begun to panic. richly deserve.
Not like they're surprised: they knew it'd come. It's a sliding scale, is what I'm saying. Can't fault
them for wanting to keep their power, or at the very
They're not going quietly into the night -if you had least their Personhood. Some deities are frankly
warred for millennia to become what you've become scratching for survival. And I don't blame the other
you wouldn't give it away for nothin', either. organizations either for taking the sides they've
taken, surprising as it is at times, as the choices have
Turns out they have a plan B -turns out they always been. The brass goes where it wants and the herd
did. For you and me it's known as "The End of the doesn't know better. Most orgs deal with rebellions.
World", "Judgment Day", "Armageddon", "The
Apocalypse", etc. We scavs call it "Longcatnarök", be- Myth, kiddies, is dying. This is a jaded age, a
cause the Norse version at least kills several deities technological, secular bum rush into cacophony, a
off in lulzy fashion. Most religions have this in one wild frontier where the old methods of keeping the
way or another though; most religions need it. Kill Shadowside masters fed just no longer work.
the goose that lays the golden eggs.
It is our time. We scavengers can flip this war either
For the Mythos this is their last charade, their last way. We can gain untold power while doing so. And
hurrah before the "blimp" that is our physical most importantly, and as fucking cliché as it sounds,
existence goes to hell and we all return to the we can save the world before the ancients
Shadowside where we existed since time cannibalize it, or we can beat them to it and live like
immemorial and from where, some say, we should kings in the new server instance.
have never left in the first place (but go pick that
bone with Yahweh). Tread carefully, my little grasshoppers. Until further
notice (and who the hell knows who gives notices
I said at the beginning that some scavengers tour these days) we're officially in the End of Times.
the Shadowside for fun or for profit, and this is
true. What I didn't say is that some of us do so to But now at least your eyes are open.
stop or to hasten the End of Days, also. Some of us,
and some of the ghosts with us, have taken sides, --Jason Vree
T IAN SHI: Ancient oriental wisdom passed
from Master to Apprentice, harmony with the
Tao, universal balance, martial arts and mysticism.
Ching -even after years of preparation and cere-
mony. ierogamy: The Joining of the Breaths, while
sweet, causes the death of the Master, and
All that changed with the Crisis of Faiths. It begun after passing his entire jing to the Apprentice his soul
when certain individuals, apparently at random, goes to rest in peaceful realms in far corners of the
begun experiencing brief moments of enlightenment Shadowside. The Celestial One however, one of the
which could be felt through the Shadowside like original 125 Tian Shi souls who was in Hierogamy
ripples in a calm pond. For a brief instant these with the Master, becomes now bonded to the Ap-
people would comprehend the True Nature of the prentice, making him the new Master and tasking
Universe, and lacking the means to express him, in turn, with fulfilling the vision -that original
themselves or put their visions in context, would glimpse at the gates of faith and madness that started
immediately fall into a deep coma. These days a Tian it all.
Shi Master –usually of the opposite gender- will
appear at the comatose individual's doorstep within This is the same vision Cui Hao carved in the 77
days and, after waking him up, will politely invite stones of Pingchang. It’s the final Tao of the world.
him to basically leave his entire life behind and The Endgame. The Tian-Shi's ancestral task of keep-
become an Apprentice. ing the balance amongst all powers earthly and
heavenly is now disrupted. Sides are taken.
P aranormal Skills
W ei Wu Wei (Action through Inaction) – Roll: No further dice required. The Master does not know
how exactly, but trusts the flow of universe will deliver whatever is necessary. The StoryHost
distributes the Belief Points to the relevant Traits of any serendipitous event or "accident" that somehow favors
the Master.
the Master. InIn effect
effect it
it looks
looks like
like the
the Master
Master isis merely
merely standing
standing still
still when,
when, for
instance, aa random
instance, random drunk
drunk driver
driver suddenly
suddenly happens
happens to
to clip
clip aa lamp
lamp post
post which
in turn
turn falls
falls down
down on on thethe Master’s
Master’s assailants
assailants with
with STR
STR equivalent
equivalent to to Belief
Points. It
It was
was the
the way
way of of the
the universe
universe for
for this
this to
to happen.
happen. The
The Caster
Caster does
does not
specify which
which outcome
outcome he he desires;
desires; he
he merely
merely chooses
chooses an
an amount
amount of of Be
lief Points
Points to
to throw
throw to
to the
the wind
wind andand put
put at
at the
the service
service of
of the
the universe
universe in
game terms
terms this
this means
means the the StoryHost.
StoryHost. The
The StoryHost
StoryHost must
must use
use those
ints before
points before the
the storywise
storywise crisis
crisis ends,
ends, but
but not
not necessarily
necessarily in
in the
the same
same turn
-or even in the same round.
ao Te (Power of the Way) – Roll:
by aa Target
If successful,
Target or
successful, whichever
or the
the Caster
whichever action
Caster himself,
Roll: Belief
himself, regardless
Belief Points
action currently
regardless of
Points VS
currently being
VS Target’s
being attempted
of actual
actual Might
Might and
ifficulty, will
Difficulty, will succeed
succeed on on aa roll
roll of
of 11
11 or
or higher
higher and
and fail
fail on
on aa roll
off 10
10 or
or lower.
lower. The
The flow
flow ofof the
the universe
universe has
has determined
determined thethe
chances forfor this
this event
event to
to be
be even.
even. The
The Caster
Caster may
may apply
apply Tao
Tee to
to any
any action
action yet
yet to
to roll
roll dice
dice in
in the
the same
same round
round or
or in
in the
next round.
u (Simplicity) – Roll:
lastt successful
the auralike
successful Might.
aura-like guides
guides of
Roll: Belief
Might. By
of every
Belief Points
By visually
every actor
Points VS Target’s
VS Target’s
visually observing
observing how
actor extend
extend into
into the
future, the Master can effectively ly anticipate
anticipate and
modify any any shortterm
short-term outcomes.
outcomes. If If the
the Caster’s
Belief Points
Points prevail
prevail over
over thethe Target’s
Target’s last
uccessful Might,
successful Might, the
the Caster
Caster isis allowed
allowed oneone
action which storywise occurs before the
Target’s. Through
Through this this new
new intercessory
ction the
action the Caster
Caster may
may attempt
attempt to to prevent
the success
success of of the
the Target
Target from
from taking
taking place.
place. If
If he
lso succeeds,
also succeeds, storywise
storywise it it is
is like
like the
the Target
Target never
never did
did actually
actually succeed.
n game
In game termsterms itit is
is the
the functional
functional equivalent
equivalent of of timetraveling
time-traveling one
one turn
into the past.
ongii (Spirit-medium) – Roll:
hrough deep
aster spirit
deep meditation
spirit in
meditation the
in Hierogamy
Hierogamy withwith him
oll: Belief
the Caster
him to
Belief Points
Caster may
Points vs
may issue
to connect
connect with
vs Target’s
Target’s Soul.
issue forth
forth the
the Celestial
with another
another spirit
spirit in
Hierogamy with with someone
someone else,
else, willingly
willingly or or unwillingly.
unwillingly. This
This allows
allows the
Caster to
to intuitively
intuitively use
use any
any of
of the
the paranormal
paranormal skills
skills belonging
belonging toto the
the hostage
pirit (albeit
spirit (albeit powered
powered byby the
the Caster's
Caster's ownown Belief
Belief Points).
Points). Tongii
Tongii is
is broken
broken when
the Caster
Caster is
is shaken
shaken out
out of
of his
his meditative
meditative state
state either
either through
through motion,
motion, damage
orr other
other means
means (use
(use the
the Master’s
Master’s AWA
AWA to to face
face any
any challenges)
challenges) or
or until
until the
the Target
breaks free
free through
through succeeding
succeeding inin aa roll
roll of
of Soul
Soul vs
vs the
the Caster’s
Caster’s Belief
Belief Points.
A DVERSARIES: Lunatics and butchers, serial
killers, lone wolves and criminal masterminds.
Nihilism, theatrics and corruption.
structure nor organization. Some go mad within
days -banging their heads to silence the voices. Many ierogamy: Adversaries host spirits which
reach brief infamy as serial killers or warlords, others were once in Hierogamy with someone else,
end up in institutions or proceed with suicide all the felt that someone else die, and promptly consumed
same. About the only thing they all have in common them upon arrival to the Shadowside, going mad as a
is their penchant for doodling spirals to pass time. result. These spirits no longer seek to make sense of
any mystery, nor experience anything resembling
Despite appearances their work is never random. peace. Destruction is all they want, and know no
Every murdered victim, every firebombed building, patience nor boundaries. Some can be calculating,
every act of mayhem can all be traced to a single however, and by far the most dangerous Adversaries
overall plan -a plan related to every other are those who manage to keep a veneer of calmness
Shadowside organization, namely, their utter de- bottling up their newly found urges and biding their
struction. Anyone in Hierogamy is a target, and no time for maximum effect.
collateral damage is too costly to reach a target.
Hierogamy takes place over several nightmares
P aranormal Skills
A stronomy Domine – Roll: Belief Points vs Target’s MND or SPI; whichever is higher. The Adversary
can infect a Target with an unmanageable portion of his own doomsday knowledge in the form of an
evil suggestion, causing him to stop in his tracks and deal with nightmarish thoughts every turn until he
succeeds in a roll of MND or SPI vs Belief Points. Every turn the Target fails to break the Domine, he must roll
aa second
second time
time to
to keep
keep himself
himself from
from giving
giving in in to
to these
these evil
evil thoughts.
thoughts. Should
Should he
fail this
this second
second roll
roll for
for two
two turns
turns in
in aa row,
row, hehe will
will in
in fact
fact attempt
attempt whichever
whichever is
the evil
evil deed
deed the
the Caster
Caster suggested
suggested and
and hehe had
had been
been battling
battling with.
with. Should
Should he
fail for
for four
four turns
turns in
in aa row,
row, he
he will
will enjoy
enjoy it.
R age – Roll:
istributes it
Roll: No
n amount
amount of
it as
No further
as bonuses
further dice
of points
points from
bonuses to
dice required.
from his
to STR,
required. The
his Soul
Soul equal
DEX and
The Adversary
equal to
and END
END for
Adversary subtracts
Belief Points,
to Belief
for the
Points, and
the rest
rest of
the storywise
the storywise crisis.
crisis. It
It is
is quite
quite aa sight
sight to
to melee
melee anan enraged
Adversary who
Adversary who hashas no
no regard
regard for
for selfpreservation
self-preservation nor
collateral damage.
M oot – Roll:
Points vs
lastt successful
Roll: Belief
vs Target's
successful Might.
Might. The
entropy of of the
the universe
manifests through the
Adversary and negates
whichever was the last
success achieved by the
Target. Unlike Tian Shi's
Pu, actions
actions of
of the
the Caster
Caster do
do take
take place,
place, only
only to
to be
be reversed
reversed the
next turn
turn apparently
apparently due
due toto bad
bad luck.
luck. Although
Although storywise
storywise the
successes are
are turned
turned into
into failures,
failures, the
the Belief
Belief Points
Points acquired
from those
those successes
successes do
do not
not disappear.
disappear. Moot
Moot can
can only
only reach
reach one
turn into the past.