Ghouls Fatal Addiction
Ghouls Fatal Addiction
Ghouls Fatal Addiction
Contents 1
Credits Word from the White Wolf
Authors: Ronni Radner and Ethan Skemp
Game Studio
Developer: Robert Hatch
Sneak preview time, boys and girls. We’ve got so much
Editor: Ed Hall cool stuff coming out in ‘97-‘98, I thought I’d replace this
Art Director: Lawrence Snelly month’s Special Thanks with a couple of hints.
Layout and Typesetting: Robby Poore
Interior Art: Guy Davis and Vince Locke The remainder of ‘97’s gonna be busy. Werewolf:
Front Cover Art: Guy Davis and Vince Locke The Wild West and Changeling 2nd will grace July and
Back Cover Art: Vince Locke August, respectively. In October, get ready to embark on
Front and Back Cover Design: Matt Millberger a tour of the Old Country, as we present Transylvania
by Night — a book detailing Eastern Europe in the Dark
Ages. Wanna be the voivode of Lesser Outer Wallachia
and impale a few peasants? Wait no longer! And in No-
vember, buckle up for the stars with ÆON, the first in
a line of science-fiction/people-with-superpowers RPGs.
Contents 3
4 Ghouls: Fatal Addiction
Blood Is
He laid his troubles out to me like a deck of
playing cards
Well don’t you know that I can tell the kings
and jokers well apart
— Concrete Blonde, “Your Haunted Head”
I must have the worst job in all of New York. It’s going to be a long ride tonight. Usually Carlos takes
I ram the plunger into a commode overstuffed with the same train I do, so I have someone to chat with. Not
Nathan’s Famous Frankfurters napkins and Marlboro butts. this time. No — tonight I’m the only passenger. I close my
Thank God for union wages. I strip a stall wall of graffiti that eyes, knowing I can nap for awhile; the ride to Manhattan
proclaims that Jeanette has the biggest tits in Brooklyn. Time takes about 35 minutes, and there’s nobody on this train
for me to leave if I want to catch the B Train back home. for me to be scared of. My head bobs back and forth, and I
What a day it’s been. can barely doze off because the train is squeaking so loudly.
The park shut down about an hour ago, but as I exit the Damn MTA always runs the rickety trains to Brooklyn.
men’s room I can still hear the dull neon hiss of the Cyclone I force my eyelids open and fixate on the sign above the
sign. Carlos must be here still, doing some closing-time ride window advertising an abortion clinic where the nurses all
maintenance. I notice a Pepsi can on the cracked sidewalk. Habla Español.
It seems the more I clean this place, the scuzzier it gets. The train rattles into the next stop, and the doors
A humid August wind blows, choked with sausage, clack open, and I don’t know whether it’s the sight or the
urine, saltwater and diesel. I cross Stillwell Avenue by stink of the new passenger that draws my attention first. I
Katz’s Kandy Shoppe — Home of the World’s Greatest try not to stare, but he’s so gross that I can’t help it. Looks
Kotton Kandy — fumble in my jeans pocket for my token, like a homeless guy, judging by his piss-stained chinos and
and head to the dank subway station. A teenaged boy with Mondale for President T-shirt. I figure he’ll probably try to
greasy black hair and gold braces bums a quarter from me sell me a copy of The Street News, but he avoids my stare
by the turnstile and, other than him, it looks like I’m a and quietly takes a seat across from me.
lone soul in this station. I take my position on a piece of The train squeals louder than before, sending a knife
blackened gum that’s been squashed onto the platform, through my eardrums. The homeless guy sorta looks at me
glancing anxiously at my watch. and grins. “Loud train, huh?” he says.
The nature of our vampiric pow
ers is indisputable: They are the
those exotic talents which ma powers of the Blood. More spe
y be learned by any who possess cifically, they are
“learned”: These arts are not so vitae in their veins. The empha
instinctive as, for example, reg sis here is on the word
such as the arrest of cell decay. enerating lost limbs, nor are the
Science itself is still at a loss to y autonomic processes
work — it would take long cen define precisely the methods in
turies of study (uninterrupted which these talents
by the wars we nightly fight am
ong ourselves, of course)
n of the Ferlevitsh
Preservatilatoe the ae-borne age nt wh ich pre ven ts cell decay; perhaps I never
will. Caine’s
pic arrest is
enzyme or oth
I have yet to iso that the process of entro
t it is my theory
nsc en ds sci en ce as we know it, even today. Bu se div ision and decay. The energ
y necessary
very nature tra ogr am s” cel ls to cea
the metabolic
beings, where the vitae “pr the Blood. Apparently,
electrochemical in living qu an tifi abl e ele me nt in
ed by an innate, as yet un te. The conscious mind can
to maintain this is provid ent, bu t en erg y to fue l thi s sta
if the Blood
ae produce not nourishm heal a wound. However,
processes that work on vit cells to rep rod uce in ord er to
ce, commanding muscle ains tissue integrity.
this process — for instan atu ral effect, by default it maint
alized to pro du ce a sup ern ay indefinitely. In fact,
is not consciously cannib h, sta ves off the process of cell dec
ly diffused thr ou gh ou r fles us of agelessness. (A pos-
The Blood, once proper for yea rs — only Final Death robs
even when we ha ve no t dru nk e peculiar condition of the
our bodies do not decay ow n as Sa medi — apparently som of
that grotesque blo od lin e kn holds them at said state
sible exception would be int o the ir wr etc he d, ha lf-rotten state, but then en I ob ser ved
elerates decay spe cim
Embrace or their Blood acc nature; the single Samedi
ite ly. I bel iev e thi s def ormity to be cosmetic in a gru eso me ly per verse personality.)
decomposition indefin or me nta l prowess, short of
t deterioratio n of ph ysi cal ive effects are less
demonstrated no significan wo rki ng cir cul atory system, its preservat
red to living cel ls via a an them, and aging
However, if vitae is delive y ret ain the Blood in their veins; we
t age biologically so lon g as the ical age befitting
permanent. Ghouls do no an ex- gh ou l rap idly advances to the biolog
. Just as with a dead vam pir e, served an individual
resumes within the month gru eso me ly fat al when the Blood has pre
is can be traumatic an d oft en t begin aging in the
her chronological age. Th l’s bo dy (or a vampire’s corpse) does no
n. I am still unsure wh y a gh ou ely possibility is that
beyond her natural life spa ver sity ma y ste m fro m Caine’s curse; another lik
int of weaning. The per
usual fashion from the po last drops of vitae.
ic rea cti on tak es pla ce upon the purgation of the
an allerg
Quickening izing vita e to augm ent one ’s phy sica l capabilities is rather instinctively fam
iliar. The nature
The process of metabol from
gy; to wit, the ability to draw energy
ke the metabolization of caloric ener
of this quickening is not entirely unli stion . We are able to comman d this extr a surg e of stren gth or
be ascr ibed to simp le dige
food. However, this cannot e, the atrophy of
ic func tion occu rrin g som e time after the intake of blood. What’s mor
speed at will, not as an auto mat
, of course.
s out that possibility — for us Kindred
our unused digestive systems quite rule ar to be mea surable by scientific instruments. Al-
ided by said quickening does not appe
The floo d of ener gy prov and reaction speed), the process
ble (see atta ched notes on progression of lifting capacity
though the resu lts are quan tifia by Caine’s legacy. Though loath to do
prov ed perc epti ble only through the enhanced senses granted
itself has thus far the origin of said power.
ntis t in me mus t give way to the vampire and cite the supernatural as
so, the scie
Animal Ghootheuphlsysiognomy of animal ghouls has been less extensivinte.ainMys deg rees do not lie in the field
that human ghouls are far mo
My research int among Kindred ma
ine , an d reg ard less, the majority opinion the interim since your gra
veterina ry me dic
du cte d som e per fun cto ry zoological research in en trip lin g a songbird’s
useful. However, I have con als bel ow a cer tai n body weight. Ev
ouling is ineffective in an im r of weeks.
First, I must note that gh r, the an im al me tab olizes the Blood in a matte
practical application, an
d fur the te, I have dis-
strength affords very little kil ogr am s or gre ate r in weight. (As a side no
ly from ghouling a creatu
re fiv e jects. Nosferatu
True efficiency comes on am on g som e an im als, perhaps 5% of test sub
ouling effects an increase
in size mass over the
covered that repeated gh civ e to thi s inc rea se; a sample rat tripled its body
vitae seem to be most con
and [I am told] Tzimisce ing to research further.) se
period of about a year. Th
is is ass ure dly som eth cacy. They gain the increa
ma tes , are rat he r lim ite d in their supernatural effi rn to he al the ir
higher pri indeed lea
Ghouled animals, even the o un der go the req uis ite halt in aging. They may lize tha t suc h a
ghouls, and als domitor must come before
they rea
in strength common to all e ins tru cti on fro m the x tha n qu ick en ing
t apparently som l beast in arts more comple
wounds more rapidly, bu ssib le, ho wever, to instruct a ghou ber bu llet wounds, but
is fra nk ly im po du re hig h-c ali
thing is possible. It el wit h its jaws, or en
ae-fattened do g ma y ren d ste ue tric of the Blood.
its physical abilities. A vit you can con ver se with it via a Gangrelesq
more is futile , eve n if pires are an evo-
asking it to learn anything ion , an d pre sen t it as evidence that we vam
s to the nature of evo lut most likely owing
Personally, I attribute thi ate st gif ts of Ca ine are available only to us,
still-biological kine. Th e gre es not possess the
lutionary step above the ou l, eve n gra nte d the gift of the Blood, do
thought and perceptio n. A gh Lesser animals are
to our advanced states of r the po we rs ava ila ble to the weakest neonate.
histication to maste
mental, even spiritual, sop ights of mental
even more handicapped. ts pre sen ted he re an d further investigate the he
d to expand on the though I am happy to
In the future, I fully inten my the ori es of evo lut ion beyond the biological.
ilable to us, the better to exp
lor e invaluable.
acuity and perception ava s en dea vo r, an d I am cer tain that his insights will be
to be of some assistance in
say that my sire has agreed
Blood of the Clan horrid disfigurements of
, of the ch ara cte rist ics shared by a clan? Of the tha t the se ma y be
may ask , I believ e
But what, I understand you tes of the Ve ntr ue? From what I have observed ate .
the rarefie d tas on str
Nosferatu and Samedi, or t that a Cainite might dem
l by reg ula r fee din g, alt hough never to the exten the ir vit ae. (Otherwise we would
passed to a ghou ual ly pas sed along with
each distinct cla n are no t cas t only his innate ten-
Obviously, the “flaws” of ina te cla n; a Brujah would display no
Cainite “lovers” of ind isc rim pair’s aptitudes for
have any number of paired rea do r com pan ion, to say nothing of the
ipsistic hedonism of his To of Caitiff — ah, but I beg
dency for rage, but the sol soo n dec ay into a seething cauldron .
h clan! Our soc iet y wo uld ge than the undead frame
the skills and arcana of eac rta l for m is som ew ha t more susceptible to chan are “lo cke d,” if
sion.) But the mo in the Embrace, our forms
your pardon for my digres irst yle an d fingernail-length we wore int o eve ry cell of our
y to the ha ha s see ped
Even as we revert nightl ns. Th e blood of our sires
o the characterist ics of ou r cla great disadv tage to the
you will, more tightly int rel an d so on. (Certainly this is a
lly Ventrue, Ma lka via n, Ga ng sires never attained!)
beings, and so we are eterna ive for the per fec tio n that their Antediluvian
imisce, who canno t str Cainite a steady
dreadful Lasombra and Tz l no t be so eas ily shackled. Feed a healthy
bility of living tiss ue wil as ever. Place a
But the remarkable adapta cal na use a) she wil l remain as fresh and fair
d (apart from a possible ph ysi ieve the same
diet of Nosferatu vitae, an wil l beg in to wo rse n. A ghoul may never ach
and eventually his comple
xio n but he may well
mortal on the same diet, sor ry luc k of the Sa me di if this were otherwise!),
his domitor (imagine the
physiological extremes as icted
cteristics of his “clan.” resistance to the vitae-infl
evince recognizable chara ays the cas e. So me mortals display a certain nit y to spe cific
gh, no t alw evinces such im mu
This is, interestingly enou that per ha ps on e gh ou l in sev en
extended studies suggest sume that such resistant
“flaws” of many clans. My do no t ho ld me to thi s conjectural figure. I pre
but please
bloodline characteristics,
While we are discussing diet-related quirks
of ghoul biology, I feel it necessary to provide
feeding. Yes, ghouls can drink too much vitae a word or three on over-
. This is logically an uncommon phenomenon
do not possess a surplus of vitae such that — the majority of Cainites
their ghouls are given opportunity to drink
Among those who possess the means, the inten to their gluttonous content.
t is rarely present. (Again, what use is there
If a ghoul happens to overdose — that is, to of spoiling one’s retainers?)
inject until his veins are thoroughly filled with
his belly to capacity — some peculiarities resul vitae and then to fill
t. First, the capacity for frenzy is heightened
now possesses a Beast akin to our own. Seco even further, as if the ghoul
nd, the oversaturation of vitae affects fluid
sweat, saliva, mucus, semen and other secre generation; the ghoul’s tears,
tions become permeated with vitae, displayin
of the Blood. Third, if the vitae is largely that g a reddish tint and faint odor
of a single clan, the ghoul will adopt in full
bloodline bears. Finally, his blood becomes any disfigurements that the
very oxygenated, which affects brain functions
tion speed becomes slightly heightened, allow . The benefit is that his reac-
ing for superior results in dangerous situations
ghoul also becomes subject to hallucinations . However, the overdosing
, and may prove dangerously erratic. In some
that overdosing causes a condition similar ghouls, I have also noticed
to caisson disease (or, less formally, the bend
and nitrogen in the Blood cause intense pain s). The transitions of oxygen
and paralysis in these wretches; those who lack
stamina) to immediately metabolize enough the presence of mind (or
vitae to undo the overdose may even die.
An equally interesting phenomenon, of cour
se, is that of withdrawal: the state induced
holding of vitae. It is this state, the subject by the deliberate with-
of much lurid rumor but little concrete anal
that recalcitrant or inefficient ghouls are best ysis, that leads me to conclude
off simply destroyed, and that the majority
rewarded and punished by means other than of one’s servitors should be
the Blood.
The Blood is not, to the best of my understan
ding, physically addictive in the manner of
The psychological ramifications of withdraw nicotine and heroin.
al, however, can be deleterious, for the ghou
ity. Lacking the substance that has become l and for others in the vicin-
the crux of his existence, the erstwhile ghou
desperately cunning as a “dope fiend” denied l becomes as pathologically,
his fix; he will wheedle, demand and in some
his domitor or other known vampires. Such cases try to force vitae from
pathetic spectacles are, of course, generally
will nonetheless realize the expediency of takin laugh able, but the wise domitor
g precautions against a retainer spurned.
It is the extreme cases of withdrawal psychosis
that provoke such bemusement on the part
might well have led to the negative connotati of Kindred, and which
ons surrounding the word “ghoul.” The with
emptiness, a need, and denied the “legitima drawn mortal, sensing an
te” means of satisfying his craving, often subli
a lust for substances garnered in similar pred mates the lust for vitae into
atory fashion. Remembering the increased
Blood-permeated brain, the ghoul embarks carnal appetites stoked in his
on a wild and somewhat totemistic spree, desp
his emptiness on the bodies of his fellow mort erately attempting to “glut”
als. This phenomenon is, of course, reminisce
societies whose members ate their foes in orde nt of certain primitive tribal
r to siphon their courage or power. Fortunate
course, American society has grown inured, ly for our Masquerade, of
indeed somewhat blasé, to cases of “canniba
l rape fiends” and the like.
Ghoul Reproduction
As I mentioned before, the reproductive capa
bilities of the average ghoul are in no way stunt
vitae. In fact, evidence suggests that the stimu ed by a steady diet of
lation of blood flow during coitus enhances
always in a manner that the participants find suita the expe rience, although not
bly pleasurable (see Case Studies 33-1, 33-2, 33-3
However, orgasmic pleasure is hardly the most , 33-4 , 33-5, 33-6, 33-7).
relevant subject to a Cainite master. Of far more
of conception: specifically, the details of pregn interest are the particulars
ancy and childbearing. (Although male ghou
to make adequate stud animals, the vitae in ls are certainly virile enough
their veins does far less to influence the char
acteristics of their offspring.)
Withdrawn ghouls suffer symptoms for a period of
weeks equal to six minus the ghoul’s Stamina. Whenever
the opportunity to gain vitae arises, the ghoul must make a
Self-Control roll (difficulty 7) or attempt to “score” however
possible. Additionally, each week of withdrawal requires the
ghoul to make an Intelligence + Self-Control roll (difficulty
6); if this roll fails, the ghoul begins to sublimate her crav-
ings for vitae into a desire for human blood, flesh or sex. A
Willpower point may be spent to resist these cravings. If the
roll is botched, no Willpower may be spent, and the victim
must act on her urges.
n ’ t q uite t may be
t: that i er, it he
Becket something lect; howev interest. T y my
Here’s ore you col catch your anscribed b s-
e l to tr di
Cainit ent enough nclosed was audiotape I asn’t
differ ript I’ve e ia from an lthough I w r (the
manusc ate Carmell er hotel. A the speake tape is
associ d in a Denv the name of know), the ge for
covere o discover ’t seem to ation packa ad” for
able t owner didn f the initi ound railro igues.
tape’s ably part o an “undergr ope it intr
presum mastered — mitors. I h
the Un without do
ghouls rs,
id l
script. T in his biologica ld seem to sugg ing of
presumabl requently, and w me sort — the cli are no
f o
est t
The e
occurs r keeps pets ea st twice. n or rural
ea ke at l
the sp occurs r urba
linoleum to suggest eithe ng took place in
claws on s rd i
s soun d he reco otes on
extraneou gs — presumably t ts indicate my n ut, no
n ke o
surroundi ocale. The brac as you’ve pointed — C.]
u re l i se ; use .
a sec ent no is of
e or ambi ope this
voice ton n is valueless. H
The polar opposites of their vassal counterparts, in-
Ghouls’ Roles in the dependent ghouls are exactly what their moniker implies:
independent. Independent ghouls roam the streets, working
World of Darkness “freelance” for various vampires or finding their own blood
through unsavory methods.
While ghouls differ according to clan affiliation and
age, they also take on specific societal roles in the World • Stalkers — Fed up with vampiric rules, and far
of Darkness. Ghoul vassals, independents and revenants all from submissive, these ghouls hunt Kindred to attain
serve different functions in their collective society. Some their own stocks of blood. Successful stalkers also act as
more common functions are described below. blood dealers, selling or trading Kindred blood to other
ghouls in exchange for money and favors. Such a lifestyle
is exceedingly difficult to maintain; few stalkers survive
Vassals more than a year or two, but those who do are among the
These ghouls are the most loyal to their domitors, for toughest mortals around.
most of them are Blood Bound. Vassals readily perform any • Brokers — Brokers serve as freelance contractors
and all tasks for their domitors, even if they must humiliate for many vampires, but are careful never to become bound
or hurt themselves in the process. to any particular domitor. Vampires typically use brokers
• Bodyguards — The strongest, ugliest vassals are when they and their servants are under foes’ scrutiny and
chosen to be bodyguards for their vampiric masters, guarding cannot act directly. They carry out orders and do lots of
their domitors at all times and acting as bouncers and door behind-the-scenes dirty work in exchange for vampiric vitae.
staff at havens. Most of these ghouls are happy performing Smart businesspeople, brokers typically become stronger
their duties; their domitors usually feed them more blood and more well-rounded than other ghouls; after ingestion of
than other ghouls, in order for them to maintain high levels many different clans’ vitae, they can inherit more Discipline
of physical prowess. knowledge than other ghouls can.
Ghoul characters are built in a fashion similar to (Revenants only) Select ghoul family:
vampires, but there are a number of key differences. The Bratovitch: Monstrous and bizarre hunters and
most important, of course, is that ghouls get fewer dots to deviants.
distribute among their Traits. However, although they may Grimaldi: The most human of revenants, they
be weaker than the average beginning Vampire character, live among mortals.
ghouls have a number of advantages all their own. Obertus: Reclusive scholars who seek forbidden
This chapter presents full rules for creating ghoul
Zantosa: Hedonist dilettantes who serve them-
characters usable in a Vampire chronicle, in an all-ghoul
chronicle, or even in other Storyteller System games such
• Step Two: Select Attributes
as Werewolf: The Apocalypse. A ghoul’s Traits will for the
Prioritize categories: Physical, Social, Mental (6/4/3)
most part be identical to those presented in the Vampire:
Choose Physical Traits: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina
The Masquerade rulebook. However, to properly play Sabbat
Choose Social Traits: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance
ghouls or revenants and their inhuman Virtues, the Players
Guide to the Sabbat may be useful. If you don’t have this Choose Mental Traits: Perception, Intelligence, Wits
rulebook, go ahead and wing it. • Step Three: Select Abilities
Of course, the rules presented here are optional. They’ve Prioritize categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (11/7/4)
been chosen to maintain the spirit of the World of Darkness Choose Talents: Your natural aptitudes
while keeping play fairly balanced, but if you have difficulty Choose Skills: What you’ve been trained to do
with a certain ruling, change it. Nobody knows your game Choose Knowledges: What you’ve studied
better than you do, and your group is always the final arbiter • Step Four: Select Advantages
of what works best around its table. Choose Backgrounds (5), Disciplines (Potence 1, + 1 other
Note: In some chronicles, being a ghoul may require a Discipline) and Virtues (7, or 5 for Sabbat ghouls and revenants)
five-point Merit. If so, any player who pays the point cost Vassals: Choose a Discipline known to your domitor
for the Merit may generate a character per the rules below. Revenants: Choose a family Discipline
Independents: Choose any Discipline
This chapter provides information on running chroni- into their lives. Once a person takes her first pull of vitae,
cles for ghouls, or incorporating ghouls into Vampire games. her old life goes away and a new one takes over. Now she
It is intended primarily for the Storyteller’s use. A few can do anything. Anything.
surprises lurk here, so players should avoid reading further. But she still needs the juice. She can’t risk displeasing
the Master, or he may cut her off. And then it’s back to be-
Theme ing weak, defenseless, mortal. Back to the old, miserable,
useless wretch she once was. So maybe the Master asks her
As stated in the Vampire: The Masquerade rulebook,
to do strange things now and again. Maybe she has to kill
a good chronicle benefits unreservedly from the presence
some little old man running a corner bookstore. She doesn’t
of a unifying theme. Although the themes provided there
want to — but she needs the stuff. There’s really no contest.
work equally well for vampire or ghoul stories, the following
There never is. She may not like living with herself, but the
concepts are especially appropriate for stories and chronicles
alternative is not really living at all.
that focus on ghouls.
• Manipulation: Vassals are never in full control of their
• Dependence: In a ghoul chronicle, the theme of
lives, and revenants only rarely are. Independents allegedly
dependence is almost inescapable. Vitae is better than drugs:
walk their own road, but they cannot prey on the Kindred
It’s eternal youth, super strength and unadulterated love
and hope to avoid Cainite politics completely. Can the
all in one. The rush of liquid perfection coursing through
players ever be sure that they aren’t some elder’s catspaws?
a ghoul’s veins is not physically addictive, but it certainly
Even if they have domitors, can they be certain that they
shackles the psyche. The question of dependence and
aren’t being manipulated by an unseen hand to achieve
independence certainly comes up in every game involving
goals even their domitors don’t understand?
ghouls. Exploring what it’s like to be at the mercy of the
Blood can make for some intense roleplaying. Hell, will they even know the truth about their situa-
tion — or what they are? The hands that create the ghouls
In the words of addicts everywhere, “I can always
may be unseen from the very beginning. If the sponsors are
quit when I really want to.” Yeah. Right. Ghouls are as
subtle enough, the characters may simply find themselves
adept at fooling themselves as are ordinary people bound
suddenly host to unbidden urges, flooded with unasked-for
by mundane drugs. Most ghouls don’t even know they’re
power. As their sponsors quietly nudge them in the proper
trapped — they know they’re in love, and they know they
directions, the players’ flesh may crawl with paranoia. True,
can do amazing things ever since this wonderful stuff came
Ghouls are very emotional beings, much more so than
Cainites. Immerse your players in the mood you select for
your story. Appeal to their every sense. Because the players
are less powerful than the vampires from whom they feed,
their survival is a tenuous thing. This can sharpen the
senses, allowing an experience possibly more vivid than
one vampire characters might offer.
• Horror: First and foremost, Vampire is a horror
game. The terrifying inhumanity of the Kindred is thrown
into even sharper relief in a ghoul chronicle. The characters
are part of a deadly world — and not a terribly important
part at that — and they are constantly in danger of being
casually slain by an indifferent Cainite. The power they
gain has a terrible price: loss of control. Vassals must fight
to retain their individuality in the all-consuming tide of
the Blood Bond. Revenants are slaves to their dark desires,
if not directly to their families. Even independent ghouls
must resist their urge to frenzy, and all ghouls have to cope
with their dependence on vitae. Indeed, the Blood is the
only thing keeping older ghouls alive — but it also prevents
them from being truly human.
More importantly, vampires become far more frighten-
ing when the characters are inferior in power — and both
sides know it. The Toreador assassin who might have been
a mere rival for a coterie of vampires becomes a terrible,
implacable monster in a ghoul chronicle. As natural preda-
tors, vampires tend to become far more sadistic with those
who don’t threaten them; the obvious analog is the cat
toying with its frightened, injured prey. Ghouls’ knowledge
of Kindred is imperfect and subjective; the less they know,
the more they have to fear. Even finding out specifics, such
as linking the Samedi with the walking dead, is unlikely to
lessen the dread.
Finally, the deepest horror should always come from
within, not from without. Picture the ghoul who wakes up
after a drunken binge, with only hazy memories of shouting
and flashes of color, his hands soaked in blood…and gradu-
ally he remembers that his son was crying, but the house is
very quiet now.…
The Unmastered
The Unmastered was formed in the 1950s as a sort
of underground railroad for newly orphaned or escaped
ghouls. Although the fledgling group numbered perhaps 20
at its start, the four pivotal founders were Gregory Winter,
Ginevra Salamanca (Obertus), Enrico Sagunto and Philip
Marshall. Each had extensive experience in dealing with
the Kindred, and each was willing to share knowledge with
less fortunate members. Within a period of two years, the
cellular structure of the Unmastered was formed and the
Core was established.
Sagunto, a former member of the Society of St. Leo-
pold’s Gladius Dei, was never a ghoul. He had gone rogue
from the Inquisition some years earlier over a methodology
dispute, and devoted himself to assisting the victims of
Kindred manipulation. Although he acquired at least 12
confirmed vampire kills to his name during his time with
the Unmastered, he was finally slain by a Malkavian in the
Anarch Free States.
Philip Marshall was an independent ghoul who’d run
into his first vampire while working as a photojournalist. He
soon learned of the beneficial properties of Kindred blood, and
began hiring himself out as a sort of mercenary investigator,
paid in vitae. He learned about the Blood Bond the hard way,
but was freed when Sagunto slew his domitor at the climax of
an auto-da-fé. Marshall continued to uncover Kindred secrets
for the Unmastered, but vanished sometime in the late ‘60s
while tracking down information on the Inconnu. A few
rumored sightings trickle in every year, but none seems to be
anything significant.
The remaining two, Salamanca and Winter, are still
an integral part of the Core, and have gradually increased
their influence across the world. They’ve learned from their
mistakes, and are largely responsible for the present efficiency
of the organization.
Carter is perhaps the most enigmatic Core member,
even to her fellow founders. She joined soon after Sagunto’s
death, following a meeting with Winter and Salamanca in
which she convinced them that she would be invaluable to
their efforts. When tested, Carter demonstrated a grasp of
Nobody knows who his first domitor was, or even what Kindred lore that rivaled even Winter’s, handing the sect
clan. From listening closely to Winter’s occasional sardonic secret information about the princes of three major cities.
anecdotes, the other Core members have guessed that he Soon after, Carter was inducted to the Core, the better to
served as a powerful Camarilla vampire’s right hand for some tap her uncanny reservoir of knowledge.
time, probably on the American East Coast during the 19th Although Carter’s loyalty was demonstrated time and
century. He severed his ties sometime after the Civil War again, in 1960 she shocked the other Core members by
and managed to survive as an independent for a few years. appearing after an extended absence — with a completely
Eventually he was forced to join another Cainite’s retinue, different face and build. Intensive questioning revealed that
but during World War I he swapped domitors almost as often
as a Toreador changes outfits. Nobody’s quite sure how he
managed it, but the other two Core members have their
guesses. For one, Winter is amazingly skilled at personal
subterfuge; he may not be a Machiavellian schemer on a
grandiose level, but he can fool almost anyone almost all
of the time. For another, his long years as a ghoul seem to
have built in him an innate resistance to the Blood Bond.
He’s destroyed more than one Cainite who staked her unlife
on her servant’s blind devotion.
At the close of World War II, Winter found himself
fleeing England with the orphaned retinue of a powerful
Ventrue. In his efforts to provide for his inexperienced
companions, he wound up making a slew of contacts that
soon blossomed into a full-fledged support network. When
he met Philip Marshall, they discovered a common purpose
and, more out of enlightened self-interest than anything
else, they formed the Unmastered.
Vitae Hunter
This is the sort of hunter who has been surviving for
some time by her wits, and who has more than one vampire
kill to her name. She has lost much of her compassion over
the years, but the constant fight for survival has given her
a razor’s edge.
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Talents: Acting 1, Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 3,
Dodge 3, Intimidation 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2
Skills: Drive 3, Firearms 4, Melee 3, Repair 2, Security Revenant Agent
3, Stealth 4, Survival 3 These revenants are typical Sabbat agents who serve
Knowledges: Computer 3, Investigation 4, Law 2, as daylight muscle for the sect. They tend to travel in small
Linguistics 1, Medicine 2, Occult 3, Politics 1, packs, and can be a real threat for ghoul characters. However,
Science 2 at least ghoul enemies have a chance of being awake when
Disciplines: Auspex 1, Fortitude 1, Obfuscate 1, they come calling.…
Potence 1 Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contacts 4, Resources 2 Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 5 Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Humanity: 5 Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 2,
Willpower: 9 Intimidation 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 1
Skills: Drive 2, Firearms 3, Melee 2, Repair 1, Security
2, Stealth 3, Survival 1
Knowledges: Computer 1, Investigation 3, Law 1,
Linguistics 1, Occult 1
Disciplines: Fortitude 1, Potence 1; Dominate, Vicis-
situde or Auspex 1
Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Resources 1
Virtues: Callousness 3, Instincts 3, Morale 3
Path of Enlightenment (varies): 4
Willpower: 6
These horrible creatures are the fleshcrafted minions
of the Tzimisce. Many szlachta are lobotomized as part of
the process, making them bestial creatures who understand
only how best to obey. Szlachta may possess any or all of the
Vicissitude Modifications listed on p. 84, and are typically
twisted into nightmarish caricatures of living creatures (all
possess the Flaw: Monstrous). The appalling alterations they
undergo serve two purposes: They become more frighten-
ing, often a crucial edge in battle; and no szlachta may ever
Leopard/Mountain Lion
Strength: 4, Dexterity: 4, Stamina: 4
Willpower: 4, Health Levels: OK, OK, -1, -1, -3,
Wolf/Large Dog
Strength: 2, Dexterity: 3, Stamina: 3
-5, Incap.
Willpower: 3, Health Levels: OK, OK, -1, -1, -3, -5,
Attack: Claw/5 dice; Bite/5 dice
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Climbing
Attack: Bite/4 dice; Claw/2 dice
4, Dodge 3, Intimidation 3, Stealth 3
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Dodge 3,
Stealth 2, Tracking 3
Sample Plots
Every story needs a jumping-off point. Preferably, this
• For the space of a story, the characters face no
threats from a supernatural venue. Instead, they must
keep their own houses in order, trying to maintain
point of departure is one that hooks the players from the their mortal lives. Relatives come to visit, bills arrive
very beginning, presumably by offering their characters a past due, a job is threatened or a character gets in a
very personal stake in the story. Although a ghoul chronicle car accident. The characters are confronted with a
can certainly borrow plot ideas that would be just as ap- number of mundane tribulations, and should feel the
propriate for Vampire, some stories should emphasize that need to smooth these things over without too much
the characters are ghouls, and address their ghoul-specific undue fuss.
goals and concerns.
Talents Skills Knowledges
Acting_______________ oooooooo
Animal Ken___________ oooooooo
Alertness____________ oooooooo
Drive________________ Computer___________oooooooo
Athletics____________ oooooooo
Etiquette____________ oooooooo
Brawl_______________ oooooooo
Firearms____________ oooooooo
Dodge_______________ oooooooo
Melee_______________ oooooooo
Empathy____________oooooooo oooooooo
Music_______________ oooooooo
Intimidation_________ oooooooo
Repair______________ oooooooo
Leadership___________ oooooooo
Security_____________ oooooooo
Streetwise____________ oooooooo
Stealth______________ oooooooo
Subterfuge___________ oooooooo
Survival_____________ oooooooo
Disciplines Backgrounds Virtues
Potence________oooooooo ______________
Contacts oooooooo Conscience/Callousness_ ooooo
Presence oooooooo ______________
Domitor oooooooo
oooooooo ______________
Influence oooooooo
oooooooo ______________
Resources oooooooo Self-Control/Instincts__ ooooo
oooooooo ______________
Allies oooooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo
_________________ ______________ oooooooo Courage/Morale_________ ooooo
Talents Skills Knowledges
Acting_______________ oooooooo
Animal Ken___________ oooooooo
Alertness____________ oooooooo
Drive________________ Computer___________oooooooo
Athletics____________ oooooooo
Etiquette____________ oooooooo
Brawl_______________ oooooooo
Firearms____________ oooooooo
Dodge_______________ oooooooo
Melee_______________ oooooooo
Empathy____________oooooooo oooooooo
Music_______________ oooooooo
Intimidation_________ oooooooo
Repair______________ oooooooo
Leadership___________ oooooooo
Security_____________ oooooooo
Streetwise____________ oooooooo
Stealth______________ oooooooo
Subterfuge___________ oooooooo
Survival_____________ oooooooo
Disciplines Backgrounds Virtues
Potence________oooooooo ______________
Allies oooooooo Conscience/Callousness_ ooooo
Animalism oooooooo ______________ oooooooo
Vicissitude oooooooo ______________ oooooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo Self-Control/Instincts__ ooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo
_________________ ______________ oooooooo Courage/Morale_________ ooooo
Talents Skills Knowledges
Acting_______________ oooooooo
Animal Ken___________ oooooooo
Alertness____________ oooooooo
Drive________________ Computer___________oooooooo
Athletics____________ oooooooo
Etiquette____________ oooooooo
Brawl_______________ oooooooo
Firearms____________ oooooooo
Dodge_______________ oooooooo
Melee_______________ oooooooo
Empathy____________oooooooo oooooooo
Music_______________ oooooooo
Intimidation_________ oooooooo
Repair______________ oooooooo
Leadership___________ oooooooo
Security_____________ oooooooo
Streetwise____________ oooooooo
Stealth______________ oooooooo
Subterfuge___________ oooooooo
Survival_____________ oooooooo
Disciplines Backgrounds Virtues
Potence________oooooooo ______________
Allies oooooooo Conscience/Callousness_ ooooo
Fortitude oooooooo ______________
Contacts oooooooo
Celerity oooooooo ______________
Resources oooooooo
Obfuscate oooooooo ______________ oooooooo Self-Control/Instincts__ ooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo
_________________ ______________ oooooooo Courage/Morale_________ ooooo
Talents Skills Knowledges
Acting_______________ oooooooo
Animal Ken___________ oooooooo
Alertness____________ oooooooo
Drive________________ Computer___________oooooooo
Athletics____________ oooooooo
Etiquette____________ oooooooo
Brawl_______________ oooooooo
Firearms____________ oooooooo
Dodge_______________ oooooooo
Melee_______________ oooooooo
Empathy____________oooooooo oooooooo
Music_______________ oooooooo
Intimidation_________ oooooooo
Repair______________ oooooooo
Leadership___________ oooooooo
Security_____________ oooooooo
Streetwise____________ oooooooo
Stealth______________ oooooooo
Subterfuge___________ oooooooo
Survival_____________ oooooooo
Disciplines Backgrounds Virtues
Potence________oooooooo ______________
Domitor oooooooo Conscience/Callousness_ ooooo
Presence oooooooo ______________
Contacts oooooooo
oooooooo ______________
Resources oooooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo Self-Control/Instincts__ ooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo
_________________ ______________ oooooooo Courage/Morale_________ ooooo
Talents Skills Knowledges
Acting_______________ oooooooo
Animal Ken___________ oooooooo
Alertness____________ oooooooo
Drive________________ Computer___________oooooooo
Athletics____________ oooooooo
Etiquette____________ oooooooo
Brawl_______________ oooooooo
Firearms____________ oooooooo
Dodge_______________ oooooooo
Melee_______________ oooooooo
Empathy____________oooooooo oooooooo
Music_______________ oooooooo
Intimidation_________ oooooooo
Repair______________ oooooooo
Leadership___________ oooooooo
Security_____________ oooooooo
Streetwise____________ oooooooo
Stealth______________ oooooooo
Subterfuge___________ oooooooo
Survival_____________ oooooooo
Disciplines Backgrounds Virtues
Potence________oooooooo ______________ oooooooo Conscience/Callousness_ ooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo Self-Control/Instincts__ ooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo
oooooooo ______________ oooooooo
_________________ ______________ oooooooo Courage/Morale_________ ooooo