Magic: Exclusive Interview World Showcase
Magic: Exclusive Interview World Showcase
Magic: Exclusive Interview World Showcase
World Showcase
Ellis Knox's Altearth, interviewed by Aaryan Balu
Exclusive Interview
with Tim Hickson, interviewed by Adam Bassett
Making Magic
Analyzing Spell-Based Magic Systems by Ianara Natividad & Noah L.
Once again, the Worldbuilding Magazine team has conjured up an issue filled with inspiration,
advice, and entertainment. If you take a look through Magic, you’ll find pieces from authors new
and old, ranging from in-depth analyses of magic systems to mysterious, thought-provoking sto-
ries. In addition, we have exclusive interviews with author Ellis Knox about his Altearth and with
Tim Hickson, better known by his Youtube alias Hello Future Me. (You should, of course, check out
his videos immediately after reading this issue.)
If, after reading, you feel you want to help out with the next issue, Death & Taxes, we’re always
welcoming volunteers. Have a story or article you think would be a good fit for the magazine, or
think our readers would be interested in an interview with you? Reach out to the Writing Depart-
ment, led by Adam Bassett. Want to join the ranks of Editors (the first and last line of defense
against typos and misunderstandings) or perhaps lend your artistic talents to the magazine? Our
Editing and Art Departments are led by Ianara Natividad and Wynter, respectively. You can inquire
by messenger raven, email us at, or join us on Discord. Our
Editor and Vice-Editor in Chief Miles Gilberti (StronglyOPlatypus) and Debug200 are happy to
answer any questions you may have.
As always, thanks to our wonderful staff for making this issue possible, and we hope you
all enjoy this issue even more than the last ones! If you missed the previous issues, they’re all
available on our website. If you want to participate in book clubs, have conversations with fellow
worldbuilders, and discuss the craft, our Discord is open to all. Happy worldbuilding!
Interview conducted by Aaryan Balu
Daniel C. Baker & C. Lynn Baker, Art by Anna Hannon
Adam Bassett
BH Pierce
Cover: Deificat
Logo: Tristen Fekete
The inspiration was just one of those ideas Dwarves live in the mountains, of course—the
that seemed to creep in by the back door. It was Alps, Carpathians, and Pyrenees mainly. They don't
back when I was playing RPGs with friends and have kingdoms either, but live in cantons with a
had the idea that I could have a world in which all sort of communal governmental system. Like the
the medieval mythology was real. I knew pretty Graubünden of Switzerland.
much right away I did not want to play it as a
game—it was more of a context or concept than an Where do all of these races come from, origi-
actual game structure. I gave it some thought and nally? Have they always been a part of world
decided on the persistence of the Empire, that the history, or is there a specific divergence point?
barbarian invasions of the 5th century were mon-
sters instead of barbarians, that magic was real. This is one of the places where I have fun.
I decided both Christianity and Islam remained Altearth covers two thousand years, and for most
minor mid-East sects and that polytheism would of that time people had only hazy or outright mis-
be the world's religion. When I came up with the taken ideas about magic and monsters and all that.
name, Altearth, I was set. So, from an in-world perspective, the first appear-
ance was the invasion of the goblins in 1131 AUC
All that happened pretty quickly, over the span (378 AD). My book, Goblins at the Gates tells that
of a few months. The concept burbled (meaning story. That's also the first appearance of magic.
I wrote ideas and notes but not stories) until I But, of course, Rome had laws against sorcery for
decided to get serious about writing roughly ten centuries, so were those incidents real or imagi-
years ago. The rest, to coin a phrase, is alternate nary? Scholars differ.
and magic to it. For example, there will be giants
(band name!). Which means I'm going to have to
decide where and how they live, how they relate to
humans, etc. That's sort of what I mean about how
each story sheds new light.
they just do the "secession"—they relocate. is the final victory over the orc empire. One of the
aspects of Altearth, I think, that sets it apart is that
The relationship between the various races the world isn't static. It doesn't always have the
sounds like a rich vein of conflict. What are the same cast of characters.
effects of the new races on Altearth’s version of
real-world wars and battles? What do you mean?
That's very much in development. I do know I mean there can be stories where there are no
that in the 20th century (I'll forbear inflicting orcs in the world. The misperceptions about magic
Roman dates on you), there's the Great War, which means I can have a story in which alchemy is real,
lasts from 1914 to 1945. It's a war between the or astrology, or crystal balls. I can have a story that
Surface and the Second World and has profound takes place before the trolls appear. Or where there
consequences (a phlogistical version of climate are drow but no one knows that yet.
I'm thinking of having the drow be at the root
Why didn’t the war end until 1945? of the Black Death. There are historical accounts
where people say the disease seemed to be spread
It doesn't end because I don't want it to. It's through breath and sight. Make that literal and it's
commonplace among historians to say that WWII pretty cool.
was a continuation of WWI in many ways, so I just
rolled with that. From a bird’s-eye view, is there an overall time-
line for the events of Altearth?
More common, though, is for me to do a spin.
For example, dragons come into Altearth in the I do have a general outline. Here again, details
late 700s. I basically take Vikings and substitute are hazy.
dragons. They enter the world by magical means—
they're created by a cabal of wizards, get out of The First Dark Age (500-700, the dates are
control, and terrorize Europa for two hundred fluid) is the age of Heroic Magic. Magic was highly
years. unreliable. There were no books, no systems, only
individuals doing extraordinary things. Magic was
There are so many cool things in the last sen- thought to be a manifestation of an individual. A
tence. Why'd the wizards create the dragons, gift from the gods, a genius, something innate. That
how do they affect the world, and what stops belief continued for a long time.
them in the end?
By 1000 or so, though, we get schools where
I think I'm going to have lindwurms around— magic gets taught. Not in the form of spells and
they provide a nice explanation for a number of such but as a discipline, like a martial art.
things—and I could have the wizards use them.
Mutate? Clone? I leave these things vague until I That evolved quickly into actual spellcasting. By
actually write a story. The closest I've come is the 1200, we get colleges and academies and Europa-
Battle of Stamford Bridge, which is where the last wide associations of magicians. Think scholastics
of the dragons are killed. That's a pseudo-historical versus nominalists. We also get people trying to
essay. recover the heroic aspects of earlier centuries. A
"rebirth" of true magic.
In general, I am cautious about nailing down too
much. Ultimately I'm a writer, not a worldbuilder. This fragments further by 1500 or so. There
If I make a decision in, say, 951, every story that are many different disciplines—this is the heyday
takes place later has to live with that decision. of alchemy and astrology and numerology, but
Eventually I'd get to a point where I couldn't write also of an incipient chemistry and biology. After
any fiction—it'd be all essays. So I keep things as the destruction of the orc empire, almost no one
unclear as I can, which gives me flexibility to write believes magic comes from a divine source.
good stories.
I'm doing something with the Reformation,
I'll mention one other big historical event. The but it’s a reform of magical methods. I'll do
Hundred Years War becomes the Century War and something with the Enlightenment, but it will be
Yeah, that one's tricky, but I think I can make it Lots of history books, of course, but that's spe-
work. The big difference is keeping Rome as the cific to me. Let's see.
capital. My not-yet-written history will say that
while Constantine built his new capital at Byzan- Google Earth. I decide on where the story is
tium (having never converted to Christianity), the to happen. I know, for example, that Frederick of
advent of the goblins caused Theodosius to return Hohenstaufen sets out from Sicily (age 18) and
to Italy. Justinian sealed that deal by defending meets with a pirate called Henry the Fisherman
the West successfully. That, of course, will imply near some island nearby. So, haul out Google Earth
that the orc empire is somewhere to the east, but I and have a look around. I'm not merely after a map,
don't have that geography worked out yet. I'm after specific visual details. Which island? What
does the coastline look like? I’ll also take the place
Anyway, I have to do a little dance to get through names and do an image search. I study the kinds
the next few centuries until I get to Charlemagne. of trees and rock formations, looking for details—
I can do it—the long-haired kings will finally get sometimes what I see sparks an idea for a scene.
their title—but I don't have it written down any- Sometimes the ideas can be fundamental, such as
where. There's a bit of a hiccup in the late 800s– how I got the idea for the wagoneers or how I used
early 900s, and I might even let things fall apart the salt hills early in A Child of Great Promise.
there for a while. Dragons can cause a real mess.
Then recovery with Henry the Fowler. I'll probably Another good source, but difficult to navigate
keep Rome as the capital, especially since I don't unless you already have prior knowledge, is the
have popes. Internet Archive. That's where I go to find histor-
ically outdated books. It's extremely rich if you're
The other big change is to have all the other writing a 19th-century setting or later, but there
kings—Frankish, Arelat, Briton, Navarre, etc.— are also treasures such as medical treatises or
be actually under the Emperor. The theoretical works on magic that date from a time before we
medieval hierarchy becomes actual. The theory got all scientific and rational on ourselves. Also tra-
would have authority running from the emperor ditional music. Also just about everything. I even
in unbroken lines right down to the lowliest noble. go there for background music as I write. It's the
You know, that pyramid drawn by just about every single greatest gem on the Internet.
Western Civ teacher. It's historically wrong, of
course, but that's part of what makes working in Thirdly, I would mention communities. Mythic
Altearth fun. I get to use the stereotypes! Scribes, Science Fiction and Fantasy Chronicle, and
Fantasy Faction are my main hangouts, though
So what are some of your favorite stories and there are more. Obviously! Being able to hang
aspects of the world you've created? around with other fantasy writers is invaluable,
not only for specifics but for general morale.
My favorite stories are the ones I've written. My
second favorite are the ones I have yet to write.
My favorite aspect is no footnotes. That is, I get You can find Ellis’ work on his website, altearth.
to use whatever I find, regardless of its historical net, or on Amazon.
authenticity. Some of my favorite sources are
magic systems can be integrated into narrative Fantasy has definitely taken a shift towards
and storytelling, using what I feel is one of the harder magic systems. Most people who write fan-
best examples of writing ever, Avatar: The Last tasy these days, in my experience, like to have this
Airbender. So, not only are the magic systems in comprehensive magic system that they understand
particular fascinating to me (I've always been a and can be utilised by characters in much a similar
fantasy kid above all else), but I was able to place vein to Sanderson's allomancy or surgebinding in
them in the context of Avatar’s story which I adore. The Stormlight Archive—which is great! Don't get
It’s one of the reasons why the story works so well. me wrong. I love hard magic systems, but I think
There was also a big build-up to it for me person- this might be because I think, and these are just
ally, as I had two whole other videos explaining my personal thoughts, that soft magic systems are
soft and hard magic systems before I got to this harder to do well in a story. It's easy to fall into
one. deus-ex-machina moments or to have the magic
system scale out of control with bigger, badder
forces that don't follow any previously established conflict to who can cause the most damage more
cohesive rules (as by nature, there aren't as many/ than how can the character use the rules of magic
as strict rules as with hard magic systems). GRR system to resolve the conflict. Avatar: The Last Air-
Martin has a lot of soft magic in his world, and he bender isn't a truly hard magic system, but it deals
does it particularly well, which is part of why his with power creep logically and well.
series is so enchanting.
I have to ask, what’s coming up after the current
I think it would have been interesting to talk (at the time of this interview) series on how em-
a little more about animated magic systems, like pires work?
Terry Pratchett's, where the magic very much has a
will of its own in some sense. I think that's an idea This series on empires was just meant to be
where there is a lot to play with, but not many peo- one video, but then I realised it needed two, and
ple have used it. by the time I was onto the second, I realised it
needed three. Woe is me. The final part will be
That's a good point. The predictability of hard on how empires fall. But as for the future, while
magic systems can certainly be a double-edged I can't say definitely, as I often pick and choose
sword. videos dependent on what people might want at
the time, I have a vague trajectory. I've recently
Yes, and I've always had a soft spot for softer started a subset within the writing series called On
magic systems, personally. While this may just Worldbuilding, and I'm so happy as to how it has
come from my allegiance to Tolkien, I tend to find been received. Hopefully, heading into the future,
softer magic systems have this older, more ancient I'll be doing more of those videos on the elements
and deep alluring feel that is more difficult, but of worldbuilding and how those elements can fit
not impossible, to capture than with harder magic into the narrative—like how having a nationalistic
systems. empire sets up a different point of tension in the
narrative to security-based empires was one thing
I think it would have been good to talk about we discussed in my most recent video.
power creep within the discussion of magic sys-
tems too, if I went back. Those videos were long for I'm looking at doing a video on why prequels
me then, but I often do 20+ minute videos, and that have a bit of a...shaky record on quality? The
would allow me to talk about how some stories Star Wars series being the infamous one, but we
essentially defeat the point of their magic system wouldn't be looking at that specifically. I'd also like
by having these huge power ups that reduce the to have a look at prologues in an On Writing video.
Either way, this book was chosen for a number
of reasons—representation of my skills, themes,
and a few other things—but its premise is this:
A man named James invents a machine that can
transport him to a parallel world. He does so, and
he arrives in a world he calculates to be identical
in almost every detail. The problem is this girl he
meets—a girl who knows all his secrets, who is his
best friend, who he supposedly cares about inti-
mately and has known for a long time. It's partly
him figuring out why on earth she's there when she
should be mathematically impossible in this alter-
nate world he so perfectly calculated the machine
would send him to, but it's primarily about how
they grow and connect with one another.
everyone has heard, but it is true: Make sure you're stuff that most already know. So, an inspiration
making videos on something you love, because that for how I approach my content is kind of creating
is what will keep you motivated. Or at least, that is the content I wanted to see but could not often
what I've found for me personally. find. Hence why instead of a 10-minute on how to
worldbuild empires, I end up making three parts,
Are there any videos you feel should have been each 20+ minutes in length. Because if I didn't, I
better received? Something you put a lot of work wouldn't do it justice.
into but didn't perform quite as expected?
Where do you see Hello Future Me the YouTube
There are videos in the On Writing series that I Channel and Tim the actual person in 5 years?
am just as proud of but aren't as widely watched. How do you hope to see things progress?
I made a two-parter series on delivering expo-
sition. A lot of writers aren't as interested in the Oh, the dreaded future. My instincts tell me to
mundane parts like those sorts of things, so fewer flee and hide. Foremost, I want to have my book
people have watched it. But it's not like I thought published. As much as I am a YouTuber, writing is
it “deserved” more views. I knew it would be less my greatest passion, and I would like to bring that
popular. I've made a couple of Elder Scrolls videos to fruition. Hopefully, I'll be married to my beauti-
which explore fictional battles in the BazBattles or ful girlfriend too! If I'm lucky, I'll have two books
Historia Civilis fashion. They took absolutely ages, out.
a couple of sleepless nights, and I loved them per-
sonally, but they didn't amount to much. As for Hello Future Me—YouTube channels are
constantly in a transitional state, changing to adapt
Now, aside from the aforementioned series to the new online environments they find them-
which you reference frequently, I'd be interested selves in. My channel has been gradually changing
to know what your inspirations were for all of to represent more educational content in the form
this. of the On Writing series, and that does seem to be
the way of the future for me. I shouldn't think I'll
I wouldn't be able to point to any single person. wholly stop making theories or lore videos, but
When it comes to my writing, it was Tolkien who ultimately, I really enjoy the educational tilt my
started me reading and writing, so in a sense, it channel has fallen into over the past few months,
all started with him. I've also come to love John and I shall continue to let it do so.
Green's books. His books deal a lot with mental
health issues, an issue close to my heart, as well
as a few other themes that I have come to connect
with and explored in my own stories. Mike [DiMar- We would like to thank Tim for taking the time
tino], Bryan [Konietzko], and Elizabeth and Aaron to be a part of this issue of Worldbuilding Mag-
Ehasz are the four minds behind Avatar: The Last azine! You can find him on YouTube, Twitter, or
Airbender, which has an incredibly special place Facebook.
in my heart, clearly inspired the channel, and has
influenced how I have written, experienced, and If you would like to share your world in an up-
read fantasy my whole life. coming issue of Worldbuilding Magazine please
email or contact us on Discord.
I definitely took some inspiration from Overly
Sarcastic Productions, a duo who makes content
on history, mythology, and the occasional piece on
writing, when it comes to YouTube. As a broader
“inspiration,” I've had this long standing need to
make my videos, I'll use the word, “comprehen-
sive.” I've often felt that educational content (or
even content surrounding the lore of worlds I love)
is often relatively brief, or they touch on things that
most writers already know, meaning the advice
isn't that helpful. I try my absolute best to not be
like that, but to instead provide clear, very specific,
and comprehensive help that goes past the basic
Pathstones have also led to much earlier inven- lengthened fingers and toes, as well as numerous
tions of technologies. What we would recognize as other minute changes when activating it. This
a railroad analogue first appeared in the mid-18th change comes as a result of the body being a
century, and Paris was illuminated by streetlights bridge between human and Demon, allowing the
as early as 1678. An earlier industrialization also use of the Bond's ability. Abilities vary between
kickstarted the women’s rights movement in the even Demons of the same species and revolve
17th century. around environment and body manipulation. A
sand-dwelling Demon could wield (aside from the
obvious sand manipulation) wind or stone manip-
ulation, camouflage, moisture absorption, or heat
Bonded radiation abilities. Each Demon can only possess
By Tristen Fekete a single ability, and humans with multiple Bonds
possess one per Demon.
Bonded is a title given to persons who can
manipulate Gate Energy using their connection to Many Bond Candidates fail. It is common to
one or multiple Demons. The first Bond dictates see people missing extremities, limbs, organs,
the general type of manipulation and further and facial features. While undergoing the test is
Bonds build on that power depending on the abil- optional, many cultures view it as a right of pas-
ities the subsequent Demons have. This energy sage. Some will only accept Bonded leaders while
originates from the Gates—bridges between the others may view them as members of high society,
world of humans and that of the Demons. Becom- chosen ones, or gods. Others see Bonded as ordi-
ing Bonded is an immensely difficult task requiring nary people with extraordinary capabilities, and
young humans passing through a Gate, offering still others fear them.
pieces of their bodies as liability, then locating and
Bonding with a Demon. Should a person fulfill this
task, their Demon will reside within their body
until said person dies or exceeds energy usage past Evoirs
what their bodies can store. When a Bonded dies, By Aaryan Balu
his or her Demon(s) will return to their realm.
However, if a Bonded uses all the Gate Energy at Evoirs are, simply put, a precise language of
their disposal, their Bond can be severed, killing shapes which can channel magic into various func-
the Demon(s), or both die in the process. Bonded tions. In the city of Coriau, the language of evoirs
can freely manipulate Gate Energy as their Demon has been monopolized by the aristocratic class
did and enter and exit Gates as they please. to maintain absolute dominance. While certain
classes of people might be given specific evoirs to
practice until perfection—a dock clerk, for exam-
ple, may train with an evoir to lift a heavy cargo
platform—the fundamental grammar of the lan-
guage is a closely-guarded secret, scarcely under-
stood by most. What an Evoir can do varies wildly
with relative skill levels—from explosive traps to
amplification of seed size, the power is limited only
by the skill, knowledge, and creativity of the user.
Magical locations throughout the world.
There are four locations, all mountain ranges,
where the crystals and stones have magical
effects on the immediate environment. Any sigils
engraved on these crystals and stones do not pro-
duce any kind of effect. These mountain ranges
have either sound or gravity magic, and due to the
environment that the magic produces, inhabitants
have developed regional mutations. An example
would be the Drake Burg mountain range. The
lighter gravity of this region causes an increase in
size to all inhabitants, including the Drakar (nick-
named Giants) and their massive dragons.
Mask Craft
By Winter Child But there is danger in the masks -- they carry
living essence, and thus are living. They aren’t indi-
A gift from malicious spirits, this magical pro- viduals or sentient beings. Rather, they are a living
cess gives the user the ability to control the senses shard of willpower, devoid of thought, seeking only
of others -- at the cost of their essence. While to dominate and use their power. The wearing of
a mask allows it to force itself upon one’s mind,
attempting to take over the body of the wearer.
Should it succeed, it will twist and deform the body
in order to better fit the half-realized image it has
of itself. Wearers who succumb to their masks
become monsters with hallucinatory power and
nothing but the desire to use it.
By Biscuit
Magic Theory Systems Cosmology Mythology
Terry Herc
The television series Avatar: The Last Airbender Works Cited
makes use of magic with variable strength over
time. In this world magic users can control one Avatar, the Last Airbender. The Complete Series.
or more of the four elements; air, earth, fire, 2015
and water. Through the course of the show it is
revealed that fire magic grows weakest during a Duke, R. (2014, August 18). The Basics of Mana.
solar eclipse, and this becomes a major plot point Retrieved October 8, 2018, from https://
in the story.
Consistency in Magical Systems: Beyond the
magic possessed by an individual character, con- Jordan, Robert. The Wheel of Time. Orbit, 2005
sider what holds together the system of magic as a
whole. What is the source of magic in your world? Rowling, J.K., Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s
Is it an innate part of the fabric of the universe? Stone. Arthur A. Levine Books, 1998
Is it bestowed by the gods? Is it connected to
one’s lifeforce? Consider how the source of magic Shakespeare, W., & Harbage, A.. Macbeth. Penguin
imposes limitations on what it can do as we move Books, 1984
toward one final point, which is consistency.
Vance, Jack. The Dying Earth. Hillman Periodicals,
Having a consistent magical system in your Inc, 1950
world involves deciding what it can and can’t do.
Understand how magic is created, and how it can Tolkien, J. R. R. The Lord of the Rings. HarperCollins,
be shaped and manipulated. When you know why 2016
your magic works, you can then apply that to your
characters and their motivations. Keep in mind Watkins, Alfred Watkins. The old straight track:
that your characters may not know what is possi- its mounds, beacons, moats, sites, and mark stones.
ble or impossible, and this disconnect is something Methuen & Co Ltd., 1925
you can reveal to your audience. A misunderstand-
ing can make for an effective story, if your audience Wizards of the Coast. Dungeons & Dragons Player’s
understands why something does or does not Handbook, 5th Edition. Hasbro, 2014
Aaryan Balu
But there’s a tough balance when it comes to system of epic proportions, complete with godlike
using this style of “anything-is-possible” magic: powers and a massive scope. But how many times
one of the main criticisms that’s been lobbed at have we seen the knight in shining armor who
fantasy in general has been the very idea that any- can do no wrong and lose no fight? Or the D&D
thing is possible. Need a getaway? Teleportation power-gamer who rolls up a flawlessly optimized,
spell. Need to break a lock? Lockpicking spell. Or, Lawful Good Paladin to stomp through the game?
even better, teleport-spell your way around the Story—and interesting worldbuilding—is about
door! conflict, which stems from flaws. There’s a finite
number of powers in the world, but an infinite
If this sounds like a bad use of magic, it abso- number of unique limitations.
lutely is. That’s because it doesn’t follow Sanderson’s
First Law. When talking about magical flaws, the most
diverse source of powers has to come from super-
While we know the source of magic in Tolkien’s heroes. For example, consider some of our favor-
Lord of the Rings, we never fully know how it ites: Spider-Man, the Hulk, and Batman. While the
works on a mechanical, spellcasting level; only power to fly is cool, there’s something viscerally
that it’s an awesome, mysterious, and works on a fascinating about the physics of Spidey’s web-sling-
massive scale. But this ambiguity isn’t ever used ing. While the Hulk has immense strength, his
cheaply: Gandalf doesn’t use it to simply turn the limitation stems entirely from the fact that the rage
Balrog into a kitten or call the Eagles for an express is unchecked and potentially catastrophic; it’s that
ride into Mordor. Tolkien is careful never to let Jekyll-and-Hyde dynamic that makes the character
the magic solve his narrative conflicts; at least, worth following. And Batman is...well, he’s Batman.
not without a great cost. In doing so, he avoids He’s a human who dresses up like a flying mammal
one of the biggest storytelling sins of all—deus ex and takes on a huge variety of superpowered and
machina*. Problems are solved on a very human non-superpowered villains.
(or Hobbit, as it were) level.
For worldbuilders, though, the limitations of a
The more you let your characters (and readers) magic system can often have profoundly interest-
know about the workings of magic, the more they ing effects on its societies and characters (more
can do with it. It’s Chekhov’s Gun; if your character on that in the Third Law). For an offbeat example,
uses a tool—magic, technology, or a gun on the the manga/anime Fullmetal Alchemist revolves
mantel—to get out of conflict, then the character’s around the idea of equivalent exchange: “To obtain,
awareness of that tool needs to be established something of equal value must be lost.” This limita-
beforehand. On the flip side, the less the reader tion which drives the quest of its protagonists, Ed
understands the less magic can be used to solve and Al, as they struggle with the value of human
plot problems in a way that feels satisfying. The life being greater than the sum of its parts. Brent
same goes for sci-fi technobabble; if we under- Weeks’ Lightbringer magic system can only be used
stand the mechanics of a system, then those tools a limited amount before the user goes insane, so
can be used. Even in a James Bond movie, we need the society develops the Freeing: a yearly religious
to see the gadget in his pocket before he can use it ceremony where magic users, too close to mad-
to escape from whatever crotch-laser or shark pit ness, engage in a celebratory feast before voluntary
he’s managed to get himself trapped in. submitting to death.
* Deus ex machina: “God from the Machine”, a plot device where a problem is
abruptly resolved by an unlikely occurance or character. Originally named after
the use of a crane to introduce actors playing deities in Classical Greek theatre.
for it. The consequence is immediate and tan-
gible. Not so great for the sense of wonder, but Often, the best storytelling happens
it could be interesting. when a thoughtful writer changes one
• It has a high barrier to entry. One sloppy or two things about what we know, then
line and the rune blows up in your face. Want extrapolates purposefully through all of
to cast a spell? Get ready for years of study the ramifications of that change.
and a society that organizes itself around the
highly educated.
• It requires finite/perishable resources. Extrapolation based on small changes demon-
Suddenly resource management becomes a strates a thoughtful understanding of the mechan-
source of tension. It works both on a macro ics of worldbuilding and the web-like structure of
level (we need to restock on handwavium, the craft. The same rule holds true for geography,
guys!) and a micro one (I need to conserve my culture, and history as well. Do you need a dozen
handwavium during this fight!). landforms scattered across the map, or eleven dis-
• It requires a sacrifice of life. Blood, flesh, tinct cultures with different origins and histories?
soul, whatever. Make it cost something huge. This is the real meat of worldbuilding, because it’s
• It’s tied to a specific trigger. Maybe the where the magic and the world intersect. Sander-
magic only works when your character is son focuses on three key words: Extrapolate. Inter-
angry. Maybe they can only super-jump when connect. Streamline.
they’re drunk, or when they’ve recently been
around a dog. Extrapolate
• It can be negated. Sanderson defines this
more as a “weakness” than a limitation, but These are the “what if?” questions that we ask
it’s nevertheless useful. Kryptonite is a good ourselves. How does your magic affect the uber-
example. rich and the ultra-poor? How does the presence of
a physical god affect the world’s religions and cul-
Bottom line: Flaws drive plot, and make a magic tures? This is probably one of the most difficult—
system unique. Once you’ve got a seed for a cool and most rewarding—aspects of worldbuilding,
power (flight, talking to animals, or good old-fash- because the interplay between magic and society
ioned spellcasting), take some time to sit down and is one of the most powerful aspects for creating
figure out: what are your magic’s limitations (what something unique. The same way that a mountain
it can’t do), costs (what you lose by using it), and mining town and a tropical city will develop dif-
weaknesses (where it gets completely defeated)? As ferently due to their respective resources, the way
a world and civilization responds to your magic Sanderson’s debut novel, Elantris, and the
system is an excellent opportunity to create some- related novella The Emperor’s Soul demonstrate
thing wholly new. this principle. In these stories, the primary magic
known to the kingdom of Arelon is called as “Aon-
A fantastic example of this comes in the form of Dor”—drawing specific shapes in the air to channel
the show Avatar: The Last Airbender, which man- magic to create intended effects. However, several
ages to almost-flawlessly integrate its magic and other nations exist in the same world, each with
culture to create a truly lived-in world. From archi- their own magic system derived from the concept
tecture (the icy structures of the Water Tribe or of shapes; Dakhor monks have arm bones twisted
massive walls of the Earth Kingdom) to technology into specific shapes that grant powers such as
(the Fire Nation’s hot air balloons), the cultures of durability and teleportation, ChayShan is a com-
Avatar are blended seamlessly because the show’s plex martial art that magically enhances strength
creators allowed the magic to shape the people. and grace, and the Rose Empire’s Forgery uses
deliberately-shaped “stamps” to magically alter
The bottom line: What happens as a consequence? an item’s identity or history. Thus, although the
source and origin remain the same, the method
Interconnect of accessing magic each say something different
about the culture that uses it.
Let’s say you want to broaden the scope of the
powers. Is there thematic interconnectedness? A All in all, of course, these are just guidelines; a
single power source? Sanderson himself excels at framework that may or may not be useful to wrap
this—Surgebinding in The Stormlight Archive has your brain around building a magic system. But
ten magical “Surges” that are fueled by stormlight, they’re useful tools to keep in mind, from someone
and each of the ten orders of magic users has who certainly seems to know what he’s doing. And
access to two unique Surges. Mistborn’s sixteen if these laws still sound too stuffy or prescriptive
powers were conceived to fill the roles of a heist for you after this article, Sanderson has you cov-
crew, and are fueled consuming different types of ered with his Zeroth Law: When in doubt, err on the
metals. In fact, Sanderson’s love for interconnect- side of awesome.
edness goes so far, he’s got a unifying theory of
magic that underlies every story in his universe,
the Cosmere, the discussion of which could fill an
entire dissertation. Works Cited
Bottom line: the result of this is a world that Sanderson, Brandon. Sanderson's First Law. Bran-
feels more realistic: Our existing world is incredi- don Sanderson, 20 Feb. 2007, brandonsanderson.
bly complex, but it’s also governed by fundamental com/sandersons-first-law/.
rules that unify the variation we see. Biology can
be explained by chemistry, which in turn can be ---. Sanderson's Second Law. Brandon Sand-
explained by physics (and as with everything, erson, 16 Jan. 2012,
there’s a relevant xkcd). In the same way, the inter- sandersons-second-law/.
connectedness of powers and limitations leads to a
world that feels more cohesive and believable, and ---. Sanderson's Third Law of Magic. Brandon
makes magic less of a “kitchen sink.” Sanderson, 25 Sept. 2013,
I ntroduction
can cast a spell called Fireball by uttering ver- cleric is extremely wealthy, they cannot just resur-
bal phrases and gesturing with their hands (or rect creatures on a whim. It could take months to
appendages) all while holding a “tiny ball of bat save the money for components, building a buffer
guano and sulfur.” Each spellcasting system will period into the spell without explicitly stating so.
have its specific definition or structure for spells,
though the overall premise remains constant Component limitations provide a physical cost
through different works. to spellcasting. Tools may prove a one-time invest-
ment while material requirements need constant
Common Limitations of Spell-Based Magic replenishment. Furthermore, spell-based systems
can contain both to differing degrees. Tools and
Rules for a magic system can include limiting materials in spellcasting have a lot of potential
how magic manifests and gets used. How magic variety that can define the aesthetics and economy
manifests addresses the scope of magical capabil- of a spell-based system.
ity in any given setting. The rules of spellcasting
may lean toward how magic is restricted.2 Magic Verbal Chants
in any given setting will impact the perceptions
regarding the efficacy of mundane means. Limita- Verbal chants provide a direct, often conspicu-
tions diversify magic systems from one another (as ous spellcasting method. The basis for incantations
will be further discussed later), and they explain can depend on the world’s lore. Verbal chants
why magic has (or has not) replaced certain “nor- pose another way one might limit how mages cast
mal” methods of accomplishing goals in life. Most their spells since they require that a caster have an
often spellcasting limitations take one or more understanding of the language, the ability to speak,
of the following forms: special tool and material and the time to do so.
requirements, verbal chants, and energy.
In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, player charac-
Special Tool and Material Requirements ters use magical Shouts that are exclusively cast
through verbal components based on the ancient
Special tools refer to items consistently needed in-game language of dragons. However, if a charac-
to cast spells which tend to be iconic of the system. ter is gagged (as seen in the opening sequence with
The worldbuilder decides how necessary special an imprisoned user of the Shout) or otherwise
tools are to manipulating magic, whether vital loses their ability to speak, they cannot utilize this
to casting or simply an aesthetic alternative. For magic.
instance, the wand is iconic to spellcasting in Harry
Potter as well as necessary for most wizards. How- Similarly, Christopher Paolini’s Inheritance Cycle
ever, the idea of special tools isn’t limited to just features the “Ancient Language,” which was once
wands. In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the player spoken by all beings. Ancient figures had tied this
can use staves to cast spells outside their usual language to magic, and in subsequent generations,
skill. In D&D, dedicated spellcasters may require mages harnessed its power to cast spells. Each
magical focuses to use their powers, which come word in the language represents specific magical
in the form of staves, crystals, and even symbols feats and requires extreme mental focus to enact
representative of the gods. a word on a specific creature or object. Mispro-
nouncing a word or otherwise failing to grasp the
Compared to special tools, material require- language’s lexicon led to dire consequences, such
ments are expendable or niche in their use. D&D as spells failing or backfiring on the caster.
5e’s spell system allows the usage of specific ingre-
dients for spells. This approach contrasts with the Energy
use of focuses as a blanket material component.
For example, a druid could use a caterpillar cocoon The final way to limit spellcasting is the appli-
to focus their magic and cast the Polymorph spell. cation of “energy,” which measures raw magical
Often, these ingredients aren’t expended, so a power. The amount of power that a spellcaster
caster can use them repeatedly. In other scenarios, can tap into or utilize dictates the extent of their
the game requires material components with nota- abilities. A worldbuilder designs the nature of this
ble gold (currency) costs. A cleric can only cast the energy to fit the world’s narrative, possibly invent-
Raise Dead spell when they expend 500 gold pieces ing their own terms to address the phenomenon.
worth of diamonds during casting. Unless the Some narrative works give looser definitions while
• What is the world’s source of magic? Do the In D&D, sorcerers derive their powers from
world’s inhabitants know where it comes different types of ancestry, and their spellcasting
from? capabilities reflect these origins by being more
• Does everyone in the world have access to spontaneous. In contrast, wizards typically study
magic? If not, then who does? and use spells over years of practice. Within this
• Is magical capability innate, acquired, a com- system, different casters can rely on natural-born
bination of both, or something else entirely? ability or training to use magic. However, spellcast-
• Does an individual need training to use ing in another world may not have such clear cut
magic? If so, how does one acquire such or varied distinctions over who can use magic.
training? Are there any other requirements to
spellcast? The Act of Spellcasting
Different worlds may have their own sources Diversity in the act of spellcasting can come
for magic. A supreme being (like a god) could have from the different combinations of actions a magic
granted part or all of its power to civilizations, user carries out and the time it takes to do so. The
allowing them to use spells. Perhaps magical following questions provide a basis for diversifying
energy simply exists much like the laws of physics a system based on the act of spellcasting:
do in the real world. Magic could even be an aspect
of the universe that goes beyond comprehension or • How do spellcasting styles vary between indi-
cannot be attributed to a single phenomenon. The viduals or groups of individuals, if at all?
source is a macro-level aspect of the magic system • What preparations or components, if any, are
that a worldbuilder can leave as vague or detailed needed to cast a spell?
as necessary. • How long do spells take to cast? Do casting
times change based on the spell, the spellcast-
For instance, D&D’s Sword Coast Adventurer’s er’s skill, or other factors?
Guide explains that magic exists through “an essen- • Are there any means to circumvent traditional
tial element of the universe” known as the Weave. spellcasting? What are they?
While not inherently magic itself, the Weave serves
as the raw power behind magic. Phenomena which Some answers may overlap between systems,
adversely affect the Weave also influence magic’s but the overall combination will seldom be dupli-
stability throughout the realms. cated. Regardless of how the answers interact with
other facets of a spell-based system, they should
The Witcher series also features mages who follow some standard or consistency.
tap into a primordial source known as Chaos. The
Chaos is never fully explained, though it is gener- The D&D 5e ruleset has full spellcasters (which
ally seen as a dangerous, often destructive force. refer to magic users who have access to the most
Similarly, multiple theories exist regarding the ori- powerful levels of magic) separated into different
gins of magicka in The Elder Scrolls. Magicka could classes: the bard, the cleric, the druid, the warlock,
be the remnants of a dead god, residual energy and the wizard. As mentioned earlier, while both
from the ancient beings that created the world, or druids and clerics have access to healing spells,
the life force of deceased organisms. The mages in they draw their magic from separate entities.
each setting do not fully comprehend the nature of Wizards differentiate amongst themselves by com-
their magical sources, yet they still harness magic mitting to a particular arcane tradition that reflect
despite the potential dangers. their magical specializations. Every caster has a
specific narrative as to how they manipulate magic,
Moreover, a world where only people of certain yet the class-specific spell lists have overlapping
bloodlines or biological aptitudes can cast spells options. The spell list similarities imply that differ-
will develop a different dynamic for magical usage ent types of casters have their own standards or
compared to a magic system accessible to every- methodologies on how to produce the same magi-
one. Magic may be more valued or feared due to its cal effects.
rarity in the former case. Otherwise, when every-
one has magical powers, society may apply magic Classifying mages based on spellcasting style
during everyday life. After all, who needs matches can also lead them to have certain social dynamics.
when a snap of one’s fingers creates a small flame? Mages who cast in one way may have a rivalry with
a group of a different spellcasting style, or society
D&D notably categorizes its spells into schools in Vance’s Dying Earth, will likely only have one
of magic based on the effects they invoke. Spells appearance for each spell. These two examples
that provide protective or defensive benefits fall appear on the extremes of the spectrum. Creating
under the school of abjuration; spells that create a unique spell-based magic systems may mean
energy, which includes most offensive spells and employing combinations of restriction and mallea-
healing, fall under the school of evocation. Video bility in spellcasting styles and effects.
game series like Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls, and
The Witcher also utilize the concept of magical The Pros & Cons
schools or branches. These categories help to focus
players’ understanding of how magic works in each Up to this point, this article looked into the nitty
setting. Generally, the method by which a world- gritty of spell-based systems: what constitutes a
builder sorts spell effects can help characterize the spell-based system, its limitations, and diversity
system. between sub-systems. However, as the old saying
goes, knowing is half the battle. Now it is time to
Each spell in D&D also specifies who or what look into whether a worldbuilder may or may not
it can target. Sometimes spells can only affect want to use a spell-based magic system in their
the caster, though they will more often be able to work.
target other creatures. Creature types are a catego-
rization that represent specific groups in the world Why Use a Spell-Based System?
(examples including humanoids, beasts, monstros-
ities, undead, plants, and more). Certain spells can • A legacy through the ages. From ancient
only target specific creatures, such as Hold Person myths to modern popular fiction, spellcasting
only affecting humanoids. Sometimes spells even holds a longstanding place in literary history.
have special effects when used against a particular A worldbuilder should never lack material for
creature type; for example, Blight deals the max- inspiration. Narratively, spell-based systems
imum possible damage against plants. However, will likely invoke familiarity with audiences,
not every spell will target specific creature types, possibly reducing the degree to which one has
so this form of targeting presents a niche way of to explain or describe its magic.
categorizing spells. • Structured as needed. A spell-based sys-
tem’s most defining characteristic is that it
A prospective byproduct of spellcasting varia- uses spells to manipulate magic. While spells
tion surfaces in the style of the produced effects. A often come in the form of verbal chants, they
system could have a mechanic where a mage adds can include other components. A world-
effects or alters the potency of a spell by supple- builder possesses flexibility in how to struc-
menting regular casting with other components ture spellcasting, whether as simple or as
(such as items, additional verbal chants, or other complex as desired.
requisites). These enhancements may still need to • Unlimited power (maybe). The exact nature
adhere to the specific rules for that spell’s overall of magic will vary based on the world and
structure, though. For instance, some of D&D’s narrative. Spell-based magic systems do not
magical implements include wands or staves that inherently limit the type or magnitude of the
expand a caster’s magic repertoire. These items magical effects they create. The worldbuilder
usually grant mages access to spells they normally has the freedom to adjust their system’s
cannot use (akin to The Elder Scrolls), though the power level as necessary. The added flexibility
spells can only be cast at a fixed level of power. can also make pulling off magic-based story
hooks more viable, if not easier.
Spell variations can also appear overtly with the • The value of words. Spells are vital to this
effects’ aesthetics. The Patronus charm (a spell that system, and they can also serve a major role
“produce[s] a silvery-white guardian or protector, in developing, or even defining, other facets of
which takes the form of an animal”) from Harry the world. Spellcasting’s methodology (from
Potter is a famous example. Although the spell has verbal chants to gestures and materials, if
consistent functions, the Patronus manifests as applicable) can hold deeper meaning and
different, albeit not always unique, animal forms reflect the world’s lore. Perhaps magic comes
for each caster. In contrast, a system that allows by using the language of a dead empire, or
spells to have only one set manifestation, such as maybe spells are the product of the cultures
that use magic.
• The looming past. Spellcasting’s prevalence Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) - A fantasy tabletop
and popularity can backfire. A worldbuilder role-playing game typically played in a group of
may find it more difficult to create a spell- two or more people.
based system utterly distinct from its pre-
decessors. One also risks subconsciously Mage - A common, umbrella term in fantasy set-
deriving facets of other settings’ magic tings for individuals who can use magic.
systems, which may make the work come off
as a copy of another. Creating a truly unique Tabletop Role-Playing Game (TRPG) - A form of
spell-based system may take more effort to role-playing game where groups of players create
accomplish. characters and describe those characters’ actions
• Too much freedom. When the presence of via speech or writing, often within a particular
spells defines the system, it leaves a lot for setting.
the worldbuilder to fill in. Designing unique
spellcasting will demand attention to method- Endnotes
ologies or stipulations for magic. If the system
comes off as overly simple or too easily under- 1
Sanderson, Brandon. “Sanderson’s First Law.”
standable, then the audience may find it bor- Brandon Sanderson, https://brandonsanderson.
ing. On the other hand, exorbitant amounts com/sandersons-first-law/. Sanderson delves into
of detail can end bog down spellcasting with three laws of magic overall; aside from establishing
complexity or inconsistencies, not to mention the need for rules, the first law also discusses the
the worldbuilder’s potential time investment different ratings of magic systems, from soft to
for that effort. By leaving too many gaps, one hard magic.
risks creating a spell-based system that seems
incomplete. 2
Herc, Terry. “The Limits of Magic.” Worldbuild-
• The benchmark of reality. Magic forces a ing Magazine 2.6 (2018). Web. Another article in
worldbuilder to consider their world’s stan- this issue of Worldbuilding Magazine specifically
dards of reality. Depending on the power addresses magical limitations; recommended for
of spells, a worldbuilder should always be further reading.
prepared for the question, “Why not just use
magic to do [x]?” Spellcasting, in all its possi- Works Cited
ble versatility, typically subverts and breaks
pre-established laws of existence. As a story Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius. “Writings of Heinrich
device, spellcasting can also be an avenue Cornelius Agrippa.” Esoteric Archives, http://www.
for plot holes or narrative inconsistencies
because of the scope of what magic can do.
Dragon Age. Electronic Arts, 2009-2014. Video
Conclusion Game.
Geoffrey of Monmouth. History of the Kings of Brit-
ain. Translated by Aaron Thompson, edited by J.A.
Giles, Medieval Latin Series, 1999. http://www.
The disaster in which Johannes had found
himself entwined innocently began the previous
night. Lyrus Daygazer, the archdirector of INVOKE
Thaumic, had arrived on the set for the evening’s
interview. This highly-publicized and anticipated
event was strategically scheduled for the evening
of the Trade Guild's Day of Disclosure. On this
pivotal date, every company operating in Akanar
presented their financials to the public at the Trade
Guild Hall. The most important day in ten years
for the entire financial world allowed Johannes
to present a quaint human interest story: What
Makes the Man? That night he was supposed to
tell the story of the most important man in the
world—the headpiece of the world’s largest mana
generation and distribution company. On that
night, everything went wrong.
adventurers looking to find their fortune in the Un- potion, to be distributed to the good people of Aka-
charted Lands. When I knew I wasn’t going to get nar.
any further, I sold the stand and my workshop to a
young up-and-coming Capitol politician. Cain: Very impressive, very intriguing story. I wasn’t
going to ask, but land prices in the Uncharted Lands
Here’s the important bit: if you’re looking to make it aren’t as low as they used to be, and eventually you
in business, you can’t be afraid to take risks. I made will have used up all of the heaven’s shard in your
a purchase in the Uncharted Lands—250,000 acres. mine. Does INVOKE Thaumic have a long-term plan
I thought I would simply lease it to a development for maintaining that success? For example, sustain-
crew to build outposts for trailblazers and swash- able mana sources? I know of one company that
promises they can draw unlimited mana from the the table, thankful to have the furthest seat from
movement of celestial bodies, I think it’s called Celes- the host. To his right were a man and a woman he
tial Sigils? was certain he’d never seen before. Johannes won-
dered if they even worked at the news center. At
At the mention of his competitor, Daygazer had the end of the table sat a presenter that Johannes
flown into a rage. “I really don’t have time for this!” knew, but not by name.
he shouted. “What do you think you’re saying? If
we can’t stick to the contracted topic, then I have to “The sun is now shining directly down on our
leave.” Daygazer disappeared from the set and left beautiful town of Jasper Valley,” the host began,
Johannes and his broadcast partner to conclude. “but today’s story comes not from home, not from
Apvant, not even from the Capitol. This event hap-
pened yesterday in the Uncharted Lands, almost
twenty miles northeast of the Van Klaer Outpost.
A small child, age eight, fell into a ravine near his
family’s cabin. No surveying efforts have made it
Johannes was torn from his contemplation by an out that far, so none of the family was aware of
abrupt knock. After stirring from his resting posi- the dangerous chasm. Not to fear—a retired City
tion, he walked over to the door. Sachia was on the Guard member from the Van Klaer Outpost heard
other side. the news, gathered her climbing equipment, and
pulled the child out of the ravine by the end of the
“How did it go?” said Johannes. day! She brought along with her a priest from the
outpost, who treated his injuries and expects the
“Well enough,” replied Sachia. “The old codger child to be happily running again, although hope-
with the new spellbook was such an interesting fully with a more discerning eye.
man to interview.” Her voice was smoldering in
heavy-laden sarcasm. “Now we turn to our guest speakers to hear
their reactions.”
“I need to talk to you about something,” Johan-
nes said, before being cut off—a small shard of The man was the first to speak, without even
pearl on his desk was now spinning and rattling being introduced. “I think it’s shameful,” he com-
in its indentation, indicating he was being paged. mented, “that this happened in the first place. The
“By Enlil! I have to go.” Johannes dashed out of the Capitol needs to supplement the National Survey
room and into the hallway, quickly vanishing up program and let our brave homesteaders be aware
the staircase at the end. of these natural hazards.”
Johannes stepped into the office of the Editor- “Thank you,” said the host, “And what are your
in-Chief, slowly intruding through the doorway. thoughts, Beth?”
“Noah, sir. You requested me?” Johannes ventured.
The woman was the next to speak. “This is a
“Indeed,” replied the Chief. “You have an empty perfect opportunity to improve communications
schedule for the Zenith broadcast slot. One of the between homesteaders and the nearby outpost.
members of the opinion panel has fallen ill. I need The child would have been rescued much faster
you to take his place.” had crystal chains been laid down to their home,
and communications magicians say it wouldn’t cost
Johannes stammered before accepting the task. more than fifty dinars per household.”
“I’ll do it.” Johannes was, in fact, grateful to have
such an easy assignment. All he would have to do “Thank you.” The smiling host then turned to
is smile, nod, and occasionally make noises to the address the final member of the panel. “And, Mr.
affirmative. Nodding and grunting would be easy. Cain, what do you think?”
With a gesture at his own head, the Chief asked Johannes had not expected the presenter to
one more favor: “Take that ugly thing off before- know his name, having been a replacement. He
hand, won’t you?” cast off a small stupor and meagerly gave his
thoughts. “It’s… certainly a nice story.” He adjusted
A few minutes later, Johannes took his place on his chair, pulling it closer to the desk. “A story of
“That wasn’t the end of it. After that disaster, I Johannes continued to tell his story. “He pushed
his finger into my chest, saying ‘You have no idea will be of no help,’ he told me, ‘but your news
what you’ve gotten yourself into. Lyrus Daygazer is center can verify the seal on the envelope.’ Before
a dangerous man at any moment, but you choose I could speak again he bid me good luck, then
the Day of Disclosure to make him upset?’ vanished.
“I stammered for a bit, trying to get out an “I’ve had a horrible night, Sachia... I don’t know
excuse, but the man continued to talk. ‘You can call what to do.” Johannes reached into his robe and
me Prospero,’ he said. ‘I know about your talent, produced a small envelope bearing a red seal. “It’s
your ability to tell people exactly what they want authentic,” he said, “but I don’t read Rogue’s Cant.”
to hear. If you’re going to hear what I have to say,
you’ll do best to make use of it.’ Sachia couldn’t help but reveal a grin of satis-
faction. “The things you pick up while working
“At that moment, I was intrigued, but frightened with criminals. I’m glad I put in the time to learn
more than anything. Although I wanted to leave, I it.” Sachia took the envelope, removing a small
knew I needed what information he had to share. piece of parchment from inside. She began to read
Should this man be telling the truth, my life could the letter, eyes racing down the paper. When she
be in danger. He said that when he was young, he neared the end of the page, her look of concen-
had worked in a marble quarry far from here,” tration became one of astonishment. “This name,
Johannes said gesturing into the distance, far from here,” she said, signaling to an incomprehensible
the records room. “One year, the foreman said they collection of markings, “is the name taken on by
were moving out—there were far greater treasures the prime suspect in the East Apvant case.”
to be found elsewhere. They set up in the Outlands,
quickly beginning to mine heaven’s shard and sell “The necromancer, then? We already have him.
it to the Capitol. The foremen and the site captain We can stop the assassination!”
were so happy, they didn’t care that a small portion
of the stock would go missing each day. One winter, “No,” she said, shaking her head. “This letter was
the guardwall to the north was breached. The smell sent long after the necromancer was caught. One
of brimstone on the wind made the cause obvious, of our working theories is that the pseudonym is
but they didn’t have time to investigate the dam- used by all the members of their cabal. If that’s the
age, nor who had laid the explosives. Creatures of case, the assassination is still going to happen.”
the Outlands poured into the camp and the Captain
was killed during the evacuation. His crew never “What if we were to warn the director?”
mined there again, and INVOKE was established
within the year. “Trust me, that never works. If we tell the direc-
tor, he’ll begin to act suspicious. Daygazer’s spies
“I guessed his point—’Lyrus doesn’t like compe- will know, and he will die anyway.”
tition, and he’s about to eliminate Celestial Sigils as
well,’ I said. “We stake out the Director’s home, then. Get
ready to help if we see a break-in.”
“He nodded, confirming my suspicions. ‘Smart
man. Lyrus won’t be wanting much attention “That won’t work either. This letter doesn’t list
drawn to him.’” Johannes leaned forward on his the date—all it says is, ‘the agreed-upon time and
crate, and with a pointed tone said, “That has to location.’”
be why he was so upset last night.” Sitting back,
he continued the story. “Prospero pulled some- Johannes dropped his head into his hands.
thing from his robe—I flinched and shifted back. “There’s no way to help him then.”
However, my temperament was assuaged as he
revealed the object to be an envelope. “For what it’s worth, Johannes, you’d have made
an excellent investigative journalist. If you want
“It was a missive addressed to Lyrus, taken off to stop this,”—Johannes’ face began to pale as she
one of his couriers and replaced with a significant spoke—“you have to break the news. You have
bribe to conceal its disappearance. It’s a confirma- sufficient evidence and credibility. You can do it
tion of an assassination order. Prospero told me tonight on your evening slot. The only issue—”
that the assassin is using a pseudonym, but the
victim is the Director of Celestial Sigils. ‘The Guard
Curated by Wynter
Feel free to sing along. 3
Lois McMaster Bujold is a goddess of the written word,
watch?v=0IagRZBvLtw and if you are not intimately familiar with her work, I
strongly urge you to stop reading this article and devote
Actually, they had the Seeker class, too. It’s famously yourself to catching up on her oeuvre immediately. No
weak among people who like 4e, so I converted it to an pressure.
alchemist class, changed the magic source, and altered
some of the powers. Long story. Anyway, for our purposes,
pretend there are only four primal classes.
I brainstormed associations with Celts and between clans and spirits. I had read a number of
thought about how I could incorporate them into books where people who came back from clinical
the nation. Irish and Welsh names were easy to death gained the ability to see the souls of the
add. I could picture the natural environment, look- dead, so I decided that’s how my shamans would
ing up images of the British Isles to find rolling get their power. To become a shaman, they had to
green hills, shadowed forests, white cliffs, quiet die alongside a natural creature—sometimes an
lochs, rugged highlands, and cold bogs. Clashes animal, but maybe an older shaman, or great tree,
with the Roman Empire figured heavily in Celtic or something. The prospective shaman would need
history, so I decided to steal Roman history, poli- to gamble greatly by sacrificing itself to clinical
tics, and military tactics for the invading nation to death. Its spirit would float free from its body,
the west. I chose to organize the nation by clans letting it interact with other spirits. If it were able
since they featured prominently in ancient Irish forge a bond with a primal spirit and then return
society. Then I reskinned the gods to Brigid, Herne, to life—perhaps resuscitated by someone else who
Dainu, Dagda, and Taliesin rather than the Daugh- oversaw the ritual—then it would revive as a full
ter, Son, Mother, Father, and Bastard found in Bujo- shaman with a spirit companion. It would retain
ld’s books. the ability to affect the spirit world through its
companion, and it would sustain the companion
So, I had some worldbuilding seeds but had from its own life energies.
strayed a bit from the primal magic issue. Then one
of my soon-to-be players asked me a very impor- Barbarians
tant question. “I’m thinking of playing a druid,”
he asked, “How do druids fit into this world?” I So, that explanation could work for shamans.
wanted the four classes to feel distinct from each Barbarians would be easy, then. In the game, a
other yet connected to primal magic, so I took barbarian is a brutal melee warrior able to both
a few days to think through my feelings on the absorb and mete out huge amounts of damage.
matter. They’re defined by their “rages,” the game’s term
In the game, a druid is a skirmisher that can So with the place of the druids fleshed out,
shift between animal form and human form, sum- only the wardens remained. In 4e, wardens are
mon animals, and cast spells that affect the bat- a defender class, melee warriors responsible for
tlefield. I saw a key to understanding the druid in protecting other party members from harm. They
another of Bujold’s ideas, a hallowed beast. A hal- don’t get rages exactly, but they take on “forms”
lowed beast is created by sacrificing the soul of one which give them special powers as they fight. The
beast at the end of its life into another, transferring problem with that description is that it sounds like
the wisdom and training of the old to the new over something between a druid and a barbarian with
many generations. Eventually these beasts become a slightly different tactical focus. I wanted to find a
something more than a beast, a shadow of a god or way to clearly differentiate them in-world.
a beast-god. A druid is created by sacrificing one of
the hallowed beasts and taking them into their soul After some brainstorming, I decided to start
through a ritual similar to the barbarian’s—how- by differentiating the warden’s magic from the
ever the soul of a hallowed beast is much deeper druid’s. Originally, both had a wide range of nature
in magic and harder to bond with. Potential druids spells, but I reflavored some of each so that the
do not primarily act as warriors but are chosen for druid’s power focused on living aspects of nature:
their wisdom and fortitude. Rather than rages and trees, thorns, claws, tentacles, and so on. In con-
battle strength, they gain magical powers. trast, I specialized the warden’s spells into the
timeless, non-living parts of nature: weather, rocks,
Since druids can take on animal forms, it would seasons, time, etc. These changes led me to another
make sense for them to act as the intermediary idea.
between the clans and the natural world in the
same way that the shamans mediate with the spirit I could imagine gaining tiger powers by sacri-
world. They would monitor the health of the eco- ficing the tiger and bonding with its soul, but what
systems and befriend natural and magical beasts. about control over the weather and mountains?
If a basilisk or a family of griffons or a tyrannosau- You can’t very well kill a rainstorm or a rock.5
rus herd moved close to a village, it would be the The sacrificing had to go the other way. I decided
druid's duty to decide the best course of action wardens were created when a person sacrificed
(Investigate? Chase off? Kill? Tame?) and pursue themselves to the immortal spirits of nature.
it. The druids would initiate young hunters, trap- Sometimes the immortal spirit snags the soul as
pers, fishers, herders, loggers, farmers, vintners, it leaves and reanimates the body, experiencing a
and ranchers into their craft. They’d also decide mortal life for a brief few decades. With wardens,
what could be hunted or fished and when, and they the primal spirit stays in control, but it has memo-
could determine whether or not a part of the forest ries and feelings from the faded soul of its human
can be logged or turned into farms. companion.
Perhaps most importantly, druids would be Within the setting then, wardens would be fairly
responsible for overseeing the great beasts. They’d rare and treated with great respect. They’d person-
breed or capture the beasts themselves, carefully ify specific places or concepts of nature, like War-
tracking pedigrees and scouting new bloodstock. den of the Winter Solstice or Warden of the Great
They’d choose and train their human caretakers Fens6. They might not feel beholden to any particu-
and check in to see that the beasts were being lar clan, but they would personify the relationships
properly reared. Conveniently, hallowed beasts of the clans to the immortal spirits of nature and
also make a great in-game description for the beast
companions from the 4e rule set. I didn’t see any 5
Well, technically I suppose there exists a monster manual
game reason for them to be tied only to ranger
somewhere that gives monster stats to rainstorms and
characters the way they were in the rules, so I
rocks so that a party could fight and kill them. Nonethe-
altered the rules a bit to make them available to all less, for this setting I decided that rainstormicide wouldn’t
primal classes. give you anything useful besides pure satisfaction and dry
Cathy the Overprepared GM. “Finding the Fens.” World-
building Magazine, Aug. 2018, pp. 18–22.
would protect their people against anything which the Huntmaster, choosing the Wild Hunt’s quarry.
went against the natural order. Their forms would At midnight, the Huntmaster would die and the
then be really different from the barbarian rages other hunters would return to their homes dazed,
because the primal spirit takes over. With wardens, drained, and fuzzy on what happened.
the primal spirit is always in charge, and instead,
the spirit uses its power to modify the host body Greek mythology provided the inspiration for
while shifting into its forms. spring, where young women consecrate the Wild
Revel. From dawn to noon, they’d dance in a psy-
Rituals of Sacrifice chotic frenzy to awaken the fertility of the land.
One young dancer would become the Maenad and
I liked how the ideas from Bujold helped flesh grow a crown of thorns and flowers.8 She’d direct
out the classes, but thinking about wardens led the Wild Revel but in the end be torn apart by
me to ruminate on non-living primal spirits and the dancers she led. Like the hunters, the dancers
concepts. Did I want to go full on animist with my would return dazed, drained, and with little mem-
world and make it so that everything had souls? I ory of the Revel.
toyed with that idea for a while but decided to go a
slightly different route. All places would have some Elizabeth Vaughan’s Chronicles of the Warlands
magical energy created by living beings, but this inspired the winter ritual, where I decided fathers
nation had been feeding its land for centuries. The and old men would participate in the Long March.
holidays and rituals required sacrifices of blood, From midnight to dawn, they’d walk a bright road
magic, soul energy, and lives on a regular basis. only they could see. A few hours in, the walkers
This made the land itself unique. Other nations would be surrounded by the glowing, translucent
may have some primal spirits, but this nation had forms of the dead who, for this one night a year,
a living land rich in primal power. In other regions, could keep company with their living kin. The last
forests are just a bunch of trees, but in this land, walker still marching at dawn would become the
the forest is alive and aware. Stepping into it is a Gatekeeper. His body would turn to stone in order
completely different experience than anywhere to guard the gate to the realm of death for a year.
else in the world.
I lacked a clear inspiration for summer, but
To create a change on that wide a scale would eventually, I decided that if I wanted to have a mir-
require rituals on an equally immense scale. Not ror ritual to winter. To contrast the winter ritual’s
just the shaman class performing magic (because focus on endurance and the past, I needed a restful
they could never be more than a tiny percentage ritual with a focus on the future. So in the summer
of the nation’s population), but something where a ritual of the Long Dream, mothers and old women
significant portion of the population was regularly throughout the nation would lay down in the sun
contributing blood and energy. So I came up with to sleep. Most of the women would wake, burned
the idea of the Great Hallowed Rituals. Ordinary and drained, having bled their strength into the
rituals are things that an individual would use to land. However, vines and plants would smother
get personal results: curing a person from disease and pierce one dreamer until only the barest sug-
or getting information from an oracle, among oth- gestion of her face was left. For the rest of the year,
ers. The Great Hallowed Rituals would involve the she’d be the oracle for the nation, sustained by the
entire country participating together in an act of plants that enveloped her until the death of the
faith, community, mysticism, and sacrifice. greenways in autumn.
different relationship with nature than, for exam- beasts who mediate between the clans and
ple, historical Europeans. If we posit a technology the mortal natural world.
based on primal spirits, then we’d have to rethink • Wardens are primal spirits who possess sac-
some of our traditional associations with nature. rificed warriors and serve as avatars of the
Primal wouldn’t mean primitive, and natural immortal natural world.
wouldn’t mean anti-human or anti-technology. • Animal messenger gossip networks would
Another shift in thinking is that, in D&D, druids dominate communications.
have traditionally been cast as “true neutrals” in • Nature magic construction methods would
terms of good-evil and law-chaos dichotomies. mean buildings are grown as much as built.
This is an outgrowth of the idea that nature is a • Druid-run public health systems could be
separate sphere from humanity, and that the good exceptionally effective.
and law are human ideals. In a world where nature, • Politically, the equivalent of the Director of
culture, and technology are yoked together, this National Parks would be significantly more
separation makes little sense, and proponents of powerful and would likely have important
nature could be as civilized, good, and lawful (or coordination with defense, urban planning,
barbarous and chaotic) as any other segment of and culture.10
humanity. • Settlements, services, and laws have to adapt
to non-humanoids.
Takeaways • The natural seasonal cycles dominate culture
and affect technology more than we’re used
Now, my guess is that you won’t have an imme- to.
diate need to create a nature-punk nation based • Primal doesn’t mean primitive. Nature doesn’t
on D&D 4th Edition mechanics. Few people do. But mean neutral. Natural doesn’t mean anti-hu-
you may want to look at the quirks in the mechan- man or anti-technology. Clichés are fun, but
ics in your own game and see what worldbuilding you don’t have to stick to them unless you
they may inspire. Regardless of the system you use, want to.
here’s a quick take on my technique:
Adam Bassett
but that didn’t mean the monsters didn’t exist out man on my porch I took a deep breath and—when
there, lurking in the dark. it wasn’t too close—swung open the door, taking
aim and shouting, “What do you want?”
I spun around, casting the light around myself,
but even with the light I couldn’t see a thing off the It couldn’t respond, for it had no voice. It had
path. Everything was darkness and quiet, save for left a trail of soil in its wake, walking around the
the river and bugs. house, and where the snow had fallen on it, the
golem’s shoulders were scarred.
I had to step off the path to go toward the river.
To the part where I’d sculpted her in mud. I knew it “Shit,” I said, unable to ignore what so clearly
was stupid to go, yet my feet pressed on as though stood in front of me.
they were possessed. When I arrived, the river was
full and loud, a layer of snow over everything, and It took a step closer. I yelled for it to stop and it
my sculpture was not in its place. did. A strange coincidence, surely. I set the shotgun
on a nearby chair. The golem did not strike me as
I stepped to the spot I’d left it, shining the malicious. It was a being of soil and sand, clearly
light. Where it once lay was a patch of soil, lightly wounded from the snows, a marred shape of the
snowed upon and in the shape of a young woman, woman who I modelled her after. I did not feel
heavier snowfall all around it. A chill crept along threatened, though my heart did skip a few beats
my spine. as a thought occurred to me. A memory of how
my love and I made sand castles on the beach and
A sound, like the bending of a bough, came from how she’d pushed her thumb into the sands and
my side. animated a battle between little sand men to see
which castle was superior.
I shone the light at it. In my haste I nearly
dropped it. As I collected myself, I saw that in front Hers won—something I always suspected was
of me there was a young woman, one who vaguely rigged.
resembled the one whom I loved, made of dried
mud with snow on her head and shoulders. On I ran a finger along the thumbprint depression
her forehead there was a mark—a fingerprint— in the golem’s forehead and recalled the way which
pushed into it. It noticed the branch beneath its she’d cast those spells. Soil pulled away from the
foot and stepped back, avoiding it like a child creature and it slumped for a moment.
would something new.
“I’m sorry,” I said, making a note not to touch the
So I ran. spot again, recalling how the underwater breath-
ing, and the sand people, and everything else she’d
I made an honest effort to convince myself none done was temporary. How cruel, I thought. How
of that happened. The morning was typical enough: cruel for this golem, even for all the sand people
a quiet breakfast of oats and an orange with the who I hadn’t previously considered, to be given
cat, who meowed at precisely the same time he a life only to lose it in a few days. A few hours,
always did. The news was on, the meteorologist maybe.
reported as usual—the rains were still coming—
and a quick look through the news on my phone “I’m sorry,” I said again.
didn’t yield anything out of the ordinary.
When the rains came, it stayed on my porch,
As noon approached, there was a knocking. watching the storm, occasionally standing and
It did not come from the door, but rather a wall. cowering at the sight of lightning or when a squall
Whoever knocked was moving along the side of brought rain onto the deck. I set up a curtain with a
the house, rapping at walls, windows, doors, what- few towels, which I think helped. It stayed there all
ever it was beside. I found my father’s shotgun in night.
the cellar—it was an older model, but, if I spoke
boldly enough, it might be enough to scare off the I don’t think, in all the time I knew the golem,
intruder without coming to blows. My hands shook that I quite knew what to do with it. It wasn’t her,
as I loaded it, recalling the night before as the not by any means. Though it had something resem-
knocking continued. When it came time to face the bling her face and body, it could only make the
most basic movements. It did not smile. It did not the police came knocking, claiming there was a
have a gleam in its eyes—for they, too, were made report of suspicious activity. Once they searched
of soil—and it did not have that laugh I missed so the place, I spoke to them about how I lived alone
much. The one which shook her whole body and with my cat and yes I travelled quite a ways into
made her fall to the ground. No, the golem was not the Portland for work, and no I haven’t eaten meat
her, but I liked it. I liked having it around, though, since the late nineties. We had a laugh about how
the cat did not. The poor thing would not go near vague “suspicious activity” was, and they admitted
that creature and hissed whenever it saw the beast they didn’t know what they were looking for. The
of soil. I had to start feeding it in the cellar, away report claimed there was a monster here—which
from the windows where it might see the golem. both officers found hilarious—but it was a small
town, and they had a duty to check out each report.
The mailman was the first person to see it,
besides the golem’s creator and myself. He saw “Sorry to waste your time, officers,” I said.
it stand and sped off down the road as if demons
chased him. The golem went after him, and, though “We’re sorry to trouble you, sir,” one said.
it did not emote quite like a person, I could tell it
did not intend to make peace with the man. “Mac,” the other nodded at the cellar door. “One
more to check.”
“Stop!” I shouted, and it obeyed. It returned to
the porch, but it was then I knew the rains were I honestly considered striking them then. I had
the least of my worries. a good angle. There was an old college hockey
trophy within reach. I could have taken one out
The following day, I did not receive my mail. I with no trouble. The other would likely fall as well,
thought it suspicious. Once the cat and his bowls taken by surprise. I could not kill them, though. It
were locked up in my bedroom, I lead the golem would wound my soul in a way that it could not
into my basement, where the rains and people repair. Even if I did, there would be blood and bod-
would not find it. My paranoia was validated when ies to explain away should four officers arrive the
following day. So I let them open the door, descend strong enough? How could I look at myself in the
the steps, and prayed that my golem would be still. mirror each morning knowing that I so willingly
gave this exotic creature to an early demise?
“What’s that?” the officer named Mac said. He
saw the golem right away. Of course he did. It was I hadn’t made up my mind when it took its
standing in the center of the cellar, after all. Not an first step into the water. It made no sound, which
inconspicuous place. disconcerted me as much as I was relieved. Soil
turned to mud and flowed downstream as it lum-
I was about to try and explain it—a sand sculp- bered toward the center of the river. It deformed
ture preserved with some artist’s tool perhaps— and withered with each step as I held back my
but the golem moved toward the officers. One drew tears, watching only to confirm what I knew would
his pistol. Perhaps it recognized aggression or happen next. When the golem melted away, the
sensed my panic. Whatever the reason, it charged rains came in full, soaking me to my core.
them, tackling one to the ground and frightening
the second so much that he screamed. I turned on the flashlight and headed home to
let the cat out of my bedroom.
I yelled at the officers, “Go!”
BH Pierce
If you would like to have one of your questions answered by me, please send it to one
of the following locales:, Discord, and Twitter.
Some Junior members of the Amalgamated Order of Interdimensional Persons will
sort through them and select the most pertinent ones for my perusal.
old problems. At the very least you’ll have new
aspects to put into your world to distract from the
problems you just can’t solve. Stepping away and
indulging in new things is the best when to snap
yourself out of any kind of rut.
From Strongly_O_Platypus:
Submission Requirements:
Worldbuilding Prompts:
Writing Prompts:
STAFF PICKS Title: Bayonetta
Title: Dragonlore
Author: Ash “LeopardDancer” DeKirk
PlatinumGames Original Publisher: The Career Press
Publisher: SEGA First Edition: 2006
First Edition: 2009 A very interesting read, Dragonlore
This game is unique in cuts deep into the history and myths
terms of its premise and of dragons around the world, along
physics. There are several with taking different looks at how they
abilities Bayonetta is able (dragons) impact our modern culture
to use including those and storytelling.
which allow her to manipulate her mobility, Chosen by: Noah Lane
enhance her combat strengths, and even slow
time. It's both challenging and rewarding to Title: Three Books of Occult Philosophy
play, in large part thanks to her variety of Author: Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa
skills. Original Publisher: Llewellyn Press
Rated M for Mature Content First Edition: 1531
Chosen by: Rose Brady One of the most important works of
western occultism. Agrippa traveled
Title: Bloodrush throughout the western world, collect-
Author: Ben Galley ing esoteric knowledge and distilling
Publisher: Ben Galley his findings into three books that
First Edition: 2015 covered the elementary, celestial, and
The first of Galley’s Scarlet intellectual realms respectively. The
Star Trilogy, Bloodrush result is a fascinating collection of
introduces a magic system spells, theorycraft, symbolism, and philosophy. The full text
based on blood and is set is available at
in a gritty Wild West ver- Chosen by: Bokai
sion of Wyoming.
Chosen by: Adam Bassett
Editor-in-Chief — Strongly_O_Platypus Aaryan Balu — Writer
Vice Editor-in-Chief — Debug200 Anna Hannon — Artist
Asanouta — Editor
Writing Department Chair — Adam Bassett Biscuit — Writer
Writing Department Deputy Chair — BH Pierce Cat Optimist — Editor
C. Lynn Baker — Writer
Editorial Department Chair — Ianara Natividad Daniel Baker — Writer
Editorial Department Deputy Chair — Bokai deificat — Artist
Editorial Department Deputy Chair — M.E. White Dylan Richmond — Editor
Editorial Department Deputy Chair — Jaren J. Petty Ike Riva — Editor
Lisa Galbraith — Writer
Art Department Chair — Wynter Noah L. — Writer
Art Department Deputy Chair — Tristen Fekete Rose Brady — Editor
Terry Herc — Writer
Meta Department Chair — WithBestIntentions Tina Hunter — Writer
Meta Department Deputy Chair — Cathy, the Overprepared GM Winter Child — Writer
2018 was amazing. We started a blog,
looked at the importance of bread,
explored the fens, and built strange
maps. We read about the mysterious
Fishermen, learned a bit about conflict
in Dungeons & Dragons, and now we
finally got to talk about magic.