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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast v1.1 PDF

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Bad Business in Parnast

Bad Fruul and his minions have been threatening to overtake the town of Parnast for some time,
and intelligence provided by SEER (via HSING) confirms that an attack is imminent. Despite this,
the town is at risk from within as internal politics threaten to tear it apart. It is up to adventurers
to resolve the infighting in Parnast and prepare the town for the hill giant’s onslaught.

A Two-Hour Adventure for 1st-4th Level Characters

Joe Marflak
Adventure Designer

Adventure Code: DDAL05-12

Version: 1.1

Development and Editing: Claire Hoffman, Travis Woodall

Organized Play: Chris Lindsay
D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls, Matt Sernett
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Robert Adducci, Bill Benham, Travis Woodall, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks,
Alan Patrick

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards
of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the
Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the
express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square,
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Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Introduction • If you know the composition of the group
beforehand, you can make adjustments as noted
Welcome to Bad Business in Parnast, a D&D
throughout the adventure.
Adventurers League™ adventure, part of the official
D&D Adventurers League™ organized play system
and the Storm King's Thunder™ storyline season. Before Play at the Table
This adventure is designed for three to seven 1st- Ask the players to provide you with relevant
4th level characters and is optimized for five 4th- character information:
level characters. Characters outside this level range
cannot participate in this adventure. A player with an • Character name and level
ineligible character can create a new 1st-level • Character race and class
character or use a pre-generated character. • Passive Wisdom (Perception)—the most common
The adventure is set in the village of Parnast, in the passive ability check
Forgotten Realms. • Anything notable as specified by the adventure
(such as backgrounds, traits, flaws, etc.)
The D&D Adventurers League Ensure that each player has an official adventure
logsheet for his or her character (if not, get one from
The D&D Adventurers League™ is the official
the organizer). The player fills out the adventure
organized play system for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS®.
name, session number, date, and your name and DCI
Players can create characters and participate in any
number (if they have one). In addition, the player also
adventure allowed as a part of the D&D Adventurers
fills in the starting values for experience, gold,
League. As they adventure, players track their
downtime, renown, and number of permanent magic
characters’ experience, treasure, and other rewards,
items. He or she fill in the other values and write
and can take those characters through other
notes at the conclusion of the session. Each player is
adventures that will continue their story.
responsible for maintaining an accurate logsheet.
For more information on playing, running games as
If you have time or see the need to do so, you can
a Dungeon Master, and organizing games for the D&D
do a quick scan of a player’s character sheet to ensure
Adventurers League, please visit the D&D
that nothing looks out of order. If you see magic items
Adventurers League home at:
of very high rarities or strange arrays of ability
scores, you can ask players to provide documentation
for the irregularities. If they cannot, feel free to
restrict item use or ask them to use a standard ability
Preparing the Adventure score array. Point players to the D&D Adventurers
League Player’s Guide for reference.
Before you show up to Dungeon Master this If players wish to spend downtime days and it’s the
adventure for a group of players, you should do the beginning of an adventure or episode, they can
following to prepare. declare their activity and spend the days now.
• Make sure to have a copy of the most current Alternatively, they can do so at the end of the
version of the D&D Basic Rules or the Player’s adventure or episode. Players should select their
Handbook. characters’ spells and other daily options prior to the
• Read through the adventure, taking notes of start of the adventure, unless the adventure specifies
anything you’d like to highlight or remind yourself otherwise. Feel free to reread the adventure
while running the adventure, such as a way you’d description to help give players hints about what they
like to portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like to use in might face.
a combat.
• Get familiar with the monster statistics in the Adjusting the Adventure
Throughout this adventure, sidebars provide
• Gather together any resources you’d like to use to information to assist you in making adjustments for
aid you in running this adventure--such as smaller or larger groups and characters of higher or
notecards, a DM screen, miniatures, and lower levels than the adventure is optimized for. This
battlemaps. is typically used exclusively for combat encounters.
These adjustments are not required, nor are you
bound to the suggestions made by the adventure—

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 2

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

they are recommendations provided for guidance and Challenge Your Players. Never being challenged
convenience. makes for a boring game, and being overwhelmed
This adventure is optimized for a party of five makes for a frustrating game. Gauge the experience
4th-level characters. To figure out whether you level of the players (not the characters) with the
need to adjust the adventure, do the following: game, try to feel out (or ask) what they like in a game,
and attempt to give each of them the experience
• Add up the total levels of all the characters.
they’re after when they play D&D. Everyone should
• Divide the total by the number of characters. have the opportunity to shine.
• Round fractions of .5 or greater up; round fractions Mind the Time. Watch for stalling, since play loses
of less than .5 down. momentum when this happens. At the same time,
You’ve now determined the average party level make sure that the players don’t finish too early;
(APL) for the adventure. To figure out the party provide them with a full play experience. Try to be
strength for the adventure, consult the following aware of running long or short. Adjust the pacing
table. accordingly.
Keep the Adventure Moving. When the game starts
Determining Party Strength
to get bogged down, feel free to provide hints and
Party Composition Party Strength
clues to your players so they can attempt to solve
3-4 characters, APL less than Very weak
puzzles, engage in combat, and roleplay interactions
3-4 characters, APL equivalent Weak
without getting too frustrated over a lack of
3-4 characters, APL greater than Average information. This gives players “little victories” for
5 characters, APL less than Weak figuring out good choices from clues. The Dungeon
5 characters, APL equivalent Average Master’s Guide has more information on the art of
5 characters, APL greater than Strong running a D&D game.
6-7 characters, APL less than Average
6-7 characters, APL equivalent Strong
6-7 characters, APL greater than Very strong
Spellcasting Services
Any settlement the size of a town or larger can
Average party strength indicates no recommended provide some spellcasting services. Characters need
adjustments to the adventure. Each sidebar may or to be able to travel to the settlement to obtain these
may not offer suggestions for certain party strengths. services.
If a particular recommendation is not offered for your Spell services generally available include healing
group, you don’t have to make adjustments. and recovery spells, as well as information-gathering
spells. Other spell services might be available as
Running the Adventure specified in the adventure. The number of spells
available as a service is limited to a maximum of
As the Dungeon Master of the session, you have the
most important role in facilitating the enjoyment of three per day total, unless otherwise noted.
the game for the players. You help guide the narrative Spellcasting Services
and bring the words on these pages to life. The Spell Cost
outcome of a fun game session often creates stories Cure wounds (1st level) 10 gp
that live well beyond the play at the table. Always Identify 20 gp
follow this golden rule when you DM for a group: Lesser restoration 40 gp
Prayer of healing (2nd level) 40 gp
Make decisions and adjudications that enhance
Remove curse 90 gp
the fun of the adventure when possible.
Speak with dead 90 gp
To reinforce this golden rule, keep in mind the
following: Divination 210 gp
You Are Empowered. You get to make decisions Greater restoration 450 gp
about how the group interacts with the NPCs and Raise dead 1,250 gp
environment within this adventure. It is okay to make Resurrection* 3,000 gp
considerable changes or engage in improvisation, so True Resurrection* 50,000 gp
long as you maintain the original spirit of what’s
written. *These spells require an additional expenditure of
downtime days (150 for resurrection and 350 for true

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 3

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

resurrection). This cost can be reduced by 50 days for Character’s Party Pays for Raise Dead. As above,
each faction rank above 1 that the character except that some or all of the 1,250 gp for the raise
possesses. This downtime is spent in community dead spell is paid for by the party at the end of the
service for the church that provided the spell in session. Other characters are under no obligation to
question. The Acolyte background feature does NOT spend their funds to bring back a dead party member.
reduce the gp or downtime cost for either of these Faction Charity. If the character is of level 1 to 4
spells. and a member of a faction, the dead character’s body
can be returned to civilization and a patron from the
Acolyte Background faction ensures that he or she receives a raise dead
A character possessing the acolyte background requesting spell. However, any character invoking this charity
spellcasting services at a temple of his or her faith may request forfeits all experience and rewards from that session
one spell per day from the Spellcasting Services table for free. (both those earned prior to and after death during
The only cost paid for the spell is the base price for the that session) and cannot replay that episode or
consumed material component, if any.
adventure with that character again. Once a character
Acolytes can call upon spellcasting services in and around
reaches 5th level, this option is no longer available.
the three towns as follows:
Parnast (Tier 1). Mielikki
Stagwick (Tier 2). Chauntea Adventure Background
Beregost (Tier 3). Lathander, Waukeen The village of Parnast is a small, secluded community
nestled between the southeastern boundary of the
Greypeak Mountains and the western edge of the
Death and Recovery Weathercote Wood. Originally built as a Zhentarim
Sometimes bad things happen, and characters die. outpost, Parnast was a prosperous trade hub along
Since you might not have the same characters return the Black Road. Following the death of the outpost's
from session to session, here are the rules when bad commander and subsequent abandonment by the
things happen to characters. Zhentarim, Old Parnast's fortifications fell into
disrepair and were in turn abandoned by the
Death villagers, who, over the years moved the village south.
A character who is killed during the course of the Just over a year ago, Parnast was seized by the Cult
adventure has a few options at the end of the session of the Dragon, who used the massive crater outside
(or whenever arriving back in civilization) if no one in the village as a dock for their flying fortress, Skyreach
the adventuring party has immediate access to a raise Castle. The cult was eventually driven off, but not
dead or revivify spell, or similar magic. A character before plundering Parnast and the surrounding
subject to a raise dead spell is affected negatively region of its resources, leaving the town vulnerable in
until all long rests have been completed during an the face of the newest threat.
adventure. Alternatively, each downtime day spent The giant, Bad Fruul, masses his armies to the
after raise dead reduces the penalty to attack rolls, south, while outriders and scouts led by an orc
saving throws, and ability checks by 1, in addition to warrior named Kagrota Threeteeth scour the region
any other benefits the downtime activity might for supplies, slaves, and treasure. Marauding bands of
provide. orcs and goblins have sent outlying homesteaders
Create a New 1st-Level Character. If the dead fleeing for the relative safety of Parnast, lending
character is unwilling or unable to exercise any of the credence to rumors that had been following caravans
other options, the player creates a new character. The across the Anauroch for several tendays. Bad Fruul is
new character does not have any items or rewards on the move and Parnast is about to be overwhelmed.
possessed by the dead character.
A Note on Magic
Dead Character Pays for Raise Dead. If the
character’s body is recoverable (it’s not missing any Some characters may attempt to use magic to manipulate
NPCs in this module. While this activity should not be
vital organs and is mostly whole) and the player
discouraged by the DM, please be sure you understand the
would like the character to be returned to life, the
effects of such spells before adjudicating the outcome. So
party can take the body back to civilization and use while, charm person, for example, causes the victim to view
the dead character’s funds to pay for a raise dead the caster as a friendly acquaintance. One does not necessarily
spell. A raise dead spell cast in this manner costs the share their innermost secrets with a friendly acquaintance, or
character 1,250 gp. otherwise change their plans for just them.

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 4

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Adventure Overview journey. If the adventurers took part in DDAL05-02
The Black Road, they have knowledge of the area, and
The adventure is broken down into three parts:
recent history.
Part 1. Raggnar Redtooth hires the adventurers to
All Faction Members. Regardless of a particular
investigate suspected sabotage that has hindered
character’s specific reasons for being in Parnast,
recent attempts to ready defenses against the orcs.
members of every faction recently received a missive
Part2. The characters investigate the suspected
from their handler, warning that Bad Fruul, a capable
sabotage throughout the following day, and
hill giant war chief, has spent months gathering an
eventually catch Tove Brandimen, one of Raggnar’s
army of goblinoids, ogres and other, less pleasant
militiamen, in the act. Tove attempts to flee. If
creatures in the Greycloak Hills. New intelligence
captured, he claims to be working for Kagrota
confirms that he is preparing to attack Parnast. You
Threeteeth, an orc who he claims is holding his
are to travel to or remain in the village and assist the
mother Illyna captive. If the characters agree to try
people however you can.
and rescue his mother, he offers to lead them to
Order of the Gauntlet (Faction Assignment). The
Order has heard tell of Cyric worshipers in the hills
Tove and Gotthard Brandimen around Parnast, seen the Skull-and-Sunburst (Cyric’s
When the Zhentarim left Old Parnast, the Banite temple was
Symbol) carved into trees along the trade route, and
destroyed and one human acolyte fled into the forest with his borne witness to small shrines dedicated to the mad
family. He built a cabin in the wooded hills and raised his god in the wilds. Members of the Order of the
children to venerate Bane, as they raised theirs in turn. Today Gauntlet—should they come upon any such symbols
the cabin is home to his great-grandchildren; identical half-elf or shrines—are to destroy them without hesitation.
twins of forty-five, named Tove and Gotthard Brandimen who
have abandoned the worship of Bane in favor of Cyric.
Ostensibly, they are trappers. Both brothers, under the
guise of Tove, periodically travel to the village to trade meat
and skins for supplies. They have a good reputation as fair
traders and decent folk. Though the villagers know of
Gotthard, they believe him to be Tove’s younger reclusive
brother who has never come to town. Additionally, they do
not suspect that Tove and Gotthard are twins or that the
brothers have abducted and murdered numerous travelers
over the years.
When they learned of the orcs moving through the area,
and of the larger force following close behind, they made
contact with Kagrota and offered their allegiance. Kagrota
agreed, though she did wish to limit the brother’s actions
against the village. Her goal is not to slaughter the villagers,
but to take as many slaves as possible. Bad Fruul’s army
requires support after all, and corpses serve only crows.
Part3. The characters finally confront Kagrota at
the Brandimen’s cabin.

Adventure Hooks
There are many reasons for the adventurers to be on
site, including the following:
Treasure Hunters. You’ve recently come to Parnast
following a treasure hunting expedition in the
Greypeak Mountains. Characters who participated in
DDAL05-01 Treasures of the Broken Hoard may
already be in Parnast.
Caravan Guards. You recently arrived at Parnast
as part of a caravan traveling through the Anauroch
or Grey Peak Mountains, your employers are taking a
few days to rest before completing an arduous

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 5

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Part 1. Back in Parnast The village of Parnast has seen better days. Rumors of
Expected Play Time: 15 Minutes an encroaching monstrous army, once brashly
The characters have recently arrived at The Golden dismissed, became a living nightmare when the first
Tankard for the evening meal after having passed farm was sacked. Now make-shift shelters for the
through the village. There are several other locations
newcomers and pickets for their animals can be
in town that they may wish to visit, either after their
meal or on the following day. Please read the box text found scattered along the streets and among
under “The Golden Tankard” and take a moment to buildings. A quiet gloom hangs over the village.
allow the characters to introduce themselves. This evening, you arrive late to The Golden Tankard
to find a burly man with prominent muttonchops
General Features bidding three men goodnight. Two are clearly
Parnast has the following general features: militiamen, and the third is a short half-elf, clad in
Weather. Situated on the eastern boundary of the worn furs. As the three leave, the burly man spots you
Greypeak Mountains, a cool breeze continually flows approaching and smiles apologetically, saying “I’m
through Parnast. The shadow of the mountain range sorry friends, but the Tankard’s cl… On second
begins to darken the village early in the evening. It is thought, would you be interested in some work?”
currently overcast and windy, threatening rain.
Light and Visibility. During the day, the village is
well lit, however, in the wooded region outside of The Offer
town, the light is dim and both are dark at night. Raggnar had been discussing the news of monsters
Geography. The terrain around Parnast is uneven and missing farmers with two of his regular
and rocky. The region is covered with rugged scrub, militiamen and Tove Brandimen, his scout.
hearty wildflowers, and tall mountain pines. Hunting Unbeknownst to the barkeeper, Tove has been
is usually unproductive as nearly all large game has feeding him false information, leading him to believe
been hunted out of the region. that the best option is to build fortifications, in hopes
Crater. Immediately southwest of Parnast is a that the village looks too dangerous for the orcs to
massive crater, used by the Cult of the Dragon to risk attacking. Raggnar believes that the village can
house the floating fortress, Skyreach Castle. conceivably be defended, but only if people would do
In the Region. Within a day’s walk of Parnast, there what he says.
are a half-dozen farms and other outlying dwellings. Raggnar introduces himself and asks if the
Refugees. Four farming families, workers in their characters are interested in work. If so, he invites
employ, and a number of other homesteaders have them into the tavern and calls for his daughter
recently arrived in Parnast. This increase in Elspeth to bring cheese and ale to tide the
population may be a burden, as half of the newcomers adventurer’s over until morning.
are very old or very young, and the able-bodied adults Once inside, he explains that he has been
are not capable warriors. They are, however, scrambling to organize a defense, but has
accustomed to hard labor and could be of use in the encountered resistance and ill fortune at every turn.
construction of fortifications. In the end, he explains that he suspects foul play and
that Gundalin Cartwright may be involved. He will
pay them 50 gp if they investigate and bring what
The Golden Tankard they find to him.
This comfortable rustic tavern offers a limited menu While Raggnar is talking to the party, someone
of flavorless food and bitter ale, however, there are no knocks on the door. Elsepth answers it, to find a
rooms for rent here. The proprietor is Raggnar young man waiting. Characters who participated in
Redtooth, a retired soldier turned barkeep who also DDAL05-03 Uninvited guests recognize him as
serves as the leader of the local militia and sees Wallace, the cartwright’s son. Elsepth turns to her
himself as the town’s head. Characters who father as if to ask a question, but before she gets the
participated in DDAL05-03 Uninvited Guests words out Raggnar sighs and waves. Elspeth smiles,
recognize the barkeep. dons a cloak, and joins Wallace to sit and chat on the
Read or paraphrase the following: front porch.
Raggnar provides the following information about
the situation:

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 6

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

• Every decision he makes is second guessed by Gundalin. The owner took the cart back to
Gundalin Cartwright or one of his cronies. Gundalin’s shop. Raggnar doesn’t trust him, but he
• Gundalin and his friends are the most skilled is the only cartwright in town.
woodworkers and craftsmen in the village, yet they If the party expresses an interest in leaving town to
refuse to work with him. They still blame Raggnar find the orcs, Raggnar asks that they stay. He says that
for the situation with the Cult of the Dragon. his people are not yet prepared to defend themselves,
• If Gundalin is behind the sabotage, Raggnar intends and the presence of experienced warriors in the
to use that to discredit him and gain the support of village would put his mind at ease. He would prefer if
his followers. the characters remain in Parnast, until he’s managed
• If Gundalin is not behind it, Raggnar would like the to fortify the village and sufficiently prepare his
characters to reason with the man. Gundalin is a people.
skilled craftsman and Raggnar needs men like him. When they’ve finished speaking, Raggnar offers to
• If he cannot get the villagers to work together soon, put them up in the stables across the village square.
Raggnar worries that people may begin fleeing into He warns them that it is a bit crowded, but they
the hills. This would only result in a slaughter. should be able to find space for a bed roll. Any
• Tove has reported that he has been unable to mounts they’ve brought can be secured at the picket
determine the strength of the invading force, other outside the Tavern. In the event that any of the
than to say that it is sizeable. He’s says that the characters participated in DDAL05-03 Uninvited
monsters are constantly on the move through the Guests and received the Defenders of Parnast story
surrounding countryside, traveling in groups of award, Raggnar instead offers them space to sleep in
various size, but he’s been unable to locate a the tavern.
permanent camp. The orcs are not occupying the
farms they sack, and have destroyed what supplies Roleplaying Raggnar Redtooth
they couldn’t carry with them. Raggnar is a tall, burly, boisterous man with enormous
• Raggnar does not know that an attack by Bad muttonchops and dark hair. He served as a soldier in his youth
Fruul’s army is imminent. This intelligence has not but is vague regarding the details. When the Cult of the
Dragon occupied Parnast, Raggnar capitulated, accepting
yet been provided to him and if the characters let
bribes to help conceal their activity and maintain control over
him know, it only reinforces his determination to
the village. When he was eventually found out, he maintained
catch the saboteur and rally the people. that his actions were for the good of the villagers who, he
While he can’t definitely prove it to be sabotage, he says, would have been slaughtered otherwise. This line of
has the following evidence: argument prompted many of the townsfolk to forgive his
actions and, given his military experience, embrace him as
• Supplies and tools have been vanishing. They’ve their de facto leader. Raggnar is a bully who does not shy from
been storing their supplies in the small building in using intimidation and coercion to get his way, though he can
the center of town. (Though he doesn’t mention this be charming when it suits him. He looks out for number one
to the characters, last night he had several of his and takes advantage of every opportunity that presents itself
trusted militiamen move most of the supplies into regardless of the consequences levied upon others. Despite
his tavern, where he can keep an eye on them. this, he presents his motives as altruistic.
Unbeknownst to Raggnar, Gotthard observed this Quote: “No good deed goes unpunished.”
from the edge of town.)
The characters may not wish to go directly to the
• The day after they completed the southern stables after leaving the Tankard, however, it is late
watchtower, it collapsed killing a militiaman named and most decent townsfolk are sleeping. The shops
Donnal. Raggnar isn’t a carpenter, but he’s sure it are closed, and no one takes kindly to knocks on the
was sturdy. Raggnar says one of the men claimed to door at this hour. If the characters go elsewhere,
see a light near the base of the tower just before it please proceed to Part 2, below. Otherwise, continue.
collapsed, and getting men to work on rebuilding it
has been challenging. They’d built the towers with
materials scavenged from Old Parnast and now
The Stables
The Cult of the Dragon used the stables to house their
rumors are spreading that the tower was cursed.
wyverns when they occupied Parnast. The scent of
• To make things worse, just this morning, the cart the creatures still lingers, frightening livestock that
they’d been using to haul building materials from comes too close. As such, the stables now serve as a
Old Parnast broke its second axle in a tenday. It had makeshift inn for travelers and - more recently -
recently had its wheels and axle replaced by refugee families. While many of the newcomers have

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 7

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

set up temporary shelters in and around the village, Roleplaying Tove Brandimen
the elderly and very young children are being housed Tove is a short, handsome half-elf with sandy blonde hair and
in the stables along with Tove, who stays here when green eyes. He is personable and enjoys small talk. He offers
he is not “scouting”. reasonable advice to those who ask and none to those who
In the event that no characters stay at the stables, don’t, and is always eager to help out. This is, of course, all a
they meet Tove the following morning as he prepares show, and any who see through it find him to be somewhat
to leave town. off-putting and strange. They may notice that he nods too
often, refuses to break eye contact or never blinks. He
The sound of a crying infant can be heard coming habitually rests his hand on the pommel of his short sword.
Despite this, he is a skilled woodsman and his reputation made
from the stables as you approach. A hint of something him an obvious choice for a scout in Raggnar’s militia.
acrid hangs in the air about the building. The short, Quote: “What can I do to help?”
fur-clad half-elven man you saw in the Golden
Tankard earlier leans on the wall outside the door of
the building smoking a pipe. He smiles and waves as
you approach. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Tove.”

Tove attempts to strike up a conversation with the

characters, complaining about the crying child in the
stables. How anyone is supposed to sleep with that
racket he is unsure.
When speaking to the characters, Tove is curious
and friendly and does his best to avoid seeming
pushy. He would like to know who they are and what
they are doing in town. If they mention that they are
investigating possible sabotage, he acts skeptical that
anything untoward is happening.
If asked, he explains that he is a scout for Raggnar,
just in town for the evening to report. He plans on
leaving again in the morning to keep an eye on the
orcs as best he can.
If asked about his past, his demeanor darkens and
he quickly tires of the conversation. He divulges that
he and his brother had a run-in with the orcs nearly a
score of days ago. He says they “got out alive” but had
to split up and that Gotthard can take care of himself.
This is all true in a sense and he should have
advantage on a Charisma (Deception) check if the
characters are suspicious.
When he’s had enough, Tove excuses himself. He
rests near the northern corner of the stables. When
he thinks it safe, he contacts Gotthard using the
message cantrip. He lets his brother know everything
he can about the party, including their names,
equipment, what he thinks of them and where they
seem to be spending the evening.
When not in the village, neither Gotthard nor Tove
return to the cabin except in the event of an
emergency, or to report important activity to Kagrota.
During the day, they keep a cold camp well away from
Parnast and plan their evening mischief. When Tove
is in town Gotthard waits on the northeastern
perimeter each night, to exchange information.

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 8

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Part 2. Bad Business someone is running to fetch Chandra Stol from the
Shrine of Axes.
Expected Play Time: 60 Minutes
When the characters arrive on the scene, they see
The Brandimen brothers have thus far been
three afflicted horses. Two lay on the ground, one
methodically disrupting the villager’s activities.
trembling violently, the other is dead. A third is on its
Rather than feel threatened by the characters’
feet, staggering as a farmer tries to steady it. Chandra
involvement, they see this as an exciting challenge
Stol arrives several minutes after the commotion
and become more aggressive rather than cautious.
begins. Characters investigating the scene may use
The following events take place over the course of
the following ability checks to learn more
the next day, at the relevant times though the exact
moment of each event is up to the DM’s discretion.
The characters may visit any or all of the locations • Intelligence (Investigation):
under “People and Places” in any order. DC 11. Several evergreen branches are mixed in
with the hay that the horses have been eating.
A. The Day’s Events • Wisdom (Medicine), Intelligence (Nature or
The following events occur throughout the day, at the Survival):
indicated times. These should serve to interrupt the DC 8. The animals appear to have been poisoned,
flow of the investigation, as the characters investigate the motionless one is dead.
the town interacting with people and places detailed DC 12. The horse on the ground is very close to
in section 2B. The exact timing of each event is left up death. The other will die soon.
to the DM’s discretion. If it seems like the party is DC 14. The character recognizes these as species of
taking too long, use the poisoning or kidnapping yew plant, all parts of which are highly toxic to people
events to get them moving. If they are really behind, and livestock.
allow them a good chance to capture or kill Tove
during Kidnapping. • Curing the Horses. The trembling and staggering
horses have only two minutes, and half an hour to
1. Poisoning (Morning) live, respectively. Their condition can be cured with
On the evening the characters arrived, after he spoke magic, such as protection from poison. Alternatively,
with Tove and was certain that the village was asleep, a horse that is fed antitoxin gradually recovers if it
Gotthard stole into the Herbalist’s garden and took succeeds on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. A
substantial cuttings from the yew shrubs found there. character who searches Sylas’s garden and
He then mixed the cuttings into hay used to feed succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence (Nature) check
several draft horses brought by a farming family. finds the necessary herbs to counter the toxic
Then he doubled back to the garden and made an effects of the evergreen branches. Characters who
obvious trail leading to Gundalin’s shop, where he are proficient with herbalism kits add their
planted the shears and bag used to collect the proficiency bonus to this check. A horse given this
clippings. remedy gradually recovers without the need for a
The horses are located at one of the redoubts noted saving throw.
on the map. Several families have brought horses and If the characters openly discuss the poisoning,
livestock with them and Gotthard is not targeting any Chandra Stol lets them know that Sylas, the late
in particular, nor is he on any rigid timeline so long as Herbalist’s husband may have something that could
he can complete his task before morning. If the help.
characters are scouting in the evening, Gotthard waits • Searching the Area. Any tracks that may have been
for an opportunity to target horses without being left by the culprit have been obscured by milling
caught. townsfolk.
Early the following morning, the farmer (Wald) and
his son (Enryn) feed the animals and leave to attend 2. Kidnapping (Afternoon)
other chores. Shortly after that, the horses are This event should happen after the characters have
discovered dying. The symptoms they present include visited two or three locations in town.
labored breathing, trembling and dizziness. Gundalin's son Wallace sneaks off into the woods
The characters are alerted to the situation by a early in the afternoon. He found a note left for him
commotion. Villagers are shouting for help and that he thought left by his lover Elspeth, Raggnar’s
daughter. The note was forged by Tove, penned in her

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 9

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

graceful hand and signed with a stylized E. It invites • If Tove Detects the Characters:
him to the “usual place”; a copse of trees a short
distance to the east of town. Unfortunately for Entering the stand of trees, you see Wallace face
Wallace, Tove is waiting for him and quickly subdues
down amid the pines, asleep. His hands are bound
the young man with sleep before binding and gagging
him. behind his back.
The Brandimen intend to frame Wallace for the
arson they plan to commit this evening. Tove keeps If Tove heard the characters approaching, he casts
the boy alive until shortly after the fire is started— longstrider and sneaks off before they arrive, leaving
knowing that Chandra Stol will notice if the kill is not Wallace and abandoning the plan of framing the boy.
fresh when he carries Wallace’s corpse into town the The DM may allow the characters a chance to catch
following morning. Tove leaving even if they failed the second stealth
Generally, this goes unnoticed by the characters. check.
However, if they are near Gundalin’s house in the • If the Characters Surprise Tove:
early afternoon the characters may see Wallace leave.
In that event, go to Stakeout.
You enter the stand of trees and see Wallace face
Stakeout. Characters who decided to keep watch
on Gundalin’s home or happen to be in the area see down amid the pines. A hooded figure crouches
Gundalin leave around noon, heading toward the nearby, apparently unaware of your presence.
tavern. He is going to find the farmer whose cart he’s
just finished repairing. A few minutes later, Wallace Tove attempts to flee using longstrider and Cunning
leaves, heading east. Action. If escape isn’t possible, he surrenders.
Characters succeeding on a DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) Proceed to Part 3, bearing in mind that Gotthard is
check notice that the boy is acting suspiciously— unaware of Tove’s capture. Arson (see below) occurs
periodically checking over his shoulder as he moves regardless of the characters’s actions unless Tove has
down the street. an opportunity to contact him via message.
If confronted, he admits that he’s going to meet his
• Searching the Area:
lover Elspeth and shows them the note. He begs the
characters not to tell Gundalin or Raggnar, who he The party finds a sack hanging from a low branch
believes would be furious. near Wallace that contains a dagger, several crumpled
Characters following Wallace that succeed on a DC love letters written between Wallace and Elspeth, pen
10 Dexterity (Stealth) check see him sneak out of and ink. A character who succeeds in a DC 11
town and enter a stand of pine trees, vanishing from Intelligence (Investigation) check notices slight
sight amid the low hanging branches. He notices inconsistencies between the hand used in the
those that fail and hollers at them to mind their own crumpled notes from Elspeth to Wallace, and the note
business. that brought him out today, though the contents of
Characters within thirty feet of the boy when he the note was clearly similar enough to fool him.
disappears into the trees that also succeed on a DC 13
Wisdom (Perception) check hear him call out • If Wallace Slips Away Unseen:
“Elspeth?” Those that succeed by 5 or more hear a Left undisturbed, Tove leaves the stand of trees at
murmured response, that sounds more like dusk as the shadow of the mountain falls over the
nonsensical utterings than a language. Characters village. He moves into position on the perimeter of
proficient in Arcana that hear the response identifies town and waits for Gotthard to initiate Arson.
them as the verbal component for some sort of arcane
spell. 3. Arson (Night)
If the characters were stealthy, they may be able to After most of the villagers have turned in for the
capture Tove, otherwise, he flees into the hills and evening, the Brandimen brothers attempt to burn
escapes. down the tavern in order to destroy the community’s
Sneaking up on Tove requires two successful food supply.
Dexterity (Stealth) group checks—one to approach Gotthard kills the guard on the northern tower with
the stand of trees DC 11, and another upon entering an arrow, and then sets it ablaze with lamp oil stolen
DC 16. from the trading post before fleeing. While the
townsfolk rush to put the fire out, Tove sneaks into

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 10

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

the tavern through the back door to destroy it with • Pull Elspeth from the building. A successful DC 10
the rest of the stolen oil. If he is spotted by the Strength (Athletics) or Wisdom (Survival) check
characters before entering, he attempts to throw a allows a character to extract Elspeth without
lighted flask at the tavern before fleeing. incident. A failure on this roll causes the character
If he enters the tavern undetected, he is caught by to take 7 (2d6) damage from fire, smoke inhalation
Elspeth as he lights the fire. Tove knocks her or falling debris in the process of rescuing her. The
unconscious and leaves her to burn, fleeing to the damage type is up to the discretion of the DM.
copse of trees where he ambushed Wallace. • Rushing in to save supplies. A successful DC 13
Anyone in the village square hears her screams or Strength (Athletics) check allows the character to
see her being chased past a window with a successful enter the tavern and retrieve a crate of supplies
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. If unsuccessful, a from the store room, granting a success. A failure
villager notices flames spreading in the tavern, and on this roll causes the character to take 7 (2d6)
alerts the characters one round later—giving Tove a damage from fire, smoke inhalation or falling
one-round head start. Any character entering or debris in addition to failing to retrieve any supplies.
looking into the building sees Elspeth prone on the The damage type is up to the discretion of the DM.
floor of the taproom. Fire Damage
Fighting the Fire. If Tove successfully lights the
Successes Tavern Supplies
fire, the characters have the opportunity to save the
0-1 Destroyed Destroyed
Tavern, and Elspeth’s life. For the most part, the
2-4 Nearly Destroyed Mostly Destroyed
majority of the townsfolk have sleepily emerged from
5-6 Heavily Damaged Half Destroyed
their homes and mill about, uncertain of how to 7-8 Lightly Damaged A Quarter Destroyed
proceed. Raggnar and the four militia men on a 9-10 Superficial Damage Most Saved
handful of townsfolk do spring into action, running to
fill buckets at the well. When Raggnar sees the
Tankard burning, he sprints back, yelling that the • The Well, Water, and Buckets:
village’s provisions are inside. There are six buckets by the well and more in the
As the fire burns, the fire fighters (villagers and stables and various homes throughout the village. If
characters) receive a total of ten d20 rolls. These may the characters get the villagers moving, people run off
be rolled by the players. A roll of one to ten is a to gather more.
failure, eleven to twenty is a success. The number of
• The Tower:
successful rolls determines the level of damage to the
tavern, and the village supplies. In addition to merely Unless a character was near the tower and sees the
stating that they wish to help fight the fires, the fire start, it burns too quickly to be saved by buckets
characters can take an action to improve the odds of from the well, though several villagers try.
success every time a firefighting die is rolled. A create water spell positioned on the tower douses
The following are examples of actions that may be the flames.
taken, and the outcome of success. This is not an all- A character near the tower when the fire is set that
encompassing list, please reward creative play. succeeds on a Wisdom (Perception) check opposed
by Gotthard’s Dexterity (Stealth) check sees a cowled
• Rally the milling townsfolk to organize a response figure sneaking away from the tower. Gotthard is in
to the fire. A successful DC 12 Charisma an area of darkness when this check is made. If he is
(Persuasion or Intimidation) grants a +1 bonus to caught, he pretends to be Tove and claims to be in
all firefighting rolls going forward. pursuit of someone who just set the tower on fire.
• Rig the well to fill multiple buckets at once. A A member of the militia spots the burning tower
successful DC 11 Intelligence (Thieves’ Tools, after it had been burning for two rounds, and calls for
Tinker’s Tools) grants a +1 bonus to all firefighting help if no one else has.
• Spells such as prestidigitation, control flame or • The Tavern:
druid craft, can be used to battle the fire. Every If the characters enter the tavern, they notice that the
character dedicated to doing this grants an back door has been left open. If they saw or heard
additional +1 bonus to firefighting rolls. Elspeth being chased and head immediately to the
• Spells that create large quantities of water, such as building, they see Tove exiting. Otherwise,
create or destroy water can be used to rapidly douse investigating the area behind the tavern may reveal
flames, granting an automatic success. Tove’s tracks. A successful DC 11 Wisdom (Survival)

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 11

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

check reveals that the tracks lead to the northwest. XP Award
The tracks are far apart, indicating that the individual If the characters save the horses, award each
was running. character 25 XP for each horse save. Additionally, if
the characters rescue Elspeth, award each character
4. Clean Getaway 50 XP.
If Tove manages to escape undetected, he waits in the Award each character 50 XP for each Brandimen
grove where they’re keeping Wallace, whether brother they capture or kill.
Wallace is still there, or not. This is the brother’s And finally, if the characters roll five or more
agreed meeting point. In the event that Wallace has successes while fighting the fire, award each
been rescued, and the characters have not captured character 50 XP, if they roll nine or more, award an
or killed either brother, the brothers return to the additional 25 XP.
cabin to report to Kagrota.
Otherwise, Gotthard shows up just before dawn B. The People and Places of Parnast
and Tove kills Wallace. Gotthard then cuts Tove’s arm
and splatters some blood on Wallace’s hand in order The characters have the opportunity to visit the
to support the story that Wallace attacked him. Tove following during their investigation:
bandages his wound, takes the body and dagger, and
heads back to town. 1. Townsfolk
His story is as follows:
The townsfolk of Parnast are clearly frightened,
• Tove was headed into town and saw the fires.
keeping their heads down as they go about their
• Tove ran into Wallace; the boy appeared to be
fleeing town. chores. Their talk is hushed and several of them
• Tove attempted to calm the Wallace down, but the cringe at your presence, glancing nervously at your
young man drew a knife and attacked him—dealing weapons.
a wicked cut on his arm (winces in pain).
• Tove tried to disarm and subdue Wallace, but The average person in town doesn’t know anything
ended up killing him during the struggle. about the sabotage. Most are more focused on feeding
Raggnar accepts Tove’s side of the story, and suggests their families and determining whether to flee or
that Wallace and Gundalin are behind the sabotage. If fight. Tales of marauding monsters as well as
the shears and clippings were found in Gundalin’s murdered and missing neighbors are a heavy weight
house and presented to Raggnar, he is certain of their on people’s minds. That said they have a little
guilt. information that the characters can uncover by
Characters closely inspecting Wallace’s body notice talking to them directly, or overhearing conversation.
that it smells strongly of pine, but not of smoke or oil. • Several villagers who escaped encounters with the
Additionally, characters inspecting the body may use orcs recall the leader, a huge female orc in full
the following ability checks to learn more armor who wore tusks braided into her hair.
information: • Though the orcs did kill people, they seemed more
• Intelligence (Investigation): interested in taking prisoners.
• The attacking orcs screamed their battle cries in
DC 9. Wallace corpse isn’t wearing a dagger sheath.
common, saying things like “Bones for the mother!”
• Wisdom (Medicine): or “Three Teeth!”.
DC 11. Wallace’s wrists appear to have rope burns.
If Tove’s story is not believed, he makes one last 2. The Militia
attempt to escape. There are twelve militiamen in all, including Tove
Brandimen. They are able to relate the following:
Treasure • The morning the southern watchtower fell, one of
If Tove or Gotthard are killed or captured the the militiamen (Ulrich), was the first on the scene.
characters discover that the brothers each carry He pulled Donnal’s body out of the wreckage. He
30 gp worth of assorted coins. isn’t sure if it was his imagination, but believes he
Additionally, Tove has oil of slipperiness and saw a faint blue light near the base of the tower. It
Gotthard has a potion of healing, both of which they caught his eye an instant before the tower fell, and
may use in their attempts to overcome the characters.

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 12

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

then it was gone. Once word of that got out, the • He also feels that something is going on, and
townsfolk began to embellish the tale, resulting in suspects that Raggnar intends to pin the blame on
the belief that ghosts are haunting the materials him.
brought from Old Parnast. • Gundalin offers 80 gold if they bring whatever they
• The militiamen think Tove is a good scout. He has find during their investigation to him instead of
killed a fair number of goblins over the years, and Raggnar.
he’s helped to track down missing persons. • Gundalin enthusiastically allows the characters to
• They know as much about the orcs as the search his property; insisting that he’s got nothing
townsfolk. to hide.
• They may have heard only rumors about Bad Fruul, • Several carts were brought to him for repairs
but don’t seem aware that an army is bearing down during the last tenday. All of the wagons were being
on them. used to clear the land around the village or bring
• They are nervous, but trust Raggnar to do what is building materials from Old Parnast.
best for the village. • Several carts, including the one Raggnar told the
characters about, have suspiciously broken axles in
3. The Cartwright’s Shop the last tenday. The axles broke clean—as if they’d
been intentionally damaged, rather than snapped
The cartwright’s home is squat building located under the weight of a load or from wear.
beside the stables, on the northern end of town. A In addition to being suspicious of Raggnar, Gundalin
sign posted out front depicts a horse-drawn wagon. disagrees with his recent choices. Gundalin and his
friends believe that Raggnar is overconfident and that
Wagon wheels are arranged in orderly stacks on the
defending the village will prove too difficult. Instead,
front porch. Gundalin believe the villagers should retreat to Old
Parnast. He argues that the Zhents picked the site of
In the event that the party goes to Gundalin’s shop Old Parnast for its defensive features, and the old
the night they arrive, both Gundalin and Wallace are palisade that still stands would make for a much more
asleep. Gotthard doesn’t attempt to drop the evidence defensible location.
in Gundalin’s home if he sees the characters in or Searching Gundalin’s House. Characters that
around the residence. He spends several rounds succeed on a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check
scouting the home before he makes any attempt to find a bag tucked behind a crowded workbench in the
complete his part in poisoning. The DM may back of the shop. The bag has a pair of pruning shears
determine that he arrived before the characters, in and traces of pine needles and red berries inside it. If
which case, they may find the planted evidence. confronted, Gundalin denies ever seeing it. A
Otherwise he arrives after they leave. character succeeding on a DC 11 Wisdom (Insight)
If the adventurers approach Gundalin’s home in the check gets the impression that he is telling the truth.
morning, he is here watching his son Wallace work a
lathe to craft a new axle for a cart, but not the one Roleplaying Gundalin Cartwright
Raggnar mentioned. As it turns out, several carts and Gundalin is an unremarkable, balding human man in his mid-
wagons have had similar problems over the last fifties who wears what remains of his hair in a long gray
tenday. The characters recognize Wallace as the ponytail. The scent of sawdust lingers in the air about him.
young man who visited the Tankard the night before. Gundalin is hardworking and fair, but harsh when wronged
If the characters arrive in the afternoon, Gundalin is and slow to forgive.
still here and is quite angry about his son, Wallace, He is unhappy with the current state of affairs, in which
having run off—shirking his chores. He has no idea Raggnar is the de facto leader of the village merely because he
where Wallace went, and there are no tracks or had been a soldier. He loathes Raggnar for his cooperation
evidence to lead the characters to him. with the Cult of the Dragon, and more-so since Raggnar sent
Wallace, Gundalin’s only son, on a dangerous hunt in order to
Development. If the characters participated in
provide for a frivolous feast in honor of Raggnar’s vanity
DDAL05-03 Uninvited Guests, Gundalin recognizes
(DDAL05-03 Uninvited Guests).
them and is friendly and helpful. He is grateful that Quote: “I’m surrounded by liars and fools.”
his son, who volunteered to join the adventurers,
survived Raggnar’s hunting expedition, though he is
still bitter that the expedition took place at all.

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 13

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

4. The Crater the north, where they circle about the northern
perimeter of town—eventually leading to Gundalin
Sheer craggy cliffs drop into a desolate basin, Cartwright’s home.
hundreds of feet deep and nearly a mile in diameter. A Cure for Poison. Although Sylas has no antitoxin
The view is awe-inspiring. on hand and wouldn’t know if he did, herbs in his
garden can be used to craft a remedy for the horses. A
There is nothing to be found here. character who searches Sylas’s garden and succeeds
on a DC 13 Intelligence check finds the necessary
5. The Smithy herbs to counter the toxic effects of the evergreen
branches. Characters who are proficient with
herbalism kits add their proficiency bonus to this
Just across from the stables is a small smithy. Its large
check. A horse given this remedy gradually recovers
front doors take up the majority of the eastern wall without the need for a saving throw.
and are left open during the day to allow the cool
breeze to move through the shop. It is owned by an 7. Trading Post and Provisions
ugly, harried looking man in his early thirties named. The trading post is owned by Calder, an enterprising
halfling merchant. He has available any item from the
Predominately skilled at forging horseshoes and Adventuring Gear table (Player’s Handbook, p.150)
repairing tools, Rodric spends more time these days worth 45 gp or less. Curiously, his supply of lamp oil
pounding dents out of helmets and repairing weapons vanished about a tenday ago. Calder complained to
damaged by militiamen in training. Raggnar, who said he’d look into it but has not found
Rodric is not particularly interested in talking to the culprit.
the characters. He is too busy to waste his time and he
doesn’t know anything about their investigation. 8. The Shrine of Axes
An unassuming wooden building in the center of
6. The Herbalist town serves as a shrine representing Auril (winter),
This shop is run by an elderly human named Sylas. He Chauntea (summer), Mielikki (autumn), and
is not a herbalist himself, but his recently deceased Angharradh (spring).
wife was. Sylas is simply keeping the shop open until Previously unattended, a priestess of Mielikki
he sells off her remaining stock. His days are spent named Chandra Stol took up residence within the
tidying up the shop and staring out into the neglected shrine. She prepares bread daily, which is passed out
garden that his wife used to tend. free of charge. These days she is busier than usual,
The only thing that keeps him in business is a tonic tending to the spiritual and physical needs of the
that he makes himself, Sylas’s Wake-Up Sauce—a many refugees sheltering in town. She has no
favorite of the regulars at The Golden Tankard. He information regarding the suspected sabotage, but
sells a small bottle of the pungent liquid for 10 gp, identifies the plant used to poison the horses as yew
and has 2 vials on-hand. and informs the characters that it grows in the
Sylas’s Wake-Up Sauce. If imbibed, this home herbalist’s garden (see 5. The Herbalist, above).
remedy neutralizes the effects of intoxication on a
creature for 24 hours.
Roleplaying Chandra Stol
Development. If asked about suspicious activity Chandra Stol is a female half-elf who moved into Parnast a
around town, he reveals that some bushes in his little over half a year ago. Having lived for decades in the wilds
surrounding the village, she remains unaccustomed to
wife’s garden were tampered with. He takes them to
socialization. She is quiet, but not shy and when she speaks,
the garden outside his home and shows them several
she is terse and blunt but not intentionally rude. Shandra does
evergreen shrubs, which have been hastily trimmed. not care for Raggnar Redtooth or Gundalin Cartwright, seeing
The clippings are nowhere to be found. A character them as two sides of the same coin. She does, however, feel
succeeding on a DC 11 Intelligence (Nature) check an obligation to aid the less fortunate villagers.
identifies the shrubs as yew, a plant toxic to horses Quote: ::shrug::
and other animals.
Additionally, a character succeeding on a DC 13
Wisdom (Survival) check finds booted footprints in
9. Old Parnast
To the northwest of town are the remains of several
the garden. The footprints lead out of the garden to
old buildings: the former Lord’s residence, a guildhall,

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a way station, as well as the remnants of palisades Reporting to Gundalin
that once encircled the village. It is all little more than Gundalin insists that Tove remain under guard in the
a few walls now but serves as a safe camping area for village, and summons several of his followers to keep
the visiting caravans. an eye on him. Like Raggnar, he asks them to seek out
The villagers abandoned the settlement when the the cabin and deal with Kagrota. He is concerned that
Zhentarim left for a variety of reasons both practical the missing farmers may be there and promises a
and superstitious. The old buildings, damaged when reward if the characters can free them. After the
Old Parnast fell, prompted determined villagers to adventurers leave, he gathers his allies to confront
build new homes as the old quickly became unsound. Raggnar
Whispers of ghosts haunting the ruins of the Banite Treasure. The characters are paid 80 gp and
temple spread, and newcomers and expanding promised more if they deal with Kagrota.
families began building further and further away XP Award. For reporting their findings to Raggnar
from the old settlement. No one believes these or Gundalin, each character is awarded 300 XP.
rumors anymore, or at least they hadn’t until the
southern watch tower collapse. Now many are Wrongfully Accused
unsure. If the adventurers accuse someone else, Raggnar is
happy to accept their explanation, though Gundalin is
10. Southern Watchtower skeptical.

The southern watchtower is a heap of broken beams. The Brothers Escape

Blood stains several broken beams where Donnal the In the event that Tove and Gotthard both escape, and
their plan to frame Wallace was foiled, one of
militiaman was crushed in the tumble.
Raggnar’s men discovers the tracks behind the
Tankard the following morning.
Any character searching the wreckage that succeeds Raggnar comes to the characters with this
on a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check finds a information, asking that they follow the tracks, as
crowbar buried beneath the pile. they were surely left by the saboteur. The tracks, once
Any character that casts detect magic in this area pointed out, can be easily followed to the stand of
detects a faint, residual aura of conjuration magic on trees where Tove had planned to ambush Wallace.
the crowbar, though it is clear the object itself is not Characters who succeed in a DC 12 Wisdom
magical, but rather that it may have been temporarily (Survival) check, find a pair of matching boot tracks
enchanted or manipulated using magic. leading away from town. These can be tracked to the
Tove, after slowly loosening the supports manually Brandimen cabin.
over several days, was then able to collapse the tower
from a distance using mage hand and a crowbar.

C. Development
Once one or both of the brothers has been captured
or killed, all that remains is to report their findings.

Reporting to Raggnar
Raggnar asks the characters to go after Kagrota, but
leaves it to them to decide whether or not they want
to bring Tove along. Either way, he realizes that this
looks bad for him, and asks them to keep quiet about
the situation until after Kagrota has been dealt with.
Treasure. The characters are paid 50 gp and
promised more if they deal with Kagrota.
XP Award. For reporting their findings to Raggnar
or Gundalin, each character is awarded 300 XP.

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Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Part 3. Teeth know where the Brandimen’s cabin is located. He
identifies Illyna as their mother.
Expected Play Time: 45 Minutes
If the characters seek out Chandra’s aid, she
This part of the adventure culminates in Kagrota’s
confirms stumbling upon the cabin many years ago,
“last stand” at the Brandimen cabin. How the
and points the characters in the right direction. If
characters proceed depends on the fate of one or both
asked why she hasn’t been back since, she explains
of the Brandimen brothers during Part 2, above.
that Tove’s father was jealous of his privacy, and she
is not one to intrude.
Oh, Brother…
Failing Kagrota leaves the brothers in an Into the Woods
uncomfortable position. Being captured or killed was
The cabin is a three-hour trip from town, situated
never part of their plan. Now the Brandimen brothers
atop a wooded hill, dotted with massive boulders.
work to escape with their lives. They have no loyalty
Kagrota has taken over the cabin because the hill
to the orcs and happily lead the characters directly to
affords her a good vantage of the surrounding region.
them. That said, if they have the opportunity to warn
Her goblin scouts use the boulders as lookout posts.
Kagrota of the adventurer’s approach, they do so. The
She resides inside the building with a handful of her
best outcome from their perspective is one in which
both Kagrota and the adventurers are dead.
Kagrota has become careless as of late; since
overrunning the farms and driving the survivors into
Brothers in Life town, she has allowed her force to be spread too thin.
If either Brandimen is captured by the characters, he
She has lookouts positioned about the cabin but does
claims to be Kagrota’s pawn; that he was coerced into
not have scouts currently patrolling. She relies on
working for her because she has taken his mother,
solitary messengers to relay communications.
Illyna. This is a lie, their mother has been dead for a
long time, killed by their father when they were
young boys. However, to support this claim, both
General Features
The area has the following general features:
brothers carry a female human’s finger wrapped in a
Terrain. The landscape is dotted with large, craggy
cloth, and a note purported to be written by Kagrota
boulders, old fir trees and brown scrub grass, all of
(Player Handout 2). The note is a cheap forgery, but
which are covered by a light dusting of snow.
with nothing to compare the writing to, discovering
Weather. If the characters arrive during the day,
this would be difficult.
the area is well lit. Otherwise, the moon above dimly
The captured brother agrees to face the village’s
lights the area. It is cold, but not windy.
justice, but implies that the Parnast’s problems won’t
die with him. He claims to know where the warband’s
leader (Kagrota) is, and is willing to direct and even Taking Tove
If the characters bring Tove, his brother (if alive)
lead the characters to her. His only condition is that
shadows them back to the cabin, waiting for an
they agree save Illyna. He feels that demanding this
opportunity to free his brother and get away. This is
will increase the credibility of his lies. Additionally, he
likely to happen as the characters battle Kagrota’s
tells them truthfully that Kagrota is holding at least
forces. The brothers don’t want a prolonged fight and
seven other prisoners, both farmers and travelers.
do only what is required to escape—whether that
If the characters promise to save his mother, he
means slipping away unnoticed or subduing a captor
agrees to lead them to his cabin. If they do not allow
before fleeing.
him to join them, he explains how to get there, in
Tove is Left Behind. Tove or Gotthard is left behind
hopes that his brother will free him from the
in the village, and the other helps his escape while the
adventurers are busy with Kagrota.
Tove is Dead. The surviving brother hurries back
Brothers in Death to the cabin to aid Kagrota against the characters.
If killed, the characters find a human finger wrapped
in the note from Kagrota (Player Handout 2) among
Tove’s possessions. Raggnar (or Gundalin if the
characters placed their trust in him) suggests that
Chandra Stol (see The Shrine of Axes, above) may

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Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Approaching the Cabin • Strong Party: Add an ogre; Kagrota has 60 hit points.
• Very Strong Party: Replace two orcs with two ogres;
increase Kagrota’s Hit Points to 60, and add the following
A few hours after leaving Parnast, you crest the hill action to her stat block: “Multiattack. Kagrota makes two
and spot the cabin, situated amid the massive melee attacks.”
boulders and old fir trees that cover the landscape.
It would be idyllic, were it not for the screaming. The Characters Get the Drop on Kagrota
Kagrota is in the cabin having a meal and discussing
In and around the cabin there are three goblins, four the Parnast situation with some of her men. The other
orcs, and Kagrota herself. She has positioned the two orcs and goblins who are not on duty, are scattered
goblin lookouts either atop rocks or under pine trees about the area. The ogre, if present, rests in the shed
on either side of the cabin. The trees near the cabin in front of the cabin. When the combat begins,
have low hanging boughs that provide half cover (+2 Kagrota blesses three of her men, and herself and
AC) for any creature under them. They should be hangs back, charging in on the second round. She
considered difficult terrain for any creature of focuses on weak targets and healers first.
medium size or larger.
Because the goblins have had time to prepare, Kagrota Gets the Drop on the Characters
spotting them requires a successful DC 15 Wisdom Kagrota has left a handful of her minions within the
(Perception) check. The goblins each have a horn that cabin, and the ogre, if present, positioned behind it.
they sound if the characters are spotted, in order to The rest wait in hiding along the character’s
alert Kagrota. approach. When the combat begins, Kagrota blesses
The trees, boulders and screaming prisoners several of her orcs, and herself and hangs back,
provide enough cover for the characters to easily get charging in on the second round. She focuses on weak
within sixty feet the Cabin map without being noticed. targets and healers first.
Beyond that, the characters must succeed on a DC 13 Upon the characters’s arrival, Kagrota orders one of
Dexterity (Stealth) group check if they wish to move her men to begin torturing the prisoners, hoping that
closer to the cabin unseen. Moving within 30 feet of this prompts the adventurers to abandon caution.
the cabin requires individual checks. In the event that one or both of the Brandimen
brothers are here, position them however you feel
Suggested Monster Positions: appropriate. In terms of combat, they do only what is
Monster Ambush No Ambush necessary to escape with their lives. If one of the
Kagrota Perimeter Cabin brothers is a captive of the characters, the other does
Goblins 3 Perimeter 2 Perimeter, whatever he can to free him. Otherwise, they may
1 Campfire make a ranged attack or cast a spell to aid Kagrota if
Orcs 1 Campfire, 2 Cabin, the characters seem to be doing particularly well, but
2 Perimeter, 1 Campfire, only if they can do so without risking their own lives.
1 Cabin 1 In or Near Shed
This changes if one of the brothers was killed by the
Ogre Behind Cabin In Shed
characters, in that event, the surviving brother fights
to the death alongside Kagrota’s forces.
Approaching the cabin, you see a large wooden cage
beside a small campfire. Five prisoners cringe as a Kagrota Threeteeth, The Mother of Bones
goblin cavorts about the cage, threatening them with Kagrota is the female chief of a small and relatively weak orc
tribe who rose to power after discovering gauntlets of ogre
a red-hot poker. power while scavenging equipment from a battlefield. She
used them to kill her husband, the former chief, and both of
Adjusting this Encounter their sons in successive combats. She bound a tusk from each
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this encounter. These to a cord, which she braids into her hair.
are not cumulative. These are just guidelines, please take into While she mourns them to this day, she believes they were
account your party’s balance and the experience of your too weak to lead. Soon after, she joined Bad Fruul's forces.
players if possible. Bad Fruul, seeing that Kagrota was eager to prove herself, sent
her to secure the lands around Parnast ahead of his army. He
• Very Weak Party: Remove two orcs and two goblins, and promised wealth and power to her, if she could secure the
Kagrota is an orc with 30 hit points. farms, and slaves to work them.
• Weak Party: Remove one orc and one goblin. Quote: “Crush the puny humans!”

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Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Inside the Cabin Upon the shrine is a shattered jade statuette that
had been a depiction of Bane’s holy symbol during the
The inside of the cabin is a small rustic affair, Era of Upheaval —a fist clutching beams of light. The
complete with animal skins and antlers hung from the jade fragments are worth 75 gp, however if the
characters are able to repair it, the completed relic is
walls. It is everything you’d expect from an ordinary
worth 200 gp.
woodsman’s cabin. It would probably be cozy were it The Brandimen stash consists of a variety of coins,
not for the mess. Rotting food and discarded trash lay art, and gemstones worth 350gp.
scattered about the room, and a large pile of tools lay Finally, if any of the Brandimen brothers are here,
in a haphazard pile in one corner. they each carry 30 gp in coins.

Bane and Cyric

The obvious entrance to the cellar is a hatch on the
Bane is a ruthless god of tyranny, who believes himself to be
outside of the building. There is, however, a trap door
the rightful ruler of all the planes and is bent on the
hidden under a bearskin rug that leads to a small,
domination of the Realms. He demands absolute loyalty from
secret shrine dedicated to Cyric, which is not his followers, and deals harshly with his enemies. When Bane
accessible from the main cellar. The shrine, which has was slain by Torm during the time of troubles, Cyric absorbed
not been uncovered by Kagrota, houses a small stash most of his followers. For this crime, Cyric and his worshipers
of treasure accumulated by the Brandimen family are chief among Bane’s foes.
over the years. Characters who investigate the cabin Bane returned in 1372 DR, stronger than before and eager to
automatically uncover the trap door. resume his conquest of the Realms. At that point many of his
The focus of the shrine is a shattered jade statuette former devotees repented and returned to his church. Today
of Bane’s old holy symbol – a fist clutching beams of his followers can be found everywhere, even among the Lord’s
light. The relic that had been expertly carved now Alliance and the Zhentarim. Worshipers of Bane adhere to a
rests in six fragments on the altar. Despite its strict hierarchical structure, and brook no dissention.
condition, it is still worth a fair amount of gold. If the
party somehow repairs it, they can still sell the XP Award
completed piece at a much greater value. If they destroy the statuette, award each character 50
A steep ladder leads down into a small earthen room
beneath the cabin. In another home, you might expect Faction Assignment
a root cellar, but what you find waiting in the If the characters destroy the statuette, any members
of the Order of the Gauntlet satisfy the requirements
darkness below the Brandimen cabin is far more
of their special mission.
disturbing. Long multicolored ropes of braided
human hair hang from the ceiling throughout the Conclusion
room, strung with small bells that tinkle as you move
through them. Returning to Parnast
On the far side of the chamber is a crude altar The mood upon the characters’ return to Parnast is
whose top bears the painted image of a black determined by the fate of the Brandimen brothers:
sunburst. Resting atop that stand two black candles One Brother Was Left in the Village. The party
flanking an elven woman’s skull and the shattered returns to find the village in an uproar. The militia is
remains of a jade statuette. Beside the altar lay on full alert, and Chandra Stol is busy treating
wounded villagers. It seems that while they were
several chests and bags filled with treasure. gone, the captive brother escaped.
Several villagers were wounded by the man who
Treasure came to save him, and another was killed. In the end,
Between Kagrota’s minions the characters find an the intruder was brought down by a militiaman’s
assortment of coins worth 50 gp. Kagrota herself has arrow. A puzzled villager explains that when the body
a small pouch with six small sapphires worth 100 gp was recovered, Tove’s rescuer was...Tove.
total. Additionally, Kagrota wears gauntlets of ogre Neither Brother Was Left in the Village. The party
power. returns to find the villagers in good spirits. Several
members of the militia spot them coming back and

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Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

greet them, before guiding them to a meeting taking Over the coming days, the village of Parnast suffers
place in the stables.
increased raids. Though only a few people are killed,
things look dire; it’s no longer a matter of if Bad Fruul
Soon after you return, the villagers gather in the
arrives, but when.
stables to hear of your success. A cheer goes up and
the villagers make their appreciation clear. Food and
drink are prepared for you, and you know that you
will always be welcome in Parnast.
Heartened by your actions, and looking to you for
advice, the people of Parnast set about making plans
to defend their village.

Party Reported to Gundalin. Raggnar is not

present at the Golden Tankard. Rather, he wallows in
stocks at the center of town. Revelations that one of
his men had been working against them, added to
memories of his involvement with the Cult of the
Dragon, led the villagers to turn on him and finally
side with Gundalin. They have not yet decided what
is to be done with Raggnar, but for now, they are
content to let him ruminate on his misdeeds.
Party Reported to Raggnar. After the initial
outrage, Raggnar was able to convince the villagers
that he was not ultimately responsible for Tove’s
actions. Indeed, it was Raggnar who hired the party of
adventurers to investigate and he could hardly have
acted without evidence. In the end, and to Gundalin’s
surprise, Raggnar used these events to win over the
remaining villagers.
Incredulous, but with few allies and fewer
alternatives, Gundalin put aside his misgivings and
agreed to follow Raggnar’s lead.

With Kagrota Threeteeth dead, the orc warband

wallows in disarray. A tenday passes in relative peace
as the villagers of Parnast coalesce about a single
leader and begin working on fortifications in earnest.
Your actions have bought the villagers of Parnast a
little time, but each night more campfires appear on
the southern horizon, marking the approach of a
larger and far more dangerous foe.

If the characters are killed, or fail to defeat Kagrota.

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Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Rewards Permanent magic items are divided according to a
system. See the sidebar if the adventure awards
Make sure players note their rewards on their
permanent magic items.
adventure log sheets. Give your name and DCI
number (if applicable) so players can record who ran Treasure Awards
the session. Item Name GP Value
Tove’s Coins 30
Experience Gotthard’s Coins 30
Total up all combat experience earned for defeated Monster’s Coins 50
foes, and divide by the number of characters present Kagrota’s Sapphires 100
in the combat. For non-combat experience, the Shrine Stash 350
rewards are listed per character. Give all characters Bane statuette (broken) 75
in the party non-combat experience awards unless -or-
otherwise noted. Bane statuette (repaired) 200
Raggnar’s reward 50
Combat Awards -or-
Name of Foe XP Per Foe Gundalin’s reward 80
Goblin 50 Bounty on Kagrota 100
Tove/Gotthard Brandimen 200
Kagrota Threeteeth 450 Permanent Magic Item Distribution
Ogre 450
D&D Adventurers League has a system in place to determine
Orc 100 who is awarded permanent magic items at the end of a
session. Each character’s logsheet contains a column to record
Non-Combat Awards permanent magic items for ease of reference.
Task or Accomplishment XP Per Character • If all the players at the table agree on one character taking
Tove/Gotthard killed or captured 50 ea. possession of a permanent magic item, that character gets
Horses saved 25 ea. the item.
The Golden Tankard saved 50 or 75 • In the event that one or more characters indicate an
Wallace saved 50 interest in possessing a permanent magic item, the
Elspeth saved 50 character that possesses the fewest permanent magic items
gets the item. If there is a tie in the total number of
Completing faction assignment 50
permanent magic items owned by contesting characters,
the item’s owner is determined randomly by the DM.
The minimum total award for each character
participating in this adventure is 640 experience
points. Gauntlets of Ogre Power
The maximum total award for each character Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)
participating in this adventure is 850 experience These sturdy leather gauntlets appear to be in
points. pristine condition. Indeed, any nicks of tears in the
material mends itself within twenty-four hours.
Treasure Additionally, any blood, mud or other grime that soils
the gloves quickly dries begins falling away in fine
The characters receive the following treasure, divided
flakes until the surface is again clean. This item can
up amongst the party. Characters should attempt to
be found on Player Handout 3.
divide treasure evenly whenever possible. Gold piece
values listed for sellable gear are calculated at their
selling price, not their purchase price. Potion of Healing
Potion, uncommon
Consumable magic items should be divided up
however the group sees fit. If more than one This item can be found in the Player’s Handbook.
character is interested in a specific consumable magic
item, the DM can determine who gets it randomly Oil of Slipperiness
should the group be unable to decide. Potion, uncommon
This item can be found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.

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Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Each character receives one renown at the
conclusion of this adventure.
Members of the Order of the Gauntlet who
destroyed the Altar in the Brandimen’s basement
receive one additional renown.

Each character receives five downtime days at the
conclusion of this adventure.

DM Rewards
For running this adventure, you receive 225 XP, 112
gp and five downtime days.

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 21

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Appendix. NPC Summary being a former soldier, he has taken on a leadership
role in the village, training the newly founded militia
The following NPCs appear in this adventure:
and working to form a defense against the invaders.
Tove Brandimen (TOV). The twin brother and co-
Chandra Stol (CHAN-druh STOLE). Female half-elf.
conspirator of Gotthard Brandimen. Tove is the more
Chandra has only been in Parnast for half a year, but
charismatic of the two, while Gotthard prefers to
has lived just outside of the village for decades. Until
remain in the wilds. Raised to venerate Cyric, the
very recently, she occasionally came into the village
Brandimen brothers have, over the years, abducted
to leave small offerings to Mielikki (gifts of bread,
and murdered numerous travelers and even villagers
berries, and small sacrifices), but avoided being seen
who ventured too far from home. They had pinned
due to the presence of the Cult of the Dragon. With
these crimes on local tribes of goblins, and earned the
their defeat, however, she has taken up permanent
thanks of the villagers for returning the bodies of
residence in the shrine. She is very quiet; she rarely
missing persons along with the heads of several
speaks and is more likely to shrug in response to a
question than give an answer other than “yes” or “no”.
Wallace Cartwright (WAHL-uhs). The nineteen-
Elspeth Redtooth (ELLS-peth). The daughter of
year old son of Gundalin. Although he is involved with
Raggnar, and Wallace's lover. Although she cares for
Elspeth, he has plans to leave town and find his
Wallace and would like him to stay and marry her,
she has come to realize that he has other plans.
Gotthard Brandimen (GAH-terd). The twin
brother and co-conspirator of Tove Brandimen. Of the
two, Gotthard is the more proficient woodsman, but
he is less capable in social situations. Raised to
venerate Cyric, the Brandimen brothers have, over
the years, abducted and murdered numerous
travelers and even villagers who ventured too far
from home. They had pinned these crimes on local
tribes of goblins, and earned the thanks of the
villagers for returning the bodies of missing persons
along with the heads of several scapegoats.
Gundalin Cartwright (GUHN-duh-linn). A human
male in his mid-fifties, who makes and repairs
wagons for passing caravans and local farmers. Since
the Cult of the Dragon was chased out of Parnast, he
has risen in opposition to Raggnar, to an almost
irrational degree. Gundalin believes that Raggnar will
always put himself before the village, and may even
go so far as to work with Bad Fruul, like he did with
the Cult, if it means saving his own skin.
Kagrota Threeteeth (KAH-grow-tah). A female
orc who rose to Chieftain of her clan after slaying her
mate, the former chief, and their two sons. Her
incredible strength is imbued by a pair of magical
leather gauntlets that she discovered while
scavenging the dead on a long abandoned battlefield.
Kagrota's tribe was among the first to align
themselves with Bad Fruul.
Raggnar Redtooth (RAG-narr). During the cult’s
occupation of Parnast, Raggnar accepted bribes from
the cult’s leadership to conceal their activity and keep
them abreast of any unusual activity within Parnast.
Though, he was outed for his conduct, he has
managed to convince most of the townsfolk that he
did what he did to ensure Parnast’s well-being. Now,

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Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Appendix. NPC/Monster Statistics Gotthard Brandimen (Scout)
Medium Humanoid (Half-Elf), neutral evil
Goblin Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil Hit Points 16 (3d8+3)
Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class 15 (leather armor, shield)
Hit Points 7 (2d6)
Speed 30 ft. 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)


Skills Deception +2, Nature +4, Perception +5, Stealth
8 (−1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (−1) 8 (−1)
+6, Survival +5
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Skills Stealth +6
Languages Common, Elvish
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Languages Common, Goblin
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Fey Ancestry. Gotthard has advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, and magic cannot put him to
Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or
Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.
Keen Hearing and Sight. The scout has advantage on
Actions Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., sight.
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage. Actions
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
Multiattack. Gotthard makes two melee attacks or two
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
ranged attacks.
Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

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Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Kagrota Threeteeth (Eye of Gruumsh) Ogre
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil Large giant, chaotic evil
Armor Class 16 (ring mail, shield) Armor Class 11 (hide armor)
Hit Points 55 (8d8 + 21) Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 40 ft.

19 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 9 (−1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 8 (−1) 16 (+3) 5 (−3) 7 (−2) 7 (−2)

Skills Intimidation +3, Religion +1 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Giant
Languages Common, Orc Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to
its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see. Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Gruumsh’s Fury. The orc deals an extra 4 (1d8) damage one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
when it hits with a weapon attack (included in the Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
attack). reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 +
Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Special Equipment). Kagrota’s 4) piercing damage.
Strength is 19 when she wears these gauntlets.
Spellcasting. The orc is a 3rd level spellcaster. Its Orc
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil
with spell attacks). The orc has the following cleric spells
Armor Class 13 (hide armor)
Hit Points 15 (2d8 + 6)
Speed 30 ft.
Cantrips (at-will): guidance, resistance, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): bless, command STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
2nd level (2 slots): augury, spiritual weapon (spear) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 7 (−2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Actions Skills Intimidation +2

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d6 + 4 plus Languages Common, Orc
1d8) piercing damage, or 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage if Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
used with two hands to make a melee attack. Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to
its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) slashing damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 +
3) piercing damage.

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Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Tove Brandimen (Spy)
Medium Humanoid (Half-Elf), neutral evil
Armor Class 14 (studded leather)
Hit Points 27 (6d8)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Investigation +5, Nature

+4, Perception +6, Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +4,
Stealth +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Elvish, Orc
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Fey Ancestry. Tove has advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, and magic cannot put him to
Cunning Action. On each of his turns, Tove can use a
bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Tove deals an extra 7 (2d6)
damage when he hits a target with a weapon attack and
has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is
within 5 feet of an ally of Tove that isn’t incapacitated
and the spy doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack
Spellcasting. Tove is a 1st level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 11, +3 to
hit with spell attacks). He knows the following wizard

Cantrips (At Will): mage hand, message, prestidigitation

1st Level (2 slots): longstrider, sleep

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Short Bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

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Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Appendix. Parnast Map

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Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Appendix. The Golden Tankard Map

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Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Appendix. The Cabin Map

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 28

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Player Handout 1.


I have a surprise for you, I

think you’ll really like it.
Meet me in the usual place
after noon.

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 29

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Player Handout 2.

I will give you a second chance because I am kind. Ogan,

however, isn’t. He will feast on one prisoner each day until
you cripple the village and return home. If we run out of
prisoners, your mother’s blood will slake his thirst. Work
quickly and some of you may survive. Cross me again and
Illyna’s fate will be far worse.

Kagrota Threeteeth, Mother of Bones

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 30

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Player Handout 3. Gauntlets of Ogre

Gauntlets of Ogre Power

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Your Strength is 19 when you wear these gauntlets.
They have no effect if your Strength is already 19 or
higher. This item can be found in The Dungeon
Master’s Guide.
These sturdy leather gauntlets appear to be in
pristine condition. Indeed, any nicks of tears in the
material mends itself within twenty-four hours.
Additionally, any blood, mud or other grime that soils
the gloves quickly dries begins falling away in fine
flakes until the surface is again clean.

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DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 31

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

Results Code: January – February 2017
If you are DMing this adventure during the months of January – February 2017, please show your players this page.
The QR code below can be scanned, and will allow them to give feedback and results on the adventure to influence
the storyline in the future!

If a player does not have a mobile device, please tell them to head to dndadventurersleague.org/results to enter
their results.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 32

Albert Gallego (Order #25088412)

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