Chelimbers Descent - 1-4
Chelimbers Descent - 1-4
Chelimbers Descent - 1-4
Adventure Designer
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To gain entrance into the tower, the Stein pendant If they get the answer correctly the puzzle-locked
must be placed in the depression in table. This can door swings open. Otherwise, if the characters
only happen if the characters pull the lever on the
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The archway leading in this room open into the next shrine. If the characters are respectful, Deneir gifts them
The walls of this shrine are covered in all type of scripts and with a spell scroll of tongues. If the characters take
glyphs some from languages long dead. The statue is that of a the piece of jet, they find it worth 10 gp.
balding man covered in voluminous robes, covered in glyphs,
standing beside a desk bearing a quill and a beautiful ink pot.
His arms cradle several scrolls. If the characters disable the trap or leave the altar
alone (and are subsequently rewarded with the
scroll), award each character 25 XP.
A successful DC 11 Intelligence (Religion) check
indicates that this shrine is dedicated to Deneir. A
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A programmed illusion is triggered by the characters This room appears to have been a guest room before being
entering this room. Read or paraphrase: converted to little more than storage.
The walls are paneled in wood. There are three large piles
Without warning, the statue’s quill rises and floats in the air of rocks in the room and (number dependent on party
beside the open tome. strength) statues are scattered about. The center of the room
A deep, disembodied voice says “All should surrender has a layer of fine gravel. There is a door in the wall opposite.
knowledge so it may be shared.” The eyes of the statues open and a sound like grinding rocks
comes forth from the open mouth of the largest statue.
Characters near the desk notice that the ink in the
well is wet and the quill is real–not simply a stone
effigy. The entire set is the triggering mechanism for
The gargoyles and stone mephits were bound to
an electrical floor trap.
the tower—enslaved to provide protection and
Disabling. To disable the trap, each creature in
ensure its continued existence. While the water
the room must offer a piece of wisdom or knowledge
elementals were released upon the wizard’s death,
by writing on the stone tome with the quill. Once
these creatures were not. Over the long centuries
written the ink seeps into the stone and disappears
their bonds have weakened, such that those that
(simply writing curse words does not count, but
remain ensure only the tower’s structural integrity.
something like “don’t split the party” would).
If all the characters write something without
touching the diamond, a voice is heard once more. Here are the adjustments for the encounter. They are not
“The gift of knowledge given freely is blessed.” A cumulative.
page of the tome fills with magical writing and peels
Very weak: Remove gargoyle, the two stone mephits each
away—turning into a spell scroll which the
have 15 hit points
characters can freely take (see Treasure, below).
Weak: Remove the gargoyle
Trigger. Touching the diamond paperweight
Strong: Add two stone mephits
without first offering a piece of knowledge or Very Strong: Add a gargoyle
wisdom triggers the trap.
Effect. If a character attempts to retrieve the This room has since become a nest-of-sorts and a
diamond paperweight without first writing a piece graveyard for their peers. The areas marked on the
of knowledge or wisdom in the tome on the desk, the map as rubble, are the mounded remains of
trap sends a burst of electricity through the copper- gargoyles and the fine layer of gravel that covers the
veined floor. Everyone standing on the floor in the center of the room is the remains of stone mephits.
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The characters now might worry about the The walls of light obscure the other two altars. Note
structural integrity of the tower. Cracks appear in that if this area is entered from the gargoyles room,
the stone walls slowly over the course of the then there is an altar immediate opposite their
adventure. The tower should last long enough for entrance instead of to their left.
the characters to finish their investigation as it The altars are each made of either a material
implodes in 1d4+1 days. precious to the god, or in a manner to echo the
element. The symbol of the god in carved
somewhere on the altar and a phrase is either on the
The secret door in this room, has been used so much top or on the floor in front of the altar. Each altar has
over the centuries that it requires only a successful some sort of offering bowl incorporated into its
DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check to reveal. design.
If a character places an offering of some type in an
alter bowl they gain resistance to elemental damage
Both iron-bound doors leading into and out of this of that type. If the offering is coin they gain 3
room are trapped with poison needle traps. resistance, if the offering is something that either
Detecting and Disabling. Detecting the trap echoes an aspect of the element, such as burning
requires a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) incense at the air alter, or pouring a liquid in to the
check, and disabling it requires a set of thieves’ tools water altar’s basin they gain 5 resistance. This bonus
lasts until the end of the adventure.
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Altar B. Istishia’s alter resembles a wave crashing Grumbar (Boss of Earth Elementals)
and appears to be made from quartz crystal with Foes: Akadi, Urdlen
varying shades of green and blue with flecks of Elemental Ally: Istishia
white resembling crashing surf. A deep valley Symbol: Mountains often on a purple field
between the waves serves as the altar’s offering Grumbar (GRUM-bar) represents both stability and resistance
bowl. Engraved on floor in front of the altar: to change and is the guardian of secret treasures. He is said
to be fond of offerings of sardonyx, and jasper and often
Istishia’s triumph to confirm statues of him are made of those with rubies as the eyes.
Water rushes out to cover all
Istishia (The Water Lord)
Suitable Offerings: These include water, or any Foes: Kossuth
liquid including blood. Elemental Ally: Grumbar
Symbol: A cresting wave or a drop of water
Istishia (Is-TISH-ee-ah) is more abstract than some of the
Altar C. Akadi’s altar is shaped like a 4-foot-high better-known deities of water such as Umberlee, Eldath and
tornado, the eye of the funnel cloud serves as the Valkur. He represents water, but not any specific formation
offering bowl. Streaks of lightning that are carved or body of water. He furnishes a crucial resource, but
into the stone clouds, are engraved with the apparently cares not how it is used. He prizes offerings of
words: water-hued fine fabrics that ripple like waves, gemstones
that echo the color of water, fine inks or dyes, or books or
papers on which are written unsolvable mathematical
Akadi’s healing kiss once more to feel
Air bursts free in no one’s thrall
Kossuth (The Lord of Flames)
Suitable Offerings. These include burning incense,
Foes: Istishia
sprinkling perfume around the altar or producing a
Elemental Ally: Alkadi
wind either magically or mechanically.
Symbol: Twining red flame
Kossuth (Koh-SOOTH) is the patron of all fire elementals as
Altar D. Kossuth’s altar is a 4-foot high flame well as those who view fire as a purifying and revitalizing
made of crystals of varying shades of red and force. He prefers offerings to be burnt such a fine oils,
yellow. A brazier before the altar serves as the aromatic resins, nuts and meat, but is also fond of garnets,
citrine, topazes and fine smith work in iron or precious
altar’s offering bowl. Engraved are the words:
Kossuth’s renewing purification performed Note that the positions of the altars in the room is such that
Fire erupts dancing death for all foes are not directly opposite one another, and the closest
altar is of an element that is a sometimes ally.
Suitable Offerings. These include burning any item
worth at least 2 gp.
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The opening leads to an area with a few chairs (that Songs of our ally may be treated gently
break if anyone sits in them) and shelves that may
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If they do not, they take 3 (1d6) lightning damage as The length of wood is a wand of webs.
they pass through this wall, or half as much with a The right-hand wall is pierced by a wall of brown
successful DC 11 Dexterity saving throw. and grey light. (See description of the Earth wall
XP Award. If each of the characters pass above). To one side is engraved on the wall:
harmlessly through the wall, award each character
100 XP. Songs of our ally may be treated gently
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The characters are now in a room the wizard used to The arcane locked door is wooden with rusted iron
rest in occasionally, the fragile remains of cushioned banding (AC 22; 20 hit points; immune to poison and
benches lie in pieces on the either end of the room. A psychic damage). It requires either a DC 25 Strength
door is in in the wall opposite the wall of light. If (Athletics) check or a set of thieves’ tools and a DC
they need to take a short, or long rest this is a 25 Dexterity check to open it. Alternatively, knock
“relatively” safe place. momentarily suppresses the arcane lock.
The open book is an actual spell book. It has the
following spells: absorb elements, catapult, ice knife,
earth tremor, dust devil, skywrite, and wall of water
This was the Wizards workshop for creating (all found in Princes of the Apocalypse Appendix B).
elemental gems, scrolls and potions; as well as The other two books contain shockingly abysmal
developing new spells. (not abyssal) poetry.
This was a much more effective trap when the
Work benches line one wall of the large room. Each work Wizard was alive to deal with would-be thieves.
station seems fitted out with a table of the appropriate Time and historical events have relegated it to little
height for working with tools and supplies. Most of the tools more than an annoyance for the characters.
are in too poor of shape to be useful as are the supplies. Other Exits. There are two unlocked doors, both
of which access the library via hallways and a secret
door that is the only access to the Treasure room.
All the furniture in here is made of stone, the better
to weather any accidents. This includes the two long Locating the secret door requires a successful DC
tables. There are glass beakers and vials on the long 15 Wisdom (Perception). It was originally harder
tables. but dust has settled in some of the edges, making
Treasure. While most of the tools here are this a tad easier.
worthless, a set of jeweler’s tools are still useable Finding the opening mechanism (a specific stone
and worth 25 gp. in the wall) is a bit more difficult; it requires a DC
20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find, but
simply pushing the stone once found, gains the
A writing table next to the door has three books— characters entrance to the treasure room.
one of which is an open spellbook. Disturbing one of All this work might be a bit disappointing,
the closed books triggers three glyphs of warding. however, since the wizard had spent much of his
Detecting/Disabling. Detecting the trap requires wealth furnishing the tower by the time of his
a successful DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) or Wisdom famous duel with Taskor. The entirety of his
(Perception)check. A character using detect magic surviving wealth, 200 gp worth of various coins
detects the trap automatically. The trap can be and gems in several containers spread among the
removed only by the use of dispel magic. shelves of this room. There is a large chest in the
Triggering. Moving the spellbook in any way, room, suitable for holding many books and scrolls.
including turning a page or closing the cover, It, too, is disappointingly empty
triggers the trap.
Effect. The first glyph casts mage hand to close the
book. The second glyph casts arcane lock on the The characters find 200 gp worth of various coins
nearest door (the door to the Summoning Chambers, and gems, a set of jeweler’s tools wroth 25 gp, and a
above). The third and final glyph conjures two spellbook containing absorb elements, catapult, ice
magmin. knife, earth tremor, dust devil, skywrite, and wall of
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7 (−2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (−1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (−2) 8 (−1) 5 (−3)
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Be not faithless
Magic and Knowledge divine
Not in power or sphere presented
But in names Ascending
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If a player does not have a mobile device, please tell them to head to to enter
their results.
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