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Parnast Under Siege: A Four-Hour Adventure For 1st-4th Level Characters

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Parnast Under Siege

Despite the adventurers’ best efforts, more creatures joined under Bad Fruul’s banner. No
longer content to simply attack caravans or isolated homesteads, the hill giant warlord
descends upon Parnast at the head of a great force of humanoids. SEER warns the adventurers
(directly now) in time to rally the town and prepare defenses, but a heroic effort is required to
break the siege.

A Four-Hour Adventure for 1st-4th Level Characters

Robert Adducci
Adventure Designer

Adventure Code: DDAL05-16

Version: 1.0

Development and Editing: Claire Hoffman, Travis Woodall

Organized Play: Chris Lindsay
D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls, Matt Sernett
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Robert Adducci, Bill Benham, Travis Woodall, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks,
Alan Patrick

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of
Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is
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Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Introduction Before Play at the Table
Welcome to Parnast Under Siege, a D&D Adventurers Ask the players to provide you with relevant
League™ adventure, part of the official D&D character information:
Adventurers League™ organized play system and the
Storm King’s Thunder™ storyline season.  Character name and level
This adventure is designed for 1st through 4th-  Character race and class
level characters, and is optimized for five 4th-  Passive Wisdom (Perception)—the most common
level characters. Characters outside this level range passive ability check
cannot participate in this adventure.  Anything notable as specified by the adventure
The adventure takes place in and around the (such as backgrounds, traits, flaws, etc.)
village of Parnast. Ensure that each player has an official adventure
logsheet for his or her character (if not, get one from
The D&D Adventurers League the organizer). The player fills out the adventure
name, session number, date, and your name and DCI
The D&D Adventurers League™ is the official number (if they have one). In addition, the player
organized play system for DUNGEONS & also fills in the starting values for experience, gold,
DRAGONS®. Players can create characters and downtime, renown, and number of permanent magic
participate in any adventure allowed as a part of the items. He or she fill in the other values and write
D&D Adventurers League. As they adventure, notes at the conclusion of the session. Each player is
players track their characters’ experience, treasure, responsible for maintaining an accurate logsheet.
and other rewards, and can take those characters If you have time or see the need to do so, you can
through other adventures that will continue their do a quick scan of a player’s character sheet to
story. ensure that nothing looks out of order. If you see
For more information on playing, running games magic items of very high rarities or strange arrays of
as a Dungeon Master, and organizing games for the ability scores, you can ask players to provide
D&D Adventurers League, please visit the D&D documentation for the irregularities. If they cannot,
Adventurers League home at: feel free to restrict item use or ask them to use a
standard ability score array. Point players to the
www.dndadventurersleague.org D&D Adventurers League Player’s Guide for
If players wish to spend downtime days and it’s
Preparing the Adventure the beginning of an adventure or episode, they can
Before you show up to Dungeon Master this declare their activity and spend the days now.
adventure for a group of players, you should do the Alternatively, they can do so at the end of the
following to prepare. adventure or episode. Players should select their
 Make sure to have a copy of the most current characters’ spells and other daily options prior to
version of the D&D Basic Rules or the Player’s the start of the adventure, unless the adventure
Handbook. specifies otherwise. Feel free to reread the
 Read through the adventure, taking notes of adventure description to help give players hints
anything you’d like to highlight or remind yourself about what they might face.
while running the adventure, such as a way you’d
like to portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like to use Adjusting the Adventure
in a combat.
Throughout this adventure, sidebars provide
 Get familiar with the monster statistics in the information to assist you in making adjustments for
Appendix. smaller or larger groups and characters of higher or
 Gather together any resources you’d like to use to lower levels than the adventure is optimized for.
aid you in running this adventure--such as This is typically used exclusively for combat
notecards, a DM screen, miniatures, and encounters. These adjustments are not required, nor
battlemaps. are you bound to the suggestions made by the
 If you know the composition of the group adventure—they are recommendations provided for
beforehand, you can make adjustments as noted guidance and convenience.
throughout the adventure.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

This adventure is optimized for a party of five makes for a frustrating game. Gauge the experience
4th-level characters. To figure out whether you level of the players (not the characters) with the
need to adjust the adventure, do the following: game, try to feel out (or ask) what they like in a
game, and attempt to give each of them the
 Add up the total levels of all the characters. experience they’re after when they play D&D.
 Divide the total by the number of characters. Everyone should have the opportunity to shine.
 Round fractions of .5 or greater up; round Mind the Time. Watch for stalling, since play loses
fractions of less than .5 down. momentum when this happens. At the same time,
You’ve now determined the average party level make sure that the players don’t finish too early;
(APL) for the adventure. To figure out the party provide them with a full play experience. Try to be
strength for the adventure, consult the following aware of running long or short. Adjust the pacing
table. accordingly.
Keep the Adventure Moving. When the game
Determining Party Strength
starts to get bogged down, feel free to provide hints
Party Composition Party Strength
and clues to your players so they can attempt to
3-4 characters, APL less than Very weak
solve puzzles, engage in combat, and roleplay
3-4 characters, APL equivalent Weak
interactions without getting too frustrated over a
3-4 characters, APL greater than Average lack of information. This gives players “little
5 characters, APL less than Weak victories” for figuring out good choices from clues.
5 characters, APL equivalent Average The Dungeon Master’s Guide has more information
5 characters, APL greater than Strong on the art of running a D&D game.
6-7 characters, APL less than Average
6-7 characters, APL equivalent Strong Spellcasting Services
6-7 characters, APL greater than Very strong
Any settlement the size of a town or larger can
Average party strength indicates no recommended provide some spellcasting services. Characters need
adjustments to the adventure. Each sidebar may or to be able to travel to the settlement to obtain these
may not offer suggestions for certain party services.
strengths. If a particular recommendation is not Spell services generally available include healing
offered for your group, you don’t have to make and recovery spells, as well as information-
adjustments. gathering spells. Other spell services might be
available as specified in the adventure. The number
Running the Adventure of spells available as a service is limited to a
As the Dungeon Master of the session, you have the maximum of three per day total, unless otherwise
most important role in facilitating the enjoyment of noted.
the game for the players. You help guide the Spellcasting Services
narrative and bring the words on these pages to life. Spell Cost
The outcome of a fun game session often creates Cure wounds (1st level) 10 gp
stories that live well beyond the play at the table. Identify 20 gp
Always follow this golden rule when you DM for a
Lesser restoration 40 gp
Prayer of healing (2nd level) 40 gp
Remove curse 90 gp
Make decisions and adjudications that enhance
Speak with dead 90 gp
the fun of the adventure when possible.
To reinforce this golden rule, keep in mind the Divination 210 gp
following: Greater restoration 450 gp
You Are Empowered. You get to make decisions Raise dead 1,250 gp
about how the group interacts with the NPCs and Resurrection* 3,000 gp
environment within this adventure. It is okay to True Resurrection* 50,000 gp
make considerable changes or engage in
improvisation, so long as you maintain the original *These spells require an additional expenditure of
spirit of what’s written. downtime days (150 for resurrection and 350 for
Challenge Your Players. Never being challenged true resurrection). This cost can be reduced by 50
makes for a boring game, and being overwhelmed days for each faction rank above 1 that the character

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

possesses. This downtime is spent in community spend their funds to bring back a dead party
service for the church that provided the spell in member.
question. The Acolyte background feature does NOT Faction Charity. If the character is of level 1 to 4
reduce the gp or downtime cost for either of these and a member of a faction, the dead character’s body
spells. can be returned to civilization and a patron from the
faction ensures that he or she receives a raise dead
Acolyte Background spell. However, any character invoking this charity
A character possessing the acolyte background requesting forfeits all experience and rewards from that session
spellcasting services at a temple of his or her faith may (both those earned prior to and after death during
request one spell per day from the Spellcasting Services that session) and cannot replay that episode or
table for free. The only cost paid for the spell is the base adventure with that character again. Once a
price for the consumed material component, if any.
character reaches 5th level, this option is no longer
Acolytes can call upon spellcasting services in and around
the three towns as follows:
Parnast (Tier 1). Mielikki
Stagwick (Tier 2). Chauntea Adventure Background
Beregost (Tier 3). Lathander, Waukeen Bad Fruul has mustered a horde of monstrous
humanoids under his banner, and has set his sights
on killing Chandra Stol, priestess of Mielikki and
Death and Recovery setting the Shrine of Axes to the torch. The small
Sometimes bad things happen, and characters die. village of Parnast happens to be in his way where
Since you might not have the same characters return both Chandra and the Shrine reside.
from session to session, here are the rules when bad But Bad Fruul is no ordinary hill giant; he is
things happen to characters. possessive of a headband of intellect with the soul of
a drow priestess of Lolth named Narcellia
Death Varam’myr bound within.
A character who is killed during the course of the The SEER has been tracking Narcellia for some
adventure has a few options at the end of the session time but lost track of her during the Tyranny of
(or whenever arriving back in civilization) if no one Dragons, and has since been unable to divine the
in the adventuring party has immediate access to a location of the intelligent item. Aware of Narcellia’s
raise dead or revivify spell, or similar magic. A hate for Angharradh, SEER subtly encouraged
character subject to a raise dead spell is affected Chandra to reach out for a replacement statue of
negatively until all long rests have been completed Angharradh (See DDAL05-02 The Black Road) and
during an adventure. Alternatively, each downtime provided the needed inspiration to an artist in the
day spent after raise dead reduces the penalty to Anauroch Desert—the combination of these acts
attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks by 1, provoked Narcellia to act and drove her from hiding.
in addition to any other benefits the downtime The small village of Parnast was never a concern
activity might provide. for Bad Fruul, but after recent orc attacks (see
Create a New 1st-Level Character. If the dead DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast) on nearby
character is unwilling or unable to exercise any of farms, captured farmers-turned slaves divulged to
the other options, the player creates a new Bad Fruul that the town recently received a statue of
character. The new character does not have any Angharradh. It was further learned that the keeper
items or rewards possessed by the dead character. of the Shrine of Axes, Chandra Stol was none other
Dead Character Pays for Raise Dead. If the than a relative of Narcellia’s imprisoner, which
character’s body is recoverable (it’s not missing any further infuriated Narcellia.
vital organs and is mostly whole) and the player One of the latent powers of the Headband of
would like the character to be returned to life, the Intellect that Narcellia inhabits is that it can’t be
party can take the body back to civilization and use easily scryed upon. However, with the magical
the dead character’s funds to pay for a raise dead tomes found in the Marsh of Chelimber (See
spell. A raise dead spell cast in this manner costs the DDAL05-07 Chelimber’s Descent), SEER has devised
character 1,250 gp. a ritual to scry on Narcellia and Bad Fruul.
Character’s Party Pays for Raise Dead. As above,
except that some or all of the 1,250 gp for the raise
dead spell is paid for by the party at the end of the Narcellia was imprisoned in the headband by Luistarra
Stollereil. In a plan born of vengeful suffering Luistarra, a less
session. Other characters are under no obligation to

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

than scrupulous follower of Angharradh (elven deity of characters are set on doing more encounters, have Hsing find
spring), imprisoned Narcellia in the headband for leading the the characters and alert them that the time table has been
attack that destroyed Luistarra’s village long ago near pushed up and Fruul’s horde is marching on the town.
Evereska. Unknown to SEER, Chandra Stol is related to
Luistarra Stollereil. Adventure Preparation
Sometime after defacing the statue of Angharradh in Ask if any of the characters have the Defender of
Parnast during the Tyranny of Dragons, Narcellia came into Parnast (DDAL05-03 Uninvited Guests or DDAL05-
the possession of Bad Fruul. The intelligent head band has 10 Giant Diplomacy) or Greater Defender of
been urging Bad to increase his wealth, and girth. She has
Parnast (DDAL05-10 Giant Diplomacy) story award.
also encouraged the giant to study magic from stolen
Ask the characters if they have played the
spellbooks. With the breaking of the Ordning it was not
difficult for Narcellia to urge Bad to step out of his comfort
following adventures and their results. Average the
zone and draw other monstrous humanoids to his purple results if tables have conflicting accounts.
mammoth skull banner. DDAL05-03 Uninvited Guests. Do any of the
characters possess the title of Adoness awarded by
Adventure Overview Thornacious?
DDAL05-10 Giant Diplomacy. Did any of the
Part .1 A Visit with Seer. Having learned of the
headband’s location and its ties to Bad Fruul, SEER characters convince Gralm to join them in their fight
directly contacts the characters with the news that against Bad Fruul? Did Gralm remain indifferent?
Bad Fruul is finally readying to destroy the shrine Did they fail to persuade him either way? Did the
and kill Chandra. characters befriend the sprite Oblivillish or not?
Part 2 Making Something of Nothing. The DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast. Did the
characters have some time to prepare the town as characters report to Raggnar or Gundalin? As the
Bad Fruul is still mustering his horde. During this results from this adventure have not yet been
time the characters can train the militia, reconnoiter tallied, use the results from the player’s experiences
the area, fortify the town, and other related tasks. to determine who the leader is in Parnast. If none of
Characters can call in favors due by the ettin, Gralm, the characters at the table have played that
and plead for help from Prince Thornacious or adventure, then you can choose.
Oblivillish for aid. Did they kill Kagrota Threeteeth or was she
Bad Fruul sends orc assassins to kidnap Chandra spared?
and destroy the shrine in the night. If successful Interactive Play
Chandra is taken to the Spine Rippers Den.
Parnast Under Siege can be played as a mini-Epic, multi-table
Part 3 The Siege of Parnast. Otherwise, Bad
adventure with up to 3 tables. To facilitate the adventure
Fruul holds the small village of Parnast under a running smoothly with multiple Dungeon Masters all tables
siege. He sends emissaries to relate his demands in should be adjacent to each other and the DMs should sit as
no uncertain terms: relinquish Chandra Stol, the close to each other as possible. When running with 3 tables
statue of Angharradh, and the entirety of their food the tables should be set up in a triangle formation if possible.
stores. Unbeknownst to the town, he plans to attack
regardless of the town’s acquiescence; his horde Adventure Hook
demands food and slaves. The adventure assumes the characters have already
Should that fail the horde prepares to march on participated in some of the Tier 1 adventures for the
Parnast. Bad sends in his forces to test the defenses Storm King’s Thunder season taking place in
of the small town. If those forces are beaten down he Parnast. If a character has not been in Parnast, Hsing
sends his horde in to destroy the town, focusing on can still approach them with the ornate door on any
the Shrine of Axes and the statue. walled surface in any town or city.
Missing Farmers. Characters may be meeting
Adventure Timeline
with Raggnar or Gundalin (depending on the
The adventure starts on Day 1 with A Visit with SEER.
outcome of DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast) in
Bad Fruul marches on Parnast after four Days (on the 5th
the Golden Tankard. Raggnar/Gundalin would have
day) from when the adventure begins. If this adventure is
being played with multiple tables Bad Fruul will march on
contacted the characters to ask them to go looking
Parnast on the 3rd day. Characters can discover this for nearby farmers and villagers who have recently
information in the Forearmed is Forewarned: Determining gone missing.
the Time Table section. Faction Assignment: Lords Alliance. Members of
Once characters have spent their 4 days (or 2) in game or the Lords Alliance may have been sent to the town
when you hit the 2 hour and 45 minute mark and the

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

to bolster the forces there and make sure the town
does not fall against the evil giant’s forces.
Town Rumors. The following rumors and tales
can be inserted in the adventure where the DM feels
it’s appropriate:
 “Evendur is known to fall asleep while on watch,
usually in the east tower.”
 “Many families have come into the village due to
orc raids and reside in the stables despite the horrid
smell left over from the Cult of the Dragon’s
 “Some farms have been raided and the people
 “Someone or something was seen skulking on the
rooftops near the Shrine of Axes.”
 “A sinkhole has opened up under the pond in the
crater. Some villages have seen a strange creature
with claws and 4 legs escaping from the sink hole in
the crater or climbing in with an animal in tow.”

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

and milky white eyes flies to the door and flutters
Part 1. A Visit with SEER about, waiting for the characters to open it. If
Estimated Duration. 30 minutes
questioned Hsing only returns feeling of calmness,
As the characters tend to their business in Parnast
comfort, and friendship and more visions of the
they are interrupted by a commoner with a strange
character opening the door. Characters that have
tale. These villagers were given visions by the
played earlier adventures in this season might have
pseudodragon Hsing to draw the characters to the
met Hsing before and be aware of his connection.
edge of town for a meeting with SEER who has vital
Any attempt to reveal the pseudodragon’s motives
information about Bad Fruul and his horde.
with Wisdom (Insight) reveals that the small dragon
is not hiding anything. If pressed the pseudodragon
Visions shows images of a serene study with a multitude of
If the characters are together they’re approached by birds fluttering about. If further questioned they are
a single villager. Otherwise they’re be contacted by shown a series of images of various cities and
different villagers with strangely-similar stories. villages across Faerûn interspersed with fleeting
These stories are believable as there has recently images of an older Shou woman’s caring brown eyes.
been orc activity in the area (DDAL05-12 Bad A member of the Lords Alliance or a character with
Business in Parnast) and more recently some nearby the Noble background recognizes the cities and
farms have been raided for food and slaves, which towns as places that the Lords Alliance do business,
anyone in the area would have heard about. those of a different faction or no faction can realize
the same information with a successful DC10
“Ogres! Orcs! North in the fields!”, a bedraggled villager cries
Intelligence (History) check.
as he runs toward you. “Come quick, I saw a horde of orcs
north of town, help!”
This study and the garden beyond are all part of a
The villager (Gevies an older human male, Magoun a pocket demiplane that SEER controls.
middle aged human male, Tam a young female
halfling, or Arlenda a middle aged human female) General Features
claims they were on the north side of the town when In the well-maintained garden are several small
they saw a horde of orcs and ogres appear in the benches surrounding a pond filled with koi. The
fields north of town. The villager urges the water moves as if a breeze blows over it. Beyond the
characters to investigate and leads them to the back walls of the garden are towering trees whose
side of the stables where the horde was seen in the branches cover the garden at a height of about 40
nearby fields. feet—completely obscuring what is beyond.
If the characters are not together, pause before The door is unlocked for the characters, if they ask a
describing what is seen and move on to draw the villager to open the door it is locked. If the door is
rest of the characters to the same location with a opened only the characters and any familiars and
different character from above. animal companions may enter. When a character
opens the door, read the following:
An Odd Door
As the characters assemble near the stables they As you open the ornate door a small white bird flies out and
find they arrive at nearly the same time. However, into the southerly sky.
there is nary an orc or ogre to be seen in the field. Entering through the doorway you see an octagonal room,
The villagers are dumfounded by this. If questioned, its walls covered by shelves that hold scrolls, books, and
each villager swears they saw orcs and ogres. The birds. All types of birds sit on small swings, calmly preening
guard in the nearby watchtower claims to have seen themselves or eating at small dishes of bird seed.
nothing. A large desk takes up a large portion of the room. A map
Before they get too far into questioning the
of the Sword Coast is splayed out across the desk, its corners
villagers each character gets an image in their mind
held down with small marble statues of Shou gods. Next to
of an overly ornate door with Shou stylings in their
mind that opens into the stables behind them. As the desk a small table holds a tea set on a silver tray.
they see the door they see in their minds another
image of them opening it. Just then from a nearby
tree, Hsing, a small pseudodragon with red scales

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

A set of double doors takes up one face of the octagonal this happens she pauses and speaks to the bird,
room. The doors are open to what appears to be a garden. which then flys off.
Through the doors, you see a woman standing at the edge of After pleasantries are out of the way SEER gets
a small pond. She wears a blue robe embroidered with birds. down to business. She thanks the characters for
Without looking she waves to you, indicating you should their actions in prior adventures, specifically
approach. You’re sure this room and garden are not inside mentioning the statue of Angharradh (DDAL05-02
the Parnast stables!
The Broken Road) as well as any successes dealing
with the fey (DDAL05-03 Uninvited Guests), Gralm
(DDAL05-10 Giant Diplomacy), fending off the orcs
(DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast) and especially
Should a character attempt to pocket anything in the retrieving magical tomes from the Marsh of
study moments before they act SEER calls out to Chelimber (DDAL05-06/07 Beneath Fetid
them, calling them by name in a grandmotherly tone. Chelimber/Chelimber’s Descent).
If a character does not attempt to purloin anything SEER relates the following information to the
she calls one of the characters by name anyway. characters.
 Bad Fruul, a hill giant that has fallen into
Grab the tea set on your way here, won’t you dear? And
possession of a powerful magic item, a headband
don’t forget the cookies.
of intellect. However, the headband that he
possesses houses the soul of a drow priestess of
Roleplaying SEER Lolth named Narcellia Varam’myr.
SEER is a human woman of Shou descent with characteristic  Hundreds of years ago, in a plan born of vengeful
golden brown skin, black hair, and brown eyes. She appears suffering Luistarra, a less than scrupulous
to be in her early 50’s and leans lightly on a silver staff follower of Angharradh (elven deity of spring),
topped with a crane’s head, its eye made of blue crystal. If imprisoned Narcellia in the headband for
Hsing showed them images of the cities, this is the same instrumenting an attack that destroyed Luistarra’s
woman seen. She is a Shou noble, has been a member of the village near Evereska.
Lords Alliance for many years, and operates as the head of  Narcellia’s previous owner was responsible for
intelligence within the Lords’ Alliance. defacing the statue of Angharradh in the Shrine of
She is warm and grandmotherly—offering tea and cookies Axes during the Tyranny of Dragons.
to visitors. In particulars, she thinks of those working on her
 The SEER has been tracking Narcellia for some
behalf as her children/grandchildren. Occasionally, she gets a
distant look in her eyes as though her attention is focused
time but lost her during the rise of the Cult of the
elsewhere, and she has been known to answer questions just Dragon—and has since been unable to divine her
before they’re asked. location.
Quote: “Of course I know why you are here. The question  In order to flush her out of hiding, SEER
is, do you?” capitalized on Narcellia’s hate for Angharradh—
encouraging Chandra to seek a replacement for
SEER introduces herself as such. She offers tea and the damaged statue of Angharradh, and provided
greets the characters as if she knows them, making the inspiration for an artist in the Anauroch
small talk while asking them somewhat personal Desert to creature it.
questions, such as:  Sometime after defacing the statue Narcellia (the
 “How did that wound you suffered from the orc in headband of intellect) came into the possession of
the cabin heal up?” Bad Fruul. The intelligent headband has been
 “Have you heard word from you family since the urging the hill giant to increase his wealth, and
frost giants came down from the mountains?” girth. She has taught the giant the basic nuances of
 “Have you spoken with Esvel? They’ve been eyeing arcane magic from stolen spellbooks. With the
you with a twinkle in their eye?” Ordning’s dissolution, it wasn’t difficult for
 “Were you able to find a buyer for those giant toe Narcellia to urge Bad Fruul to step out of his
nails you secreted away? When this is all over bring comfort zone and draw other monstrous
them to me and I can make a little something for humanoids to his banner.
you.”  One of the latent powers of the headband of
intellect that Narcellia inhabits is that it cannot
Birds flutter about the garden, occasionally they
easily be scryed upon. However, with the magical
land on her shoulder and tweet into her ear. When
tomes found in the Marsh of Chelimber (See

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

DDAL05-07 Chelimber’s Descent), SEER has finally such as Parnast. She asks the characters to do
devised a ritual to scry upon it and its current everything in their power to maintain the integrity
owner. of Parnast as it’s important to the growth of the
 SEER has learned that the small village of Parnast Lords’ Alliance.
was never a concern for Bad Fruul, but after the Specifically, she would like to see the characters
recent orc attacks by Kragota Threeteeh (See convince the leader of Parnast (Raggnar Redtooth or
DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast) on the towns Gundalin) to join the Lords’ Alliance by the time this
nearby farms, captured farmers and villagers threat is removed.
turned slaves related that the town recently
 Raggnar. The obstinate man has previously
received a statue of Angharradh.
rebuffed invitations to join the Lords’ Alliance
 Further spying by Fruul’s agents has revealed that
from Azam, but with the Lords’ Alliance’s aid in
the keeper of the Shrine of Axes, Chandra Stol
protecting the town, he could come around if he’s
wears a particular pendant owned by her ancestor
in charge.
Luistarra, which further infuriated Narcellia.
 Gundalin. He’s a fledgling leader and may be
 Lord Fruul of the Greypeaks has set his sights on
easily swayed.
killing Chandra Stol, priestess of Mielikki and
destroying the Shrine of Axes.
 It should take several days for Fruul to pull
Upon leaving SEERs study, the ornate door the
together a small horde of monstrous humanoids
characters leave via disappears from the stable’s
under his purple mammoth skull banner and
wall. The characters must now choose what to start
march on Parnast.
with and may work on or complete any number of
 SEER does not have the needed rare consumable tasks before the horde arrives at Parnast:
to cast the scrying spell again. The characters Protecting Chandra. Inform Chandra of the
need to gather information on their own if they danger she’s in. Protect her at all costs.
wish to know more of Fruul’s plans. In Defense of Parnast. Alert the townsfolk to the
danger the town is in and prepare its defenses.
A Promise of Adventure Forewarned is Forearmed. Send out scouts to
SEER feels horribly about Chandra’s involvement as learn more about Bad Fruul’s swelling horde.
she was not aware of the priestess’s relation to Characters may also think of something not
Luistarra or that she would become the object of mentioned above, in that case you as the DM should
Narcellia and thus Fruul’s wrath. improvise based on what you understand of the
SEER bestows three charges upon the characters story and Bad Fruul’s motivations.
on her behalf and that of the Lords’ Alliance:
Interactive Play
 Chandra Stoll is to be protected at all costs
 Determine when Bad Fruul is going to attack and If this adventure is being played as a multi-table event,
consider the following when instructing the tables which task
rally the defenses of the town and protect the
to complete:
villagers of Parnast
 Bring Bad Fruul’s headband of intellect to her.  The table that has the most collective renown chooses
which of the above they want to take on.
For satisfying each of these charges, SEER offers the  A table with a lot of players that have played DDAL05-03
characters 600 gp. Additionally, she offers the Uninvited Guests or DDAL05-10 Giant Diplomacy should be
characters an additional 200 gp if they complete all encouraged to play Forewarned is Forearmed.
of these tasks without a single villager being harmed  A table with a lot of Lords’ Alliance members should be
in the process and 100gp if they can keep Chandra encouraged to play through In Defense of Parnast.
Stol out of Fruul’s hands.
Characters wishing to negotiate that succeed on a
DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) check convince SEER The meeting with SEER starts the clock; Bad Fruul’s
to offer an additional 100 gp. horde approaches and arrives in Parnast in four
days’s time.
Assignment from the Lords Alliance
If there are any Lords’ Alliance faction members in
the party SEER speaks to them about the tenets of
the Lords’ Alliance, of the importance to maintain
steady growth of civilization, even in small towns

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

potion. This check takes up one check in the
Part 2. Making Something Out of Fortification, Training, or Scouting sections below.
Nothing  If the characters ask Thornacious or Oblivillish
Estimated Duration: 2 hours (see Fear of Sprites) they’re able to guide the
When playing this adventure as a single table the characters to herbs that can remove the stink. A
groups choices are limited by time. They will not be successful DC10 Intelligence (Nature) check is
able to do everything, make sure they know their needed to create the potion in 4 hours, this check
options. takes up one check in the Fortification, Training,
or Scouting sections below.
Interactive Play  Any encounter with the Orcs of the Spine Ripper
If this adventure is being played as a multi-table event, each clan can include the following tome:
section should take up the majority of the 90 minutes. If  Severin’s Guide to Draconic Beasts. This tome
there is time (and days) remaining the tables can continue to written by the former leader of the Cult of the
try for successes on Fortifications, Training, or Scouting.
Dragon includes detailed instructions on raising
and caring for draconic beasts including drakes
Option A. In Defense of Parnast and wyverns. Included are steps to create a potion
to remove the wyvern stink. With this in hand any
During the events of DDAL05-12 Bad Business in
townsfolk can point them to the old alchemist
Parnast it was learned that an attack from Bad Fruul
shop for ingredients. A successful DC10
and his horde was imminent. Folks began
Intelligence (Nature) check is needed to create the
stockpiling food and some farmers and their families
potion in 4 hours, this check takes up one check in
have come in from the outskirts of town and the
the Fortification, Training, or Scouting sections
stables are overflowing with refugees, despite the
stink of wyvern.
With the new information from SEER a new sense During the conclusion of the adventure if the party
of urgency has arisen. If Raggnar is the leader, he has the Wyvern stink potion it is enough to push the
has already started some fortifications around the Lords’ Alliance’s cause over the tipping point and
buildings and training of townsfolk. He agrees to the current leader thanks them profusely and agree
confer with the characters regarding possible to join the Lords’ Alliance.
improvements. If Gundalin is the new leader, he has
Roleplaying Raggnar Redtooth
not set up any fortifications and acquiesces to any of
During the cult’s occupation of Parnast, Raggnar accepted
the character’s suggestions for the defense of the
bribes from the cult’s leadership to conceal their activity and
town and martial training.
keep them abreast of any unusual activity within Parnast.
Though he was outed for his conduct, he has managed to
Talking with Leadership convince most of the townsfolk that he did what he did to
Either Raggnar or Gundalin are out of their depths in ensure Parnast’s well-being. Raggnar is a tall, heavyset man
preparing for a siege. They do the best they can with with enormous mutton chop sideburns who seems friendly
what they know but the characters have more enough.
experience in this type of situation. Quote: "I was in the town militia—never a commander.”
If Lords’ Alliance members ask them what they
can do to help aside from fortifications and training Roleplaying Gundalin Cartwright
either men jokingly say, “Well if we survive this, Gundalin is an unremarkable, balding human man in his mid-
clearing the barn of the stink of wyvern would be fifties who wears what remains of his hair in a long gray
nice!”. This situation can be resolved in one of three ponytail. The scent of sawdust lingers in the air about him.
ways. Gundalin is hardworking and fair, but harsh when wronged
and slow to forgive. He didn’t like how things were shaping
 The owner of the herbalist shop, Sylas, is down on
up under Raggnar, however now that he’s the de-facto
his luck and is happy to allow the characters to
leader of Parnast he’s not liking his situation any better.
search through the leftover herbs and notes left by Quote: “Uh….I’m just not sure about this.”
his wife, the herbalist. It was his wife that was the
herbalist so he has no knowledge to help. The
shop has an herbalist kit and various notes can be Where to Make a Stand
found in a book on how to make a potion to There are two main choices of where to make a
remove strong smells. A successful DC10 stand, the town as it stands now or the ruins of Old
Intelligence (Nature) check is needed to create the Parnast.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Parnast. The current town has the crater on one  Wisdom (Survival). Creating traps, pits, etc.
side as a defensive point and sturdy buildings, but around the town/palisade or in nearby farms or
no walls or other major fortifications. Raggnar has fields. Characters with the Outlander background
setup some fortifications. Add 5 Fortification Siege make this check with advantage.
Points (see below) if they chose this option; the Training the Townsfolk. Characters can spend
townsfolk are more comfortable and easily trained time training the townsfolk on a number of skills
in their usual environment. Any training check is that are useful during a siege. Ask the players what
made with advantage. their characters do to train the townsfolk. Some
Old Parnast. There are three standing buildings suggestions are:
and some portions of the palisade wall still standing.
The palisade and buildings are sturdier than the  Strength (Athletics). Wielding weapons and
current town. Add 10 Fortification Siege Points wearing armor. Characters with the Soldier
(see below) if they chose this option. Any background make this check with advantage.
Fortifications check is made with advantage.  Intelligence (Tools). Creating weapons and
armor. Characters with a related Guild Artisan
Siege Points background make this check with advantage.
The points that the characters achieve in the days prior to  Intelligence/Wisdom (History). Using military
the siege by building Fortifications, Training the townsfolk, or history to teach the townsfolk how similar battles
Scouting the region can be spent during a later encounter have been fought. Characters with the Sage or
and represent their preparations and training. Each Soldier background make this check with
encounter in the Siege of Parnast section details how these advantage.
Siege Points can be spent. Siege Points given by Gralm can be
 Wisdom (Medicine). Teaching basic first aid and
spent as any type. Use different colored tokens to represent
each type and accumulate them in a group pool, dice can
battlefield medicine. Characters with the Hermit
also be used. or Outlander background make this check with
 Wisdom (Religion). Maintaining the morale of the
Fortifications and Training townsfolk. Characters with the Acolyte
Characters can spend time Fortifying and Training background make this check with advantage.
the townsfolk. A character can make two checks
 Wisdom (Survival). Stocking up on food and
each day.
supplies for a siege. Characters with the Outlander
Some suggested usage of skills are listed below,
background make this check with advantage.
and if a character succeeds on a DC 13 check, record
 Charisma (Performance/Persuasion). This
the type of check (fortification or training) used as
increases the townsfolk’s morale. Characters with
they’ll come into play as Siege Points during the
the Charlatan, Entertainer, Folk Hero, or Noble
siege. A check with a result greater than 20 awards 2
background make this check with advantage.
Siege Points instead of 1.
Fortifications. Regardless of which location they Development. Record the number of Fortification
decide on ask the characters to come up with ideas and Training Siege Points gained by the party. Use
on how they can use their unique skills to fortify the different colored tokens to represent each type and
location. These could include: accumulate them in a group pool, dice can also be
 Strength (Athletics). Digging trenches, building
pickets, fortifying existing buildings. Rebuilding Spies
the current palisade. Characters with the Soldier Bad Fruul is an intelligent leader. He’s sent spies to
background make this check with advantage. monitor the town’s preparing. While training the
 Intelligence (Tools). Creating fortifications. townsfolk, characters with a passive Insight of 15 or
Characters with a related Guild Artisan’s higher notice one of the “villagers” acting a
background make this check with advantage. bit…strangely; they are asking a lot of questions and
 Intelligence (History). Building sound structures can be found wandering about town at all hours—
to aid in the defense. Characters with the Sage both day and night.
background make this check with advantage. If questioned, the suspicious villager, Mazzy, caves
 Wisdom (Perception). Identifying the locations easily; a successful DC 5 Charisma (Deception,
that would be most defensible and building Intimidation, or Persuasion) is all that is needed.
around them to ensure good lines of sight. Mazzy confesses that her family was taken captive
by Bad Fruul and are being held in the Spine

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Rippers’s Den. Mazzy has been instructed to spy for  Very strong party: An orc eye of Gruumsh riding an
Bad Fruul or else her loved ones will be slain. If auroch, and four orcs—one of which also rides an auroch
asked if there are other spies, she truthfully admits Development. If captured and questioned the orcs
that she doesn’t know. know the location of the gathering (north in the
There are, in fact, others. A character succeeding Greypeak Mountain), but not where Fruul resides. A
on a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check detects two successful DC 10 Charisma (Intimidation) check
other refugees, Jarlor and Larrish, with similar reveals that these orcs are from the Spine Ripper
stories. A successful DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion/ Clan, that their clan is favored among the orc gods
Intimidation) reveals that they recently sent because their chief Kurglow Axebreaker has recently
information about the town to Bad Fruul. been given whelps. A DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation)
Jarlor’s caravan was attacked by Bad Fruul’s check reveals the location of the Spine Rippers Den.
forces, while Larrish was fleeing giant incursions This information gives them 1 success during the
near Lorhk when his family was captured. Forewarned is Forearmed: Determining the Time
Every third evening, each spy ventures into the Table section unless they’ve already encounter
fields east of town and meets with a Spine Ripper Spine Ripper orcs.
half-orc spy. If captured, the half-orc is a resilient
interrogation subject; only a successful DC 20
Charisma (Intimidation) check compels him to The orc scouts have 50gp in treasure.
reveal the location of the Spine Rippers Den and
confirm that the spies’s stories are true. This
information gives them 1 success during the
The Sinkhole
The local stream once fed into a pool at the bottom
Forewarned is Forearmed: Determining the Time
of the crater, but recently a sinkhole has opened up,
Table if it hasn’t been completed yet.
draining the pond. The stream now flows into a
If the characters do not defeat the half-orc spy it is
muddy area, before draining into the sinkhole.
possible to feed the spy bad information. A
Recently a chuul has begun coming out and killing
successful DC 15 Charisma (Deception) check
farm animals in the dark of night. The townsfolk
awards the characters 5 Scouting Siege Points.
have thus far been too scared to investigate.
Orc Scouts Adjusting the Encounter
If the party has not already come upon any Spine Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
Ripper Orcs (in Protecting Chandra or Forearmed is encounter. These are not cumulative.
Forewarned section) the character with the highest
 Very Weak party: Remove a chuul and add a thri-kreen
passive Perception notices a couple of orc scouts in
 Weak party: Remove a chuul and add an ankheg
the fields—scouting the town. If the characters  Strong party: Increase the chuul’s hit points by 20.
succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth) group check,  Very strong party: Increase the chuul’s hit points by 40.
they are able to surprise the orcs, otherwise the two
groups see each other at the same time in a small This sinkhole could be completely irrelevant to
field 100 feet apart. If they know they have been the adventure or the characters could utilize it. The
detected, the orcs flee. sinkhole is 60 feet deep and opens into a small
cavern where the creature lives. The cavern is
Adjusting the Encounter oblong, but irregular in shape. It’s 40 feet wide and
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat 300 feet long and very damp. The cavern could hold
encounter. These are not cumulative. about 100 people for a short amount of time or
 Very Weak or Weak party: Remove an orc scout could be used as a hiding place for Chandra and the
 Strong party or Very strong: Add an orc scout statue of Angharradh to try and dissuade Bad Fruul
from attacking.
Interactive Play
If this adventure is being played as an interactive event, use Option B. Forewarned is Forearmed
the following encounter instead: While the information from SEER is valuable, there’s
 Very Weak or Weak party: Three orcs no substitution for local knowledge of the situation.
 Average party: An orc eye of Gruumsh riding an auroch, Characters can spend time outside of town finding
and three orcs information and securing allies. Move these
 Strong party: An orc eye of Gruumsh riding an auroch,
and four orcs

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

encounters along quickly, they should not take up Advantage on this check. A successful roll may
too much time. indicate the general area where the Spine Rippers
Den is. The Spine Rippers are a prominent orc clan
Determining the Time Table in the region.
The characters know Bad Fruul is forming his horde,  Intelligence (Nature). Knowing what types of
but the exact amount of time this takes is unknown. creatures dwell in the area could be useful in
In order to determine this characters must observe determining what Bad Fruul’s horde consists of—
the local area. The characters must make a group orcs, goblins, ettins. Characters with the Outlander
Wisdom (Perception) check, DC 10. If the characters background make this check with advantage.
succeed they learn the number of days remaining  Dexterity (Stealth). Scouting the area unseen
until Bad Fruul raises his army and marches on among the moving orc and goblin tribes.
Parnast. Failure results in the party either over or Characters with the Soldier or Outlander
under estimating the timing. Roll a 1d4. A result of background make this check with advantage.
1-2 is under, a 3-4 is over, then roll 1d3 for days  Charisma (Deception). The tribes in the area are
over or under estimated. not yet fully under Bad Fruul’s control. Successful
Bad Fruul marches on Parnast 4 after the disinformation fed to goblins and orcs could
adventure begins. If this adventure is being played hinder the formation of Fruul’s horde. Characters
with multiple tables Bad Fruul marches on Parnast with the Charlatan or Noble background make this
after 2 days. check with advantage.
Development. Record the number of Scouting
Scouting Advantages successes gained by the party. If you have different
A character may spend a day scouting and makes 2 colored tokens to differentiate Fortification,
checks each day. Any of the skills below can be made Training, and Scouting success, use them. Dice could
against a DC of 13. Record the number of successful also be used.
checks (Siege Points) and that they came from
“scouting” as they’ll come into play during the siege. Promise
Siege Points Characters that participated in DDAL05-10 Giant
Diplomacy have convinced the ettin Gralm to attack
The successes that the characters achieved in the days prior
Bad Fruul, however, ettins are often of two minds.
to the siege by building Fortifications, Training the townsfolk,
or Scouting the region can be spent during an encounter and The characters can do nothing and hope Gralm
represent their preparations and training. Each encounter keeps his word or they could meet with Gralm to
details how these Siege Points can be spent. Siege Points remind him of his promise and solidify the plan.
given by Gralm can be spent as any type. Use different Hope Gralm Keeps His Word. Gralm is not stupid,
colored tokens to represent each type and accumulate them he’s certain if he attacks Fruul alone he’ll die. He
in a group pool, dice can also be used. figures he’s keeping to the spirit of the agreement if
he doesn’t join the horde and makes sure a few of
Discovering who is joining Bad Fruul’s horde,
the orc warbands that are on the fence side with
where they’re coming from and possibly dissuading
Gralm, or meet his club. Add 5 Scouting Siege Points
some potential enemies could be the difference
to the characters’ pool.
between the town surviving or being destroyed. Ask
Meet with Gralm Again. It takes a successful
the characters to determine what skill they’ll use to
Wisdom (Survival) check DC 15 to find and travel to
ferret out the information and the details of that
Gralm’s camp. A successful check results in the trip
information. Suggestions include:
taking 1 day to find the camp travel there and back,
 Wisdom (Perception or Survival). Determining while a failed check takes 1 day, but all party
the best locations to approach the town and how members must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
best to use the terrain. Character with the Soldier throw. A successful check indicates only 1 level of
or Outlander background make this check with exhaustion is gained, while a failure indicates 2
advantage. levels of exhaustion are gained in the dash back to
 Intelligence (History). Recalling some tribes of Parnast.
humanoids in the area when their banners Once in his presence, Gralm confirms his
(Player Handout 1) are seen. Allowing for agreement to attack Bad Fruul’s forces. Gralm hopes
calculation of number of enemies in the horde. to pull some of Fruul’s horde to his own camp. A
Characters with the Sage background gain successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check
convinces Gralm to aid the characters during a

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

combat encounter of their choice, not including saving throw. A successful check indicates only 1
direct combat with Fruul (adding 10 Siege Points), level of exhaustion is gained, while a failure
but if the Charisma (Persuasion) check beat a DC20 indicates 2 levels of exhaustion are gained in the
he will be convinced to attack Fruul personally and dash back to Parnast.
adds 10 Siege Points. Less than DC 15 means that Blue Mist Antidote. Characters asking about the
Gralm waits for an opportunity to cause the most blue liquid from the herbalists shop (DDAL05-03
harm to the horde (add 5 Siege Points). Uninvited Guests) find that though Sylas is down on
his luck, he happily allows the characters to search
Roleplaying Gralm through the leftover herbs to try and recreate the
Gralm, an ettin, has two heads. One side of him is formal to a blue mist poison antidote. Unfortunately, his wife
t; -he speaks and addresses everyone with the utmost was the herbalist, so he isn’t much help. The shop
intelligence, but he is utterly cold and calculating. He is has an herbalist kit and notes can be found in a book
above average intelligence and wants to make sure he is on how to make it. A successful DC 15 Intelligence
getting the best deal and upper hand. The other side of him
check made with the herbalism kit creates 2d4
is angry, impulsive, prone to violence (hence, one of the
doses of the antidote, but the process takes 1 day.
ways he keeps all of his minions in check - fear of
retribution). The Blue Mist of the Weathercote Wood
Quote: ”Of course I plan to uphold our bargain I thought-
The beautiful mist produced by the forest attacks the
Big Fruul a stupid giant, we SMASH his teeth!”
respiratory system, causing shortness of breath and intense
vertigo. While it’s possible to safely develop an immunity
Interactive Play through brief exposures over time, prolonged initial exposure
If this adventure is being played with multiple tables each can be dangerous for those unaccustomed.
table gains the benefits of Gralm’s aid (i.e., Gralm’s Siege After four hours of exposure to the blue mist, a creature
Points are added to all tables and he aids in the battle if not native to the Wood must succeed on a DC 10
convinced). Constitution saving throw or gain a level of exhaustion. Each
hour thereafter, the characters repeat the saving throw (to a
maximum three levels of exhaustion) until seven hours of
A Fear of Sprites exposure is reached--a total of four saving throws.
Narcellia is terrified of the fey—a holdover from her Because the symptoms manifest as a general weakness
raids on elven villages near Evereska long ago. and difficulty breathing, as well as nausea from the vertigo, it
Characters that participated in DDAL05-03 is impossible to rest in the mist without the antidote. This is a
Uninvited Guests or DDAL05-10 Giant Diplomacy that poison effect. Creatures that do not need to breathe are
made the acquaintance of Thornacious or Oblivillish unaffected. Creatures native to the Wood are immune.
may use this to their advantage against Narcellia. It
may occur to characters to visit the Weathercote The Call for Aid. Once the players find the sprites
Wood to get solicit aid from the fey. Additionally, the as well as other fey of the woods they can begin
characters may suggest petitioning the fey of negotiations.
Weathercote to watch over Chandra and the statue If the character previously met Thornacious or
of Angharradh. This would keep them both safe as Oblivillish they are remembered fondly. Convincing
Narcellia won’t permit Bad Fruul to enter the woods. either of the two fey to aid the party is fairly easy; it
Those that have been to the woods know that a requires only a successful DC 10 Charisma
magical blue mist engulfs the woods and is poison to (Persuasion) check.
outsiders. If no character is aware of this any of the Convincing the fey to join the party in protecting
local townsfolk can make them aware. Chandra Stol and Parnast requires a Charisma
Into the Weathercote Woods. When in the (Persuasion) check with the following possible
Weathercote Wood each creature must succeed on a persuasion modifiers.
DC 10 Constitution (Poison) saving throw or gain a Persuasion Modifiers
level of exhaustion. A successful DC 10 Intelligence Content Modifier
(Nature) check suggests that the blue mist is to Character has the Adoness story award Advantage
blame. Mention Chandra is a cleric of Mielikki or Advantage
A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) or that Luistarra is a cleric of Angharradh
Wisdom (Survival) check allows the characters to Mentions Gralm is siding with the town Disadvantage
find Thornacious or Oblivillish in the woods and Mentions previously killing a stag Disadvantage
return in 1 day. A failed check takes 1 day, but all Evil character speaks Disadvantage
party members must make a DC 13 Constitution

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

The results of the Charisma (Persuasion) check Orc Scouts
determines the makeup of fey that agree to join the If the party has not already come upon any Spine
defense of Parnast. Ripper Orcs (in Protecting Chandra or Forearmed is
Forewarned section) the character with the highest
Persuasion Result passive Perception notices a couple of orc scouts in
Result Who Joins the fields—scouting the town. If the characters
<5 None succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth) group check,
5-9 Blassios the satyr
they are able to surprise the orcs, otherwise the two
10-14 Blassios and two sprites
groups see each other at the same time in a small
15-19 Blassios and five sprites (Add 5 Siege Points)
20-24 Blassios, Oblivillish and ten sprites (Add 10
field 100 feet apart. If they know they have been
Siege Points) detected, the orcs flee.
25+ Blassios, Prince Thornacious, Oblivillish, and
Adjusting the Encounter
twenty sprites (Add 15 Siege Points)
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
Convincing the fey to allow Chandra or the statue of encounter. These are not cumulative.
Angharradh to stay in the woods during the siege  Very Weak or Weak party: Remove an orc scout
requires a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion)  Strong party or Very strong: Add an orc scout
check. Under no circumstances will the fey allow all
of the townsfolk of Parnast to stay in the woods. Interactive Play
Roleplaying Prince Thornacious If this adventure is being played as an interactive event, use
the following encounter instead:
The sprite, Thornacious, is royalty in his fey society and is
charged with protecting the western portion of the  Very Weak or Weak party: Three orcs
Weathercote Wood. He is smartly adorned for combat in  Average party: An orc eye of Gruumsh riding an auroch,
greens and browns and wears a headband which glows a and three orcs
golden light when he is visible, making him easily  Strong party: An orc eye of Gruumsh riding an auroch,
distinguishable from other sprites. He is accustomed to and four orcs
others recognizing his status and has little tolerance for  Very strong party: An orc eye of Gruumsh riding an
those who do not extend to him the proper courtesies. He auroch, and four orcs—one of which also rides an auroch
values manners, protocol, and respect, and reciprocates in
Development. If captured and questioned the orcs
kind when it is given. Thornacious is not evil, but can be cold
and ruthless if he deems it is necessary. He sees no place for know the location of the gathering (north in the
humor in matters of diplomacy. Greypeak Mountain), but not where Fruul resides. A
Quote: ”It’s good to see you, but I wish you hadn’t come successful DC 10 Charisma (Intimidation) check
back into the woods.” reveals that these orcs are from the Spine Ripper
Clan, that their clan is favored among the orc gods
Roleplaying Oblivillish because their chief Kurglow Axebreaker has recently
been given whelps. A DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation)
The sprite, Oblivillish, is a servant to Thornacious (a fey
check reveals the location of the Spine Rippers Den.
royalty charged with protecting a part of Weathercote Wood
outside Parnast). He was cursed by Thornacious (his
This information gives them 1 success during the
invisibility malfunctions) for killing a stag (he was hungry!) Forewarned is Forearmed: Determining the Time
Quote: ”If you think that might work we could try it but I Table section unless they’ve already encountered
don’t really know it’s your life...” Spine Ripper orcs.

Roleplaying Blassios Treasure

The orc scouts have 50 gp in treasure.
A satyr in the company of Thornacious. He is more concerned
with friends and spirits than his duties. Blassios is loyal to the
Prince. If the characters wish to engage Blassios in Option C. Protecting Chandra
conversation, he talks, but is not immediately forthcoming. Estimated Duration. 60 minutes
He is easily swayed by drink and is not shy about asking if any
This wooden building combines small shrines of
wine is available. If given any drink, he relaxes and asks
several gods under one roof. Until recently, it has
questions about the upcoming battle. Blassios is not a fighter
and stays out of combat unless forced to defend himself. been unmanned, but a priestess of Mielikki, Chandra
Quote: ”You looked so sad, with no one stepping up. I had Stol, has taken up residence within the shrine. She
to help, unfortunately no one else did.” bakes fresh bread daily, which she gives away free

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

to the refugees who’ve come into town since orcs Narcellia destroyed her village and bound
have been raiding the outlying farms, some of which Narcellia into the headband using hag magic.
(ten adults and seven children) are staying in the  She recalls a story told by her mother Narcellia’s
shrine. Four gods are represented within, each being deathly afraid of the fey—sprites in
representing one of four seasons: Auril (winter), particular. Chandra mentions that there are fey in
Angharradh (spring), Chauntea (summer), and the Weathercote Woods nearby.
Mielikki (autumn).  Narcellia has plagued her family with her lust for
vengeance for centuries and is responsible for
The Statue of Angharradh Chandra’s mother’s death 30 years ago.
The events of DDEX05-02 The Black Road details the  After her mother’s death, Chandra went into
adventurers journey to bring a statue of Angharradh to the hiding and hasn’t heard about Narcellia for nearly
Shine. The statue depicts the Triune Queen, the three-fold
30 years and thought her gone for good.
deity Angharradh.
Inscribed into the base of the statue is “Unity and diversity Despite the character’s assurances Chandra believes
bring strength. Be ever vigilant against She Who Was that the characters cannot protect her and flees if
Banished and work together in defending the lands of the left to her own devices. If she’s put under watch she
Fair Folk from those who would work evil. Celebrate the One attempts to return to hiding in her old cabin in the
and the Three for their collective purpose and individual Greypeak Mountains about a day away from Parnast.
expressions of life. Through the melding of widely different
skills and interests, creativity, life, and artistry are nurtured Fleeing into the Night
and new ideas are discovered.” Those knowledgeable in Chandra fears if she stays she will be killed by
religion may recognize this as the wisdom of Angharradh Narcellia or her minions. About an hour before the
Elves, half-elves, and the faithful of any of the three feel a
Night Raid (see below) Chandra attempts to flee
calming presence when near the statue.
from the character’s protective custody. An alert
character may notice her unease with a successful
DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check.
The shrine is tended by Chandra Stol, a half-elf When she flees, if the result of her Dexterity
follower of Mielikki. Chandra’s lived in the area of (Stealth) check is greater than the passive
Parnast for decades and has just recently come to Perception score of the character(s) watching her (if
stay in the town to tend the shrine. Chandra is a any), she succeeds, and leaves the shrine, although if
wanderer and priestess of Mielikki (acolyte) and is a character pays close attention to her a contested
knowledgeable about the local area. roll is appropriate.
If confronted she flees towards the mountains. A
Roleplaying Chandra Stol
successful DC 13 Charisma (Intimidation or
Chandra is a reserved, quiet woman. She speaks rarely, more Persuasion) check convinces her to stay. If she
often answering questions with hand gestures and body
escapes, she can be can be tracked with a successful
language if she’s able to convey her thoughts that way. If she
Wisdom (Survival) DC 10 out of town.
can’t, she will speak, although briefly.
Chandra wears a cloak pin consisting of three intertwining
circles (Luistarra’s pendant, representing Angharradh). Night Raid
Quote: ::shrug:: On the evening of the first day, Bad Fruul sends two
orc red fangs of Shargaas riding two giant bats to
Chandra is reserved, and provide little information kidnap Chandra at the Shrine of Axes.
unless asked directly. However, if the characters
make Chandra aware of the danger she’s in from Adjusting the Encounter
Narcellia she reacts with fear. The story of her Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
ancestor Luistarra’s battle with the drow Narcellia is encounter. These are not cumulative.
well known to her. It takes a successful DC 20  Very Weak party: Remove an orc red fang of Shargaas
Charisma (Persuasion) check to get Chandra to open and a giant bat; replace an orc red fang of Shargaas with
up, or DC 10 if the party mentioned Narcellia. an orc and an orog
Followers of Mielikki and Emerald Enclave faction  Weak party: Remove an orc red fang of Shargaas and a
members have Advantage on the roll. Chandra giant bat
knows the following.  Strong party: Add an orc red fang of Shargaas and a giant
 Chandra verifies SEER’s story of Luistarra and  Very strong party: Add an orc red fang of Shargaas, a
Narcellia. Her relative, Luistarra went mad after giant bat, and a manticore

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Development. The orcs land on the roof of the another hour spent and another check to find the
Shrine of Axes and are only noticed by characters trail again.
with a passive Perception of 15 or higher. The orcs A roll of a 5 or less on any of the Wisdom
rush into the shrine and cast darkness into the (Survival) checks results in the party running into
shrine (which they can see through). If Chandra’s in couple of orc scouts mustering. If the characters
the shrine, the orcs attempt to kidnap her. If she’s succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth) group check,
not, they grab a refugee that happens to look like her they are able to surprise the orcs, otherwise the two
(a female half-elf) or one of the characters if they fit groups see each other at the same time in a small
the bill. field 100 feet apart. If they know they have been
If the orcs get Chandra or a resident of Parnast, detected, the orcs flee.
they flee on their giant bats and fly to their cave in
the Greypeak Mountains (see Spine Rippers Den, Adjusting the Encounter
below). The characters can learn the location of the Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
Spine Rippers Den by somehow following the orcs encounter. These are not cumulative.
or questioning a captive. A successful DC 10  Very Weak or Weak party: Remove an orc scout
Charisma (Intimidation) check reveals that these  Strong party or Very strong: Add an orc scout
orcs are from the Spine Ripper Clan, that their clan is
Development. If captured and questioned the orcs
favored among the orc gods because their chief
know the location of the gathering (north in the
Kurglow Axebreaker has recently been given
Greypeak Mountain), but not where Fruul resides. A
whelps. A DC15 Charisma (Intimidation) check
successful DC 10 Charisma (Intimidation) check
reveals the location of the Spine Rippers Den. This
reveals that these orcs are from the Spine Ripper
information gives them 1 success during the
Clan, that their clan is favored among the orc gods
Forewarned is Forearmed: Determining the Time
because their chief Kurglow Axebreaker has recently
Table section unless they’ve already encounter
been given whelps. A DC15 Charisma (Intimidation)
Spine Ripper orcs.
check reveals the location of the Spine Rippers Den.
If time is running short and the orcs won’t be able
This information gives them 1 success during the
to return to Spine Rippers Den in time, the red fangs
Forewarned is Forearmed: Determining the Time
of Shargaas may attempt to simply kill Chandra.
Table section unless they’ve already encounter
Treasure. The orcs and giant have 50gp in total
Spine Ripper orcs.
treasure. One has a piece of leather painted black
Treasure. The orcs have 50 gp combined. One has
with the image of a human spinal column and skull.
a piece of leather painted black with the image of a
The spinal column is broken in two. This is a symbol
human spinal column and skull. The spinal column is
of the Spine Ripper’s clan.
broken in two.
Into the Woods
If Chandra escapes, she makes her way to her old
In a small valley protected by a grove of trees is
cabin in the woods. It takes all night to walk to the
Chandra’s cabin. When she sees the characters
cabin and back to Parnast. It’s night and she covers
approach Chandra accepts her defeat and their
her tracks making it more difficult to follow her, a
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check is needed
It is likely be between 5am and 8am when they
to track Chandra into the wilds, west toward the
find the cabin. The characters must decide if they
Greypeak Mountains. A successful DC 20 Wisdom
want to head back immediately or take a long rest
(Survival) check means the characters are more
since once they have travelled for a total of 9 hours
easily able to follow the tracks and gain on Chandra.
they must succeed on a DC 11 Con Saving throw or
If the check fails, her tracks are lost. The characters
suffer a level of exhaustion and must make a save
can make another check after an hour of searching
every additional hour traveled equal to 10+1 for
nearby to find the trail again. If the second check
each hour past 8 hours travelled, with each failure
fails, the trail is hopelessly lost and the characters
resulting in one level of exhaustion.
should return to Parnast unless they have some
other way to find Chandra. Interactive Play
Characters must make another Wisdom (Survival) If this adventure is being played at an interactive event,
DC 15 check when they cross a stream and another Chandra is not at her cabin, she has been captured by Spine
when they enter the mountains. Failure requires Ripper orcs and taken to the Spine Rippers Den.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Some orcs have been left behind to search the cabin If the characters are noticed, the sentry warns the
while others take her back to the Spine Rippers Den. orcs in Area 3 and 4, then return to stage an ambush
Use the orc encounter in Into the Woods, above. at the entry with the orc eye of Gruumsh and the
cave bear while the orog and the acolyte sneak up
Treasure behind via the secret door. Detecting the door
requires a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
Chandra offers them (or the orcs have) 2 poultices check.
that remove 1 level of exhaustion each, but their
effect fades within a week’s time (in other words 2. War Hearth
they’re not usable after this adventure). No orcs are currently in the War Hearth. Shrines to
orc gods, decorated with bones and blood line the
Option D. Spine Rippers Den walls. A fire burns slowly in the center of the room.
The Spine Rippers Den can be used in one or two Pelts and bedding take up the majority of this room.
ways for the adventure. It can be the location where
Chandra is kidnapped and taken to during the 3. Cave
Protecting Chandra section and/or it can be used by An orc eye of Gruumsh and her orc acolyte guard
devious players to dissuade some of the orcs of the the Chieftain’s cave. A fire burns in the center of the
surrounding area to fight for Bad Fruul during the room, pelts make up a crude tent to one side. The
siege. The vast bulk of the Spine Rippers clan is war chief’s best treasure has been secreted away,
already at the horde meeting location. but some trophies and treasure can be found here
Time is of the essence, be sure that the party with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
knows they should not doddle in the den. They must check.
retrieve Chandra and return to Parnast to finish Adjusting the Encounter
preparations. If the party is not out of the den by the
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
2 hour and 30 minute mark Hsing appears and
encounter. These are not cumulative.
informs them that Fruul’s horde is marching and
they must leave to join the fight. All party members  Very Weak or Weak party: Remove the orc eye of
must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. A Gruumsh
successful check indicates only 1 level of exhaustion  Strong party or Very strong: Add an orog
is gained, while a failure indicates 2 levels of Development. The eye of Gruumsh can be
exhaustion are gained in the dash back to Parnast. reasoned with he will put up his hands and attempt
to talk before a fight breaks out. A DC 15 Charisma
Getting There (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check
The Spine Rippers Den is deep in the Greypeak convinces the orc to divulge the general numbers
Mountains. It takes one day to travel to the den and and layout of the den and indicate that the chief’s
back with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) whelp is in Area 4.
check. A failed check still takes 1 day, but the party Before he gives any information, however, he
arrives back in Parnast with 1 level of exhaustion. intimates that the orc acolyte should be killed (so his
betrayal is kept secret). A further DC 15 Charisma
Approach (Intimidation) will get him to talk even if the acolyte
Approaching the den leads through a small valley. A was not killed.
crude hut with a young orc (8 hit points, AC 11) that Treasure. The orc eye of Gruumsh has 50 gp in
watches over the herd of Aurochs is off to one side spell components. The war chief’s treasure consists
of the lightly forested valley. of a miniature silver dragon skull made of silver and
worth 50 gp. There is also a small sack containing 50
1. Entry Way gp and another sack of gems worth 50 gp.
If the followers of Shargaas recently arrived with
Chandra or another character an orog is here, 4. Luthic's Den
carefully watching the valley. This cave is full of activity. Ten young orcs mill about
Development. Characters must succeed on a DC playing around a hearth. A dugout pit holds about
15 Dexterity (Stealth) group check to go unnoticed ten human hostages in poor condition. And orc claw
by the sentry. of Luthic and a cave bear are on opposite sides of
the cavern and immediately attack any intruders.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Adjusting the Encounter
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
encounter. These are not cumulative.
 Very Weak or Weak party: Remove the cave bear
 Strong party or Very strong: Add an orog
Development. A successful DC 10 Wisdom
(Insight) indicated that one of the orc whelps is
more important to the orc claw of Luthic. A threat to
any of the orc whelps needs only a successful DC 10
Charisma (Intimidation) check to get the orcs to
stand down, and the DC is reduced to 5 if the threat
is directly to the more important whelp. The orcs
reveal that the whelps are children of chief Kurglow
Axebreaker. The characters may be able to use this
information against Kurglow during the siege if the
orc whelps are taken hostage.
The human hostages are the family of the spies
that were sent to Parnast. Mazzy’s, Jarlor’s, and
Larrish’s missing family members are all here. They
tell the characters the details of their imprisonment
as noted in the In Defense of Parnast: Spies section.
The Northeast passage leads to a secret door to
Area 1.

5. Yurtrus's Camp
This camp is grotesque. A lone orc hand of Yurtrus
wears pale gloves of elven skin. He brews a foul-
smelling concoction over a fire. Bones and ash litter
this cave and are piled up as an altar to the orc god
Yurtrus. A wooden frame holds a pale white section
of elven skin. The corpse of a flayed elf rots on the
edge of the room. The orc cannot speak as it has no
tongue. A secret door leads outside the orc den.
Treasure. Spell components worth 50 gp can be
found here.

6. Shargaas's Lair
A bloodstained rock sits on the edge of this cave.
Laying in a heap next to the rock is Chandra. Two
orc fangs of Shargaas punish Chandra with kicks,
punches, and claws.
Adjusting the Encounter
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
encounter. These are not cumulative.
 Very Weak or Weak party: Remove an orc red fang of
 Strong party or Very strong: Add an orc red fang of
Shargaas and an orog
Treasure. Items stolen during their raids are
littered about the cave. Several gems and gold trade
bars can be found worth a total of 100 gp.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

If any character fires on Fruul with an arrow or
Part 3. The Siege of Parnast magic missile Fruul deflects it with a shield spell.
Estimated Duration: 1 hour, 45 minutes
The moment arrives and Bad Fruul’s horde marches Roleplaying Bad Fruul
on Parnast, threatening to consume the small town. He is calculating, cruel, and plays his host of marauding
After 4 days (or 2 if playing multi-table) have goblins, orcs, ogres, and ettins like a fiddle in the hands of a
passed Bad Fruul marches on the town. The giant’s master. He is a masterful tactician, and always seems to be
horde is composed primarily of orcs and goblins, but one step ahead of his enemies and those underlings that
a few humans and several ogres and half-ogres can would seek to supplant him. In battle, he wears a fearsome
be seen in the ranks. In addition, aurochs, suit of bone-festooned plate armor with a helm fashioned
manticores, owlbears, and a huge mammoth make from the skull of an immense beast, and wields a huge iron
up the more monstrous creatures in the horde. maul. In addition to his raw, natural-born strength, he is able
to cast spells as a low-level wizard—a terrifying combination.
General Features Quote: “You underestimate me.”
Terrain. Depending on the location, the town or
the battlements of Old Parnast. A. The Siege
Light. The horde attacks at night to better use
their monstrous vision. A half-moon provides dim Interactive Play
light. Some areas can be lit brightly by bonfires and If this adventure is being played with multiple tables all Siege
torches. Points are combined, then divided out equally with leftovers
Visibility. North and West of Old Parnast is forest, going to whichever table had the most points. Each table
limiting clear sight to 15 feet, and lightly obscured to must deal with each assault; however, tables can spend Siege
60 feet, and heavily obscured beyond. If defending Points on other tables at their discretion.
the town only occasional trees block line of sight.  Chandra. If Chandra is still in Parnast she adds 5 Training
Open fields lay to the east and north. To the south Siege Points to each table.
are scattered groves of trees lightly obscuring  Gralm and the Sprites. In addition, if the characters have
creatures beyond 50 feet. Gralm’s or the Sprites aide, their Siege Points are added to
Sounds. Most animals hide when the horde moves all tables.
in. The hooting roar of an owlbear. Chants of orcs,  Gralm. If convinced, Gralm aids each table in the fight
cries of goblins, bugling of a mammoth. The sound of against Bad Fruul
townsfolk retching in fear.  Kurglow Axebreaker. If one table uses Kurglow’s whelp as
a hostage and is successful at the Charisma (Intimidation)
Smells. The nervous sweat of humanoids and the
check to drive of Kurglow all tables benefit.
 Sprites. If one table achieved the aid of at least two sprites
it affects all tables.
Bad Fruul
Siege Points
As the horde coalesces around the fortifications the town The points that the characters gained in the days prior to the
built Bad Fruul moves out in front of the horde atop his siege by building Fortifications, Training the townsfolk, or
mammoth. The hill giant lord looks like no hill giant you’ve Scouting the region can be spent during an encounter and
ever seen, he looks like a massive dark knight. He stands tall represent their preparations and training. Each encounter
details how these specific Siege Points can be spent. Siege
in his bone-festooned plate armor, wearing a helm made
Points given by Gralm can be spent as any type.
from the skull of some unidentifiable beast. He takes off his
helm and holds it under one arm, his eyes gleam with  Chandra. If Chandra is still in Parnast she adds 5 Training
Siege Points to the group’s total.
intelligence. Fastened to his mammoth is a massive iron
maul, its head as big as a cask of ale.
“Little folk, give Fruul what he wants. The girl Chandra Encounter Locations
The locations of each battle depend on where the
who hails from the folk of Evereska, the offspring of the
characters decided to fortify. If in Old Parnast there
horrid Luistarra and give us the vile statue of Angharradh.
are many places where the walls could not be well
Comply with his demands and you will live. Failure to do so fortified. After the Frontal Assault the lines could be
will mean the destruction of this town after you have all pushed back and characters may be forced to fight in
been made slaves”, he finishes. At that the horde of goblins, a building. Use your imagination and have fun with
orcs, ogres, and ettins begin howling and chanting. the walls of Old Parnast, collapsing walls, etc.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

If the fight is in the town use the buildings, trees, 2. A Frontal Assault
the stables, watchtowers, brush, etc. to keep the A larger force is sent to test the defense and make
encounter locations interesting. way for the larger force to assault the old town’s
gates or the blockades. This frontal assault consists
Reinforcements of three ogres, two half-ogres, and two cave bear.
If at any time the characters made short work of a
fight, feel free to add reinforcements consisting of an Adjusting the Encounter
owlbear, an ogre, or orcs riding aurochs. Here are recommendations for adjusting this MEDIUM
combat encounter. These are not cumulative.
1. Testing the Defenses  Very Weak party: Remove two ogres
Bad Fruul sends in a small force to test the defenses  Weak party: Replace two ogres with a half-ogre
of the town. The probing assault consists of eight  Strong party: Add an ogre and a half-ogre
goblins, two wolfs, and two goblin bosses that  Very strong party: Add an ogre, a half-ogre, and a cave
rush the chosen area. bear

Adjusting the Encounter The characters’s preparations earlier in the

adventure may change this, however. As a response
Here are recommendations for adjusting this EASY combat
to the coming creatures, the characters may spend
encounter. These are not cumulative.
successes as follows:
 Very Weak party: Remove seven goblins and a goblin boss
 Weak party: Remove four goblins, a goblin boss, and a  Fortification. Spending two Fortification Siege
wolf points removes one ogre (maximum three ogres
 Strong and Very Strong party: Add a goblin and a wolf removed). These points could represent pits
outside the walls or spiked hindering movement.
The characters’s preparations earlier in the
 Training. Spending two Training Siege points
adventure may change this, however. As a response
removes a half-ogre (maximum two half-ogres
to the coming creatures, the characters may spend
removed). These points could represent townsfolk
successes as follows:
shooting the half-ogres with arrows.
 Fortification. Spending a Fortification Siege point  Scouting. Spending two Scouting Siege points
removes two goblins (maximum eight removed removes a cave bear (maximum two cave bears
goblins). These points could represent pits outside removed). These points could represent traps
the walls or spiked hindering movement. being laid that prevented the cave bear from
 Training. Spending two Training Siege points making it to the attack.
removes a goblin boss (maximum two goblin boss  Make adjustments base on Siege points spent to
removed). These points could represent townsfolk the number of opponents listed above first. Then
shooting the goblin boss with arrows. compare that number versus any adjustments to
 Scouting. Spending a Scouting Siege point the encounter that you would normally make
removes a wolf (maximum two removed wolves). based on party strength. If there are enemies (the
These points could represent traps being laid that first number) over the adjusted encounter
prevented the wolves from making it to the attack. strength for the party that indicates that some
Make adjustments base on Siege points spent to the villagers die fighting those opponents. Note that
number of opponents listed above first. Then the party only faces at most the number of foes
compare that number versus any adjustments to the based on the sidebar below.
encounter that you would normally make based on Training Siege Points can be spent to use a Hit Die
party strength. If there are enemies (the first as a Bonus Action, max 1 per character during the
number) over the adjusted encounter strength for combat.
the party that indicates that some villagers die Resting. Four scouting siege points may be
fighting those opponents. Note that the party only spent to take a short rest.
faces at most the number of foes based on the
sidebar below. 3. Two-Pronged Attack!
Resting. Two Fortification Siege points may be A two-pronged attack is attempted from both air
spent to take a short rest. and land! Kurglow Axebreaker (an orc war chief )
and an orc champion (orc war chief) each riding a
manticore assault from the air, while ten orcs
assault from the ground.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Adjusting the Encounter The hill giant, astride his mammoth, charges
Here are recommendations for adjusting this HARD combat through the towns fortifications. Bad Fruul and his
encounter. These are not cumulative. young mammoth lead a force of 2 ettins and 12
orcs. One of the ettins may be Gralm depending on
 Very Weak party: Add an orc; replace the orc warchiefs
the outcome of the Gralm’s Promise section (alter
and manticores with an orog
this encounter accordingly).
 Weak party: Add two orcs; replace the orc warchiefs and
manticore with two orogs Adjusting the Encounter
 Strong party: Add two orcs
Here are recommendations for adjusting this DEADLY combat
 Very strong party: Add two orcs and an orc war chief
encounter. These are not cumulative.
If the party captured Kurglow’s whelp from the  Very Weak party: Adjust Bad Fruul, reduce AC to 15; his
Spine Rippers Den and they succeed on a DC 15 maul attack deals 14 (2d8 + 5); his rock attack deals 12
Charisma (Intimidation) check Kurglow and his orcs (2d6 + 5)
will pull away from the fight leaving Bad Fruul’s  Weak party: Remove the young mammoth
horde.  Strong party: Replace two orcs with an ettin, replace
The characters’s preparations earlier in the young mammoth with mammoth
adventure may change this, however. As a response  Very strong party: Replace two orcs with two ettins,
to the coming creatures, the characters may spend replace young mammoth with mammoth
successes as follows: If in town Bad Fruul charges toward the Shrine of
 Fortification. Spending a Fortification Siege point Axes. If in Old Parnast he lumbers about the fort,
removes one orc (maximum ten orcs removed). smashing any building in his way looking for
These points could represent pits outside the Chandra and the statue. Characters should be
walls or spiked hindering movement. encouraged to jump from buildings, walls, or trees
 Training. Spending three Training Siege points on to the mammoth and onto Bad Fruul. Fruul
removes an orc war chief (maximum two orc war attacks Chandra Stol if he’s able to.
chiefs removed). These points could represent
townsfolk shooting the war chief with arrows. Development
 Scouting. Spending three Scouting Siege points If the party has the help of sprites Bad Fruul is
removes a manticore (maximum two removed terribly afraid of them. Bad Fruul’s available spells
manticores). These points could represent traps are determined by the number of sprites present in
being laid that prevented the cave bear from this encounter:
making it to the attack.  Two or More. Bad Fruul can’t cast cantrips.
Make adjustments base on Siege points spent to the  Five or More. Bad Fruul can’t cast 1st level spells.
number of opponents listed above first. Then  Ten or More. Bad Fruul can’t cast 2nd level spells.
compare that number versus any adjustments to the
In addition, as long as Bad Fruul can see a sprite, he
encounter that you would normally make based on must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or
party strength. If there are enemies (the first
be forced to use at least one of his attacks against a
number) over the adjusted encounter strength for nearby sprite.
the party that indicates that some villagers die As a response to the coming creatures, the
fighting those opponents. Note that the party only
characters may spend any remaining Siege points as
faces at most the number of foes based on the follows:
sidebar below.
Resting. Four scouting or four Training Siege  Orcs. Spending a point removes one orc
points may be spent to take a short rest. (maximum twelve orcs removed).
 Ettin. Spending four points removes an ettin
B. The Final Assault (maximum two ettins removed).
 Make adjustments base on Siege points spent to
Bad Fruul eventually grows tired of his horde the number of opponents listed above first. Then
smashing against the fortifications of Parnast and compare that number versus any adjustments to
the swords and magic of the adventurers. He lusts the encounter that you would normally make
for the destruction of the statue of Angharradh and based on party strength. If there are enemies (the
Chandra’s head (if she hasn’t been captured first number) over the adjusted encounter
already). strength for the party that indicates that some

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

villagers die fighting those opponents. Note that
the party only faces at most the number of foes
based on the sidebar below.
 Bad Fruul and his mammoth can’t be removed
from this encounter.

SEER mentioned that she could make potions of
giant strength from hill giant toenails. Enough can be
harvested from the corpse of Bad Fruul to make two
such potions.

If Fruul is defeated, the town rejoices as they repel
the evil horde! If, however, the characters are
defeated, Parnast is laid to waste. Chandra Stol is
slain, and the Lords’ Alliance lose a crucial foothold
in the region.
If the headband of intellect is returned to SEER she
performs a ritual on it to cleanse it of Narcellia’s
If the characters have the wyvern stink potion it is
enough to push the Lords’ Alliance’s cause over the
tipping point and Parnast’s de-facto leader thanks
the characters profusely and agrees to join the
Lords’ Alliance.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

The maximum total award for each character
Rewards participating in this adventure is 1,700 experience
Make sure note their rewards on their adventure log
sheets. Give your name and DCI number (if
applicable) so players can record who ran the
session. Treasure
The characters receive the following treasure,
Experience divided up amongst the party. Characters should
attempt to divide treasure evenly whenever
Total up all combat experience earned for defeated
possible. Gold piece values listed for sellable gear
foes, and divide by the number of characters present
are calculated at their selling price, not their
in the combat. For non-combat experience, the
purchase price.
rewards are listed per character. Give all characters
Consumable magic items should be divided up
in the party non-combat experience awards unless
however the group sees fit. If more than one
otherwise noted.
character is interested in a specific consumable
Combat Awards magic item, the DM can determine who gets it
Name of Foe XP per Foe randomly should the group be unable to decide.
Ankheg 450 Permanent magic items are divided according to
Bad Fruul 2,300 a system. See the sidebar if the adventure awards
Aurochs 450 permanent magic items.
Bat, giant 50 Treasure Awards
Cave Bear 450 Item Name GP Value
Chuul 1,100 SEERs Reward 600
Ettin 1,100 Ensure no villagers are harmed 200
Giant, hill 1,800 Keep Chandra out of Fruul's hands 100
Mammoth 2,300 Negotiation Bonus 100
Mammoth, young 1,100 Night Raid Orcs 50
Manticore 700 Orcs from Into the Woods 50
Ogre 450 Eye of Gruumsh in the Chiefs cave 50
Half-ogre 200 Chieftain’s Treasure 150
Orc 100 Yurtrus Spell Components 50
Orc acolyte (Acolyte) 100 Shargaas' Treasure 100
Orc claw of Luthic 450
Orc eye of Gruumsh 450 Permanent Magic Item Distribution
Orc fang of Shargaas 700
D&D Adventurers League has a system in place to determine
Orc hand of Yurtrus 450 who is awarded permanent magic items at the end of a
Owlbear 700 session. Each character’s logsheet contains a column to
Sprite 50 record permanent magic items for ease of reference.
Half-orc Spy 200  If all the players at the table agree on one character taking
Thri-kreen 200 possession of a permanent magic item, that character gets
the item.
Non-Combat Awards  In the event that one or more characters indicate an
Task or Accomplishment XP per Character interest in possessing a permanent magic item, the
Keep Chandra safe 100 character that possesses the fewest permanent magic
Convince the Fey to help Parnast 50 items gets the item. If there is a tie in the total number of
Convince Gralm to battle Fruul 50 permanent magic items owned by contesting characters,
Villagers survived unharmed 200 the item’s owner is determined randomly by the DM.

The minimum total award for each character Headband of Intellect

participating in this adventure is 1,275 experience Wondrous Item, uncommon
points. Shining with a polished brilliance this golden
headband never dulls. The sound of heavenly chimes
can be heard when the wearer has a new idea. A

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

description of this item can be found in the Dungeon Renown
Master's Guide
All faction members earn one renown point for
participating in this adventure.
Potion of Hill Giant Strength
Potion, uncommon Members of the Lords’ Alliance that convinced
the de-facto leader of Parnast to join the Lords
A description of this item can be found in the Alliance earn one additional renown point.
Dungeon Master's Guide.
Downtime Activities Each character receives ten downtime days at the
The characters gain access to the following conclusion of this adventure.
downtime activities:
Giant Toenails. If the characters scavenged toe DM Rewards
nails from Bad Fruul, SEER brews a potion of hill
giant strength. A few ingredients are needed and You receive 425 XP, 212 gp and ten downtime
require the adventures to spend 10 downtime days days for running this session.
(and associated living expense costs).
Rue's Harvest. If characters interacted with Sylas
during the adventure he offers them the opportunity
to purchase the last harvest of herb garden.
Each character can gain supplies to create a
maximum of five of any of the following items listed
below in any combination—even if they don’t have
the necessary tools and proficiencies. The crafting
rules found in the Player's Handbook (downtime and
lifestyle cost still apply).
 Antitoxin
 Perfume
 Alchemist’s fire
 Potion of healing
 Ink
 Poison (basic)
 Dye (lavender)
 Bath oil

Story Awards
The characters have the opportunity to earn the
following story reward during the course of play.
Savior of Parnast. You are always welcome in
Parnast, while in town you will not spend any gold
on food or lodging (lifestyle must still be paid for
any downtime days spent).
Giant Horde Breaker! The tale of your defense of
Parnast has spread far and wide. Charisma checks
made when dealing with goodly folk who have had
trouble with giants in the past are made with
advantage. Similarly, any Charisma (Deception,
Intimidation, or Persuasion) check you make against
a non-good-aligned giant is made with disadvantage.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

since the owner’s conduct during the cult’s
DM Appendix. Parnast and Environs occupation was revealed, so he’s desperate for
The total normal population is about seventy
customers. The Golden Tankard is a tavern, not an
humans, a dwarven family, and two halfling families
inn. While it is a large establishment, it does not
that inhabit the small village.
have any rooms to let.
The current population is around one hundred
due to families of farmers coming escaping orc raids.
The Stables
The stables used to house whatever livestock the
Village Folk villagers owned. However, animals now refuse to
Any of the villagers encountered know the enter the structure due to the lingering scent of the
following: wyverns housed here by the cultists. As such, it’s
used as temporary lodging for any visitors that
 Evendur is known to fall asleep while on watch, might be in Parnast. The town’s cartwright, Gundalin
usually in the east tower and his son Wallace who have a small shop next
 Many families have come into the village due to door, maintain it. They have modified the stables
orc raids. slightly to accommodate travelers, but the amenities
 Some farms have been raided and the people are very humble.
 A giant bat was seen overhead two nights ago. Herbalist/Alchemist
 Someone or something was seen skulking on the An elderly human man named Sylas lives in this
rooftops near the Shrine of Axes. shop. The sign is still outside, but he has no wares.
 Some villages have seen strange things escaping He’s recently sold all of the prepared potions his
from the sink hole in the crater. wife made. He has an assortment of herbs and an
 The only place to stay is to camp in Old Parnast, or herbalist kit as well as a few books left by his wife,
the stables, which doesn’t house any animals since but he can’t read.
they were pillaged, and because animals won’t go
in the barn since the cult kept wyverns inside. The Shrine of Axes
 The cult removed any Zhentarim power that This wooden building combines small shrines of
remained. The Zhents may not have been fair to several gods under one roof. Until recently, it has
deal with, but at least under them, the village been unmanned, but a priestess of Mielikki, Chandra
prospered. Stol, has taken up residence within the shrine. She
 Raggnar cooperated with the cult. Some say it was bakes fresh bread daily, which she gives away free.
for his personal gain, which made him very Four gods are represented within the shrine, each
unpopular with most people in town. representing one of four seasons: Auril (winter),
 Raggnar has redeemed himself in the eyes of Angharradh (spring), Chauntea (summer), and
many but Gundalin is still not sure about him. Mielikki (autumn).
 Because of the encounter with the cult, the village
formed a small militia consisting of twenty-five The Smithy
able bodied—but poorly trained fighters (ten The smithy is just across from the stables. The
guards and fifteen commoners). owner, Rodric, is skilled mainly in shoeing horses
 Raggnar trains the militia as he is the only one and tool making, but can craft weapons or armor if
with any formal military training. needed.
 The crater to the west is where the flying fortress
of the Cult of the Dragon once rested. There’s now Trading Post and Provisions
a sinkhole in the bottom where the stream now Calder is a halfling and an enterprising merchant. He
flows. and his family run the trading post and offers most
 The Cult took everything the town had except items from the Player’s Handbook. His prices are
their sad milking cow, Gertrude. fair, but he doesn’t carry anything over 45 gp value.
He has a small assortment of weapons and armor
The Golden Tankard but precisely what is available is up to you.
With a sign above the door boasting a yellow However, items listed in the Alchemists shop, above,
tankard, this tavern is the hub of the town. The fare are not available here; Calder is currently seeking a
is cheap and substandard, but it's the only tavern in supplier for these goods, as he had no previous
town, so beggars can’t be choosers. Business is down reason to carry them.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Village Well
At the center of the town square stands the
community well. It is oft used and a hub for gossip.

Village Homes
The remaining areas of town are resident homes,
most of which are farmers or artisans of some type.

Old Parnast
To the northwest of town are several old buildings:
the former Lord’s residence, a guildhall, a way
station, as well as the remnants of palisades that
once encircled the village. Little more than a few
crumbling walls now, it serves as a safe camping
area for visiting caravans.

To the east and north of Parnast several small farms
sit near tended fields and pastures.

In the crater where the sky castle docked during the
Tyranny of Dragons a sinkhole has opened up that
the local stream now drains into. Some townsfolk
swear they’ve seen a four-legged monstrosity with
giant claws climbing in and out of the sinkhole.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

DM Appendix. NPC Summary
The following NPCs are featured prominently in this
Bad Fruul (Bad FROOL). Bad Fruul is possessive
of significant strength and astonishing brilliance—
even by human standards. The former is due simply
to his being a hill giant, but the latter is because he
happens to possess a headband of intellect. Such is
Bad Fruul’s brilliance, that he has even taught
himself the fundamentals of arcane spellcasting—a
skill that he wishes very much to improve upon.
Blassios (BLAH-zee-ohs). A satyr in the company
of Thornacious. He enjoys his drink.
Chandra Stol (CHAN-druh Stole). A quiet female
half elf follower of Mielikki, Chandra offers
sanctuary at the Shrine of Axes. She is very quiet;
she rarely speaks and is more likely to shrug in
response to a question than give an answer other
than “yes” or “no”.
Gundalin Cartwright (GUHN-duh-lyn). A human
male who makes wheels and wagons for merchants,
woodfolk and others who come through Parnast
Hsing (SING). A pseudodragon that serves as the
ally of a Lords’ Alliance spymaster. Hsing, a small
pseudodragon with red scales and milky white eyes
Oblivillish (Oh-BLI-vil-lish). A sprite and servant
of Thornacious.
Raggnar Redtooth (Rag-NAR Red-Tooth).
Raggnar is a tall, heavyset man with enormous
mutton chop sideburns who seems friendly enough.
Raggnar is native to Parnast.
Thornacious (thor-NAY-shus). Charged with
protecting a section of the Weathercote Wood, this
young sprite is very proud of his status in the fey
hierarchy and takes his position very seriously. If
shown respect, however, he can be a powerful ally.
SEER. The head of intelligence within the Lord’s
Alliance is a mysterious figure known simply as
“SEER”. SEER has agents in cells throughout Toril
who are gathering information and sending it back
through birds. Her study is filled with birds, each of
which communicates vital information to her from
her agents across Faerûn. Her pseudodragon
companion, Hsing, runs messages for her as well.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Appendix. Monster/NPC Statistics Aurochs
Large beast, unaligned

Ankheg Armor Class 11 (natural armor)

Hit Points 38 (4d10 + 16)
Large monstrosity, unaligned
Speed 50 ft.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor), 11 while prone
Hit Points 39 (6d10 + 6) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft. 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 5 (-3)

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses. Passive Perception 11

17 (+3) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (−5) 13 (+1) 6 (−2) Languages. --
Challenge. 2 (450 XP)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., Charge. If the aurochs moves at least 20 feet straight
passive Perception 11 toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on
Languages — the same turn, the target takes an extra 9 (2d8)
Challenge 2 (450 XP) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must
succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) Actions
acid damage. If the target is a Large or smaller Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature, it is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage.
grapple ends, the ankheg can bite only the grappled
creature and has advantage on attack rolls to do so.
Acid Spray (Recharge 6). The ankheg spits acid in a line
that is 30 feet long and 5 feet wide, provided that it
has no creature grappled. Each creature in that line
must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10
(3d6) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Bad Fruul (Hill Giant) Giant Bat
Huge giant, chaotic evil Large beast, unaligned
Armor Class 16 (half-plate armor) Armor Class 13
Hit Points 105 (10d12 + 40) Hit Points 22 (4d10)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.

21 (+5) 8 (-1) 19 (+4) 19 (+4) 9 (-1) 6 (-2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 2 (−4) 12 (+1) 6 (−2)

Skills Perception +2 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Senses passive Perception 12 Languages —
Languages Giant Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Echolocation. The bat can’t use its blindsight while
Spellcasting. Bad Fruul is a 4th-level spellcaster. Fruul’s deafened.
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +4 Keen Hearing. The bat has advantage on Wisdom
to hit with spell attacks). He has the following wizard (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, shocking grasp, true strike Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
1st level (4 slots): burning hands, shield, magic missile target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, misty step

Multiattack. The giant makes two maul attacks or
makes a maul attack and casts a cantrip.
Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 60/240
ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Cave Bear Chuul
Large beast, unaligned Large aberration, chaotic evil
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 42 (5d10 + 15) Hit Points 93 (11d10 + 33)
Speed 40 ft., swim 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

20 (+5) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 2 (−4) 13 (+1) 7 (−2) 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 5 (−3) 11 (+0) 5 (-3)

Skills Perception +3 Skills Perception +4

Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 13 Damage Immunities poison
Languages — Condition Immunities poisoned
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Keen Smell. The bear has advantage on Wisdom Languages understands Deep Speech but can’t speak
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Amphibious. The chuul can breathe air and water.
Sense Magic. The chuul sense magic within 120 feet of
Multiattack. The bear makes two attacks: one with its it at will. This trait otherwise works like the detect
bite and one with its claws. magic spell but isn’t itself magical.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage. Actions

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Multiattack. The chuul makes two pincer attacks. If
target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. the chuul is grappling a creature, the chuul can also
use its tentacles once.
Pincer. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Chandra Stol (Acolyte)
one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. The
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment target is grappled (escape DC 14) if it is a Large or
Armor Class 10 smaller creature and the chuul doesn’t have two other
Hit Points 9 (2d8) creatures grappled.
Speed 30 ft. Tentacles. One creature grappled by the chuul must
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA poisoned for 1 minute. Until this poison ends, the
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) target is paralyzed. The target can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
Skills Medicine +4, Religion +2 on itself on a success.
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Spellcasting. Cassyt is a 1st-level spellcaster. Her
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to
hit with spell attacks). Cassyt has the following cleric
spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy

1st level (3 slots): bless, cure wounds, sanctuary

Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Ettin Mammoth
Large giant, chaotic evil Huge beast, unaligned
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Armor Class 13
Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30) Hit Points 126 (11d12 + 55)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 40 ft.

21 (+5) 8 (−1) 17 (+3) 6 (−2) 10 (+0) 8 (−1) 24 (+7) 9 (-1) 21 (+5) 3 (−4) 11 (+0) 6 (−2)

Skills Perception +4 Senses passive Perception 10

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Languages —
Languages Giant, Orc Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Trampling Charge. If the mammoth moves at least 20
Two Heads. The ettin has advantage on Wisdom feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a
(Perception) checks and on saving throws against being gore attack on the same turn, that target must succeed
blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
knocked unconscious. If the target is prone, the mammoth can make one
Wakeful. When one of the ettin’s heads is asleep, its stomp attack against it as a bonus action.
other head is awake.
Actions Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Multiattack. The ettin makes two attacks: one with its one target. Hit: 25 (4d8 + 7) piercing damage.
battleaxe and one with its morningstar. Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one prone creature. Hit: 29 (4d10 + 7) bludgeoning
one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage. damage.
Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Mammoth, Young Manticore
Large beast, unaligned Large monstrosity, lawful evil
Armor Class 11 Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 90 (9d12 + 36) Hit Points 68 (8d10 + 24)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft.

21(+5) 9 (-1) 19 (+4) 3 (−4) 11 (+0) 6 (−2) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 7 (−2) 12 (+1) 8 (−1)

Senses passive Perception 10 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages — Languages Common
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Trampling Charge. If the mammoth moves at least 20 Tail Spike Regrowth. The manticore has twenty-four
feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a tail spikes. Used spikes regrow when the manticore
gore attack on the same turn, that target must succeed finishes a long rest.
on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
If the target is prone, the mammoth can make one Actions
stomp attack against it as a bonus action. Multiattack. The manticore makes three attacks: one
with its bite and two with its claws or three with its tail
Actions spikes.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage. target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
one prone creature. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) bludgeoning target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Tail Spike. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
100/200 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing

Large giant, chaotic evil
Armor Class 11 (hide armor)
Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21)
Speed 40 ft.


19 (+4) 8 (−1) 16 (+3) 5 (−3) 7 (−2) 7 (−2)

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8

Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6
+ 4) piercing damage.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Half-Ogre (Ogrillon) Acolyte (Orc)
Large giant, any chaotic alignment Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil
Armor Class 12 (hide armor) Armor Class 10
Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8) Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

17 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 7 (−2) 9 (−1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Skills Medicine +4, Religion +2

Languages Common, Giant Senses passive Perception 10
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Languages Common, Orc
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to
Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.
one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 14 Spellcasting. The orc is a 1st-level spellcaster. The orc’s
(2d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands. spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, hit with spell attacks). The orc has the following cleric
reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 spells prepared:
+ 3) piercing damage.
Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
Orc 1st level (3 slots): bless, cure wounds, sanctuary
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil
Armor Class 13 (hide armor)
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Hit Points 15 (2d8 + 6)
target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 7 (−2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Intimidation +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Orc
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to
its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) slashing damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 +
3) piercing damage.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Orc Eye of Gruumsh Orc (Orc Claw of Luthic)
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil
Armor Class 16 (ring mail, shield) Armor Class 14 (hide armor)
Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18) Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)

Skills Intimidation +3, Religion +1 Skills Intimidation +2, Medicine +4, Survival +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Orc Languages Common, Orc
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to
its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see. its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.
Gruumsh's Fury. The orc deals an extra 4 (1d8) damage Spellcasting. The orc is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its
when it hits with a weapon attack (included in the spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to
attack). hit with spell attacks). The orc has the following cleric
Spellcasting. The orc is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Its spells prepared:
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11, +3 to
hit with spell attacks). The orc has the following cleric Cantrips (at will): guidance, mending, resistance,
spells prepared: thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): bane, cure wounds, guiding bolt
Cantrips (at will): guidance, resistance, thaumaturgy 2nd level (3 slots): augury, warding bond
1st Level (4 slots): bless, command 3rd level (2 slots): bestow curse, create food and water
2nd Level (2 slots): augury, spiritual weapon (spear)
Actions Multiattack. The orc makes two claw attacks or four
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, claw attacks if it has fewer than half of its hit points
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d6 + remaining.
3 plus 1d8) piercing damage, or 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
damage if used with two hands to make a melee target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Orc (Orc Hand of Yurtrus) Orc (Orc Red Fang of Shargaas)
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil
Armor Class 12 (hide armor) Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 12) Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) 11 (+1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1)

Skills Arcana +2, Intimidation +1, Medicine +4, Religion Skills Intimidation +1, Perception +2, Stealth +5
+2 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 Languages Common, Orc
Languages understands Common and Orc but can’t Challenge 3 (700 XP)
speak Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the orc can use a
Challenge 2 (450 XP) bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to action.
its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see. Hand of Shargaas. The orc deals an extra 2 dice of
Spellcasting. The orc is a 4th-level spellcaster. Its damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to (included in its attacks).
hit with spell attacks). It requires no verbal Shargaas’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the
components to cast its spells. The orc has the following orc’s darkvision.
cleric spells prepared:
Slayer. In the first round of a combat the orc has
advantage on attack rolls against any creature that
Cantrips (at will): guidance, mending, resistance, hasn’t taken a turn yet. If the orc hits a creature that
thaumaturgy round who was surprised, the hit is automatically a
1st level (4 slots): bane, detect magic, inflict wounds, critical hit.
protection from evil and good
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, silence Actions
Multiattack. The orc makes two scimitar or dart
Touch of the White Hand. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d8) necrotic one target. Hit: 13 (3d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 20/60
ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Veil of Shargaas (Recharges after a Short or Long
Rest). The orc casts darkness without any components.
Wisdom is its spellcasting ability.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Owlbear Sprite
Large monstrosity, unaligned Tiny fey, neutral good
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Armor Class 15 (leather armor)
Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21) Hit Points 2 (1d4)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft.

20 (+5) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 3 (−4) 12 (+1) 7 (−2) 3 (−4) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 11 (+1)

Skills Perception +3 Skills Perception +3, Stealth +8

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Senses passive Perception 13
Languages — Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Keen Sight and Smell. The owlbear has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5
Actions ft., one target. Hit: 1 slashing damage.
Multiattack. The owlbear makes two attacks: one with Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
its beak and one with its claws. 40/160 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving
creature. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage. throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. If its saving
throw result if 5 or lower, the poisoned target falls
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
unconscious for the same duration, or until it takes
target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage.
damage or another creature takes an action to shake it
Heart Sight. The sprite touches a creature and
magically knows the creature’s current emotional
state. If the target fails a DC 10 Charisma saving throw,
the sprite also knows the creature’s alignment.
Celestials, fiends, and undead automatically fail the
saving throw.
Invisibility. The sprite magically turns invisible until it
attacks or casts a spell, or until its concentration ends
(as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the
sprite wears or carries is invisible with it.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Spy (Half Orc) Thri-kreen
Medium humanoid (half orc), chaotic evil Medium humanoid (thri-kreen), chaotic neutral
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 27 (6d8) Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 40 ft.

10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)

Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Investigation +5, Skills perception +3, Stealth +4, Survival +3
Intimidation +5,Perception +6, Persuasion +5, Sleight Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
of Hand +4, Stealth +4 Languages Thri-kreen
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Languages common, Orc Chameleon Carapace. The thri-kreen can change the
Challenge 1 (200 XP) color of its carapace to match the color and texture of
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the spy can use a its surroundings. As a result, it has advantage on
bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide.
action. Standing Leap. The thri-kreen’s long jump is up to 30
Savage Attacks. When you score a critical hit with a feet and its high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without
melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapons a running start.
damage dice one additional time and add the extra Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The thri-kreen’s innate
damage of the critical hit. spellcasting ability is Wisdom. The thri-kreen can
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The spy deals an extra 7 (2d6) innately cast the following spells, requiring no
damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and components:
has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is
within 5 feet of an ally of the spy that isn’t At will: mage hand (the hand is invisible)
incapacitated and the spy doesn’t have disadvantage 2/day each: blur, magic weapon
on the attack roll. 1 day: invisibility
Actions Actions
Multiattack. The spy makes two melee attacks.
Multiattack. The thri-kreen makes two attacks: one
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 with its bite and one with its claws.
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
damage. target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) slashing damage.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Appendix. Parnast Map

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Appendix. Parnast and Her Environs

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Appendix. Night Raid Map

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Appendix. Spine Rippers Den Map

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)


Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Player Handout 2. Downtime
Activities and Story Awards
Downtime Activities Story Awards
The characters gain access to the following The characters have the opportunity to earn the
downtime activities: following story reward during the course of play.
Giant Toenails. If the characters scavenged toe Savior of Parnast. You are always welcome in
nails from Bad Fruul, SEER brews a potion of hill Parnast, while in town you will not spend any gold
giant strength. A few ingredients are needed and on food or lodging (lifestyle must still be paid for any
require the adventures to spend 10 downtime days downtime days spent).
(and associated living expense costs). Giant Horde Breaker! The tale of your defense of
Rue's Harvest. If characters interacted with Sylas Parnast has spread far and wide. You have
during the adventure he offers them the opportunity advantage on Charisma checks when dealing with
to purchase the last harvest of herb garden. goodly folk who have had trouble with giants in the
Each character can gain supplies to create a past. Similarly, any Charisma (Deception,
maximum of five of any of the following items listed Intimidation, or Persuasion) check you make against
below in any combination—even if they don’t have a non-good-aligned giant is made with disadvantage.
the necessary tools and proficiencies. The crafting
rules found in the Player's Handbook (downtime and
lifestyle cost still apply).
 Antitoxin
 Perfume
 Alchemist’s fire
 Potion of healing
 Ink
 Poison (basic)
 Dye (lavender)
 Bath oil

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Player Handout 3. Headband of
Headband of Intellect
(Wondrous Item, uncommon)
Your Intelligence score is 19 while you wear this
headband. It has no effect on you if your Intelligence
is already 19 or higher. This item can be found in the
Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Shining with a polished brilliance this golden
headband never dulls. The sound of heavenly chimes
can be heard when the wearer has a new idea.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

Results Code: February March 2017
If you are DMing this adventure during the months of February or March 2017, please show your players this page.
The QR code below can be scanned, and will allow them to give feedback and results on the adventure to influence
the storyline in the future!

If a player does not have a mobile device, please tell them to head to dndadventurersleague.org/results to enter
their results.

Austin Johnsey (order #25320001)

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