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Dear First Grade Families,

Welcome to room 8! To start o the year right, Im sending you
this Parent Survival Handbook that has been assembled to help you
understand some important informaJon that will enable us to make
this a very posiJve and rewarding year. I feel as though open lines of
communicaJon between the parent, student, and teacher are the
key to promoJng an educaJonal climate that is conducive to
learning. Im looking forward to working with you and your child.
Together we can accomplish great growth! Please feel free to contact
me at any Jme if there is a quesJon or situaJon you would like to
Kayla Short

Important dates:

Open House 8/31 drop by anyJme from

First Day of School 9/1@ 8:15
Curriculum Night 9/20 @ 6:00-7:00

Regular day: 8:15-2:45

Early dismissal: 8:15-11:10
Tardy/ Late to school: If your child is tardy (arrives at school a\er 8:15) they
must check in at the oce before coming to class.
Lunch: First grade lunch usually begins at 11:20. You are ALWAYS welcome to
join your child for lunch, just call the oce ahead of Jme to place your lunch
order (if you intend on having school lunch).

What does my child do when they arrive at school? If your child arrives

before 8:00 he/she must wait by the front of the school by the main doors unJl they
are unlocked, at this Jme, adults will begin supervising the playground. When the
bell rings at 8:15 all students line up. In rst grade we line up in the back of the
school. Each morning I will meet the children outside and walk them into the

How does my child purchase school lunch or milk? The lunch or milk money
(cash or check) should be placed in an envelope with your childs name on it then
placed in the Lunch Box on the wall on your right, as you enter the school by the
oce. Another opJon is to pay online.

Where do I pick my child up at the end of the day? Please establish an
outside meeJng place that your child will remember. First graders will exit out the
back doors (where they enter in the morning).

What does my child do if they ride the bus? Please be ready to tell me your
childs bus number and stop they get o at, during our Open House or on the rst
day of school. For the rst few weeks I will walk each group of bus riders to their
bus where they will line up and wait for instrucJons from the driver.

What if my childs usual going home plan changes? Please make sure your
child knows their going home plan before they come to school each day. If it
changes DURING the day, please call the oce, since I may not be able to check my
e-mail or phone messages unJl a\er 2:45. If it is a prearranged going home plan
change, please send a note with your child to school so we can help!

September, 20th, 2016
Childcare will be provided
All parents and sta start in the cafeteria and then meet in classrooms. This is a
Jme for parents to learn about expectaJons, homework and our daily rouJnes. Its
a great way to start the year, get a sense of how our classroom will work and ask
any quesJons you may have.

TOTAL homework Jme each night should never take more than 30 minutes,
for everything. We realize that children need Jme to play, spend Jme with
their families, and get to bed to be well-rested.

ReadingWe strongly recommend that you take the Jme to read at least 15
minutes with your child each night.

Math Around late September, your child will start bringing home a blue
piece of paper most days. It is called Home Links. It is not intended for the
child to complete alone. Please help your child read the Family Note each
night, and guide their progress. The math homework is due the following day,
and is part of your childs grade. It is the students responsibility to complete
and turn it in.

High Frequency Words Your child will bring home a liile Ziploc bag each
week with words. Use these as ash cards. Please keep these words and
pracJce at least 3-4 Jmes each week for a couple of minutes. With regular
pracJce, this will signicantly help your childs reading progress.

Spelling words Your child will bring home a spelling list on most Mondays.
PracJce the words with your child each night for a couple minutes. Spelling
tests are on Fridays.

Regular, prompt attendance is essential for your childs success in first grade.
When your child must be absent, please call the school (360-378-5209) or
send an e-mail that morning to both jillpeacock@sjisd.wednet.edu AND

We love our volunteers! We will start using volunteers around the beginning of
October. Before comminng to volunteering regularly in the classroom, please
carefully consider your schedule. We understand that parents have very dierent
schedules and may not be able to help in the classroom regularly, but hope most can
help at a class party, on an occasional eld trip, or by doing at-home support work.
We are grateful for all of our parent volunteers!

Many kids get hungry mid-morning. Please send a healthy snack such as fruit, cheese
and crackers, a granola bar or fresh vegetables that your child can enjoy during the
morning recess.

When your child is celebraJng his/her birthday you are welcome to send in a treat for
the class. You can drop it by in the morning or send it with your child. You are
welcome to also send a healthy snack as an alternaJve. PLEASE, do not send party
invitaWons to school or distribute them at school (this can help us avoid hurt feelings
of children who arent invited).

All jackets, hats, and lunch boxes should be clearly labeled with your childs name.
Please leave toys, trading cards, and hand-held devices at home. Here at school we
have many materials for children to use, including balls, jump ropes, the eld, and the
big toy.

5 simple strategies that can signicantly improve a childs school experience:

1. Establish a regular, predictable rouJne before and a\er school,
allowing Jme for homework, play, and family Jme each day
2. Allow for 10 + hours of sleep each night
3. Consider carefully how much/what kind of screen Jme your child is
4. Ensure your child arrives to school promptly each day
5. Check your childs take-home folder each and every night
Always feel free to e-mail or call if you have any quesJons or concerns. I look
forward to a wonderful year together!

Warm regards,
Kayla Short
Contact information:

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