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J-T Expander Bypass: Application Discussion AD122 June 15, 2003

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J-T Expander Bypass

Application Discussion
June 15, 2003

In the production of natural gas products, turboexpanders are sometimes used in

Natural Gas Liquids (NGL). A turboexpander consists of alternate sets of nozzles
through which vapor or gas flows in a steady-state expansion process. The use o
large capital investment, but can offer significant power savings. Along with the n
devices are typically used in processes with high feed gas pressures (greater tha
plant layout, varying feed products and where a large amount (greater than 30%

Turboexpanders are used to recover cryogenic liquids from lean natural gas or to
a gas stream into mechanical work as the gas or vapor expands through the exp
are what are commonly referred to as NGL such as propane, butane and ethane
objective of the turboexpander is to conserve energy and the mechanical work p
considered a byproduct.

When a gas or vapor passes through a turboexpander, the gas expands as it flow
blades and cools through the isentropic (constant Entropy) gas expansion proce
process, hydrocarbon gas temperatures drop through the respective dew points
constituents. As the temperatures of the gases drop below the dew point, they co
and can be recovered. As these gases have a higher BTU content than methane
selling price depending on demand. At this point, the lean gas is used to cool the
several heat exchangers and is then recompressed and sent back to the pipeline
shows a cross section of this process where the mechanical work created by the
the drive the lean gas compressor.

Figure 1: Natural Gas Process Including Turboexpander and Expander

The turboexpander replaces the Joule-Thompson expansion valve used in a con

system. The expansion valve is isenthalpic (constant Enthalpy, no work or heat t
turboexpander takes work out of the system making it isentropic. Isentropic expa
temperature of the expanded gases at the same pressure reduction than that of

The use of turboexpanders, however, does not eliminate the need for the Joule T
typically referred to as the expander bypass valve (See Figure 1), but operates u
Thompson effect. The valve is used to enable a more efficient startup and shutdo
turboexpander. It is also used to continue the process should the expander go of
beyond the full speed capacity of the turboexpander.

There are many factors that must be taken into account when selecting the prop
application. As inlet pressures vary between 700 and 1500 psig and outlet press
and 700 psig, the effects of damaging noise and vibration need to be addressed.
that at the low temperatures (-150F) experienced, proper body and trim material
In order to protect the expander in the event of a system upset, the valve must o
valve will possess the same capacity and characteristic as the expander to provi
transition between the devices. The final concern is tight shutoff. As previously s
turboexpander is a much more efficient device than the valve so energy could be
if shutoff is not maintained.

The main concern when looking at product selection in this application is to ensu
selected are compatible with the cryogenic temperatures and that the valve trim
issues with noise that are common at these pressure drops. Also of concern is th
that control stroking speed.

Another concern that must be explored is the possibility of hydrate formation in t

solid compounds formed by the chemical combination of gas and water under pr
deposits to form in the pipe and valve trim. Most facilities utilize dehydration unit
formation and the expanders are usually installed at the end of the process. How
explored when selecting the expander bypass valve. If hydrates are present trim
can plug and render the valve useless.

For many applications, the Fisher Ebody with 316 SST body and trim materials c
applications where the temperature can reach as low as 325F, Fisher develope
It should also be noted that an extension type bonnet is recommended at these t
frosting on the stem and instruments. Depending upon the pressure drop, noise
the Whisper I, Whisper III or WhisperFlo solutions in 316 SST materials may be
pressure drop applications, standard trim can be used. These solutions can also
the control characteristic of the expander providing a smooth transition between
accessories necessary to obtain fast stroking speeds will include volume booste

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