557 Ijar-6553
557 Ijar-6553
557 Ijar-6553
Manuscript Info
Manuscript History:
Key words:
SystemVerilog, Open Verification
Boundary-scan, Test Clock (TCK),
Test Data Input (TDI), Test Data
Output (TDO), and Alternate
Current (AC).
*Corresponding Author
Kiran K P
Copy Right, IJAR, 2015,. All rights reserved
I. Introduction
As SOC integrates different Intellectual Properties (IPs), with each IP designed for particular operation based on the
specification obtained from the customer, integrating them on a single chip requires proper interface as there may be
changes in electrical properties for different pins. To access remote parts of SOC and interconnection between the
components, test logic defined by the standard 1149.1, TAP and boundary-scan architecture will be inserted. The
TAP network [1] architecture defined by the IEEE standard 1149.1 provides access to different register contents
situated across different IPs, while boundary-scan architecture concentrates on the pin level data transaction.
Boundary-scan test logic consists of boundary-scan cell integrated along the pins of SOC with few exceptions such
as, power rails and clock signals which will not include boundary-scan cells. Different IPs integrated will contain
different set of I/Os. Depending on the type of the I/O, single ended, differential, number of boundary-scan cells per
pin will vary. After integrating all the boundary-scan cells, boundary-scan should be verified at SOC level.
Pre-silicon verification involves data transaction between the registers of same module and with other modules and
checking a set of data after every transaction. With the help of specification document and architecture of models
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and that of SOC, data can be presumed for each transaction. TAP network provides access to registers and
transaction data can be checked as and when required. TAP controller provides ability to observe and control the
TAP network states, signals and registers which can be accessed by OVM[3] environment agents and monitors[4]
for checking data flow at different intervals of time and trackers can be used to inform the type of transaction which
have been executed at different intervals of time with specific data.
II. Boundary-scan Overview
As boundary-scan is used to obtain ability to observe and control of pins, a shift register stage is incorporated
adjacent to each pin of every module of on-chip system logic. Boundary-scan cell forms test logic incorporated into
the design, whose implementation is illustrated in figure 1. If a pin is used as input, boundary-scan cell appears after
the pin and connects to system logic. In case a pin tends to be output, system logic is connected to boundary-scan
cell and thus to the output pin via boundary-scan cell. A bi-directional pin is associated with a pair of boundary scan
cells, as the data driven from or into the pin via single buffer.
Boundary-scan technique supports a number of instructions based on which different set of test can be implemented.
With the help of TAP controllers from SOC level, boundary-scan can be enabled for whole SOC as well as for a
particular module without affecting the functionality of the adjacent modules. A Centralized TAP Controller
(CLTAPC) will have control over other modules via Embedded TAP Controller (EMTAPC)[5]. Test cases are
written based on methods derived out of Boundary Scan Description Language (BSDL) and Procedural Description
Language (PDL)[6]. To select a particular register whose final data has to be checked after a transaction which
would be residing in a particular IP, where direct access to remote registers is not recommended and impossible.
EMTAP of the IP is selected via CLTAP and then the register is accessed by placing CLTAP and EMTAP in bypass
If on-chip system logic is under scan mode, all the boundary-scan cells are connected in a manner to form a daisy
chain, starting from CLTAPC to all boundary-scan cells which are to be tested and back to CLTAPC. By knowing
the scan length, data can be shifted into scan-chain until it reaches the last boundary-scan cell just before CLTAPC.
Scan out
Signal in
Scan in
Clock A
Signal out
Clock B
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Under normal operation, on-chip system logic behaves as if there are no boundary-scan cells where the external
signals are directly connected to system logic pins without the intervention of intermediate flops. During scan mode,
Clock A shifts-in data into boundary-scan cell as well as shifts the data along shift register stage. Clock B updates all
the system-logic inputs with test data in the normal mode. Output of the system-logic is computed up-front for the
corresponding test data, so that after updating system-logic works in normal mode. The result can be obtained by
shifting out the data present in boundary-scan cells, by keeping the system in scan mode. Thus shifted-out data is
compared with pre-computed result. In case if there is any mismatch, a bug will be reported which has to be root
caused and fixed by the designer.
When on-chip system logic is in scan mode, all the boundary-scan registers are interconnected to form a shift
register-stage. If a module is to be by-passed, which can be done by placing the corresponding EMTAP in bypass
mode where it inserts a single flop delay by placing a bypass register at the intermediate stage. Figure 2 illustrates
the implementation of boundary-scan technique at SOC level.
III. Boundary-scan instructions
To validate boundary-scan logic, boundary-scan instructions are loaded into the boundary-scan register and then test
data are applied to boundary-scan cells. Following section gives the boundary-scan instructions executed in the
BYPASS instruction
BYPASS instruction will place a Bypass register which is one-bit register, between TDI and TDO. Entire Systemlogic can be bypassed by loading BYPASS instruction into the instruction register.
SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction
SAMPLE instruction is used to take snapshot of signal value on the pins into the boundary-scan cells. SAMPLE
instruction is used to ensure the data present at the pins, which will flow into the system-logic. PRELOAD
instruction will keep all the boundary-scan cells serially to form a shift register stage between TDI and TDO.
EXTEST Instruction
EXTEST instruction is used to test off-chip circuitry. External components can be tested by applying stimulus
through boundary-scan cells, while data coming from the external components into the boundary-scan cells can be
used to capture data.
EXTEST_PULSE Instruction
TAP controller will transit to Test-Run/Idle state and signal values on pins will undergo a pulse transition.
EXTEST_TRAIN Instruction
HIGHZ Instruction
HIGHZ instruction will force a high-z value on the pins irrespective of previous value.
IV. Automation
Boundary-scan technique is adopted as a standard in all integrated circuit designs. Validating boundary-scan at SOC
level involves execution of boundary-scan instructions, in which pins are forced for executing SAMPLE instruction.
SAMPLE instruction will take a snapshot of signal value present at the pins where as PRELOAD instruction is used
to shift-in the bit pattern through TDI, into boundary-scan chain. Therefore boundary-scan verification environment
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contains pin details, which often needs to be updated when reusing the verification collaterals across different
projects. Update process requires a couple of weeks which needs manual intervention. Manual intervention again
may lead to errors and pin-mismatches while updating the details. Therefore update process is automated in this
project by using Perl scripting. The Perl script which has developed will take specification document as input and
will update the pin changes required for boundary-scan verification environment, used in different projects. The
automation process reduces update effort and verification time consumed can be reduced by couple of weeks. In
addition, efficient task/function can be developed by using Perl scripting. Figure 3 shows the flow chart of Perl
script execution. It takes specification document as input. The specification document will contain all the
information related to boundary-scan such as, pin names, I/O family order while stitching boundary-scan cells,
number of boundary-scan cells per pin, type of pins and pin order within the I/O family.
The script will generate Bscan_base_seq.sv file, which is a class based SystemVerilog file from which boundaryscan test will be derived. In addition, it contains all the necessary SystemVerilog methods (task/function). These
methods are developed according to the test requirement. SAMPLE instruction requires forcing all the pins and then
these forced values are sampled into the boundary-scan cell by loading SAMPLE instruction. EXTEST_PULSE,
EXTEST_TRIAN and HIGHZ instructions will check the value on the output/bi-directional pins. Individual tests
cannot force and check all the pins at SOC level, so hierarchical structure of OOP concept helps in placing all the
necessary methods in a base class and test cases are derived from this base class. As the base class contains pin
names and all the methods with respect to each family, automated script will overwrite the previous code and update
it whenever the script is executed. As the pin list is directly taken from the specification document, both the script
and boundary-scan verification environment can be reused, with small or no modification in test cases.
V. OVM environment
SystemVerilog provides wide range of capabilities and OVM is one of the methodologies developed to ease
verification. Test cases are developed based on object-oriented programming concept, typical OVM environment is
illustrated in figure 4. A test invokes a sequence in which all the required flow for a particular test is programmed.
Before starting actual sequence for a test, initially system is to be brought out of reset and all the necessary clocks
should be up and running. OVM provides a wide range of pre-defined functions/macros, reporting errors, displaying
messages, defining parameters, which remain constant throughout the execution of a test and defining a particular
set of variables tightly related to design and can be modified according to the changes in the design to provide
flexibility and re-usability, along with other virtual components to aid the verification process. Reusable IPs are
available from different vendors, which can be used in SOC design to minimize the design effort and reusable IPs
are already verified by the vendor, so adopting such design will minimize verification effort.
To execute boundary-scan tests, boundary-scan instruction is loaded into the instruction register, which selects a set
of test data registers without affecting remaining test data register. Selected test data registers will interact with
system-logic without affecting its normal functionality. Access to system-logic is provided via test-logic, when the
system is kept under test, with the help of interfaces from design to test-bench environment, to gain control over
remote areas of on-chip system logic.
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VI. Result
Boundary-scan tests are executed at SOC level, by loading boundary-scan instruction into the instruction register. A
simple boundary-scan test may check for a chain length connectivity in which by knowing the chain length data is
shifted-in by keeping design under scan mode. For simple chain connectivity, the data scanned-in has to be obtained
at the output, as there is no intervention of system logic. If all the pins are properly designed, shift-in and shift-out
data should be similar with a delay equal to chain length. Figure 5 shows the result obtained from a boundary-scan
chain connectivity test.
BYPASS instruction incurs a single bit delay between TDI and TDO. Figure 6 shows simulated waveform after
running bypass test.
To execute SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction, pins are forced to a particular value (0 or 1). When
SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction is loaded, SAMPLE instruction will take a snapshot of values on the pins, which
can be shifted-out to check for correctness of pins. Figure 7 shows the snapshot of simulated waveform for
SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction.
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The authors would like to thank Intel Corporation for the valuable support. The guidance provided by Shabbir H
Topiwala, Manjunatha B Prabhushankar, Siva Sankar at Intel Corporation and Namita P in-spite of their busy
schedule, were instrumental in progress of the project.
[1] IEEE Std 1149.1-1990, IEEE Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture, IEEE Standards
Board, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017-2394, June 17, 1993.
[2] SYSTEMVERILOG FOR VERIFICATION: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features by Chris
Spear, Synopsys, Inc.
[3] OVM Class Reference Version 2.1.2 June 2011.
[4] OVM User Guide Version 2.1.2 June 2011.
[5] IEEE Std 1149.7 -2009, IEEE Standard for Reduced-Pin and Enhanced-Functionality Test Access Port and
Boundary-Scan Architecture, IEEE-SA Standards Board, February 2010.
[6] IEEE Std 1149.1 -2013, IEEE Standard for Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture, IEEE
Standards Board, 6 February 2013.