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End-To-End Web Security-Protocols Overview

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End-to-end web security protocols overview

Ari Niemi
Department of Computer Science
University of Helsinki, Finland



that case, companys and its clients sensitive information

can fall into wrong hands.

Commercial transactions have become extremely common

on the Internet. The World Wide Web is full of sensitive
information. However, plain TCP/IP doesnt provide the
security necessary for e-commerce, online banking and company extranets. Without the use of additional tools credit
card numbers and passwords are easily available to extraneous people.

Businesses and government agencies, not to mention many

individuals, are nowadays eager to put up Web sites. Electronic commerce is becoming more and more popular way to
trade. Security considerations like those mentioned in the
previous paragraph also apply to many other transactions
in the WWW such as financial activities. Some tools are
needed to keep these transactions safe.

End-to-end web security solutions try to enhance the situation. A number of cryptographic protocols have been
proposed and specified to provide confidentiality, integrity,
authentication and availability on the Internet. They vary
for example in their locations with respect to the TCP/IP
protocol stack. Both lower layer and higher layer implementations have their pros and cons.


In this paper, four security protocols are introduced, one

for each layer I have chosen (data link, network, transport
and application layer). Additionally, I will describe positive
and negative aspects for implementing end-to-end security
on each layer.

Confidentiality means that information is not made available, disclosed or readable to unauthorized parties. This
information can be for example data which is streaming on
the Internet or data which is stored in a computers memory.
Losses of privacy and information are possible consequences
when an attack against confidentiality is executed. Encryption is one countermeasure against threats of confidentiality.

End-to-end web security, protocols, TCP/IP, cryptography,
data link layer, network layer, transport layer, application
layer, PPTP, IPSec, SSL, SET


Security requirements

Traditional security categories found in the literature are

suitable when considering WWW security. Confidentiality,
integrity, availability (sometimes called just denial of service) and authentication [27] are requirements that can be
aimed at World Wide Web services. Non-repudiation and
access control [32] can also be added to the list.

Integrity can be defined so that data can not be altered undetected. For example, when email is received, the receiver
notices if the email message has been modified after it has
been sent by the original sender. File system modification
is another type of attack against integrity of which a Trojan
horse installation is an example. One can use cryptographic
checksums to provide integrity.


The World Wide Web can be a dangerous place. Still many

people dont know that their credit card number may not
be safe when buying a DVD from a web store. Some of
those web users, who do know the difference between normal
and secure connections, do not necessarily recognize if the
connection they are using is secure [8]. Additionally, some
corporate managers might be willing to build and hurry an
extranet for the clients of their company and because of the
rush perhaps neglecting some of the security matters. In

Availability is a property which means that a system is available, accessible and provides resources for authorized users
when they need it. A support web site of a company is an
example of a service which should be available for customers
all the time. Attacks against availability include flooding a
server with multiple continuous service requests and filling
up disk space. Firewalls and intrusion detection systems,
for instance, help to maintain availability. Software updates
play a great role also, because many denial of service attacks
are executed through bugs in program code.
With authentication, the claimed identity of a principal is
being verified. For example, a user of a company extranet

Host A

has to be authenticated before he or she can start to use

the service. Thus, extraneous users can be kept away. Additionally, the service should authenticate itself to the user.
Authentication can be provided with digital signatures and



Non-repudiation is a property that enables the receiver of a

message to prove that the sender indeed did send the message even though the sender tries later to deny ever having
sent it. This might happen, for instance, in electronic stock
exchange when a customer subscribes for shares and later
denies the whole dealing. The use of digital signatures prevents these kinds of actions.





Data Link

Finally, access control can be found to be redundant with

confidentiality, integrity and availability. However, it can be
thought as prevention of unauthorized access to resources of
a system.


Data Link

Physical Net

Threats and attacks on the Internet can be categorized, for

instance, as passive and active attacks and also in terms of
the location of the threat [33]. Passive attacks are usually
hard to detect because they leave little or no trace at all of
their activity. Passive attacks include eavesdropping on network traffic between client and server, and gaining access to
a restricted web site. In active attacks, the attacker is literally active taking part in the communication, for example,
via modifying IP datagrams. Active attacks comprise IP
spoofing, altering information on a web site and replay attacks. Speaking about the location, the threat can be aimed
at web browser, web server or network traffic between those
two entities.

Figure 1: The TCP/IP layered architecture

transport layer on the receiving machine. Conceptually,

sending a packet from transport layer on one entity to another means transferring the message down through consecutive layers of protocol software on the senders machine,
forwarding the packet across the network, and transferring
the packet up through consecutive layers of protocol software on the receivers machine. The layer at the destination
machine receives exactly the same packet the layer at the
sending machine sent. The communication between two application programs is oftentimes called end-to-end.

There are a number of security protocols that have been

proposed as countermeasures against threats in the WWW.
Some of these cryptographic solutions try to provide end-toend web security. Security protocols have been specified to
operate on different layers on the TCP/IP protocol family.
Implementation of a protocol on a particular layer has usually both good and bad aspects. For instance, implementing
security on the network layer has such an advantage that it
is transparent to end users. On the other hand, it might
require extra processing overhead on network devices such
as routers.


Host B

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2,

Data link layer and Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol are
introduced. Section 3 consists of Network layer and IP Security protocol. Transport layer and Secure Socket Layer are
illustrated in section 4. In section 5, I present the overview
of Application layer and Secure Electronic Transaction. Finally, the last section is a brief summary.



Different layers of the TCP/IP protocol stack contain similar

and also dissimilar functions. Each layer uses, for instance,
its own message and header formats.

The TCP/IP protocol stack

The TCP/IP Internet Protocol Suite can be used to communicate across any set of interconnected networks. It is
being used on many corporate intranets as well as on the
Internet. The two main standards of TCP/IP are Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) [24] and Internet Protocol
(IP) [23].

Data link layer transmits IP datagrams over a specific network. Physical layer is the layer below the data link layer. It
consists of network hardware. Examples of protocols specified to operate on the data link layer include Ethernet (IEEE
802.3), Token Ring (IEEE 802.5) and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) [30] which is a protocol for dial-up networking.

TCP/IP protocol family is organized into five conceptual

layers. With layering one can manage the complexity of a
protocol more easily and one designer can focus attention
on one functional part at time. The TCP/IP layers are
sometimes referred to as the TCP/IP protocol stack. This
layered architecture is illustrated in figure 1 [3].

The data link layer has not been very popular as a base for
implementing security. One reason might be that there are
so many different protocols in use at the data link layer.
Therefore, compatibility between different network protocols at the data link layer would cause problems. Even so,
there are few protocols that operate at this layer. These
include SILS which stands for Standards for Interoperable
LAN/MAN Security (IEEE 802.10) and Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP).

A layer on one machine communicates virtually directly with

the same layer on another machine. For example, the transport layer on the sending machine sends a packet to the


Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)


The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol [10] has been created

by Microsoft Corporation and a group of networking product vendors. It allows the Point-to-Point Protocol to be
tunneled through an IP network and the data payload encrypted providing confidentiality and authentication. This
enables the creation of a virtual private network (VPN), for
example, to a private corporate intranet. PPTP can be used
to connect a remote client to a Remote Access Server (RAS)
located on a corporate intranet as well as to connect a computer connected to a local area network (LAN) to another
LAN. In the former case, for instance, a European laptop
user could be in the USA where she wants to connect to
her corporate network which is located in Europe. First she
makes a PPP connection to some ISPs dial-up server in
the USA. Then she creates a VPN connection to the corporate intranet using PPTP. Now, the PPP frames are carried
through the TCP/IP Internet to the corporate PPTP server.


The duty of the network layer is to route IP datagrams from

sending host to receiving host through an internet. Internet
Protocol (IP) [23] is the most used protocol at the network
Implementing security at the network layer has multiple advantages. For example, confidentiality and integrity of network packets are guaranteed for every applications running
on top of the TCP/IP stack. Therefore, applications do not
have to implement security of their own. Network level security is also transparent for end users, so they dont have
to change anything in order to take advantage of security
mechanisms. On the other hand, application specific security functions cannot be implemented at the network layer,
which is a disadvantage. Network layer performance might
also decrease, because security functions are almost necessarily implemented in software [17]. Thus, processing overhead might emerge in both routers and hosts.

There are two parallel connections in PPTP: a control connection and a PPTP tunnel. The control connection is
used to query status and to convey signaling information
between the client and the PPTP server. The PPTP tunnel
is used to exchange the actual data (PPP frames) between
the communicating entities. PPP uses an extended version
of Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) [11] to carry user
PPP frames. GRE packet is then encapsulated inside an
IP datagram which is routed through the Internet. Figure
2 shows an example of a GRE/PPTP packet. The PPP
payload part can be encrypted.


IP Security (IPSec)

IP Security [15] is a security protocol, which operates at

the network layer. Its specification is quite complex; it is
specified by a set of RFCs (Request For Comments), namely
RFCs 2401 to 2411 and 2451 [12]. IETF developed IPSec
due to the needs of a secure Internet. It covers all security
requirements mentioned in the first chapter.
IPSec works with both IPv4 [23] and IPv6 [5] and in IPv6
it is a mandatory component. Authentication Header (AH)
[13] and Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) [14] are two
components of IPSec that are added to the plain Internet
Protocol to meet the security requirements. Both mechanisms add a new header to the IP datagram.

IP header

The authentication header guarantees data integrity and it

authenticates the sending peer. It does not provide confidentiality. Message authentication code (MAC) is used in AH
and the hash function is applied to the whole data part of
the IP datagram and to non-mutable fields of the IP header.
The result of the function is then stored inside a new header
which is attached to the original IP datagram. A compliant AH implementation must support the HMAC [16] hash
algorithm with MD5 or SHA-1 algorithms.

GRE header
PPP header
IP datagram (PPP payload)

The encapsulating security payload provides confidentiality

and optionally integrity and authentication. The original
datagram is encrypted before it is sent. There are multiple
encryption algorithms (e.g. DES, 3DES, IDEA) that can be
employed of which DES in CBC mode is mandatory for any
IPSec implementation. Both an ESP header and an ESP
trailer are added to the encrypted original IP datagram.

Figure 2: A PPTP packet

PPTP does not specify specific cryptographic algorithms
but it provides a framework for the negotiation of those algorithms. The negotiation relies upon PPP Compression
Control Protocol (CCP) [26], the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) [31] and the PPP Encryption
Control Protocol (ECP) [19] among others.

IPSec can be used in two modes, namely, transport and tunnel modes. Transport mode provides protection primarily
for upper layer protocols. It is used for end-to-end communication between two hosts. ESP encrypts and optionally
authenticates the IP payload but not the IP header. AH authenticates the IP payload and non-mutable portions of the
IP header. AH and ESP headers are inserted after the original IP header and before the IP payload. The ESP trailer
is inserted after the IP datagram and after that the optional ESP authentication data field can be placed. Tunnel

For example, Microsofts implementation of PPTP supports

authentication and encryption. It uses Microsoft Point-toPoint Encryption (MPPE) [21] to encrypt PPTP packets.
Authentication can be provided with clear password, hashed
password (Windows NT hash function) or Microsofts version of the CHAP protocol. However, Microsofts PPTP has
been proven to be insecure and vulnerable to attacks against
both confidentiality and authentication [28].

mode protects the entire IP datagram. It creates a tunnel

from one IP network to another, for example, between two
routers or between a host and a router. In tunnel mode, a
new IP datagram is created which includes a new IP header.
The old IP header and payload are placed inside the new IP
datagram. ESP encrypts and optionally authenticates the
entire inner IP datagram including the inner IP header. AH
authenticates the entire inner IP packet and non-mutable
portions of the outer IP header. AH and ESP header are
inserted between the new IP header and the old IP header.
The ESP trailer is inserted after the IP datagram and after that the optional ESP authentication data field can be
placed. Figure 3 shows the new datagram formats in the
case of IPv4.
orig IP

there has to be a mechanism to create and distribute those

keys to both entities. This can be done either manually or
automatically. In small environments, it is easy to configure
the keys manually. This can be done by a system administrator who installs the keys to machines in relationship.
But in large environments, automatic configuration is more
practical. For this purpose, ISAKMP/Oakley can be used.
Oakley [20] is a key exchange protocol which is based on
the Diffie-Hellmann algorithm. ISAKMP (Internet Security
Association and Key Management Protocol) [18] provides a
framework for Internet key management. Oakley is generic
in that it does not set specific formats. ISAKMP provides
specific protocol support, including formats, for negotiation
of security attributes [33]. Keys are used to establish the
SA before any secure communication can begin.




Authenticated except for mutable fields

orig IP





Transport layer provides communication between application programs. For instance, Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) [24] and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) [22] are
transport layer protocols. In TCP/IP, TCP provides a reliable end-to-end byte stream.

(a) Normal Ipv4 datagram

(b) Transport mode AH

Security protocols layered onto a TCP connection provide

security to higher level protocols like HTTP [7] and IMAP
[4]. An advantage to implementing security at the transport
layer is that applications do not have to accomplish the tasks
of encrypting and authentication. Instead, they can use, for
instance, an API to secure communications. A downside
comparing transport layer security to network layer security
is that applications need more overhead in processing [2].


orig IP


trlr auth



(c) Transport mode ESP

Authenticated except for mutable fields in the new IP header

new IP


orig IP




(d) Tunnel mode AH


new IP


orig IP



Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) [9], a transport layer security protocol developed by Netscape Communications Corporation,
reached its version 3.0 in 1996. IETFs Transport Layer Security (TLS) [6] is based on SSL 3.0, and although the two
are not interoperable, implementations of TLS 1.0 are likely
to support SSL 3.0.

trlr auth

(e) Tunnel mode ESP

Figure 3: AH and ESP datagram formats in transport and tunnel mode in the case of IPv4

SSL consists of two layers. At the lowest level is the SSL

Record Protocol, which provides basic security services for
higher layer SSL subprotocols. SSL Record Protocol is layered on top of some reliable transport protocol like TCP.
Three higher layer protocols operate on top of the Record
Protocol: Handshake Protocol, Change Cipher Spec Protocol and Alert Protocol. They provide support for SSL
session establishment and management. Figure 4 illustrates
the SSL architecture.

An important and fundamental concept in the IPSec architecture is the security association (SA). It is a one-way relationship between a sender and a receiver which contains all
the necessary information for secured communication, such
as negotiated encryption algorithms being used, encryption
keys and their lifetimes, IPSec mode and source and destination addresses. For a two-way relationship, two SAs are
needed. This is also the case when both AH and ESP are
needed for communication. An SA is uniquely identified by
three parameters: SPI (Security Parameters Index), destination IP address and security protocol (AH or ESP). SAs
are kept in an SA database (SAD) and when a datagram is
sent, its destination address is looked for in the SAD. If an
entry is found, norms in that entry (i.e. SA) are followed
to prepare the datagram. On the receiving entity, a security policy database (SPD) is used to decide whether the
datagram is discarded or accepted.

The SSL session and the SSL connection are two important
concepts, which are defined in the SSL specification as follows:
A connection is a transport (in the OSI layering model
definition) that provides a suitable type of service. For
SSL, such connection are peer to peer relationships.
The connections are transient. Every connection is associated with one session.
A SSL session is an association between a client and
a server. Sessions are created by the Handshake Protocol. Sessions define a set of cryptographic security

As one can notice, secret keys are also an essential part of

the IP Security. Communicating peers share secret keys and


SSL Change
Cipher Spec

SSL Alert

server to each other and to negotiate cryptographic attributes

to be used to protect data sent in an SSL record. The client
and the server have to agree, for instance, on protocol version, compression method, MAC and encryption algorithms
and they have to create a master secret, which is used to generate various cryptographic keys. Figure 5 shows the initial
four steps of communication needed to establish a connection between the client and the server. After the handshaking, the client and the server may begin to exchange
application data.

(e.g. HTTP)

SSL Record Protocol





Figure 4: The layered protocol architecture of SSL


parameters, which can be shared among multiple connections. Sessions are used to avoid the expensive negotiation of new security parameters for each connection.

Data fragmentation, compression, authentication, encryption and preparing a header are functions of the SSL Record
Protocol. The Record Protocol receives data from upper
subprotocols and fragments that data into blocks (records)
of 214 bytes or less. After fragmentation, compression is
applied, but it is not obligatory and, in fact, the default
compression algorithm is null. By the SSL specification,
the compression must be lossless and may not increase the
content length by more than 1024 bytes. Next, a message
authentication code is calculated over compressed data. A
slightly modified version of the HMAC [16] algorithm is used
to provide the MAC for each compressed fragment. After
the creation of the MAC, the compressed fragment and the
MAC are encrypted using symmetric encryption. Available
algorithms include IDEA, 3DES and RC4 with key sizes
varying from 40 bits to 168 bits. With authentication and
encryption, the SSL Record Protocol provides confidentiality and integrity for SSL connections. The final task of the
Record Protocol is to prepare a header for a fragment. The
header includes four fields, which are Content type, Major version, Minor version and Compressed length. Content
type specifies the higher layer protocol that should process
the encrypted fragment. Version fields describe supported
SSL versions. Compressed length field indicates the length
of the compressed fragment in bytes.


Figure 5: The messages in the SSL Handshake Protocol between the client and the server (messages in
square brackets are optional)
In the first step, the client sends a ClientHello message,
which includes clients SSL version number, a client generated random structure, session ID, cipher suite and compression method. Then the client waits for a ServerHello
message, which contains the same fields. If server authentication is required, a Certificate message is sent by the
server after the ServerHello message. The next message,
ServerKeyExchange does not have to be sent by the server
if the server has sent a certificate with fixed Diffie-Hellman
parameters or if RSA key exchange is to be used. Next, a
non-anonymous server can optionally request a certificate
from the client with the CertificateRequest message if it is
appropriate for the selected cipher suite. The final message
of this second step is ServerHelloDone, which is a required
message and indicates the end of this step.

The Change Cipher Spec Protocol consists of a single byte

of value 1. It is used to update the cipher suite to be used
on a connection.

In the beginning of the third step, the client sends a Certificate message to the server if server requested client authentication. Next is the ClientKeyExchange message, which is
a required message. The content of it depends on the type
of key exchange algorithm selected by the server. In the
end of step three, the client may optionally send a CertificateVerify message to provide explicit verification of clients
certificate. The fourth and last step begins with a ChangeCipherSpec message from the client to the server and after
that, the client sends a Finished message. The Finished
message is protected with the just-negotiated algorithms,
keys and secrets. In response to these, the server sends its

The Alert Protocol is used to deliver SSL alert messages via

the SSL Record Protocol. Warning and fatal are the two
alert levels. Alert messages with the level of fatal result
in immediate termination of the connection. Other connections on the same session may continue, but new connections
are rejected. Bad record mac and certificate expired are examples of SSL alerts.
The purpose of the third higher level subprotocol, the SSL
Handshake Protocol, is to authenticate the client and the

Cardholder account authentication

own ChangeCipherSpec and Finished messages. After this,

if no alerts have been interrupting, the SSL handshake is
complete and a secure connection has been established.


Merchant authentication


Application layer is on top of the stack at which users invoke

application programs that access services available across a
TCP/IP internet. An application interacts with a transport
layer protocol to send and receive data. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) [7] and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) [25] operate at the application layer.

Confidentiality guarantees that cardholder account and payment information is secure as it travels through the network.
Integrity means that transaction data cannot be altered unremarked. Concerning authentication, both the cardholder
and the merchant must be able to verify each other. Interoperability points out that SET must be applicable on
different hardware and software platforms with no preferences on any vendor or etc. However, SET provides only
one choice for each cryptographic algorithm.

An advantage of implementing security at the application

layer is that internal security mechanisms of an application
can be programmed to fulfill all the detailed needs of an application (e.g. protection of selected fields within a protocol)
[1]. On the other hand, this creates overhead in processing
and every application must have security mechanisms of its





Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)

Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) [29] is a security specification for credit card payments on the Internet. It is a
series of security protocols and formats that enables users to
make use of the existing credit card payment infrastructure
on the Internet. It was announced 1996 by Visa International and MasterCard International. Many other companies took also part to the development of the standard (including IBM, Microsoft, Netscape and VeriSign). The SET
specification is divided into three books and it contains 971





Figure 6: SET components

The following business requirements are listed in the SET


SET participants are shown in figure 6 [33] and they are

detailed next. Cardholder is the purchaser who uses the
credit card to pay to a merchant. Merchant offers goods
for sale. Issuer is a financial institution, like a bank, that
issues the payment card for the cardholder. Acquirer is also
a financial institution that establishes an account with the
merchant and processes payment card authorizations and
payments. Thus, the acquirer checks, for instance, that the
credit card is active and that the purchase does not exceed
the credit limit. Payment gateway processes merchant
payment messages. It can be operated by an acquirer or a
designated third party. Certification authority (CA) is
an entity to issue public-key certificates.

1. Provide confidentiality of payment information and enable confidentiality of order information that is transmitted along with the payment information.
2. Ensure the integrity of all transmitted data.
3. Provide authentication that a cardholder is a legitimate user of a branded payment card account.
4. Provide authentication that a merchant can accept
branded payment card transactions through its relationship with an acquiring financial institution.

An important concept in SET is a dual signature. It links

two messages that are intended for two different recipients.
This way, the merchant does not see, for example, the actual
credit card number of the cardholders card. On the other
hand, the acquirer will not find out what the cardholder is
buying. Still, because of the link, the merchant knows that
this payment belongs to this order. Thus, different orders
dont get mixed up.

5. Ensure the use of the best security practices and system design techniques to protect all legitimate parties
in an electronic commerce transaction.
6. Create a protocol that neither depends on transport
security mechanisms nor prevents their use.
7. Facilitate and encourage interoperability among software and network providers.



Information in the WWW has to be secured if it isnt wanted

to be read by outsiders. Additionally, one has frequently to
be certain about the sender of a message and that nobody
has not altered the message after it has been sent by the
original sender. These and other security conceptions are
addressed by several security protocols. End-to-end web

SET addresses these requirements by the following features:

Confidentiality of information
Integrity of data

security can be provided by them to make web transactions


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