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1617syllabus Bucholtz

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9th Grade Physics

Teacher: Ms. Bucholtz

Email: hbucholtz@raunercollegeprep.org
Phone: 312-226-5345, Ext. 3207
Office Hours: Tuesday P.M. 3:45-4:30 and Thursday A.M. 7:00-7:45
Physics Vision
As scientists, students will uncover and use scientific models to describe and quantify the nature and interactions
of the world around them. By understanding there are rules of nature, students will begin to connect the rules to
everyday life. Becoming a curious and critical thinker will empower students to discover the beauty of the natural
phenomena that occur in everyday life.

Course Description:
In conceptual physics, we will study how matter, energy, force, and motion relate to each other, while also learning
how to use scientific reasoning to solve problems and interpret data. Understanding how to use scientific
reasoning is an essential portion of the ACT, making this class an essential first step to excelling in college. While
this course will primarily focus on the conceptual components of physics, mathematical aspects will also be
required. This course will prepare you for science at the high school and college level, but also help you better
understand the world around you and how science has shaped it. Successful completion of this course will increase
your ability to interpret data, increase your skills in scientific reasoning and allow you to ask questions and make
conclusions based on well-developed thought.

Student Goals:
1. Students will grow at least 3 points on my ACT Science from beginning to end of year.
2. Students will learn to fail well.
3. Students will develop a collaborative mindset and become an advocate for his or her education.

Standardized tests:
An ACT aligned test for freshmen will be taken at the beginning and end of the year. It is expected that students
will make at least a 3 point gain from the beginning of the year test to the end of the year test. Students will take
an ACT style interim assessment (multiple choice) at the end of each quarter to track progress toward meeting
their end of year growth goal in science.

Course Units:
This course is divided up into seven major units:
1. Thinking like a scientist
2. Evaluating scientific data
3. Graphing Scientific Data
4. Constant Velocity
5. Acceleration
6. Forces
7. Energy
Noble Efforts Change Lives. Be Noble.

Every day, students must have these materials
8 folders with 3-hole punch prongs
1 package of loose-leaf paper
Pen (Blue or Black Ink)
Red Pen
At least 2 sharpened pencils at all times
Calculator (you will need this for math as well)
IR book (assigned by your Literature teacher)

Classroom Culture:
My expectations for behavior are incredibly high. Our class time is sacred. We must always be maximizing the time
we have together to explore science and develop our work ethic because it will help us succeed in life. Students are
expected to always be meeting expectations outlined in the handbook to ensure we are not wasting valuable class
time. If a student is not following these expectations at any time or if they are not following the NOBLE
expectations per the student handbook, they will receive the appropriate consequence.

Grades will be given to the following work in class:
Homework In physics, homework is given as a way to prepare students for the next class. If students do not
complete homework well and on time they are not only failing themselves, but also failing their classmates. Failure
to prepare for class will result in loss of points on the students grade and inability t participate in collective
discussion in class. Students will demonstrate a strong work ethic and complete all assignments within the given
time. In order to earn full credit for the homework category students must turn in every homework assignment on
time, with appropriate work shown, even when absent.
Lab Work and Projects In science class, students are expected to perform labs and projects. These types of
activities require working in groups and, at times, working with expensive materials. Students are expected to
treat materials with respect. In order to earn the full credit for lab work and projects students must complete all
labs and projects during the allotted time. Only quality work will be accepted (work is done neatly, it is organized,
and it follows the proper formatting rules for the given lab).
Do Now/Quizzes/Assessments A do now is given at the start of each class to assess student understanding of
previous concepts. Do nows are graded as a quiz and collected during each class. Quizzes will be given periodically
throughout each unit upon the decision of Ms. Bucholtz. Each unit will end with a comprehensive unit assessment.
Unit assessments may consist of multiple choice and an extended response where students are explaining and
justifying scientific thinking to validate or invalidate a scientific model.
Folder Checks Students are expected to file every piece of physics work into a unit folder. Students are
accountable for the ongoing organization of their folders. Unit folders will be graded for organization and
completion at the end of every unit.
Noble Efforts Change Lives. Be Noble.

The following grading scale will be used:



59 or less

Course Policies

Every student must pass every class for promotion to the next grade. If a student fails a class, he/she must take the
class again the following semester (Night School or Summer School) in order to be promoted.

Rauner College Prep holds a Zero Tolerance for cheating & plagiarism. Students will be graded according to their
own ability to complete work. If a student copies the ideas, words, or opinions of someone else it will be considered
cheating and/or plagiarism. This dishonesty will not be tolerated & will result in a zero for the assignment, an
automatic detention, and/or more severe penalties for repeated offenses.


Every student will receive homework from every class daily. Homework assignments are graded regularly in
every class, crucial for student success, and are a significant part of the final grade. Every student is expected to
complete homework in its entirety, demonstrate his/her best effort, & show quality work. Students are to follow
the instructions given for every homework assignment. All assignments are expected to be submitted by the
deadline specified by the teacher. If the assignment does not meet this criterion, students will be issued Lasalle.

Note: Only quality work will be accepted. Quality work consists of the following: Completed in pencil, is neat,
organized, showing all necessary work to obtain solution, with papers stapled together and answers boxed and

Noble Efforts Change Lives. Be Noble.


All assignments are expected to be submitted by the deadline specified by the teacher. If a student submits
an assignment one class meeting late there is a 50% late penalty. If assignments are not submitted by the next
meeting, students will earn a zero for the assignment. It is always better to turn an assignment in late than not at all.
Lasalle will be assigned to any student who fails to submit an assignment on the due date, even if you were
absent the last class period (see Absent Policy). You are expected to complete the assignment during Lasalle that
day & submit the assignment promptly at the next class meeting.

*Large Assignments: Students are expected to submit all large assignments (projects, writing assignments,
etc.) by the deadline specified by the teacher. If you submit an assignment one class meeting late there is a
50% late penalty & Lasalle. If it is not submitted the following class meeting, you will lose an additional 10% for
every SCHOOL day the assignment is late.


Excellent attendance is the key to your success at Rauner College Prep. If you know you will be absent, inform
your advisor & teachers ahead of time. If you have an unexpected absence, you must obtain work from each
class you missed before the next class meeting to pick up classwork, notes, & homework. Assignments from that
week can be found in teachers classrooms in the designated location. You have as many days as you were absent to
turn in your missing work. (Example: If you are absent for one day on a Wednesday, you must submit your work by
Friday.) If you are absent for a quiz or a test, you must see the teacher the day you return to schedule your
quiz/test. Failure to do so within two school days can result in a zero.

All policies are created to help you be a responsible scholar & to prepare for college. These policies will be enforced by
EVERY teacher, EVERY time.

Every student will receive homework from every class daily. Homework assignments are graded regularly in
every class & are a significant part of the final grade. Every student is expected to complete homework in its
entirety, demonstrate his/her best effort, & show quality work. Students are to follow the instructions given for
every homework assignment. All assignments are expected to be submitted by the deadline specified by the
teacher. If the assignment does not meet this criterion, students will be issued LaSalle.
All policies are created to help you be a responsible scholar & to prepare for college. These policies will be enforced by
every teacher, every time.

Noble Efforts Change Lives. Be Noble.

Student/Parent Contract:
Signing this form signifies that you have read over the syllabus with your Rauner College Prep scholar and
understand the materials, the rigor and great attitude that they need to succeed in 9th grade physics:

________________________________________________ ______________
Parent/ Guardian signature


As a scholar, you understand what it means to be a Rauner Wildcat and are ready to make big gains in physics this

________________________________________________ ______________
Scholar signature


Noble Efforts Change Lives. Be Noble.

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