SQL Assignment
SQL Assignment
SQL Assignment
60. Extract all the rows of the emp, dept, sal grade
tables. (Dont miss any row).
61. Extract employee name and his manager name.
62. Extract all the emp details whose employee salary is
greater than his manager salary.
63. Extract ename, manager name, Sal grade and his
deptno of all employees.
64. Write a query to find out dept wise maximum salary.
65. Write a query to find out, what are the jobs avialable
in the sunsys organization.
66. Extract ename, dept name, dept wise minimum
salary of all employees.
67. Write a query to find out duplicate rows in a table;
68. Write a query to delete duplicate row from a table;
69. Write a query to extract all the departrment details,
which department having atleast 2employees.
70. Extract the employee detail, who is not working
under the department sales.
71. Extract the emp details, who is working under the
departments sales and research.
72. Extract the emp details ,who is working for deptno for
20 and 30 and the empno is not end with the 0 or starts
with 1 and it should contain atleast one 0
In his empno.
73. Extract emp details ename,dname ,whose emp name
contain atleast one a