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Ce, MP, Leed-Ap (BD+C), Asean Eng., Acpeng.: Engr. Brian E. Bachinilla

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Spiral Columns

SPLBE Review Instructor:

Engr. Brian E. Bachinilla, CE, MP, LEED-AP (BD+C), ASEAN Eng., ACPEng.
Studying MSc. Structural and Foundation Engineering, HWU, Edinburgh Scotland, UK



1bc 1989 Code darif.es. 1bi' 5eMion o~:~ 1M twa tlud a
ooanplt'SIIh~ lap s;pl ~ bas a tcn.sioo sr.rcnglh oft k.ut one~
qu.ll'tl:f f1' 1.1o-bkb Jim.plifie !.be nkubtion n-qu~ts in
ptl:\iOUJ Co:k$.
Noll: lhat !he colum~:~ J pli' llhould 51ltisfy requi.teme'Cib foraU load rombinationJ for~ column. Fnoquo:nlfy. tbc:.buk
t'J'Il'ity lolld comblnation 1.1oill go~m !be< design d rhe
rnlumn itJCif. but a bd combi.natima incklding wind ortdMnK klads may i.ndncc "'Iller 111~tu;i011 in wmc column
bAn. smd lbcl colu.m.n Jplice sbould be <kllig~Kd ( lhil

12.1 7.2 -lap aplicee in columns

Rll.l 7.l - J..upspli''l in nahunm - \"hlere the bar stress due to faaorod

loads is ~siva. lap spices shall oonfotm lo
t 2.16.t , 12.16.2, and, ....tlere applical:te, to 12.t7.2.d

R 12. 17.2.1 - Tho: 1989 Cock \\W llimplifted fot colum.n

lxan a!Wllys. in compte:~JiO!I on the IN.:cD lbat cotnptells.hc.
Lap $plio is: ad:qtutc: ror :cutr.dcnt lUISioQ to pm:lude

$pi:d requ~tl.

12.17.22- \kiere the bar stress due to faaored

loads is tensile and does not e.xoeed O.Sfr. in tenston.
lap splices shall be Class B tension lap splices it more
lhan one-hali oC the bats are spliced at any section, or
Class A tension Sap splices if hatf or fewer of the bars
are spliced at any seaion and alternate lap splices are
staggered by td. - \'/here the bar stress due to faclored
loads is greater !han o.:~ ten6ion, lap splices shall
be CiassStension ~

s.. - .,._ tied reinforced compression

ties throughool the lap splice length
have an e.'fective area not less than 0.001Shs in both
directions. lap splice length shall be perrritted to be
rn.lltiplied b'f 0.83. bullap length shall 001 be less lhan
300 mm. Tie legs perpendicular to dimension h shall
be used W'l deterrrining eHedive area

....nere - In spiraty reinlotced compression

members.. lap spice length of bets within a spiral shall
be permitted to be mu~ by 0.75. bn lap ieogth
shall not be kiss !han 300 mm.

R ll.17.l.A -


l11p knttlu arc aiiOMICI. 1.1ohen rhe

.spike is e~XIoxd throug hout ib ler:tgth by minimum tin..

The tie

kv po:tpt:ndkulaT w

ud1 diree~ion

lll'e oompull:d

.Jq~llnltdy and

the n-quiranent ucirued i.n euh d in-eliDa

to apply the O.SJ redwtio~:~ (.actor. ThU is iiJw:tn~ted in
Fig. R 1~17.2. 1.1oiaere fatu legs ue dfecliYe in one di~ti011
IUld two lev in the athoecr din:'c-tion.. Thi. Qkubtioft il
critical in ooe direction. whic-h normally c-.an be deemnined
by in,;ptioo.
R ll-17.2..5 - CompUimm bp kngdu m..ay be ~o:ed
wben the< l11p JpiKc< iJ entb!N throughout ib kngt:h by
.spinb banx of inc~ed $pliu:ing R'$~1lUK'C. Spirllb
dmuld mo:ct mp.1in'mcnb of 7 10.4 Md 10.9.3.

12.17.3 - Mechanical Of welded splioee in coiumns

Mechanical or welclecl splices in colurms shall meet

lhe requiremenls of 12. 14.3.2 or

Medunkal ot W'\':lded spli'J ~ &lklwed (or $pticu in

colurruu bllt dtould bcdt::Jigned ~a fo.U liiC>:'hllniclll 1iJ!lke
or a M l welded 'PI do:'-eloping l lS pcrntf, IU fii:QUJm:l
by 12.14.3..2 or I :!.I<I.J..I. Splice sttelll.h ts tradftioQa!Jy
II:Jied in ICom:ioa llM full ~nglb i' requ~ 10 ~nm the
MJ!P wmpreuion loaeb poui.hk in eolllJIUl rdnforo:o:mo:nt

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