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Project Risk Management Process Construction Projects

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Project cost risk assessment: an application of project risk

management process in Libyan construction projects

Fouzi_hossen@yahoo.co.uk, Faculty of Engineering, University of Omar Elmukhtar, Libya

Projects delay and cost overrun have become general facts in the construction industry. Project
cost risk analysis considers the different costs associated with a project and focuses on the
uncertainties and risks that may affect these costs. An implementation of project risk
management (PRM) process on regional construction project has been carried out to maximize
the likelihood of project meeting its objectives within its constraints. Qualitative and
quantitative risk analyses have been carried out. The qualitative analysis is presented in a table
that shows top ranked risks in Libyan construction projects based on ProbabilityImpact grid
technique. In quantitative risk analyses, Mont Carlo simulation technique has been conducted
to quantify and evaluate the overall level of risk exposure associated with the project
completion cost. A project simulation uses a model that translates cost uncertainties into their
potential impact on project objectives. A frequency curve model that represents simulation
results of project completion costs has been constructed. The frequency curve model shows all
possible outcomes of expected project cost at different probabilities. Project manager or
decision maker can select the appropriate project budget. If a probability of 0.95 confident
project budget is selected that means cost overrun risk can be minimized to a probability of
0.05. It is very helpful for project manager to take decisions based on information that shows
project completion cost and its associated probability rather than using single information of
estimated cost.
Keywords: project cost risk analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, delay factors

Change in project cost or cost growth occurs from many factors. Some of these factors are
related to each other, and all are associated with some form of risk. Determining the existence
and influence of cost overrun risk factor in construction projects can ultimately lead to better
control on project cost estimate and assist in identifying possible solution for avoiding future
estimate overrun. Construction projects are exposed to uncertain environments because of
many factors such as planning, design, construction complexity, resources (e.g. materials,
equipment, project funding), climate environment and the economic policies (e.g. custom
delay, inflation rate, taxes) (Greedy, 2005). Williams (1995) states that cost risk analysis is
important at the start of the project, and the use of this type of analysis for major projects, i.e.
capital budgets, is said to be very successful. However, due to the inherent risks in the
construction projects; the cost and time overruns become common facts in the construction
industry (Menesi, 2007).
It has been pointed out that there is a strong relationship between the application of project risk
management and the success of any project. When the project management is implicated there
will be a high chance of project success (Elkington and Smallman, 2002). This paper is an
attempt to implement project risk management process on Libyan construction projects to
show its impact on project outcomes to meet their objectives and to minimize project cost risk

by constructing project cost model. A building project of 25000 housing units / Quarsha sector
in Benghazi was chosen as a case study.
This paper is a continuation work of schedule risk assessment (Hossen and Alubaidy, 2010)
and focuses on risks that face the construction projects which may lead to project delay and
cost overrun. The paper objectives were to: i) minimize project cost risk by delivering project
cost plan that highlighting all possible outcomes, ii) draw project managers attention to
contingency plan and project highest cost that may be occurred, and iii) explore different risk
factors that may affect project objectives.


Causes for cost overruns in projects have been extensively researched worldwide and reported
in scientific literature, public reports and in the media in general.
Cost risk assessment is an essential part of project risk analysis. Cost risk analysis considers
the different costs associated with a project (labor, materials, equipment, administration, etc)
and focuses on the uncertainties and risks that may affect these costs. A project simulation uses
a model that translates the uncertainties into their potential impact on project objectives.
Uncertain activities with cost impact not always arise, but we need to know how to handle
them when they arise. To assess the uncertainty in a project's cost it will need to breakdown the
total cost into parts, describe the uncertainty in each part and then put the parts back together to
give a picture of the whole project cost. This is usually established from a Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS) which is a document that details, from the top down, the different work
packages (WPs) of which the project consists, see Figure 1. Each WP may then be subdivided
into an invoice of quantities and estimates of the labor required to complete them as illustrated
in Figure.1. Uncertainties usually exist in a number of cost items in each WP (PMBOK, 2004;
Hossen, 2006).
Level 0

Level 1
Level 2
Individual's work
Figure. 1 Work Breakdown Structure


Causes of delay and cost overrun in the construction industry lead to many negative effects
such as loss of productivity and revenue, lawsuits between owners and contractors, and
contract termination. Assaf et al. (1995) outlined the main causes of delay in large building
projects in Saudia Arabia and their relative importance. A survey of randomly selected sample
was undertaken. The survey included 56 causes of delay. The delay factors were grouped into
nine major groups and the groups were measured and ranked by their importance index. It was

shown that financing group of delay factors was ranked the highest and that environment was
ranked the lowest. Lo et al. (1995) summarized some of the studies that took place from1971 to
2006 as shown in Table 1 (Menesi, 2007).
Table 1 Summary of previous studies of the causes of delay in construction projects


Major Causes of Delay

- inclement weather

Baldwin et al. (1971)


- shortages of labour supply


- subcontracting system
- shortages of resources
- financial difficulties faced by public
agencies and contractors

Arditi et al. (1985)


- organizational deficiencies
- delays in design work
- frequent changes in orders/design
- considerable additional work
- increases in the scope of the work

Semple et al. (1994)


- inclement weather
- restricted access
- slow preparation and approval of shop
- delays in payments to contractors

Assaf et al. (1995)


- changes in design/design error


- shortages of labour supply

- poor workmanship
- cash flow problems/financial

Al-Khal and Al-Ghafly




- difficulties in obtaining permits
-lowest bid wins system
- change in orders by the owner during

Assaf and Al-Hejji (2006)


- delay in progress payment


- ineffective planning and scheduling

- shortage of labor
- difficulties in financing on the part of the contractor
- slow preparation and approval of drawings
- inadequate early planning of the project
- slowness of owners decision making
- shortage of manpower

Faridi and El-Sayegh



- poor site management and supervision

- low productivity of manpower

- poor design
- changes in orders/design
Al-Momani (2000)


- inclement weather
- unforeseen site conditions
- late deliveries
- shortages of materials

Okpala and Aniekwu

Dlakwa and Culpin



- failure to pay for completed work

- poor contract management
- delays in payment by agencies to contractors
- fluctuations in materials, labour and plant costs
- improper financial and payment

Mansfield et al.



- poor contract management
- shortages of materials
- inaccurate cost estimates
- fluctuations in cost
- shortages of materials

Ogunlana et al. (1996)


- changes of design
- liaison problems among the
contracting parties
- unforeseen ground conditions
- poor site management and

Hong Kong
Chan and Kumaraswamy

- slow decision making by project
- client-initiated variations
- inadequate resources
- unforeseen ground conditions
- exceptionally low bids
- inexperienced contractor

Lo et al. (2006)

Hong Kong - work in conflict with existing utilities

- poor site management and
-unrealistic contract duration

For Libyan projects cost and time overrun is one of the biggest problems that construction
firms face in Libya. This is because most companies in Libya don't have any risk analysis and
management plans. Some of the problems that face the construction projects in Libya are in
common with other problems that face the construction industry all over the world which will

lead to the cost and time overrun. Table 2 shows causes of time and cost overrun and their
associated problems in Libyan construction projects.
Table 2: Some of major causes of time and cost overrun in Libyan construction projects

Name of risk
Lack of experience and financial


Name of risk


Changes in tax rate


Delay due to testing procedures used in the

abilities of the contracting companies


Delays in payment to the contractors


Delay because of bureaucracy for late


Permission or agency actions delayed longer

approval by the consultant


Errors in designs and specifications

than expected

Inflation rising above the estimated


The time required to change or adjust


Failure of equipments

the designs and their financial approval


Insufficient budget for the project


Design changes due to changes in requests

Unexpected inclement (weather)


Prolonging the completion time of the

project beyond the expected

Unforeseen adverse ground condition


Lack of safety provision


Lack of coordination between the different

and geological problems at the site


Shortages in skilled labor

project's activities

Delay in tender approval after design


Lack in the experience of the contractors


Cash flow problems of the client


Failure in lab. tests to reach the desired



Lack of crucial materials


Tendering mistakes


Raw materials not meeting the desired


Improper feasibility study


Injuries and accidents during construction


Damage to the materials from bad

storage conditions


Excessive use of resources


Changes in the regulations, rules and policies


Increase in materials prices


Conflicts between the contractor and the



Increase in labors prices


Insufficient coordination/ communication

between the various parties of the project


Custom delay


Subcontractor is one of the various parties of

the project


Project risk analysis is an essential part of Project Risk Management (PRM) process. Raz and
Michael (2001) have defined PRM as "a process that accompanies the project from its
definition through its planning, execution and control phase up to its completion and closure.
The Project Management Institute (PMI) (PMBOK, 2004) presented six phases of PRM
process: risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative
risk analysis, risk response planning and risk monitoring and control. Boehm (1991), Chapman
(2001), and Elkington and Smallman (2002) suggested PRM process should consisted of two
main phases :(1) risk analysis which includes the identification, prioritization estimation and
evaluation of risk, and (2) risk management which includes planning appropriate responses,
monitoring and managing those responses. Although there is a general agreement about what
should be included in the PRM process with some differences in the level of details, however,
the very common phases of PRM process are: risk identification, qualitative risk analysis,
quantitative risk analysis, risk response/mitigation, and risk monitoring and control. Hossen
and Alubaidy (2010) explored different elements of PRM process such as risk identification,
qualitative/ quantitative risk analysis, risk mitigation, and risk monitoring and control.

The 25000 housing unit project/ Benghazi which is composed of 800 housing unit, was
selected as a case study. This project composed of 100 building (block of flats), each building
consists of four floors and roof floor. Each floor is divided into two residential units (flats).
The total duration to complete this project should be (540) days with approved budget for the
project is (410680) L.D for each block of flats according to project's contract.
5.1 risk identification:
The PRM process should start with risk identification phase. This phase is to find out and
identify all possible risk factors that can threat the project objectives. A large number of tools
and techniques exist for risk identification such as check lists, interviews with individuals or
groups, questionnaires, brainstorming, or using Delphi technique (Chapman, 2001).
Interviews and questionnaire were used to identify risks factors. The questionnaire was
developed consisting of six sections. The first section contained general questions about the
respondent. The second section was to find out the experience of the respondent to ensure the
accuracy of the information obtained from him\her. The third section determines the
knowledge of the respondent regarding project risk management as a part of the project
management process. The fourth section focuses on the knowledge of the respondent to the
project's objectives and the risks surrounding them. The fifth section is to identify the risks
regarding the time schedule from the respondent. The last section is to determine the risk
factors, the probability of occurrence and risk impact.
The questionnaire was sent to 45 respondents (project managers, responsible engineers and
consultant engineers). From that 45, only 23 questionnaires had been completed and returned.
The results from using this technique was a List of 36 identified risks which will be used for
further analysis. These risk factors are shown in Table 2.

5.2 qualitative risk analysis

Qualitative risk analysis assesses the importance of the identified risks to determine their
likelihood and potential impact on project objectives and allowing risks to be prioritized for
further analysis by developing prioritized list. The primary technique for this is the
Probability- Impact Matrix as shown in Table 3. Probability and impacts of individual risks are
assessed and sorted into High (H), Medium (M), or Low (L) ); with additional adverbs
including )very). Numerical scales may also be used to score each risk in term of impact and
probability of occurrence. The product of these assessments will give an overall measure of
severity of risk. However, the higher risk rating will indicate the more important risk (Ward,
1999). Qualitative risk analysis does not require model and usually rapid and less cost than
quantitative risks analysis. Qualitative risk analysis establishes priorities for risk response
planning, and lays the foundation for the quantitative risks analysis.
Table 3: Qualitative Scoring using Probability Impact grid (Ward, 1999)


Low score 1

Medium score 5

High score 10

Low score 1


Medium score 5



High score 10




In the questionnaire the numerical scores from (1-10) had been used to represent the probability
and the impact of each risk, the probability-impact scores are assessed as: From (1 - 3) Low
(L), (4 6) Medium (M), and (7 -10) High (H). The rating is based on the calculated priority
score to indicate the class of the risk which considered being the highest, intermediate and
lowest importance respectively; however this rating score doesn't represent the actual
magnitude of risk.
Table 4 An example of prioritizing of project risk

Name of risk

Rank Score

Rank Type

Lack of experience and financial abilities of




the contracting companies


Delays in payment to the contractors



Unforeseen adverse ground condition and


geological problems at the site

The results from this analysis were prioritized risk's level in a table to determine the most important
risks and to apply appropriate resources for the highest ranked risks. An example is illustrated in
Table 4. Priority Rating may also be showed using colors such as Low (Green), Medium (Yellow),
High (Red)

5.3 quantitative risk analysis (cost risk assessment)

Quantitative risk analysis generally follows the qualitative risk analysis phase. Quantitative risk
analysis seeks to quantify the combined effect of risk on project objectives, using tools such as
Mont Carlo simulation analysis, sensitivity analysis, and decision trees. These involve building
a model of the whole project or key elements, and analyzing the combine effect on project
outcome using statistical simulations. The result is probability distribution of the project's
completion cost or date based on the risks in the project. Quantitative risk analysis involves
statistical techniques that can be used with specialized software, such as @Risk (Palisade
Corp., 1997) and Primavera (Primavera Systems, 1995). The aim is to determine the overall
level of risk exposure associated with a project and assisting in development of appropriate
The analysis of project cost risk is based on the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), which is
made up of Work Packages (WPs). Each WP in the WBS requires three- point estimate for the
cost of the planned work. The three estimates are the minimum, most likely, and maximum
values for each WP cost. The cost of project components (WPs) is replaced by a probability
distribution to reflect the uncertainty of those estimates. Beta and triangle distributions are
commonly used to represent uncertainty in project cost (Vose, 1996). Risk analysis using
Monte Carlo simulation allows analyzing a project cost using probability distributions to
describe uncertainty in activity costs. In this study the triangle distribution was used to model
the cost of each task. The minimum, maximum, and most likely estimated cost were estimated
by project team and expert opinion. These uncertain variables are entered as probability
distribution functions.
Monte Carlo simulation
Monte Carlo simulation is a technique that allows computer to calculate project completion cost
or time many times. Each calculation is iteration. Uncertain activities' cost are entered as
probability distribution functions. Costs for project activities are randomly selected from
probability distributions see Figure 2.

Figure 2 Random Variable Sampling (Flanagan and Norman, 1993)

The process starts from generating random numbers between 0 and 1, and then generates
random deviates or variants from a density function of a specific probability distribution such
as triangular or beta distribution. Each simulation (iteration or replication), the simulator takes a
random sample from the specified probability distribution, which is used to model that
uncertain factor. The process is repeated a large number of times to generate a distribution of

Figure.3 Cost /Schedule Simulation Model

project cost. 1000 replication can give smooth curve (Flanagan and Norman, 1993). Figure 3
shows an example of the simulation model for quantifying project cost/schedule risk.

Figure 4 Histogram of Project Cost (Simulation Results)

Figure 5 Frequency Curve (ECDF) of Project Cost (Cost Risk Assessment)

Figure 6 Distribution of Project Cost (Cost Risk Assessment)


After running the cost simulation model all combinations of possible project cost are developed
in a histogram. The histogram of all possible outcomes of project cost is produced by the
software as it shown in Figure 4. The result of the simulation is then represented using a
Cumulative Frequency Curve (or Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function, ECDF) as
shown in Figure 5 and 6. This curve demonstrates the project total cost at different
probabilities. These generated costs are more likely to represent the range of total project cost
to be expected (Nicholas, 2001).
The most likely estimated project cost, the project contract's cost, and the 50% confident project
cost will be compared, see Table 5. It can be observed, that the most likely cost for the project
is (406779) L.D and the approved budget for the project is (410680) L.D according to project's
contract. The cost risk analysis indicates that the probability of completing the project with
contract's budget is less than 0.01 (equivalent to 1%), see Figure 5 and 6. This means that there
is a probability of 0.99 risk (equivalent to 99 %) of not completing the project within this
budget as represented by the cumulative frequency curve. This cumulative frequency curve
shows the probability that reflects the risk of overrunning the sum of the most likely estimated
cost as illustrated in Figure 5 and 6.
Table 5 Comparing Project Costs
Most likely Cost

Contract's Cost

50% Confident Cost




Figure 5 and 6 show the project total cost at different probabilities. Project manager can select
project total cost with desired confidence level. If the company wants a 50% confident
(probability of 0.50) likelihood of success, then a budget of (463554.368 L.D) is required. The
cost contingency to the 50% is (56775.368 L.D), or about 14% versus (406779 L. D) the sum of
the most likely estimate. In addition from Figure 5 and 6, a 95% confident budget (probability
of 0.95) can be extracted and that means cost risk can be minimized to a probability of 0.05.
The cumulative probability distribution curve enables the decision maker to assess the
probability of completing a project within a specific budget. It is very helpful for project
manager to take decisions based on information that shows completion cost and its associated
probability rather than using one information of estimated cost.

For project manager, it is very helpful to take decisions based on information that shows
completion cost and its associated probability rather than using one information of estimated
Through the use of quantitative risk analysis of these risks to weigh up their effect on the
project, the risks affecting the cost of the project were quantitatively analyzed by the use of
Mont Carlo simulation. Mont Carlo simulation has been used to model uncertain factors by
generating a number of simulations that give an indication of the range of all possible
outcomes. A frequency curve (or Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function, ECDF) that
represents simulation results for project cost risk has been constructed with probability of 0.50
confidence. The model also shows project total cost with different probabilities. Using this
model, the project manager or decision maker can decide project total budget with a suitable
confident probability.
The 36 risks that considered the most common risks all over the world, which were listed in the
questionnaire, were confirmed by the responders.

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