Our Voice: Lake Champlain Waldorf School
Our Voice: Lake Champlain Waldorf School
Our Voice: Lake Champlain Waldorf School
hat a week this has supporting Devon and making
been! I hope every- the auction portion of the event
one had a chance to possible; Kristin DeBellis, for
attend one of the Spring Benefit working above and beyond the
concert performances at the call of duty on all the details; and
Coach Barn last week. The Lisa Espenshade, for devoting
concert was wonderful, and the herself year after year to mak-
Vermont theme really gave the ing sure this event is as fabulous
event its own unique feeling this as it can be, and for not editing
year. Every spring I am amazed herself out of this note when she
at the beauty and grandeur of proofreads it!
this event. It sums up a lot about Grandparents’ and Special
our school: there is hard, collec- Friends’ Day was also a great
tive work on the part of many success. Our guests, escorted
talented people in our commu- by the twelfth grade students,
nity, working together to create enjoyed hearing several presen-
something really beautiful and tations, including Ms. Markow’s
spectacular, and when the day amusing and insightful account
comes, it all goes so smoothly of the 8-year journey of the class
that it seems almost effortless! I teacher. The guests were also
would like to give special thanks treated to beautiful singing by
to some of the people who the fourth and sixth grades. A
worked extremely hard behind highlight for most guests, of
the scenes to make it appear course, was visiting the children
so seamless: Laura Lomas, for in their classrooms, with lessons
chairing the event and being an ranging from “Sheep to Shawl”
aesthetic goddess; Devon Gov- activities with the third grade to
ett, for creating the online auc- human sexuality class with the
tion and troubleshooting at all seventh grade. One grandparent
hours; Karen Nolin Govett, for and former teacher who attended
an eighth grade physics lesson Wild White Carrot. All were
said afterwards, “I wish I had amazed that its smell was
learned physics this way!” just like the carrots we eat for
Also this week we have been snack on our rice, miso, and
treated to fabulous play perfor- hummus days. We did spend
mances by the sixth and twelfth a disproportionate amount
grades (and there is still one per- of time digging up the White
formance of the twelfth grade’s Carrot and sniffing it versus
“City of Angels” today at 4pm at weeding (sorry Michaela) but
the Old Lantern!). honestly I’d rather cultivate
Today is the fifth grade’s the uncurbed enthusiasm of
annual Greek Pentathlon, and young farmers than a weed free
tonight the third grade returns garden! We also harvested from
from their farm trip and the sev- the weed patch lots of lamb’s
enth grade returns from Québec! quarters -wild spinach I call it
Phew! It’s a good thing we have - which we nibbled on while
a long weekend. Enjoy it! we worked and later added by
Laura Slesar the handfuls to our snack salad.
The ferrier let us watch as the
horses received a pedicure and
JoAnne’s Kindergarten the baby chicks we cooled off
Farmers in the bath tub ( a dry one) were
“Down on the farm so irresistibly cuddly to hold.
We get up in the morning Next week is our final farm
Up in the morning early day but I haven no doubt that
And we raise our voices to the Sun the memories will live in the
And we tell the Sun good morning children’s hearts a long, long
And howdy and shanti (means
Peace in Hindi).”
Blessings on New Village
Farm! JoAnne
We spent a hot but happy
PS. Parents don’t forget
morning on the herb mound
to sign up for our Bread Oven
at New Village. I wish I had
Family Pot luck dinner on
my camera to capture the little
Tuesday June 8th! And please
farmers fending off the sun
send all bread pouches back to
while wearing their straw hats.
the kindergarten soon.
The children were like gold
diggers trying to uproot the The sixth grade performed their play “Good Masters Sweet Ladies,” deep in
the Waldorf Woods. Each student was a character from medieval history and
presented a monologue, telling about their life. Fabulous!
Free Bike Helmets send your child to Shakespeare
Camp, we need to hear from
Our Schools involvement you as soon as possible. The
with the Safe Routes to School TSC is for 6th-10th graders. This
Program has allowed us to year’s play is Twelfth Night,
acquire 20 new bike helmets. the classic Shakespeare comedy
If anyone needs a bike helmet involving shipwrecked twins,
or has a helmet that may be too hidden identity, and scheming
small, let me know and I will servants. Week I: June 28- July
provide you with a new one. 2, 9:00-3:00. Week II: July 5-9,
First come, first serve. Carolyn 9:00-3:00. Each week focuses
Siccama at 497-0898, carolyn@ on different scenes making it
trapeni.com possible to join for either/both
weeks. Call 802.877.6901,
Community News shakespearecamp2010@gmail.
SHAKESPEARE CAMP com. Tuition: $225/week. $25
Enrollment is not yet discount/week for June 1st
strong enough for the Teen payment. Scholarships available.
Shakespeare Camp for either Abigail, Chris and Stephan
week. However, if you wish to