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M 202-D I M D C P E F S S: 1.0 Scope and Applicability

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1.0 Scope and Applicability
1.1 Scope. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA or we) developed this
method to describe the procedures that the stack tester (you) must follow to measure
condensable particulate matter (CPM) emissions from stationary sources. This method includes
procedures for measuring both organic and inorganic CPM.
1.2 Applicability. This method addresses the equipment, preparation, and analysis necessary to
measure only CPM. You can use this method only for stationary source emission measurements.
You can use this method to measure CPM from stationary source emissions after filterable
particulate matter (PM) has been removed. CPM is measured in the emissions after removal from
the stack and after passing through a filter.
(a) If the gas filtration temperature exceeds 30 C (85 F) and you must measure both the
filterable and condensable (material that condenses after passing through a filter) components of
total primary (direct) PM emissions to the atmosphere, then you must combine the procedures in
this method with the procedures in Method 201A of appendix M to this part for measuring
filterable PM. However, if the gas filtration temperature never exceeds 30 C (85 F), then use of
this method is not required to measure total primary PM.
(b) If Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60 is used in conjunction with this method and constant
weight requirements for the in-stack filter cannot be met, the Method 17 filter and sampling
nozzle rinse must be treated as described in Sections and 11.2.1 of this method.
(See Section 3.0 for a definition of constant weight.) Extracts resulting from the use of this
procedure must be filtered to remove filter fragments before the filter is processed and weighed.
1.3 Responsibility. You are responsible for obtaining the equipment and supplies you will need
to use this method. You should also develop your own procedures for following this method and
any additional procedures to ensure accurate sampling and analytical measurements.
1.4 Additional Methods. To obtain reliable results, you should have a thorough knowledge of
the following test methods that are found in appendices A-1 through A-3 and A-6 to part 60, and
in appendix M to this part:
(a) Method 1Sample and velocity traverses for stationary sources.
(b) Method 2Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate (Type S pitot tube).
(c) Method 3Gas analysis for the determination of dry molecular weight.

(d) Method 4Determination of moisture content in stack gases.

(e) Method 5Determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources.
(f) Method 17Determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources (in-stack
filtration method).
(g) Method 201ADetermination of PM10 and PM2.5 emissions from stationary sources
(Constant sampling rate procedure).
(h) You will need additional test methods to measure filterable PM. You may use Method 5
(including Method 5A, 5D and 5I but not 5B, 5E, 5F, 5G, or 5H) of appendix A-3 to part 60, or
Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this part to collect
filterable PM from stationary sources with temperatures above 30 C (85 F) in conjunction with
this method. However, if the gas filtration temperature never exceeds 30 C (85 F), then use of
this method is not required to measure total primary PM.
1.5 Limitations. You can use this method to measure emissions in stacks that have entrained
droplets only when this method is combined with a filterable PM test method that operates at
high enough temperatures to cause water droplets sampled through the probe to become
1.6 Conditions. You must maintain isokinetic sampling conditions to meet the requirements of
the filterable PM test method used in conjunction with this method. You must sample at the
required number of sampling points specified in Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, Method
17 of appendix A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this part. Also, if you are using
this method as an alternative to a required performance test method, you must receive approval
from the regulatory authority that established the requirement to use this test method prior to
conducting the test.
2.0 Summary of Method
2.1 Summary. The CPM is collected in dry impingers after filterable PM has been collected on
a filter maintained as specified in either Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, Method 17 of
appendix A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this part. The organic and aqueous
fractions of the impingers and an out-of-stack CPM filter are then taken to dryness and weighed.
The total of the impinger fractions and the CPM filter represents the CPM. Compared to the
version of Method 202 that was promulgated on December 17, 1991, this method eliminates the
use of water as the collection media in impingers and includes the addition of a condenser
followed by a water dropout impinger immediately after the final in-stack or heated filter. This
method also includes the addition of one modified Greenburg Smith impinger (backup impinger)
and a CPM filter following the water dropout impinger. Figure 1 of Section 18 presents the
schematic of the sampling train configured with these changes.
2.1.1 Condensable PM. CPM is collected in the water dropout impinger, the modified
Greenburg Smith impinger, and the CPM filter of the sampling train as described in this method.

The impinger contents are purged with nitrogen immediately after sample collection to remove
dissolved sulfur dioxide (SO2) gases from the impinger. The CPM filter is extracted with water
and hexane. The impinger solution is then extracted with hexane. The organic and aqueous
fractions are dried and the residues are weighed. The total of the aqueous and organic fractions
represents the CPM.
2.1.2 Dry Impinger and Additional Filter. The potential artifacts from SO2 are reduced using a
condenser and water dropout impinger to separate CPM from reactive gases. No water is added
to the impingers prior to the start of sampling. To improve the collection efficiency of CPM, an
additional filter (the CPM filter) is placed between the second and third impingers.
3.0 Definitions
3.1 Condensable PM (CPM) means material that is vapor phase at stack conditions, but
condenses and/or reacts upon cooling and dilution in the ambient air to form solid or liquid PM
immediately after discharge from the stack. Note that all condensable PM is assumed to be in the
PM2.5 size fraction.
3.2 Constant weight means a difference of no more than 0.5 mg or one percent of total weight
less tare weight, whichever is greater, between two consecutive weighings, with no less than six
hours of desiccation time between weighings.
3.3 Field Train Proof Blank. A field train proof blank is recovered on site from a clean, fullyassembled sampling train prior to conducting the first emissions test.
3.4 Filterable PM means particles that are emitted directly by a source as a solid or liquid at
stack or release conditions and captured on the filter of a stack test train.
3.5 Primary PM (also known as direct PM) means particles that enter the atmosphere as a direct
emission from a stack or an open source. Primary PM comprises two components: filterable PM
and condensable PM. These two PM components have no upper particle size limit.
3.6 Primary PM2.5 (also known as direct PM2.5, total PM2.5, PM2.5, or combined filterable
PM2.5 and condensable PM) means PM with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 2.5
micrometers. These solid particles are emitted directly from an air emissions source or activity,
or are the gaseous emissions or liquid droplets from an air emissions source or activity that
condense to form PM at ambient temperatures. Direct PM2.5 emissions include elemental carbon,
directly emitted organic carbon, directly emitted sulfate, directly emitted nitrate, and other
inorganic particles (including but not limited to crustal material, metals, and sea salt).
3.7 Primary PM10 (also known as direct PM10, total PM10, PM10, or the combination of
filterable PM10 and condensable PM) means PM with an aerodynamic diameter equal to or less
than 10 micrometers.
4.0 Interferences

5.0 Safety
Disclaimer. Because the performance of this method may require the use of hazardous materials,
operations, and equipment, you should develop a health and safety plan to ensure the safety of
your employees who are on site conducting the particulate emission test. Your plan should
conform with all applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Mine Safety and
Health Administration, and Department of Transportation regulatory requirements. Because of
the unique situations at some facilities and because some facilities may have more stringent
requirements than is required by State or federal laws, you may have to develop procedures to
conform to the plant health and safety requirements.
6.0 Equipment and Supplies
The equipment used in the filterable particulate portion of the sampling train is described in
Methods 5 and 17 of appendix A-1 through A-3 and A-6 to part 60 and Method 201A of
appendix M to this part. The equipment used in the CPM portion of the train is described in this
6.1 Condensable Particulate Sampling Train Components. The sampling train for this method is
used in addition to filterable particulate collection using Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60,
Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this part. This method
includes the following exceptions or additions:
6.1.1 Probe Extension and Liner. The probe extension between the filterable particulate filter
and the condenser must be glass- or fluoropolymer-lined. Follow the specifications for the probe
liner specified in Section of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60.
6.1.2 Condenser and Impingers. You must add the following components to the filterable
particulate sampling train: A Method 23 type condenser as described in Section 2.1.2 of Method
23 of appendix A-8 to part 60, followed by a water dropout impinger or flask, followed by a
modified Greenburg-Smith impinger (backup impinger) with an open tube tip as described in
Section of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60.
6.1.3 CPM Filter Holder. The modified Greenburg-Smith impinger is followed by a filter holder
that is either glass, stainless steel (316 or equivalent), or fluoropolymer-coated stainless steel.
Commercial size filter holders are available depending on project requirements. Use a
commercial filter holder capable of supporting 47 mm or greater diameter filters. Commercial
size filter holders contain a fluoropolymer O-ring, stainless steel, ceramic or fluoropolymer filter
support and a final fluoropolymer O-ring. A filter that meets the requirements specified in
Section 7.1.1 may be placed behind the CPM filter to reduce the pressure drop across the CPM
filter. This support filter is not part of the PM sample and is not recovered with the CPM filter.
At the exit of the CPM filter, install a fluoropolymer-coated or stainless steel encased
thermocouple that is in contact with the gas stream.

6.1.4 Long Stem Impinger Insert. You will need a long stem modified Greenburg Smith
impinger insert for the water dropout impinger to perform the nitrogen purge of the sampling
6.2 Sample Recovery Equipment.
6.2.1 Condensable PM Recovery. Use the following equipment to quantitatively determine the
amount of CPM recovered from the sampling train.
(a) Nitrogen purge line. You must use inert tubing and fittings capable of delivering at least 14
liters/min of nitrogen gas to the impinger train from a standard gas cylinder (see Figures 2 and 3
of Section 18). You may use standard 0.6 centimeters ( 14 inch) tubing and compression fittings
in conjunction with an adjustable pressure regulator and needle valve.
(b) Rotameter. You must use a rotameter capable of measuring gas flow up to 20 L/min. The
rotameter must be accurate to five percent of full scale.
(c) Nitrogen gas purging system. Compressed ultra-pure nitrogen, regulator, and filter must be
capable of providing at least 14 L/min purge gas for one hour through the sampling train.
(d) Amber glass bottles (500 ml).
6.2.2 Analysis Equipment. The following equipment is necessary for CPM sample analysis:
(a) Separatory Funnel. Glass, 1 liter.
(b) Weighing Tins. 50 ml. Glass evaporation vials, fluoropolymer beaker liners, or aluminum
weighing tins can be used.
(c) Glass Beakers. 300 to 500 ml.
(d) Drying Equipment. A desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate that is maintained
below 10 percent relative humidity, and a hot plate or oven equipped with temperature control.
(e) Glass Pipets. 5 ml.
(f) Burette. Glass, 0 to 100 ml in 0.1 ml graduations.
(g) Analytical Balance. Analytical balance capable of weighing at least 0.0001 g (0.1 mg).
(h) pH Meter or Colormetric pH Indicator. The pH meter or colormetric pH indicator (e.g.,
phenolphthalein) must be capable of determining the acidity of liquid within 0.1 pH units.
(i) Sonication Device. The device must have a minimum sonication frequency of 20 kHz and be
approximately four to six inches deep to accommodate the sample extractor tube.

(j) Leak-Proof Sample Containers. Containers used for sample and blank recovery must not
contribute more than 0.05 mg of residual mass to the CPM measurements.
(k) Wash bottles. Any container material is acceptable, but wash bottles used for sample and
blank recovery must not contribute more than 0.1 mg of residual mass to the CPM
7.0 Reagents and Standards
7.1 Sample Collection. To collect a sample, you will need a CPM filter, crushed ice, and silica
gel. You must also have water and nitrogen gas to purge the sampling train. You will find
additional information on each of these items in the following summaries.
7.1.1 CPM Filter. You must use a nonreactive, nondisintegrating polymer filter that does not
have an organic binder and does not contribute more than 0.5 mg of residual mass to the CPM
measurements. The CPM filter must also have an efficiency of at least 99.95 percent (less than
0.05 percent penetration) on 0.3 micrometer dioctyl phthalate particles. You may use test data
from the supplier's quality control program to document the CPM filter efficiency.
7.1.2 Silica Gel. Use an indicating-type silica gel of six to 16 mesh. You must obtain approval
of the Administrator for other types of desiccants (equivalent or better) before you use them.
Allow the silica gel to dry for two hours at 175 C (350 F) if it is being reused. You do not have
to dry new silica gel if the indicator shows the silica gel is active for moisture collection.
7.1.3 Water. Use deionized, ultra-filtered water that contains 1.0 parts per million by weight
(ppmw) (1 mg/L) residual mass or less to recover and extract samples.
7.1.4 Crushed Ice. Obtain from the best readily available source.
7.1.5 Nitrogen Gas. Use Ultra-High Purity compressed nitrogen or equivalent to purge the
sampling train. The compressed nitrogen you use to purge the sampling train must contain no
more than 1 parts per million by volume (ppmv) oxygen, 1 ppmv total hydrocarbons as carbon,
and 2 ppmv moisture. The compressed nitrogen must not contribute more than 0.1 mg of residual
mass per purge.
7.2 Sample Recovery and Analytical Reagents. You will need acetone, hexane, anhydrous
calcium sulfate, ammonia hydroxide, and deionized water for the sample recovery and analysis.
Unless otherwise indicated, all reagents must conform to the specifications established by the
Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society. If such specifications are
not available, then use the best available grade. Additional information on each of these items is
in the following paragraphs:
7.2.1 Acetone. Use acetone that is stored in a glass bottle. Do not use acetone from a metal
container because it normally produces a high residual mass in the laboratory and field reagent
blanks. You must use acetone that has a blank value less than 1.0 ppmw (0.1 mg/100 g) residue.

7.2.2 Hexane, American Chemical Society grade. You must use hexane that has a blank
residual mass value less than 1.0 ppmw (0.1 mg/100 g) residue.
7.2.3 Water. Use deionized, ultra-filtered water that contains 1 ppmw (1 mg/L) residual mass or
less to recover material caught in the impinger.
7.2.4 Condensable Particulate Sample Desiccant. Use indicating-type anhydrous calcium sulfate
to desiccate water and organic extract residue samples prior to weighing.
7.2.5 Ammonium Hydroxide. Use National Institute of Standards and Technology-traceable or
equivalent (0.1 N) NH4OH.
7.2.6 Standard Buffer Solutions. Use one buffer solution with a neutral pH and a second buffer
solution with an acid pH of no less than 4.
8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport
8.1 Qualifications. This is a complex test method. To obtain reliable results, you should be
trained and experienced with in-stack filtration systems (such as, cyclones, impactors, and
thimbles) and impinger and moisture train systems.
8.2 Preparations. You must clean all glassware used to collect and analyze samples prior to
field tests as described in Section 8.4 prior to use. Cleaned glassware must be used at the start of
each new source category tested at a single facility. Analyze laboratory reagent blanks (water,
acetone, and hexane) before field tests to verify low blank concentrations. Follow the pretest
preparation instructions in Section 8.1 of Method 5.
8.3 Site Setup. You must follow the procedures required in Methods 5, 17, or 201A, whichever
is applicable to your test requirements including:
(a) Determining the sampling site location and traverse points.
(b) Calculating probe/cyclone blockage (as appropriate).
(c) Verifying the absence of cyclonic flow.
(d) Completing a preliminary velocity profile, and selecting a nozzle(s) and sampling rate.
8.3.1 Sampling Site Location. Follow the standard procedures in Method 1 of appendix A-1 to
part 60 to select the appropriate sampling site. Choose a location that maximizes the distance
from upstream and downstream flow disturbances.
8.3.2 Traverse points. Use the required number of traverse points at any location, as found in
Methods 5, 17, or 201A, whichever is applicable to your test requirements. You must prevent the
disturbance and capture of any solids accumulated on the inner wall surfaces by maintaining a 1-

inch distance from the stack wall (0.5 inch for sampling locations less than 24 inches in
8.4 Sampling Train Preparation. A schematic of the sampling train used in this method is shown
in Figure 1 of Section 18. All glassware that is used to collect and analyze samples must be
cleaned prior to the test with soap and water, and rinsed using tap water, deionized water,
acetone, and finally, hexane. It is important to completely remove all silicone grease from areas
that will be exposed to the hexane rinse during sample recovery. After cleaning, you must bake
glassware at 300 C for six hours prior to beginning tests at each source category sampled at a
facility. As an alternative to baking glassware, a field train proof blank, as specified in Section, can be performed on the sampling train glassware that is used to collect CPM samples.
Prior to each sampling run, the train glassware used to collect condensable PM must be rinsed
thoroughly with deionized, ultra-filtered water that that contains 1 ppmw (1 mg/L) residual mass
or less.
8.4.1 Condenser and Water Dropout Impinger. Add a Method 23 type condenser and a
condensate dropout impinger without bubbler tube after the final probe extension that connects
the in-stack or out-of-stack hot filter assembly with the CPM sampling train. The Method 23 type
stack gas condenser is described in Section 2.1.2 of Method 23. The condenser must be capable
of cooling the stack gas to less than or equal to 30 C (85 F).
8.4.2 Backup Impinger. The water dropout impinger is followed by a modified Greenburg
Smith impinger (backup impinger) with no taper (see Figure 1 of Section 18). Place the water
dropout and backup impingers in an insulated box with water at less than or equal to 30 C (less
than or equal to 85 F). At the start of the tests, the water dropout and backup impingers must be
clean, without any water or reagent added.
8.4.3 CPM Filter. Place a filter holder with a filter meeting the requirements in Section 7.1.1
after the backup impinger. The connection between the CPM filter and the moisture trap
impinger must include a thermocouple fitting that provides a leak-free seal between the
thermocouple and the stack gas. (NOTE: A thermocouple well is not sufficient for this purpose
because the fluoropolymer- or steel-encased thermocouple must be in contact with the sample
8.4.4 Moisture Traps. You must use a modified Greenburg-Smith impinger containing 100 ml
of water, or the alternative described in Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, followed by an
impinger containing silica gel to collect moisture that passes through the CPM filter. You must
maintain the gas temperature below 20 C (68 F) at the exit of the moisture traps.
8.4.5 Silica Gel Trap. Place 200 to 300 g of silica gel in each of several air-tight containers.
Weigh each container, including silica gel, to the nearest 0.5 g, and record this weight on the
filterable particulate data sheet. As an alternative, the silica gel need not be preweighed, but may
be weighed directly in its impinger or sampling holder just prior to train assembly.
8.4.6 Leak-Check (Pretest). Use the procedures outlined in Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part
60, Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this part as

appropriate to leak check the entire sampling system. Specifically, perform the following
procedures: Sampling train. You must pretest the entire sampling train for leaks. The pretest leakcheck must have a leak rate of not more than 0.02 actual cubic feet per minute or 4 percent of the
average sample flow during the test run, whichever is less. Additionally, you must conduct the
leak-check at a vacuum equal to or greater than the vacuum anticipated during the test run. Enter
the leak-check results on the field test data sheet for the filterable particulate method.
(NOTE: Conduct leak-checks during port changes only as allowed by the filterable particulate
method used with this method.) Pitot tube assembly. After you leak-check the sample train, perform a leak-check of the
pitot tube assembly. Follow the procedures outlined in Section 8.4.1 of Method 5.
8.5 Sampling Train Operation. Operate the sampling train as described in the filterable
particulate sampling method (i.e., Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, Method 17 of appendix
A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this part) with the following additions or
8.5.1 Impinger and CPM Filter Assembly. Monitor the moisture condensation in the knockout and backup impingers. If the
accumulated water from moisture condensation overwhelms the knockout impinger, i.e., the
water level is more than approximately one-half the capacity of the knockout impinger, or if
water accumulates in the backup impinger sufficient to cover the impinger insert tip, then you
may interrupt the sampling run, recover and weigh the moisture accumulated in the knockout and
backup impinger, reassemble and leak check the sampling train, and resume the sampling run.
You must purge the water collected during the test interruption as soon as practical following the
procedures in Section 8.5.3. You must include the weight or volume of the moisture in your moisture calculation and
you must combine the recovered water with the appropriate sample fraction for subsequent CPM
analysis. Use the field data sheet for the filterable particulate method to record the CPM filter
temperature readings at the beginning of each sample time increment and when sampling is
halted. Maintain the CPM filter greater than 20 C (greater than 65 F) but less than or equal to
30 C (less than or equal to 85 F) during sample collection. (Note: Maintain the temperature of
the CPM filter assembly as close to 30 C (85 F) as feasible.)
8.5.2 Leak-Check Probe/Sample Train Assembly (Post-Test). Conduct the leak rate check
according to the filterable particulate sampling method used during sampling. If required,
conduct the leak-check at a vacuum equal to or greater than the maximum vacuum achieved
during the test run. If the leak rate of the sampling train exceeds 0.02 actual cubic feet per minute
or four percent of the average sampling rate during the test run (whichever is less), then the run
is invalid and you must repeat it.

8.5.3 Post-Test Nitrogen Purge. As soon as possible after the post-test leak-check, detach the
probe, any cyclones, and in-stack or hot filters from the condenser and impinger train. If no
water was collected before the CPM filter, then you may skip the remaining purge steps and
proceed with sample recovery (see Section 8.5.4). You may purge the CPM sampling train using
the sampling system meter box and vacuum pump or by passing nitrogen through the train under
pressure. For either type of purge, you must first attach the nitrogen supply line to a purged
inline filter. If you choose to conduct a pressurized nitrogen purge at the completion of CPM sample
collection, you may purge the entire CPM sample collection train from the condenser inlet to the
CPM filter holder outlet or you may quantitatively transfer the water collected in the condenser
and the water dropout impinger to the backup impinger and purge only the backup impinger and
the CPM filter. You must measure the water in the knockout and backup impingers and record
the volume or weight as part of the moisture collected during sampling as specified in Section If you choose to conduct a purge of the entire CPM sampling train, you must replace
the short stem impinger insert in the knock out impinger with a standard modified Greenburg
Smith impinger insert. If you choose to combine the knockout and backup impinger catch prior to purge, you
must purge the backup impinger and CPM filter holder. If the tip of the impinger insert does not extend below the water level (including the
water transferred from the first impinger if this option was chosen), you must add a measured
amount of degassed, deionized ultra-filtered water that contains 1 ppmw (1 mg/L) residual mass
or less until the impinger tip is at least 1 centimeter below the surface of the water. You must
record the amount of water added to the water dropout impinger (Vp)(see Figure 4 of Section 18)
to correct the moisture content of the effluent gas. (Note: Prior to use, water must be degassed
using a nitrogen purge bubbled through the water for at least 15 minutes to remove dissolved
oxygen). To perform the nitrogen purge using positive pressure nitrogen flow, you must start
with no flow of gas through the clean purge line and fittings. Connect the filter outlet to the input
of the impinger train and disconnect the vacuum line from the exit of the silica moisture
collection impinger (see Figure 3 of Section 18). You may purge only the CPM train by
disconnecting the moisture train components if you measure moisture in the field prior to the
nitrogen purge. You must increase the nitrogen flow gradually to avoid over-pressurizing the
impinger array. You must purge the CPM train at a minimum of 14 liters per minute for at least
one hour. At the conclusion of the purge, turn off the nitrogen delivery system. If you choose to conduct a nitrogen purge on the complete CPM sampling train using
the sampling system meter box and vacuum pump, replace the short stem impinger insert with a
modified Greenberg Smith impinger insert. The impinger tip length must extend below the water
level in the impinger catch.

(a) You must conduct the purge on the complete CPM sampling train starting at the inlet of the
condenser. If insufficient water was collected, you must add a measured amount of degassed,
deionized ultra-filtered water that contains 1 ppmw (1 mg/L) residual mass or less until the
impinger tip is at least 1 centimeter below the surface of the water. You must record the amount
of water added to the water dropout impinger (Vp) (see Figure 4 of Section 18) to correct the
moisture content of the effluent gas. (Note: Prior to use, water must be degassed using a nitrogen
purge bubbled through the water for at least 15 minutes to remove dissolved oxygen).
(b) You must start the purge using the sampling train vacuum pump with no flow of gas through
the clean purge line and fittings. Connect the filter outlet to the input of the impinger train (see
Figure 2 of Section 18). To avoid over- or under-pressurizing the impinger array, slowly
commence the nitrogen gas flow through the line while simultaneously opening the meter box
pump valve(s). Adjust the pump bypass and/or nitrogen delivery rates to obtain the following
conditions: 14 liters/min or H@ and a positive overflow rate through the rotameter of less than
2 liters/min. The presence of a positive overflow rate guarantees that the nitrogen delivery
system is operating at greater than ambient pressure and prevents the possibility of passing
ambient air (rather than nitrogen) through the impingers. Continue the purge under these
conditions for at least one hour, checking the rotameter and H@ value(s) at least every 15
minutes. At the conclusion of the purge, simultaneously turn off the delivery and pumping
systems. During either purge procedure, continue operation of the condenser recirculation pump,
and heat or cool the water surrounding the first two impingers to maintain the gas temperature
measured at the exit of the CPM filter greater than 20 C (greater than 65 F), but less than or
equal to 30 C (less than or equal to 85 F). If the volume of liquid collected in the moisture traps
has not been determined prior to conducting the nitrogen purge, maintain the temperature of the
moisture traps following the CPM filter to prevent removal of moisture during the purge. If
necessary, add more ice during the purge to maintain the gas temperature measured at the exit of
the silica gel impinger below 20 C (68 F). Continue the purge under these conditions for at
least one hour, checking the rotameter and H@ value(s) periodically. At the conclusion of the
purge, simultaneously turn off the delivery and pumping systems. Weigh the liquid, or measure the volume of the liquid collected in the dropout,
impingers, and silica trap if this has not been done prior to purging the sampling train. Measure
the liquid in the water dropout impinger to within 1 ml using a clean graduated cylinder or by
weighing it to within 0.5 g using a balance. Record the volume or weight of liquid present to be
used to calculate the moisture content of the effluent gas in the field log notebook. If a balance is available in the field, weigh the silica impinger to within 0.5 g. Note the
color of the indicating silica gel in the last impinger to determine whether it has been completely
spent, and make a notation of its condition in the field log notebook.
8.5.4 Sample Recovery. Recovery of filterable PM. Recovery of filterable PM involves the quantitative transfer
of particles according to the filterable particulate sampling method (i.e., Method 5 of appendix

A-3 to part 60, Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this
part). CPM Container #1, Aqueous liquid impinger contents. Quantitatively transfer liquid
from the dropout and the backup impingers prior to the CPM filter into a clean, leak-proof
container labeled with test identification and CPM Container #1, Aqueous Liquid Impinger
Contents. Rinse all sampling train components including the back half of the filterable PM filter
holder, the probe extension, condenser, each impinger and the connecting glassware, and the
front half of the CPM filter housing twice with water. Recover the rinse water, and add it to CPM
Container #1. Mark the liquid level on the container. CPM Container #2, Organic rinses. Follow the water rinses of the probe extension,
condenser, each impinger and all of the connecting glassware and front half of the CPM filter
with an acetone rinse. Recover the acetone rinse into a clean, leak-proof container labeled with
test identification and CPM Container #2, Organic Rinses. Then repeat the entire rinse
procedure with two rinses of hexane, and save the hexane rinses in the same container as the
acetone rinse (CPM Container #2). Mark the liquid level on the jar. CPM Container #3, CPM filter sample. Use tweezers and/or clean disposable surgical
gloves to remove the filter from the CPM filter holder. Place the filter in the Petri dish labeled
with test identification and CPM Container #3, Filter Sample. CPM Container #4, Cold impinger water. You must weigh or measure the volume of
the contents of CPM Container #4 either in the field or during sample analysis (see Section
11.2.4). If the water from the cold impinger has been weighed in the field, it can be discarded.
Otherwise, quantitatively transfer liquid from the cold impinger that follows the CPM filter into
a clean, leak-proof container labeled with test identification and CPM Container #4, Cold Water
Impinger. Mark the liquid level on the container. CPM Container #4 holds the remainder of the
liquid water from the emission gases. CPM Container #5, Silica gel absorbent. You must weigh the contents of CPM
Container #5 in the field or during sample analysis (see Section 11.2.5). If the silica gel has been
weighed in the field to measure water content, then it can be discarded or recovered for reuse.
Otherwise, transfer the silica gel to its original container labeled with test identification and
CPM Container #5, Silica Gel Absorbent and seal. You may use a funnel to make it easier to
pour the silica gel without spilling. You may also use a rubber policeman as an aid in removing
the silica gel from the impinger. It is not necessary to remove the small amount of silica gel dust
particles that may adhere to the impinger wall and are difficult to remove. Since the gain in
weight is to be used for moisture calculations, do not use any water or other liquids to transfer
the silica gel. CPM Container #6, Acetone field reagent blank. Take approximately 200 ml of the
acetone directly from the wash bottle you used for sample recovery and place it in a clean, leakproof container labeled with test identification and CPM Container #6, Acetone Field Reagent
Blank (see Section 11.2.6 for analysis). Mark the liquid level on the container. Collect one
acetone field reagent blank from the lot(s) of solvent used for the test. CPM Container #7, Water field reagent blank. Take approximately 200 ml of the water
directly from the wash bottle you used for sample recovery and place it in a clean, leak-proof
container labeled with test identification and CPM Container #7, Water Field Reagent Blank
(see Section 11.2.7 for analysis). Mark the liquid level on the container. Collect one water field
reagent blank from the lot(s) of water used for the test. CPM Container #8, Hexane field reagent blank. Take approximately 200 ml of the
hexane directly from the wash bottle you used for sample recovery and place it in a clean, leakproof container labeled with test identification and CPM Container #8, Hexane Field Reagent
Blank (see Section 11.2.8 for analysis). Mark the liquid level on the container. Collect one
hexane field reagent blank from the lot(s) of solvent used for the test. Field train proof blank. If you did not bake the sampling train glassware as specified in
Section 8.4, you must conduct a field train proof blank as specified in Sections and to demonstrate the cleanliness of sampling train glassware. CPM Container #9, Field train proof blank, inorganic rinses. Prior to conducting the
emission test, rinse the probe extension, condenser, each impinger and the connecting glassware,
and the front half of the CPM filter housing twice with water. Recover the rinse water and place
it in a clean, leak-proof container labeled with test identification and CPM Container #9, Field
Train Proof Blank, Inorganic Rinses. Mark the liquid level on the container. CPM Container #10, Field train proof blank, organic rinses. Follow the water rinse of
the probe extension, condenser, each impinger and the connecting glassware, and the front half
of the CPM filter housing with an acetone rinse. Recover the acetone rinse into a clean, leakproof container labeled with test identification and CPM Container #10, Field Train Proof
Blank, Organic Rinses. Then repeat the entire rinse procedure with two rinses of hexane and
save the hexane rinses in the same container as the acetone rinse (CPM Container #10). Mark the
liquid level on the container.
8.5.5 Transport procedures. Containers must remain in an upright position at all times during
shipping. You do not have to ship the containers under dry or blue ice. However, samples must
be maintained at or below 30 C (85 F) during shipping.
9.0 Quality Control
9.1 Daily Quality Checks. You must perform daily quality checks of field log notebooks and
data entries and calculations using data quality indicators from this method and your site-specific
test plan. You must review and evaluate recorded and transferred raw data, calculations, and
documentation of testing procedures. You must initial or sign log notebook pages and data entry
forms that were reviewed.
9.2 Calculation Verification. Verify the calculations by independent, manual checks. You must
flag any suspect data and identify the nature of the problem and potential effect on data quality.
After you complete the test, prepare a data summary and compile all the calculations and raw
data sheets.

9.3 Conditions. You must document data and information on the process unit tested, the
particulate control system used to control emissions, any non-particulate control system that may
affect particulate emissions, the sampling train conditions, and weather conditions. Discontinue
the test if the operating conditions may cause non-representative particulate emissions.
9.4 Field Analytical Balance Calibration Check. Perform calibration check procedures on field
analytical balances each day that they are used. You must use National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST)-traceable weights at a mass approximately equal to the weight of the sample
plus container you will weigh.
9.5 Glassware. Use class A volumetric glassware for titrations, or calibrate your equipment
against NIST-traceable glassware.
9.6 Laboratory Analytical Balance Calibration Check. Check the calibration of your laboratory
analytical balance each day that you weigh CPM samples. You must use NIST Class S weights
at a mass approximately equal to the weight of the sample plus container you will weigh.
9.7 Laboratory Reagent Blanks. You should run blanks of water, acetone, and hexane used for
field recovery and sample analysis. Analyze at least one sample (150 ml minimum) of each lot of
reagents that you plan to use for sample recovery and analysis before you begin testing. These
blanks are not required by the test method, but running blanks before field use is advisable to
verify low blank concentrations, thereby reducing the potential for a high field blank on test
9.8 Field Reagent Blanks. You should run at least one field reagent blank of water, acetone, and
hexane you use for field recovery. These blanks are not required by the test method, but running
independent field reagent blanks is advisable to verify that low blank concentrations were
maintained during field solvent use and demonstrate that reagents have not been contaminated
during field tests.
9.9 Field Train Proof Blank. If you are not baking glassware as specified in Section 8.4, you
must recover a minimum of one field train proof blank for the sampling train used for testing
each new source category at a single facility. You must assemble the sampling train as it will be
used for testing. You must recover the field train proof blank samples as described in Section and
9.10 Field Train Recovery Blank. You must recover a minimum of one field train blank for
each source category tested at the facility. You must recover the field train blank after the first or
second run of the test. You must assemble the sampling train as it will be used for testing. Prior
to the purge, you must add 100 ml of water to the first impinger and record this data on Figure 4.
You must purge the assembled train as described in Sections and You must
recover field train blank samples as described in Section 8.5.4. From the field sample weight,
you will subtract the condensable particulate mass you determine with this blank train or 0.002 g
(2.0 mg), whichever is less.
10.0 Calibration and Standardization

Maintain a field log notebook of all condensable particulate sampling and analysis calibrations.
Include copies of the relevant portions of the calibration and field logs in the final test report.
10.1 Thermocouple Calibration. You must calibrate the thermocouples using the procedures
described in Section 10.3.1 of Method 2 of appendix A-1 to part 60 or Alternative Method 2,
Thermocouple Calibration (ALT-011) (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/emc). Calibrate each temperature
sensor at a minimum of three points over the anticipated range of use against a NIST-traceable
thermometer. Alternatively, a reference thermocouple and potentiometer calibrated against NIST
standards can be used.
10.2 Ammonium Hydroxide. The 0.1 N NH4OH used for titrations in this method is made as
follows: Add 7 ml of concentrated (14.8 M) NH4OH to l liter of water. Standardize against
standardized 0.1 N H2SO4, and calculate the exact normality using a procedure parallel to that
described in Section 10.5 of Method 6 of appendix A-4 to 40 CFR part 60. Alternatively,
purchase 0.1 N NH4OH that has been standardized against a NIST reference material. Record the
normality on the CPM Work Table (see Figure 6 of Section 18).
11.0 Analytical Procedures
11.1 Analytical Data Sheets. (a) Record the filterable particulate field data on the appropriate
(i.e., Method 5, 17, or 201A) analytical data sheets. Alternatively, data may be recorded
electronically using software applications such as the Electronic Reporting Tool available
at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/ert_tool.html. Record the condensable particulate data on the
CPM Work Table (see Figure 6 of Section 18).
(b) Measure the liquid in all containers either volumetrically to 1 ml or gravimetrically to 0.5
g. Confirm on the filterable particulate analytical data sheet whether leakage occurred during
transport. If a noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods
(subject to the approval of the Administrator) to correct the final results.
11.2 Condensable PM Analysis. See the flow chart in Figure 7 of Section 18 for the steps to
process and combine fractions from the CPM train.
11.2.1 Container #3, CPM Filter Sample. If the sample was collected by Method 17 or Method
201A with a stack temperature below 30 C (85 F), transfer the filter and any loose PM from
the sample container to a tared glass weighing dish. (See Section 3.0 for a definition of constant
weight.) Desiccate the sample for 24 hours in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate.
Weigh to a constant weight and report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg. [Note: In-stack filter
samples collected at 30 C (85 F) may include both filterable insoluble particulate and
condensable particulate. The nozzle and front half wash and filter collected at or below 30 C (85
F) may not be heated and must be maintained at or below 30 C (85 F).] If the sample was
collected by Method 202, extract the CPM filter as follows: Extract the water soluble (aqueous or inorganic) CPM from the CPM filter by folding
the filter in quarters and placing it into a 50-ml extraction tube. Add sufficient deionized, ultrafiltered water to cover the filter (e.g., 10 ml of water). Place the extractor tube into a sonication

bath and extract the water-soluble material for a minimum of two minutes. Combine the aqueous
extract with the contents of Container #1. Repeat this extraction step twice for a total of three
extractions. Extract the organic soluble CPM from the CPM filter by adding sufficient hexane to
cover the filter (e.g., 10 ml of hexane). Place the extractor tube into a sonication bath and extract
the organic soluble material for a minimum of two minutes. Combine the organic extract with the
contents of Container #2. Repeat this extraction step twice for a total of three extractions.
11.2.2 CPM Container #1, Aqueous Liquid Impinger Contents. Analyze the water soluble CPM
in Container #1 as described in this section. Place the contents of Container #1 into a separatory
funnel. Add approximately 30 ml of hexane to the funnel, mix well, and pour off the upper
organic phase. Repeat this procedure twice with 30 ml of hexane each time combining the
organic phase from each extraction. Each time, leave a small amount of the organic/hexane phase
in the separatory funnel, ensuring that no water is collected in the organic phase. This extraction
should yield about 90 ml of organic extract. Combine the organic extract from Container #1 with
the organic train rinse in Container #2.
NOTE: This section ( through does not appear in the official CFR. The section
was removed through an inadvertent typesetting error. It was not our intention to remove this
procedure from the method. We are currently in the process of placing it back into the method.
We have provided the section in line on the EMC Website version as a reference.
*************** Determine the inorganic fraction weight. Transfer the aqueous fraction from the
extraction to a clean 500-ml or smaller beaker. Evaporate to no less than 10 ml liquid on a hot
plate or in the oven at 105 C and allow to dry at room temperature (not to exceed 30 C (85
F)). You must ensure that water and volatile acids have completely evaporated before
neutralizing nonvolatile acids in the sample. Following evaporation, desiccate the residue for 24
hours in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh at intervals of at least six
hours to a constant weight. (See Section 3.0 for a definition of Constant weight.) Report results
to the nearest 0.1 mg on the CPM Work Table (see Figure 6 of Section 18) and proceed directly
to Section 11.2.3. If the residue cannot be weighed to constant weight, re-dissolve the residue in
100 ml of deionized distilled ultra-filtered water that contains 1 ppmw (1 mg/L) residual mass or
less and continue to Section Use titration to neutralize acid in the sample and remove water of hydration. If used,
calibrate the pH meter with the neutral and acid buffer solutions. Then titrate the sample with
0.1N NH4OH to a pH of 7.0, as indicated by the pH meter or colorimetric indicator. Record the
volume of titrant used on the CPM Work Table (see Figure 6 of Section 18). Using a hot plate or an oven at 105 C, evaporate the aqueous phase to approximately
10 ml. Quantitatively transfer the beaker contents to a clean, 50-ml pre-tared weighing tin and
evaporate to dryness at room temperature (not to exceed 30 C (85 F)) and pressure in a
laboratory hood. Following evaporation, desiccate the residue for 24 hours in a desiccator
containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh at intervals of at least six hours to a constant
weight. (See Section 3.0 for a definition of Constant weight.) Report results to the nearest 0.1 mg
on the CPM Work Table (see Figure 6 of Section 18). Calculate the correction factor to subtract the NH4+ retained in the sample using
Equation 1 in Section 12.
11.2.3 CPM Container #2, Organic Fraction Weight Determination. Analyze the organic
soluble CPM in Container #2 as described in this section. Place the organic phase in a clean glass
beaker. Evaporate the organic extract at room temperature (not to exceed 30 C (85 F)) and
pressure in a laboratory hood to not less than 10 ml. Quantitatively transfer the beaker contents
to a clean 50-ml pre-tared weighing tin and evaporate to dryness at room temperature (not to
exceed 30 C (85 F)) and pressure in a laboratory hood. Following evaporation, desiccate the
organic fraction for 24 hours in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh at
intervals of at least six hours to a constant weight (i.e., less than or equal to 0.5 mg change from
previous weighing), and report results to the nearest 0.1 mg on the CPM Work Table (see Figure
6 of Section 18).
11.2.4 CPM Container #4, Cold Impinger Water. If the amount of water has not been
determined in the field, note the level of liquid in the container, and confirm on the filterable
particulate analytical data sheet whether leakage occurred during transport. If a noticeable
amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods (subject to the approval
of the Administrator) to correct the final results. Measure the liquid in Container #4 either
volumetrically to 1 ml or gravimetrically to 0.5 g, and record the volume or weight on the
filterable particulate analytical data sheet of the filterable PM test method.
11.2.5 CPM Container #5, Silica Gel Absorbent. Weigh the spent silica gel (or silica gel plus
impinger) to the nearest 0.5 g using a balance. This step may be conducted in the field. Record
the weight on the filterable particulate analytical data sheet of the filterable PM test method.
11.2.6 Container #6, Acetone Field Reagent Blank. Use 150 ml of acetone from the blank
container used for this analysis. Transfer 150 ml of the acetone to a clean 250-ml beaker.
Evaporate the acetone at room temperature (not to exceed 30 C (85 F)) and pressure in a
laboratory hood to approximately 10 ml. Quantitatively transfer the beaker contents to a clean
50-ml pre-tared weighing tin, and evaporate to dryness at room temperature (not to exceed 30 C
(85 F)) and pressure in a laboratory hood. Following evaporation, desiccate the residue for 24
hours in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh at intervals of at least six
hours to a constant weight (i.e., less than or equal to 0.5 mg change from previous weighing),
and report results to the nearest 0.1 mg on Figure 4 of Section 19.

11.2.7 Water Field Reagent Blank, Container #7. Use 150 ml of the water from the blank
container for this analysis. Transfer the water to a clean 250-ml beaker, and evaporate to
approximately 10 ml liquid in the oven at 105 C. Quantitatively transfer the beaker contents to a
clean 50 ml pre-tared weighing tin and evaporate to dryness at room temperature (not to exceed
30 C (85 F)) and pressure in a laboratory hood. Following evaporation, desiccate the residue
for 24 hours in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh at intervals of at least
six hours to a constant weight (i.e., less than or equal to 0.5 mg change from previous weighing)
and report results to the nearest 0.1 mg on Figure 4 of Section 18.
11.2.8 Hexane Field Reagent Blank, Container #8. Use 150 ml of hexane from the blank
container for this analysis. Transfer 150 ml of the hexane to a clean 250-ml beaker. Evaporate
the hexane at room temperature (not to exceed 30 C (85 F)) and pressure in a laboratory hood
to approximately 10 ml. Quantitatively transfer the beaker contents to a clean 50-ml pre-tared
weighing tin and evaporate to dryness at room temperature (not to exceed 30 C (85 F)) and
pressure in a laboratory hood. Following evaporation, desiccate the residue for 24 hours in a
desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh at intervals of at least six hours to a
constant weight (i.e., less than or equal to 0.5 mg change from previous weighing), and report
results to the nearest 0.1 mg on Figure 4 of Section 18.
12.0 Calculations and Data Analysis
12.1 Nomenclature. Report results in International System of Units (SI units) unless the
regulatory authority for testing specifies English units. The following nomenclature is used.
H@ = Pressure drop across orifice at flow rate of 0.75 SCFM at standard conditions, inches of
water column (NOTE:Specific to each orifice and meter box).
17.03 = mg/milliequivalents for ammonium ion.
ACFM = Actual cubic feet per minute.
Ccpm = Concentration of the condensable PM in the stack gas, dry basis, corrected to standard
conditions, milligrams/dry standard cubic foot.
mc = Mass of the NH4+ added to sample to form ammonium sulfate, mg.
mcpm = Mass of the total condensable PM, mg.
mfb = Mass of total CPM in field train recovery blank, mg.
mg = Milligrams.
mg/L = Milligrams per liter.
mi = Mass of inorganic CPM, mg.
mib = Mass of inorganic CPM in field train recovery blank, mg.
mo = Mass of organic CPM, mg.

mob = Mass of organic CPM in field train blank, mg.

mr = Mass of dried sample from inorganic fraction, mg.
N = Normality of ammonium hydroxide titrant.
ppmv = Parts per million by volume.
ppmw = Parts per million by weight.
Vm(std) = Volume of gas sample measured by the dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions,
dry standard cubic meter (dscm) or dry standard cubic foot (dscf) as defined in
Equation 5-1 of Method 5.
Vt = Volume of NH4OH titrant, ml.
Vp = Volume of water added during train purge.
12.2 Calculations. Use the following equations to complete the calculations required in this test
method. Enter the appropriate results from these calculations on the CPM Work Table
(see Figure 6 of Section 18).
12.2.1 Mass of ammonia correction. Correction for ammonia added during titration of 100 ml
aqueous CPM sample. This calculation assumes no waters of hydration.

12.2.2 Mass of the Field Train Recovery Blank (mg). Per Section 9.10, the mass of the field
train recovery blank, mfb, shall not exceed 2.0 mg.

12.2.3 Mass of Inorganic CPM (mg).

12.2.4 Total Mass of CPM (mg).

12.2.5 Concentration of CPM (mg/dscf).

12.3 Emissions Test Report. You must prepare a test report following the guidance in EPA
Guidance Document 043 (Preparation and Review of Test Reports. December 1998).

13.0 Method Performance

An EPA field evaluation of the revised Method 202 showed the following precision in the
results: approximately 4 mg for total CPM, approximately 0.5 mg for organic CPM, and
approximately 3.5 mg for inorganic CPM.
14.0 Pollution Prevention
15.0 Waste Management
Solvent and water are evaporated in a laboratory hood during analysis. No liquid waste is
generated in the performance of this method. Organic solvents used to clean sampling equipment
should be managed as RCRA organic waste.
16.0 Alternative Procedures
Alternative Method 2, Thermocouple Calibration (ALT-011) for the thermocouple calibration
can be found athttp://www.epa.gov/ttn/emc/approalt.html.
17.0 References
(1) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Resources. 1960. Chapter
139, Sampling and Testing (Title 25, Rules and Regulations, part I, Department of
Environmental Resources, Subpart C, Protection of Natural Resources, Article III, Air
Resources). January 8, 1960.
(2) DeWees, W.D. and K.C. Steinsberger. 1989. Method Development and Evaluation of Draft
Protocol for Measurement of Condensable Particulate Emissions. Draft Report. November 17,
(3) DeWees, W.D., K.C. Steinsberger, G.M. Plummer, L.T. Lay, G.D. McAlister, and R.T.
Shigehara. 1989. Laboratory and Field Evaluation of EPA Method 5 Impinger Catch for
Measuring Condensable Matter from Stationary Sources. Paper presented at the 1989
EPA/AWMA International Symposium on Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants.
Raleigh, North Carolina. May 1-5, 1989.
(4) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). 2008. Laboratory Comparison of Methods to
Sample and Analyze Condensable PM. EPRI Agreement EP-P24373/C11811 Condensable
Particulate Methods: EPRI Collaboration with EPA, October 2008.
(5) Nothstein, Greg. Masters Thesis. University of Washington. Department of Environmental
Health. Seattle, Washington.

(6) Richards, J., T. Holder, and D. Goshaw. 2005. Optimized Method 202 Sampling Train to
Minimize the Biases Associated with Method 202 Measurement of Condensable PM Emissions.
Paper presented at Air & Waste Management Association Hazardous Waste Combustion
Specialty Conference. St. Louis, Missouri. November 2-3, 2005.
(7) Texas Air Control Board, Laboratory Division. 1976. Determination of Particulate in Stack
Gases Containing Sulfuric Acid and/or Sulfur Dioxide. Laboratory Methods for Determination
of Air Pollutants. Modified December 3, 1976.
(8) Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, Engineering Division. 1983. Particulate Source
Test Procedures Adopted by Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency Board of Directors.
Seattle, Washington. August 11, 1983.
(9) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Reference Methods 1 through 5 and Method
17, 40 CFR 60, appendix A-1 through A-3 and A-6.
(10) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2008. Evaluation and Improvement of
Condensable PM Measurement, EPA Contract No. EP-D-07-097, Work Assignment 2-03,
October 2008.
(11) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2005. Laboratory Evaluation of Method 202 to
Determine Fate of SO2 in Impinger Water, EPA Contract No. 68-D-02-061, Work Assignment
3-14, September 30, 2005.
(12) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2010. Field valuation of an Improved Method for
Sampling and Analysis of Filterable and Condensable Particulate Matter. Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards, Sector Policy and Program Division Monitoring Policy Group. Research
Triangle Park, NC 27711.
(13) Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 1988. Air Management Operations Handbook,
Revision 3. January 11, 1988.
18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Collect Samples Using

Filterable and Condensable Methods

Measure Sample
Volumes and 11.1(b)

Extract CPM



Combine Filter Extract

w/Container #1
Impinger Aqueous Sample

Extract Combined
Aqueous Inorganic

Combine Filter Extract

w/Container #2
Organic Train Rinse

Combine Organic Extract

w/Organic Train Rinse
Container #2

Organic Fraction
(Room Temp)

Desicate &
Weigh Organic

Desicate &
Inorganic CPM

Correct Mass
for NH4 Added

Two Step Evap to Dryness

(Heated & Room Temp.)

Reconst. to
100 mL


Two Step Evap

to Dryness
(Heated &
Room Temp.)

Figure 7. CPM Sample Processing Flow Chart

NOTE: This figure (Figure 7) does not appear in the official CFR. The figure was removed
through an inadvertent typesetting error. It was not our intention to remove this procedure from
the method. We are currently in the process of placing it back into the method. We have provided
the figure in line on the EMC Website version as a reference.

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