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Scientific Python: Computational Fluid Dynamics: 17 July 2014

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Python: Computational Fluid


17 July 2014

Introduction and Aims

This exercise takes an example from one of the most common applications of HPC
resources: Fluid Dynamics. We will look at how a simple fluid dynamics problem can
be run using Python and NumPy; and how Fortran and C code can be called from
within Python. The exercise will compare the performance of the different

We will also use this exercise to demonstrate the use of matplotlib to plot a
visulisation of the simulation results.

This exercise aims to introduce:
Python lists and functions
Basic NumPy array manipulation
Plotting using matplotlib
Calling Fortran/C from Python
Benchmarking Python performance

Fluid Dynamics

Fluid Dynamics is the study of the mechanics of fluid flow, liquids and gases in
motion. This can encompass aero- and hydro-dynamics. It has wide ranging
applications from vessel and structure design to weather and traffic modelling.
Simulating and solving fluid dynamic problems requires large computational

Fluid dynamics is an example of continuous system which can be described by
Partial Differential Equations. For a computer to simulate these systems, the
equations must be discretised onto a grid. If this grid is regular, then a finite
difference approach can be used. Using this method means that the value at any
point in the grid is updated using some combination of the neighbouring points.

Discretisation is the process of approximating a continuous (i.e. infinite-
dimensional) problem by a finite-dimensional problem suitable for a computer. This
is often accomplished by putting the calculations into a grid or similar construct.

The Problem

In this exercise the finite difference approach is used to determine the flow pattern
of a fluid in a cavity. For simplicity, the liquid is assumed to have zero viscosity
which implies that there can be no vortices (i.e. no whirlpools) in the flow. The
cavity is a square box with an inlet on one side and an outlet on another as shown


A bit of Maths
In two dimensions it is easiest to work with the stream function (see below for
how this relates to the fluid velocity). For zero viscosity satisfies the following

! !
! =
= 0
! !

The finite difference version of this equation is:

!!!,! + !!!,! + !,!!! + !,!!! 4!,! = 0

With the boundary values fixed, the stream function can be calculated for each point
in the grid by averaging the value at that point with its four nearest neighbours. The
process continues until the algorithm converges on a solution that stays unchanged
by the averaging process. This simple approach to solving a PDE is called the Jacobi

In order to obtain the flow pattern of the fluid in the cavity we want to compute the
velocity field . The x and y components of are related to the stream function by

! =
2 !,!!!
! =
2 !!!,!

This means that the velocity of the fluid at each grid point can also be calculated
from the surrounding grid points.

An Algorithm
The outline of the algorithm for calculating the velocities is as follows:

Set the boundary values for stream function

while (convergence= FALSE) do

for each interior grid point do
update value of stream function by averaging with its 4
nearest neighbours
end do
check for convergence
end do
for each interior grid point do
calculate x component of velocity
calculate y component of velocity
end do+

For simplicity, here we simply run the calculation for a fixed number of iterations; a
real simulation would continue until some chosen accuracy was achieved.

Using Python

This calculation is useful to look at in Python for a number of reasons:

The problem can be scaled to an arbitrary size
It requires the use of 2-dimensional lists/arrays
The algorithm can easily be implemented in Python, NumPy,
Fortran and C
Visualising the results demonstrates the use of matplotlib

You are given a basic code that uses Python lists to run the simulation. Look at the
structure of the code. In particular, note:

How the external "jacobi" function is included
How the lists are declared and initialised to zero
How the timing works

Get the Code Bundle

Use wget to copy the file cfd-python.tar.gz from the ARCHER web pages at the
URL provided by the trainers and unpack the tarball to a local directory. The tarball
should contain the following subdirectories:

python: Contains the basic Python version of the code and the plotting utility
verfiy: Contains various outputs to verify your results against

First Run and Verification

Firstly, you should verify that your copy of the code is producing the correct results.

Move into the python subdirectory and run the program with:

prompt:~/python> ./cfd.py 1 1000

This runs the CFD simulation with a scalefactor of 1 and 1000 Jacobi iteration steps.
The scalefactor determines the size of the simulation (1 corresponds to a 32x32 gris,
2 to a 64x64 grid, etc.); interation steps are the number of iterations performed in
the Jacobi algorithm you will need more iteration steps to converge larger grids.
As the program is running you should see output that looks something like:

2D CFD Simulation
Scale Factor = 1
Iterations = 1000

Initialisation took 0.00007s

Grid size = 32 x 32

Starting main Jacobi loop...

Calculation took 0.53424s

The program will produce an text output file called flow.dat with the computed
velocities at each grid point. A simple verification is to use diff to compare your
output with one of the verification datasets. For example:

prompt:~/python> diff flow.dat ../verify/flow_1_1000.dat

diff will only produce any output if it finds any differences between the two files. If
you see any differences at this point, please ask a tutor.

Initial Benchmarking

You should now produce some baseline figures with which to compare our future
versions of the code. You should pick a set of representative problem sizes (defined
by scale and number of iterations) that run in a sensible time on your machine but
do not complete instantaneously. (A good place to start is with scale factor 2 and
5000 iterations. You will also need some smaller and larger examples.)

Record the benchmarking calculation times for future reference.

The directory includes a utility called plot_flow.py that produces a graphical
representation of the final state of the simulation. You can use this to produce a PNG
image as follows:

prompt:~/python> ./plot_flow.py flow.dat flow.png

now flow.png should contain a picture similar to the image below

If the fluid is flowing along the top then down the right-hand edge, rather than
through the middle of the cavity, then this is an indication that the Jacobi algorithm
has not yet converged. Convergence requires more iterations on larger problem

Using numpy Arrays

We will now re-factor the CFD code to use numpy arrays rather than Python lists.
This has a number of advantages:

numpy is closely integrated with matplotlib and using numpy arrays will
allow us to produce the visualisation directly from our simulation rather than
using a separate utility.
numpy arrays should allow us to access better performance using more
concise code.
numpy arrays are directly compatible with native code produced by Fortran
and C compilers. This will allow us to re-code the key part of our algorithm
and achieve better performance while still having the benefits of coding in

Replace the psi and tmp lists in the code with numpy arrays. (Remember to take a
copy of the code in a new directory before you start work so you do not lose the
original version.) You will need the statement:

import numpy as np

at the top of all your source files to ensure you can access the numpy functionality.
The arrays will need to be implemented in the main function and all of the other
functions where they are used.

Declaring and zeroing numpy arrays can be done in a single statement such as:

psi = np.zeroes((m+2, n+2))

Once you think you have the correct code, run your new program and compare the
output with that from the original code. If you are convinced that the output is the
same then move on and benchmark your new code.

What do you find? Has using numpy arrays increased the performance of the code?
Can you think of an explanation of why the performance has altered in the way that
it has?

Can you change the implementation to produce a better performing version of the
CFD code? Hint, you should use array index syntax if you have not already done so
to specify blocks of arrays to operate on.

Incorporating matplotlib

matplotlib and numpy have a very close relationship: matplotlib can use the typing
and structure of numpy arrays to simplify the plotting of data.

We will use matplotlib to add a function to out program that produces an image of
the final state of the flow.

Define the plotting function

Define a function in your main cfd.py file called plot_flow. This function should
take two arguments: the first is psi the numpy array containing the stream function
values and the second is the name of the file to save the image to. For example:

def plot_flow(psi, outfile):

This function should use the stream function values to compute the x and y
components of the velocities and the magnitude of the velocity and store them in
appropriate numpy arrays. Remember, you will need to extract the velocities of the
internal part of the matrix and exclude the fixed boundary conditions.

Once you have these arrays you need to initialise the matplotlib module to plot to an
image file rather than the console with the following lines:

import matplotlib
# Plot to image file without need for X server

Next, you should import the required matplotlib functionality with:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
fig = plt.figure()
plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)

The first import is the core plotting fucntionality, the second line is the colour-
mapping functionality, the third line makes the fig object available for saving our
figure to an image file later, and the final line specifies the subplot we are working

The simplest plot to produce is a heatmap of the magnitude of the velocity.
You can use the imshow function to do this in a single line. Assuming that the
velocity magnitudes are in a numpy array called vmag:


To produce the image file we need to add one further line:


The final matplotlib code to produce a simple heatmap of the velocity magnitude all
pulled together looks like:

import matplotlib
# Plot to image file without need for X server
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
fig = plt.figure()
plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)

You can now start to add more features to make the plot more useful (all of these
additions should go before the line that saves the image).

Add a colour bar to quantify the heatmap:


Add streamlines indicating the direction of the flow velocity: this is more complex as
you first need to set up regularly spaced values to describe your grid. Set up the x
and y ranges with:

(i, j) = vmag.shape
x = np.linspace(0, i-1, i)
y = np.linspace(0, j-1, j)

(Look at the online linspace documentation to understand what is happening
here.) Once you have these values you can use the streamplot function to add the
streamlines (assuming the x and y velocity components are saved in xvel and yval

plt.streamplot(x, y, xvel, yvel, color='k', density=1.5)

color='k' sets the streamline colour to black and density=1.5 sets the number
of streamlines plotted. You can also vary the width of the streamlines using the
magnitude of the velocity:

lw = 3 * vmag/vmag.max()


plt.streamplot(x, y, xvel, yvel, color='k', density=1.5,


(The factor, 3, just scales the effect to a nice size.)


Using Scipy

You should have found in the numpy implementation that simply iterating over the
indices using loops does not improve performance over using Python lists. You may
have managed to overcome this performance hit using indexing. The indexing
solution can produce very fast code but it is at the expense of readability- it is quite
hard to see what the code is doing just by inspection.

The Scipy function, convolve, allows us to keep most of our performance
improvement and also improve the readability of the code.

You should write a version of the jacobi.py routine that uses the convolve function
and benchmark its performance against your previous versions.

Note, you will need to define the mask to use for the convolution. This is essentially
a stencil that you place over the current element that describes how to combine the
surrounding elements to produce the required function. In order to write this
version of the function you will need to design your stencil and express it in the code
as a 2D numpy array.

Use the online reference documentation for convolve to work out how to use it.


Calling External Code from Python

We are going to continue using our numpy implementation of the CFD code to
illustrate calling Fortran code from Python. Calling any external code (written in any
language) from Python requires that

the data we are passing from Python to the external code (and vice-versa) is
of the correct size and layout;
the external routines are packages in a way that allows them to be called
from Python.

You must have the required compilers installed on the machine you are using to be
able to compile external code. All Linux machines should have gcc (a C compiler)
installed by default and it should be trivial to add the Fortran compiler: gfortran. For
Mac users you can install Xcode to get gcc and then get gfortran from the web.
Windows users can download and install MinGW to get access to gcc and gfortran.

Using numpy ensures that the data is of the correct size and layout to be passed to
external Fortran and C code. The Python package f2py provides a simple way to
package external code in a way that can be imported and called from Python

Calling Fortran from Python

It is easiest to start with Fortran as this is what f2py was designed for and the
packaging process is simpler than for C code.

All of the files and commands should be present/be issued in the directory
containing the main cfd.py code. You should take a separate copy of the code before
you start this process to ensure that you do not overwrite any previous work.

We will replace our numpy jacobi function with a Fortran subroutine that does the
same calculation. If you know Fortran then you can produce your own code, if not
you can download a version we have prepared, this code (jacobi.f90) is also
included below:

! Jacobi routine for CFD calculation
subroutine jacobi(m, n, niter, psi)
implicit none

integer, intent(in) :: m, n, niter
real*8, dimension(0:m+1, 0:n+1), intent(inout) :: psi
!f2py intent(in) m
!f2py intent(in) n
!f2py intent(in) niter


!f2py intent(inplace) psi

integer :: iter, i, j

! Define the temporary array
real*8, dimension(0:m+1, 0:n+1) :: tmp

! Zero the temporary array
tmp = 0.0

! Number of iterations
do iter = 1, niter
! Compute the stream function values
do i = 1, m
do j = 1, n
tmp(j, i) = 0.25 * (psi(j+1,i) + psi(j-1,i) + psi(j,i+1) +
end do
end do
! Copy new version back into psi (without boundaries)
psi(1:m,1:n) = tmp(1:m,1:n)
end do

end subroutine jacobi

The lines with !f2py are used to define the attributes of the argument variables for
the f2py tool. intent(in) specifies that the variables are input variables only,
intent(inplace) specifies that the variable is being passed by reference (so any
changes to the variable in this routine will be reflected in the calling code).

We now need to use the f2py tool to produce a signature of this Fortran subroutine
that specifies how to construct the interface between Python and Fortran. You do
this with the following command:

f2py jacobi.f90 -m jacobi -h jacobi.pyf

This will produce a text file called jacobi.pyf that contains the signature for the
Fortran subroutine jacobi. We now need to combine this signature with the actual
Fortran code to produce a dynamic library that can be imported by Python. We use
the f2py command to do this (note that this requires a Fortran compiler to be

f2py c jacobi.pyf jacobi.f90

If this works it should produce a file called jacobi.so, this is the dynamic library
that can be imported by Python. We can test the import works using an interactive
IPython shell with the following commands:

prompt:~/python> ipython
Python 2.7.6 |Anaconda 1.9.2 (64-bit)| (default, Jan 17 2014, 10:13:17)


Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 1.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help -> Python's own help system.
object? -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

In [1]: from jacobi import jacobi

In [2]: print jacobi.__doc__

Wrapper for ``jacobi``.

niter : input int
psi : rank-2 array('d') with bounds (m + 2,n + 2)

Other Parameters
m : input int, optional
Default: (shape(psi,0)-2)
n : input int, optional
Default: (shape(psi,1)-2)

As you can see, the calling sequence from Python differs from the argument
sequence specified in the Fortran code. The two arguments m and n are not required
when calling from Python. f2py has realized that these variables are related to the
dimensions of the psi array. The interface wrapper knows how to extract these
values from the numpy array in Python so you can just call the function with:

from Jacobi import Jacobi
jacobi(niter, psi)

This means that this version should be directly compatible with the numpy version
(as the calling sequence is the same) of cfd.py all you need to do is replace the
file jacobi.py with jacobi.so.

If you have a Fortran compiler you should test the performance of the Fortran
version against the pure Python lists and numpy versions of the code.

Calling C from Python

Calling C from Python is slightly more complicated. Perhaps surprisingly, the
simplest way to set this up is to use f2py to generate the dynamic library as we did
for Fortran above. The additional complications are:


1. You will need to generate the Jacobi.pyf signature file by hand as f2py cannot
analyse the C code to extract the argument types and data dependencies.
(This is much simpler in this example as we can use the signature generated
for the Fortran version above as a starting point.)
2. The interface does not support multidimensional C arrays so all arrays will
arrive in the C code as 1D arrays. You will need to compute the corrct
indexing to get the correct array element.

The C version of the Jacobi function is shown below and can be download from the
course material web page. Note that psi is a 1D array in the routine and we calculate
the indices required from knowledge of the ordering of C array elements.

* Jacobi iteration
void jacobi(int m, int n, int niter, double *psi)

// Local variables
int i, j, iter;
int idx, jdx, im1, ip1;
double tmp[(m+2)*(n+2)];

// Zero the tmp array
for ( i=0; i<n+2; i++) {
for ( j=0; j<m+2; j++) {
// Compute correct index
jdx = i*(n+2) + j;
tmp[jdx] = 0.0;
// Jacobi iterations
for (iter=0; iter<niter; iter++) {
for ( i=1; i<n+1; i++) {
for ( j=1; j<m+1; j++) {
// Compute correct indices
im1 = (i-1)*(n+2) + j;
ip1 = (i+1)*(n+2) + j;
jdx = i*(n+2) + j;
tmp[jdx] = 0.25 * (psi[jdx-1]+psi[jdx+1]+psi[im1]+psi[ip1]);
// Copy inner part of tmp to psi
for ( i=1; i<n+1; i++) {
for ( j=1; j<m+1; j++) {
// Compute correct index
jdx = i*(n+2) + j;
psi[jdx] = tmp[jdx];


As for the Fortran example, the first step is to produce the signature file: jacobi.pyf.
The signature is shown below.

! -*- c -*-
! Note: the context of this file is case sensitive.

python module jacobi ! in
interface ! in :jacobi
subroutine jacobi(m,n,niter,psi) ! in :jacobi:jacobi.c
intent(c) jacobi
integer, optional,intent(in),check((shape(psi,0)-
2)==m),depend(psi) :: m=(shape(psi,0)-2)
integer, optional,intent(in),check((shape(psi,1)-
2)==n),depend(psi) :: n=(shape(psi,1)-2)
integer intent(in) :: niter
real*8 dimension(m + 2,n + 2),intent(inplace) :: psi
end subroutine jacobi
end interface
end python module jacobi

This is identical to the version for the Fortran code except for the addition of two

intent(c) jacobi

The first line tells f2py that the routine being compiled is C code (rather than
Fortran) and the second adds the intent(c) attribute to all the argument
descriptions to tell f2py that they are C variables.

Once you have the signature file you can produce the dynamic library in the same
way as you did for Fortran:

f2py c jacobi.pyf jacobi.c

As before, this will produce a file called jacobi.so that can be imported as above.

If you have a C compiler you should test the performance of the C version against
the pure Python lists and numpy versions of the code.



You should have a number of different versions of the code to compare the

What does the benchmarking reveal?
Can you explain any of the performance differences you see?
How does the performance vary with system size?
Which version of the code would you prefer to work on and why?


Further Exercises

Other things to try could include:
Adding extra plotting complexity plot the magnitude of the velocity as a 3D
Measuring the impact of optimization parameters in on the Fortran/C code.
Parallelise the code using mpi4py.
Re-implement the program in an object-oriented approach.


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