Lab Guide 3
Lab Guide 3
Lab Guide 3
Q1. Below is a C code for a program that was created to calculate the amount of fuel needed in order to travel a given
distance using the average consumption of a car through 100 kilometers and liter price of fuel. However, there is a
number of errors in the given code below.
Use your pen or pencils on the code below to correct it as much as you can on the paper. Then, rewrite your corrected
code into Visual Studio and try to execute it. Observe the runtime errors you missed through debugging as well as
the syntax errors through the text editor.
#include <studio.h>
int main(void)
//declare variables
int km;
double avgCons, liters Needed, 2totalPrice;
//calculate liters needed to go the required distance using the average consumption per 100kms
avgCons * km / 100 = litersNeeded;
//calculate total price through the base price and the liters required
totalPrice = litersNeeded * PRICE;
//output given
printf("In order to go %d kilometers, you need %0.2lf liters of fuel.\n", litersNeeded);
printf("It will cost you %0.2d Liras.\n\n", km);
return 0;
Your final example output should look like the one below.
Example Run:
Please enter your average consumption per 100KMs: 6.5
Please enter the distance in KMs: 800
In order to go 800 kilometers, you need 52.00 liters of fuel.
It will cost you 794.56 Liras.
Project Name: LG3_Q1
File Name: Q1.cpp
Q2. Write a C program that gets the km distance between two different cities and also gets the km speed from the user. Program
calculates the time of arrival.
Q3. Write a C program that computes the mathematical equation with the initial values for each variable given to you below.
Note: Test yourselves for if you can use the least amount of parenthesis with the correct result. The minimum possible for this
question is 5 parentheses.
𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑡 = 𝑥 − 𝑧∗𝑡
Example Run:
The result of the equation is 2.17
Project Name: LG3_Q3
File Name: Q3.cpp
AQ1. A family wants to lay a carpet into their living room. The living room’s shape is a rectangle. The price of the 1 square
meter of the carpet is 45 TL. Also the carpet seller wants 200 TL extra for laying down the carpet into the living room.
Write a C program that gets first the sides of the rectangle from the user, and calculates and displays both the area of
the living room and the total money to be paid to the carpet seller. (Define constants where necessary.)
Example Run:
Enter first side of living room: 8.12
Enter second side of living room: 6.0
AQ2. Write a C Program that calculates the following operation with given variables below and displays the result. The
variables will be initialized. (Try to use minimum number of parenthesis.) (a = 6.9, b = 5, c = 10, d = 5.3, e = 9).
Hint: a and d are double, others are int. Hint: Use math.h
|𝑑 − 𝑐|
𝑏 + 𝑎3
𝑎+ 3
√𝑏 + 𝑐
Example Run:
Result is 0.0170
Project Name: LG3_AQ2
File Name: AQ2.cpp
1. Make sure you have saved all your work and exit from Microsoft Visual Studio.
2. Upon exit, if you hadn’t saved already then Visual Studio will notify you to save it automatically; say yes to this.
3. Navigate into the directory in which you had created your lab guide solution and reverse click onto the LG3_Sols
folder in there.
4. From the options menu, hover your mouse cursor over the 7-Zip option and select “Add to” option
to archive and compress your solutions folder. Change the name of the resulting archive to your name and
surname to the zip file, i.e.
5. Upload the zip file to the instructor’s PC by using your preferred browser;
– CTISL1: http://lab1t
– CTISL2: http://lab2t
– CTISL4: http://lab4t
6. Inform your assistant that you have completed the upload process.
7. After your assistant’s approval, delete your files using the “Clean” module you can either find in your start
menu, the
C: drive root folder or download through http://lab1t for Lab1 , http://lab2t for Lab2 and http://lab4t for Lab4.