This article is about the martial art. For other uses, see Karate may be considered as the conict within oneself
Karate (disambiguation).
or as a life-long marathon which can be won only through
self-discipline, hard training and one's own creative ef*
Karate () (English /krti/; Japanese pronunciation: forts. [12]
[kaate]; Okinawan pronunciation: IPA: [kaati]) is a
martial art developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom. It developed from the indigenous martial arts of Ryukyu Islands (called te (), literally hand"; tii in Okinawan)
under the inuence of Chinese martial arts, particularly
Fujian White Crane.* [1]* [2] Karate is now predominantly a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes,
elbow strikes and open hand techniques such as knifehands, spear-hands, and palm-heel strikes. Historically,
and in some modern styles, grappling, throws, joint locks,
restraints, and vital point strikes are also taught.* [3] A
karate practitioner is called a karateka ().
Web Japan (sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Aairs) claims there are 50 million karate practitioners worldwide,* [13] while the World Karate Federation claims there are 100 million practitioners around the
Karate developed on the Ryukyu Islands in what is now world.* [14]
Okinawa, Japan. It was brought to the Japanese mainland in the early 20th century during a time of cultural exchanges between the Japanese and the Chinese. 1 History
It was systematically taught in Japan after the Taisho
era.* [4] In 1922 the Japanese Ministry of Education invited Gichin Funakoshi to Tokyo to give a karate demon- 1.1 Okinawa
stration. In 1924 Keio University established the rst
university karate club in mainland Japan and by 1932, See also: Okinawan martial arts
major Japanese universities had karate clubs.* [5] In this
era of escalating Japanese militarism,* [6] the name was Karate began as a common ghting system known as te
changed from Chinese
handor "Tang hand)* [7] (Okinawan: ti) among the Pechin class of the Ryukyuans.
( empty hand) both of which are pronounced After trade relationships were established with the Ming
karate to indicate that the Japanese wished to develop dynasty of China by King Satto of Chzan in 1372,
the combat form in Japanese style.* [8] After World War some forms of Chinese martial arts were introduced to
II, Okinawa became an important United States military the Ryukyu Islands by the visitors from China, particusite and karate became popular among servicemen sta- larly Fujian Province. A large group of Chinese families
tioned there.* [9]
moved to Okinawa around 1392 for the purpose of cultural exchange, where they established the community of
Kumemura and shared their knowledge of a wide variety
of Chinese arts and sciences, including the Chinese martial arts. The political centralization of Okinawa by King
Sh Hashi in 1429 and the policy of banning weapons by
King Sh Shin in 1477, later enforced in Okinawa after
the invasion by the Shimazu clan in 1609, are also factors that furthered the development of unarmed combat
Shigeru Egami, Chief Instructor of Shotokan Dojo,
techniques in Okinawa.* [2]
opined that the majority of followers of karate in overseas countries pursue karate only for its ghting tech- There were few formal styles of te, but rather many pracniques ... Movies and television ... depict karate as a mys- titioners with their own methods. One surviving exterious way of ghting capable of causing death or injury ample is the Motobu-ry school passed down from the
with a single blow ... the mass media present a pseudo art Motobu family by Seikichi Uehara. [15] Early styles of
far from the real thing. [11] Shoshin Nagamine said, karate are often generalized as Shuri-te, Naha-te, and
Tomari-te, named after the three cities from which they
The martial arts movies of the 1960s and 1970s served to
greatly increase the popularity of martial arts around the
world, and in English the word karate began to be used
in a generic way to refer to all striking-based Oriental
martial arts.* [10] Karate schools began appearing across
the world, catering to those with casual interest as well as
those seeking a deeper study of the art.
emerged.* [16] Each area and its teachers had particular He created the ping'an forms ("heian" or "pinan" in
kata, techniques, and principles that distinguished their Japanese) which are simplied kata for beginning stulocal version of te from the others.
dents. In 1901 Itosu helped to get karate introduced into
Members of the Okinawan upper classes were sent to Okinawa's public schools. These forms were taught to
China regularly to study various political and practical children at the elementary school level. Itosu's inuence
disciplines. The incorporation of empty-handed Chinese in karate is broad. The forms he created are common
Kung Fu into Okinawan martial arts occurred partly be- across nearly all styles of karate. His students became
cause of these exchanges and partly because of grow- some of the most well-known karate masters, including
Gichin Funakoshi, Kenwa Mabuni, and Motobu Chki.
ing legal restrictions on the use of weaponry. Traditional karate kata bear a strong resemblance to the forms Itosu is sometimes* referred to as the Grandfather of
Modern Karate. [18]
found in Fujian martial arts such as Fujian White Crane,
Five Ancestors, and Gangrou-quan (Hard Soft Fist; pro- In 1881 Higaonna Kanry returned from China after
nouncedGjkenin Japanese).* [17] Many Okinawan years of instruction with Ryu Ryu Ko and founded what
weapons such as the sai, tonfa, and nunchaku may have would become Naha-te. One of his students was the
originated in and around Southeast Asia.
founder of Goj-ry, Chjun Miyagi. Chjun Miyagi
such well-known karateka as Seko Higa (who also
Sakukawa Kanga (17821838) had studied pugilism and
with Higaonna), Meitoku Yagi, Miyazato Ei'ichi,
sta (bo) ghting in China (according to one legend, unand
Toguchi, and for a very brief time near the
der the guidance of Kosokun, originator of kusanku kata).
An'ichi Miyagi (a teacher claimed by
In 1806 he started teaching a ghting art in the city of
Shuri that he called Tudi Sakukawa,which meant
Sakukawa of China Hand.This was the rst known
recorded reference to the art of Tudi,written as
. Around the 1820s Sakukawa's most signicant student Matsumura Skon (18091899) taught a synthesis of
te (Shuri-te and Tomari-te) and Shaolin (Chinese )
styles. Matsumura's style would later become the Shrinry style.
1.2 Japan
See also: Japanese martial arts
Gichin Funakoshi, founder of Shotokan karate, is gen-
lands. Funakoshi was a student of both Asato Ank and
Itosu Ank (who had worked to introduce karate to the
Okinawa Prefectural School System in 1902). During
this time period, prominent teachers who also inuenced
the spread of karate in Japan included Kenwa Mabuni,
Chjun Miyagi, Motobu Chki, Kanken Tyama, and
Kanbun Uechi. This was a turbulent period in the history
of the region. It includes Japan's annexation of the Okinawan island group in 1872, the First Sino-Japanese War
(18941895), the Russo-Japanese War (19041905), the
annexation of Korea, and the rise of Japanese militarism
Japan was invading China at the time, and Funakoshi
knew that the art of Tang/China hand would not be accepted; thus the change of the art's name to way of
the empty hand.The d sux implies that karated is
a path to self-knowledge, not just a study of the technical aspects of ghting. Like most martial arts practiced in Japan, karate made its transition from -jutsu to
-d around the beginning of the 20th century. The "d"
in karate-d" sets it apart from karate-jutsu, as aikido
is distinguished from aikijutsu, judo from jujutsu, kendo
from kenjutsu and iaido from iaijutsu.
names to many of the kata. The ve pinan forms became known as heian, the three naihanchi forms became
known as tekki, seisan as hangetsu, Chint as gankaku,
wanshu as enpi, and so on. These were mostly political
changes, rather than changes to the content of the forms,
although Funakoshi did introduce some such changes.
Funakoshi had trained in two of the popular branches of
Okinawan karate of the time, Shorin-ry and Shrei-ry.
In Japan he was inuenced by kendo, incorporating some
ideas about distancing and timing into his style. He always referred to what he taught as simply karate, but in
1936 he built a dojo in Tokyo and the style he left behind
is usually called Shotokan after this dojo.
The modernization and systemization of karate in Japan
also included the adoption of the white uniform that consisted of the kimono and the dogi or keikogi mostly
called just karategi and colored belt ranks. Both of
these innovations were originated and popularized by
Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo and one of the men Funakoshi consulted in his eorts to modernize karate.
A new form of karate called Kyokushin was formally
founded in 1957 by Masutatsu Oyama (who was born a
Korean, Choi Yeong-Eui
). Kyokushin is largely a
synthesis of Shotokan and Gj-ry. It teaches a curriculum that emphasizes aliveness, physical toughness, and
full contact sparring. Because of its emphasis on physical, full-force sparring, Kyokushin is now often called
"full contact karate", or "Knockdown karate" (after the
name for its competition rules). Many other karate organizations and styles are descended from the Kyokushin
2 Practice
See also: Okinawan kobud and Japanese martial arts
Philosophical and strategic concepts
Karate can be practiced as an art (bud), self defense or
as a combat sport. Traditional karate places emphasis
on self-development (bud).* [21] Modern Japanese style
training emphasizes the psychological elements incorporated into a proper kokoro (attitude) such as perseverance,
fearlessness, virtue, and leadership skills. Sport karate
places emphasis on exercise and competition. Weapons
are an important training activity in some styles of karate.
Karate training is commonly divided into kihon (basics or
fundamentals), kata (forms), and kumite (sparring).
2.1 Kihon
Funakoshi changed the names of many kata and the name Main article: Kihon
of the art itself (at least on mainland Japan), doing so
to get karate accepted by the Japanese bud organization Karate styles place varying importance on kihon. TypDai Nippon Butoku Kai. Funakoshi also gave Japanese ically this is performance in unison of a technique or a
2.5 Conditioning
Okinawan karate uses supplementary training known as
hojo undo. This utilizes simple equipment made of wood
and stone. The makiwara is a striking post. The nigiri
game is a large jar used for developing grip strength.
These supplementary exercises are designed to increase
organizations. Bogu kumite (full contact with protective
shielding of targets) rules are used in the World Koshiki
Karate-Do Federation organization.* [35] Shinkaratedo
Federation use boxing gloves.* [36] Within the United
States, rules may be under the jurisdiction of state sports
authorities, such as the boxing commission.
In August 2016, the International Olympic Committee
approved karate as an Olympic sport beginning at the
2020 Summer Olympics.* [37]* [38]
Gichin Funakoshi () said, There are no contests in karate.* [24] In preWorld War II Okinawa, kumite was not part of karate training.* [25] Shigeru Egami
relates that, in 1940, some karateka were ousted from
their dojo because they adopted sparring after having
learned it in Tokyo.* [26]
Karate was originally written asChinese hand( literally "Tang dynasty hand) in kanji. It was later changed
to a homophone meaning empty hand (). The origi- 5 Karate and its inuence outside
nal use of the wordkaratein print is attributed to Ank
Itosu; he wrote it as " ". The Tang Dynasty of China
ended in AD 907, but the kanji representing it remains
in use in Japanese language referring to China generally, 5.1 Canada
in such words as " " meaning Chinatown. Thus
the word karatewas originally a way of expressing Karate began in Canada in the 1930s and 1940s as
martial art from China.
Japanese people immigrated to the country. Karate was
practised quietly without a large amount of organization.
Since there are no written records it is not
During the Second World War, many Japanese-Canadian
known denitely whether the kara in karate
families were moved to the interior of British Columbia.
Masaru Shintani, at the age of 13, began to study Shorinwas originally written with the character
Ryu karate in the Japanese camp under Kitigawa. In 1956
meaning China or the character meaning
after 9 years of training with Kitigawa, Shintani travelled
empty. During the time when admiration for
to Japan and met Hironori Otsuka (Wado Ryu). In 1958
China and things Chinese was at its height
Soviet Union
Otsuka invited Shintani to join his organization Wado Taekwondo Federation and International Taekwon-Do
Kai, and in 1969 he asked Shintani to ocially call his Federation are the most prominent among Korean martial
style Wado.* [50]
arts organizations, tang soo do schools that teach Japanese
In Canada during this same time, karate was also intro- karate still exist as they were originally conveyed to Won
duced by Masami Tsuruoka who had studied in Japan Kuk Lee and his contemporaries from Funakoshi.
in the 1940s under Tsuyoshi Chitose.* [51] In 1954 Tsuruoka initiated the rst karate competition in Canada
and laid the foundation for the National Karate Associ- 5.3 Soviet Union
ation.* [51]
Karate appeared in the Soviet Union in the mid-1960s,
In the late 1950s Shintani moved to Ontario and began during Nikita Khrushchev's policy of improved internateaching karate and judo at the Japanese Cultural Centre tional relations. The rst Shotokan clubs were opened in
in Hamilton. In 1966 he began (with Otsuka's endorse- Moscow's universities.* [53] In 1973, however, the govment) the Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation. Dur- ernment banned karatetogether with all other foreign
ing the 1970s Otsuka appointed Shintani the Supreme In- martial arts endorsing only the Soviet martial art of
structor of Wado Kai in North America. In 1979, Otsuka sambo. Failing to suppress these uncontrolled groups, the
publicly promoted Shintani to hachidan (8th dan) and pri- USSR's Sport Committee formed the Karate Federation
vately gave him a kudan certicate (9th dan), which was of USSR in December 1978.* [53] On 17 May 1984, the
revealed by Shintani in 1995. Shintani and Otsuka vis- Soviet Karate Federation was disbanded and all karate
ited each other in Japan and Canada several times, the became illegal again. In 1989, karate practice became
last time in 1980 two years prior to Otsuka's death. Shin- legal again, but under strict government regulations, only
tani died May 7, 2000.* [50]
after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 did independent karate schools resume functioning, and so federations were formed and national tournaments in authentic
5.2 Korea
styles began.* [53]
See also: Korea under Japanese rule
In 1964, Takayuki Kubota relocated the International in Tokyo asking for his grades to be ratied in Shotokan
Karate Association from Tokyo to California.
having apparently learnt that Murakami was not a designated representative of the JKA. The JKA obliged, and
without enforcing a grading on Bell, ratied his black
5.5 Europe
belt on February 5, 1964, though he had to relinquish
his Yoseikan grade. Bell requested a visitation from
In the 1950s and 1960s, several Japanese karate masters JKA instructors and the next year Taiji Kase, Hirokazu
began to teach the art in Europe, but it was not until 1965 Kanazawa, Keinosuke Enoeda and Hiroshi Shirai gave
that the Japan Karate Association (JKA) sent to Europe the rst JKA demo at Kensington Town Hall on April
four well-trained young Karate instructors Taiji Kase, 21, 1965. Hirokazu Kanazawa and Keinosuke Enoeda
Keinosuke Enoeda, Hirokazu Kanazawa and Hiroshi Shi- stayed and Murakami left (later re-emerging as a 5th Dan
rai.* [55] Kase went to France, Enoeada to England and Shotokai under Harada).* [56]
Shirai in Italy. These Masters maintained always a strong
In 1966, members of the former British Karate Fedlink between them, the JKA and the others JKA masters
eration established the Karate Union of Great Britain
in the world, especially Hidetaka Nishiyama in the USA.
(KUGB) under Hirokazu Kanazawa as chief instructor* [57] and aliated to JKA. Keinosuke Enoeda came
to England at the same time as Kanazawa, teaching at a
5.6 United Kingdom
dojo in Liverpool. Kanazawa left the UK after 3 years and
took over. After Enoedas death in 2003, the
Vernon Bell, a 3rd Dan Judo instructor who had been inKUGB
Andy Sherry as Chief Instructor. Shortly
structed by Kenshiro Abbe introduced Karate to England
association split o from KUGB, JKA
in 1956, having attended classes in Henry Ple's Yoseikan
signicant split from the KUGB took
dojo in Paris. Yoseikan had been founded by Minoru
group led by KUGB senior instrucMochizuki, a master of multiple Japanese martial arts,
the English Shotokan Academy
who had studied Karate with Gichin Funakoshi, thus the
group was to follow the teachYoseikan style was heavily inuenced by Shotokan. [56]
the JKA chief instructor in
Bell began teaching in the tennis courts of his parents'
Shirai created the World
back garden in Ilford, Essex and his group was to become
in 1989 in order
the British Karate Federation. On July 19, 1957, Vietto
as opposed to
namese Hoang Nam 3rd Dan, billed as Karate chamwhat
to return
pion of Indo China, was invited to teach by Bell at Maythe
reinbush Road, but the rst instructor from Japan was Tetsuji
Murakami (1927-1987) a 3rd Dan Yoseikan under Minoru Mochizuki and 1st Dan of the JKA, who arrived in techniques that had been side lined as the result of compeEngland in July 1959.* [56] In 1959 Frederick Gille set tition rules introduced by the JKA. Both the ESA and the
up the Liverpool branch of the British Karate Federation, WKSA (renamed the Kase-Ha Shotokan-Ryu Karate-do
which was ocially recognised in 1961. The Liverpool Academy (KSKA) after Kases death in 2004) continue
branch was based at Harold House Jewish Boys Club in following this path today. In 1975 Great Britain became
Chatham Street before relocating to the YMCA in Ever- the rst team ever to take the World male team title from
ton where it became known as the Red Triangle. One of Japan after being defeated the previous year in the nal.
the early members of this branch was Andy Sherry who
had previously studied Jujutsu with Jack Britten. In 1961
Edward Ainsworth, another blackbelt Judoka, set up the
rst Karate study group in Ayrshire, Scotland having attended Bell's third 'Karate Summer School' in 1961.* [56]
Outside of Bell's organisation, Charles Mack traveled
to Japan and studied under Masatoshi Nakayama of the
Japan Karate Association who graded Mack to 1st Dan
Shotokan on March 4, 1962 in Japan.* [56] Shotokai
Karate was introduced to England in 1963 by another
of Gichin Funakoshi's students, Mitsusuke Harada.* [56]
Outside of the Shotokan stable of karate styles, Wado
Ryu Karate was also an early adopted style in the UK,
introduced by Tatsuo Suzuki, a 6th Dan at the time in
5.7 Italy
Karate spread rapidly in the West through popular culture. In 1950s popular ction, karate was at times de- [8] Draeger & Smith (1969). Comprehensive Asian Fighting
Arts. p. 60. ISBN 978-0-87011-436-6.
scribed to readers in near-mythical terms, and it was credible to show Western experts of unarmed combat as un- [9] Bishop, Mark (1999). Okinawan Karate Second Edition.
aware of Eastern martial arts of this kind.* [60] By the
p. 11. ISBN 978-0-8048-3205-2.
1970s, martial arts lms had formed a mainstream genre
[10] Gary J. Krug (2001-11-01). Dr. Gary J. Krug: the
that propelled karate and other Asian martial arts into
Feet of the Master: Three Stages in the Appropriation
mass popularity. [39]
of Okinawan Karate Into Anglo-American Culture.
Csc.sagepub.com. Retrieved 2013-03-14.
The Karate Kid (1984) and its sequels The Karate Kid,
Part II (1986), The Karate Kid, Part III (1989) and
[11] Shigeru, Egami (1976). The Heart of Karate-Do. p. 13.
The Next Karate Kid (1994) are lms relating the cISBN 0-87011-816-1.
tional story of an American adolescent's introduction into
karate.* [61]* [62] Karate Kommandos, an animated chil- [12] Nagamine, Shoshin (1976). Okinawan Karate-do. p. 47.
ISBN 978-0-8048-2110-0.
dren's show, with Chuck Norris appearing to reveal the
moral lessons contained in every episode.
[13] Web Japan (PDF). Retrieved 2013-03-14.
See also
Comparison of karate styles
Japanese martial arts
Karate World Championships
Karate at the Summer Olympics
Karate at the World Games
[2] History of Okinawan Karate. Web.archive.org. 200903-02. Archived from the original on 2009-03-02. Retrieved 2013-03-14.
[25] Higaonna, Morio (1990). Traditional Karatedo Vol. 4 Applications of the Kata. p. 136. ISBN 978-0870408489.
External links
World Karate Federation
Karate Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karate?oldid=737161389 Contributors: AxelBoldt, Bryan Derksen, Ed Poor, Andre Engels,
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Sagaciousuk, N5iln, Mojo Hand, Marek69, Godforsaken14, FearedInLasVegas, X201, Benqish, Shinji nishizono, Baardie, Nick Number,
Heroeswithmetaphors, Sam42, Dawnseeker2000, Escarbot, Pjmccann3, Khalilighazi, AntiVandalBot, Luna Santin, Seaphoto, JHFTC, QuiteUnusual, Mastermoderator, Supermastermoderator, Prolog, El loco coyot, 3-14159, Julia Rossi, Osubuckeyeguy, RapidR, RogueNinja,
Jazzmasta25, Spacecat2, David Shankbone, Eamonnca1, Leuqarte, MikeLynch, DagosNavy, JAnDbot, Dan D. Ric, Deective, AkussaAnatis, Isatay, MER-C, Corky1979, Northoltjohn, RigsVille, Leolaursen, East718, HSL, Kuratomi, Sensei kurt, Y2kcrazyjoker4, Veritasho, LittleOldMe, Aekbal, Clausewitz01, Connormah, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Britenoar, Dekimasu, Fusionmix, Maxwellversion2,
Waihun, SHCarter, CattleGirl, Fig newton, Ticks and leeches810, Sengui, Steven Walling, Twsx, Magasin, Zatoichi26, Melonbarmonster, Mikro, Med1972, 28421u2232nfenfcenc, Raiomi, Allstarecho, Mlsquad, Matsumuraseito, Cpl Syx, ShinjukuXYZ, Martialartist101,
JaGa, Pyromancer102, Andywingate, Corean2006, Fuiyu, Skilled sniper~enwiki, Jkaki00, Scottalter, Atmans, Yarnbell333, MartinBot,
Aleg~enwiki, DandanxD, Chosen silver, Tekleni, Bradford44, Vicky angel, Anaxial, Tvtv1, Locki03, R'n'B, Kateshortforbob, CommonsDelinker, AlexiusHoratius, Azer Red, Mateo2006, Onixz100, Gunkarta, Smokizzy, Koei-Kan, Pomte, Tgeairn, Slash, J.delanoy, Sasajid,
Pharaoh of the Wizards, Trusilver, Cheese on toast, Suicidaldonut, EscapingLife, QuinceyG, Peter Chastain, GrandWizard, Uncle Dick,
Jmhayes83, SunnyDSunnyD, Martialarm, Ian.thomson, Tonypepperoni, Katalaveno, Dreko, McSly, Ignatzmice, Omarmorek, Phospheros,
Delmas alain, Mr. Ata, Room218, RaGnaRoK SepHr0tH, Bordonbert, (jarbarf), Snake bgd, Marty Rockatansky, NewEnglandYankee,
Yakuh, Efrafra, Atlacatl3000, Jmcw37, Auontesxz, Morinae, Pundit, Aiki Patrick Parker, Ruixisd6, Juliancolton, Cometstyles, Dripz, Tiggerjay, Donmike10, Treisijs, JorgeyPorgieBoy, Darkfrog24, Secleinteer, Sharpster342, SoCalSuperEagle, Steel1943, CardinalDan, Idiomabot, Duchamps comb, GodofWiki, ACSE, Lights, JL Madrid, Meiskam, Caspian blue, VolkovBot, Johan1298~enwiki, Je G., Nburden,
As566, Guardian Tiger, Philip Trueman, JuneGloom07, Photonikonman, Charleca, Rossen3, Wildshack, TXiKiBoT, Oshwah, Sir Joestar, LabFox, Phuongy90, Redketchup67, BZJ, Saber girl08, Charlesdrakew, Aymatth2, Qxz, Someguy1221, Anna Lincoln, Jackfork,
LeaveSleaves, ^demonBot2, Gingemonkey, Ilyushka88, Scottiedog15, Bcecka, Lerdthenerd, Enigmaman, Lamro, Synthebot, Enviroboy,
Turgan, Vector Potential, AgentCDE, Master of the Orchalcos, Necmate, Why Not A Duck, Galamazoo12, HiDrNick, Azukimonaka,
Farcaster, Hibob11111, Fattyfattyfat10, Spdhf, Kobalt64, Vitalikk, Steely eyed eagle hawk, EmxBot, ElCuervitoAzul, Kumadojoassoc,
Simsam91, Ponyo, Z1x2c3, Patrick McDermott, SieBot, Coee, Sonicology, Daviesdll, YonaBot, Tiddly Tom, DeepStances, BotMultichill, Leomanau, Caltas, Matthew Yeager, Chimichonga84, GlassCobra, Gaayo7, Keilana, Qualidit, Happysailor, Kihon30, Ninja Shewolf,
Oda Mari, Hxhbot, Keegs2610, Ryan T H, Oxymoron83, Smaug123, Steven Crossin, Tombomp, Kwib, Clubover, Spitre19, Janggeom,
Mygerardromance, Aryu Holladay, Pinkadelica, Kortaggio, DRTllbrg, Denisarona, Nate1478, Nate1482, Chocobo93, ImageRemovalBot,
Mr. Granger, Faithlessthewonderboy, Atif.t2, Luatha, Jump Guru, Karate123, Loren.wilton, Martarius, ClueBot, Timeineurope, Jackollie, Verseturns~enwiki, Maurajbo, Karateinfo, Yurko~enwiki, The Thing That Should Not Be, Mashoo22, 2sambo, KAGE13, Leavepower, DesertAngel, Canadian Ninja, Maniac18, Freedom of Espresso, User5802, WDM27, Boneyard90, TremontY, Skrivbok, Excirial,
-Midorihana-, Alexbot, Jusdafax, GrandMasterStephenChan, Nico1478, Detroitenshin, Mumia-w-18, Reper829, Sun Creator, NuclearWarfare, Octave8, Jmck 3, Kvan1st, Noosentaal, Noxia, SchreiberBike, Mnbujold, Thingg, 7, Volclex~enwiki, Gobenmaru, Kegon, Sakugawa, Rossen4, DumZiBoT, Manacpowers, Jengirl1988, Skunkboy74, XLinkBot, BodhisattvaBot, Rror, Dakota Blue Richards~enwiki,
Kasper2006, Little Mountain 5, Drmadskills, Aok100, Noctibus, Setuzoku, HarlandQPitt, Catgirl, Franman12, Myrmidon0, Tealdon, Addbot, Cxz111, Mhines54, Turkeemand, Willking1979, Medusalicous, Elizabeth.bolinger, Xandriagrey, Whycant, Legosock, Jojhutton, Tcncv, Landon1980, ShorinkanKarateka, SteveT1963, Haruth, DougsTech, Megata Sanshiro, Trane21, ImogenPacker, Cecsoccer, AkhtaBot,
Lilyice101, Hollielollie, Fieldday-sunday, Moosehadley, Vishnava, CanadianLinuxUser, Fluernutter, Charley white, Whitefang89, Nastasija Marachkovskaja, Cst17, Gussenwarg, Seeker123, Download, CarsracBot, MosaicInteractive, Aktsu, RL579, Hittit, Tassedethe, Sanawon, Tide rolls, Bgura's puppy, Dakota Yellow Richards, Lightbot, Gail, James 2 kool, Ismelllikepoop, Legobot, Ianbas, Luckas-bot,
Yobot, DerechoReguerraz, Fraggle81, Cm001, II MusLiM HyBRiD II, Shureiho, Mmxx, THEN WHO WAS PHONE?, Stynerk, 14reidy,
Silent texan, Gunnar Hendrich, Melonbarmonster2, Pabopa, Apollo33, Randomthing101, Sock2~enwiki, 4mson2learn, Bentecbye, ,
AnomieBOT, DemocraticLuntz, ThaddeusB, Rjanag, Jim1138, IRP, Piano non troppo, Merube 89, Kongsoodo, Securing, Britans, RandomAct, Materialscientist, The High Fin Sperm Whale, Citation bot, Christopher Pritchard, Mechamind90, ArthurBot, Ninja sword, Xqbot,
Jjskarate, Zad68, Max ventura, Tienz0331, Csforlife, Cureden, JimVC3, Capricorn42, TracyMcClark, Artoife, A455bcd9, Ynvaser,
Swmirsky, Lugangsta, Kaushikram123, GrouchoBot, JanDeFietser, Mmaasia, Omnipaedista, Crazyeight42, RibotBOT, Pany El Skat-board-r King-o, Bellerophon, Amaury, Tomkarate, Vortexxman, Sophus Bie, Moxy, Orrelly Man, , Shadowjams, Rexvonkolm,
Kinghercules, Jonghyun0411, Tasteuright, Grinofwales, Csn1969, Ethanlong9, Bekus, Captain Weirdo the Great, Vickio1992, FrescoBot,
Jukidoka, N00bmann93, Wllmore8, Jonathansuh, Morbrade, HJ Mitchell, Jasoncoolax, Abc105841, Wione, Namelessperson, Selfsave,
Azenk1, Citation bot 1, Karaterocks, Pinethicket, I dream of horses, Kastroo, Uiuinqqq, Jordanmiguelli, Ratekatara, Jonathancoles11,
Tinton5, Jaashay, Nexxuss Portal, SpaceFlight89, Phoenix7777, Baumgaertner, F wad, Barras, Steve2011, Jauhienij, Kdarias, Firecop500,
Crazy66, Machlan95, FoxBot, TobeBot, Trappist the monk, Alibilang, Yunshui, Callanecc, Javierito92, Puremadman, Seahorseruler, Diannaa, Brian the Editor, Tufaylahmed, Lombardi.leo, Tbhotch, Reach Out to the Truth, Unused0034, Wiggalama, Kontoreg, DARTH
SIDIOUS 2, Onel5969, RjwilmsiBot, Fettsy, Larcen357, NerdyScienceDude, WildBot, CalicoCatLover, LcawteHuggle, DASHBot, Alan
H Armstrong, EmausBot, John of Reading, WikitanvirBot, Ramtownjim, Shotobudo, Anshuman.jrt, Solarra, Tommy2010, Wikipelli,
Dcirovic, K6ka, Connection39, Cmpunksucks, Jargoness, John Cline, Shuipzv3, Rick4320, Kiwi128, SenseiJ, Hazard-SJ, Cecilshes,
H3llBot, Gyte75, Lawl95, Koresdcine, SporkBot, Tolly4bolly, Joevalley10, NickJannini, Labnoor, Fredwsa, Shukokaist, Flightx52, Donner60, Dragony3210, Tulimafat, Ecoler, Madmaz23, ThomasSim, Erreci81, DASHBotAV, Florent.dionisi, Mjbmrbot, C.P.Taft, Petrb,
ClueBot NG, Gareth Grith-Jones, Yudanshakai, Inkowik, Echief1, MelbourneStar, This lousy T-shirt, Karateka0001, Bilrand, Satellizer,
Karatekid1997, Sabri Al-Sa, Millermk, Nrosejohns, Pinoyaussie, Quaker171, Housegreen, Josh1gibson2, Mohd. Toukir Hamid, Ksoem,
Helpful Pixie Bot, BG19bot, Naklig, Hewhoamareismyself, Sen taranga, Jwr89, Adam419, Mykill52, COOLJ72, Davidiad, Dan653,
Hecticz, Judy10000, Nyamfood, AdamCaputo, Noah1142, Altar, Earth Wikipedian, Jonarge, Cbickers2015, MrBill3, Bijan fard, Quarninjas, Robert1Liang, BattyBot, Osiris, Phil Winstanley, Alexo Andros, KaratekaUSA, Cyberbot II, Ilikefoodandstu, , James Graham27, Aliwal2012, Mediran, Khazar2, SNAAAAKE!!, Abass75, Tow, Knobhead6900, Dexbot, Motoburyu, Ruland, Abhishkeghsh8,
Iamc0ncept, Boop1994, Isarra (HG), Frosty, Bihboy980, Sturmgewehr88, Frattray, Mountaincirque, Jaapi10, Reatlas, Rustymoobs, Mazakaro,
, Lukazuko, Epicgenius, Lemnaminor, Twitson, Eyesnore, Grclague, Friallrag3,
, Tentinator, Bushin Ryu Aiki Bujutsu,
Toilethead101, Oldred123456789, Minehdeh, Ginsuloft, My-2-bits, Deadpoolassassin232, Rhawkes783, Hansel0202, Livingston Shihan,
Meteor sandwich yum, Salterb01, Meganumi, Exmkt, Gardenward, Yellow 243, Connerharwood1989, MasterofPlay7, AnkoMitani, Four
Void, Stardust..93, DPK713, Karateperth, William penn888, Amortias, Simeon peter ng, Mikelibby, MRD2014, IM DA MAGIC 1,
KH-1, Gnt.grx, Crystallizedcarbon, Ryu Warrior, Bilbo bagins3737, Blackhawk34, Ironwolf24, Jagdish jack, Axror777, Jeesuslovesme,
Yourmom1279, Verdoxzexy, Jammyexplosion, Slumzone, KasparBot, Davidsalatic123, Z0M813K1LL3R285, JJMC89, Faggaot69, Undened51, CAPTAIN RAJU, Chiriqui-david, MatParker1711, Smart teacher365, Sksnsn, H.dryad, Awa12345, KLove Divine, GreenC
bot, Snowyclaws, Garvity, Seed Brownfeld, Jirad10, Darky Pie and Anonymous: 1745
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