Regular whole milk contains less than 4% fat. The fat in milk is actually
cream thats why it is sometimes called full cream milk.
Its the protein in milk that makes milk froth. Next time you go to make the
perfect coffee or hot chocolate at home, try using skimmed milk. Because
there is no fat, the protein levels naturally become higher.
A cow udder holds between 25 and 50 pounds of pure milk.
It is difficult to obtain enough calcium without consuming milk.
Goat milk is non-allergenic. Goat milk does not have the protein that is the
main stimulant of allergenic reactions (B-Lactoglobulin)
A cow gives milk for the first time, only after she gives birth to a calf.
A cow produces around 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.
Milk not only re-hydrates the body, but provides a host of beneficial
nutrients and protects teeth at the same time!
Dairy cows provide over 90% of the entire planets milk supply.
Goats milk contains more butterfat than cows milk.
Each different strain of dairy goat yields a different flavour of milk.
Goats milk is the primary ingredient in cheeses like feta, caprino, gevrik,
and rocamadour.
During early explorations of our planet, sailing ships maintained goats
aboard to provide sailors with fresh milk.
Goats milk breaks down during digestion in 20 minutes whereas cow milk
takes a full hour.
There is more calcium in 1 cup of milk than there is in 16 cups of spinach.
One will need to eat more than 48 cups of spinach to get the recommended
daily intake of calcium.