Function Generator
Function Generator
Function Generator
Signal Generators
Sweep-Frequency Generator
A sweep frequency generator is a special type of signal generator which
generates a sinusoidal output whose frequency is automatically varied or
swept between two selected frequencies. One complete cycle of the
frequency variation is called a sweep. The rate at which the frequency is
varied can be either linear or logarithmic, depending upon the design of a
particular instrument. However the amplitude of the signal output is
designed to remain constant over the entire frequency range of the
Sweep-frequency generators are primarily employed for measurement of
responses of amplifiers, filters, and electrical components over various
frequency bands. The frequency range of a sweep-frequency generator
usually extends over three bands, 0.001 Hz 100 kHz (low frequency to
audio), 100 kHz 1,500 MHz (RF range), and 1-200 GHz (microwave
range). Performance of measurement of bandwidth over a wide frequency
range with a manually tuned oscillator is a time-consuming task. With the
use of a sweep-frequency generator, a sinusoidal signal that is
automatically swept between two chosen frequencies can be applied to
the circuit under test and its response against frequency can be displayed
on an oscilloscope or X-Y recorder.
Thus the measurement time and effort is considerably reduced. Sweep
generators may also be employed for checking and repairing ox amplifiers
used in TV and radar receivers.
The block diagram of an electronically tuned sweep frequency generator is
shown in the figure below.
Electronically tuned sweep generator
The main component of a sweep-frequency generator is a master
oscillator, usually
frequency with time, the individual oscillators should have high inherent
stability with respect to variations in temperature and to supply voltage
The two RF oscillators must be completely isolated from each other. If
coupling of any sort exists between them, they will synchronize when the
difference is small. Hence, low values of difference frequencies are
impossible to be obtained, and in addition cause interaction between the
oscillators that result in a highly distorted waveshape. To reduce
distortion in the output, one of the voltages applied to the mixer
(preferably the one derived from the fixed frequency oscillator) should be
considerably smaller than the voltage derived from the other oscillator,
and preferably free from harmonics.
Beat frequency oscillators are usually affected with spurious beat notes,
called the whistles. These effects are usually caused by cross-modulation
in the AF amplifier between high order RF harmonics produced by the
mixer. These spurious whistles often appear when the output frequency is
high. Whistles can be eliminated by operating the mixer so as to minimize
the generation of RF harmonics, and by using a filter and shielding to
prevent the harmonics that are generated in a mixer from reaching the
amplifier circuit.
Beat frequency audio-oscillator because of its complicated circuit has
become obsolete now and Wien bridge oscillator has taken its place, which
has already been described.
An oscilloscope (abbreviated sometimes as scope or O-scope) is a type of
electronic test instrument that allows signal voltages to be viewed,
usually as a two-dimensional graph of one or more electrical potential
differences (vertical axis) plotted as a function of time or of some other
voltage (horizontal axis). Although an oscilloscope displays voltage on its
vertical axis, any other quantity that can be converted to a voltage can be
displayed as well. In most instances, oscilloscopes show events that
repeat with either no change, or change slowly. The oscilloscope is one of
the most versatile and widely-used electronic instruments.
Oscilloscopes are commonly used when it is desired to observe the exact
wave shape of an electrical signal. In addition to the amplitude of the
signal, an oscilloscope can show distortion and measure frequency, time
between two events (such as pulse width or pulse rise time), and relative
timing of two related signals. Some modern digital oscilloscopes can
analyze and display the spectrum of a repetitive event. Special-purpose
its own coaxial connector, then a simple coaxial cable is used; otherwise, a
specialised cable called a "scope probe", supplied with the oscilloscope, is
used. In general, for routine use, an open wire test lead for connecting to
the point being observed is not satisfactory, and a probe is generally
necessary. General-purpose oscilloscopes have a standardised input
resistance of 1 megohm in parallel with a capacitance of around 20
picofarads. This allows the use of standard oscilloscope probes. Scopes for
use with very high frequencies may have 50-ohm inputs, which must be
either connected directly to a 50-ohm signal source or used with Z0 or
active probes.
Less-frequently-used inputs include one (or two) for triggering the sweep,
horizontal deflection for X-Y mode displays, and trace
brightening/darkening, sometimes called "Z-axis" inputs.
Open wire test leads are likely to pick up interference, and their
capacitance at the probing end is likely to disturb the circuit/device being
examined. They are appropriate only for low frequencies and lowimpedance devices. Nearly always, probes made for 'scope use are the
ordinary means of connecting to the device being examined. The probe
cable is a special coaxial type (with a resistive center conductor to damp
out ringing), with quite-effective shielding. Its capacitance is greater than
that of an open wire, and in some cases, such a probe is satisfactory.
However, a typical 'scope probe contains a 9-megohm series resistor
shunted by a low-value capacitor; combined with the input resistance and
capacitance of a standard 'scope input, the probe and the 'scope input
form a fairly-accurate 10:1 attenuator that (up to a certain bandwidth) is
frequency-independent. This degrades the 'scope's sensitivity by a factor
of 10, but the capacitance at the probe tip as only a few pF (picofarads),
which is not enough to disturb many typical circuits. (Nevertheless, the
reactance of even that few pF is significantly low at high frequencies
within the probe and 'scope's bandwidth.) In the great majority of cases,
the loss of sensitivity in order to gain less disturbance to the circuit being
observed is very worth while.
Attenuator probes do not necessarily match the input of a given 'scope,
and their capacitance needs to be adjusted if they are connected to a
different 'scope. As well, they should be checked periodically even when
not moved. They are checked and if necessary adjusted by looking at a
square wave with a quite-flat top and bottom. When properly adjusted,
the horizontal trace of the square wave does not tilt either upward or
downward. Because the probe, combined with the 'scope input, forms a
frequency part of the current waveform, right down to DC. The coil still
picks up high frequencies. There is a combining network akin to a
loudspeaker crossover network.
The trace
In its simplest mode, the oscilloscope repeatedly draws a horizontal line
called the trace across the middle of the screen from left to right. One of
the controls, the timebase control, sets the speed at which the line is
drawn, and is calibrated in seconds or decimal fractions of a second per
division. If the input voltage departs from zero, the trace is deflected
either upwards (normally for positive polarity) or downwards (negative).
Another control, the vertical control, sets the scale of the vertical
deflection, and is calibrated in volts per division. The resulting trace is a
plot of voltage against time, with the more distant past on the left and the
more recent past on the right.
Front panel controls
Focus control
This control adjusts CRT focus to obtain the sharpest, most-detailed trace.
In practice, focus needs to be adjusted slightly when observing quitedifferent signals, which means that it needs to be an external control.
Flat-panel displays do not need a focus control; their sharpness is always
Intensity control
This adjusts trace brightness. Slow traces on CRT 'scopes need less, and
fast ones, especially if they don't repeat very often, require more. On flat
panels, however, trace brightness is essentially independent of sweep
speed, because the internal signal processing effectively synthesizes the
display from the digitized data.
Beam finder
Modern 'scopes have direct-coupled deflection amplifiers, which means
the trace could be deflected off-screen. They also might have their CRT
beam blanked without the operator knowing it. In such cases, the screen
is blank. To help in restoring the display quickly and without
experimentation, the beam finder circuit overrides any blanking and
ensures that the beam will not be deflected off-screen; it limits the
deflection. With a display, it's usually very easy to restore a normal
display. (While active, beam-finder circuits might temporarily distort the
trace severely, however this is acceptable.)
the graticule is a grid of squares that serve as reference marks for
measuring the displayed trace. These markings, whether located directly
on the screen or on a removable plastic filter, usually consist of a 1 cm
grid with closer tick marks (often at 2 mm) on the centre vertical and
horizontal axis. One expects to see ten major divisions across the screen;
the number of vertical major divisions varies. Comparing the grid
markings with the waveform permits one to measure both voltage
(vertical axis) and time (horizontal axis). Frequency can also be
determined by measuring the waveform period and calculating its
On old and lower-cost CRT 'scopes the graticule is a sheet of plastic, often
with light-diffusing markings and concealed lamps at the edge of the
graticule. The lamps had a brightness control. Higher-cost instruments
have the graticule marked on the inside face of the CRT, to eliminate
parallax errors; better ones also had adjustable edge illumination with
diffusing markings. (Diffusing markings appear bright.) Digital 'scopes,
however, generate the graticule markings on the display in the same way
as the trace.
External graticules also protect the glass face of the CRT from accidental
impact. Some CRT 'scopes with internal graticules have an unmarked
tinted sheet plastic light filter to enhance trace contrast; this also serves
to protect the faceplate of the CRT.
Accuracy and resolution of measurements using a graticule is relatively
limited; better 'scopes sometimes have movable bright markers on the
trace that permit internal circuits to make more refined measurements.
Both calibrated vertical sensitivity and calibrated horizontal time are set
in 1 - 2 - 5 - 10 steps. This leads, however, to some awkward
interpretations of minor divisions. At 2, each of the five minor divisions is
0.4, so one has to think 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6, which is rather awkward.
One Tektronix plug-in used a 1 - 2.5 - 5 - 10 sequence, which simplified
estimating. The "2.5" didn't look as "neat", but was very welcome.
Timebase Controls
These select the horizontal speed of the CRT's spot as it creates the trace;
this process is commonly referred to as the sweep. In all but the leastcostly modern 'scopes, the sweep speed is selectable and calibrated in
units of time per major graticule division. Quite a wide range of sweep
speeds is generally provided, from seconds to as fast as picoseconds (in
the fastest 'scopes) per division. Usually, a continuously-variable control
A switch selects the Trigger Source. It can be an external input, one of the
vertical channels of a dual or multiple-trace 'scope, or the AC line (mains)
frequency. Another switch enables or disables Auto trigger mode, or
selects single sweep, if provided in the 'scope. Either a spring-return
switch position or a pushbutton arms single sweeps.
A Level control varies the voltage on the waveform which generates a
trigger, and the Slope switch selects positive-going or negative-going
polarity at the selected trigger level.
Basic types of sweeps
Triggered sweeps
Type 465 Tektronix oscilloscope. This was a very popular analog
oscilloscope, portable, and is an excellent representative example.
To display events with unchanging or slowly (visibly) changing waveforms,
but occurring at times that may or may not be evenly spaced, modern
oscilloscopes have triggered sweeps. Compared to simpler 'scopes with
sweep oscillators that are always running, triggered-sweep 'scopes are
markedly more versatile.
some have third and fourth channels with only minimal controls. In all
cases, the inputs, when independently displayed, are time-multiplexed,
but dual-trace 'scopes often can add their inputs to display a real-time
analog sum. (Inverting one channel provides a difference, provided that
neither channel is overloaded. This difference mode can provide a
moderate-performance differential input.)
Switching channels can be asynchronous, that is, free-running, with trace
blanking while switching, or after each horizontal sweep is complete.
Asynchronous switching is usually designated "Chopped", while sweepsynchronized is designated "Alt[ernate]". A given channel is alternately
connected and disconnected, leading to the term "chopped". Multi-trace
'scopes also switch channels either in Chopped or Alt modes.
In general, Chopped mode is better for slower sweeps. It's possible for the
internal chopping rate to be a multiple of the sweep repetition rate,
creating blanks in the traces, but in practice this is rarely a problem; the
gaps in one trace are overwritten by traces of the following sweep. A few
'scopes had a modulated chopping rate to avoid this occasional problem.
Alternate mode, however, is better for faster sweeps.
True dual-beam CRT 'scopes did exist, but were not common. One type
(Cossor, U.K.) had a beam-splitter plate in its CRT, and single-ended
deflection following the splitter. (More details are near the end of this
article; see "CRT Invention". Others had two complete electron guns,
requiring tight control of axial (rotational) mechanical alignment in
manufacturing the CRT. Beam-splitter types had horizontal deflection
common to both vertical channels, but dual-gun 'scopes could have
separate time bases, or use one time base for both channels. Multiple-gun
CRTs (up to ten guns!) were made in past decades. With ten guns, the
envelope (bulb) was cylindrical throughout its length.
The vertical amplifier
In an analog 'scope, the vertical amplifier acquires the signal[s] to be
displayed. In better 'scopes, it delays them by a fraction of a microsecond,
and provides a signal large enough to deflect the CRT's beam. That
deflection is at least somewhat beyond the edges of the graticule, and
more typically some distance off-screen. The amplifier has to have low
distortion to display its input accurately (it must be linear), and it has to
recover quickly from overloads. As well, its time-domain response has to
represent transients accurately -- minimal overshoot, rounding, and tilt of
a flat pulse top.
A vertical input goes to a frequency-compensated step attenuator to
reduce large signals to prevent overload. The attenuator feeds a low-level
stage (or a few), which in turn feed gain stages (and a delay-line driver if
there is a delay). Following are more gain stages, up to the final output
stage which develops a large signal swing (tens of volts, sometimes over
100 volts) for CRT electrostatic deflection.
volts, and this with a very wide bandwidth. The gain of the vertical
amplifier can be adjusted to suit the amplitude of the input voltage. A
positive input voltage bends the electron beam upwards, and a negative
voltage bends it downwards, so that the vertical deflection at any part of
the trace shows the value of the input at that time.
The response of any oscilloscope is much faster than that of mechanical
measuring devices such as the multimeter, where the inertia of the pointer
(and perhaps damping) slows down its response to the input.
Observing high speed signals, especially non-repetitive signals, with a
conventional CRO is difficult, due to non-stable or changing triggering
threshold which makes it hard to "freeze" the waveform on the screen.
This often requires the room to be darkened or a special viewing hood to
be placed over the face of the display tube. To aid in viewing such signals,
special oscilloscopes have borrowed from night vision technology,
employing a microchannel plate electron multiplier behind the tube face to
amplify faint beam currents.
Tektronix Model C-5A Oscilloscope Camera with Polaroid instant film pack
Although a CRO allows one to view a signal, in its basic form it has no
means of recording that signal on paper for the purpose of
documentation. Therefore, special oscilloscope cameras were developed
to photograph the screen directly. Early cameras used roll or plate film,
while in the 1970s Polaroid instant cameras became popular. A P11 CRT
phosphor (visually blue) was especially effective in exposing film. Cameras
(sometimes using single sweeps) were used to capture faint traces.
The power supply is an important component of the scope. It provides low
voltages to power the cathode heater in the tube (isolated for high
voltage!), and the vertical and horizontal amplifiers as well as the trigger
and sweep circuits. Higher voltages are needed to drive the electrostatic
deflection plates, which means that the output stage of the vertical
deflection amplifier has to develop large signal swings. These voltages
must be very stable, and amplifier gain must be correspondingly stable.
Any significant variations will cause errors in the size of the trace, making
the 'scope inaccurate.
Later analog oscilloscopes added digital processing to the standard
design. The same basic architecture - cathode ray tube, vertical and
horizontal amplifiers - was retained, but the electron beam was controlled
by digital circuitry that could display graphics and text mixed with the
analog waveforms. Display time for those was interleaved -- multiplexed -with waveform display in basically much the same way that a
dual/multitrace 'scope displays its channels. The extra features that this
system provides include:
on-screen display of amplifier and timebase settings;
voltage cursors - adjustable horizontal lines with voltage display;
time cursors - adjustable vertical lines with time display;
on-screen menus for trigger settings and other functions.
Dual-beam oscilloscope
A dual-beam oscilloscope was a type of oscilloscope once used to compare
one signal with another. There were two beams produced in a special type
of CRT.
Unlike an ordinary "dual-trace" oscilloscope (which time-shared a single
electron beam, thus losing about 50% of each signal), a dual-beam
oscilloscope simultaneously produced two separate electron beams,
capturing the entirety of both signals. One type (Cossor, UK) had a beamsplitter plate in its CRT, and single-ended vertical deflection following the
splitter. (There is more about this type of 'scope near the end of the this
Other dual-beam 'scopes had two complete electron guns, requiring tight
control of axial (rotational) mechanical alignment in manufacturing the
CRT. In the latter type, two independent pairs of vertical plates deflect the
beams. Vertical plates for channel A had no effect on channel B's beam.
Similarly for channel B, separate vertical plates existed which deflected
the B beam only.
On some dual-beam scopes the time base, horizontal plates and horizontal
amplifier were common to both beams (the beam-splitter CRT worked this
way). On more elaborate scopes like the Tektronix 556 there were two
independent time bases and two sets of horizontal plates and horizontal
amplifiers. Thus one could look at a very fast signal on one beam and a
slow signal on another beam.
Most multichannel 'scopes do not have multiple electron beams. Instead,
they display only one trace at a time, but switch the later stages of the
vertical amplifier between one channel and the other either on alternate
sweeps (ALT mode) or many times per sweep (CHOP mode). Very few true
dual-beam oscilloscopes were built.
With the advent of digital signal capture, true dual-beam oscilloscopes
became obsolete, as it was then possible to display two truly simultaneous
signals from memory using either the ALT or CHOP display technique, or
even possibly a raster display mode.
Analog storage oscilloscope
Trace storage is an extra feature available on some analog scopes; they
used direct-view storage CRTs. Storage allows the trace pattern that
normally decays in a fraction of a second to remain on the screen for
several minutes or longer. An electrical circuit can then be deliberately
activated to store and erase the trace on the screen.
The storage is accomplished using the principle of secondary emission.
When the ordinary writing electron beam passes a point on the phosphor
surface, not only does it momentarily cause the phosphor to illuminate,
but the kinetic energy of the electron beam knocks other electrons loose
from the phosphor surface. This can leave a net positive charge. Storage
oscilloscopes then provide one or more secondary electron guns (called
the "flood guns") that provide a steady flood of low-energy electrons
traveling towards the phosphor screen. Flood guns cover the entire
screen, ideally uniformly. The electrons from the flood guns are more
strongly drawn to the areas of the phosphor screen where the writing gun
has left a net positive charge; in this way, the electrons from the flood
guns re-illuminate the phosphor in these positively-charged areas of the
phosphor screen.
If the energy of the flood gun electrons is properly balanced, each
impinging flood gun electron knocks out one secondary electron from the
phosphor screen, thus preserving the net positive charge in the
illuminated areas of the phosphor screen. In this way, the image originally
written by the writing gun can be maintained for a long time -- many
seconds to a few minutes. Eventually, small imbalances in the secondary
emission ratio cause the entire screen to "fade positive" (light up) or
cause the originally-written trace to "fade negative" (extinguish). It is
these imbalances that limit the ultimate storage time possible.
Storage oscilloscopes (and large-screen storage CRT displays) of this type,
with storage at the phosphor, were made by Tektronix. Other companies,
notably Hughes, earlier made storage 'scopes with a more-elaborate and
costly internal storage structure.
Some oscilloscopes used a strictly binary (on/off) form of storage known
as "bistable storage". Others permitted a constant series of short,
incomplete erasure cycles which created the impression of a phosphor
with "variable persistence". Certain oscilloscopes also allowed the partial
or complete shutdown of the flood guns, allowing the preservation (albeit
invisibly) of the latent stored image for later viewing. (Fading positive or
fading negative only occurs when the flood guns are "on"; with the flood
guns off, only leakage of the charges on the phosphor screen degrades the
stored image.
Analogue Sampling Oscilloscope
The principle of sampling was developed during the 1930s in Bell
Laboratories by Nyquist, after whom the sampling theorem is named. The
first sampling oscilloscope was, however, developed in the late 1950s at
the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell in England by G.B.B.
Chaplin, A.R. Owens and A.J. Cole. ["A Sensitive Transistor Oscillograph
With DC to 300 Mc/s Response", Proc I.E.E. (London) Vol.106, Part B.
Suppl., No. 16, 1959].
The first sampling oscilloscope was an analog instrument, originally
developed as a front-end unit for a conventional oscilloscope. The need for
this instrument grew out of the requirement of nuclear scientists at
Harwell to capture the waveform of very fast repetitive pulses. The
current state-of-the-art oscilloscopes -- with bandwidths of typically 20
MHz -- were not able to do this and the 300 MHz effective bandwidth of
their analog sampling oscilloscope represented a considerable advance.
A short series of these 'front-ends' was made at Harwell and found much
use and Chaplin et al. patented the invention. Commercial exploitation of
this patent was ultimately done by the Hewlett-Packard Company (later
Agilent Technologies).
Sampling oscilloscopes achieve their large bandwidths by not taking the
entire signal at a time. Instead, only a sample of the signal is taken. The
samples are then assembled to create the waveform. This method can
only work for repetitive signals, not transient events. The idea of sampling
can be thought of as a stroboscopic technique. When using a strobe light,
only pieces of the motion are seen, but when enough of these images are
taken, the overall motion can be captured [4]
Digital oscilloscopes
While analog devices make use of continually varying voltages, digital
devices employ binary numbers which correspond to samples of the
voltage. In the case of digital oscilloscopes, an analog-to-digital converter
(ADC) is used to change the measured voltages into digital information.
Waveforms are taken as a series of samples. The samples are stored,
accumulating until enough are taken in order to describe the waveform,
which are then reassembled for display. Digital technology allows the
information to be displayed with brightness, clarity, and stability. There
are, however, limitations as with the performance of any oscilloscope. The
because it allows for a very high "sample rate" and low amplitude noise
compared to traditional real-time scopes.
To sum this up: Advantages over the analog oscilloscope:
Brighter and bigger display with color to distinguish multiple traces
Equivalent time sampling and Average across consecutive samples or
scans lead to higher resolution down to V
Peak detection
Pre-trigger (events before the trigger occurs can be displayed)
Easy pan and zoom across multiple stored traces allows beginners to work
without a trigger
This needs a fast reaction of the display (some scopes have 1 ms delay)
The knobs have to be large and turn smoothly
Also slow traces like the temperature variation across a day can be
The memory of the oscilloscope can be arranged not only as a onedimensional list but also as a two-dimensional array to simulate a
phosphor screen. The digital technique allows a quantitative analysis (E.g.
Eye diagram)
Allows for automation, though most models lock the access to their
A disadvantage of digital oscilloscopes is the limited refresh rate of the
screen. On an analog oscilloscope, the user can get an intuitive sense of
the trigger rate simply by looking at the steadiness of the CRT trace. For a
digital oscilloscope, the screen looks exactly the same for any signal rate
which exceeds the screen's refresh rate. Additionally, it is sometimes hard
to spot "glitches" or other rare phenomena on the black-and-white screens
of standard digital oscilloscopes; the slight persistence of CRT phosphors
on analog scopes makes glitches visible even if many subsequent triggers
overwrite them. Both of these difficulties have been overcome recently by
"digital phosphor oscilloscopes," which store data at a very high refresh
rate and display it with variable intensity, to simulate the trace
persistence of a CRT scope.
A related type of analog sampling 'scope for displaying very fast,
repetitive waveforms sampled very quickly (fractional nanoseconds) and
held the samples long enough to be displayed by a narrow-band vertical
Hand held oscilloscope are useful for many test and field service
applications. Today, a hand held oscilloscope is usually a digital sampling
oscilloscope, using a liquid crystal display. Typically, a hand held
oscilloscope has two analog input channels, but four input channel
versions are also available. Some instruments combine the functions of a
digital multimeter with the oscilloscope. Usually lightweight with good
invisible display. Oscilloscope CRTs designed for very fast signals can give
a brighter display by passing the electron beam through a micro-channel
plate just before it reaches the screen. Through the phenomenon of
secondary emission this plate multiplies the number of electrons reaching
the phosphor screen, giving a significant improvement in writing rate
(brightness), and improved sensitivity and spot size as well.[9][10]
Most oscilloscopes have a graticule as part of the visual display, to
facilitate measurements. The graticule may be permanently marked inside
the face of the CRT, or it may be a transparent external plate. External
graticules are typically made of glass or acrylic plastic. An internal
graticule provides an advantage in that it eliminates parallax error. Unlike
an external graticule, an internal graticule can not be changed to
accommodate different types of measurements.[11] Oscilloscopes
commonly provide a means for the graticule to be side-illuminated, which
improves its visibility when used in a darkened room or when shaded by a
camera hood.[12]
Color CRTs
Spectra of constituent blue, green and red phosphors in a common CRT
Color tubes use three different phosphors which emit red, green, and blue
light respectively. They are packed together in stripes (as in aperture
grille designs) or clusters called "triads" (as in shadow mask CRTs).[13]
Color CRTs have three electron guns, one for each primary color, arranged
either in a straight line or in a triangular configuration (the guns are
usually constructed as a single unit). A grille or mask absorbs the
electrons that would otherwise hit the wrong phosphor.[14] A shadow
mask tube uses a metal plate with tiny holes, placed so that the electron
beam only illuminates the correct phosphors on the face of the tube.[13]
Another type of color CRT uses an aperture grille to achieve the same
A common misconception is that the three electron beams are different
'colours'. They are not; the only difference between the beams is the
signals that they carry. If the 'red' beam were to fall onto the 'green'
phosphor, then green light would be produced.
Convergence in color CRTs
The three beams in color CRTs would not strike the screen at the same
point without convergence calibration. Instead, the set would need to be