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International Islamic University, Islamabad: Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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International Islamic University, Islamabad

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering


Experiment No. 1: AC and DC Circuits Measurement Techniques

Name of Student: ………………………………………

Registration No.: …………………………………………

Section: ………………………………………………………

Date of Experiment: ……………………………………

Marks Obtained: ………………………………………

Instructor’s Signature: ………………………………

Experiment No. 1: AC and DC Circuits Measurement Techniques Page 1

1. Objectives

(1) To measure the AC and DC amplitudes of a waveform with an Oscilloscope.

(2) To measure the AC and DC Amplitudes of a waveform with a Digital Millimeters.
(3) To measure the period and frequency of periodic waves with an Oscilloscope.
(4) To measure the phase shift between two sinusoidal waves with an Oscilloscope.

2. Equipment Required

Digital Multimeter (DMM)
DC Power Supply
Function generator

 (2) 1-kΩ
 (1) 2-kΩ
 (1) 3.9-kΩ
 (2) 1-MΩ

 0.1µF


This experiment will be an introduction to the measuring instrumentation commonly used to

measure DC and AC quantities. Specifically, the oscilloscope and the digital millimeters will
be used to measure both the AC and DC components of a voltage waveform.
The oscilloscope is basically a voltage measuring device. It measures the amplitude of any
periodic voltage in terms of its peak-to-peak value. By contrast, the digital multimeter
measures the rms value of the periodic wave. Note, however, that some digital mulitmeters
measure the rms value of a sinusoidal wave only.
The oscilloscope can also be used to measure the period, and consequently the frequency, of a
periodic wave. In case of sine wave, it will measure the frequency of that wave; if a pulse is
applied, it will allow for the determination of its fundamental frequency. The frequencies

Experiment No. 1: AC and DC Circuits Measurement Techniques Page 2

determined from the oscilloscope measurements will be compared with those made with a
frequency counter.
It is important in the use of a particular measuring instrument to note its possible effect on the
measurements taken. To demonstrate this, a circuit is used which has low impedance as
compared to the input impedance of the oscilloscope. Thus, the circuit voltage measured
approaches its theoretical value. However, when the circuit impedance is changed, it nearly
approaches to that of the oscilloscope, serious measurement errors are introduced. To
overcome these errors, 10:1 test probes are used.
The screen is divided into centimeter division in the vertical and horizontal directions. The
vertical sensitivity is provided in volts/cm, while the horizontal scale is provided in time/cm.
If a particular signal occupies 6 vertical centimeters and the vertical sensitivity is 5mV/cm,
the magnitude of the signal can be determined from the following equation:

Signal voltage = [voltage sensitivity (V/cm) × Occupied Boxes (cm)] Vs = (5mV/cm) × (6cm)
= 30 mV

If one cycle of the same signal occupies 8 horizontal centimeters on the horizontal scale
with a horizontal sensitivity of 5us/m, the period and frequency of the signal can be determined
from the following equation:

Period of waveform = [horizontal sensitivity (s/cm) × Boxes occupied by 1 cycle (cm)] Time
Period = (5u/cm) (8cm) = 40 us

The instructor will provide a brief description of the various sections of the
oscilloscope and function generator. In your own words, describe the function and use of
each of the following and use of each of the following controls or sections of the

a) Focus

b) Intensity

Experiment No. 1: AC and DC Circuits Measurement Techniques Page 3

c) Beam finder

d) Vertical and Horizontal positions controls

e) Trigger section

f) Vertical sensitivity

g) Vertical mode selection

h) AC-GND-DC switch

i) Horizontal Sensitivity

j) Calibrate switch

k) Probe


The Function Generator is a supply that typically provides a sinusoidal, square-

wave, and triangular waveform for a range of frequencies and amplitudes. Although the
frequency of the function generator can be set by the dial position and appropriate multiplier,
the oscilloscope can be used to precisely set the output frequency. The scope can also be
used to set the amplitude of the function generator since most function generators simply
have an amplitude control with no level indicators.

Experiment No. 1: AC and DC Circuits Measurement Techniques Page 4


Part 1: AC and DC Voltage Amplitude Measurements

a. Construct the circuit of Fig. 1-1. Insert the measured resistor values.
R1(meas)=_______, R2(meas)=_______, R3(meas)=_______
b. Connect the oscilloscope to measure the voltage Vi. For the channel being used set the
AC-GND-DC switch to GND position and set the horizontal line in the middle of the screen.
Then return the AC-GND-DC switch to AC position.
c. Set the vertical sensitivity to 1 V/cm and adjust the amplitude control of the signal
generator until Vi=8Vp-p at a frequency of 1 kHz. Use a horizontal sensitivity of 0.2 ms/cm.

Fig. 1-1
d. Set the DC supply to 12V using DMM. The network is now established with both AC
and DC supply.


Both the oscilloscope and DMM will now be used to measure the DC Levels of Fig. 1-1.

e. Calculate the expected DC voltage level at V0 using the measured resistors values.

(Calculated) V 0=¿ __________

Experiment No. 1: AC and DC Circuits Measurement Techniques Page 5

f. Use the DMM to measure the DC level of V0:
(Measured) V 0=¿ __________
Determine the percentage difference between the calculated and measured values using the
following equation.
(│ V 0 (cal)−V 0 (meas)│)
% Difference= ∗100 % (1.1)
│ V 0 (cal)│
g. Connect the scope to V0 and set the AC-GND-DC switch to the DC position. Using a
sensitivity of 1 V /cm determines the shift (in volts) in the positive peak value (referenced to
0V) from the established in part 1(c).

(Measured) shift in V0= ________________

Is the scope or DMM more accurate for this type of reading? Why?


Both the oscilloscope and DMM will now be used to measure the AC levels of Fig. 1-1.

h. Calculate the rms value of the applied voltage Vi.

(Calculated) Vi (rms) = _____________
i. Calculate the expected rms voltage V0 for the network of Fig. 1-1 at a frequency of
1kHz, using measure resistor values. Be aware the reactance of the capacitor must be
determined and the vector relationship between resistive and reactive elements employed in
the determination. For the AC analysis the 12 V supply can be set to zero volts (superposition
applies to the DC/AC analysis of the network) resulting in a parallel arrangement for R 2 and

(Calculated) V0 (rms)= ______________

j. Use DMM to measure the rms value of V0.

(Measured) V0 (rms)= ______________

Experiment No. 1: AC and DC Circuits Measurement Techniques Page 6

Determine the percent difference between the calculated and measured values using Eq. 1.1
(Calculated) % difference= _________________

k. Connect the oscilloscope to measure V 0 and set the AC-GND-DC switch at the AC
position. Using an appropriate vertical and horizontal sensitivity determine the peak to peak
value of V0.
(Measured) V0 (p-p) = _______________
Calculate the rms value of V0
(Measured) V0 (rms) = _______________

Determine the percent difference between the calculated and measured values using Eq. 1.1

(Calculated)% Difference = _____________

1. Are you satisfied that both the oscilloscope and DMM can effectively measure the rms
values of sinusoidal waveforms? Why?

Part 2: Measurements of the periods and Fundamental Frequencies of

Periodic Waveforms

In this part of the experiment, the oscilloscope will be used to measure the period and
frequency of a sinusoidal waveform.
a. Hook up the signal generator directly to a vertical channel of the oscilloscope. Set the
frequency dial between 1 and 2 kHz without taking the time to carefully read the scale and
determine which frequency was chosen. Adjust the amplitude control unit until an 8V p-p signal
is obtained on the screen. An 8V p-p sinusoidal signal of unknown frequency is now displayed
to determine the period and frequency of a waveform.

Experiment No. 1: AC and DC Circuits Measurement Techniques Page 7

b. Adjust the horizontal sensitivity until 1 or 2 complete cycles of waveform is displayed
on the screen. Record the chosen horizontal sensitivity below.
Horizontal sensitivity = ________________
c. Measure the number of divisions (including fractional parts) encompassed by one full
cycle of the waveform on the screen.
Number of divisions = ______________
d. Calculate the period of the waveform by multiplying the horizontal sensitivity by the
number of divisions.
Period (T) = ____________
e. The frequency can be determined using the relationshipf =1/T . Calculate the
Frequency (f) = ____________
f. Now the frequency is known compare it to the frequency set on the signal generator.
Record the set frequency below.

f (dial setting) = ___________

Part 3: Phase Shift Measurements

a. Construct the network of Fig. 1-2. insert the measured resistor value

Fig 1-2
b. Determine the rms value of the 6Vp-p signal applied to the input.
(Calculated) Vi (rms) = _____________

c. Assume ∠ V 0 >∠ V i at the frequency of 1kHz

(Calculated)V0 (rms) = ____________

Experiment No. 1: AC and DC Circuits Measurement Techniques Page 8

(Calculated)V0 (p-p) = ____________
θ = ____________
the angle θ is the phase angle between Vi and V0.
d. Hook up Vi to channel 1 of the oscilloscope and establish V i as a 6Vp-p 1 kHz
sinusoidal signal balanced (using the AC-GND-DC switch) above and below the center line
on the screen using a vertical sensitivity of 1 V/cm.
e. Hookup channel 2 to V0 and using the same vertical sensitivity of 1 V/cm and
superimpose V0 on Vi Be sure both Vi and V0 are balanced above and below the center line
using the GND position of the AC-GND-DC switch for each channel.
f. Count the number of horizontal divisions between positive slopes of V0 and Vi as
shown in Fig. 1.3 and label the result A. the separation A represents the phase shift between
V0 and Vi.
A (number of divisions) = _____________
g. Count the number of divisions encompassed by one full cycle of the waveforms and
label the result B
B (number of divisions) = ____________

h. The phase angle in the degrees can then be determined using the following equation:
Ө=( A /B)∗36 0 0 (1.2)
using Eq. 1.2 calculate the phase angle between Vo and Vi for the network of Fig. 1-2

i. How does the phase angle measured in part 3(h) compare to the phase angle calculated
in part 3 (c)?

j. If V0 crosses the axis with a positive slope to the right of Vi, V0 lags Vi by the angle θ.
For the network of Fig. 1-2 does V0 lead or lag Vi is the result expected? Why?

k. The relationship between Vi and Vr can be obtained by interchanging the positions of

the capacitor and resistor. The change in location is required to ensure a common ground
between waveforms viewed on the scope

Experiment No. 1: AC and DC Circuits Measurement Techniques Page 9

Interchange the positions of the resistor and capacitor of Fig. 1-2 and calculate the magnitude
and angle of Vr assuming Vi= 0o

(Calculated) Vr (rms) = ____________

(Calculated) Vr (p-p) = ____________
θ = ____________
l. Use the oscilloscope to measure the magnitude of V0 and Vi also indicate if V0 leads or
lags Vi.
(measured) Vr (p-p) = __________
(measured) Vi (p-p) = __________
θ = __________
Lead or lag? = __________
How do the measured and calculated results compare?
(Measure) Vo (p.p) = __________
How do the results of part 4(c) and 4 (d) compare?

Experiment No. 1: AC and DC Circuits Measurement Techniques Page 10

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