Yeditepe University Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Ee 232 Introduction To Electronics
Yeditepe University Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Ee 232 Introduction To Electronics
Yeditepe University Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Ee 232 Introduction To Electronics
HP 54603B Oscilloscope
HP 33120A Function Generator
DC Power Supply
Resistors : 1 kΩ(x2), 10 kΩ
Capacitors : 1 F(x2)
General Information
a) Average (Mean Value):
Assuming v(t) is a signal with a period of T, the average value is :
1 𝑇
𝑉𝐴𝑉𝐺 = 𝑇 ∫0 𝑣(𝑡)𝑑𝑡 (1.1)
For alternating signals without DC components such as v(t)=A.sin(t), mean value is zero.
b) RMS (Root Mean Square) Effective Value of an AC Waveform
RMS function of voltage v(t) gives us a value equal to the DC voltage that dissipates the same
power on a resistor as our signal does. Thus it is also called "effective value".
1 𝑇
𝑉𝑅𝑀𝑆 = √𝑇 ∫0 𝑣 2 (𝑡)𝑑𝑡 (1.2)
Note that (you can try integrating) for sinusoidals:
𝑉𝑅𝑀𝑆 = (1.3)
Now let's consider a sinusoidal signal:
You can measure almost anything with the two-dimensional graph drawn by an oscilloscope. In
most applications the scope shows you a graph of voltage (on the vertical axis) versus time (on the
horizontal axis). This general-purpose display presents far more information than is available from other
test and measurement instruments like frequency counters and multimeters. For example, with a scope
you can find out how much of a signal is direct, how much is alternating, how much is noise and what
the frequency of the signal is as well. Using a scope lets you see everything at once rather than requiring
separate tests.
Simply, an oscilloscope measures the voltage in real time and the electron beam is moved vertically
with this voltage while this beam is also moving horizontally with a stable frequency, resulting a voltage
versus time graph glowing on the display. To obtain a stable graph, this horizontal sweep action should
start at the same point of the period each time. This very important job is done by employing the principle
of "triggering". This is a type of synchronization between the signal we measure and the horizontal sweep
signal in the scope.
Loading Effects to the Function Generator:
Pre-Laboratory Work:
(Draw the circuit diagram, briefly explain the situation and make hand calculations.)
Assume that you connect an oscilloscope to the output of the Function Generator. The input
resistance of the oscilloscope we use is 1M (here you can take this value as Rload). Naming the
amplitude values shown on the Function Generator display and measured by the oscilloscope as Vdisp
and Vosc, respectively, calculate Vosc in terms of Vdisp. What will Vosc be if Vdisp=500 mVp-p ?
a-Familiarization with the oscilloscope and function generator(You do not have to do simulation
of part (a), it is necessary to simulate part (b).
1. Connect an oscilloscope probe to the channel 1 of the scope. Turn the scope on. Press Setup followed
by Default Setup (softkey). Now the settings of the scope are restored to factory settings. Press 1 .
Toggle Probe to "10" (attenuation) by means of the related grey key since the probes we use are 10:1
2. Connect the probe edge to the calibration output (generating 1 kHz./ 2.5Vp-p Square Wave). Toggle
Coupling softkey (DC/AC/GND) and observe what you see each time. Set to DC Coupling in the
3. Now you don't see the whole signal. Use position knob to see it all. Notice the movement of GND
symbol ( ) on the screen with channel number (1 here).
4. Turn the “Horizontal” counter-clockwise step by step and see what happens. Follow the status line (at
the top) for the actual time scale.
5. Turn the “Vertical” in both directions and observe what happens. Follow the resultant voltage scale
on the status line (at the top left corner of the screen).
6. Press Autoscale. Record the voltage and time scales. Draw the observed waveshape on the scope
sheet. Measure the frequency and the amplitude of the signal by counting the divisions (you can use
horizontal and vertical position knobs to obtain a better view of the signal).
7. Press Meas. Toggle Source (softkey) to channel "1" .
Press Type and choose Vp-p, Vavg and Vrms respectively. See the cursors and record the result
displayed for each measurement.
Press Clear Meas.
Repeat the above for Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase.
8. Press Meas. Select Source 1. Make measurements with softkeys Freq / Period / Duty Cy. Record
results and note the cursors at each time.
9. Measure +Width and -Width. Record them. Press Risetime and record the result. This is not a good
measurement. Adjust timescale to 1.00s. Again record rise time. See the cursors showing the rising
region (between 10% and 90% of the amplitude). Press Falltime. Record what happens. Leave the
measurement on and adjust the triggering slope to falling edge by pressing Trigger (Trigger Type)
and toggling to with the related softkey. Record the result of the fall time.
10. Press Autoscale followed by Cursors. Measure Vp-p, the period and the frequency using the cursor
knob manually (select the cursor type with softkeys: v1,v2,t1,t2). Record them and clear cursors.
11. Disconnect the probe. Connect a signal cable (one with BNC plug and crocodiles on opposite edges)
to the Function Generator (FG) connector labeled "output". Connect the oscilloscope probe to the
signal cable (be careful with poles, red is signal, black is ground). Turn on the FG.
12. Autoscale the scope. FG displays frequency, so you can change it with the knob or arrow keys or with
enter number. Choose one and set the frequency to 5 kHz. Press Ampl and enter 500mVp-p.
13. Autoscale the scope and measure Vp-p on the scope, record the result. Is it different from 500mVp-
p. The reason is, loading effects to the FG as mentioned before. Compare the value Vp-p measured
on the scope (Vosc) with the one you calculated in the Prelab section.
14. Measure and record the frequency on the scope.
15. Press waveshape buttons on FG (sine, square, triangle, ramp) one by one and draw the two of the
outputs you select, on the scope sheet. Leave sinewave output at the end.
16. Press Offset on the FG and adjust offset to 0.5 VDC. This function of the FG adds this DC offset
value to the signal at the output. Draw this output on the scope sheet (you can use horizontal position,
vertical position or Volt/Div knobs to obtain a better view of the signal).
b-Examining AC and DC parts of signals (You have to make simulations of only procedure 1)
Multisim Hint: You should use AC_VOLTAGE for the voltage supply, and make transient
simulation. Carefully decide the “end time” and “max time step”. Bring only one graph including 2 traces
(v(A) & v(B) together) for this procedure.,
1. To examine an alternating signal riding on a DC value, build the circuit shown below. Set the
frequency of FG to 2 kHz.