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Air Asia

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Some of the key takeaways are that AirAsia is Malaysia's largest low-cost airline, it employs around 17,000 people, and uses various HR strategies to manage its large workforce.

The main steps in AirAsia's recruitment and selection process are application, screening test, group discussion/role play, personal interview, reference and background check, medical test, final selection, and placement.

The main tasks and responsibilities of cabin crew at AirAsia include performing safety briefings and duties, ensuring cleanliness, greeting passengers, attending to passenger requests, performing sales duties, and following the aircraft commander's instructions.

Running head: AIRASIA-HRM

Personnel Management AirAsia

[Prof. Name]


1. Introduction

AirAsia Berhad, that is commonly known as AirAsia is the low-cost airlines based in
Malaysia and headquartered in Kuala Lumpur. It is the best airline in Malaysia and the most lowcost airline in South-East Asia. The company operates all around the world and Singapore is one
of the reasons of its operations (AirAsia, 2007). AirAsia hold a great financial landscape with
annual revenue of RM 1.69 billion dollar. The 2016 data shows that airline employees around
17,000 employees. Given the large number of workforce, the company needs to implement
various strategies to manage existing as well as prospective workforce. The given assessment is
intended to provide an overview of the Human Resource Management in AirAsia.
2. Job Analysis
Job Analysis, in simple term is a comprehensive look at a certain job classification.
According to Wilson (2007), job analysis helps an organization by providing the information that
can further help in determining the employees that are suitable for a particular job. It helps the
job analyst to understand the vital tasks of the job, the procedure to carry those tasks, as well as
the necessary competencies and qualities that a person requires to accomplish the job
successfully (Wilson, 2007). Williams (2015) demonstrated that job descriptions and job
specifications are the two prime outcomes of the job analysis.
2.1 Job Description
Job description refers to a written explanation of the basic duties, tasks, as well as
responsibilities that are required of an employee to accomplish the job efficiently (Williams,
2015). The job description for the Cabin Crew AirAsia is as follows:
Title: Cabin Crew AirAsia


2.1.1 Task, Duties, and Responsibilities

The tasks of Cabin Crew in AirAsia somewhat depends on whether it is a long or a short
haul flight. However, the primary tasks that are mandatory to undertake include, they need to
perform the pre-flight briefing including the verification of the on-board safety equipment
(AirAsia Berhad). They need to ensure that the interior of the flight is tidy, clean, and are in
orderly manner. Greeting the passengers on board and providing them requisite directions to their
seats is another task crew cabin staff needs to person. Welcoming passengers on board and while
they exit the plan is another requisite task. The cabin crew in the AirAsia deemed to be
accountable to the aircraft commander (AirAsia Berhad); therefore, it is the duty of the cabin
crew member to carry out the instructions and orders of the aircraft commander and to assist the
commander in undertaking the safe and secure operations of the flight on board. It also includes
providing the commander information about any safety or security irregularities associated with
the flight on board, and making the announcements on the behalf of the flight commander.
Reassuring that the passengers will adhere to the safety procedures during the time of emergency
also covered under the main duties of the cabin crew staff (AirAsia Berhad). The responsibilities
of the cabin crew staff are further extended to educating and informing the passengers on the
flight about the safety procedures, which entail checking every galley and seat belt for security
before the flight take-off. Furthermore, attending to the enquiries of the passengers, serving them
refreshments and meals is the duty of the cabin crew. Carrying-out the sales on merchandises,
duty-free products, beverages and foods are certain responsibilities that cabin crew in AirAsia
needs to perform (AirAsia Berhad). Finally, confirming that the passengers safely and happily
disembark at the end of the flight is also covered under the tasks performed by the flight
attendants or cabin-crew staff in AirAsia (AirAsia Berhad).


2.2 Job Specification

Job Specification is most of the time included as a distinct section of the job description.
Williams (2015) defined job specification as a summary of the skills, competencies, and
qualifications that are required to accomplish the job successfully.
2.2.1 Knowledge
The candidate is required to be proficient in both written and spoken English and must be
graduate from any disciple with good quantitative aptitude (Fly Gosh, 2014).
2.2.2 Skills
Along with the good communication skills, the candidate is required to be fun loving,
outgoing, and should possess spectacular personality. He or She must possess a positive attitude
and must maintain a good dealing with individuals from varied culture (Fly Gosh, 2014).
2.2.3 Ability
The candidate is required to be capable of providing exceptional customer service
working within a group or a team environment with a diverse workforce (Fly Gosh, 2014).
2.2.4 Miscellaneous Characteristics
The person must be energetic, vibrant, inexhaustible smile, and must stringently follow
the dress code where females are required to smart casuals including a knee length skirt or dress
with full make-up, and male are required to wear smart casual and must be stylish. Cabin Crews
with experience are highly preferred for the job by AirAsia (Fly Gosh, 2014). The candidate must
between 20 and 35 years of age. The height of female should be minimum 157cm and maximum


170cm, and the height of male should be minimum 170cm and maximum 180cm (Fly Gosh,
3. Job Design
Job Design is core human resource management function that is associated with the
specifying the methods, contents, as well as the relationship of jobs for the sake of satisfying
organizational as well as technological needs and the personal and social needs of the job holder
(Noe, HollenBeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2007). The main motive of the job design is to enhance
the job satisfaction by improving the quality and through-put, and reducing the absenteeism and
grievances of the employees. Job design entail the four elements including the design for
employee motivation, design for employees mental capacity, design for efficiency, and design
for health and safety of employees (Noe, HollenBeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2007).
3.1 Design for Employee Motivation
It aids the companies by enhancing the zeal to work and enthusiasm among the
employees. The AirAsia can design motivation for the cabin crew members by providing them
paid leaves, time-to-time performance bonuses, and flexible work schedule. This will help in
employee giving their best to the airlines.
3.2 Design for Efficiency
In order to enhance efficiency, the airline can make use of diverse technology and varied
mechanism that can further help in reducing the complexity of work for employees, and in turn
will help them in performing daily tasks easily. This will include AirAsia to innovate in terms of


3.3 Design for Mental Capacity

This can be achieved if a company can concentrate on training and development of the
employees. As far as AirAsia is concerned, the annual report reveals that training its employee
and developing talent is one of the most important role of the airlines.
3.4 Design for Health and Safety (Ergonomics)
This will not only include the health of the cabin crew but will also include picking c
comfortable uniform and shoes for the staff. The company should take proper steps for the wellbeing of the crew.
4. Recruitment Strategies and Implementations
Wang (2015) demonstrated that recruitment strategies of the company are those that helps
the organization in attracting and winning the top-talent in the industry. Noe et al. (2007)
analyzed those three prime aspects of recruitment that include: personnel policies, recruitment
sources, and traits and behaviors of recruiter.
4.1 Personnel Policies
Personnel policies is about the companys decisions associated with carrying out diverse
human resource activities that further entails its strategic to fill vacant positions (Noe,
HollenBeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2007). For recruiting the new applications, the AirAsia uses the
third party to invite the prospective candidates. For instance, using job-portals such as
cabincrewhq.com, Naukri.com, etc. The company can further use advertisements to attract the
potential top talent in the market. Wang (2015) further figured out that social media recruitment


is the great tool to attract prospective candidates as they get to know about the culture of the
company through social media, which in turn is beneficial for the company.
4.2 Recruitment Sources
The recruitment sources are those from where the company picks employees for itself.
According to Noe et al. (2007) there are two sources of recruitment: internal and external.
AirAsias annual report suggests that the company has a great tendency for internal recruitments
(AirAsia, 2007). However, in order to fulfill the needs of worldwide expansion in the operation
of the company. AirAsia needs to use internal sources of recruitment for which again social
media is the best and low-cost tool for the AirAsia.
4.3 Recruiters Behavior and Traits
The behavior and traits of the recruiters in a company is of utmost importance. Therefore,
it is necessary for the AirAsia to maintain cordial relationships with the recruiter to gain the best
talent possible and to receive the essential, realistic, and timely information.
5. Selection Strategies and Implementation
The selection of personnel is a methodical process that is used to hire the people
(Robertson & Smith, 2001). According to Muchinsky (2012), in the process of personnel
selection, the selected applicants are separated from rejected candidates in order to choose the
person who is perceived to provide the most valuable contribution to the company. The author
further analyzed that the selection procedure entails collecting information about the prospective
applicants with the ultimate motive of deciding the sustainability as well as suitability for
employment in the specific job (Muchinsky, 2012). The tools that are used for gathering such
information include interviews, personality tests, cognitive ability tests, work samples, physical


ability tests, and biographical data. The implementation of the screening methodology is most of
the time done by organizations human resource department and sometimes by the hired external
firms or consultants (Muchinsky, 2012). The method for selecting the cabin crew for the AirAsia
is as follows:
Step 1. Screening Resumes and Applications
In order to apply for a job in AirAsia, the candidate is required to fill the application form
and provide the requisite details or resume along with the application form. This helps the
airlines in gathering basic essential information about the candidate. The Career application form
requires is available online on their website and needs the applicant to put some basic details
including the type of position that the applicant is applying and for what location (AirAsia, n.d.).
It is followed by the basic personal information about the candidate, nationality, Passport
Number of the applicant, and the contact details (AirAsia, n.d.).
Step 2. Scrutiny of Application
After collecting the personal and professional details of all the interested applicants, the
airlines reject the incomplete applications. It also rejects the applications of the candidates the
job specifications not match.
Step 3. Conduct Series of Tests
After selecting the most viable candidate, series of tests are conducted including the
written test including interest, knowledge, and aptitude test. The candidates those pass the
written test are then go through the psychological tests including the aptitude tests, personality
test, and intelligence test.


Step 4. Personal Interview

The candidates who pass all the aforementioned tests will then get eligible for personal
interview. It can be a panel interview or one-on-one interview with the individual interviewer. It
generally involves senior officers. The applicants then asked numerous questions regarding their
experience, their interest, family background, etc. Sometimes the candidates are required to
explain about their expectations form the prospective job. Based on their answers and body
language, the strengths and weaknesses of the applicants are recognized, that further help the
interviewer in making final decision.
Step 5. Reference and Background Check
In this step, the candidates who became successful in the previous phase are verified on
the basis of their personal and professional background. They are usually asked to provide
references to help the company to verify the legitimacy of the candidate.
Step 6. Medical Test
Medical test is also conducted in order to ensure that the candidate is physically fit to
perform the given job. The candidates with certain health issues are rejected, if the company
thinks that their health will intervene their job.
Step 9. Final Selection
At this stage, the candidate who successfully accomplished all the above steps are given
appointment letters to join the company ate the data specified. It also includes the designation,
salary, title, terms of employment, and salary. It depends on the company whether the initial
appointment is on the probationary basis or permanent.



Step 10. Placement

This is the final step in the selection process. A candidate who is most suitable is
6. Conclusion
The fierce competition and increasing globalization in the market also occasion in
increasing workforce, managing which is very complex task. The company needs to implement
varied strategies to manage the existing employees and hiring the fresh talent that again needs
the airline to go through numerous stages. The assessment was intended to offer an evaluation of
the various strategies that AirAsia applies and show apply in order to manage the personnel.



AirAsia. (2007). Annual Report. Retrieved from http://www.airasia.com/iwovresources/my/common/pdf/AirAsia/IR/annual-report-corporate-2007.pdf
AirAsia Berhad. (n.d.). Cabin Crew AirAsia. http://www.jobstreet.com.my/en/job/cabin-crewairasia-x-japanese-speaker-3037180.
AirAsia. (n.d.). Career Application Form. Retrieved from
Fly Gosh. (2014, October). Air Asia Cabin Crew Recruitment - Walk in interview . Retrieved
from http://www.flygosh.com/2014/09/air-asia-cabin-crew-recruitment-walk-in.html
Muchinsky, P. (2012). Psychology Applied to Work. Summerfield, N klu C: Hypergraphic Press.
Noe, R. A., HollenBeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2007). Fundamentals Of Human
Resource. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Robertson, I. T., & Smith, M. (2001). Personnel selection. Journal of Occupational and
Organizational Psychology, 74, 441-472.
Wang, D. (2015, November 18). Recruitment Strategic to Attract and Win Top Talent. Retrieved
from https://www.tinypulse.com/blog/sk-recruitment-strategies-to-attract-and-win-toptalent
Williams, C. (2015). Effective Management.



Wilson, M. (2007). A history of job analysis. In L. Koppes, Historical perspectives in industrial

and organizational psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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