Assignment f1
Assignment f1
Assignment f1
1. Introduction
Definision of organisation and stakeholder
2. Background
Type of Business organization
Sevice , market and customer
Mission, culture, philosophy, values
Outline of organization structure
3. Exiting social collaborating tools
The current tool that being used
The weakness of the tools
4. Recommendation and solution
Justification and rationale
Benefits the recommendations and solutions
Proposed implemented strategics
5. Reference
6. Appendices
AirAsia is one of the main airline in Malaysia. AirAsia is the low-cost airline that based
near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. AirAsia is registered at office Petaling Jaya but its main
office is at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). In 2007, AirAsia was described as
a pioneer of low-cost in travel in Asia by Joshua Kurlantzick of The New York Times.
AirAsia is also sponsor a lot kind of team such as Malaysian nasional football team,
Singapore nasional football team and Queens park ranger. Airasia is also a former
sponsored to Manchester United and Asia Red Tour. Now AirAsia sponsor to KBS
Korean Drama.
AirAsia was established in 1993 and its founded by a government. On 2 December, the
airlines was bought by former Time Warner executives Tony Fernandes with only the
sum of one ringgit (USD 0.26 at the time).When Tony Fernandes bought the airline, it
was heavily-indebted, the debt worth about 40 million ringgit (USD 11 million). In 2002,
Fernandes turn the company around, the airlines producing a profit. Airlines first hub
was placed at Kuala Lumour and launching a new routes with a promotional fares as
low as RM 1 (USD 0.27). In 2003, AirAsia opened its second hub near Singapore that is
in Johor Bahru.
After that, AirAsia started to iffiliate and began to fights to many places such as
Thailand, Singapore, Macau and others. Malaysia Airliness Rural Air Service roads in
Sabah and Sarawak has been taken by AirAsia in August 2006. After a year, this roads
were returned to MASwings because of citing commercial reasons. At the end,
Fernandes plan to further AirAsias presence in Asia. AirAsia started to adding a lot of
new routes and because of this, AirAsia passengers increased in 2007.
AirAsia faced a problem in 2007, passengers from The Barrier-Free Environment and
Accessible Transport Group" protested against the airlines because the airlines did not
gives the immobile passengers to fly. They claimed discriminad against the airlines
when the people are booking through online tickets, was a wheelchair-passengers.
AirAsia has announced 106 new routes is to be added in the old routes. AirAsia and
Malaysia Airline has formed an alliance through share swap. This alliance has been
stuck down by Malaysia government because of disrupt the concept of both airlines. In
the early of 2013, AirAsia profit increased by year-over-year compared to the same
period 2012. The airlines net profit stood at 350.65 million ringgit (USD114.08 Million) in
the ending of December 2012.
that determines
relationships between the different activities and the members same goes to AirAsia.
Fernandes needs to combine their all airlines hub to get full support from the
management and the employee. So that AirAsia will be able to overcome the limitations
of working alone, to make their airlines achieve their goals more efficiently and
effectively. AirAsia are follow the principle of specialization which mean the employee
are working under a department that they love to work such as marketing department,
finance department and producting department. Each department have a different
responsible and activities. It will be easy to train a new employees when they in a
department that they love to do. Because of this, synergy occurs when the strength of
the employee are maximized, and the weaknesses are irrelevant in the airlines so that
they can performed faster and became more skillful person as they gain more
experienced in their work. They also can make a decision with quickly whenever face a
problem with more efficient. So it can reduces the cost and management problems.
AirAsia provides a lot of services to their customer. Fisrtly, Airasia gives a service on the
board, they offers snack attacks on the board, where the passengers can purchase
food and drinks in the board. AirAsia does not sell alcohol and pork on the regional
AirAsia groups flights but on AirAsia X flights, they sell all. This is because, pork and
alcohol are forbidden in Islamic. Other than that, AirAsia also started their own frequentflyer program. Under this programme it will issue loyalty points to the AirAsia customer,
they also can redeemed AirAsia flights. AirAsia also have their guide travels. It is more
cheaper and acceptable.
AirAsia is the lowest carrier with the widest route connectivity in the Asia. AirAsia
recognized as the lowest fare, quality services and with unmistakable tangeline that is
NOW EVERYBODY CAN FLY. AirAsia follow five fundamental values that is, safety,
valuing our people, customer focused, integrity and excellence in performance.
AirAsia has recognized customer as their assets for efficient and effective customer
relationship management (CRM). So, what is the CRM and why AirAsia used this
concept? CRM is putting customer at the heart of the business. So, AirAsia establishing
and strengtening the long term relationships with customer. Tony Fernandes also said
that a great customer services is ensuring that the customer can comunicated with you
is the most important things. Its one of the key to success. AirAsia also identified their
high value customer, and provide loyalty program to serve them better.
AirAsia have a lot of mission to achieved. First of all, AirAsia want to be the best
company to work for the employees while the employee are also treated as part of a
big family. Its also want to create a globally recognized ASEAN brand and also want
to attain the lowest cost airlines so that everyone can fly with AirAsia. AirAsia is also
want to maintain the highest quality product, embracing technology to reduce cost
and enhance service levels
In December 2001, Tune Air Sdn Bhd is the highest shareholdings (19.09%) in
the AirAsia. The company has also acquired a 99.25 per-cent of equity in AirAsia.
Now, Tune Air Sdn Bhd is the holding company, while AirAsia remains as the
operating company.