Lauren L. Williamson: Education
Lauren L. Williamson: Education
Lauren L. Williamson: Education
Williams College
18 Hoxsey St
Williamstown, MA 01267
June 2007
Academic Appointments
2014-present Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Williams College
Professional Affiliations
Society for Neuroscience
Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society
Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience
Williamson, L.L., Belliveau, C., & Bilbo, S.D. (submitted). Environmental enrichment
alters the neurogenic niche: altered microglial reactivity requires interactions with
other neural cell types.
Claypoole, L.D.*, Zimmerberg, B., & Williamson, L.L. (in press). Neonatal
lipopolysaccharide treatment alters hippocampal neuroinflammation, microglia
morphology and anxiety-like behavior in rats selectively bred for an infantile trait.
Brain, Behavior & Immunity.
Williamson, L.L., McKenney, E., Holzknecht Z.E., Belliveau, C., Rawls, J.F., Parker,
W., & Bilbo, S.D. (2016). Got worms? Perinatal exposure to helminths prevents
immune sensitization and cognitive dysfunction induced by early-life infection.
Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 51, 14-28.
McKenney, E., Williamson, L.L., Yoder, A.D., Rawls, J.F., Bilbo, S.D., Parker, W.
(2015). Alteration of the rat cecal microbiome during colonization with the helminth
Hymenolepsis diminuta. Gut Microbes, 6(3), 182-93.
Williamson, L.L. & Bilbo, S.D. (2014). Neonatal infection modulates behavioral
flexibility and hippocampal activation on a Morris Water Maze task. Physiology &
Behavior, 129, 152-159.
Williamson, L.L. & Bilbo, S.D. (2013). Chemokines and the hippocampus: A new
perspective on hippocampal plasticity and vulnerability. Brain, Behavior &
Immunity, 30, 186-194.
Williamson, L. L., Chao, A.*, & Bilbo, S. D. (2012). Environmental enrichment alters
glial antigen expression and neuroimmune function in the adult rat hippocampus.
Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 26(3),500-10. [*undergraduate mentee]
Williamson, L. L., Sholar, P. W., Mistry, R. S., Smith, S. H., & Bilbo, S. D. (2011).
Microglia and memory: modulation by early-life infection. J Neurosci, 31(43), 1551115521.
Williamson L.L., Cheng, R.K., Etchegaray M.* & Meck W.H. (2008) Speed warps
time: Methamphetamines interactive roles in drug abuse, habit formation, and the
biological clocks of circadian and interval timing. Curr Drug Abuse Rev. 1: 203-212.
*denotes undergraduate co-author
Conference Presentations
Williamson LL, McKenney E, Parker W, & Bilbo SD. (2014 May) Biome reconstitution
as a novel mechanism of preventing neonatal infection-induced cognitive
dysfunction. Poster presented at the meeting for Psychoneuroimmunology Research
Society, Philadelphia, PA.
Williamson LL, Ngan E*, & Bilbo SD. (2013 June) Cytokine and chemokine
expression in the nucleus accumbens modulates morphine reinstatement in mice.
Poster presented at the meeting for Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology,
Atlanta, GA.
Williamson LL & Bilbo SD. (2012 Oct) Neonatal infection alters water maze learning
and impairs flexibility: Correlation with neuronal activation in the dentate gyrus.
Poster presented at the meeting for Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA.
Williamson LL, Chao, A*, & Bilbo SD. (2011 Nov) Environmental enrichment alters
glial antigen expression and neuroimmune function in the adult rat hippocampus.
Poster presented at the meeting for Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C.
Mistry RS, Williamson LL, & Bilbo SD. (2010 Nov) Combined influence of neonatal
and adult immune challenges on adult neuronal survival and activation in the
dentate gyrus. Poster presented at the meeting for Society for Neuroscience, San
Diego, CA.
Williamson LL & Bilbo SD. (2010 Nov) Microglia and memory: modulation by earlylife infection. Poster presented at the meeting for Society for Neuroscience, San
Diego, CA.
Williamson LL, Penner MR, Glenn MJ & Williams CL. (2009 Oct) Age-related
changes in hippocampal ensemble activity are attenuated by prenatal choline
supplementation in rats. Poster presented at the annual meeting for Society for
Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
Cordes S, Williamson LL, Alves K, Bhave SR, Rodriguez RM, Wetsel WC & Meck WH.
(2008 Nov) The role of the norephinephrine transporter in interval timing. Poster
presented at the annual meeting for Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C.
Community Outreach
Professional Development
Teaching in the Diverse Classroom Weekly Seminar, Fall 2014
Davis Center of the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity
Research Roundtable, Spring 2015
Semester-long collaboration with 3 junior faculty; translating our own scholarship to
the classroom
Teaching Millennials Weekly Seminar, Fall 2015
Davis Center of the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity
Creative Endeavors/Writing Roundtable, Fall 2015
Semester-long collaboration with 3 junior faculty; continuing our own scholarship
while maintaining our teaching load