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Mould Lesson 3

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Lesson 3: Mould- The Good the Bad and the Ugly



Class Size: 20
Grade 6

Duration of lesson

Year Level
Topic and Focus
Learning Intentions/Objectives:
Students will be able to:
build on their knowledge of micro-organisms focusing on mould growth
students develop terminology to talk and write about science

students develop understanding of mould what it is, how it grows, what its effects can be (positive and negative)

students further develop their skills in scientific investigation and experiment design

Key Vocabulary List: micro-organism, fungi, mould, yeast, bacteria, viruses, hypothesis, procedure, resources, spores

Discipline-based Science

Level: 6

Science understanding; Science
Inquiry skills

Key elements of standards to which lesson is focused/elaboration

The growth and survival of living things are

affected by the physical conditions of their
environment (ACSSU094)
With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to
answer questions or solve problems (ACSIS103)
Decide which variable should be changed and measured in
fair tests and accurately observe, measure and record data,
using digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS104)
Use equipment and materials safely, identifying
potential risks (ACSIS105)

With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical

problems or inform a scientific investigation, and
predict what the findings of an investigation might
be (ACSIS232)
Assessment Strategies:
Discussion and questioning
Assess their padlet design
Resources and Materials:
- Science books
- Whiteboard and whiteboard markers
- Tv with laptop linked up
Digital Technology integration:
www.padlet.com, websites for mould research

Stage of

Student Action /Tasks



Have students sit at their desks and

10 mins

Differentiated Learning

Teacher Action
Teacher ask students to sit at their tables.

recap what we did in our last science

Then recap on last science lesson. Call on

lesson. Students answer and ask their

students to explain what the did last class.

own questions in relation to mould

Touch on the experiment details such as


hypothesis, procedure and materials. What

is a variable etc What were the different
variables students had? Now that we have
had nearly a week to think about it, do they
have any new predications. Discuss their
observation sheets they were introduced to
last class. Ask why we might need to
observe mould growth over a few weeks.

Body of

Students go and collect their two

pieces of bread and collect 2
observation sheets. Students observe
mould growth, describe it and then
draw it.

20 mins

Those students that

Teacher outline the next activity. Students

complete this task

are to look at the mould growth on their

quickly are to pick one

bread and using the observation sheet, note

of the class pieces of

the date (how many days it has been),

bread or other food and

describe the colour and texture of the

complete the

mould growth (if any) for both of their

observation sheet for

pieces of bread and then draw it.Students

that. For these students

then to write down what they think they

who's two pieces of

could have down to prevent mould growth,

bread have the same

and also speed mould growth up.

amount of mould
growth are to do the
same but explain why it
might have the same
mould growth.
Students then come and sit on the
floor. As a class, students then discuss
the different rates of mould growth on
their pieces of bread. Answering and
also asking their own questions.

Teacher then gains the attention of the

students and asks them to sit on the floor
and as a class discuss the mould growth.
10 mins

Which piece of bread had the most mould

growth? Which the least? Why might this
be? Discuss the class pieces of bread
and food. Ask students why some mould
looks different? - They do not need to have
the answer for this as they are now going to

research mould.
Students work in their pairs to
research mould on the laptops writing
answers in their science books.
Students are to ensure they keep a list
of websites they access for their

Students are then told of the task they are

going to complete. In their pairs, students
are to research mould and how it grows.
Teacher will write questions on the board
30 mins

to help guide their research. Fun title for

the students Mould: The Good, The Bad
and the Ugly Possible questions, What is
mould? What does it look like? What does
mould do? Where do we find mould? How
can we prevent mould growth? Is all mould
bad? Fun fact? Where does mould fit in the

6 mins
30 mins

Students are then shown the website

Padlet again and how to create a
new one and how to use it. Students
answer questions on how to use
Students then continue their research
on mould and when ready display
their information on their new padlet

world of microorganisms?

Teacher stops students and asks them to sit

on the floor they are to leave their books
at their table. Teacher then shows students
how to use the website padlet again.
Teacher asks students how to perform
certain tasks (eg creating a new padlet,

typing in a new box, changing font, adding

a picture etc) teacher explains to students
what they are required to do. Create a new
padlet using the information they have
collected about mould and display it on
If students finish this

Teacher to walk around and ensure

task early, they are to

students are on task and have enough

go around and help

information to begin using padlet. Teacher

other students who

also collects addresses of padlets to display

might be having

at the end of the lesson

difficulty using the

website padlet.

Students return to the floor to view other

groups padlets. Students discuss their fun fact
and what they found interesting about mould

10 mins

Teacher asks students to sit on the floor.

Teacher then shows students the padlets
that have been completed on the TV for all
to see. As a class students discuss what they
like about each others padlets, their fun
facts, what they have learnt about mould
and how it fits with microorganisms.
If time, finish the Youtube video on mould


Ask students to pack up their tables

Reflection on Student Learning:

Students produced some fantastic work. Students were able to identify key aspects of mould and its growth, how to prevent it etc. Students
loved researching it and were excited to show me their Fun Fact. Students continued to work well in their pairings and it really improved the
learning of students were were struggling in the first lesson. Students enjoyed the videos and were able to articulate why mould grew on the
McDonalds burgers in one video and not the other.
Reflection on Lesson:
Due to other aspects going on with the other grade 6 classes, some students had to leave the room from time to time to complete tasks for their
end of year video, This meant having to repeat certain instructions and some students missing out on the discussion.
THINK PAIR SHARE again worked well for discussions. And having students write down their predictions and then share them allowed students
to think about it more deeply and then share.
Still continue to begin talking too fast but slowed down a lot sooner than in previous lessons.
Allowing students to guide discussion is working well for this class, however, do not believe it will work for all.
Feedback techniques improved during this lesson with more meaningful and constructive feedback given.

Other Notes: Have provided the final observation sheets for mentor to complete the mould experiment after the holidays giving the mould 3
weeks to grow.

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