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In the given figure, If the sum of the values along each side is equal. Find the possible values a, b, c, d, e, and f.

a. 9, 7, 20, 16, 6, 38
b. 4, 9, 10, 13, 16, 38
c. 4, 7, 20, 13, 6, 38
d. 4, 7, 20, 16, 6, 33
Correct option: c
From the above table, 42 + a + b = 47 + e. Therefore, a + b = 5 + e. Option a, b ruled out.
47 + e = 15 + f. Therefore, 32 + e = f. Option d ruled out.
4 men throw a die each simultaneously. Find the probability that at least 2 people get the same number
a. 5/18
b. 13/18
c. 1/36
d. 1/2
9. 70, 54, 45, 41. What is the next number in the given series?
a. 35
b. 36
c. 38
d. 40
Correct option: d
Consecutive squares are subtracted from the numbers.
70 - 54 = 16
54 - 45 = 9
45 - 41 = 4
So next we have to subtract 1. So answer = 41 - 1 = 40
10. How many positive integers less than 500 can be formed using the numbers 1,2,3,and 5 for digits, each digit being used only once.
a. 52
b. 68
c. 66
d. 34
Correct option:
Single digit number = 4
Double digit number = 43 = 12
Three digit numbers = 332= 18 ( If Hundred's place is 5, then the number is greater than 500)
Total = 34.

1. 11, 23, 47, 83, 131, . What is the next number?

a. 145
b. 178
c. 176
d. 191
2311 = 12
4723 = 24
8347 = 36
13183 = 48
Therefore, 131+60=191
3. Crusoe hatched from a mysterious egg discovered by Angus, was growing at a fast pace that Angus had to move it from home to the lake. Given the weights of
Crusoe in its first weeks of birth as 5, 15, 30,135, 405, 1215, 3645. Find the odd weight out.
a) 3645
b) 135
c) 30
d) 15
Answer: c

53 = 15
153 = 45 Given as 30
453 = 135
1353 = 405
4053 = 1215
12153 = 3645
6. The sticks of same length are used to form a triangle as shown below.If 87 such sticks are used then how many triangles can be formed?

First triangle is formed by using 3 sticks, but any subsequent triangle may be formed by using 2 sticks. Therefore, If 1st triangles uses 3 sticks, Remaining sticks =
87 - 3 = 84. With these 84, we can form 42 triangles. So total = 42 + 1 = 43
To solve questions like these, use formula, 2n + 1 = k. Here n = triangles, k = sticks
2n+1 = 87 n = 43.
4. A sealed envelope contains a card with a single digit written on it. Three of the following statements are true and one is false.
I. The digit is 1.
II. The digit is not 2.
III. The digit is not 9.
IV. The digit is 8.
Which one of the following must necessarily be correct?
a. II is false
b. III is true*
c. IV is false
d. The digit is even.
e. I is true
Answer: b
Three of the given statements are true. So both II and III are correct, and the given number is one of 1 or 8. So option b is correct.
5. How many 2's are there between the terms 112 to 375?
a. 313

b. 159

c. 156
d. 315
Answer: c
Let us calculate total 2's in the units place. (122, 132, 142 ... 192), (201, 212, 222, ... 292), (302, 312, ... 372) = 8 + 10 + 8 = 26
Total 2's in tenth's place, (120, 121, 122, ..., 129) + (220, 221, ..., 229) + (320, 321, ..., 329) = 30
Total 2's in hundred's place = (200, 201, ... 299) = 100.
Total 2's between 112 and 375 = 26 + 30 + 100 = 156
6. Ram and Shakil run a race of 2000 meters. First, Ram gives Shakil a start of 200 meters and beats him by one minute. If, Ram gives Shakil a start of 6 minutes
Ram is beaten by 1000 meters. Find the time in minutes in which Ram and Shakil can run the races separately.
a. 12, 18

b. 10, 12

c. 11, 18
d. 8, 10
Answer: d
Let the speeds of Ram and Shakil = r and k respectively. Always remember, to solve problems involving races, try to equate the ratio of the speeds because how
ever the two contestents run, the ratio of their speed won't change.
In the first race, Ram gives shakil a start of 200 meters and beat him by 1 min. This means, Initially Ram runs 2000 mts and Shakil runs 1800 mts. And finally,
Ram beats Shakil by 1 min or 60 seconds. This means, By that time Ram finishes his race, Shakil takes another 60 seconds to finish his race. That means, he is
60k meters away from the finishing point. So by the time Ram finishes his race of 2000 mts, Shakil runs (180060k)(180060k).
Ratio of speeds = Ratio of Distances covered
Therefore, rk=2000180060krk=2000180060k - - - (1)
In the second race, Ram has given Shakil a start of 6 min. So Shakil start his race 6 min before Ram. In 6 minutes, Shakil runs 360k = 360k mts. As Ram was
beaten by 1000 mts, by that time shakil completes his race, Ram has covered 1000 mts only and Shakil covered 2000360k2000360k.
The ratio of the speeds = rk=10002000360krk=10002000360k - - - (2)
Equating r/k in both equations, 2000180060k=10002000360k2000180060k=10002000360k
Solving we get s = 10/3. So time taken by Shakil to cover the distance = 2000/(10/3) = 10 minutes.
7. Three generous friends, each with some money, redistribute the money as follows: Sandra gives enough money to David and Mary to double the amount of
money each has. David then gives enough to Sandra and Mary to double their amounts. Finally, Mary gives enough to Sandra and David to double their amounts.
If Mary had 11 rupees at the beginning and 17 rupees at the end, what is the total amount that all three friends have?

a. 105

b. 60

c. 88
d. 71
Let Sandra, David and Mary each has s, d and 11 respectively.
After the first distribution,
David has d + d = 2d, Mary has 11 + 11 = 22 and Sandra has s d 11.
After the second distribution,
Sandra has 2(s d 11) , mary has 222 = 44 and david has 2d (s d 11) 22=3d s 11.
After the third distribution,
Sandra has 22(s d 11), david has 2(3d s 11) and mary has 44 2(s d 11) (3d s 11) = 77 s d
It is given that finally Mary has Rs.17. So, 77 s d=17
s + d = 60
s + d + 11 = 60 + 11 = 71.
8. George walks 36 kms partly at a speed of 4 kms per hour and partly at 3 km per hour If he had walked at a speed of 3km per hour when he had walked at 4 and
4 km per when he had walked at 3 he would have walked only 34 kms. The time (in hours) spent by George in walking was
a. 8

b. 12

c. 5
d. 10
Answer: d
Let George walked "a" hours at 4 kmph, and "b" hours at 3 kmph.
Given, 4a + 3b = 36 - - - (1)
3a + 4b = 34 - - - (2)
Adding the above two equations and simplifying them, a + b = 10.
9. The sum of the four consecutive two digit odd numbers, when divided by 10, becomes a perfect square. Which of the following can be one of these four
a. 31

b. 25

c. 41
d. 67
Answer: c
Let the numbers are 2a +1, 2a + 3, 2a + 5, 2a + 7 and their sum = 8a + 16
Given that if this sum is divided by 10, results in a perfect square.
So 8a+1610=k28a+1610=k2


As k is a perfect square and has to be divided by 4, only even numbers should be considered for k.
For k = 2, we get, a = 3, but 2a + 1 is not a two digit number.
For k = 4, a = 18 for which the given condition is satisfying.
So the numbers are 37, 39, 41, 43.
For k = 6, a = 43. The number are 87, 89, 91, 93.
10. Consider the sequence of numbers 0, 2, 2, 4,... Where for n > 2 the nth term of the sequence is the unit digit of the sum of the previous two terms.
Let sn denote the sum of the first n terms of this sequence. What is the smallest value of n for which sn >2771?
a. 692

b. 693

c. 694
d. 700
Answer: a
[0, 2, 2, 4, 6, 0, 6, 6, 2, 8, 0, 8, 8, 6, 4, 0, 4, 4, 8, 2], 0, 2, 2...this series repeats after every 20 terms.
Sum of these 20 terms = 80
So 2771 =3480 + 51
Sum of 13 terms = 52
So we have to use 34 times 20 terms = 3420 = 680
680+13 = 693
2. Find the ratio of the area of square to area of triangle.

a. 1:2

b. 2:1

c. 2:3
Answer: b
Have a look at the diagram below.

d. 3:2

Let the side of the square = 2 units.

Now the area of the square = 2 = 4.

Area of the triangle = 1222=21222=2
Ratio = 4 : 2 = 2 : 1.
3. In this question A^B means A raised to the power B. If f(x) = ax^4 - bx^2 + x + 5 and f(-3) = 2, then f(3) =
a. 1

b. 2

c. 3
Answer: d

d. 8

f(-3) = a(-3) - b(-3) + (-3) + 5 = 81a - 9b + 2 = 2 So 81a - 9b = 0

f(3) = a(3) - b(3) + (3) + 5 = 81a - 9b + 8

Substituting the value of 81a - 9b = 0 in the above we get f(3) = 8
4. Of a set of 30 numbers, average of first 10 numbers = average of last 20 numbers. Then the sum of the last 20 numbers is?
a. Cannot be determined.

b. 2 x sum of last ten numbers

c. 2 x sum of first ten numbers

d. sum of first ten numbers
Answer: c
We know that sum = average x number of observations.
Let the common average = x
Now sum of first 10 numbers = 10x
Sum of the last 20 numbers = 20x.
So sum of the last 20 numbers = 2 sum of the first ten numbers.
8. A number plate can be formed with two alphabets followed by two digits, with no repetition. Then how many possible combinations can we get?
a. 58500

b. 67600

c. 65000
Answer: a
Easy. 26 25 10 9 = 58500

d. 64320

9. A alone can do 1/4th of the work in 2 days. B alone can do 2/3th of the work in 4 days. If all the three work together, they can complete it in 3 days so what part
of the work will be completed by C in 2 days?
a. 1/12

b. 1/8

c. 1/16
d. 1/20
Answer: a
A can do the total work in 8 days, and B can do it in 6 days.
Let the total work be 24 units. Now capacities are
A = 24/8 = 3,
B = 24/6 = 4,
A + B + C = 24/3 = 8
So Capacity of C = 1 unit.
In two days C will do 2 units which is 2/24th part of the total work. So 1/12th part.
10. How many prime numbers are there which are less than 100 and greater than 3 such that they are of the following forms

4x + 1

5y - 1
a. 11

b. 12

c. 7
Answer: d
Let the number be N.
So N = 4x + 1 = 5y - 1

d. None of the above

y = 2 satisfies the equation. So minimum number satisfies both the equations is 9 and general format of the numbers which satisfies the equation = k. LCM (4, 5) +
9 = 20k + 9.
Now by putting values 1, 2, 3 . . . . for k, we get 29, 49, 69, 89. Of which only 29, 89 are primes.
1. The figure shown can be folded into the shape of a cube. In the resulting cube, which of the lettered faces is opposite the face marked x?

a. c
b. a
c. d
d. b
Ans: a
Explanation: If you fold the above picture at the dotted lines, X and C are opposite to each other.
2. In how many ways a team of 11 must be selected from 5 men and 11 women such that the team must comprise of not more than 3 men?
a. 1565
b. 1243
c. 2256
d. 2456
Ans: C
The team may consist of 0 men + 11 women, 1 men + 10 women, 2 men + 9 women, or 3 men + 8 women.
So Number of ways are = 11C11+5C111C10+5C211C9+11C11+5C111C10+5C211C9+5C311C85C311C8 = 2256
3. Given that 0 < a < b < c < d, which of the following the largest ?
a.(c+d) / (a+b)
b.(a+d) / (b+c)
c.(b+c) / (a+d)
d.(b+d) / (a+c)
Sol: A
Explanation: Take a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4. option A is clearly true.

4. Eesha bought 18 sharpeners for Rs.100. She paid 1 rupee more for each white sharpener than for each brown sharpener. What is the price of a white
sharpener and how many white sharpener did she buy ?
a. Rs.5, 10
b. Rs.6, 10
c. Rs.5, 8
d. Rs.6, 8
Sol: B
Explanation: Just check the options. If she bought 10 white sharpeners at Rs.6 per piece, She has spent Rs.60 already. And with the remaining Rs.40, she bought
8 brown sharpeners at 40/8 = Rs.5 which is Rs.1 less than White sharpener.

The fourteen digits of a credit card are to be written in the boxes shown above. If the sum of every three consecutive digits is 18, then the value of x is :
a. 3
b. cannot be determined from the given information.
c. 2
d. 1
Sol : A
Let us assume right most two squares are a , b
Then Sum of all the squares = 18 x 4 + a + b .......... (1)
Also Sum of the squares before 7 = 18
Sum of the squares between 7, x = 18
and sum of the squares between x , 8 = 18
So Sum of the 14 squares = 18 + 7 + 18 + x + 18 + 8 + a + b (2)
Equating 1 and 2 we get x = 3
6. Four people each roll a four die once. Find the probability that at least two people will roll the same number ?
a. 5/18
b. 13/18
c. None of the given choices
d. 1295/1296
Sol: B
The number of ways of rolling a dice where no two numbers probability that no one rolls the same number = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3
Now total possibilities of rolling a dice = 6464
The probability that a no one gets the same number = 654364=518654364=518
So the probability that at least two people gets same number = 1518=13181518=1318
7. Jake can dig a well in 16 days. Paul can dig the same well in 24 days. Jake, Paul and Hari together dig the well in 8 days. Hari alone can dig the well in
a. 96 days
b. 48 days
c. 32 days
d. 24 days
Explanation: Simple one. Let the total work to be done is 48 meters. Now Jake can dig 3 mts, Paul can dig 2 mts a day. Now all of them combined dug in 8 days so
per day they dug 48/8 = 6 mts. So Of these 8 mts, Hari capacity is 1 mt.
So he takes 48 /1 = 48 days to complete the digging job.

2ab5 is a four digit number divisible by 25. If a number formed from the two digits ab is a multiple of 13, then ab is
a. 52
b. 45
Sol: For a number to be divisible by 25, last two digits of that number should be divisible by 25. So b must be either 2 or 7
it is given that ab must be divisible by 13 and in the options only 52 is divisible by 13.
2. The average temperature of Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday was 37 C. The average temperature of Wednesday and Thursday
and Friday was 38 C. if the temperature on Friday was 39 C.
Find the temperature on Tuesday.
a. 37.33
b. 38.33
c. 36
d. None of the above
(Tues + Wed + Thurs)/3=37
Tues + Wed + Thurs=111...(1)
(Wed + Thurs + Fri)/3=38
(Wed + Thurs + Fri) =114...(2)
Given friday is 39.

Then, (2) - (1) Fri - Tues = 3

So 39 - Tues = 3
Tuesday =36
9. 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4......
In the above sequence what is the number of the position 2888 of the sequence.
a) 1
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2
Sol: First if we count 1223334444. they are 10
In the next term they are 20
Next they are 30 and so on
So Using n(n+1)2102888n(n+1)2102888

For n = 23 we get LHS as 2760. Remaining terms 128.

Now in the 24th term, we have 24 1's, and next 48 terms are 2's. So next 72 terms are 3's.
The 2888 term will be 3.
10. How many 4-digit numbers contain no.2?
Sol: Total number of four digit numbers =9000 (i.e 1000 to 9999 )
We try to find the number of numbers not having digit 2 in them.
Now consider the units place it can be selected in 9 ways (i.e 0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
Tens place it can be selected in 9 ways (i.e 0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
Hundreds place it can be selected in 9 ways (i.e 0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
Thousands place can be selected in 8 ways (i.e 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) here '0' cannot be taken
Total number of numbers not having digit 2 in it =9 x 9 x 9 x 8 =5832
Total number of numbers having digit 2 in it = 9000-5832 =3168


3. Cara, a blue whale participated in a weight loss program at the biggest office. At the end of every month, the decrease in weight from original weight
was measured and noted as 1, 2, 6, 21, 86, 445, 2676. While Cara made a steadfast effort, the weighing machine showed an erroneous weight once.
What was that.
a) 2676
b) 2
c) 445
d) 86
SOL: This is a number series problem nothing to do with the data given.
1x 1+1=2
2 x 2+2=6
6 x 3+3=21
21 x 4+4=88 and not 86
88 x 5+5 = 445
445*6+6 = 2676
The letters in the word ADOPTS are permuted in all possible ways and arranged in alphabetical order then find the word at position 42 in the
permuted alphabetical order?
In alphabetical order : A D O P S T
A _ _ _ _ _ : the places filled in 5! ways = 120, But we need a rank less than 120. So the word starts with A.
A D _ _ _ _ : empty places can be filled in 4!=24
A O _ _ _ _ : the places filled with 4! ways = 24. If we add 24 + 24 this total crosses 42. So We should not consider all the words starting with AO.
A O D _ _ _ : 3!= 6
A O P _ _ _ : 3!=6
Till this 36 words are obtained, we need the 42nd word.
AOS _ _ _ : 3!= 6
Exactly we are getting the sum 42. So last 3 letters in the descending order are TPD.
So given word is AOSTPD

4. A man who goes to work long before sunrise every morning gets dressed in the dark. In his sock drawer he has 6 black and 8 blue socks. What is the probability
that his first pick was a black sock, but his second pick was a blue sock?
SOL: This is a case of without replacement. We have to multiply two probabilities. 1. Probability of picking up a black sock, and probability of picking a blue sock,
given that first sock is black.


5. There are 6 red balls,8 blue balls and 7 green balls in a bag. If 5 are drawn with replacement, what is the probability at least three are red?
Sol: At least 3 reds means we get either : 3 red or 4 red or 5 red. And this is a case of replacement.
case 1 : 3 red balls : 6/21 x 6/21 x 6/21 x 15/21 x 15/21

case 2 : 4 red balls : 6/21 x 6/21 x 6/21 x 6/21 x 15/21

case 3 : 5 red balls : 6/21 x 6/21 x 6/21 x 6/21 x 6/21
Total probability = = (6/21 x 6/21 x 6/21 x 15/21 x 15/21)+(6/21 x 6/21 x 6/21 x 6/21 x (15 )/21)+ (6/21 x 6/21 x 6/21 x 6/21 x 6/21)
= 312/16807
6. Total number of 4 digit number do not having the digit 3 or 6.
consider 4 digits _ _ _ _
1st blank can be filled in 7C17C1 ways (0,3,6 are neglected as the first digit should not be 0)
2st blank can be filled in 8C18C1 ways (0 considered along with 1,2,4,5,7,8,9)
3st blank can be filled in 8C18C1 ways
4st blank can be filled in 8C18C1 ways
Therefore total 4 digit number without 3 or 6 is 7 x 8 x 8 x 8=3584
7. Find the missing in the series: 70, 54, 45, 41,____.
Sol: 40
70-54 = 16 = 4242
54-45 = 9 = 3232
45-41 = 4 = 2222

41-40 = 1 = 12
8. There are 4 different letters and 4 addressed envelopes.In how many ways can the letters be put in the envelopes so that atleast one letter goes to
the correct address ?
Total ways of putting r letters to r covers = r! = 4! = 24
Number of ways that none of them goes into the right envolope = D4=4!(12!13!+14!)D4=4!(12!13!+14!) = 9


So atleast one envolope goes into the right one = 24 - 9 = 15

1. If f(f(n))+f(n)=2n+3 and f(0)=1, what is the value of f(2012)?
a) 2011
b) 2012
c) 2013
d) 4095
Ans: Option C
Put n = 0
Then f(f(0))+f(0) = 2(0) + 3 f(1) + 1 = 3 f(1) = 2
Put n = 1
f(f(1)) + f(1) = 2(1) + 3 f(2) + 2 = 5 f(2) = 3
Put n = 2
f(f(2)) + f(2) = 2(2) + 3 f(3) + 3 = 7 f(3) = 4
f(2012) = 2013
2. If 5+3+2=151022, 9+2+4=183652, then 7+2+5=?
Ans: 143547
If the given number is a + b + c then a.b | a.c | a.b + a.c - b
5+3+2 = 5.3 | 5.2| 5.3 + 5.2 - 3 = 151022
9+2+4 = 9.2 | 9.4 | 9.2 + 9.4 - 2 = 183652
7+2+5= 7.2 | 7.5 | 7.2 + 7.5 - 2 = 143547


3. The savings of employee equals income minus expenditure.If the income of A,B,C are in the ratio 1:2:3 and their expense ratio 3:2:1 then what is
the order of the employees in increasing order of their size of their savings?
Ans: A < B < C
As the the ratio of their incomes are in ascending order, and their expenses are in descending order, their savings also in their incomes order.
So savings order = A < B < C
5. The average mark obtained by 22 candidates in an examination is 45. The average of the first ten is 55 while the last eleven is 40 .The marks
obtained by the 11th candidate is ?
Ans: 0
It is clear that 22 x 45 = 10 x 55 + K + 11 x 40 K = 0
6. What is the largest positive integer n for which 3^n divides 44^44?
Ans: n = 0
The digit sum of 44444444 is when remainder obtained 44444444 divided by 9

44444444 = (451)44(451)44
Each term is a multiple of 9 but the last term which is (1)44(1)44 = 1
So the digit sum of 44444444 is 1.
Now the divisibility rule for 3, 9, 27... is the sum of the digits should be divisible by 3, 9, 27 respectively. In each case the digit sum is either multiple of

3 or 9.
So for any value of n > 1, the given expression is not divisible by 3n3n
7. 1(1!)+2(2!)+3(3!)....2012(2012!) = ?
Ans: 2013!-1
1(1!)=1 2!-1
1(1!)+2(2!)=1+4=5 3!-1
1(1!)+2(2!)+3(3!)=1+4+18=23 4!-1
7. A number when successively divided by 5, 3, 2 gives remainder 0, 2, 1 respectively in that order. What will be the remainder when the same number is divided
successively by 2, 3, 5 in that order
a) 4, 3, 2
b) 1, 0,4
c) 2, 1, 3
d) 4, 1, 2
Ans: B


use this simple technique.[ (1 x 3) + 2] = 5

[(5 x 5) + 0] = 25

Let the number = N
Now N = 5K
K = 3L + 2
L = 2M + 1
K = 3(2M + 1) + 2 = 6M + 5
N = 5(6M + 5) = 30 M + 25
For M = 0 we get the least number as 25. Now when 25 is divided by 2, we get 12 as quotient and 1 as remainder. When 12 is divided by 3 we get 4
as quotient, and 0 as remainder. When 4 is divided by 5 we gt 4 as remainder.
8. a,b,c,d,e are distinct numbers. if (75-a)(75-b)(75-c)(75-d)(75-e)=2299 then a+b+c+d= ?
Hint:2299 is divisible by 11.
2299 = 11111911=11111911=11111911=11111911=


Two of the terms in the given expression should equal to 1. As all the digits are distinct, two of the terms should be negative.
One possible solution = (75 - 64)(75 - 56)(75 - 86)(75 - 74)(75 - 76)
Then a + b + c + d + e = 64 + 56 + 86 + 74 + 76 = 356
But as the sum of only 4 terms was asked, we have to subtract one term.
So given answer can be one of 292, 306, 270, 282, 280
4. find the total number of combinations of 5 letters a,b,a,b,b taking some or all at a time?
Ans: 1 letter can be chosen in 2 ways. a or b
2 letters can be chosen in 3 way. aa, ab, bb
3 letters can be chosen in 3 ways. bbb, aab, bba
4 letters can be chosen in 2 ways. aabb, bbba
5 letters can be chosen in 1 way.
So total ways are 11
5. what is the sum of all the 4 digit numbers that can be formed using all of the digits 2,3,5 and 7?
Ans: use formula (n-1)! x (111..n times) x (Sum of the digits)
here n is number of different letters
So answer is 3 ! x 1111 x 17
6. 30^72^87 divided by 11 gives remainder
Ans: Fermat little theorem says, ap1pap1p remainder is 1.
ie., 30103010 or 810810when divided by 11 remainder is 1.
The unit digit of 72877287 is 8 (using cyclicity of unit digits) Click here
So 72877287 = 10K + 8

7. 1234567891011121314151617181920......424344 what is remainder when divided by 45?

Ans: Let N = 1234567891011121314151617181920......424344

Remainder when N is divided by 5 is 4. So N = 5K + 4 .....(1)
Remainder when N is divided by 9 is Sum of the digits of N divided by 9. We know that 1+2+3+...44 = 990 Which gives digit sum as 9. So remainder
when N is divided by 9 is 0.
So N = 9L .....(2)
Equation (1) and (2) we 9L = 5K + 4
For K = 1 this equation gets satisfied. So least possible number satisfies the condition is 9
So The general format of N = w(LCM of (9, 5)) + Least number satisfies the condition.
So N = w.45 + 9
When N is divided by 45, we get 9 as remainder.
1. A cow and horse are bought for Rs.2,00,000. The cow is sold at a profit of 20% and the horse is sold a t a loss of 10%. The overall gain is Rs.4000, the Cost
price of cow?
a) 130000
b) 80000
c) 70000
d) 120000
Ans: Overall profit = 4000200000100=2%4000200000100=2%
By applying alligation rule, we get

So cost price of the cow = 2/5 x 200000 = 80,000
2. A circle has 29 points arranged in a clock wise manner from o to 28. A bug moves clockwise manner from 0 to 28. A bug moves clockwise on the
circle according to following rule. If it is at a point i on the circle, it moves clockwise in 1 sec by (1 + r) places, where r is the remainder (possibly 0)
when i is divided by 11. If it starts in 23rd position, at what position will it be after 2012 sec.
Ans: After 1st second, it moves 1 + (23/11)r = 1 + 1 = 2, So 25th position
After 2nd second, it moves 1 + 25/11 = 1 + 3 = 4, So 29th position = 0
After 3rd second, it moves 1 + 0/11 = 1 + 0 = 1, So 1st position
After 4th second, it moves 1 + 1 = 3rd position
after 5th, 1 + 3/11 = 4 So 7th
After 6th, 1 + 7/11 = 8 so 15th
After 7th, 1 + 15/11 = 5 so 20th
After 8th, 1 + 20/11 = 10th, So 30th = 1st
So it is on 1st after every 3 + 5n seconds. So it is on 1st position after 2008 seconds (3 + 5 x 401) So on 20th after 2012 position.
3. In a city 100% votes are registered, in which 60% vote for congress and 40% vote for BJP. There is a person A, who gets 75% of congress votes
and 8% of BJP votes. How many votes got by A?
Assume total votes are 100. So A got
75% of 60 = 45
8% of 40 = 3.2
A total of 48.2 %
4. Mean of 3 numbers is 10 more than the least of the numbers and 15 less than greatest of the 3. If the median of 3 numbers is 5, Find the sum of
the 3 numbers?
Ans: Median is when the given numbers are arranged in ascending order, the middle one. Let the numbers are x, 5, y where x is the least and y is
Given that x+5+y3=x+10x+5+y3=x+10
and x+5+y3=y15x+5+y3=y15
Solving we get x = 0 and y = 25.
So sum of the numbers = 0 + 5 + 25 = 30
5. A and B start from house at 10am. They travel fro their house on the MG road at 20kmph and 40 kmph. there is a Junction T on their path. A turns
left at T junction at 12:00 noon, B reaches T earlier, and turns right. Both of them continue to travel till 2pm. What is the distance between A and B at 2

Distnace between House and T junction = 20 x 2 = 40.

ie., B reached T at 11 am.
B continued to right after 11 am and travelled upto 2. So distance covered by him = 3 x 40 = 120
A reached T at 12 noon and travelled upto 2 So distanced travelled by him = 2 x 20 = 40
So total distance between them = 120 + 40 = 160 km


6. In a particular year, the month of january had exactly 4 thursdays, and 4 sundays. On which day of the week did january 1st occur in the year.
a) monday
b) tuesday
c) wednesday
d) thursday
Ans: If a month has 31 days, and it starts with sunday, Then Sundays, Mondays, tuesdays are 5 for that month. If this month starts with monday, then
mondays, tuesdays, and wednesdays are 5 and remaining days are 4 each. so this month start with Monday.
1. Adam sat with his friends in the Chinnaswamy stadium at Madurai to watch the 100 metres running race organized by the Asian
athletics Association. Five rounds were run. After every round half the teams were eliminated. Finally, one team wins the game.
How many teams participated in the race?
Ans: Total five rounds were run. So in the final round 2 teams must have participated. In the penultimate round 4 teams, and 3rd
round 8, 2nd round 16 and in the first round 32 teams must have participated as in each round half of the teams got eliminated.

1) Of the following, which is the closest approximation of (50.2*0.49)/199.8 ?

Ans: For approximation (50.20.49)/199.8 can be taken as
500.5/200 = 25/200 = 1/8 = 0.125
2) How many prime numbers between 1 and 100 are factors of 7150?
Ans: 7, 150 = 25211132521113
So there are 4 distinct prime numbers that are below 100
3) Among a group of 2500 people, 35 percent invest in municipal bonds, 18 percent invest in oil stocks, and 7 percent invest in both municipal bonds and oil
stocks. If 1 person is to be randomly selected from 2500 people, what is the probability that the person selected will be one who invests in municipal bonds but not
in oil stocks
Ans: Here 2500 does not require.


From the diagram we know that only ones who invested in municipal bonds are 28%, the probability is 28 / 100 = 7/25
12) In a 8 x 8 chess board what is the total number of squares.
Ans: The total number of squares in a n x n chess board is equal to "the sum of first n natural number squares"
i.e., n(n+1)(2n+1)6n(n+1)(2n+1)6
So Substituting 8 in the above formula we get 204
13) X, Y, W and Z are intezers and the expressing X - Y - Z is even and Y - W - Z is odd. If X is even then which of the following is true?
(a) Y must be odd
(b) Y-Z must be odd
(c) W must be odd
(d) Z must be odd
Ans. If X is even and X - Y - Z is even then Y and Z both should be odd or both should be even.
If Y - W - Z is odd, and Y and Z are also odd W should be odd
If Y - W - Z is even, and Y and Z are even then W should be odd.
So option C is correct. i.e., W must be ODD
14) The remainder when 1!+2!+3!...+50! divided by 5! will be
The remainder when the terms greater than 5! are divided by 5! becomes 0 so we need to consider the terms upto 4!.
So remainder will be whatever is obtained by dividing 1!+2!+3!+4! with 5!.
So remainder is obtained by dividing (1+2+6+24)= 33 with 5! ( 120)
So remainder is 33.


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