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Three-Vector and Scalar Field Identities and Uniqueness Theorems in Euclidean and Minkowski Spaces

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Am. J. Phys., Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 438−446, May 2009† http://aapt.org/ajp Dale A.


Three-vector and scalar field identities and uniqueness theorems in Euclidean and Minkowski spaces#
Dale A. Woodsidea)
Department of Physics, Macquarie University −Sydney, New South Wales 2109, Australia
(Dated: Received 1 September 2008; accepted 8 January 2009)
Euclidean three-space and Minkowski four-space identities and uniqueness theorems are reviewed and extended. A Helmholtz
identity is used to prove two three-vector uniqueness theorems in Euclidean three-space. The first theorem specifies the
divergence and curl of the vector, and the second is a Helmholtz type theorem that sums the irrotational and solenoidal parts
of the vector. The second theorem is shown to be valid for three-vector fields that are time-dependent. A time-dependent
extension of the Helmholtz identity is also derived. However, only the three-vector and scalar components of a Minkowski space
four-vector identity are shown to yield two identities that lead to a uniqueness theorem of the first or source type. Also, the
field equations of this latter theorem appear to be sufficiently general such that the field equations naturally divide into two
distinct classes, a four-solenoidal electromagnetic type class in a relativistic transverse gauge and a four-irrotational class in a
relativistic longitudinal gauge. c 2009 American Association of Physics Teachers.
[DOI: 10.1119/1.3076300]
This version of the article was typeset by the author using LATEX 2e and REVTEX v4.0.

Note, page numbering and formatting differs from the original journal article. [For journal citation see top of this page.]

I. INTRODUCTION tity to a three-vector field with time-dependence is de-

rived. This identity is related to an identity proved in
terms of retarded quantities by Heras.4 The identity de-
Several recent articles1–3 have discussed the validity of
rived here expresses the result in terms of a suitable
a Helmholtz theorem on the unique separation of trans-
Green’s function.
verse (solenoidal) and longitudinal (irrotational) spa-
In Sec. IV identities that follow from the three-vector
tial components for time-dependent three-vector fields.
and scalar components of a Minkowski space four-vector
A comment questioning the validity of this Helmholtz
Helmholtz identity6 are obtained. In Sec. V it is shown
theorem2 appears to be based in part on earlier investi-
that this decomposition leads directly to a uniqueness
gations on the uniqueness of three-vector fields in Min-
theorem in terms of vector and scalar sources, which
kowski space-time.4,5 In this paper I will use my work on
implies Maxwell’s equations when a suitable covariant
four-vector uniqueness theorems6 to confirm the validity
gauge is chosen, that is, when the four-divergence of the
of the Helmholtz theorem that Rohrlich3 applied to time-
four-vector potential Aµ is set to zero. A second class
varying three-vector fields, and to derive new results that
of field equations is obtained when the four-curl of Aµ
verify several results from Refs. 2 and 4. Additional re-
is set to zero. These results give further weight to the
sults for time-varying scalar and vector fields will also be
theorem7 that there are two and only two classes of clas-
sical four-vector fields in Minkowski space that are po-
In Sec. II a review of uniqueness theorems in a Eu- tentially physical when restricted by a relativistically in-
clidean three-space is presented. One source of the con- variant (gauge) constraint.
fusion that this article addresses is based on two differ-
ent but related approaches to three-vector uniqueness
theorems. In the first approach a unique three-vector II. REVIEW OF THREE-VECTOR
field is obtained by specifying its curl and divergence in UNIQUENESS THEOREMS
terms of a vector and scalar (for example, source) field,
respectively. In the second approach, usually referred The history of three-vector uniqueness theorems ex-
to as a Helmholtz theorem, a unique three-vector field tends back to Stokes and Helmholtz.8 More recent treat-
F = FI + FS is represented as a sum of an irrotational ments of the subject can be found in Sommerfeld,8
part (∇ × FI = 0) and a solenoidal part (∇ · FS = 0). Collin,9 Plonsey and Collin,10 Arfken,11 King,12 and in
In proving these theorems a vector identity is used that Ref. 6.
is commonly referred to as a Helmholtz identity. This It is sufficient for the present investigation to take as
identity can be derived using a delta function property the volume region of interest the unbounded Euclidean
of a differential operator. For the usual choice of the dif- three-space R3 , or as appropriate, the unbounded Min-
ferential operator as the Laplacian operator it is shown kowski four-space R3+1 . Free space SI units are used
here that only the second of the two uniqueness theorems throughout.
follows for three-vector fields when an arbitrary time- There are two basic types of three-vector uniqueness
dependence is added. theorems over R3 which are currently known. The first
In Sec. III an extension of the (static) Helmholtz iden- can be stated as follows:6

Theorem U1. The divergence and curl of a twice con- leads to G(r, r0 ) = 1/4πr. The delta function property of
tinuously differentiable (static) three-vector field, which the vector identity (5) can be applied to any well-behaved
vanishes sufficiently rapidly at infinity, uniquely deter- function F(x, y, z) as
mines the three-vector field over an unbounded volume Z
V of R3 . F(x, y, z) = F(x0 , y 0 , z 0 )δ 3 (r − r0 )dV 0 (7a)
In other words, we must specify V 0
∇ × F(x, y, z) = j(x, y, z), (1a) = F(x0 , y 0 , z 0 )∇2 dV 0 . (7b)
V0 4πr
∇ · F(x, y, z) = ρ(x, y, z), (1b)
over the volume V. In an electromagnetic context j is Because the Laplacian operator acts only on the field
a circulation current density and ρ is a source charge point coordinates, it can be brought outside of the inte-
density. A proof of a version of this theorem over a finite gration over the source point coordinates. We can use
volume of R3 is given in Ref. 11. the well known three-space identity
The second uniqueness theorem, which is typically ∇2 A = ∇(∇ · A) − ∇ × (∇ × A) (8)
called a Helmholtz theorem, can be stated as follows:6
Theorem H1. A general continuous three-vector field to rewrite Eq. (7b) as [typo corrected from journal article]
defined everywhere in R3 that along with its first deriva-
F(x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) 0
tives vanishes sufficiently rapidly at infinity may be
uniquely represented as a sum of an irrotational and a F(x, y, z) = − ∇ ∇· dV
V0 4πr
solenoidal part, up to a possible additive constant vec- Z
F(x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) 0
tor. +∇× ∇× dV , (9)
A proof of theorem H1 is given in Ref. 8. To prove this V0 4πr
theorem it is sufficient to prove only that the three-vector where one of the ∇ operators has been brought back
F can be written as11 into each of the integrals, which is allowed because they
F(x, y, z) = −∇Φ(x, y, z) + ∇ × A(x, y, z). (2) operate only on the field coordinates. Although Eq. (9)
is in a form like Eq. (2) as required to prove theorem H1,
Then the three-vector identity it is necessary to obtain an identity that is suitable to
prove the three-space theorem U1 as well. If we use the
∇ × ∇Φ = 0, (3)
vector identities10
and the irrotational field assumption ∇ × FI = 0 implies
that FI = −∇Φ is irrotational. And the three-vector ∇ · (φA) = A · ∇φ + φ∇ · A, (10a)
identity ∇ × (φA) = −A × ∇φ + φ∇ × A, (10b)
∇ · ∇ × A = 0, (4) (note that the divergence and curl equal zero with respect
and the solenoidal field assumption ∇ · FS = 0 implies to the field coordinates of a vector A which is a func-
that FS = ∇ × A is solenoidal. Thus Eq. (2) is a sum of tion only of the source coordinates) and use the identity
an irrotational and a solenoidal part. ∇(1/r) = −∇0 (1/r), we find
The most straightforward proof of Eq. (2) (see Refs. 9 Z
and 10) and therefore of theorem H1 is to obtain a Helm- F(x, y, z) = ∇ F(x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) · ∇0 dV 0
0 4πr
holtz identity8 that is of the same form as Eq. (2). A V
proof of this identity is presented here so that our anal- 1
+∇ × F(x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) × ∇0 dV 0 . (11)
ysis is self contained. This proof is based on the as- V 0 4πr
sumption that there exists a solution for a three-vector
F of an inhomogeneous vector Poisson equation in Carte- The vector identities (10) are now applied again, this time
sian coordinates, and that each separate Cartesian com- on the integrands of Eq. (11) where the ∇ operators act
ponent of F is a solution of a scalar Poisson equation. on the source coordinates. We obtain four terms; the ones
The scalar Poisson equation can then be solved in terms containing ∇ · (φA) and ∇ × (φA), respectively, become
of a two-point scalar Green’s function G(r, r0 ) that con- surface integrals via the following identities,10 (that is,
nects its unit delta function source located at the source letting T = φA),
point r0 = (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) to a measurement at the field point Z I I
r = (x, y, z). Because ∇ · T dV = T · dS = T · n dS, (12a)
1 Z V IS S
∇2 = −δ 3 (r − r0 ), (5) ∇ × T dV = n × T dS = − T × n dS, (12b)
4πr V S S
for all r and r0 with r ≡ |r − r0 |, the Poisson equation
defining the Green’s function, where n is the unit surface normal of S bounding V .
These integrals vanish as r → ∞ for the field F, which
∇2 G(r, r0 ) = −δ 3 (r − r0 ), (6) is assumed to fall off sufficiently rapidly at infinity. The

final two terms are now of the proper form yielding the equations, which uniquely specify the electromagnetic
desired identity fields. They do not contain any partial time derivative
terms and do not contain any coupling between differ-
∇0 · F(x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) 0
F(x, y, z) = − ∇ dV ent three-vector fields. Therefore, Eqs. (1a) and (1b)
V0 4πr and theorem U1 do not hold for time-varying electric
∇0 × F(x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) 0 and magnetic fields, which are examples of hyperbolically
+∇× dV (13) propagating4 time-varying three-vector fields. Therefore,
V0 4πr
theorem U1 does not hold for all time-varying three-
over all Euclidean three-space. vector fields because there is at least one counterexample,
A proof of Eq. (13) can be traced back to Stokes.8 Nev- that is, electromagnetism.
ertheless, Eq. (13) is sometimes referred to as a “Helm- In contrast, the Helmholtz theorem H1 is quite differ-
holtz identity” (see Ref. 10). For an extended version ent in scope. It is essentially a projection theorem which
of Eq. (13) in a finite volume of R3 the surface integral uses three-vector analysis to project out the longitudi-
terms can be retained.6,9,10 Equation (13) is of the form nal (irrotational) parts (which have zero curl) and trans-
of Eq. (2) and can therefore be considered as completing verse (solenoidal) parts (which have zero divergence) of
the proof of theorem H1, provided that the integrals are an arbitrary three-vector field, and states that any three-
well defined. For the integrals to be well defined we must vector field can be represented as a sum of these two
assume that the field F vanishes sufficiently rapidly at parts. To show that this theorem holds even for time-
infinity. As noted in Ref. 6, passing the remaining vec- dependent three-vectors, it is sufficient to verify the steps
tor derivatives over the field point coordinates for a twice employed in deriving the Helmholtz identity (13), be-
continuously differentiable vector field F into each of the cause it is of the proper form of Eq. (2), which is suf-
respective integrals of Eq. (13) can improve the conver- ficient to prove theorem H1. Following this line of rea-
gence properties of the integrands. soning, first observe that the delta function integral prop-
To prove theorem U1 using the Helmholtz identity (13) erty in Eq. (7b) holds even for well-behaved time-varying
for the (static) three-vector field F(r) we postulate the three-vector functions F(x, y, z, t) because the space and
existence of a second three-vector field G(r), which also time variables are independent, and consequently space
satisfies Eqs. (1) and (13). That is, we replace F(r) on and time integrations are performed separately. As for
the left-hand side of Eqs. (1a) and (1b) by G(r), leaving Eq. (8), it is a three-vector identity over the Euclidean
the right-hand side of Eqs. (1a) and (1b) unchanged. The vector space R3 and over the associated scalars in the
three-vector field F(r) is unique if we can show that real number field R which applies to any (even time-
dependent) three-vector because it is based on multiplica-
W(r) ≡ F(r) − G(r) = 0. (14)
tion of vectors by scalars (a defining property of a vector
If we take the divergence of W and use Eq. (1b), we space) and on the two principal ways that vectors can
obtain be multiplied by each other in R3 , that is, dot and cross
products. [More formally, for A as a time-dependent
∇·W =∇·F−∇·G=ρ−ρ=0 (15) variable, Eq. (8) forms a one parameter family of vector
fields parametrized by t. For each time t, Eq. (8) holds.
for all r in R3 . We next take the curl of W and use The same can be said for Eq. (7b).] Equation (8) is often
Eq. (1a) to obtain used in deriving the spatial parts of wave equations and
is the principal vector identity that leads to the decom-
∇×W =∇×F−∇×G=j−j=0 (16)
position (2). For the same reasons the vector identities
for all r in R3 . The substitution of the results (15) and (10) and integral identities (12) are valid for time-varying
(16) for the three-vector field W into the Helmholtz iden- fields. Therefore, the Helmholtz identity (13) holds even
tity (13) yields the result W(r) = 0 which implies [via for time-varying three-vector fields and so Helmholtz’s
the definition of W(r) in Eq. (14)] that F(r) = G(r) theorem H1 follows for them as well via Eq. (2).
everywhere in R3 . This proof implies that the (static) Helmholtz’s theorem H1 has been used frequently with
three-vector field F is uniquely determined by Eqs. (1a) time-varying fields in both classical and quantum me-
and (1b), thus proving theorem U1 on the uniqueness of chanical contexts. Rohrlich3 has demonstrated that this
(static) three-vector fields in terms of their curl and diver- Helmholtz decomposition holds even for electromagnetic
gence, that is, in terms of a vector and a scalar (source) sources, provided that the sources are bounded in space.
field, respectively. [For a finite volume of R3 the normal This latter requirement is essentially equivalent to the
components W·n and tangential components W×n also case of the general fields discussed here which are as-
vanish in a similar fashion via a surface charge density σ sumed to vanish sufficiently rapidly at infinity in un-
and surface current density K, as can be shown for ex- bounded R3 . The relevant requirement in a bounded vol-
ample in an explicit calculation for the case of a massive ume V of R3 is that the vector (or scalar) field must be
(static) three-vector field.6 ] sufficiently smooth,6 that is, a twice continuously differ-
We now state the obvious. Equations (1a) and (1b) as- entiable function on the union of V and its bounding
sociated with theorem U1 are not equivalent to Maxwell’s surface S, in order that a Helmholtz identity in a finite

volume and its associated finite volume Helmholtz theo- of G(x, x0 ) in Minkowski space:6
rem is satisfied.6,9,10 Equation (13) has also been used in
∂µ G(x, x0 ) = − ∂µ0 G(x, x0 ), (20a)
a time-varying context to demonstrate its compatibility
µ 0 0µ 0
with electromagnetism in the Coulomb gauge, and to de- ∂ G(x, x ) = − ∂ G(x, x ). (20b)
rive the Aharonov-Bohm transverse vector potential.13–16 µ
With ∂µ = ((1/c)∂/∂t, ∇) and ∂ = (−(1/c)∂/∂t, ∇) we
The Helmholtz theorem was recently used to prove a vec- obtain the space and time components of Eq. (20a) as
tor identity for the volume integral of the square of a
vector field which could be time-varying, and Eq. (13) ∂i G(x, x0 ) = − ∂i0 G(x, x0 ), (21a)
was used to derive two expressions for the energy of the ∂0 G(x, x0 ) = − ∂00 G(x, x0 ), (21b)
electromagnetic field.17 with equivalent relations for the contravariant deriva-
tives. Note that Eq. (21a) is analogous to the relation
∇(1/r) = −∇0 (1/r) used in R3 which can be rewritten
IDENTITY as ∇G(r, r0 ) = −∇0 G(r, r0 ). In R3+1 there is the ad-
ditional time derivative property (21b). For the present
analysis Eqs. (21a) and (21b) can be written simply as
A logical next step for a three-vector field that is re-
quired to propagate via an inhomogeneous hyperbolic ∇G(x, x0 ) = −∇0 G(x, x0 ), (22a)
wave equation in terms of its three-vector (current) 0 0
∂G(x, x ) ∂G(x, x )
source is to derive an extension of the three-vector Helm- =− . (22b)
∂t ∂t0
holtz identity by choosing the d’Alembertian wave equa-
The delta function property (17b) can be applied for
tion operator as the differential operator used to obtain
any well-behaved function F(xν ) as an integration over
an associated delta function identity. If we assume Carte-
the unbounded four-volume V40 of R3+1 as follows:
sian coordinates, it is sufficient to solve an inhomoge- Z
neous scalar d’Alembertian wave equation in terms of a F(x) = F(x0 )δ (4) (x − x0 ) d4 x0 (23a)
two-point scalar Green’s function G(xν , x0ν ) which con- V40
nects its unit delta function source located at the space- Z
time source point x0ν to a measurement at the space-time = F(x0 )(−G(x, x0 )) dV 0 c dt0 . (23b)
field point xν = (ct, x, y, z) in R3+1 . That is, V40

It is not necessary at this point to specify the choice

1 ∂2
ν 0ν
G(x , x ) = ∇ − 2 2 G(xν , x0ν )
(17a) of a particular Green’s function G(x, x0 ), other than
c ∂t that it satisfies Eq. (17b). In fact, there is a dis-
= −δ(x0 − x00 )δ 3 (r − r0 ) = −δ (4) (xν − x0ν ). (17b) tinct advantage to not choosing a retarded (advanced)
Green’s function for doing the time integration at this
An example of a Green’s function that satisfies Eq. (17b) point because the resulting retarded (advanced) three-
assuming timelike causality is the familiar retarded vector fields are much more difficult with which to work.
Green’s function as derived for example by Cushing18 In contradistinction, the space and time derivatives of
or Jackson,19 which for the metric signature (− + ++) a three-vector with unmixed arguments, for example,
used in this article is F(x0 ) = F(ct0 , x0 , y 0 , z 0 ), needs no special treatment.
1 δ(|r − r0 | − c(t − t0 )) Consequently, the entire (spatial) derivation of the Helm-
Gret (r, r0 ; t, t0 ) = , (18) holtz identity (13), in view of the equivalent form of re-
4π |r − r0 |
lation (22a), can be used with Eq. (23b), yielding
for t > t0 . The retarded Green’s function (18) is de- Z
rived via a spectral decomposition of the delta func- F(x) = −∇ ∇0 · F(x0 )G(x, x0 ) dV 0 c dt0
tion, taking into account homogeneous boundary con- Z
ditions on a closed spatial surface, as well as timelike +∇× ∇0 × F(x0 )G(x, x0 ) dV 0 c dt0
causality with the initial conditions G(r, r0 ; t, t0 ) = 0 and V40
∂G(r, r0 ; t, t0 )/∂t = 0 for t < t0 , and the Green’s function 1 ∂
∂(F(x0 )G(x, x0 ))
symmetry relation + 2 dV 0 c dt0 , (24)
c ∂t V40 ∂t
G(r, r0 ; t, t0 ) = G(r0 , r; −t0 , −t). (19) where one of the unprimed partial time derivatives has
For a relativistically invariant version of Eq. (18), that been taken outside of the integration over the primed
is, Gret (x, x0 ), and for the advanced Green’s function time derivative, and the other has been put in front of
Gadv (x, x0 ), see for example Ref. 6. (In what follows F(x0 ). The application of the time derivative in the in-
the usual shorthand notation is adopted, and the su- tegrand of the third term of Eq. (24) gives
perscripts in the functional dependencies are dropped ∂(F(x0 )G(x, x0 )) ∂G(x, x0 )
= −F(x0 ) (25a)
for brevity.) The spectral decomposition of the four- ∂t ∂t0
space delta function of Eq. (17b) also yields certain re- ∂(F(x0 )G(x, x0 )) ∂F(x0 )
quired covariant and contravariant derivative properties =− + G(x, x0 ), (25b)
∂t0 ∂t0

where the unprimed time derivative of F(x0 ) is zero and where a minus sign has been introduced in the substitu-
Eq. (22b) has been used in Eq. (25a). The time inte- tions for the second and third terms of Eq. (29) to empha-
gration of the first term of Eq. (25b) can be assumed to size its similarity to a well-known definition of the electric
vanish as t0 → ±∞ for the field F which is assumed to field in terms of the electric and magnetic potentials.20
be bounded in time. Therefore, only the second term of A compatible definition of the magnetic field20 with ap-
Eq. (25b) contributes to Eq. (24), reducing it to propriate variable and sign changes would be
Z ∂K
F(x) = −∇ ∇0 · F(x0 )G(x, x0 ) dV 0 c dt0 B(ct, x, y, z) = −∇ξ + ∇ × A −
. (30)
In a different calculation on a related subject, Eq. (13) in
+∇× ∇0 × F(x0 )G(x, x0 ) dV 0 c dt0
Ref. 4 [similar to Eq. (28) here] was used to derive an ex-
tension of Jefimenko’s time-dependent generalizations of
∂F(x0 )
1 ∂
+ G(x, x0 ) dV 0 c dt0 , (26) the Coulomb and Biot-Savart laws21 to include magnetic
c2 ∂t V40 ∂t0 charge and current sources. The time-dependent Helm-
holtz identity (26) therefore has interesting applications.
which can be regarded as a time-dependent general- Although Eq. (29) is an example of the generaliza-
ization of the (static) Helmholtz identity (13) for any tion of Eq. (2) via the time-dependent Helmholtz iden-
suitable Green’s function G(x, x0 ) that is a solution of tity (26), it is the possibility of using Eq. (26) to obtain
Eq. (17b). [A result like Eq. (26), but in terms of a re- uniqueness theorems that is of interest here. Consider
tarded Green’s function, was given in Ref. 2 with a com- the claim by Heras2 that the terms of Eq. (26) could be
ment that the proof followed from Eq. (23b); we have labeled (preserving the order of the terms) as follows:
verified this proof in detail here.] If we substitute the
retarded Green’s function (18) into Eq. (26) we obtain E(ct, x, y, z) = Ek + E⊥ + ET . (31)

δ(r − c(t − t0 ))
The longitudinal component Ek is irrotational and satis-
F(x) = −∇ ∇0 · F(x0 ) dV 0 c dt0 fies
V40 4πr
δ(r − c(t − t0 ))
+∇× ∇0 × F(x0 ) dV 0 c dt0 ∇ × Ek = 0, (32)
V40 4πr
and the transverse component E⊥ is solenoidal and sat-
∂F(x0 ) δ(r − c(t − t0 ))
1 ∂
+ 2 dV 0 c dt0 . isfies
c ∂t V40 ∂t0 4πr
(27) ∇ · E⊥ = 0. (33)

When the time integration in Eq. (27) is performed, The time component ET may have both transverse and
the argument of the delta function implies that all t0 longitudinal components. The first term of Eq. (26) is a
dependent variables in the integrand are evaluated at longitudinal component via Eq. (3) and the second term
t − r/c. If we use a retarded potential bracket notation of Eq. (26) is a transverse component via Eq. (4). How-
where [P(r0 , ct0 )]ret denotes evaluation at the retarded ever, Heras4 states in this context that “the specification
time t0 = t − r/c, then Eq. (27) can be rewritten as of ∂F/∂t is not available in general and there is not a
simple approach for obtaining it.”
[∇0 · F(r0 , ct0 )]ret The salient issue here is that the divergence and curl
F(x) = −c∇ dV 0 operations are sufficient to produce all the possible pro-
V 0 4πr
jections of vector fields in R3 . That is, the application of
[∇0 × F(r0 , ct0 )]ret
+ c∇ × dV 0 a time partial derivative cannot project out a time com-
0 4πr ponent longitudinal to the time dimension from a three-
∂F(r0 , ct0 )

1 ∂ 1 vector field that has only spatial dimensions. Four-vector
+ dV 0 , (28) fields are required for that. All that has been done here
c ∂t V 0 ∂t0 ret 4πr
is that an independent (time) variable has been included,
which is similar to Eq. (13) in Ref. 4. The result (28) is without forming a vector space of one more dimension.
obtained here in a more easily verified manner because The absence of a unique specification of a time projection
tricky retarded potential calculations are avoided by re- for the hypothetical time component ET belonging to
taining the general Green’s function G(x, x0 ) through to the three-vector space R3 makes it problematic for there
the time-dependent Helmholtz identity (26). to be a time-dependent version of theorem H1 based on
With suitable substitutions the identity (26) can be Eq. (31) [or Eq. (26)].
rewritten in a form resembling Eq. (2) as Neither does Eq. (29), as a representative example of
a choice of variables following from Eq. (26), appear to
∂A be adequate to generate a new uniqueness theorem of the
E(ct, x, y, z) = −∇φ − ∇ × K − , (29) type of theorem U1. To demonstrate this deficiency we

set the divergence of Eq. (29) equal to a suitable (electric) existence of nontrivial solutions of the associated ellipti-
scalar source charge density ρe scaled by the free space cal or hyperbolic differential equations. In the hyperbolic
permittivity constant 0 yielding case the field equations can be used to treat the electro-
magnetic case with both electric and magnetic charges.
ρe ∂∇ · A As interesting as this theorem is, its equations are not
= ∇ · E = −∇ · ∇φ − , (34)
0 ∂t derived from first principles, but are postulated in their
entirety. Secondly, it is a theorem for three-vectors in R3
where the second term of Eq. (29) vanishes via Eq. (4).
with the time-dependence put in by hand, that is, it is not
Then we set the curl of Eq. (29) equal to a suitable (mag-
manifestly covariant. It will be shown here that a mani-
netic) three-vector current density jm scaled by the free
festly covariant approach6 in R3+1 can yield the desired
space permeability constant µ0 yielding
time-varying uniqueness theorems that do not appear to
∂∇ × A follow from first principles in R3 .
−µ0 jm = ∇ × E = −∇ × ∇ × K − , (35) It has been previously shown (by taking a static New-
tonian limit) that the spatial components of the identity
where the first term of Eq. (29) vanishes via Eq. (3). Eq. (69) of theorem II of Ref. 6 [see Eq. (37)] is a Minkow-
Then we take the partial time derivative of Eq. (29) yield- ski space generalization of the (Euclidean three-space)
ing Helmholtz identity (13), but more generally in a finite
volume of R3 . In addition, the fourth or scalar field com-
∂E ∂φ ∂∇ × K ∂ 2 A ponent of this identity [see (Eq. 45)] was shown to yield a
= −∇ − − . (36)
∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t2 scalar field identity, Eq. (96) of Ref. 6, in a similar static
Newtonian limit. To obtain the full time-dependent re-
In contrast to Eqs. (34) and (35) it is not evident what
sults we first take the space components of this identity
source density should be equated to the left-hand side of
(that is, where the four-space index µ is replaced by the
Eq. (36). In the present context of a time-varying electro-
three-space index j):
magnetism with both electric and magnetic charges, such
a third source relation would be inconsistent because the "Z
remaining two sources, ρm and je , would need to be ac- Aj (x) = −∂ j ∂ν0 Aν (x0 )G(x, x0 )d4 x0
counted for by the compatible relation (30). In addition, V40
although Eq. (34) is adequate for the time-varying case, I #
Eq. (35) is adequate only for static fields [compare with − ν
(A (x )n0ν )G(x, x0 )dΣ0
Eq. (11) in Ref. 4]. If there are no magnetic sources, Σ0
jm , ρm , ξ, and K vanish and then Eq. (35) also lacks a "Z
source to uniquely specify it (or is reduced to no more − ∂α (∂ 0α Aj (x0 ) − ∂ 0j Aα (x0 ))G(x, x0 )d4 x0
than the static case by setting jm = 0). Equation (30) V40
suffers from similar difficulties with relations analogous I #
to Eqs. (35) and (36). Consequently, it is problematic α 0 0j j 0 0α 0 0
+ (A (x )n − A (x )n )G(x, x )dΣ , (37)
for there to be a time-dependent version of theorem U1 Σ0
based on Eqs. (29) and (30) [or Eq. (26)] for the most
general electromagnetic case. where the four-volume region V40 of Minkowski space-time
is bounded by the three-surface Σ0 , and the unprimed
derivatives have been factored out of the primed coor-
IV. TIME-DEPENDENT THREE-VECTOR dinate integrals. If we adopt three-vector notation and
AND SCALAR FIELD IDENTITIES allow the four-volume region V40 to expand to include
all Minkowski space-time so that the three-surface in-
In Sec. III it was shown that the use of the time- tegrals can be dropped [under the assumption that the
dependent generalization (26) of the (static) Helmholtz four-vector field Aµ (x) = (φ/c, A) vanishes sufficiently
identity (13) does not appear to be adequate to obtain rapidly at infinity], we can simplify Eq. (37) to
time-dependent versions of uniqueness theorems U1 or
1 ∂φ(x0 )
H1. However, an “extended curl”5 approach for obtain- A(x) = −∇ 0 0
∇ · A(x ) + 2 G(x, x0 )d4 x0
ing a uniqueness theorem for a pair of coupled time- V40 c ∂t0
dependent three-vector fields in terms of two scalar and 1 ∂
1 ∂A(x0 ) ∇0 φ(x0 )

two three-vector source fields, and in terms of two aux- − − − G(x, x0 )d4 x0
c ∂t V40 c ∂t0 c
iliary field definitions such as Eqs. (29) and (30), was Z
formulated in Ref. 22. This latter theorem was referred +∇× (∇0 × A(x0 ))G(x, x0 )d4 x0 , (38)
to there as a generalized Helmholtz theorem.22 From our V40
point of view the first part of this two part theorem is of
type U1, and the second part is of the Helmholtz (pro- where the first four-volume integral of Eq. (38) follows
jection) type H1, although the concepts of irrotational from the first four-volume integral of Eq. (37), the second
and solenoidal are omitted. The proof is based on the four-volume integral of Eq. (38) follows from the α = 0

component of the second four-volume integral of Eq. (37), Eq. (69) of Ref. 6 can be obtained as follows:
and the third four-volume integral of Eq. (38) follows "Z
from that same term’s α = i spatial components by com-
paring the implied sum on i for each of the j = 1, 2, 3
A (x) = − ∂ 0
∂ν0 Aν (x0 )G(x, x0 )d4 x0
components with the components of the vector triple #
cross product in Eq. (38). If we make the change of vari- I
ables [using the components of the four-curl of Aµ , that − (Aν (x0 )n0ν )G(x, x0 )dΣ0
is, Maxwell’s field tensor F µν , see Eqs. (55) and (56)] "Z
∂ 0α A0 (x0 ) − ∂ 0 0 Aα (x0 ) G(x, x0 )d4 x0

− ∂α
∂A V40
E = −∇φ − , B = ∇ × A, (39) #
∂t I
α 0 00 0 0 0α 0 0
+ (A (x )n − A (x )n )G(x, x )dΣ .
and the change of variables [using the four-divergence of Σ0
Aµ , see Eq. (57)] with (45)

1 ∂φ We adopt three-vector notation, allow the four-volume

C =∇·A+ , (40)
c2 ∂t V40 to expand to include all Minkowski space-time, and
set A0 = (φ/c) so that Eq. (45) simplifies to
we can reduce Eq. (38) to
1 ∂φ(x0 )
φ(x) 1 ∂ 0 0
= ∇ · A(x ) + 2 G(x, x0 )d4 x0
A(x) = − ∇ C(x0 )G(x, x0 )d4 x0 c c ∂t V40 c ∂t0
V40 Z  0
∇ φ(x0 ) 1 ∂A(x0 )

G(x, x0 )d4 x0 .
1 ∂ −∇· +
− 2 E(x0 )G(x, x0 )d4 x0 V40 c c ∂t0
c ∂t V40
Z (46)
+∇× B(x0 )G(x, x0 )d4 x0 . (41)
V40 The same change of variables, Eqs. (39) and (40), reduces
Eq. (46) to
We can move the unprimed ∇ operator into the first
(primed) integral of Eq. (41), and then as for Eq. (25),
φ(x) 1 ∂
we can express the argument of the integral as = C(x0 )G(x, x0 )d4 x0
c c ∂t V40
∇(C(x0 )G(x, x0 )) = −C(x0 )∇0 G(x, x0 ) 1
(42a) + ∇· E(x0 )G(x, x0 )d4 x0 . (47)
0 0 0 0 0 0 c V40
= −∇ (C(x )G(x, x )) + (∇ C(x ))G(x, x ), (42b)
We can move the unprimed ∂/∂t operator into the
because the unprimed gradient of C(x0 ) is zero and the
first (primed) integral of Eq. (47), and then, similar to
Green’s function property (22a) is used in Eq. (42a).
Eq. (25), we can express the integrand as:
Note that
Z ∂(C(x0 )G(x, x0 )) ∂G(x, x0 )
∇0 (C(x0 )G(x, x0 ))dV 0 = 0 (43) = − C(x0 ) (48a)
∂t ∂t0
∂(C(x )G(x, x )) ∂C(x0 )
0 0
=− + G(x, x0 ), (48b)
over the infinite three-volume V 0 for the scalar field ∂t0 ∂t0
C(x0 ), which is assumed to vanish sufficiently rapidly
at infinity because A and φ are assumed to do so also. because the unprimed time derivative of C(x0 ) is zero;
Therefore, only the second term of Eq. (42b) contributes and the Green’s function property (22b) was used in
to Eq. (41). If we use the result (25b) on the second inte- Eq. (48a). A time integration of the first term of
gral of Eq. (41), assume that E is bounded in time, and Eq. (48b) can be assumed to vanish as t0 → ±∞ for the
use Eq. (10b) and the surface integral argument that led field C, which is assumed to be bounded in time because
to Eq. (13) on the third integral of Eq. (41), we obtain A and φ are assumed to do so also. Therefore, only the
the desired three-vector field identity second term of Eq. (48b) contributes to Eq. (47). We use
Eq. (10a) and the surface integral argument which led to
1 ∂E(x0 ) Eq. (13) on the second integral of Eq. (47) to obtain the
A(x) = −∇0 C(x0 ) − 2 desired scalar field identity
V40 c ∂t0

+ ∇0 × B(x0 ) G(x, x0 )d4 x0 . ∂C(x0 )
(44) φ(x) 1 0
= + ∇ · E(x ) G(x, x0 )d4 x0 .
c c V40 ∂t0
In a similar fashion a scalar component of the identity (49)

V. UNIQUENESS THEOREMS FOR THREE- where µ0 0 = 1/c2 , and where j is a source current den-
VECTOR AND SCALAR FIELDS IN MINKOWSKI sity and ρ is a source charge density defined over all of
SPACE R3+1 .
To prove theorem U2, note that the Maxwell field ten-
The Minkowski space Helmholtz identity Eq. (69) of sor as defined by
Ref. 6, which combines Eqs. (37) and (45), can be written
0 Ex /c Ey /c Ez /c
 
−Ex /c 0 Bz −By 
Aµ = ∂α Aαµ + ∂ µ A, (50) F µν = , (55)
−Ey /c −Bz 0 Bx 
with suitable definitions for Aαµ and A. A four-curl −Ez /c By −Bx 0
formed from the second term of Eq. (50) is zero by
and the definition of the field tensor (55) in terms of the
∂ µ (∂ ν A) − ∂ ν (∂ µ A) = 0, (51) four-vector potential Aµ as defined by
and so the second term of Eq. (50) is four-irrotational.6
F µν = ∂ µ Aν − ∂ ν Aµ (56)
Also, the four-divergence of the first term of Eq. (50) is
zero by comprise an alternate expression for the relations (53a)
∂µ (∂α Aαµ ) = 0, (52) and (53b). Equations (55) and (56) are sufficient to
demonstrate that E, B, A, and φ can be interpreted
because it is a contraction of a symmetric factor ∂µ ∂α as components of suitable tensor quantities because the
and an antisymmetric factor Aαµ ; hence the first term of Maxwell field tensor F µν transforms as a tensor and so
Eq. (50) is four-solenoidal.6 In Ref. 6 I used Eqs. (50), by Eq. (56) the four-vector potential Aµ (of electromag-
(51), and (52) to prove theorem X of Ref. 6 which gen- netism) is also a tensor because the right-hand side of
eralizes the Euclidean three-space theorem H1 to any fi- Eq. (56) is of the form of a four-curl. Because Aµ can be
nite or entire volume of Minkowski space. By arguments interpreted as a tensor, its four divergence as defined by
paralleling those in Sec. II of this article,6 I also proved
theorem V of Ref. 6, a Minkowski space generalization of C = ∂µ Aµ (57)
theorem U1 (for any finite or entire volume of R3+1 ).
All that remains is to state a meaningful uniqueness can also be interpreted as a tensor (of rank 0). Therefore,
theorem of the source type, with a scalar and a vector because Eq. (57) is an alternate expression for Eq. (53c),
source, which under a suitable covariant constraint covers then C can be interpreted as a tensor quantity as well.
the theory of electromagnetism. The resulting theorem is By construction, the antisymmetric Maxwell field tensor
not entirely analogous to theorem U1 because it involves satisfying Eq. (56) also satisfies the Bianchi identity
coupled fields. But it may be the best that we can do,
being in a sense based on a projection of a most general ∂λ Fµν + ∂ν Fλµ + ∂µ Fνλ = 0, (58)
Minkowski four-space Helmholtz identity for Aµ (x) into
Euclidean three-space components. The theorem asso- which are Maxwell’s source free field equations in tensor
ciates the arguments of the integrals of the three-vector form. Equation (58) is also a necessary and sufficient
components (44) and scalar component (49) as derived condition that the field tensor Fµν has an auxiliary tensor
from the four-vector field Helmholtz identity of Sec. IV potential Aµ (and is closed).23 In three-vector notation
with the arguments of the inhomogeneous wave equation Eqs. (3) and (4), when used with the curl of Eq. (53a)
Green’s function integrals [see Eq. (60)] as follows. and the divergence of Eq. (53b), respectively, accomplish
Theorem U2. Given the twice continuously differ- the same task as Eq. (58), and so Maxwell’s source free
entiable time-varying three-vector fields E, B, and A, field equations are implied by the definitions (53a) and
and scalar fields C and φ as defined by (53b).
Probably the easiest way to prove the remaining part of
E = −∇φ − , (53a) theorem U2 is to insert the definitions (53) into Eqs. (54a)
∂t and (54b), which reduce to the (uncoupled) wave equa-
B = ∇ × A, (53b) tions
1 ∂φ
C =∇·A+ 2 , (53c) 1 ∂2A
c ∂t ∇2 A − = −µ0 j, (59a)
c2 ∂t2
and interpreted as spatial and time components of ten- 2
sor quantities over all of Minkowski space R3+1 , that is, 1 ∂ φ ρ
∇2 φ − 2 2 = − . (59b)
assuming Aµ = (φ/c, A), then the fields E, B, and C are c ∂t 0
uniquely specified by the following:
It is well known that the inhomogeneous and homoge-
1 ∂E neous solutions of the inhomogeneous hyperbolic wave
−∇C − 2 + ∇ × B = µ0 j, (54a)
c ∂t equations (59) uniquely specify A and φ. Therefore,
∂C ρ their first derivatives in space and time, which are as-
+∇·E= , (54b) sumed to be well-defined, are uniquely specified as well,
∂t 0

and so by the definitions (53) the fields E, B, and C are longitudinal gauge condition reduce to
uniquely specified and theorem U2 is proved. Note that if
Eq. (54a) is substituted into identity (44), and Eq. (54b) 1 ∂(∇φ)
−∇(∇ · A) − = −∇C = µ0 j, (65a)
is substituted into identity (49), we obtain c2 ∂t
∂A 1 ∂2φ ∂C ρ
∇· + 2 2 = = . (65b)
A(x) = µ0 j(x0 )G(x, x0 )d4 x0 , (60a) ∂t c ∂t ∂t 0
The relativistic longitudinal gauge condition F µν = 0
ρ(x0 )
φ(x) 1 implies that
= G(x, x0 )d4 x0 , (60b)
c c V40 0
E = −∇φ − = 0, (66a)
which are inhomogeneous solutions of the wave equations ∂t
(59) in terms of a suitable Green’s function. It was the B = ∇ × A = 0, (66b)
Green’s function solution of Eq. (17b) which led via the
delta function identity (23a) to the spatial components so that, with the identity (8), it follows that Eqs. (65a)
(37) and time component (45) of the Aµ identity itself.6 and (65b) reduce to the wave equations (59).
Equations (54a) and (54b) reduce to Maxwell’s source
equations if we set the four-divergence C = ∂µ Aµ = 0,
that is, with the Lorentz gauge condition (more descrip- VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS
tively called a relativistic transverse gauge condition).6,7
It is easily proved that once this relativistic transverse
gauge condition is assumed, the resulting Maxwell’s It can be argued that theorem U2 uniquely specifies
equations decouple to give the wave equations (59). The the most general three-vector and scalar field (compo-
most general Lagrangian density for a (massless) four- nent) equations in Minkowski space for an associated
vector field Aµ that is no more than quadratic in its vari- (massless) classical four-vector field Aµ that is assumed
ables and their derivatives,6 and which embodies theorem to satisfy an inhomogeneous hyperbolic wave equation.
U2 via the covariant formalism (55)−(57), appears to be That is, the field definitions and equations of theorem
U2 follow directly from the use of a Green’s function
0 c2 λ0 c2 solution technique using an operator delta function four-
L=− Fµν F µν − (∂µ Aµ )2 + jµ Aµ , (61) vector identity. Thus, it should not be surprising that
4 2
both the relativistic transverse and relativistic longitu-
where j µ = (ρc, j) and λ is a Lagrange multiplier for the dinal covariant gauge conditions, when used in conjunc-
Lorentz constraint term. The covariant Lagrange equa- tion with theorem U2, lead to the same wave equations. I
tion of motion which follows from Eq. (61) is have previously shown that the relativistic transverse and
relativistic longitudinal covariant gauge conditions lead
−j ν /0 c2 = ∂µ F µν + λ∂ ν (∂µ Aµ ) (62a) respectively to only two classes of classical four-vector
= ∂µ ∂ µ Aν − (1 − λ)∂ ν (∂µ Aµ ). (62b) fields which are potentially physical.7 By the latter it is
meant that a suitable fully quadratic Lagrangian density
If we make the physical assumption that all derivatives (of the type used here but more general in that it has a
∂µ have equal weight, we may set λ = 1, which reduces field mass term and can have complex valued charges) is
Eq. (62b) to bounded from below when one or the other of these two
covariant gauge conditions is applied.7
Aν = ∂µ ∂ µ Aν = −j ν /0 c2 = −µ0 j ν , (63)

which is the wave equations (59) in covariant notation.

There is another covariant gauge that I have dubbed
the relativistic longitudinal gauge,6,7 where the four-curl
F µν = 0, which implies via Eq. (55) that E = 0 and The author thanks Andrew Stewart of the Research
B = 0 as well. With this relativistic longitudinal gauge School of Physical Sciences and Engineering at The Aus-
condition the Lagrange equation of motion (62b) reduces tralian National University for prompting the author to
(with λ = 1) to investigate the uniqueness of time-varying three-vector
fields in relation to his work in Ref. 17, and for subse-
−j ν /0 c2 = ∂ ν (∂µ Aµ ) = ∂µ (∂ ν Aµ ) = ∂µ (∂ µ Aν ), (64) quent review of this paper. The author also thanks J. V.
Corbett of the Department of Mathematics of Macquarie
where ∂ µ Aν = ∂ ν Aµ in this gauge via Eq. (56), which is University−Sydney for detailed review of this paper. The
also the wave equations (59) in covariant notation. Sim- author is indebted to James Cresser of the Department
ilarly, in three-vector notation the field equations (54) of Physics of Macquarie University−Sydney for support
and definitions (53) of theorem U2 for the relativistic of the author’s research position in the department.

Electronic mail: dalew@ics.mq.edu.au (Academic, Orlando, 1985), pp. 78–84.
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