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Exercise 3 Steam Distillation

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EXPERIMENT 3 Steam Distillation Introduction Plants have characteristic aromas b

ecause of volatile oils contained in every part of the plant. These oils are oft
en concentrated in certain parts of the plant such as the seeds, bark, or flower
s. These oils give a plant its particular essence thus the term essential oil. T
he essential oils of various plants have been used for centuries as flavorings,
fragrances, and medicines. Some essential oils, such as limonene, are common to
many different plants while others, such as eugenol, are more specific to a part
icular species of plant. In the case of clove and cinnamon the flavor is primari
ly due to one compound (eugenol and cinnamonaldehyde respectively) although the
full flavor is due to a mixture of several compounds. The isolation of essential
oils is sometimes accomplished by steam distillation. In this technique, compou
nds that are less volatile than water are co-distilled with water. This allows f
or distillation at temperatures lower than necessary to distill the oil by itsel
f. High temperatures will often cause an organic compound to decompose. In this
experiment you will steam distill the essential oils from citronella grass, citr
us rind or other suitable plant material.
To assemble and use a simple distillation setup in the separation of volatile su
bstances from non-volatile materials. To isolate essential oils from plant sampl

Procedure A. Steam Distillation
NOTE: Organic solvents are generally flammable and their vapors are toxic. Avoid
open flames and do not inhale vapors.
3. 4.
5. 6.
Weigh out about 200 grams of fresh finely cut citronella grass, citrus rind or o
ther suitable plant material. Mix the sample with distilled water in the sample
flask. Add enough water such that the flask is about 2/3 full. Assemble the rest
of the set-up. Check all connections for tightness. Show your set-up to your in
structor for inspection. Heat the sample flask. Collect about 200 mL of distilla
te into a 250-mL separatory funnel. Record all observations.

B. Separation of the Essential Oil from the Steam Distillate 1. If a distinct oi

l layer separates from the aqueous layer of the steam distillate, drain the aque
ous layer slowly out of the separatory funnel. If the oil layer is not distinct
or if some oil droplets are dispersed in the distillate, salting out may be nece
ssary. 2. Place a spatula of the sodium chloride into the separatory funnel and
gently shake or swirl the contents. Let it stand to allow the oil layer to separ
ate then proceed with the drawing out of the aqueous layer. 3. Transfer the rema
ining oily layer into a previously weighed clean vial using a dry dropper. 4. De
termine the weight of the oil. 5. Record all observations. 6. Label the vial pro
perly, indicating the source, laboratory section, group number and date. 7. Subm
it to your Lab Instructor. III. QUESTIONS: 1. A mixture of immiscible liquids (b
oth water-insoluble) is subjected to steam distillation. At 90C, the vapor pressur
e of pure water is 526 mm Hg. If the vapor pressure of Compound A is 127 mm Hg a
nd that of B is 246 mm Hg at 90C, a. What is the total vapor pressure of the mixtu
re at 90? b. Would this mixture boil at a temperature above or below 90? c. What wou
ld be the effect on the vapor pressure and boiling temperature by doubling the a
mount of water used?

2. Research on the essential oil you have isolated from your source. Draw its st
ructure. Based on literature, what is its boiling point/vapor pressure? What are
the uses of this oil?

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