Essential Oil
Essential Oil
Essential Oil
Extraction of Essential Oil from Orange Peel using Different Methods and Effect
of Solvents, Time, Temperature to Maximize Yield
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Presently, in Ethiopia orange peels are discarded as wastes after consumption of edible parts of orange fruits. To get the highest
quality and quantity of orange peel oil, it is necessary to know the suitable methods for drying and the appropriate form of the peel,
whether in the form of pieces, grated or powder. Essential oils are highly concentrated substances, which are extracted from fruit
peels, flowers, leaves, stems, roots and seeds. These oils are often used for their flavor and their therapeutic or odiferous properties, in
wide selection products such as foods, pharmaceuticals, medicines, perfumery industry and cosmetics. The main objectives of this
research is to extract essential oil from orange (citrus sinensis) peels by two methods: hydro distillation and solvent extraction, to
study the effect of extraction conditions (solvent type, extraction time, and temperature) on oil yield and compare the results of the
two methods, the resulting essential oil was analyzed its physical and chemical properties. From the results obtained, it was observed
that the orange peels could give the maximum yields of essential oil to be 3 % and 2 % when hydro distillation and solvent extraction
were employed, respectively, and that was an indication that the highest yield of essential oil was given by hydro distillation among
the methods considered. The physical and chemical properties values obtained from the characterization of the oil revealed that it
could be used in different process industries for production of other valuable products.
Volume of Essential Oil obtained from orange peel was different extraction, in the range of 90-100 oC for extraction temperature
for different temperatures and at a particular temperature for the and 30–180 min, the observed maximum essential oil yield was
different time of heating. From table-1 and 2 for the essential oil 2 ml at extraction temperature of 90 oC and extraction time of
Quantity of Oil (ml)
30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (min)
Carrying out the same water distillation procedure of the and, even, the amount of oil given was observed to keep on
essential oil extraction at a temperature of 100o C gave the increasing with increase in extraction time. For this process,
results that are shown in Figure-8. From the results given in which was carried out at 100o C, the yield of oil obtained when
Figure-8, it was noticed that oil was produced by the extraction the extraction time was 180 min was obtained to be 4.5 ml / 150
at the temperature of 100o C from the initial time of the process, g peel
Quantity of Oil (ml)
30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (min)
50 300 80 180 3 2
Methanol 50 300 60 180 1.5 1
As table 3 show high amount of essential oil from orange peel Characterization of the essential oil
was extracted using n-hexane, and methanol and petroleum ether
respectively. The results given in table 3 shows that the The extracted essential oil was analyzed to determine its
variations in the factors chosen as the independent variables of physical and chemical properties, and given in Tables 4, and 4
the process were having effects on the yield of oil obtained from are the results obtained from the analyses for the physical and
the extraction of orange peels. The change in solvent, time and the chemical properties respectively.
temperature was found to affect the quantity of oil extracted.
Physical characterization of extracted essential oil
As result show when the temperature of the experiment work
increase quantity of oil extracted also increase and also when the Moreover, the extracted essential oil was analyzed to determine
time of the experiment work increase quantity of oil extracted its physical properties, and given in Table 4 are the results
also increase. Therefore oil yield and time also oil yield and obtained from the analyses for the physical properties.
temperature are directly proportional to each other.
As can be seen from the Table-4, the oil was obtained to have aromatic compounds. The extracted essential oil has a specific
virtually yellow colour with tangy smell, and it was observed to density less than 1 which implies that it is lighter than water and
be insoluble in water. As can be seen from the Table-4 the consequently will be insoluble in water. The density of the oil
specific gravity of the essential oil was 0.843. was estimated to be 0.86 g/cm3.This is in agreement with the
standard value of essential oil from orange peel waste.
The specific gravity determines the weight of the essential oil. It
is also important in determining the quality and purity of Chemical characterization of essential oil from orange peel
essential oil. Most of the essential oils have specific gravity
ranging from 0.696–1.88. Specific gravity values of oils are less The values obtained for the chemical properties of extracted
than 1 for most of the oils except few containing oxygenated essential oil are given in Table-5.
The acid value of the essential oil was 4.2 mg KOH/g. wastes increase. If the wastes are effectively managed to produce
Essential oils are concentrated and contain several volatile value-added products economic benefits along with reduced
aroma compounds which are majorly free fatty acids. Free fatty environmental problems can be achieved. Orange juice is one of
acids are considered as degrading in oils because they are the big juice sectors. From these sectors, large amount of wastes
responsible for oil rancidity. Oils with low acidity are especially orange peels are discarded. However, orange peel
considered as neutralized and safe for making skin care wastes can effectively be utilized for the economic production of
products as high acidity of oils may beharmful for skin [16]. value-added products such as pectin. Our results revealed that it
The low acid value of the extracted essential oil indicates that was possible to produce value-added products from the orange
the oil has excellent storage life. The saponification value of peel wastes such as essential oil.
the essential oil was 44.96 mg KOH/g. Saponification value is
an indicator of the average molecular weight and hence chain Acknowledgements
length. It is inversely proportional to the molecular weight of We would like to thank the Department of Chemistry, Arba
the oil [17]. High saponification values of oils are due to the Minch University, Ethiopia, for providing the laboratory
predominantly high proportion of shorter carbon chain lengths facilities and the necessary supports.
of fatty acids [18]. Low molecular weight (short to medium
chain) fatty acids have more glyceride molecules per gram of V. REFERENCE
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