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ELSEVIER Journal of Membrane Science 99 (1995) 197-203

Short communication

Novel techniques for oil/water separation

U. Daiminger, W. Nitsch *, P. Plucinski, S. Hoffmann
Technische Universittit Mffnchen, Institut fiir Technische Chemie, Lichtenbergstr. 4, D-85748 Garching, Germany
Received 27 May 1994; accepted in revised form 15 September 1994


In this work two novel methods of separation of oil/water dispersions are proposed. In both methods wetting plays an essential
role. It has been found that during the flow of a dispersion through thin microporous hydrophobic membranes with pore size
similar to drop size, a spontaneous droplet enlargement takes place. This was manifested by very fast gravitational phase
separation after one passage of the dispersion through the membrane. The fraction of separated oil was independent of initial oil
concentration and also independent in a broad range from the flow rates. As an alternative to the gravitational separators, the
enlarged droplets can be removed using hollow fiber modules. The dispersion is led through the lumen of the hollow fibers, the
oil phase permeates through the porous membrane. A simplified mechanism is proposed to explain the influence of residence
time and flow rate on the efficiency of the hollow fiber separation.

Keywords: Oil/water separation; Microporous membrane; Coalescence; Wetting; Hollow fiber module

1. Introduction in fibrous bed coalescers has become popular because

these devices are easy to design and reasonably efficient
Oil/water separation plays a crucial role in many [ 1,2,4-6]. The basic principle in such units is that,
technological processes as well as in environmental when dispersions flow through the bed, the filter mate-
engineering [ 1-4]. One interesting application con- rial captures the droplet because of wetting, and retains
cerns the phase separation on the end of solvent extrac- it until a large number of droplets have been captured
tion processes, which in spite of extensive studies in and then coalesces them to form large drops [ 1,2,4-
the last years is not fully solved [ 1-6]. Especially in 6]. The large drops can now be economically separated
the field of metal ion extraction the use of surface active by gravity settlers. Different fibrous and packed beds,
chelating agents can pose many difficulties for phase with a thickness in the cm range, have been investigated
separation. [ 1,2,4] and patented [ 1,2,4].
Besides chemical dispersion break up [ 1,2 ], various The general purpose of this work is to use thin hydro-
physical methods including gravity settling, centrifu- phobic, porous membranes instead of cm-range beds
gation, air flotation, ultrafiltration and fibrous or packed for the separation of oil-in-water dispersions. Usually,
beds coalescence have been applied [ 1,2,4]. the application of membranes for phase separation is
Gravity settlers are often inefficient, specially in the directed to ultrafiltration, which means the continuous
case of small droplets. Coalescence of small droplets aqueous phase is the permeate.
In this work the ability of coalescence at hydrophobic
* Corresponding author. membranes should be studied in order to separate the

0376-7388/95/$09.50 © 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSD10376-7388(94)0021 8-5
198 u. Daimingeret al. /Journal of Membrane Science 99 (1995) 197-203

dispersed organic phase as the permeate. Compared to The dispersion then was led through the separation unit
usually applied packed or fibrous beds as coalescence 4 (Liqui-Cel ® hollow fiber module (HFM), Hoechst/
aids, the novel aspects concern the operation of thin Celanese, USA). The separated organic phase was col-
membranes to aggregate oil dispersions as well as to lected in a beaker mounted on the analytical balance
separate them. The first goal is the use of a microfiltra- (Kern 510-37, Kern, Germany).
tion membrane as a coalescing aid, to enlarge the diam- The emulsion was prepared as follows: the appro-
eter of droplets. In this case the entire dispersion is priate amount of the organic phase was added to dis-
forced to pass the membrane coalescer. As a second tilled water, emulsification occurred due to shear forces
goal we want to use the ability of spreading oil droplets in the gear wheel pump under standard conditions (56
on the hydrophobic surface of porous hollow fibers, in 1 of dispersion were circulated by the pump through
order to separate the organic phase. bypass 5 for 4 h with the volumetric flow 130 l/h).

2.2. Membranes.
2. Experimental

2.1. Experimental set-up. The characteristics of membranes used as coalescing

aids, all with 50 mm diameter (40 mm active diame-
Fig. 1 shows the schematic view of our separation ter), are summarised in Table la. Hollow fibers made
unit. The dispersion was transferred from the tank 1 by of Celgard ® X-10 polypropylene membrane have 0.3
pump (gear wheel pump M 838, Schwinherr, Ger- mm diameter, 0.03 mm wall thickness, porosity 30%,
many) to the membrane coalescer 2 (filter holder SM and effective pore size 0.05 /zm. In the work three
165 08 B, Sartorius, Germany). A split stream 3 could different HFMs were used whose dimensions are pre-
be taken for sedimentation analysis (21 glass cylinder). sented in Table lb.


Fig. 1. Schematicview of separation unit: (1) dispersionreservoir; (2) membranecoalescer; (3) samplingdevice; (4) hollow fibermodule;
(5) bypass.
U. Daiminger et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 99 (1995) 197-203 199

Table 1
Characteristics of membranes and hollow fiber modules used

(a) Membranes:

No. Membrane Material Pore size/xm Thickness/zm Producer

1 SM 11842 PTFE 5.0 110 Sartorius

2 FALP PTFE 1.0 90 Millipore
3 GVHP polivinylidene fluoride 0.22 125 Millipore
4 SM 11302 cellulose nitrate 3.0 140 Sartorius

(b) Hollow fiber modules:

No. Type Number of HFs Length cm HFM diameter cm

1 5 PCM-106 2100 16 2.5

2 5 PCM- 104 9000 24.1 5.1
3 5 PCM- 105 9000 54.6 5.1

2.3. Chemical system as described [8]. Preliminary measurements of the

droplets diameter using laser diffraction (Coulter LS
For the organic phase a technical grade isododecane 130 / 100, Coulter Electronics GmbH, Germany) were
(WBC-15, Biesterfeld, Germany) was taken, and the performed too (cf. Fig. 2). The residual amount of
emulsion was stabilised by bis(2-ethylhexyl)-phos- isododecane was measured chromatographically (GC/
phate (DEPA) (for synthesis, Merck, Germany), a MS, Carlo Erba Instruments, FID detector, Carbowax).
commonly known surface active extracting agent [ 7 ]. The interfacial tension was determined by a ring
All chemicals were used without purification. method (K 10 tensiometer, Kriass, Germany).

2.4. Analytical methods.

3. Results
The diameter of droplets was determined using a
photographic method after stabilising the oil droplets 3.1. Membrane coalescence
in an aqueous solution (5 wt%) of polyvinyl alcohol
(PVA, W28/60, M W = 7 2 kDa, Wacker, Germany) By passing the entire dispersion through the PTFE
filter membrane (2 cf. Fig. 1; 5/zm pore diameter) a
- - initial dispersion remarkable enlargement of the droplet size was

........... after membrane filter
- - - - - after HFM /."~..! observed. This was manifested by the immediate grav-
itational settling of the organic phase (cf. Fig. 3 ), taken
as a split stream at 3 (cf. Fig. 1). Without the membrane
coalescer a phase separation was not noticed in the
> 4 range of days, which is probably due to the presence of
" 3 surface active DEPA ~. In the tube between the outlet
~2 of the membrane coalescer 2 and the entry of the HFM
4 (cf. Fig. 1) a streamlet of the organic phase was
..'" \i
1 '" N observed during each experiment. This streamlet
o , ~'~ resulted from the coalescence of the enlarged oil drop-
10 100 1000
droplet size ~m]
1 Addition of 0.10 k m o l / m 3 DEPA to the system resulted in the
reduction of the value of interfacial tension from 45.8.10 - 3 ( p u r e
Fig. 2. Change of droplets size measured by laser diffraction. isododecane/water) to 22.3.10 -3 N/m.
200 U. Daiminger et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 99 (1995) 197-203

1oo o ~, ~, droplets mentioned above could not be measured due

....... * ................ ® ~ ~ ........ ~ o to spontaneous phase separation and the detection limit
8O of the apparatus.
The measured results of organic phase separation by
13 60 gravity settling to a clear layer (up to 2 min) after one
passage of the dispersion through the membrane are
40 shown in Fig. 3. Remarkable are the following features:
a high degree of separation "r/( 80-90%, defined as
the fraction of separated organic phase) is observed
for one passage,
the degree of coalescence seems to be independent
o , , , , f,f,, ,
0 1 2 3 4 5 15 20 25 of the oil concentration (first order process),
superficial velocity t h r o u g h m e m b r a n e * 102 [m3s-lm -2]
the fraction of separated oil remains constant in the
measured range of flow rates (10<I;'< 190 l/h)
Fig. 3. The influence of the superficial velocity on the separated which correspond to superficial velocities (the quo-
fraction of oil by the membrane coalescer: II, dispersion concentra-
tion 5 g/l, 1 membrane filter No. 1; O, dispersion concentration 25
tient of volumetric flow rate and active membrane
g/I, 1 membrane filter No. 1, active filter area: 12.57 cruZ; O, dis- area) in the range: 0.003 < w <0.15 m3/m 2 s.
persion concentration 25 g/l, 1 membrane filter No. 1, active filter Additionally, specific experiments show that:
area: 2.27 cmZ; v , dispersion concentration 25 g/l, 5 membrane separation does not occur in a gravity settler, if mem-
filters No. 1.
branes with rather small pore diameters (0.22 resp.
lets. It is this part of the dispersed phase, which forms 1.0/xm compared to 5/zm, the standard pore size in
this streamlet, that is responsible for the fast separation this work) are used,
in gravity settlers. the increase of 'membrane thickness' (5 mem-
Apart from the macroscopic streamlet achieved by branes, each 5 /xm pore diameter pressed together
membrane induced coalescence, the enlargement of instead of one sheet) does not influence the sepa-
original dispersed phase was measured with laser dif- ration efficiency,
fraction. The initial drop size was approximately 5/xm, the increase of superficial velocity to w = 0,23 m3/
determined by both methods (photographic and laser m 2 s realised by reducing the active membrane area
diffraction) .The evident change of droplet diameter, (Fig. 4, 80% reduction of the active membrane area:
caused by the passage through the membrane, may be from 12.57 to 2.27 cm z) leads to a decrease of sep-
seen in Fig. 2. It is worth noting that the very large aration efficiency (see Fig. 3),

membrane ~ _
t _~ O-ring E
support . . . . . . . . _50 mm_......... / ,,sive


normal operation operation with

of membrane coalescer reduced membrane area
Fig. 4. Schematic view of the membrane coalescer.
U. Daiminger et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 99 (1995) 197-203 201

Table 2
The comparison of efficiency of fibrous bed and membrane coalescers

Fibrous beds

System Conc. Fibers Length cm Velocity c m / s Recovery % Ref.


Kerosene / water 0.01 Glass 1.27 0.51 > 95 4

Kerosene / wate] ~' 2-5 PTFE, Glass 0.6--3.2 0.07-1.8 C~ 5
Toluene/water 0. I Glass 0.5--3.0 0.25-1.25 90-98 6

Membrane coalescer

lsododecane / water~ 2.5 PTFE 0.011 0.3-- 15.0 ca. 90 this work

" Surfactants: Tergitol TMN or Sarkosyl O.

c C, complete (no visual turbidity in aqueous phase after coalescence).

100 The very thin membrane should guarantee a rather

low pressure drop, but first of all the appropriate high
80 flow velocity promises a much higher specific through-
put than encountered in conventional fibrous bed sep-
t $
60 I * arators.
• II i
40 O 3.2. Hollow fiber phase separator
Leading the standard dispersion through the lumen
of the hollow fibers, without any precoalescence, it was
o , p ~, Q ,o indeed possible to separate a clear organic phase, how-
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6
ever the separation factor -q was very low (see Fig. 5 ).
superficial velocity through hollow fibers [m3s -lm -2]
Using the membrane coalescer in line, which increases
Fig. 5. The dependence of the separation factor "q in the HFM on the
superficial velocity, dispersion concentration 25 g/I, module No. 2,
without membrane coalescer, O, p] = 3.0 bar; with membrane coal- 80
escer, O, p~ = 1.0 bar; A, p~ = 2.0 bar; O, Pt = 3.0 bar; il, pj =4.0
bar: v,p~ =5.0 bar.
'~ 60

coalescence was not observed with hydrophilic vv • •

Vm •
membranes. 4o
The efficiency and the range of application of the
membrane coalescence is demonstrated in Table 2, in 2O

comparison to typical fibrous bed separators. Two

advantages of the new membrane operation are evi- 0 i i i f i
dently: 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6
t h e s e p a r a t i o n z o n e is e x t r e m e l y s h o r t ( l e s s t h a n t h e superficial velocity through hollow fibers [mas -~m -2]
m e m b r a n e t h i c k n e s s o f 110 > m ) ,
Fig. 6. The comparison of the separation efficiency of gravitational
the possibility of high superficial velocities, being
settler and HFM, dispersion concentration 25 g/l, p] = 3.0 bar; dotted
an o r d e r o f m a g n i t u d e higher compared with the line, mean separation factor for gravitational settling taken from Fig.
fibrous bed coalescers (see Table 2). 3; O, module No. 1; i , module No. 2; v , module No. 3.
202 U. Daiminger et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 99 (1995) 197-203

N Nfi a,m

i0 pm

4 0 ~tm . . . .

Fig. 7. The proposed mechanism of oil separation in a hydrophobic hollow fiber.

the droplet size, augments the separation rate at least the constant value of the separation factor 77for one
one order of magnitude (Fig. 5).'This basically agrees respectively five membranes shows, that the passage
with the measured reduction of enlarged droplets in the of one sheet suffices for the observed coalescence,
dispersion after the hollow fiber module, because of the constancy of r/for different membrane areas (cf.
phase separation, which can be seen in Fig. 2. Fig. 3) allows to exclude a surface process, being
It is remarkable, that the separation degree does not responsible for the enlargement,
depend on the total membrane area of the HFM, as can the complete ineffectiveness of a small pore
be seen by comparing module No. 2 and module No. 3 membrane points at the relation of pore size and
(Fig. 6). Also the change of the static pressure in the droplet size as the decisive feature for coalescence.
module ( 1. 105-5 • 105 Pa) does not influence the sep- The residence time of the dispersion inside the
aration efficiency. membrane shows, that the process of coalescence
Fig. 6 shows the comparison of the fraction of sep- occurs very fast, i.e. in the time scale of milliseconds
arated oil phase r/vs. superficial velocity w between (from 7 to 37 ms depending on f'). This should be the
gravitational settler and hollow fiber modules, both reason for the independence of r/from the flow rate in
after membrane coalescence. The yield of separation the range 10 < I?< 190 l/h corresponding to superficial
using hollow fiber module decreases with the superfi- velocities in the range 0.003 < w < 0.15 m3/m 2 s. Fur-
cial velocity of the dispersion. For small velocities of ther experiments will show whether the decrease of the
the emulsion flow the efficiencies of both methods are separation factor r/for w=0.23 m3/m 2 s can be re-
rather comparable, for higher velocities the efficiency compensed by an increase of residence time, achieved
of the hollow fiber module is much lower. by stacking several membranes.
In a few test runs for complete oil removal the dis-
persion was recycled to tank 1 (ca. 10-20 times). Two
clear phase were obtained and in the aqueous phase the 4.2. Hollow fiber phase separation
oil concentration was below the detection limit of GC.
The conducted experiments make clear, that the sep-
aration by means ofa HFM does not operate adequately
without prior droplet enlargement by the membrane.
4. Discussion
This means, that only the large droplets are separated
as the dispersion passes through the hollow fibers.
4.1. Membrane coalescence The remarkable result is, that the degree of 77
decreases with the flow rate in spite of a constant por-
The presented results justify some conclusions con- tion of enlarged droplets (see Fig. 6). The influence of
cerning the function of the membrane: the cross section can be understood because of maldis-
the enlargement of droplet size after one passage tribution of the enlarged droplets at the entry of the
through the PTFE membrane points at the role of HFM. On the other hand, the decrease of the separation
wetting, factor "r/with superficial velocity must be caused by the
U. Daiminger et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 99 (1995) 197-203 203

mechanism of separation during the flow of the ~" flow rate l/h
enlarged dispersion through the hollow fibers. w superficial velocity m3/m 2 s
The decrease of r/can be explained by a model, r/ separation factor %
which regards the relation between the contact time t~
of an individual large droplet at the orifice of an indi- 6.1. Indices
vidual pore and the time tw needed for wetting the e emulsion
individual pore with the organic phase. This is sche- fb fiber bed
matically shown in Fig. 7. As tw is expected to be p pore
constant, the residence time tR = l/w determines the
separation factor ~7.
The increase of the superficial velocity w and Acknowledgements
decrease of the length l of an oil droplet imply a
The authors thank the Coulter Electronics Gmbh,
decrease of tR and if tR and tw are in the same order of
Germany for possibility of measurements of droplet
magnitude, the separation efficiency deteriorates.
size with Coulter LS 130/100. We express also our
The assumed importance of a wetting process for the
thanks to Hoechst AG (Germany) for discount on the
hollow fiber phase separation is supported by the
hollow fiber modules.
observed independence of r/from the applied pressure.
This means that the flux of organic phase through the
pore system of the hollow fiber membrane is not the References
rate determining step.
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The thin hydrophobic membrane with a appropriate Surface and Colloid Science, Vol. 10, Plenum, New York, 1978,
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[3] R.E. Treybal, Liquid Extraction, McGraw-Hill, New York,
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needed to understand the underlying mechanism, how- [5] S.S. Sareen, P.M. Rose, R.C. Gudesen and R.C. Kintner,
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decisive step of separation. Further experiments con- [6] R. Magiera and E. Blass, Droplet Coalescence of Toluene-in-
cerning the influence of droplet size and pore size seem Water Dispersions by Flow through Fibre Beds, in D.H. Logsdail
and M. J. Slater (Eds.), Solvent Extraction in the Process
to be very important for the evaluation of the operation
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[8] H. Samarian, Ph. Hess, R. Janekovic, E. Rucker and R. Kerber,
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d diameter m Styrene, in K.-H. Reichert and W. Geisler (Eds.), Polymer
l length m Reaction Engineering, Hiithig and Wepf, Heidelberg, 1986, pp.
Pl inlet pressure bar 171-174.

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