Economic Impact of MGNREGA: A Micro-Case Study of Bisalpur Sub-Division of District Pilibhit in Uttar Pradesh
Economic Impact of MGNREGA: A Micro-Case Study of Bisalpur Sub-Division of District Pilibhit in Uttar Pradesh
Economic Impact of MGNREGA: A Micro-Case Study of Bisalpur Sub-Division of District Pilibhit in Uttar Pradesh
Date of revised paper submission: 07th June 2016; Date of acceptance: 21st July 2016
Date of publication: 14th August 2016; *First Author / Corresponding Author; Paper ID: MS16106
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Act (MGNREGA) is a socio-economic law,
which was enacted for reducing poverty, unemployment, and hunger in India. It makes India a
country providing, for one hundred days, guaranteed unskilled wage employment to the unemployed
people, in rural areas, who come to ask for the same. This program is significantly different from the
earlier ones in that it gives guarantee for employment while the earlier wage employment programs
did not provide any such assured entitlement.
This paper tries to analyse the employment, income, and consumption effects via enhanced
purchasing power that can be ascribed to MGNREGA in the rural areas of the selected district. It
attempts to examine the social and economic as well as the assets creation impact of the scheme in
rural areas. Additionally, the paper evaluates rural womens empowerment in terms of employment,
income, and consumption brought about by MGNREGA which, in turn, is found to equip them with
these kinds of entitlements. The study concludes that MGNREGA induces a positive improvement in
the life of the people in the rural areas.
Keywords: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Act, Employment Guarantee, Rural
Development, Rural Asset Creation, Women Empowerment.
1. Introduction
India inhabits the second largest population set in the world with around two third of
the people living in rural areas and being dependent on agriculture and subsistence mode of economic
activities. Most of the rural families fail to fulfil essential needs. They remain below the poverty line.
They face many problems originating from the lack of employment. For it there is the only one
solution i.e. to provide employment in the rural areas. Government of India has been running many
poverty and unemployment alleviation programs such as TRYSEM, Jawahar Rojgar Yojana, Jawahar
Gram Smaridhi Yojana etc. These programs did not achieve success. So, to provide employment for
rural people, Government launched Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(MGNREGA), 2005. It is a social law which was enacted for reducing poverty, unemployment and
hunger in India. Whereas earlier wage employment programs did not provide any guarantee of job,
this act provides for guaranteed employment. Additionally, it aims at improving the economic
condition of rural people by creation of durable assets.
1.1 Overview of MGNREGA
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (2005) later renamed as
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is one
of the most significant policy actions of the Government in post-Independent
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Every household in the rural areas of India shall have a right to at least 100 days of
guaranteed employment every year for at least one adult member, for doing manual work.
Only productive works shall be taken up under the Program. The State Council shall prepare
list of permissible works as well as a list of preferred works. The identification of the
preferred works shall be based on the economic, social and environmental benefits of the
different types of works, their contribution to the social equity and their ability to create
permanent assets.
The Program may also provide, as far as possible, for the training and up-gradation of the
skills of unskilled rural people.
Wages may be paid in the form of cash or in kind or both, taking into account the guidelines
and recommendations of the State Council on this matter as far as possible.
Employment shall be provided within the radius of 5 kilometres of the village where the
applicant resides at the time of applying. In cases where employment is provided outside such
radius, it must be provided within the Block, and transport allowances and daily living
allowances shall be paid in accordance with Program Rules.
In case where at least twenty women are employed on the worksite, a provision shall be made
for one of them to be deputed to look after any children under the age of six who may be
brought to the worksite, if the need arises. The person for child-minding shall be paid the
statutory minimum wage.
A proportion of the wages, not exceeding 5%, may be deducted as the contribution to welfare
schemes organized for the benefit of rural people employed under the Program, such as health
insurance, survivor benefits, accident insurance, maternity benefits and social security
schemes (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005).
MGNREGA is considered to be the largest and the most ambitious social security and public works
program in the world. Government of India has been running many poverty alleviation programs and
some success has also been achieved in the endeavour over the years. However, even today
Government struggles with the mass level of poverty and the unemployment related problems.
MGNREGA is a mixture of many policies and schemes such as Jawahar Rojgar Yojana, Right to
work, Food for work program, and Sampoorna Grameen Rojgar Yojana etc., as the forerunners to
MGNREGA. This act also provides employment for women and reserves one third of all employment
for them bringing, thereby, gender equality in the society via the provision of same sort of
employment to the males and females at the same wage rates and under similar conditions.
MGNREGA is implemented by Gram Panchayats (GPs) and State Governments with funds from the
Central Government. The main implementing agencies are the Gram Panchayats and involvement of
contractors is banned. GPs are to work as a safeguard to promote its effective management and
implementation. MGNREGA provides an alternative source of livelihood with a dampening impact on
poverty. It helps increase the purchasing power and expenditure of the beneficiaries, and helps village
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161 Rupees.
8. If yes, after how many days of written/verbal application did you get
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