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Pressures On Water Supply 3.1 Climate Change

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Pressures on water supply

3.1 Climate change
Water is at the heart of the changing climate in terms of shifting weather
patterns more intense hurricanes, typhoons, storms, floods, droughts and the
effects of glacial melt, snowmelt, evaporations and evapotranspiration and,
of course, sea level rise.
Mean precipitation is expected to increase in the tropics and high latitudes,
and decrease in the sub-tropics and mid latitudes10. Those areas
experiencing reductions in precipitation are likely to be amongst the
poorest11. It is also very likely that precipitation will become more variable
in future12, both spatially and temporally. For example, irregularities in the El
Nio phenomenon have led to a reduction in precipitation in Australia,
leading to a long running drought in the south-east. Studies indicate that, in
future, changing patterns of precipitation will increase the risk of flooding
and drought. Increased variability of precipitation will impact on the timely
supply of water resources, and complicate water security efforts. There will
be increased runoff in certain parts of the world (East Africa, India, China)
and reductions in runoff in other regions (Mediterranean, North Africa)13.
It is estimated that one sixth of the worlds population live in catchments fed
by snowmelt or glacier melt that provide reliable water storage and
supply14. Gradually increasing temperatures will decrease the storage
capacity of these glaciers, increasing water supply in the short term, but
significantly reducing supply and altering river flow regimes in the long term.
Examples are the large agricultural areas in the populous Northern Territory
of India, in China15 and, in the Andes, La Paz, Bolivia16.

3.2 Multinational use of water basins and

Over 300 river basins span more than one country17. This means that
changes to the catchment regime made in one country can lead to changes
in water availability in another, creating the potential for conflict. Although
conflict is historically rare (especially at the international level), research
identifies 37 examples over the past 50 years18. One example is Turkey and
Syria19, where the development of Turkeys Southeast Anatolia Project, a

very large irrigation system, has taken much of the available water on the
Euphrates leading to conflict with downstream Syria.

3.3 Water supply infrastructure

Issues associated with ageing and poorly functioning water infrastructure is a
challenge for agricultural and urban water supply20. In urban areas water
supply and sanitation networks are often insufficient and subject to failure21
(with associated high levels of leakage) a problem which is compounded by
uncontrolled expansion of urban areas22. By 2030 60% of the worlds
population will live in urban areas and investment in public infrastructure is
well below what is required in many countries including the developed ones.
The ageing of costly irrigation infrastructure has been identified as a problem
in many parts of the World, and has been the catalyst for water security
planning23. In India, for example, there is an enormous backlog of deferred
maintenance in irrigation infrastructure - the implicit philosophy has been
aptly described as Build-Neglect-Rebuild24. Poorly functioning public
irrigation infrastructure has led farmers to switch to self-developed
groundwater supplies, which in many places are now over-abstracted25 and
can become non-renewable.

3.5 Water quality and environmental assets

Deterioration of surface or groundwater quality makes raw* water more
difficult or impossible to treat. Increased flooding results in land degradation
and an increase in contaminants washed into watercourses.27
Human actions are also a significant contributory factor in the deterioration
of water quality. Eutrophication of water supplies is identified as a significant
water quality issue globally28. Wastewater, industrial effluent and nutrient
rich water from agriculture cause a rapid increase in algae and microscopic
organisms in watercourses leading to oxygen depletion which damages the
ecosystem: this cycle could be exacerbated by the predicted temperature
changes associated with climate change and by the increased agricultural
activity required to feed a growing a population, exacerbated by the
widespread use of more fertilisers.

Pollution of groundwater supplies is also a significant contribution to water

scarcity, with a number of major cities having to switch from groundwater
supplies because of pollution29. Many active aquifers that are replenished by
infiltration suffer from unsustainable over-abstraction, such as in Almeria in
Spain30. Over-abstracted aquifers run the risk of saltwater intrusion and
pollution, affecting their long term viability31. The Azraq basin is one of the
most important groundwater basins in Jordan, supplying Amman with
drinking water. However, as a result of over pumping from the shallow
groundwater aquifers, the water level has dropped dramatically, resulting in
salinisation of the source.
Environmental assets have a significant social and economic benefit as well
as contributing to health and overall well being. Yet, in direct competition
with agriculture, industry and domestic uses, environmental water
requirements are often overlooked. An audit of global freshwater ecosystems
has shown that the majority are declining or in a state of stress32.

3.6 Degradation




In many arid and semi-arid areas fossil groundwater supplies are the only
reliable source of water. However, as there is typically very limited
recharging, mining of these resources is almost always unsustainable. Mining
of fossil groundwater33 resources is most significant in North Africa and the
Middle East: in Libya, Algeria and Saudi Arabia it is the main water source34.
A well documented example35, the Great Man-Made River Project in Libya,
takes vast quantities of fossil water from deep wells in Nubian Sandstone
Aquifer System in the Sahara desert and transports it 1,600 km to coastal
towns and farms for irrigation. Although this scheme is expected to deliver
water for many years and could be considered as reducing water scarcity,
eventually the resource will be depleted and an alternative solution will be
Countries in the Arabian Peninsula are now beginning to explore alternatives,
based on the knowledge that fossil groundwater supplies are

4. Pressures on demand

4.1 Agriculture
Water for agriculture water currently accounts for 70% of all water use37 and
over 90% in some countries such as India38. It is estimated that a doubling
of food production will be required over the next 40 years39. In 2008, there
was a substantial increase in the global price of staple foods. This highlighted
the interdependence of global systems, and brought about an increased
focus on food security, leading the Royal Society to state that it is now clear
that global food insecurity is a chronic problem that is set to worsen40.
It could be argued that water for agriculture and, therefore predominantly,
food does not currently benefit from a sufficiently strong voice on the global
stage, where water supply and sanitation currently dominate. In order to
elevate water for agriculture up the agenda on the global scene, water
engineers, farmers, economists and policy makers will need to improve their
communications with one another. Organisations such as Agricultural water
for Africa (AgWA) have been established to share knowledge and mobilise
resources so that the importance of water is recognised in a global context.
4.2 Changes in diet
Dietary habits are predicted to change in the next century beyond those
caused by an increasingly ageing population. It is predicted that there will be
an increase in per capita food consumption41, with diets becoming more
nutritious and diversified. In particular, there will be an increase in the
consumption of vegetable oils and meats and a relative reduction in the
consumption of wheat and rice42. Changes in the worlds diet will also put an
added pressure on water as more meat and vegetable oils are consumed in
place of grains and pulses. One kilogram of beef requires 15,500 litres of
water to produce, while the equivalent amount of wheat requires only 1,300
litres.43 4.3 Industry
It is estimated that energy and industry account for approximately 20% of
global water use44; significantly more in the UK45. Water is fundamental to
the processing, extraction and generation of almost all forms of energy.46
Given the global shift in manufacturing from older to more recently
industrialised nations, the pattern of industrial abstraction and use is
changing. Water abstracted by industry in the USA and UK has fallen in
recent years, in part due to improvements in the efficiency of water use, but
mainly through a transfer of manufacturing overseas. Abstraction of water by
industrial use in China, India and other south East Asian countries continues
to rise.

Industry is a major source of water pollution with some 300-500 million

tonnes of heavy metals, solvents, toxic sludge and other wastes
accumulating each year. This creates, or contributes to, water stress,
especially in rapidly industrialising economies by reducing the quality of
receiving waters. Industries based on organic raw materials are the most
significant contributors to the organic pollutant load with the food sector
being the most significant polluter.47
Interest in biofuels has risen in recent years because of attempts to find low
carbon alternatives to petroleum, with the EU setting minimum targets in
2003 for their use in road transport fuels by 2010. The high water
consumption of biofuels has meant that attempts to alleviate the problem of
energy security and climate change have exacerbated problems with food
and water security48. Other low carbon energy sources such as wind and
solar energy are far less water intensive and there are also opportunities to
use the biological wastes from food production in the manufacture of second
generation biofuels.
The amount of energy required to transport, treat and extract water is rarely
recognised. Water is a very heavy resource (1 cubic metre has a mass of 1
tonne), and abstracting it from aquifers or transporting it requires significant
quantities of energy. To illustrate the amount of energy required, it is
estimated that as much as 19% of electricity and 33% of natural gas in
California is used in water related activities49. If the energy required for
water related activities is based on fossil fuels, it could have a significant
impact on greenhouse gas emissions. 4.4 Population growth and distribution
The world population tripled in the 20th century and is set to increase by a
further 40-50% in the next 50 years50. It is estimated that, by 2025, the
global population will be 8 billion people51. The increase in demand for food
to feed the extra population will see a subsequent increase in demand for
water for agriculture.
However, an absolute increase in population is not the sole demographic
driver of water scarcity. Changes in the location of population will also have a
significant effect on water availability. On a global scale, there will be a small
reduction in population in developed countries and significant increases in
populations in developing countries, many of which are already suffering
from water scarcity. It is estimated that increases in population could be up
to 500% in some sub-Saharan African countries between 2000 and 210052;

more than 60% of the worlds population growth in this period will occur in
South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa53.
Increasing urbanisation will lead to 60% of the global population living in
cities by 203054. Cities draw in resources such as water from increasingly
wide areas55. This often puts cities in competition with agriculture for water
supplies56. The growth in megacities is set to continue, with population
increases of 60-75% predicted between 2004 and 2015 in megacities of the
developing world, such as Jakarta, Dhaka and Lagos57. This will put
increasing pressure on water supply systems in these countries. In China,
Beijing is already facing a water deficit that it is trying to manage through
the South-North water transfer scheme and by increasing the use of
reclaimed water for non-potable use.58

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