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Portofoliu Limba Engleza

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Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Bucureti





Present Simple

we form the Present Simple with the subject (noun or personal pronoun) and the verb.
1. Affirmative
the third person singular takes - s or - es in the affirmative
e.g. I play- he plays , I go- he goes
2. Interrogative

we use do + subject + base form of the verb in all persons except for the
third person singular. We use does + subject + base form of the verb in this
e.g. Do you like football?
Does he like tennis?

3. Negative

we use subject+ do not + base form of the verb in all persons in the negative
except for the third person singular. We use subject + does not +base form of
the verb in this person.
e.g. I do not play.
He does not play.


we use the present simple for:

daily routines or habits: I get up at 7 oclock every day.(daily routine)
I often watch TV in the evenings. ( habit)
permanent states: I live in a big house.

Time Expressions

we use with the present simple the following time expressions:

o every hour/ day/ week/ month/ summer/ year etc.
o every morning/ evening/ afternoon/ night
o usually
o always
o in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night/ at night etc.

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present simple:

This is Michael. He 1)..( be) 10 years old. He 2). (have got) short dark
hair, brown eyes and a dark complexion.
Michael 3). (live) in New York City with his family. His father is a teacher
and his mother is a lawyer. Michael 4) (not/have) any brothers or sisters. He 5)
..(love) basketball and 6) ..(want) to be a professional basketball
player. He 7)..(like) school a lot. He 8) ..(go) every day from 9 am
till 3:30 pm .
In his free time, Michael 9) .(love) playing computer games and he 10)
.(enjoy) watching TV.
2. Rewrite the sentences in the negative and interrogative, as in the example.
1. He works at a hospital.
He doesnt work at a hospital.
Does he work at a hospital?
2. They watch TV in the evening.

3. Jane goes to school every day.

4. You like playing with your computer.

5. Their father is a firefighter.
3. Choose the correct item.
1. Are they from Spain? No, they. .

a. arent

b. am not

c. is not

2. He swim but he can cook.

a. cant

b. not

c. can

b. is

c. are

3. She . a nurse.
a. am

4. that man? Anns father.

a. How

b. Whose

c. Whos

5. My mother. going to the theatre.

a. like

b likes

c. dont like

4. Correct the mistakes, as in the example.

1. Dolphins are living for about fifty years.


2.She often got o the beach on Sundays.

3. They visits Paris every year.


4. This house cost 400 per month to rent.

5. Every day, Paul catch the bus at 8 am.


6. Jane have got red hair and blue eyes.

7. I ussually writes a letter to my friend every month.

8. Every summer, we goes on holiday.


9. These books isnt mine.


10. My brother havent got long hair.


Translate into Romanian:

I work as a television presenter. My work is interesting. I enjoy it very much but when
I go home, I prefer listening to the radio. But I enjoy watching late-night TV
especially celebrity interviews.

I watch Here and Now because my sister Amy is one of the presenters. I like watching
her but the programme is terrible. I dont like it. I prefer watching music programmes.

I watch MTV a lot.

What about me? Well, I like music, but Im not a fan of any particular band. I dont
like soccer and I dont like basketball, but I like playing tennis. I dont understand
computers and I havent got a computer at home. I like books, especially novels and I
am the only one in the class who likes reading.

Translate into English paying attention to the verbs:

La ora de englez
La ora de englez copiii au avut de scris o compunere despre petrecerea timpului lor

liber. Muli dintre ei au spus c i petrec timpul liber cu prinii, fraii sau surorile. Marius
a scris c i place s se joace cu prietenii pe afar i s alerge. Ana a descris o zi liber din
weekend cnd se duce la cumprturi cu mama ei i i alege de fiecare dat un articol de
mbrcminte, o rochi sau un tricou. Vlad are o pasiune pentru lectur, iar cnd are timp
liber citete o carte sau o revist educativ. Ali copii i petrec timpul liber uitndu-se la
televizor, la desene animate sau jucndu-se pe calculator.

La ora de sport
Copiii atept cu nerbdare ora de sport, deoarece tiu c se vor juca i se vor amuza. Pe

de alt parte, ei tiu c sportul este sntos i sunt dornici de micare. Bieii vor juca
fotbal, iar fetele vor juca volei sau handbal. Bieii sunt neastmprai, de-abia ateapt
ora de sport pentru a alerga i a se mpinge. Fetele sunt fericite c vor juca jocul lor
preferat i sunt motivate s ctige ct mai multe meciuri. n prima parte a orei de sport,
copiii vor face diferite exerciii fizice artate de profesor. n cea de-a doua parte a orei, vor
fi liberi s se joace.
Translate into English paying attention to the use of Present Simple:

ntotdeauna ninge iarna.

mi place s merg des la cumprturi.
n weekend, el nu se trezete niciodat devreme.
Nu nv seara, fiindc nu vreau s fiu obosit a doua zi.
Cnd am ceva important de fcut, secretarea mea ntotdeauna m ajut.
Ce faci de obicei n timpul liber?
La munte mergem rar, fiindc nu ne place alpinismul, dar mergem des la mare.
mi place s citesc cri scrise n englez cnd am timp liber.

n fiecare zi, doamna Smith cumpr revista ei preferat. Are o ntreag colecie de

O dat pe lun m duc la teatru.
Mama mea gtete des.
Fratele meu rcete foarte rar.

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