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Republic vs. Bello

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120, JANUARY 27, 1983

Republic vs. Bello


No. L-34906. January 27, 1983.

FISHERY SCHOOL), petitioner,vs. HON. SILVESTRE BR. BELLO, Presiding
Judge of Branch II, Court of First Instance of Capiz and ROMEO A. ARCEO,

Criminal Procedure; Public Officers; Action; Judgment; A judgment of acquittal on the

ground that accused had no criminal intent and that the evidence of the prosecution was not
sufficient to establish the guilt of the accused does not bar a civil action for recovery of
government funds disbursed without prior approval by the auditor.Even insofar as the
amount of P6,619.34 which constituted the subject-matter of the criminal charge of
malversation is concerned, the acquittal of the private respondent in the criminal





Republic vs. Bello

case would not constitute an obstacle to the filing of Civil Case No. V-3339. The finding
by the respondent court that he spent said sum for and in the interest of the Capiz
Agricultural and Fishery School and not for his personal benefit is not a declaration that
the fact upon which Civil Case No. V-3339 is based does not exist. The civil action barred by
such a declaration is the civil liability arising from the offense charged, which is the one
impliedly instituted with the criminal action. (Section 1, Rule 111, Rules of Court.) Such a
declaration would not bar a civil action filed against an accused who had been acquitted in
the criminal case if the criminal action is predicated on factual or legal considerations other
than the commission of the offense charged. A person may be acquitted of malversation
where, as in the case at bar, he could show that he did not misappropriate the public funds
in his possession, but he could be rendered liable to restore said funds or at least to make a
proper accounting thereof if he shall spend the same for purposes which are not authorized
nor intended, and in a manner not permitted by applicable rules and regulations.

APPEAL from the order of the Court of First Instance of Capiz, Br. II. Bello, J.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
The Solicitor General for petitioner.
Rolindo Beldia, Jr., for private respondent Arceo.

The Republic of the Philippines, in behalf of the Capiz Agricultural and Fishery
School, takes his appeal from an order of the respondent Court of First Instance of
Capiz dismissing Civil Case No. V-3339 which it filed against private respondent
Romeo A. Arceo for the recovery of the amount representing his alleged liability to
the government in connection with his employment as Cashier and Disbursing
Officer of the said school.
Private respondent Arceo, in his aforementioned capacity, was charged in
Criminal Case No. CCC-XI-39 for malversation of public funds in the amount of
P6,619.34 which he supposedly failed to produce or to make proper accounting
thereof after repeated demands. After due trial, the respondent court rendered a
decision acquitting Arceo, a portion of which reads as follows:

VOL. 120, JANUARY 27, 1983

Republic vs. Bello


To briefly summarizethe undisputed facts spread before the court clearly and
unmistakably show lack of criminal intent on accuseds part in not issuing official receipts
for his collections and disbursements; absence of proof that the accused benefited personally
from his disbursements nor has it been shown that he was inexcusably negligent in the
administration of public funds and properties entrusted to his care; nor has it been shown
and proven that the government suffered damage or prejudice as the accuseds
disbursements were for the benefit of the Capiz Agricultural and Fishery School; that the
funds claimed to be missing in the amount of P6,619.34 is not really missing for the accused
demonstrated that said amounts were spent for and in the interest of the Capiz
Agricultural and Fishery School as shown by the numerous chits, vouchers, vales, etc.,
presented in Court.
WHEREFORE, finding the evidence of the prosecution not sufficient to establish the
guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt, the court hereby acquits Romeo Arceo from
the charge of malversation on grounds of Reasonable Doubt, with costs de officio and the
cancellation of the bail bond posted by him for his provisional liberty.
SO ORDERED. (pp. 119-120, Rollo; pp. 2-3, Appellants Brief, p. 239, Rollo.)

After the acquittal of Arceo, the Provincial Fiscal filedCivil Case No. V-3339 for the
recovery of the total sum of P13,790.71 which represented the accountability of
Arceo due to his failure to issue official receipts and to immediately deposit said
funds with the National Treasury, and instead spent the said funds or disbursed
them without complying with the requirements applicable to disbursements of
public funds, with intent to defraud the government. Arceo, through counsel, filed

a motion to dismiss the complaint in the said civil case alleging, among others, that
the petitioner, as plaintiff therein, had no cause of action against him inasmuch as
the cause of action had been decided in a prior judgment. The opposition filed by
the Provincial Fiscal to the motion to dismiss was not adhered to by the respondent
court which issued an order dated June 10, 1971 dismissing the complaint in Civil
Case No. V-3339. A motion for reconsideration from the dismissal was denied.
Hence, this appeal.
The only issue raised in this appeal is whether or not the acquittal of Arceo in
the criminal case bars the filing of the civil



Republic vs. Bello

action against him. Arceo relies on the provision of Section 3(c) of Rule 111 of the
Rules of Court, which reads as follows:
(c) Extinction of the penal action does not carry with it extinction of the civil, unless the
extinction proceeds from a declaration in a final judgment that the fact from which the civil
might arise did not exist. In other cases, the person entitled to the civil action may institute
it in the jurisdiction and in the manner provided by law against the person who may be
liable for restitution of the thing and reparation or indemnity for the damage suffered.
(Italics supplied.)

The petitioner, on the other hand, disputes the contention of Arceo and maintains
that the decision in the criminal case does not contain any declaration that the facts
from which the civil liability might arise did not exist.
We uphold the stand of the petitioner. An examination of the decision in the
criminal case reveals these findings of the respondent court:

All the foregoing expenses and disbursements were never overthrown by the prosecution.
All that the government prosecutor tried to show was thisthe whole of what the accused
did in disbursing the funds covered by the vales, chits, cash invoices, etc, etc, were not in
accordance with auditing rules and regulations. There is no doubt about this. The accused
practically brushed aside and ignored all guidelines enunciated by the General Auditing
Office regarding disbursement of government funds. In Exhibit Q (prosecution) Regional
Supervising Auditor Brodit in a report to the Director of the Bureau of Vocational
Education, Manila, mentioned the illegality of the accuseds disbursements as contrary to
section 17 of Republic Act 992. This Republic Act, Exhibit S was presented by the pro
secuting Provincial Fiscal, perhaps to bolster Exhibit Q. The Court, as it has already
intimated anteriorly, believes that the accuseds acts offended the Republic Act abovementioned and every other auditing rule or regulation in the country. x x x (pp. 104-105,

From what has been shown by the accused, his failure to record his collections, was for a
good purpose and not to defraud the government. He kept the cash collections in his
possession in order that he may have the ready amount to spend for emergency needs of the
school. This might be against the instructions to him or offensive to rules and regulations of
the General Auditing Office but it is patent

VOL. 120, JANUARY 27, 1983

Republic vs. Bello


that criminal intent cannot be inferred from such actuation. (pp. 110-111, Rollo.)
x x x. As the prosecution evidence stands, same considered void all the acts of the
accused but the vales, chits, cash slips, vouchers, travel expenses showing that funds
represented by them have been expended for the use, operation, improvement, maintenance
of the schools projects, like the fishpond, piggery, sugar cane plantation, school construction
materials, spare parts for the schools machines, representation expenses for visiting
bureau officials, etc., etc., makes open to doubt the contention that simply because they were
not covered with official receipts they are illegal and cannot be validated. The Court doubts
that contention closes all avenues to validate and legalize the questioned private documents
presented by the accused. As the Court looks at the matter before it, the evidence of the
prosecution is not enough to establish the guilt of the accused as it opens an avenue leading
to a belief that the accused might be innocent. The evidence presented by the State did not
remove the possibility that Romeo Arceo might not be guilty of the offense charged. x x x.
(pp. 117-118, Rollo; pp. 9-11, Appellants Brief, p. 239, Rollo.)

According to the respondent court itself, it was admitted by Arceo that he did not
post his collections in his books of account nor deposited them with the National
Treasury as required by the rules and regulations. Worse, he disbursed them
without prior approval of the Auditor. The decision did not absolve Arceo or free
him from responsibility insofar as his accountability as Cashier and Disbursing
Officer is concerned. The acquittal, in the words of the trial court, was because The
evidence of the prosecution is not enough to establish the guilt of the accused as it
opens an avenue leading to a belief that the accused might be innocent. Indeed, the
dispositive portion of the decision in the criminal case did not state that the facts
upon which his responsibility as an accountable officer is based were non-existent.
Instead it expressly and categorically declares that his acquittal was upon the
finding that the evidence of the prosecution was not sufficient to establish the guilt
of the accused beyond reasonable doubt.

It is also to be noted that while the subject-matter of the malversation case was
the amount of P6,619.34, the sum sought to be recovered in the civil action totalled



Republic vs. Bello

The latter amount included the five items involved in the criminal action, as well as
the additional sum of P7,170.31 representing the income of the school from its
various projects for which the accused failed to issue official receipts. (pp. 46-47,
Rollo.) At least insofar as the recovery of the aforesaid amount is concerned,
therefore, the private respondent cannot place in defense his acquittal in the
criminal action which did not involve said amount.
Even insofar as the amount of P6,619.34 which constituted the subject-matter of
the criminal charge of malversation is concerned, the acquittal of the private
respondent in the criminal case would not constitute an obstacle to the filing of Civil
Case No. V-3339. The finding by the respondent court that he spent said sum for
and in the interest of the Capiz Agricultural and Fishery School and not for his
personal benefit is not a declaration that the fact upon which Civil Case No. V3339 is based does not exist. The civil action barred by such a declaration is the civil
liability arising from the offense charged, which is the one impliedly instituted with
the criminal action. (Section 1, Rule 111, Rules of Court.) Such a declaration would
not bar a civil action filed against an accused who had been acquitted in the
criminal case if the criminal action is predicated on factual or legal considerations
other than the commission of the offense charged. A person may be acquitted of
malversation where, as in the case at bar, he could show that he did not
misappropriate the public funds in his possession, but he could be rendered liable to
restore said funds or at least to make a proper accounting thereof if he shall spend
the same for purposes which are not authorized nor intended, and in a manner not
permitted by applicable rules and regulations.
WHEREFORE, the order of the respondent court dismissing Civil Case No. V3339 is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The motion to dismiss filed by the
private respondent shall be deemed DENIED. Costs against the private respondent.

VOL. 120, JANUARY 27, 1983

Republic vs. Bello


Teehankee (Chairman), Melencio-Herrera, Relovaand Gutierrez,

JJ., concur.
Plana, J., is on official leave.


Order reversed and set aside.

Notes.The legal presumption that funds were malversed by the one in custody
thereof comes into application only when there was no previous report of the loss by
the person in custody of government funds. (Gadi vs. Court of Appeals, 98 SCRA
If falsification was resorted to hide malversation, falsification and malversation
are separate offenses, not complex crimes. Each falsification of a voucher constitutes
one crime and falsification of each voucher constitutes one offense. (People vs.
Sendaydiego, 81 SCRA 120.)
A public officer who misappropriated funds in his possession and who resorted to
falsification unnecessarily can be convicted of both crimes. (Veniegas vs. People, 115
SCRA 790.)
The imposition by the Sandiganbayan of a penalty of 92 years imprisonment for
several crimes committed by the accused public officer is not cruel and unusual.
(Veniegas vs. People, 115 SCRA 790.)
A provisional dismissal is not tantamount to acquittal where there was no undue
delay in the prosecution of the case unlike in the case of Esmea vs. Pogoy, 102
SCRA 861. (People vs. Araula, 111 SCRA 598.)
In criminal cases, when the accused informs the court that he is not appealing
his judgment of conviction, that waiver has the effect of causing the judgment to
become final. The court can then no longer modify its judgment 16 days after
promulgation regardless of the pending motion for reconsideration by the fiscal.
(People vs. Espaol, 114 SCRA 911.)
Special civil actions are not the proper forum for determining the criminal
liability of the accused. (Joseph vs. Villaluz, 89 SCRA 324.)

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