Phani 3project
Phani 3project
Phani 3project
The concept of Mutual fund is a new feature in the cap of Indian capital market
but not to international market. The concept of mutual fund spread to USA in the beginning
of 20th century and three mutual fund companies were started in 1924. Mutual funds have
been successfully working in the USA and some western countries. These funds have been
useful in filling the gap between the demand and supply of capital in the market. A mutual
fund motivates small and big investors to entrust their savings to it so that these are
professionally employed in sharing good return. A large number of investors have small
savings with them. They can at the most buy shares of one or two companies. When small
savings are pooled and entrusted to mutual fund then these can be used to buy blue chips
where regular returns and capital appreciation are ensured.
Fund is an American concept. The terms like investment company, money fund
investment trust and mutual funds are used interchangeably and used to describe the same
thing in American literature. In British literature mutual funds has not been explained but is
considered as a synonym of investment trust of US.
Differed ordinary shares are a form of ordinary shares which are entitled to a
dividend only after a certain date or only if profits rise above a certain amount. Voting
rights might also differ from those attach to other ordinary shares. Financing a company
through the sale of stock in accompany is known as equity financing. Alternatively debt
financing can be done to avoid giving up shares of ownership of the company. Equity
financing are usually used for longer term investment projects such as investment in a new
factory or a new foreign market
a risky venture so you want security, like that found in a certificate of deposit or other fixed
income investment. But you also want to make the most money you can, so you want the
prospect for growth potential, too. Finally, since you don't have the time or knowledge to
actively manage your money, you want professional money management -- occasionally
diversifying your investments into promising new opportunities. That sounds like a very
good plan, but where can you invest your money and have a chance to meet all three
criteria? Certificates of deposit and other fixed income investments offer security, but often
with low rates of interest and a fixed potential for growth.
Individual stocks may carry greater potential for growth, but $5,000 isn't a lot to
invest and if you put it all in one stock, you risk everything if it performs poorly. And,
brokers and investment advisors can offer you advice and money management, but at a
price -- you pay for their services, which reduces further the amount you have available to
More than 80 million people, or one out of every two households in America, invest
in mutual funds. Currently, over $6 trillion is invested in mutual funds. While funds have
been around since the 1920's, their popularity over the past 25 years has soared. The
Mutual funds make it easy and less costly for investors to satisfy their need for
capital growth, income and/or income preservation
A mutual fund is a company that pools the money of many investors -- its shareholders -to invest in a variety of different securities. Investments may be in stocks, bonds, money
market securities or some combination of these. Those securities are professionally
managed on behalf of the shareholders, and each investor holds a pro rata share of the
portfolio -- entitled to any profits when the securities are sold, but subject to any losses in
value as well.
For the individual investor, mutual funds provide the benefit of having someone else
manage your investments, take3care of record keeping for your account, and diversify your
dollars over many different securities that may not be available or affordable to you
otherwise. Today, minimum investment requirements on many funds are low enough that
even the smallest investor can get started in mutual funds.
A mutual fund, by its very nature, is diversified -- its assets are invested in many
different securities. Beyond that, there are many different types of mutual funds with
different objectives and levels of growth potential, furthering your chances to diversify.
This section provides descriptions of the characteristics -- such as investment objective and
potential for volatility of your investment -- of various categories of funds. These
descriptions are organized by the type of securities purchased by each fund: equities, fixedincome, money market instruments, or some combination of these.
This table organizes these fund types by how aggressive or conservative they are and by
investment objective. Because mutual funds have specific investment objectives such as
growth of capital, safety of principal, current income or tax-exempt income, you can select
one fund or any number of different funds to help you meet your specific goals.
In general mutual funds fall into these general categories:
Money Market Funds for high stability of principal, liquidity and income.
security. Mutual fund shareowners can benefit from diversification techniques usually
available only to investors wealthy enough to buy significant positions in a wide variety
of securities.
3) LOW COST: If you tried to create your own diversified portfolio of 50 stocks, you'd
need at least $100,000 and you'd pay thousands of dollars in commissions to assemble
your portfolio. A mutual fund lets you participate in a diversified portfolio for as little as
$1,000, and sometimes less. And if you buy a no-load fund, you pay or no sale charges
to own them.
4) CONVENIENCE AND FLEXIBILITY: You own just one security rather than many, yet
enjoy the benefits of a diversified portfolio and a wide range of services. Fund
managers decide what securities to trade, clip the bond coupons, collect the interest
payments and see that your dividends on portfolio securities are received and your
rights exercised. It's easy to purchase and redeem mutual fund shares, either directly
online or with a phone call.
5) QUICK, PERSONALIZED SERVICE: Most funds now offer extensive websites with a
host of shareholder services for immediate access to information about your fund
account. Or a phone call puts you in touch with a trained investment specialist at a
mutual fund company who can provide information you can use to make your own
investment choices, assist you with buying and selling your fund shares, and answer
questions about your account status.
EASE OF INVESTING: You may open or add to your account and conduct
transactions or business with the fund by mail, telephone or bank wire. You can even
arrange for automatic monthly investments by authorizing electronic fund transfers
from your checking account in any amount and on a date you choose. Also, many of the
companies featured at this site allow account transactions online.
7) TOTAL LIQUIDITY, EASY WITHDRAWAL: You can easily redeem your shares
anytime you need cash by letter, telephone, bank wire or check, depending on the fund.
change. You can invest in growth funds for future college tuition needs, then move to
income funds for retirement, and adjust your investments as your needs change
throughout your life. With no-load funds, there are no commissions to pay when you
change your investments.
9) MARKET CYCLE PLANNING: For investors who understand how to actively manage
their portfolio, mutual fund investments can be moved as market conditions change.
You can place your funds in equities when the market is on the upswing and move into
money market funds on the downswing or take any number of steps to ensure that your
investments are meeting your needs in changing market climates. A word of caution:
since it is impossible to predict what the market will do at any point in time, staying on
course with a long-term, diversified investment view is recommended for most
10) INVESTOR INFORMATION: Shareholders receive regular reports from the funds,
including details of transactions on a year-to-date basis. The current net asset value of
your shares (the price at which you may purchase or redeem them) appears in the
mutual fund price listings of daily newspapers. You can also obtain pricing and
performance results for the all mutual funds at this site, or it can be obtained by phone
from the fund.
11) PERIODIC WITHDRAWALS: If you want steady monthly income, many funds allow
you to arrange for monthly fixed checks to be sent to you, first by distributing some or
all of the income and then, if necessary, by dipping into your principal.
12) DIVIDEND OPTIONS: You can receive all dividend payments in cash. Or you can
have them reinvested in the fund free of charge, in which case the dividends are
automatically compounded. This can make a significant contribution to your long-term
investment results. With some funds you can elect to have your dividends from income
paid in cash and your capital gains distributions reinvested.
13) AUTOMATIC DIRECT DEPOSIT: You can usually arrange to have regular, third-party
payments -- such as Social7 Security or pension checks -- deposited directly into your
fund account. This puts your money to work immediately, without waiting to clear your
checking account, and it saves you from worrying about checks being lost in the mail.
14) RECORDKEEPING SERVICE: With your own portfolio of stocks and bonds, you
would have to do your own recordkeeping of purchases, sales, dividends, interest, shortterm and long-term gains and losses.
15) SAFEKEEPING: When you own shares in a mutual fund, you own securities in many
companies without having to worry about keeping stock certificates in safe deposit
boxes or sending them by registered mail. You don't even have to worry about handling
the mutual fund stock certificates; the fund maintains your account on its books and
sends you periodic statements keeping track of all your transactions.
16) RETIREMENT AND COLLEGE PLANS: Mutual funds are well suited to Individual
Retirement Accounts and most funds offer IRA-approved prototype and master plans
for individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and Keogh, 403(b), SEP-IRA and 401(k)
retirement plans. Funds also make it easy to invest -- for college, children or other longterm goals. Many offer special investment products or programs tailored specifically for
investments for children and college.
17) ONLINE SERVICES: The internet provides a fast, convenient way for investors to
access financial information. A host of services are available to the online investor
including direct access to no-load companies.
18) SWEEP ACCOUNTS: With many funds, if you choose not to reinvest your stock or
bond fund dividends, you can arrange to have them swept into your money market fund
automatically. You get all the advantages of both accounts with no extra effort.
19) ASSET MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS: These master accounts, available from many
of the larger fund groups, enable you to manage all your financial service needs under a
single umbrella from unlimited check writing and automatic bill paying to discount
brokerage and credit card accounts.
20) MARGIN: Some mutual fund shares are marginable. You may buy them on margin or
use them as collateral to borrow money from your bank or broker. Call your fund
company for details.
Alone UTI with just one scheme in 1964, now competes with as many as 400 odd
products and 34 players in the market. In spite of the stiff competition and losing market
share, UTI still remains a formidable force to reckon with.
Last six years have been the most turbulent as well as exiting ones for the industry.
New players have come in, while others have decided to close shop by either selling off or
merging with others. Product innovation is now pass with the game shifting to
performance delivery in fund management as well as service. Those directly associated
with the fund management industry like distributors, registrars and transfer agents, and
even the regulators have become more mature and responsible.
The industry is also having a profound impact on financial markets. While UTI has
always been a dominant player on the bourses as well as the debt markets, the new
generation of private funds which have gained substantial mass are now seen flexing their
muscles. Fund managers, by their selection criteria for stocks have forced corporate
governance on the industry. By rewarding honest and transparent management with higher
valuations, a system of risk-reward has been created where the corporate sector is more
transparent then before.
Funds have shifted their focus to the recession free sectors like pharmaceuticals,
FMCG and technology sector. Funds performances are improving. Funds collection, which
averaged at less than Rs100bn per annum over five-year period spanning 1993-98 doubled
to Rs210bn in 1998-99. In the current year mobilization till now have exceeded Rs300bn.
Total collection for the current financial year ending March 2000 is expected to reach
What is particularly noteworthy is that bulk of the mobilization has been by the
private sector mutual funds rather than public sector mutual funds. Indeed private MFs saw
a net inflow of Rs. 7819.34 crore during the first nine months of the year as against a net
inflow of Rs.604.40 crore in the case of public sector funds.
Mutual funds are now also competing with commercial banks in the race for retail
investors savings and corporate
float money. The power shift towards mutual funds has
become obvious. The coming few years will show that the traditional saving avenues are
losing out in the current scenario. Many investors are realizing that investments in savings
accounts are as good as locking up their deposits in a closet. The fund mobilization trend by
mutual funds in the current
year indicates that money is going to mutual funds in a big way. The collection in the first
half of the financial year 1999-2000 matches the whole of 1998-99.
India is at the first stage of a revolution that has already peaked in the U.S. The U.S.
boasts of an Asset base that is much higher than its bank deposits. In India, mutual fund
assets are not even 10% of the bank deposits, but this trend is beginning to change. Recent
figures indicate that in the first quarter of the current fiscal year mutual fund assets went up
by 115% whereas bank deposits rose by only 17%. (Source: Thinktank, The Financial
Express September, 99) This is forcing a large number of banks to adopt the concept of
narrow banking wherein the deposits are kept in Gilts and some other assets which
improves liquidity and reduces risk. The basic fact lies that banks cannot be ignored and
they will not close down completely. Their role as intermediaries cannot be ignored. It is
just that Mutual Funds are going to change the way banks do business in the future.
ve exp.
High penetration
Low but
At a cost
Quality of
Not transparent
Minimum balance
calculation between 10th. & 30th.
Of every month
The foreign owned companies have deep pockets and have come in here with the
expectation of a long haul. They can be credited with introducing many new practices such
as new product innovation, sharp improvement in service standards and disclosure, usage of
technology, broker education and support etc.
The asset base will continue to grow at an annual rate of about 30 to 35 % over the
next few years as investors shift their assets from banks and other traditional avenues.
Some of the older public and private sector players will either close shop or be taken over.
Out of ten public sector players five will sell out, close down or merge with stronger
players in three to four years. In the private sector this trend has already started with two
mergers and one takeover. Here too some of them will down their shutters in the near future
to come.
But this does not mean there is no room for other players. The market will witness a
flurry of new players entering the arena. There will be a large number of offers from
various asset management companies in the time to come. Some big names like Fidelity,
Principal, and Old Mutual etc. are looking at Indian market seriously. One important reason
for it is that most major players already have presence here and hence these big names
would hardly like to get left behind.
The mutual fund industry is awaiting the introduction of derivatives in India as this
would enable it to hedge its risk and this in turn would be reflected in its Net Asset Value
SEBI is working out the norms for enabling the existing mutual fund schemes to
trade in derivatives. Importantly, many market players have called on the Regulator to
initiate the process immediately, so that the mutual funds can implement the changes that
are required to trade in Derivatives.
Therefore returns form mutual funds cannot really be compared with stock market
2) Limited product range: Indian mutual funds have remained centered around a limited
product range basically income, income-cum-growth and tax saving schemes. Efforts to
develop and expand the market through innovative new products have been negligible.
These have happened due to the tendency to avoid risk, inability to understand future
market developments, and change in investor preference. Therefore the extent of mutual
funds market has remained limited.
3) Confused market situation: probably the introduction and implementation of new
regulatory norms has contributed in some measure to market sluggishness, as the
emerging market was, initially, not able to respond to the regulatory objectives.
4) Absence of Innovative Marketing Network: The absence of product diversification
and a confused market situation has been made worse by the absence of an innovative
marketing network for mutual funds. The agent oriented network has largely been
failure because most of the agents have not been specifically trained to sell mutual
funds products,
5) Lack of adequate research infrastructure: the passive approach of some mutual funds
in managing investors funds is compounded by the lack of adequate research
infrastructure. Consequently, returns commensurate with the market movement could
not be realized by many schemes, which has tended to show up Indian mutual funds in a
bad light.
6) Inefficient management: Management is considered to be a key factor for the
operational efficiency of any business venture. This factor becomes even more crucial
for service ventures such as mutual funds. What mutual funds require are managers who
have a clear understanding of prevailing and emerging market potential, investor
preference and macroeconomic fundamentals.
7) Lack of investors education: The market success of any new product particularly a
financial product depends largely on its acceptance by consumers, in this case investors.
Mutual funds must undertake a well design and comprehensive program of investor
education especially aimed 13
at investors in rural and semi-urban areas. However this has
been mostly neglected in India.
8) Lack of media support: investors understanding about mutual funds product and it
feature must be increased as it was found to be very low so far. This problem requires
quick and structured attention. This can be solved with effective use of media. A
positive media support is also required and mutual funds need to be media friendly. A
very closer coordination between AMFI, mutual funds and the media to promote
investor education in India.
9) Ignorance of liquidity management: over emphasis on asset management has often
ignored the crucial importance of liability management in mutual funds, leading many
Indian funds into a liquidity trap at the time of redemption. A more scientific approach
needs to be adopted by the funds.
10) Risk management ignored: Derivatives have been widely used by the mutual funds as
a measure of risk management as a complex and competitive market place. Further the
practice of stock lending, used widely in the western market has induced efficiency in
funds management a regulatory environment for mutual funds need to encouraged this
practices in India.
through the sale of stock in accompany is known as equity financing. Alternatively debt
financing can be done to avoid giving up shares of ownership of the company. Equity
financing are usually used for longer term investment projects such as investment in a new
factory or a new foreign market.
Equity investment generally refers to the buying and holding of shares of stock on a
stock market by individuals and funds in anticipation of income from dividends and capital
gain as the value of stock rises. It also sometimes refers to the acquisition of equity
(ownership) participation in a private (unlisted) company or a start up. (A company being
created or newly created). When the investment is in infant companies it is refer to as
venture capital investing and is generally understood to be higher risk than investment in
listing, going concern situations.
Stock market talk is everywhere, from T.V and radio, to the newspapers and the
web. But what does it mean? When people say that the market turned a great performance
today. What is the market anyway?
As it turns out, when most people talk about the market they are actually referring
to an index. With the growing importance of the stock market in our society the names of
indexes such as S & P 500, NIFTY, and SENSEX have become part of our vocabulary.
Index can be defined as a statistical measure of changes in the portfolio of stocks
representing the portion of the overall market. It would be difficult to track every single
security trading in the country. To get around this we take a smaller sample of the market
that is representative of the whole. Thus, just a pollsters use a political survey to gauge the
sentiment of population, the investors use indexes to track the performance of the stock
market. Ideally change in price of an index would represent and exactly proportionate
change in the stocks included in the index.
Indexes are great tools for telling us what direction the market is taking, what trends
are prevailing. An index is a number use to represent the changes in a set of values
between a base time period and another time period A stock index is number that helps
you measure the levels of the market. Most stock indexes attempt to be proxies for the
market they exist in. returns on the index are thus supposed to represent the returns on the
market i.e the returns that u could get if u had the entire market in your portfolio.
widely known of benchmarks, the S&P 500 Index. But this comparison can be a downright
mistake which can lead to inaccurate conclusions about a fund's performance. How many
times have we heard the saying "compare apples to apples and not to bananas", the idea of
establishing correct or rather relevant benchmarks against which you can compare your
funds performance is similar.
Coming back to comparing apples with apples -Income or Debt funds normally invest in
fixed-income securities like bonds and corporate debentures. These schemes have
investments with a short-to-medium term period with a specific focus of preserving the
capital. Equity, or Growth funds invest predominantly in stock market instruments.
Balanced Funds invest partly in equity and partly in debt and normally should be looked at
with a 3-5 years time horizon. Money market and liquid funds invest mainly in short-term
instruments like treasury bills, government securities, certificates of deposit, commercial
paper and call money and are for a much shorter duration like even 30 days.
One of the most well known index which serves as a good equity related schemes
benchmark is the S&P CNX 500 is India's first broadband benchmark of the Indian capital
market. The S&P CNX 500 represents about 90% of total market capitalization and about
98% of the total turnover on the NSE. The S&P CNX 500 companies are desegregated into
76 industries, each of which has an index - The S&P CNX Industry Index. Industry
weightages in the index dynamically reflect the industry weightages in the market. S&P
CNX Nifty is the first rung of the largest, highly liquid stocks in India. CNX Nifty Junior is
an index built out of the next 50 large, liquid stocks in India. It is not as liquid as the S&P
CNX Nifty, which implies that the information in the S&P CNX Nifty Junior is not as
noise-free as that of the S&P CNX Nifty. It may be useful to think of the S&P CNX Nifty
and the CNX Nifty Junior as making up the 100 most liquid stocks in India. S&P CNX
Nifty is the front line blue-chips, large and highly liquid stocks. The CNX Nifty Junior is
the second rung of growth stocks, which are not as established as those in the S&P CNX
A stock like Satyam Computers, which recently graduated into the S&P CNX Nifty, was in
the CNX Nifty Junior for a long
17 time prior to this. CNX Nifty Junior can be viewed as an
incubator where young growth stocks are found. As with the S&P CNX Nifty, stocks in the
CNX Nifty Junior are filtered for liquidity, so they are the most liquid of the stocks
excluded from the S&P CNX Nifty. The medium capitalized segment of the stock market is
being increasingly perceived as an attractive investment segment with high growth
potential. The primary objective of the CNX MidCap 200 Index is to capture the movement
and be a benchmark of the midcap segment of the market. The CNX MidCap 200 Index is a
market capitalization weighted index with its base period of the index being the calendar
year 1994 and base value as 1000. For inclusion in the index, the average market
capitalization of a company must range between Rs.1.5 billion to Rs.15 billion. The
distribution of industries in the CNX MidCap 200 Index represents the industry distribution
in the MidCap segment of the market. All companies are evaluated for trading interest and
financial performance. With the Information Technology (IT) sector in India growing at a
fast rate, there is a need to provide investors, market intermediaries and regulators an
appropriate benchmark that captures performance of this sector. Companies in this index
should have more than 50% of their turnover from IT related activities like software
development, hardware manufacture, vending, support and maintenance. The index is a
market capitalization weighted index with its base period being December 1995 with base
value 1,000.
The table given below shows which index to refer to for a particular market segment -
Stock Market
Segment Index
Pharma Companies
FMCG Companies
IT Companies
Consumer Durables
Rajaneesh Mittal
The last few weeks saw one of the worst periods in the Indian Financial markets. The
sentiments in all the markets were bearish. Sensex went below the 4000 mark, the rupee
touched all time lows against the dollar and consequently the RBI was forced to take some
liquidity tightening measures by increasing the interest rates. In fact, the high short term
yields in the money markets produced a inverted yield curve last week, when the yield on
90 day T-bill was fixed at a higher level than the 364 day T-bill by the RBI.
In such a scenario, a naive investor must be wondering where to put his hard earned
savings. The equity market is clueless and the traditional avenues, although they are
relatively less risky, provide meager yields. So the only choice that comes to the minds of
investors at large is the Mutual Funds (MFs). These MFs provide an advantage of
diversification of risk and the professional expertise of Fund Managers.
Now the question is, in which category of MFs to invest, equity or debt or balanced. Equity
funds are relatively more risky because of the uncertainty and volatility in the equity
markets. In today's scenario, when the interest rates are rising, most of the bond funds are
facing the brunt because the increased interest rates have pulled down the prices of most of
the bonds and their portfolio has come down in value. There is no clear cut direction the
interest rates might take in the future. So even the bond funds have become more riskier in
such a scenario. This leaves only the balanced funds. Let us take a closer look at these
balanced funds.
Balanced funds are those funds, which invest a certain percentage of their corpus in equity
and rest in the bonds. This gives the benefits of both the equity investment and fixed
income investment. In today's scenario, it would be best to invest in a balanced scheme of a
MF. The reason being, investing in such a MF would give the benefits of diversification
across the class of securities. After the introduction of index futures, it has become easier
for the MFs to hedge themselves against the market risk. But even that hedge works upto a
certain point of time, so the exposure to the equities should be limited. Also, there are
balanced funds that takes more exposure to certain sectors, like some Indian MFs were
doing trying to ride the ICE boom. But such funds are again more riskier because the
returns from such funds depends upon the performance of a particular sector.
The investment in bonds assures a steady stream of income without taking the entire risk
inherent in the bond funds. Again, in today's scenario, where the direction of interest rates is
clueless, one should not take excessive exposure to bonds market. Thats why a balanced
fund is an ideal investment in today's scenario. A quick look at the returns from the schemes
of two of the MFs would put the things in a better perspective.
The three month return from DSP Balanced Fund works out to be 6.47%, where as the
return on DSP Equity Fund works out to be 5.85% over the same period and for DSP Bond
Fund, it works out to be 0.20%. So, one can see that the balanced fund has provided the
maximum return over the last three months. Similarly, the 3 month return on Magnum
Balanced Fund is 9.34% whereas the return on Magnum Equity Fund is 8.50% over the
same period. And this is true for most of the funds.
Usually, in rising markets, the returns on equities tend to be higher than other investments
but they also carry the maximum risk. And now that the SEBI has put a 16% circuit filter,
they have become all the more riskier. A Balanced Fund provides the benefits of equity
investments with limited risk and also a steady stream of income.
Therefore, in today's market scenario, one should invest in a Balanced Mutual Fund which
is not having considerable exposure to any particular sector. But an investor needs to keep
certain basic rules in mind while selecting balanced funds. Firstly, avoid funds where the
equity component is heavily skewed in favor of limited sectors. Secondly, avoid funds
where the debt component of balanced funds has an average maturity of beyond 2 years.
Thirdly, timing is very important. Currently, the equity markets are substantially corrected
and the debt markets hold good promise due to higher interest rates which virtually
diminishes the prospects of bond value depreciation. So go ahead and invest in balanced
funds, but do your homework well in advance.
Equity funds headed by FMCG, Pharma under the thematic funds performed impressively
in the month of June 2011 clocking 5.3 pct and 1.06 % as against the benchmark return of
4.8 pc and 0.08 pc for the same20period, thus outperforming the benchmark. Funds guided by
banking stocks delivered 1.7 pc for the June period as against its benchmark return of 2.2 %
Diversified equity funds on an average gained 0.8 pc but underperformed benchmark return
of 0.85 (BSE-100). The average returns under the flexi style investing rose 0.9 pc and under
value style investing gain 0.56 pc. ELSS scheme registered 1.16 pc average returns for the
Debt funds too managed to build value for investors as bond markets saw the yields
softening for both the short-term as well as the long-term debt papers, according to data
from ACE MF, PersonalFN Research, showed.
"FMCG and Pharma which is primarily the consumption story in India is quite strong and
so far unaffected by sticky inflation" says Rounaq Neroy, Senior Research Analyst at "It has encouraged fund managers to go long on the sector and has reaped
the right fruits for the FMCG funds while Pharma is a defensive sector and thus will always
continue to provide modest returns in the long-term", adds Neroy.
The infrastructure funds did not perform as well as investors would want it to, on back of
rising interest rate cost, delay in project completion and working capital problems faced by
most developers which kept away many investors away from the sector. The sector
managed to deliver 0.1325 pc average return but was still able to outperform its benchmark
which registered negative return of over 7 pc for the same period.
"Given the bottlenecks in the sector the returns on infra theme mutual funds are also not
very encouraging, given its scope and size", adds Neroy.
As far the banking sector goes, the banking stocks have reflected reasonable valuations
after the RBI has raised policy rates successively since March 2010. The BSE Banking
Index clocked over 2 pc return in the month of June with HDFC Bank and State Bank of
India gaining nearly 5 pc for the month.
Investment in Equity Markets
The Assets under management (AUM) of mutual fund industry has shown a jump of 6.1%
from the last quarter (January 2011 to March 2011). The AUM for the quarter April 2011 to
June 2011 is about Rs 743,084 crore.
The study enables the readers to assess the Net Asset Value (NAV) by seeing the charts.
Researchers can think of further study by including the data of large period. The study
also enables us to understand the fluctuations related to Sensex and Nifty
Future scenario
4) To reveal the current situation of mutual funds and equities as well as index in last one
year in India .
1) Equity return is not taken from NSE stock exchange.
2) The data of mutual fund companies and equity companies is taken only for 3& 6
months and 1 year due to non availability of data.
3) Due to limitation of time all sectors are not studied, only selected sectors have been
4) Data for mutual funds available on website is day to day basis data. Data is updated
daily. Hence the data is available as on 31 march 2006.
5) only growth funds are taken.
6)Due to non availability of data NSE scrip tata consultancy information has not taken.
The mutual fund industry in India started in 1963 with the formation of Unit Trust
of India, at the initiative of the28Government of India and Reserve Bank the. The history of
mutual funds in India can be broadly divided into four distinct phases
FIRST PHASE 1964-87 Unit Trust of India (UTI) was established on 1963 by
an Act of Parliament. It was set up by the Reserve Bank of India and functioned under the
Regulatory and administrative control of the Reserve Bank of India. In 1978 UTI was delinked from the RBI and the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) took over the
regulatory and administrative control in place of RBI. The first scheme launched by UTI
was Unit Scheme 1964. At the end of 1988 UTI had Rs.6,700 crores of assets under
THIRD PHASE 1993-2003 (Entry of Private Sector Funds) With the entry of
private sector funds in 1993, a new era started in the Indian mutual fund industry, giving the
Indian investors a wider choice of fund families. Also, 1993 was the year in which the first
Mutual Fund Regulations came into being, under which all mutual funds, except UTI were
to be registered and governed. The erstwhile Kothari Pioneer (now merged with
Franklin Templeton) was the first private sector mutual fund registered in July 1993. The
1993 SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations were substituted by a more comprehensive and
revised Mutual Fund Regulations in 1996. The industry now functions under the SEBI
(Mutual Fund) Regulations 1996. The number of mutual fund houses went on increasing,
with many foreign mutual funds setting up funds in India and also the industry has
witnessed several mergers and acquisitions. As at the end of January 2003, there were 33
mutual funds with total assets of Rs. 1,21,805 crores. The Unit Trust of India with
Rs.44,541 crores of assets under management was way ahead of other mutual funds.
FOURTH PHASE since February 2003 In February 2003, following the repeal of the
Unit Trust of India Act 1963 UTI was bifurcated into two separate entities. One is the
Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India with assets under management of
Rs.29,835 crores as at the end of January 2003, representing broadly, the assets of US 64
scheme, assured return and certain other schemes. The Specified Undertaking of Unit Trust
of India, functioning under an administrator and under the rules framed by Government of
India and does not come under the purview of the Mutual Fund Regulations. The second is
the UTI Mutual Fund Ltd, sponsored by SBI, PNB, BOB and LIC.
It is registered with SEBI and functions under the Mutual Fund Regulations. With
the bifurcation of the erstwhile UTI which had in March 2000 more than Rs.76,000 crores
of assets under management and with the setting up of a UTI Mutual Fund, conforming to
the SEBI Mutual Fund Regulations, and with recent mergers taking place among different
private sector funds, the mutual fund industry has entered its current phase of consolidation
and growth. As at the end of September, 2004, there were 29 funds, which manage assets of
Rs.153108 crores under 421 schemes. The graph indicates the growth of assets over the
A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a
common financial goal. The money thus collected is then invested in capital market
instruments such as shares, debentures and other securities. The income earned through
these investments and the capital appreciation realized are shared by its unit holders in
proportion to the number of units owned by them. Thus a Mutual Fund is the most suitable
investment for the common man as it offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified,
professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively low cost. The flow chart below
describes broadly the working of a mutual fund:
There are many entities involved and the diagram below illustrates the
organisational set up of a mutual fund
Erstwhile UTI was bifurcated into UTI Mutual Fund and the Specified Undertaking of
the Unit Trust of India effective from February 2003. The Assets under management of the
Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India has therefore been excluded from the total
assets of the industry as a whole from February 2003 onwards.
INDUSTRY OVERVIEW:The securities market achieves one of the most important functions of channeling
idle resources to productive resources or from less productive resources to more productive
resources. Hence in the broader context the people who save and investors who invest focus
more towards the economys abilities to invest and save respectively. This enhances savings
and investments in the economy, the two pillars for economic growth. The Indian Capital
Market has come a long way in this process and with a strong regulator it has been able to
usher an era of a modern capital market regime. The past decade in many ways has been
remarkable for securities market in India. It has grown exponentially as measured in terms
of amount raised from the market, the number of listed stocks, market capitalization,
trading volumes and turnover on stock exchanges, and investor population. The market has
witnessed fundamental institutional changes resulting in drastic reduction in transaction
Three main sets of entities depend on securities market- the corporate, the
government & households. While the corporate and governments raise resources from the
securities market to meet their obligations, the households invest their savings in securities.
The securities market comprises two segments- primary market (new issues, offer
for sale) & secondary market (trading of stocks). There are two major types of issuers who
issue securities. The corporate entities issue mainly debt and equity instruments (shares,
debentures, etc.), while the governments (central and state governments) issue debt
securities (dated Securities, treasury bills). The two major exchanges, namely the NSE and
the BSE provide trading of securities.
STOCK MARKET:When investors think of the stock market, they may imagine a specific place - such
as a stock exchange. In fact, the stock market is the abstract idea of stock trading and stock
exchange. All selling of stocks - at stock exchanges and in other ways - affects the market
overall. Following stock market information in the news can help you make the right
decisions about stock market investing.
NEED OF STOCK MARKET:The stock market is simply a term for the overall market or industry that is
concerned with buying and selling company stock, both private and publicly traded
securities. The stock market does many things. It helps to set prices of stocks. The more a
stock is traded on the market and the more in demand the stock, the higher is its value.
Having a stock market that is interconnected with stock markets around the world helps
traders and investors to see how Specific stocks are doing.
Of course, the stock market is mainly present to create money. Through the market,
investors - both companies and individuals - can buy stocks, which effectively make them
own a small part of a company. If the company prospers, investors are rewarded with
dividends and profits. Companies, by becoming public and offering stocks to the public,
can raise money and improve their profile through business expansions which can help
them make great profit.
INTRODUCTION TO THE BSE:Bombay Stock Exchange Limited is the oldest stock exchange in Asia with a rich
heritage. Popularly known as "BSE", it was established as "The Native Share & Stock
Brokers Association" in 1875. It is the first stock exchange in the country to obtain
permanent recognition in 1956 from the Government of India under the Securities
Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956.The Exchange's pivotal and pre-eminent role in the
development of the Indian capital market is widely recognized and its index, SENSEX, is
tracked worldwide. Earlier an Association of Persons (AOP), the Exchange is now a
demutualised and corporative entity incorporated under the provisions of the Companies
Act, 1956, pursuant to the BSE (Corporatizations and Demutualization) Scheme, 2005
notified by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).Bombay Stock Exchange
Limited received its Certificate of Incorporation on 8th August, 2005 and Certificate of
Commencement of Business on 12th August.BSE as a brand is synonymous with capital
markets in India. The BSE SENSEX is the benchmark equity index that reflects the
robustness of the economy and finance. At par with international standards, BSE has been a
pioneer in several areas. It has several firsts to its credit even in an intensely competitive
First in India to obtain ISO certification for Surveillance, Clearing & Settlement
'BSE On-Line Trading System (BOLT) has been awarded the globally
recognized the Information Security Management System standard
BS7799-2: 2002.
First to have an exclusive facility for financial training Moved from Open Outcry to
was put into practice. The BOLT network was expanded, nationwide, in 1997. It was at the
BSE's International Convention Hall that Indias 1st Bell ringing ceremony in the history
Capital Markets was held on February 18th, 2002. It was the listing ceremony of Bharti
Tele ventures Ltd.
BSE with its long history of capital market development is fully geared to continue its
contributions to further the growth of the securities markets of the country, thus helping
India increase its sphere of influence in international financial markets.
Listing means admission of the securities to dealings on a recognized stock
exchange. The securities may be of any public limited company, Central or State
municipalities, etc.
The objectives of listing are mainly to:
A company intending to have its securities listed on the Exchange has to comply with the
listing requirements prescribed by the Exchange.
Some of the requirements are as under
Allotment of Securities
Trading Permission
Requirement of 1% Security
The logo of the NSE symbolizes a single nationwide securities trading facility
ensuring equal and fair access to investors, trading members and issuers all over the
country. The initials of the Exchange viz., N, S and E have been etched on the logo and are
distinctly visible. The logo symbolizes use of state of the art information technology and
satellite connectivity to bring about the change within the securities industry. The logo
symbolizes vibrancy and unleashing of creative energy to constantly bring about change
through innovation.
MISSION OF NSE:NSE's mission is setting the agenda for change in the securities markets in India. The NSE
was set-up with the main objectives of
Ensuring equal access to investors all over the country through an appropriate
communication network,
Enabling shorter settlement cycles and book entry settlements systems, and
industry benchmarks and is being emulated by other market participants. NSE is more than
a mere market facilitator. It's that force which is guiding the industry towards new horizons
and greater opportunities.
A financial market can be defined as the market in which financial assets are created
or transferred. Financial assets represents represent a claim to the payments of a sum of
money sometime in the future and/or periodic payment in the form of interest or dividend.
Financial Market performs an important function of mobilization of savings and channeling
them into the most productive uses. The participants in the financial markets are financial
institutions, agents, brokers, dealers, borrowers, lenders, savers and others who are interlinked by the laws, contracts and communication networks.
Financial markets consist of Primary and Secondary Markets. The Primary markets
deal in new financial claims and securities and hence are known as new issue markets. The
secondary market deals in securities already issued, existing or outstanding. Financial
markets are also classified as Money and Capital Markets. Money markets deals with
transactions in short-term instruments (with period of maturity one year or less, e.g.
treasury bills), while capital market deals with transactions in long-term instruments (with
period of maturity above one year, e.g. corporate debentures and government bonds). On
the basis of the type of the financial claim, financial markets are classified as Debt and
Equity markets. By the timing of delivery, financial markets are classified as Cash or Spot
markets and Forward or Future market.
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS CATEGORIZATION:Financial instruments can be categorized by "asset class" depending on whether
they are Equity Based (reflecting ownership of the issuing entity) or Debt Based (reflecting
a loan the investor has made to the issuing entity). If it is debt, it can be further categorised
into Short Term (less than one year) or Long Term.
Foreign Exchange instruments and transactions are neither debt nor equity based
and belong in their own category.
Instrument Type
Asset Class
Debt (Short
<=1 year
Other cash
Foreign Exchange
Spot foreign
OTC derivatives
Bond futures
Options on
bond futures
Short term
interest rate
Forward rate
Stock options
Equity futures
Stock options
Exotic instruments
Foreign exchange
Outright forwards
Foreign exchange
Currency swaps
Money Market
Debt Market 38
Forex Market
Capital Market
MONEY MARKETS:Money markets can be defined as a market for short term money and financial
assets that are near substitutes for money (any financial assets that can be quickly converted
into money with minimum transaction cost). One more important function of this market is
to channel savings into short term productive investments like working capital. Money
market aids banking, operates as a medium of integration between sub markets, promotes
maintaining of minimum reserve in the form of cash and liquidity and controls the interest
DEBT MARKET:Traditionally debt instruments are known for generating a predetermined income for a
given period of time, other than in cases of default. Hence they are also known as fixed
income instruments. The debt markets in advanced are significantly larger and deeper than
equity markets. But in India, the trend is just the opposite. The development of debt market
in India has not been as remarkable
as in the equity market. However the debt markets in
India have undergone a considerable change in the last few years. Characterized by
regulated interest rates, limited players and lack of trading earlier, the markets have become
more integrated and less regulated. The debt market in India is divided into two categories:
to ensure that investors
protected against fraud, among other duties.
Secondary Markets
or bond issues are sold to investors via a mechanism known as
I.P.O.- Debtprimary
/ Eq markets, new stock
Primary Markets
Rights Issue
Others markets, existing securities are sold and bought among
underwriting. In the secondary
Convertible Deb
investors or traders, usually on a securities exchange, over-the-counter, or elsewhere.
Book Building
Issue thro Stock Ex
Capital markets
may be classified as primary markets and secondary markets. In
STOCK EXCHANGE:A place, whether physical or electronic, where stocks, bonds, and/or derivatives in
listed companies are bought and sold. A stock exchange may be a private company, a nonprofit, or a publicly-traded company (some exchanges have shares that trade on their own
floors). A stock exchange provides a regulated place where brokers and companies may
meet in order to make investments on neutral ground. The concept traces its roots back to
medieval France and the Low Countries, where agricultural goods were traded for cash or
debt. Most countries have a main exchange and many also have smaller, regional
exchanges. A stock exchange is also called a bourse or simply an exchange.
EQUITY MARKET:Equity is defined as stock or any other security representing an ownership interest in
a company listed on the stock exchange.
An equity share is a right to a share in the profits of a Company. If you want a share in the
company's profits, you can do so by buying an equity share.Perhaps, the best way to create
wealth, it is a means to achieve returns that beats inflation by a wide margin.
BASIC INFORMATION ON EQUITY INVESTING:Equity investment refers to buying a piece of a company. You do this by buying
shares in that company.Equity investment refers to buying a piece of a company. You do
this by buying shares in that company. There are two ways to acquire shares in a company:
from the primary market, where you buy a company's share when it first issues shares (or
equity). This first share offering is called an initial public offering (IPO). Or, you could buy
equity in the secondary market, which is the stock exchange. When you buy or sell equity
on a stock exchange, you have to do the transaction through an exchange-certified
broker/brokerage firm, who will now act as your agent whenever you want to buy or sell
Equity investments are high-risk high-return propositions. There is scope for serious
erosion of capital as well as considerable appreciation. This depends on many factors such
as performance of the company, general market conditions, state of the economy and so
In an investment portfolio, the equity portion represents one end of the risk-return
spectrum, the high end. No other investment tool gives you this much scope for capital
EQUITY INVESTMENT COSTS:The charges applicable on equity investments are Brokerage, demat, security
transaction tax, Service tax and education cess
You pay a nominal one-time account-opening fee and then brokerage charges for
every purchase and sale transaction undertaken thereafter.
These are charges levied for maintaining your demat account. These charges include
periodical charges for account maintenance, transaction charges for each debit and credit of
shares, and other incidental charges.
You pay the STT while buying or selling equity.
You pay ST and EC, at present levied together at a 12.24% rate, as a percentage of
brokerage due to the broker
TAX STRUCTURE ON INCOME FROM EQUITY INVESTMENT:Dividends received are tax free. Equity investments are subject to short term capital
gains (STCG) and long term capital gain (LTCG) also, as the case may be Dividend
received on stock is free from tax for the investor. This is the good news. However, you do
have to pay short-term capital gains tax on any capital gains you might make in the short
term ('short term defined as any period less that one year)
Thus gains from selling42equity shares that have been purchased and sold within a
year are taxed at 11.22% (10 per cent tax + 2 per cent education cess + 10 per cent
surcharge, if applicable). There is no tax on long-term capital gains.All this is over and
above the 12.24% service tax you pay on brokerage charges every time you transact
business in equity, i.e., buy and sell shares. In addition, you have to pay Securities
Transaction Tax (STT) on sale and purchase transactions of shares. The STT rate for
delivery-based transactions is 0.125% of the transaction value for both buyers and sellers.
For non-delivery based transactions, the STT is 0.025% of the transaction value.
The risk of market collapse; or that you have invested at the peak of a particular
stock. Which means chances are returns on that investment could be minimal at best or
worse, will run at a loss.
Have you ever thought that stock market volatility can help you? Well, you may not
think so, but it can really boost up your stocks! Many investors when they foray wonder
what to do when the stock market falls. They sell or just sit on the fence and wait for the
downward trend to cave in. The irony is that they actually begin to invest when the stock
market is on the higher side.It is quite strange as it goes against the normal approach.
People tend to buy stuff when it is cheap while in stocks people purchase stocks when the
market is on a higher side. Such a concept is known as the heard mentality, which indicates
that since the market is ascending everybody is thinking that it will rise all the more and
begin purchasing.If you are an experienced investor, you will not be getting into such an
odd thing, you will be applying something very different instead. You will be purchasing
when the market is collapsing and that will be against the market, which is also called
contrarian theory.
As you are constructing your portfolio for the long term you dont need to be
bothered about the present stock market falls. Every descending movement is a prospect for
you to choose the stock. Dollar cost averaging is an alternate way to view it. You will
choose some more of the stock every time the stock hits a low as overall price of holding
will get minimized. This is the advantage of stock market instability which is usually
detested by many.The key aspect that you need to be careful about while employing the
stock market volatility for your43advantage is the fact that you need to do a decent research
and analysis before venturing into a particular stock. You should pick a stock that you
consider is good enough to be held for a minimum of ten years and will earn you money
after the decade. Defensive stocks will usually not come in this group.
Patience plays an important role in a long term investment. Besides, greediness should be
avoided and an investor should be ready to quit a stock in case it fails to deliver.Dont panic
when things go awry. You can still turn the tide in your favor with prudence and caution.
The level of corporate governance, management skills and vision determines the
long term health of a company. Short term, ad hoc management decisions to ramp up profit
sheets invariably leads to long-term grief for that company.
The group has memberships on BSE and NSE for equity trading, depository
participant with NSDL and CDSL and commodities trading with MCX and NCDX
Infoline group, comprising the holding company, India Infoline Ltd and its
Subsidiaries, straddles the entire financial services space with offerings ranging from
Equity research, Equities and derivatives trading, Commodities trading, Portfolio
Management Services, Mutual Funds, Life Insurance, Fixed deposits, Government bonds
and other small savings instruments to loan products and Investment banking. India Infoline
also owns and manages the websites, www.India and .
India Infoline Ltd, being a listed entity, is regulated by SEBI (Securities and
Exchange Board of India). It undertakes equities research which is acknowledged by none
other than Forbes as 'Best of the Web' and 'a must read for investors in Asia'. India
Infoline's research is available not just over the internet but also on international wire
services like Bloomberg (Code: IILL), Thomson First Call and Internet Securities where it
is amongst the most read Indian brokers.
INDIA INFOLINE GROUP:The India Infoline group, comprising the holding company, India Infoline Limited
and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, straddle the entire financial services space with offerings
ranging from Equity research, Equities and derivatives trading, Commodities trading,
Portfolio Management Services, Mutual Funds, Life Insurance, Fixed deposits, GoI bonds
and other small savings instruments to loan products and Investment banking.
India Infoline also owns and manages the websites and The company has a network of 596 branches spread across 345 cities and
towns. It has more than 500,000 customers.
INDIA INFOLINE MEDIA AND RESEARCH SERVICES LIMITED:The content services represent a strong support that drives the broking,
commodities, mutual fund and portfolio management services businesses. Revenue
generation is through the sale 48
of content to financial and media houses, Indian as well as
(a) India Infoline Insurance Services Limited is a registered Corporate Agent with the
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA). It is the largest Corporate
Agent for ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co Limited, which is India's largest private Life
Insurance Company. India Infoline was the first corporate agent to get licensed by IRDA in
early 2001.
(b) India Infoline Insurance Brokers Limited India Infoline Insurance Brokers Limited is a
newly formed subsidiary which will carry out the business of Insurance broking. We have
applied to IRDA for the insurance broking license and the clearance for the same is
awaited. Post the grant of license, we propose to also commence the general insurance
distribution business.
Consolidated shareholdings of all the subsidiary companies engaged in loans and financing
activities under one subsidiary. Recently, Orient Global, a Singapore-based investment
institution invested USD 76.7 million for a 22.5% stake in India Infoline Investment
Services. India Infoline Investment Services Private Limited consists of the following stepdown
(a) India Infoline Distribution Company Limited (distribution of retail loan Products)
(b) Money line Credit Limited (consumer finance)
(c) India Infoline Housing Finance Limited (housing finance)
Further to obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals, the company has been initially
capitalized at 1 million Singapore dollars.
p Manager
World class research reports, sector reports and update, corporate news,
announcements, Technical stocks Ideas on trader terminal, SMS (paid service),
fundamental investment ideas in Large Cap, Mid Cap, Small Cap, result updates, Daily
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Web and application based online back office, centralized data processing.
Apply for Online IPOs & Mutual Funds on our home page or
Sensex and Nifty is Calculated and then the Analysis is done to know the position of
Mutual Funds in the market in long term and short term period. The period of 3 months and
6 months is taken as short term and period of 1 year is taken as long term period. The
comparison of aggregate Mutual Funds and Equities is shown in Table.
A Table is a systematic arrangement of statistical data in rows and columns. Rows are
horizontal arrangements whereas columns are vertical. Tabulation is a systematic
presentation of data in a form suitable for analysis and interpretation. The tables used are as
1) One way table: It presents only one characteristic and hence in answering one or
dependent questions.
3) Three-way table: It sub-divides the total in to three distinct categories It is capable of
answering three mutually dependent questions
Comparative study is made by comparing the different investment schemes including
mutual funds, equity and relative indexes. The returns of mutual funds and equity are
compared for different sectors. The Net Asset Value of different mutual fund companies is
also shown in the study. Overall the study is done by comparing different investment
schemes and what returns they give in the period of 1 year.
Absolute returns %
Dabur equity
Colgate Equity
Britannia Equity
From the above graph it shows that frankin fmcg mutual fund shows high returns than
pru icici and magnum fmcg mutual fund in 3months, 6months and 1year.
From the above figure it shows that hindusthan lever ltd shows high returns and Tatatea
equity shows low returns in 3months, 6months and 1year
From the above figure it shows that fmcg mutual fund equities shows high returns in
3months,6months and 1year when compared to fmcg sector equities.
From the above figure it shows that Nifty shows high returns when compared to Sensex in
all 3months, 6months and 1year.
Dr Reddys Equity
Ranbaxy Equity
Orchid equity
Cipla equity
From the above figure it shows that franklin fmcg fund has high returns in 3months and
1year and low returns in 6months and magnum mutual fund shows negative returns in
6months and 1year.
From the above figure it shows that Dr Reddys Equity, Sun Pharma Equity and Ranbaxy
& cipla equit also performs well. But we can also notice that Pharma Sector Equity such as
orchid gives negative Returns in the period of 6months . In the same way equity also gives
very poor Returns during the study period.
From the above figure it shows that pharma mutual fund shows high returns in all 3months,
6months and 1year when compared to pharma equities.
From the above figure it shows that Nifty shows more returns in 3months, 6months
and 1year when compared to Sensex.
In fmcg sector franklin fmcg fund shows negative returns in 6 months and positive
In fmcg sector Hindustan lever gives maximum returns when compared to other
In fmcg sector equities of Tata tea shows good returns in long period where as dabur
shows negative returns in short term period.
In fmcg sector the Nifty shows positive returns in 6months when compared to 3months
and negative returns when compared to 1year
In fmcg sector the Sensex shows increase in returns in 3month,6month and 1year
In Pharma Sector Mutual Funds perform better than Equities in long term period.
In pharma sector sbi mutual fund shows negative returns both in short & long term.
In pharma sector Nifty shows negative returns in 6months and positive returns in
3months and 1year.
It is better to invest in mutual funds rather than equities by considering risk factor.
Even though mutual funds shows in short term negative returns but it is better to
invest in mutual funds.
While investing in equities better to invest in blue chip companies by comparing
mid cap securites.
While investing in mutual funds, schemes must be selected by the investor based on
his risk taking ability & past performance.
The investor can be invested with long term perception in equity market.
The investor is better to view companies performance before investing in equities
While investing in mutual funds better to invest in schemes based on the financial
position of the investor.
In the present generation better to invest in mutual funds rather than equities
because of various schemes opportunity based on the financial position of the
Equities have existed and evolved over a long time, with roots I commodities market. In
the recent years advances in financial markets and the technology have made equities easy
for the investors.
Equities and mutual funds in India is growing rapidly unlike derivative markets. Trading in
equities require more than understand of finance. Being new to markets maximum number
of investors have not yet understood the full implications of the trading in equities. SEBI
should take actions to create awareness in investors about the equities market.
Introduction of mutual funds implies better risk management. These markets can give
greater depth, stability and liquidity to Indian capital markets. Successful risk management
with equities requires a thorough understanding of principles that govern the pricing of
financial derivatives.
In order to increase the equities in India SEBI should revise some of their regulation like
contract size, participation of FII in the equities market
Business India
Business World