01 Rightside Brain Phlsphy
01 Rightside Brain Phlsphy
01 Rightside Brain Phlsphy
Drawing is not a magical ability rather something like a sport or other academic
area that requires practice. So many students claim they cannot do art or are not
talented in art when they walk into the art studio. However, taking art is like
taking French, why would you take French if you already know how to speak
French? You take art because you need to learnNOT because you already have
the knowledge.
All art is the same. It doesnt matter if you draw an apple, a face, random objects
you simply draw what you see.
Our educational system was designed to cultivate the verbal, rational, on time left
hemisphere, while half of the brain of every student is virtually neglected. The
right brain the dreamer, the artist- is lost in our school system and goes largely
untaught. Yet, educators value these skills and have apparently hoped that
students would develop imagination, perception, and intuition as natural
consequences of training in a verbal, analytic environment.
Left Brain Verbal and rational. It thinks linear and reduces thoughts to numbers,
letters, and words.
Analytical, verbal, sequential, symbolic, linear, objective mode
Right Brain Non-verbal and intuitive. It thinks in patterns or a picture composed of
whole things and does not comprehend reductions, numbers, letters, or words.
Creative, Imaginary, Intuitive, Non-verbal, spatial, visual, relational, holistic, timefree mode
Learning how to draw is about learning how to see it is learning how to process visual
information that requires you to use your brain in a different way.
The basic skill of drawing is accessible to everyone who can learn to shift into the artist
mode of thinking. The left hemisphere analyzes over time, whereas the right hemisphere
synthesizes over space. Jerre Levy 1974
In-Class Exercises
1) Face/Vase Exercise (10 Minutes)
How did you solve this exercise?
By deciding not to think of the names of the features?
By shifting your focus from the face-shapes to the vase-shapes?
By using a grid to help you see vertical and horizontal relationships?
By drawing from the bottom up rather than the top down?
By deciding that you didnt care if the vase was symmetrical and drawing
any old memorized profile to finish the exercise?
In order to draw a perceived object or person something that you see with your eyes
you must make a mental shift into a brain mode that is specialized for this visual
perceptual task.
2) Upside-Down Drawing (40 minutes)
An Exercise that reduces mental conflict.
Igor Stravinsky by Picasso
When seen up side down, a well-known face may become difficult to recognize and
name. Even your own handwriting may be hard to recognize up side down.
Inverted orientation causes recognition problems and this reduces reliance on left-brain
causing conflict.
HOMEWORK: Upside down German Horse and Rider