06 PerDev The Powers of The Mind
06 PerDev The Powers of The Mind
06 PerDev The Powers of The Mind
the Mind
You are driving down the road in your car on a
wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop
and you see three people waiting for the bus:
◦ Cerebrum
◦ Cerebellum
◦ Brain stem
An American Psychologist
◦ ___ I think things through before making ◦ ___ I hate taking risks.
a decision. ◦ ___ I tend to get emotional.
◦ ___ If someone’s mad at me, I can tell ◦ ___ I make a to-do-list.
even without the person saying a word. ◦ ___ I trust my “gut instinct”
Left Brain
◦ The left brain is verbal, analytical,
and orderly.
◦ It’s also referred to as the digital
◦ Visual
◦ Intuitive
◦ Simultaneous
Left versus Right Hemisphere Functions
(Logical, Judging. Evaluating) (Creative, Idea-generating)
10. Make outlines to 11. Choose fiction in 12. You tell stories well,
organize your thoughts. reading assignments. so write some!
◦ Uses of mind-mapping can be for taking notes or learning new content, writing
papers/preparing presentations, preparing for exams, promoting idea-generation
(brainstorming) and facilitating group problem-solving.
Eight Steps for Mind-Mapping to Improve
Critical Thinking
1. Put central theme 2. Place the main 3. Add details by
or concept in the ideas relating to the putting them on lines 4. Use key words or
center, bottom, or top concept on lines (or in (or in circles) simple pictures only;
of the page, and draw circles) around the connecting them to keep it legible.
a circle around it. central theme. the main ideas.